Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sheffield Masonic Library.
We havo received copy of prospectus of a scheme for the establishment of a Masonic Library in connection with the three Craft Lodges at Sheffield . Already the promoters are in a position to announce that the support thus far accorded has been most liberal . All under whose notice it
has yet been brought liave most heartily responded to the call , and have further promised to aid it by every means in their power . It is under these circumstances that ihe Executive appeal to the brethren in Sheffield and its neighbourhood for contributions , and they are of opinion that
once a comprehensive Masonic library , such as is m contemplation , has been established , Craftsmen will only be too happy to avail themselves of the advantages for study
it will offer . The scheme has the patronage of R . W . S ' u Henry Edwards , Bart ., P . G . M . ; W . Bro . Tew , D . P . G . M . ; and M . E . Comp . Bentley Shaw , P . G . Supt . R . A . Masons , all of the Province of West Yorks . Tho President is Bro
Seebohm , P . M . ; the Vice-Patrons , Bros . Henry Lcroyd , W . M . No . 296 ; W . J . Hughan . P . M ., P . P . G . S . Cornwall and P . G . S . D . England ; the Vice-Presidents—Britannia Lodge , No . 189 ; Royal Brunswick Lodge , No . 29 f »; Wentworth Lodge , No . 1 , 239 ; Bro . W . H . Brittain , P . M .,
P . P . J . G . W . ; Bro . S . B . Ellis , S . W . 1 , 239 ; Bro . Dr . Francis Griffiths ; Bro . G . W . Hawksley , P . M . ; Bro . H . Pawson , P . M . ; aud Bro . Dr . W . R . Thomas , J . W . 1 , 239 . The Treasurer is Dr . W . R . Thomas , and the Hon . Secretaries and Librarians Bros . S . B . Ellis , S . W . 1 , 239 ,
and A . Scargill , P . M . The Executive Committee consists of the President , Treasurer , and Hon . Sees , and Librarians as ex officio members , and Bros . Rev . E . B . Chalmer , H . J . Garnett , Dr . F . Griffiths , S . Hayes , and H . W . Lofthouse . The subscription list includes Sir Henry Edwards , for five
guineas ; Bros . Tew , two guineas ; Bentley Shaw , three guineas ; Henry Ecroyd , thirteen guineas ; and W . J . Hughan , ten guineas . The prospectus concludes with a resume of the scheme , which is admirably contrived , and a
long list of the books which the committee already possess as the nucleus of the library . The scheme has our heartiest good wishes for its success . The more Masonry is studied , the greater will be its influence both within and without the Craft .
Nelson, New Zealand. Freemasonry And The Australasian Cable.
WE are indebted to an esteemed correspondent for the following particulars : — The successful accomplishment of the laying- of tho telegraph cable which now connects New Zealand with Australia and tho rest of the world , bnt more intimately Nelson with Sydney as the termini , has been the subject of mutual congratulation during the past week among the citizens of Nelson , the staff of engineers and
electricians and the officers of the magnificent cable steam ships " Hibernia" and " Edinburgh , " whose mission has been so admirably and expeditiously fulfilled . Although no demonstration of a strictly public character has taken place , we aro gratified at being able to say the officers referred to have left Nelson highly delighted with their entertainment here , and
are carrying with them pleasant reminiscences of their brief sojourn in a place they all characterize as a beautiful and a lovely spot . Whilst the good citizens were engaged in debating as to the " correct thing " to be done in the way of entertaining their scientific guests , some brethren of the Craft , having introduced themselves as such , the Southern Star Lodge , 735 E . G ., lost no time in convening
a meeting of emergency , which was accordingly held on Wednesday , 1 st March , for the purpose of welcoming their Masonic brethren , who were pretty numerously represented among the companies of tho big ships . The Lodge duly opened nn to the 2 nd degtve , and a brother pfissnd n ? a F-dlovv Crnj-lciwi . Tlie Lodne wa * en well attended that notwithstanding a rainfall , almost tropical in its severity , every seat
in tho Masonic Hall was occupied . After closing in due form , the guests were invited to a bancpie ' with the brethren of tho L-dgc , which was well served by the Steward , Bro . Tregea , of the Commercial Hotel , the W . M ., Bro . Moutray , occupying the chair , supported by Bro . Dr . Scaly and Bro . Lightford P . M . ' s , the guests of the evening immediately around , and
Bro . Dr . Boor S . W . filling tho vice chair . The cloth having been removed , the W . M . iu proposing " Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , " observed that whilst this was no mere formal toast to tho true Englishman , it was a , toast eminently interesting to the true Mason , who could not but entertain the most fervent love for our Queen , not only as a good sovereign , an
affectionate wife , an exemplary moiher , but as the gracious patroness of our ancient Order . ( Chorus , " God Save the Queen . " ) 1 The Chairman then gave " II . 1 MF . our M . W . Grand Master , and the Grand Masters of Scotland and Ireland . ( Honour .- ' . ) After tho discoursing of some music , Bro . Dr . Squires P . M . rose to propose the toast of the evening , viz ,, " Our Visiting Brethren , "
coupled with the health of Bro . Capt . Cato ( Hibernia ) , to which Bro . Cato promptly responded in suitable terms , for himself and his brother officers , expressing his appreciation of tho fraternal greeting so freely exemplified ; he concluded by drinking " Tho W . M ., Office Rearers , and brethren of the Southern Star Lodge , " for which Bro . M 'Utray returned thanks .
TV . . -, _ . 1 . 1 . 1 -r \ .. . . , IT , i -r . r ,. _ . , Bro . Cato then sang the Death of Nelson , to Bro . Stanton ' s accompaniment . After moro music tho toast of " Prosperity to the New Zealand and Australian Cable , coupled with the health of Bro . Sherwin " ( 0 . E . on the staff ) . / was proposed by Bro . S"o . Hustwick P . M ., who in a somewhat lengthened but carefully considered speech reviewed tho
history of the Electric Telegraph through its successive stages to the consummation of tbe important event now being celebrated , of connecting in an unbroken cbain of communication the two hemispheres . Bro . Sherwin returned thanks for the Telegraph Construction Company as well as for himself and fellow officers , and trusted should
the laying of another eabl •bo found necessary that ho should be ono of thoso employed to bring it to Nelson . Songs , other occasional toasts , and a recitation , ably given by Bro . Cato , brought the festivities , at length , to aclose , "the brethren parting in harmony , " after a most social and enjoyable evening , long to be remembered as associated with a work of such magnitude as never to havo
been dreamed of until very recently , and rejoicing that the rapid progress of the Colonies had made such a consummation not only necessary but practicable . It was felt by Freemasons especia'ly meet that they whose mystic spiritual cable has , from time immemorial , been potent in uniting and binding together its own of every nation and language , should be first to hail the advent of this great social , international aud
timeconqnering band of civilized man , beneficial to unite this once remote end of tho earth with the mighty centres of old and new world populations . Thus much for Masonry . The example of the good old Craft ab once was emulated , and on the Saturday succeeding , a special pleasure train was laid on by the managers of the Nelson and Fox Hill Eailway , for a largo picnic at Wakefield to which tho engineers ,
electricians and ships officers were invited , and a subscription ball was given in their honour in the Provincial Hall on Friday 3 rd March . On the previous Wednesday Captain Cato generously invited a numerous party of ladies and gentlemen to a dejeuner on board tho Hibernia , lying outside the Nelson Haven , tho coasting steamer Murray having been placed at his disposal by the owners , Messrs . N . Edwards
and Co ., for conveying his guests to tho vessel . A sumptons repast was provided , and the polite officers seemed to vie with each other in exhibiting and explaining the interesting features connected with tho expedition in its every department . On returning , in the evening , tho party was received on board the Edinburgh , and welcomed by her Commander , Capt . Manning .
Tho steamers left the bay on Saturday morning . The cable is landed at Wakapuaku ( henceforth " Cable Bay" ) , twelve miles from the Telegraph Office , Nelson , with which it is connected by a land line . The following " Contribution" of the humorous weekly correspondent of the Nelson Daily Times ( Bro . Autolycus ) appeared in that journal of Saturday morning : —
"The Hibernia aud Edinburgh sail this morning , their great task accomplishe I , their work well done . If the people of Nelson have not testified their appreciation of the undertaking performed by the cable staff in a public manner , there has been no lack of private hospitality displayed towards our visitors , who will depart carrying with them many pleasant recollections of their short sojourn in quiet
little Nelson . The Brethren of the Mystic Tie were not unmindful of the duty inculcated by the Order , and enjoined upon every member of the brotherhood . They were first to extend the hand of friendship , and thoir example was quickly followed by others . Then there was pleasant reunions of all kinds , concluding with tho ball on Tuesday night . This was a right cheerful affair , marred only by ono
accdent , caused by the breaking of tho floor . Of this a guest sends me the following description : the sentences in parentheses are my own . My correspondent writes : — There was a sound of revelry by night ( I think I ' ve seen that line somewhere before ) , Within that spacious hall , where , beaming bright , C ' ollingwood coal illumed the roomy floor ,
'O ' er which , iu time to music ' s gentle swell , A score of couples moved witb ease and grace , While stranger beau and eke tho Nelson belle , By custom licensed , joined in fond embrace . But , hark ! a shriek—a hurrying to and fro , The floor has broken ; 'neath the lightsome tread ; Matrons on ono fair form their care bestow ; A fen ale friend sustains the dear one ' s
hrad—Miss M . has fainted ; people say , poor thing ; One German f , uusfc alone says , Got in ITiinrnol ; Then comes the hurried orders , " Quickly briny " Water , or vinegar prepared by Eimmel . These duly brought and skilfully applied By dames quite equal to tho situation ,
The object of their care first deeply sighed—( A sure sign of returning animation ); Her partner's hand convulsively she clasped , Opened one eye ( a bright translucent blue one ) , Then in low tremulous tones that maiden gasped , " That cussed floor wants mending witb a new one . "
I fancy there must be some slight mistake about the adjective used by the lady , but beyond that , the remark evidenced a complete return to consciousness , and I have much pleasure iu endorsing the sentiments expressed : that floor really wants replacing altogether ; and
it this is not done shortly , the District Court will be going right through one of these days . But I digress—I commenced with the pailing of the Hibernia and Edinburgh ; let mo conchide by wishing every one on board , from tho captains to tho cabin boys , a safe voyage and a pleasant one .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sheffield Masonic Library.
We havo received copy of prospectus of a scheme for the establishment of a Masonic Library in connection with the three Craft Lodges at Sheffield . Already the promoters are in a position to announce that the support thus far accorded has been most liberal . All under whose notice it
has yet been brought liave most heartily responded to the call , and have further promised to aid it by every means in their power . It is under these circumstances that ihe Executive appeal to the brethren in Sheffield and its neighbourhood for contributions , and they are of opinion that
once a comprehensive Masonic library , such as is m contemplation , has been established , Craftsmen will only be too happy to avail themselves of the advantages for study
it will offer . The scheme has the patronage of R . W . S ' u Henry Edwards , Bart ., P . G . M . ; W . Bro . Tew , D . P . G . M . ; and M . E . Comp . Bentley Shaw , P . G . Supt . R . A . Masons , all of the Province of West Yorks . Tho President is Bro
Seebohm , P . M . ; the Vice-Patrons , Bros . Henry Lcroyd , W . M . No . 296 ; W . J . Hughan . P . M ., P . P . G . S . Cornwall and P . G . S . D . England ; the Vice-Presidents—Britannia Lodge , No . 189 ; Royal Brunswick Lodge , No . 29 f »; Wentworth Lodge , No . 1 , 239 ; Bro . W . H . Brittain , P . M .,
P . P . J . G . W . ; Bro . S . B . Ellis , S . W . 1 , 239 ; Bro . Dr . Francis Griffiths ; Bro . G . W . Hawksley , P . M . ; Bro . H . Pawson , P . M . ; aud Bro . Dr . W . R . Thomas , J . W . 1 , 239 . The Treasurer is Dr . W . R . Thomas , and the Hon . Secretaries and Librarians Bros . S . B . Ellis , S . W . 1 , 239 ,
and A . Scargill , P . M . The Executive Committee consists of the President , Treasurer , and Hon . Sees , and Librarians as ex officio members , and Bros . Rev . E . B . Chalmer , H . J . Garnett , Dr . F . Griffiths , S . Hayes , and H . W . Lofthouse . The subscription list includes Sir Henry Edwards , for five
guineas ; Bros . Tew , two guineas ; Bentley Shaw , three guineas ; Henry Ecroyd , thirteen guineas ; and W . J . Hughan , ten guineas . The prospectus concludes with a resume of the scheme , which is admirably contrived , and a
long list of the books which the committee already possess as the nucleus of the library . The scheme has our heartiest good wishes for its success . The more Masonry is studied , the greater will be its influence both within and without the Craft .
Nelson, New Zealand. Freemasonry And The Australasian Cable.
WE are indebted to an esteemed correspondent for the following particulars : — The successful accomplishment of the laying- of tho telegraph cable which now connects New Zealand with Australia and tho rest of the world , bnt more intimately Nelson with Sydney as the termini , has been the subject of mutual congratulation during the past week among the citizens of Nelson , the staff of engineers and
electricians and the officers of the magnificent cable steam ships " Hibernia" and " Edinburgh , " whose mission has been so admirably and expeditiously fulfilled . Although no demonstration of a strictly public character has taken place , we aro gratified at being able to say the officers referred to have left Nelson highly delighted with their entertainment here , and
are carrying with them pleasant reminiscences of their brief sojourn in a place they all characterize as a beautiful and a lovely spot . Whilst the good citizens were engaged in debating as to the " correct thing " to be done in the way of entertaining their scientific guests , some brethren of the Craft , having introduced themselves as such , the Southern Star Lodge , 735 E . G ., lost no time in convening
a meeting of emergency , which was accordingly held on Wednesday , 1 st March , for the purpose of welcoming their Masonic brethren , who were pretty numerously represented among the companies of tho big ships . The Lodge duly opened nn to the 2 nd degtve , and a brother pfissnd n ? a F-dlovv Crnj-lciwi . Tlie Lodne wa * en well attended that notwithstanding a rainfall , almost tropical in its severity , every seat
in tho Masonic Hall was occupied . After closing in due form , the guests were invited to a bancpie ' with the brethren of tho L-dgc , which was well served by the Steward , Bro . Tregea , of the Commercial Hotel , the W . M ., Bro . Moutray , occupying the chair , supported by Bro . Dr . Scaly and Bro . Lightford P . M . ' s , the guests of the evening immediately around , and
Bro . Dr . Boor S . W . filling tho vice chair . The cloth having been removed , the W . M . iu proposing " Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , " observed that whilst this was no mere formal toast to tho true Englishman , it was a , toast eminently interesting to the true Mason , who could not but entertain the most fervent love for our Queen , not only as a good sovereign , an
affectionate wife , an exemplary moiher , but as the gracious patroness of our ancient Order . ( Chorus , " God Save the Queen . " ) 1 The Chairman then gave " II . 1 MF . our M . W . Grand Master , and the Grand Masters of Scotland and Ireland . ( Honour .- ' . ) After tho discoursing of some music , Bro . Dr . Squires P . M . rose to propose the toast of the evening , viz ,, " Our Visiting Brethren , "
coupled with the health of Bro . Capt . Cato ( Hibernia ) , to which Bro . Cato promptly responded in suitable terms , for himself and his brother officers , expressing his appreciation of tho fraternal greeting so freely exemplified ; he concluded by drinking " Tho W . M ., Office Rearers , and brethren of the Southern Star Lodge , " for which Bro . M 'Utray returned thanks .
TV . . -, _ . 1 . 1 . 1 -r \ .. . . , IT , i -r . r ,. _ . , Bro . Cato then sang the Death of Nelson , to Bro . Stanton ' s accompaniment . After moro music tho toast of " Prosperity to the New Zealand and Australian Cable , coupled with the health of Bro . Sherwin " ( 0 . E . on the staff ) . / was proposed by Bro . S"o . Hustwick P . M ., who in a somewhat lengthened but carefully considered speech reviewed tho
history of the Electric Telegraph through its successive stages to the consummation of tbe important event now being celebrated , of connecting in an unbroken cbain of communication the two hemispheres . Bro . Sherwin returned thanks for the Telegraph Construction Company as well as for himself and fellow officers , and trusted should
the laying of another eabl •bo found necessary that ho should be ono of thoso employed to bring it to Nelson . Songs , other occasional toasts , and a recitation , ably given by Bro . Cato , brought the festivities , at length , to aclose , "the brethren parting in harmony , " after a most social and enjoyable evening , long to be remembered as associated with a work of such magnitude as never to havo
been dreamed of until very recently , and rejoicing that the rapid progress of the Colonies had made such a consummation not only necessary but practicable . It was felt by Freemasons especia'ly meet that they whose mystic spiritual cable has , from time immemorial , been potent in uniting and binding together its own of every nation and language , should be first to hail the advent of this great social , international aud
timeconqnering band of civilized man , beneficial to unite this once remote end of tho earth with the mighty centres of old and new world populations . Thus much for Masonry . The example of the good old Craft ab once was emulated , and on the Saturday succeeding , a special pleasure train was laid on by the managers of the Nelson and Fox Hill Eailway , for a largo picnic at Wakefield to which tho engineers ,
electricians and ships officers were invited , and a subscription ball was given in their honour in the Provincial Hall on Friday 3 rd March . On the previous Wednesday Captain Cato generously invited a numerous party of ladies and gentlemen to a dejeuner on board tho Hibernia , lying outside the Nelson Haven , tho coasting steamer Murray having been placed at his disposal by the owners , Messrs . N . Edwards
and Co ., for conveying his guests to tho vessel . A sumptons repast was provided , and the polite officers seemed to vie with each other in exhibiting and explaining the interesting features connected with tho expedition in its every department . On returning , in the evening , tho party was received on board the Edinburgh , and welcomed by her Commander , Capt . Manning .
Tho steamers left the bay on Saturday morning . The cable is landed at Wakapuaku ( henceforth " Cable Bay" ) , twelve miles from the Telegraph Office , Nelson , with which it is connected by a land line . The following " Contribution" of the humorous weekly correspondent of the Nelson Daily Times ( Bro . Autolycus ) appeared in that journal of Saturday morning : —
"The Hibernia aud Edinburgh sail this morning , their great task accomplishe I , their work well done . If the people of Nelson have not testified their appreciation of the undertaking performed by the cable staff in a public manner , there has been no lack of private hospitality displayed towards our visitors , who will depart carrying with them many pleasant recollections of their short sojourn in quiet
little Nelson . The Brethren of the Mystic Tie were not unmindful of the duty inculcated by the Order , and enjoined upon every member of the brotherhood . They were first to extend the hand of friendship , and thoir example was quickly followed by others . Then there was pleasant reunions of all kinds , concluding with tho ball on Tuesday night . This was a right cheerful affair , marred only by ono
accdent , caused by the breaking of tho floor . Of this a guest sends me the following description : the sentences in parentheses are my own . My correspondent writes : — There was a sound of revelry by night ( I think I ' ve seen that line somewhere before ) , Within that spacious hall , where , beaming bright , C ' ollingwood coal illumed the roomy floor ,
'O ' er which , iu time to music ' s gentle swell , A score of couples moved witb ease and grace , While stranger beau and eke tho Nelson belle , By custom licensed , joined in fond embrace . But , hark ! a shriek—a hurrying to and fro , The floor has broken ; 'neath the lightsome tread ; Matrons on ono fair form their care bestow ; A fen ale friend sustains the dear one ' s
hrad—Miss M . has fainted ; people say , poor thing ; One German f , uusfc alone says , Got in ITiinrnol ; Then comes the hurried orders , " Quickly briny " Water , or vinegar prepared by Eimmel . These duly brought and skilfully applied By dames quite equal to tho situation ,
The object of their care first deeply sighed—( A sure sign of returning animation ); Her partner's hand convulsively she clasped , Opened one eye ( a bright translucent blue one ) , Then in low tremulous tones that maiden gasped , " That cussed floor wants mending witb a new one . "
I fancy there must be some slight mistake about the adjective used by the lady , but beyond that , the remark evidenced a complete return to consciousness , and I have much pleasure iu endorsing the sentiments expressed : that floor really wants replacing altogether ; and
it this is not done shortly , the District Court will be going right through one of these days . But I digress—I commenced with the pailing of the Hibernia and Edinburgh ; let mo conchide by wishing every one on board , from tho captains to tho cabin boys , a safe voyage and a pleasant one .