Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Philotheos' Journey. An Allegory.
tho ground ; and they gave each to tho other a ring as before . And the rings of their girdles intertwined , and they shone as tho cunning chainwork of Hiram upon the brazen pillars , aud each went on his way . And now Philotheos saw that he was truly in a strange
land , for all the air was delicious and quickened with life , and the flowers and mosses of the banks shed sweet odours , sweeter than the roses of Shiraz ; and there were waters flowing from the rocks , which bore the taste of milk and of wine ; and there were sweet fruits and precious grains
in abundance , and trees and vines that dripped with honeydew and myrrh ; and the sun shone with unspeakable light , and the silver of his girdle was brighter and the gold more ruddy . And he saw multitudes in great beatitude , and as he came among them he found that none
were strangers , but all were elder brothers to him , and the air was so filled with the light that it formed the semblance of precious stones upon their girdles and upon his own , as crystals are formed in the mountains—on the gjrdlo of eaoh according to his quality and degree .
And he saw thero temples with doors of ohve wood , and tabernacles with curtains of white and blue and scarlet and
purple . And beyond and around were seven mountains , which showed the seven colours of light in harmony , and on these dwelt the seven angels who guard that land ; and among them was Raphael , the angel of healing , and
Azrael , whom we call the angel of death , but the wise call him the angel of help . And Azrael was by the gate which led ont , and he wept when any one passed through , but when he had passed the angel looked after him and rejoiced .
And when Philotheos took notice of those who were there , he discovered persons of all races of mankind , and also of all religions , and he was greatly astonished ; and seeing the shining one who had given him the girdle , he asked him , " How is this ? Is this indeed , heaven , or only an earthly vision ?"
And tbe shining one said : " As to these , it is well that they are here ; but there are divers changes and judgments which are not made known to thee or me . Also there are
divers beliefs and follies and virtues and conditions given among men , and each procures to him whose life it touches something of good or of evil , according to affection and thought ; and so there are many forms of vestments and apparel , but the gold and the silver are the same in all ; so
also tho white and the blue and purple and scarlet , which change not , though they cause numbsrloss changes ; as the rays of the sun , which never vary , fill the world with infinite variations of life aud colour . But where thou art
at any time is not for thee to know , except thereafter . But as to who may enter any heaven , that is for one wiser than we ; but this much I may unfold to theo , that he who wills not to help in making heaven where he is shall seek for it elsewhere in vain . "
Then Philotheos discerned folly in himself , and he considered all that he bad done and had learned , and the more he considered the more his eyes were opened . And the shining one gave him other and more precious gifts and departed .
And Philotheos dwells still in that land , and seeks no more to have part in the land whence he came . And he abides in a tent , and eats and drinks of the fruits and the streams of the land , and gives to every one , aud offers to
the Lord daily oblations and libations of that which is left untouched by the poor and needy who are satisfied at his table , whether they be good or bad ; for he says that the Master hath not commanded to feed tbe good or the bad , but only such as are needy .
And Israfael , the angel of song , and Sandalphan , the angel of prayer , come nightly and visit the tent of Philotheos .
And the three rings are the silver ring of Truth , and the golden ring of Love , and the mingled ring of Wisdom - ^ -and the double and triple and quintuple and septuple ringlets inwrought and complected with them , are the
virtues and truths and goods and beatitudes which are in the three . And as to tho other precious gifts which the shining one gave to Philotheos , they who will dwell with bim shall know them all in their order . —H . P . H . BromtaeU .
FUNERALS properly carried out and personally attended in London and Country , by Bro . O . A . HTJTTOK" , 17 Newcastle Street , Strand , W . C . Monuments erected . Valuations made .
Laying The Foundation Stone Of A New Hall At Budleigh Salterton.
THERE was a large gathering of Craftsmen ab Budleigh Saltorton on 26 th ult ., to witness the ceremony of lay iug tbe foundation stone of a Masonio Hall for Lodge Harmony , No . 372 . The building , whioh is to be completed by Christmas , will be of red brick with white stone facings . It haa been designed by Bro . Stickiand P . M ., who has kindly given his services , and the builder is Bro . \ V .
Hayman , of Exmouth . The main portion of the premises will consist of a large hall on the ground floor , with excellent approaches , and which will be let out for balls , meetings , or publio entertainments . On the floor above will be the Lodge-room , whilst at the east end there will be a Tyler ' s cottage . The building will measure 75 feet
by 27 feet , and it will stand on a convenient spot of land , ! which has been leased to the Lodge OQ very reasonable terms by the Hon . Mark Rolle . Considerable interest was taken in the day's proceedings by the inhabitants of the town , and in the principal street there was a liberal display of bunting . The weather was far from
favourable , but fortunately no great quantity of rain fell uutu after the stone had been laid . At one o ' clock tbe brethren of 372 opened their Lodge at tbe Rolle Arms Hotel . Amongst those present were W . Britton W . M ., G . Bennett S . W ., F . G . Cowd J . W ., W . Pidsley Treas ., G . W . Trump
Sec , H . C . Periam S . D ., C . W . Leyman J . D , W . Pratt Organist , G . F . Blight I . G ., J . Sanders Steward , G . Coombes P . M ., Webb E . Elphinstone-Stone P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., Thomas Hine P . M . P . P . G . 8 . B ., John C . Palmer P . M . P . G . S . W ., Thomas Dunsford P . M ., G . Gray , W . J . Parkhouse , G . Webber , W . Curry , John "Walters , J . Taylor
P . M ., J . Sargent P . M ., H . Marker , W . Please , W . T . Pidsley , T . Andrews , and W . A . Salter ( Lodge Harmony , No . 372 ); W . T . Blake P . M . 106 , T . W . Perry P . M . 856 P . P . G . S . Cornwall , W . H . Perry W . M . 106 , G . T . Melhuish and JameB Churohill 106 , M . Moxey S . W . 1284 , J . H . Gilbert S . W . 1254 , W . Gregory P . M . 1254 P . P . A . D . C ., H . Mann Sec 106 , Saml ., Cole ¦ P * M . 1424 P . P . G . P . Kent ,
J . Opie I . G . 164 , J . S . Godfrey J . D . , 164 , F . J . Goss 164 , J . A Orohard P . M . 164 P . P . G . D . C ., H . Berwick P . M . 164 P . G . S . B ., W . E Elphinstone-Stone 1295 , J . Sharland P . M . 1125 P . P . G . Treas ., B Bishop P . P . G . A . D . C , W . Hudson 106 , E . T . Fnlford P . M . 1254 P . P . G
Treas ., H . Jarman P . M . 39 , C . W . May Organist 1284 , A . S . Rowe 1284 , G . Coombes 1254 , T . Hanks 1254 , A . Wilson Sec . 164 , J . R . Gibbard W . M . 1254 , Frank Hubber I . P . M . 1284 , W . H . Underbill P . M . 59 , W . Raymont 1284 , J . Northcote P . M . 164 , H . Shooter 112 P . G . Tyler , Harry Parry J . W . 106 , A . Hayman and F . Grace 106 . At half . past one a procession was formed , aud marched to the
Rolle Chapel-of-Ease in the following order : Bro . E . Marker , Tyler of Lodge 372 , with sword ; band of the Exmouth Rifle Volunteers ; visiting brethren , iu order of Lodges ; brethren of Lodge 372 ; Bro . J . Trump ( Sec ) , bearing Book of Constitutions ; Wardens ( Bros . G . Bennett and G . Cowd ) bearing Columns ; Cornucopia , with corn , borne by the W . M . ( pro torn ) of 372 ( Bro . W . Britton ) ; ewers with .
wine and oil , borne by VV . M . ' s of sister Lodges ; square level and plumb rule , borne by P . M . ' s of Sister Lodges ; Past Provincial Grand Officers , in their order ; Doric Light , borne by Bro . Jerman P . M . 39 , Present Provincial Grand Officers , in their order ; Ionic Light , borne by Bro . Coombs P . M . 372 , Bro . Rev . P . Williams P . P . G . Cbap ., with Bible on oushion ; Corinihiau Light , borne by Bro . Taylor P . M . 372 P . P . G . Treas . ( Bro . E . Palmer ) , with phial coutainiug records of 372 j
P . G . Supt . Works ( Bro . J . C . Palmer ) , with plans of now Lodge ; Bro . E . W . E . ElphiuBtono-Stone P . M . P . P . G . S W ., two Prov . Grand Stewards ; Bro . Shooter ( Prov . Grand Tyler ) , with sword . The service at the church was choral , Bro . Pratt presiding at the organ . Tho sermon waB preached by the Rev . P . Williams , who took as his text , " Love as brethren ; be pitifal ; be courteous . " 1 St . Peter iii . 8 . The service concluded with the singing of the 133 rd Psalm .
The procession was reformed , and marched to the site of tbe new hall , where , after a hymn bad been sung , prayer was ottered by the Rev . P . Williams . The records of Lodge 372 were deposited in the cavity , and the stone was then laid in ancient form by Bro . W . E . Elphinstone-Stone , who used a handsome presentation trowel . Tne stone having been proved , com , wine , and oil were sprinkled upon it ,
after whioh the plans were approved and handed to the hou . arotiitect , Bro . H . Stickiand . The inscription on the atone , was as follows : —" This Stone was laid by W . Elphinstone-Stone P . P . G . S . W . Province of Devon , 26 th August 1891 . Bro . W . H . Stickiand 372 hon . architect ; Bro . Haymau 106 builder . " Bro . E . T . Falford , who was called upon to deliver an oration
said they were justified iu rejoicing at the prospective possession of a tabernacle for the meetings of the brethren in that locality , but it was of far higher importance that they should show by their lives aud conduct that they reflected the lustre of those lessons whioh Freemasonry was intended to teach . He knew they sot up a
standard whioh few perhaps attained , bat it would be unwise because of that to lower the standard . Rather let them try and lift their lives up us near as possible to the high mark of their Order . A thanksgiving prayer having been said by tbe Rev . P . Williams , the ceremony concluded with the singing of a Masonio Ode . The Brethren afterwards dined together , at tho Rolle Arms Hotel .
HOLIOWAY ' OurrsiEsr AJTD PILIS . —Health ' s Defences . None wave the strongest can with impunity piiss through tho suddeu transitions from wot to dry , from colli to muggy weather , so prevalent during the autumnal and early winter months . I / ifluenza , bronchitis , cough , sore throat , or quiasoy , will attack those moat watchful of their health ; but they can readily arrest any of these complaints by rubbing Holloway ' s Ointment twice a day upon the skin over the affected parts , and by assisting its corrective action with appropriate doses of his Pill 3 . Tho well-known , safe , and easy mode of treating efficiently protects the invalid both from present and future danger Without weakening or ovca disturbing the system iu tha slightest degree .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Philotheos' Journey. An Allegory.
tho ground ; and they gave each to tho other a ring as before . And the rings of their girdles intertwined , and they shone as tho cunning chainwork of Hiram upon the brazen pillars , aud each went on his way . And now Philotheos saw that he was truly in a strange
land , for all the air was delicious and quickened with life , and the flowers and mosses of the banks shed sweet odours , sweeter than the roses of Shiraz ; and there were waters flowing from the rocks , which bore the taste of milk and of wine ; and there were sweet fruits and precious grains
in abundance , and trees and vines that dripped with honeydew and myrrh ; and the sun shone with unspeakable light , and the silver of his girdle was brighter and the gold more ruddy . And he saw multitudes in great beatitude , and as he came among them he found that none
were strangers , but all were elder brothers to him , and the air was so filled with the light that it formed the semblance of precious stones upon their girdles and upon his own , as crystals are formed in the mountains—on the gjrdlo of eaoh according to his quality and degree .
And he saw thero temples with doors of ohve wood , and tabernacles with curtains of white and blue and scarlet and
purple . And beyond and around were seven mountains , which showed the seven colours of light in harmony , and on these dwelt the seven angels who guard that land ; and among them was Raphael , the angel of healing , and
Azrael , whom we call the angel of death , but the wise call him the angel of help . And Azrael was by the gate which led ont , and he wept when any one passed through , but when he had passed the angel looked after him and rejoiced .
And when Philotheos took notice of those who were there , he discovered persons of all races of mankind , and also of all religions , and he was greatly astonished ; and seeing the shining one who had given him the girdle , he asked him , " How is this ? Is this indeed , heaven , or only an earthly vision ?"
And tbe shining one said : " As to these , it is well that they are here ; but there are divers changes and judgments which are not made known to thee or me . Also there are
divers beliefs and follies and virtues and conditions given among men , and each procures to him whose life it touches something of good or of evil , according to affection and thought ; and so there are many forms of vestments and apparel , but the gold and the silver are the same in all ; so
also tho white and the blue and purple and scarlet , which change not , though they cause numbsrloss changes ; as the rays of the sun , which never vary , fill the world with infinite variations of life aud colour . But where thou art
at any time is not for thee to know , except thereafter . But as to who may enter any heaven , that is for one wiser than we ; but this much I may unfold to theo , that he who wills not to help in making heaven where he is shall seek for it elsewhere in vain . "
Then Philotheos discerned folly in himself , and he considered all that he bad done and had learned , and the more he considered the more his eyes were opened . And the shining one gave him other and more precious gifts and departed .
And Philotheos dwells still in that land , and seeks no more to have part in the land whence he came . And he abides in a tent , and eats and drinks of the fruits and the streams of the land , and gives to every one , aud offers to
the Lord daily oblations and libations of that which is left untouched by the poor and needy who are satisfied at his table , whether they be good or bad ; for he says that the Master hath not commanded to feed tbe good or the bad , but only such as are needy .
And Israfael , the angel of song , and Sandalphan , the angel of prayer , come nightly and visit the tent of Philotheos .
And the three rings are the silver ring of Truth , and the golden ring of Love , and the mingled ring of Wisdom - ^ -and the double and triple and quintuple and septuple ringlets inwrought and complected with them , are the
virtues and truths and goods and beatitudes which are in the three . And as to tho other precious gifts which the shining one gave to Philotheos , they who will dwell with bim shall know them all in their order . —H . P . H . BromtaeU .
FUNERALS properly carried out and personally attended in London and Country , by Bro . O . A . HTJTTOK" , 17 Newcastle Street , Strand , W . C . Monuments erected . Valuations made .
Laying The Foundation Stone Of A New Hall At Budleigh Salterton.
THERE was a large gathering of Craftsmen ab Budleigh Saltorton on 26 th ult ., to witness the ceremony of lay iug tbe foundation stone of a Masonio Hall for Lodge Harmony , No . 372 . The building , whioh is to be completed by Christmas , will be of red brick with white stone facings . It haa been designed by Bro . Stickiand P . M ., who has kindly given his services , and the builder is Bro . \ V .
Hayman , of Exmouth . The main portion of the premises will consist of a large hall on the ground floor , with excellent approaches , and which will be let out for balls , meetings , or publio entertainments . On the floor above will be the Lodge-room , whilst at the east end there will be a Tyler ' s cottage . The building will measure 75 feet
by 27 feet , and it will stand on a convenient spot of land , ! which has been leased to the Lodge OQ very reasonable terms by the Hon . Mark Rolle . Considerable interest was taken in the day's proceedings by the inhabitants of the town , and in the principal street there was a liberal display of bunting . The weather was far from
favourable , but fortunately no great quantity of rain fell uutu after the stone had been laid . At one o ' clock tbe brethren of 372 opened their Lodge at tbe Rolle Arms Hotel . Amongst those present were W . Britton W . M ., G . Bennett S . W ., F . G . Cowd J . W ., W . Pidsley Treas ., G . W . Trump
Sec , H . C . Periam S . D ., C . W . Leyman J . D , W . Pratt Organist , G . F . Blight I . G ., J . Sanders Steward , G . Coombes P . M ., Webb E . Elphinstone-Stone P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., Thomas Hine P . M . P . P . G . 8 . B ., John C . Palmer P . M . P . G . S . W ., Thomas Dunsford P . M ., G . Gray , W . J . Parkhouse , G . Webber , W . Curry , John "Walters , J . Taylor
P . M ., J . Sargent P . M ., H . Marker , W . Please , W . T . Pidsley , T . Andrews , and W . A . Salter ( Lodge Harmony , No . 372 ); W . T . Blake P . M . 106 , T . W . Perry P . M . 856 P . P . G . S . Cornwall , W . H . Perry W . M . 106 , G . T . Melhuish and JameB Churohill 106 , M . Moxey S . W . 1284 , J . H . Gilbert S . W . 1254 , W . Gregory P . M . 1254 P . P . A . D . C ., H . Mann Sec 106 , Saml ., Cole ¦ P * M . 1424 P . P . G . P . Kent ,
J . Opie I . G . 164 , J . S . Godfrey J . D . , 164 , F . J . Goss 164 , J . A Orohard P . M . 164 P . P . G . D . C ., H . Berwick P . M . 164 P . G . S . B ., W . E Elphinstone-Stone 1295 , J . Sharland P . M . 1125 P . P . G . Treas ., B Bishop P . P . G . A . D . C , W . Hudson 106 , E . T . Fnlford P . M . 1254 P . P . G
Treas ., H . Jarman P . M . 39 , C . W . May Organist 1284 , A . S . Rowe 1284 , G . Coombes 1254 , T . Hanks 1254 , A . Wilson Sec . 164 , J . R . Gibbard W . M . 1254 , Frank Hubber I . P . M . 1284 , W . H . Underbill P . M . 59 , W . Raymont 1284 , J . Northcote P . M . 164 , H . Shooter 112 P . G . Tyler , Harry Parry J . W . 106 , A . Hayman and F . Grace 106 . At half . past one a procession was formed , aud marched to the
Rolle Chapel-of-Ease in the following order : Bro . E . Marker , Tyler of Lodge 372 , with sword ; band of the Exmouth Rifle Volunteers ; visiting brethren , iu order of Lodges ; brethren of Lodge 372 ; Bro . J . Trump ( Sec ) , bearing Book of Constitutions ; Wardens ( Bros . G . Bennett and G . Cowd ) bearing Columns ; Cornucopia , with corn , borne by the W . M . ( pro torn ) of 372 ( Bro . W . Britton ) ; ewers with .
wine and oil , borne by VV . M . ' s of sister Lodges ; square level and plumb rule , borne by P . M . ' s of Sister Lodges ; Past Provincial Grand Officers , in their order ; Doric Light , borne by Bro . Jerman P . M . 39 , Present Provincial Grand Officers , in their order ; Ionic Light , borne by Bro . Coombs P . M . 372 , Bro . Rev . P . Williams P . P . G . Cbap ., with Bible on oushion ; Corinihiau Light , borne by Bro . Taylor P . M . 372 P . P . G . Treas . ( Bro . E . Palmer ) , with phial coutainiug records of 372 j
P . G . Supt . Works ( Bro . J . C . Palmer ) , with plans of now Lodge ; Bro . E . W . E . ElphiuBtono-Stone P . M . P . P . G . S W ., two Prov . Grand Stewards ; Bro . Shooter ( Prov . Grand Tyler ) , with sword . The service at the church was choral , Bro . Pratt presiding at the organ . Tho sermon waB preached by the Rev . P . Williams , who took as his text , " Love as brethren ; be pitifal ; be courteous . " 1 St . Peter iii . 8 . The service concluded with the singing of the 133 rd Psalm .
The procession was reformed , and marched to the site of tbe new hall , where , after a hymn bad been sung , prayer was ottered by the Rev . P . Williams . The records of Lodge 372 were deposited in the cavity , and the stone was then laid in ancient form by Bro . W . E . Elphinstone-Stone , who used a handsome presentation trowel . Tne stone having been proved , com , wine , and oil were sprinkled upon it ,
after whioh the plans were approved and handed to the hou . arotiitect , Bro . H . Stickiand . The inscription on the atone , was as follows : —" This Stone was laid by W . Elphinstone-Stone P . P . G . S . W . Province of Devon , 26 th August 1891 . Bro . W . H . Stickiand 372 hon . architect ; Bro . Haymau 106 builder . " Bro . E . T . Falford , who was called upon to deliver an oration
said they were justified iu rejoicing at the prospective possession of a tabernacle for the meetings of the brethren in that locality , but it was of far higher importance that they should show by their lives aud conduct that they reflected the lustre of those lessons whioh Freemasonry was intended to teach . He knew they sot up a
standard whioh few perhaps attained , bat it would be unwise because of that to lower the standard . Rather let them try and lift their lives up us near as possible to the high mark of their Order . A thanksgiving prayer having been said by tbe Rev . P . Williams , the ceremony concluded with the singing of a Masonio Ode . The Brethren afterwards dined together , at tho Rolle Arms Hotel .
HOLIOWAY ' OurrsiEsr AJTD PILIS . —Health ' s Defences . None wave the strongest can with impunity piiss through tho suddeu transitions from wot to dry , from colli to muggy weather , so prevalent during the autumnal and early winter months . I / ifluenza , bronchitis , cough , sore throat , or quiasoy , will attack those moat watchful of their health ; but they can readily arrest any of these complaints by rubbing Holloway ' s Ointment twice a day upon the skin over the affected parts , and by assisting its corrective action with appropriate doses of his Pill 3 . Tho well-known , safe , and easy mode of treating efficiently protects the invalid both from present and future danger Without weakening or ovca disturbing the system iu tha slightest degree .