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Notices Of Meetings.
posed tho toast of tho W . M ., who had said , the first time ho presided over them , that he would do all he could to their satisfaction . This had been done , and he hoped they would drink his health in a hearty manner . Tho W . M . remarked that , he had worked hard in tho cause of Freemasonry , and he was pleased to say that this was tho 7 th meeting . Thev were free from debt , and had given 610 10 s to one of the
Charities , he trusted thoy would yet do moro —( cheers)—and ho hoped the seven brethren who wero in office would eventually occupy the proud position of Master of their Lodge . Bro . Dicker returned thanks for the newly initiated . In proposing the Visitor * , tho W . M . said they wore honoured by the presence of Grand Officers and manv brethren distinguished in the Order . Bros . Pmtpard , Draper and S . Webb returned thanks for the toast . Tho toast of tho Treasurer
and Secretary was given , their qualifications were well known , aud required no comment . The W . M . proposed the toast of the Wardens , paying them deserved compliments for their able working . Bro . Rev P . M . Holden returned thanks ; he felt proud if ho could havo the pleasure of assisting the W . M . in tho working ; every ceremony ought to bo perfectly and solemnly worked , and when that is done , the
remembrance can never he effaced . The W . M . had carried that out to thoir satisfaction ; he had been the means , after labour , of passing an enjoyable and social evening , and ho hoped , when he arrived to the position of W . M . he might follow in tho footsteps of so worthy a predecessor . He had met many friends in Freemasonry , and ho hoped it would continue so to his latest hour . Bro . White followed . The toast of the Junior Officers and the Tvler were civen . The
brethren experienced a great musical treat by tho exquisite singing of Bro . S . Webb , and the Rev . P . M . Holdon S . W . gave an excellent recitation . Tho visitors wore Bros . Hydo Pullen P . G . S . B ., J . Smith P . G . P ., Lamb 1567 , W . S . Daniel 1541 , G . Draper W . M . 1305 , J . Hurdell 1348 , J . Edell 108 , T . Bourne 411 ( Drogheda ) , F . Poupard 1446 , W . P . Drew 749 , S . Wobb P . M . 93 and 1297 , Russ 382 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Glasgow.
THE Quarterly communication was held in St . Mark's Hall , on Thursday , 27 th April . There was a full attendance of Masters and Wardens . A telegram was read from the P . G . M ., Bro . Win . M . Noilson , stating that ho was worse to-day , and unable to attend the meeting ; Bro . Baird D . P . G . M . accordingly opened tho Lodge , with Bros . G . McDonald R . W . M . of 73 as P . G . S . W ., J . Booth 87 as
P . G . J . W ., A . McTaggart P . G . S ., J . Gillies 106 P . G . T ., G . Thallon 362 P . G . S . D ., J . Milicr 127 P . G .. T . D . A . Bain 103 P . G . S . B ., J . Balfour 332 P . G . D . C , D . Reid 465 P . G . I . G ., J . B . Hardie P . G . Tyler , and G . Sinclair P . G . Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund , who after reading of minutes reported that tho Benevolent Committee had , during the quarter , relieved four widows and ono infirm brother . Tho new bye-laws of Lodge were approved of , and those of 553 , with the
petition of 45 brethren against tho same , which had been sent to P . G . L . from the Committee of Grand Lodge , was remitted to P . G . Committee , with full powers . Two brethren of Lodgo 87 having been suspended for six months for nn-Masonic conduct , and not having appeared , tho P . G . L . confirmed tho decision . Tho financial statement of the Auditors was presented and approved of as highly satisfactory . The Lodgo was thou closed in due form .
Annual Visitations.
ON Monday , 1 st May , tho Lodgo Union , No . 332 , was visited . Bro . McKirdy R . W . M . was ably supported by tho whole of his office bearers , and Bros . McNair I . P . M ., R . Mitchell , and J . Balfour P . M ., and a largo attendance of members and visitors . The P . G . S . reported that they had found tho books all right , aud the Lodge working generally satisfactory . Tho acting P . G . M . endorsed the sentiments of the Secretary , and was glad to bo ablo to congratulate
them on their continued prosperity . On Tuesday 2 nd May , at 8 p . m ., tho Lodge of St . John , No . 3 bis , was visited at their own Hall , 213 Buchanan-street . The books were found to bo satisfactorily kept , but tho P . G . S . took exception to tho Lodgo , having on several occasions conferred more than one degree on the same night without recording tho circumstance that had made
snch a course necessary . The acting P . G . M ., himself a P . M . of St . John , said tho P . G . M . was very particular on this point , and not without reason , as ono degree was quite enough for any one to work and retain in their memory at one time . Bro . D . M . Nelson R . W . M . did not admit that they had done wrong . Eac' - Lodgo must judge of the circumstances that justify them in giving more than one do'Tce ,
and of these facts lie considered they wero as well able to judge as a deputation from tho Provincial , coming many months after the date , and deciding upon superficial knowledge . The D . P . G . M . reminded him that it was not the deputation that were finding fault they were only referring them to Grand Lodge Laws . The Deputation then went to 170 Buchanan-street , where the
members of the Thistle and Rose Lodge , under the Presidency of Bro . G . McDonald and bis officers wero awaiting their arrival . After the > had very carefully gone through tlie bonks , they wore received with all the honours . The P . G . S . said ho was glad to be able to say the \ had never yet examined a better sot of books , and they had written in them as favourable a repoi-t as of any Lodge they had yet visited , lie found that last year thev had received 27 fresh
initiations , and that their contributions to charities had amounted to £ " 17 15 s ; but while they had so much to praise he must call attention to the fact , that in several cases the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees had been conferred in one night . He thought this to be a very undesirable state of things and although Grand Lodge lavs allowed it in cases of emergency , h hoped it would only be done when the emergency was real . Bro . Baird D . P . GM ., was glad to endorse the very excellent cer-
Annual Visitations.
tificate the P . G . S . had given them . He knew that some times great pressure was brought to bear on the R . W . M . of a Lodgo to get him to give two or oven three degrees in one night . Ho hoped they would try to resist that pressure , and only give the one degree . Bro . G . McDonald thanked the P . G . M . and the deputation for their visit , and also for their very favourable report . Ho could assure
them that ho never willingly gave two degrees to a candidate in one night , but there wero cases where owing to Brothers leaving tho City it was unavoidable . The Lodge was then placed under the care of the J . W ., and a couple of hours were spent in harmony , an unusual circumstance in this Lodge .
On Wednesday , tho 3 rd , the'same deputation waited on Lodge Kilwinning , No . 4 , in their own hall , 170 Buchanan . street . The Lodge having assembled an hour earlier than usual in order to work the second degree before the arrival of the P . G . L ., Bro . Prout R . W . M . in the chair , G . Holmes S VV ., J . McGinnis acting J . W ., J . McKean Treas ., J . Castle Sec , and other office bearers , when Bro . G . W
Wheeler of 73 passed a brother to the Fellow Craft degree . Amongst the Visitors were tho R . W . MM . of 360 , 28 . 73 , 214 , 332 , 408 , and 534 . The P . G . S . after the deputation Iwd been received presented his report , which spoke very favourably of tho working of the Lodge , though they had not had so many initiates as in some former years . Tho D . P . G . M . said he hoped thoy were looking moro to the quality than tho quantity of their material , and that was the way to keep a
firm structure . Bro . Prout said he hoped during his year of office to get as good material and yet increase the quantity ; at any rate no effort on his part should bo wanted to secure that object . The deputation afterwards visited tho Lodge Caledonian Railway , No . 354 , where thoy were received by a large assembly of the members and visitors , and able to highly compliment the Lodge on the general state of its affairs . Tho excellences were many and the defects but few , but it was a duty to point them out bo they ever so slight .
Bed Cross of Borne and Constantino , Lily of the Valley Conclave , No . 127 . —This Conclave met on 30 th ult ., at tho Masonic Hall , Hollytown , H . J . Shields 33 ° presiding as M . P . S ., Wm . M'Murdo E . V ., D . Baker S . G ., J . Nimmo , J . G ., when a petition was presented from Comp . J . Wood , who was then duly received and created a Knight of the Order .
Knight Templars , St . Mungo ' s Encampment , Glasgow . —This Encampment met on Wednesday , 3 rd May . Sir Knights R . Bell E . C , G . W . Wheeler p . elate , H . J . Shields 33 ° as Marshal . This being the last meeting of tho Body prior to tho Commander and Deputy Commander sailing for America to tako part in the Centennial
Festival and Templar Demonstration , the arrangements for its ternporary command were finally made , and it was placed in tho charge of Sir Knights Shield P . E . C and Wheeler . Sir Knight Baker Military Instructor , then gave the Sir Knights present their drill , as they intended not to bo behind their brotherhood either in manual or moral discipline .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
FESTIVAL , 28 TH JUNE 1876 . At the last meeting of the Committee it was unanimously
decided to hold the Festival in connection with this Institution at the Alexandra Palace , under precisely the same conditions as last year . The following ; brethren were elected officers of the Board of Stewards .
COL . SIB HENRY EDWARDS , BABT ., R . W . Prov . G . M . West Yorkshire , President . Vice-President , V . W . Bro . the Rev . W . K . RILAND BEDFORD , P . G . Ch . Acting V . P . W . Bro . S . ROSENTHAL , P . M . 435 , & o . Honorary Treasurer , W . Bro . F . ADLARD , P . M . 7 , & c . Honorary Secretary , Bro . F . BINCKES , Secretary R . M . I , for Boys .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 . —The regular meet . ing of this Lodgo was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at Freemasons ' Efall , Great Queen-street . Bros . E . II . Thiellay W . M ., Moult S . W ., G . S . States P . M . P . G . S . Secretary , John Boyd P . G . P . Treasurer , Manby Assistant Secretary , J . Hughes S . D ., Leggett J . D ., Lister A . D . C , Wood as I . G . P . M . ' s J . Bull aud G . Purkess , aud Bros . A . Boetsh , Brock , & c . The Lodgo was opened , aud the minutes were
confirmed . Bros . Aime , Hugon , G . Mattison , and C Codlin were passed to the 2 nd degree by the W . M . Bros . A . Mcars and Scott ( hailing from another Lodge ) , wero by tho courtesy of the Vf . il ., raised to the 3 rd degree by G . Purkess P . M ., both these ceremonies oeing capitally worked . The handsomely emblazoned testimonial , presented by tho Lodge to Bro . H . Dic ' ketts P . G . S ., was handed round for inspection , and gave great satisfaction from its artistic design . The Lodye was then closed . There was no banquet .
" WOMEN IN THE REIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA , " is the title of a ew book , the joint production of Madame Caplin and Dr . Mill , which is about to be issued by Messrs . DEAN and SON . Tbe work , we understand , is devoted to the whole Woman ' s question , especially in relation to healthy employment and recreation .
The Lord Chancell r , in hisspejch in the Houso of Lords , 3 rd April , 1876 , mentions DEBIIBTC ' PEEIJAOK as "A depository of information v'hich I never open without amazement aud admiration . . . the ldest established in this country . " Used officiall y in House of Lords .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
posed tho toast of tho W . M ., who had said , the first time ho presided over them , that he would do all he could to their satisfaction . This had been done , and he hoped they would drink his health in a hearty manner . Tho W . M . remarked that , he had worked hard in tho cause of Freemasonry , and he was pleased to say that this was tho 7 th meeting . Thev were free from debt , and had given 610 10 s to one of the
Charities , he trusted thoy would yet do moro —( cheers)—and ho hoped the seven brethren who wero in office would eventually occupy the proud position of Master of their Lodge . Bro . Dicker returned thanks for the newly initiated . In proposing the Visitor * , tho W . M . said they wore honoured by the presence of Grand Officers and manv brethren distinguished in the Order . Bros . Pmtpard , Draper and S . Webb returned thanks for the toast . Tho toast of tho Treasurer
and Secretary was given , their qualifications were well known , aud required no comment . The W . M . proposed the toast of the Wardens , paying them deserved compliments for their able working . Bro . Rev P . M . Holden returned thanks ; he felt proud if ho could havo the pleasure of assisting the W . M . in tho working ; every ceremony ought to bo perfectly and solemnly worked , and when that is done , the
remembrance can never he effaced . The W . M . had carried that out to thoir satisfaction ; he had been the means , after labour , of passing an enjoyable and social evening , and ho hoped , when he arrived to the position of W . M . he might follow in tho footsteps of so worthy a predecessor . He had met many friends in Freemasonry , and ho hoped it would continue so to his latest hour . Bro . White followed . The toast of the Junior Officers and the Tvler were civen . The
brethren experienced a great musical treat by tho exquisite singing of Bro . S . Webb , and the Rev . P . M . Holdon S . W . gave an excellent recitation . Tho visitors wore Bros . Hydo Pullen P . G . S . B ., J . Smith P . G . P ., Lamb 1567 , W . S . Daniel 1541 , G . Draper W . M . 1305 , J . Hurdell 1348 , J . Edell 108 , T . Bourne 411 ( Drogheda ) , F . Poupard 1446 , W . P . Drew 749 , S . Wobb P . M . 93 and 1297 , Russ 382 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Glasgow.
THE Quarterly communication was held in St . Mark's Hall , on Thursday , 27 th April . There was a full attendance of Masters and Wardens . A telegram was read from the P . G . M ., Bro . Win . M . Noilson , stating that ho was worse to-day , and unable to attend the meeting ; Bro . Baird D . P . G . M . accordingly opened tho Lodge , with Bros . G . McDonald R . W . M . of 73 as P . G . S . W ., J . Booth 87 as
P . G . J . W ., A . McTaggart P . G . S ., J . Gillies 106 P . G . T ., G . Thallon 362 P . G . S . D ., J . Milicr 127 P . G .. T . D . A . Bain 103 P . G . S . B ., J . Balfour 332 P . G . D . C , D . Reid 465 P . G . I . G ., J . B . Hardie P . G . Tyler , and G . Sinclair P . G . Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund , who after reading of minutes reported that tho Benevolent Committee had , during the quarter , relieved four widows and ono infirm brother . Tho new bye-laws of Lodge were approved of , and those of 553 , with the
petition of 45 brethren against tho same , which had been sent to P . G . L . from the Committee of Grand Lodge , was remitted to P . G . Committee , with full powers . Two brethren of Lodgo 87 having been suspended for six months for nn-Masonic conduct , and not having appeared , tho P . G . L . confirmed tho decision . Tho financial statement of the Auditors was presented and approved of as highly satisfactory . The Lodgo was thou closed in due form .
Annual Visitations.
ON Monday , 1 st May , tho Lodgo Union , No . 332 , was visited . Bro . McKirdy R . W . M . was ably supported by tho whole of his office bearers , and Bros . McNair I . P . M ., R . Mitchell , and J . Balfour P . M ., and a largo attendance of members and visitors . The P . G . S . reported that they had found tho books all right , aud the Lodge working generally satisfactory . Tho acting P . G . M . endorsed the sentiments of the Secretary , and was glad to bo ablo to congratulate
them on their continued prosperity . On Tuesday 2 nd May , at 8 p . m ., tho Lodge of St . John , No . 3 bis , was visited at their own Hall , 213 Buchanan-street . The books were found to bo satisfactorily kept , but tho P . G . S . took exception to tho Lodgo , having on several occasions conferred more than one degree on the same night without recording tho circumstance that had made
snch a course necessary . The acting P . G . M ., himself a P . M . of St . John , said tho P . G . M . was very particular on this point , and not without reason , as ono degree was quite enough for any one to work and retain in their memory at one time . Bro . D . M . Nelson R . W . M . did not admit that they had done wrong . Eac' - Lodgo must judge of the circumstances that justify them in giving more than one do'Tce ,
and of these facts lie considered they wero as well able to judge as a deputation from tho Provincial , coming many months after the date , and deciding upon superficial knowledge . The D . P . G . M . reminded him that it was not the deputation that were finding fault they were only referring them to Grand Lodge Laws . The Deputation then went to 170 Buchanan-street , where the
members of the Thistle and Rose Lodge , under the Presidency of Bro . G . McDonald and bis officers wero awaiting their arrival . After the > had very carefully gone through tlie bonks , they wore received with all the honours . The P . G . S . said ho was glad to be able to say the \ had never yet examined a better sot of books , and they had written in them as favourable a repoi-t as of any Lodge they had yet visited , lie found that last year thev had received 27 fresh
initiations , and that their contributions to charities had amounted to £ " 17 15 s ; but while they had so much to praise he must call attention to the fact , that in several cases the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees had been conferred in one night . He thought this to be a very undesirable state of things and although Grand Lodge lavs allowed it in cases of emergency , h hoped it would only be done when the emergency was real . Bro . Baird D . P . GM ., was glad to endorse the very excellent cer-
Annual Visitations.
tificate the P . G . S . had given them . He knew that some times great pressure was brought to bear on the R . W . M . of a Lodgo to get him to give two or oven three degrees in one night . Ho hoped they would try to resist that pressure , and only give the one degree . Bro . G . McDonald thanked the P . G . M . and the deputation for their visit , and also for their very favourable report . Ho could assure
them that ho never willingly gave two degrees to a candidate in one night , but there wero cases where owing to Brothers leaving tho City it was unavoidable . The Lodge was then placed under the care of the J . W ., and a couple of hours were spent in harmony , an unusual circumstance in this Lodge .
On Wednesday , tho 3 rd , the'same deputation waited on Lodge Kilwinning , No . 4 , in their own hall , 170 Buchanan . street . The Lodge having assembled an hour earlier than usual in order to work the second degree before the arrival of the P . G . L ., Bro . Prout R . W . M . in the chair , G . Holmes S VV ., J . McGinnis acting J . W ., J . McKean Treas ., J . Castle Sec , and other office bearers , when Bro . G . W
Wheeler of 73 passed a brother to the Fellow Craft degree . Amongst the Visitors were tho R . W . MM . of 360 , 28 . 73 , 214 , 332 , 408 , and 534 . The P . G . S . after the deputation Iwd been received presented his report , which spoke very favourably of tho working of the Lodge , though they had not had so many initiates as in some former years . Tho D . P . G . M . said he hoped thoy were looking moro to the quality than tho quantity of their material , and that was the way to keep a
firm structure . Bro . Prout said he hoped during his year of office to get as good material and yet increase the quantity ; at any rate no effort on his part should bo wanted to secure that object . The deputation afterwards visited tho Lodge Caledonian Railway , No . 354 , where thoy were received by a large assembly of the members and visitors , and able to highly compliment the Lodge on the general state of its affairs . Tho excellences were many and the defects but few , but it was a duty to point them out bo they ever so slight .
Bed Cross of Borne and Constantino , Lily of the Valley Conclave , No . 127 . —This Conclave met on 30 th ult ., at tho Masonic Hall , Hollytown , H . J . Shields 33 ° presiding as M . P . S ., Wm . M'Murdo E . V ., D . Baker S . G ., J . Nimmo , J . G ., when a petition was presented from Comp . J . Wood , who was then duly received and created a Knight of the Order .
Knight Templars , St . Mungo ' s Encampment , Glasgow . —This Encampment met on Wednesday , 3 rd May . Sir Knights R . Bell E . C , G . W . Wheeler p . elate , H . J . Shields 33 ° as Marshal . This being the last meeting of tho Body prior to tho Commander and Deputy Commander sailing for America to tako part in the Centennial
Festival and Templar Demonstration , the arrangements for its ternporary command were finally made , and it was placed in tho charge of Sir Knights Shield P . E . C and Wheeler . Sir Knight Baker Military Instructor , then gave the Sir Knights present their drill , as they intended not to bo behind their brotherhood either in manual or moral discipline .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
FESTIVAL , 28 TH JUNE 1876 . At the last meeting of the Committee it was unanimously
decided to hold the Festival in connection with this Institution at the Alexandra Palace , under precisely the same conditions as last year . The following ; brethren were elected officers of the Board of Stewards .
COL . SIB HENRY EDWARDS , BABT ., R . W . Prov . G . M . West Yorkshire , President . Vice-President , V . W . Bro . the Rev . W . K . RILAND BEDFORD , P . G . Ch . Acting V . P . W . Bro . S . ROSENTHAL , P . M . 435 , & o . Honorary Treasurer , W . Bro . F . ADLARD , P . M . 7 , & c . Honorary Secretary , Bro . F . BINCKES , Secretary R . M . I , for Boys .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 . —The regular meet . ing of this Lodgo was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at Freemasons ' Efall , Great Queen-street . Bros . E . II . Thiellay W . M ., Moult S . W ., G . S . States P . M . P . G . S . Secretary , John Boyd P . G . P . Treasurer , Manby Assistant Secretary , J . Hughes S . D ., Leggett J . D ., Lister A . D . C , Wood as I . G . P . M . ' s J . Bull aud G . Purkess , aud Bros . A . Boetsh , Brock , & c . The Lodgo was opened , aud the minutes were
confirmed . Bros . Aime , Hugon , G . Mattison , and C Codlin were passed to the 2 nd degree by the W . M . Bros . A . Mcars and Scott ( hailing from another Lodge ) , wero by tho courtesy of the Vf . il ., raised to the 3 rd degree by G . Purkess P . M ., both these ceremonies oeing capitally worked . The handsomely emblazoned testimonial , presented by tho Lodge to Bro . H . Dic ' ketts P . G . S ., was handed round for inspection , and gave great satisfaction from its artistic design . The Lodye was then closed . There was no banquet .
" WOMEN IN THE REIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA , " is the title of a ew book , the joint production of Madame Caplin and Dr . Mill , which is about to be issued by Messrs . DEAN and SON . Tbe work , we understand , is devoted to the whole Woman ' s question , especially in relation to healthy employment and recreation .
The Lord Chancell r , in hisspejch in the Houso of Lords , 3 rd April , 1876 , mentions DEBIIBTC ' PEEIJAOK as "A depository of information v'hich I never open without amazement aud admiration . . . the ldest established in this country . " Used officiall y in House of Lords .