Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Briscoe's Ms.—Printed A.D. 1724-5.
GRACCUR , that had been at the making of SOLOMON ' Temple , and cnnv into France , and he tnncrht . the CRAFT of MASONRY to a man "f France , that was named CHMII . ES MARTII . I ,, and ho loved well his CRAFT , and drew to him this NAINUS GRACCUS aforesaid , and learned of him Charges and Manners .
And afterwards , by the Grace of God , he was elected to bo KlNO of France ; and when he was in his Estate , he took to him many MASONS and made M ASONS there that were none , and set them on Work , and gave them both Charges and Manners , and good Payment as lie had learned of other MASONS , ami confirmed their Charter from year to your to hold their Assembly ; and thus came the CRAFT into France .
And England all this season stood void , as lor any Charge of MASONRY , until the Time of St . Alhon , and in his Time the King of Em / land , that was a Pagan , ho walled the Town Wall , which is now called , S' . A'hnns . And so in ST . A LISON ' S Time , a worthy Knight was Steward to the Kin !/ , and had Government , of the Eealm , nnd a ' so of the making of tho Town Walla , and beloved well MASONS and cherished them .
And he made their Payment right good s'anrling Wages as the Eealm did require , for he gave them every Week threo Shillings Sixpence to their double Wages : Before that time throughout all the Land a MAROV took bnt a Penny . 1 Day , and next , to that time ST ALIION mended it , nnd got them a Charier of the King , and his Conned gave it the Name of Assembly , and thereat he was himself
and MASONS , and gave them Charges ns yon shall h ar afterwards right . After tho Death of ST . A LBON there came Wars into England , throught divers Commotions , so that the good Bate of MASONS was quite destroy'd until tho Time of King ATHELSTON , that was a worthy King in England . And ho built , many other Buildings , aud Irved MASONS very well ,
and he had a son that was called IlEDvicE . nnd ho loved MASONS much moro than his Father , and he was full of Practice in GEOMETRY ; wherrfore he drew himself to commune with MASONS , and bo learned of their CRAFT , ' and ho was made a MASON himself , and got of his Father the King , a Charter and Commission to hold every Assembly ; where they themselves wero punished for Trespasses , if committed or
done within the CRAFT , and he held himself an Assembly at York , and there he made MASONS and gave them charges and taught them the Manners of MASONS . And commanded that Eulo to be holden ever after , and to them took the Charter nnd Commission , to keep and ordain that it should be ruled from Time to Time ,
When this Assembly was gathered togather , ho mild * a cry that nil MASONS both old and young , that had any Writing or Understanding of the CRAFT , and Charges that wero made before , either in tho Land or any other Land , that they should shew them forth , and there were found some in French , some in Greek , some in English , and some in other languages . And the intent thereof was found , and he commanded a Boole to be
made how the CRAFT was first made and found , and commanded that it should bo read aud toukl when any M ASON should be made , and to give him Charges . And from that , nntil this time , MASONS havo been kept in that , Sort and Order , as well as tlie men might govern it , ant ! furthermore at divers Assemblies have been put to , nnd added certain Charges more , by the best advice of Masters and Fellows .
Here followcih the Worthy and Godly OATH of MASONS . Every One that is a MASON , lake heed to his Charge ; if van find yourselei ' -, guilty of any of these that you may a mewl ym again ; and especially you that ore to be charged , take heed that yon , keep this Charge , f r it is a great Peril toforsivear himself un 0 BOOK . 1 . You shall be a True Man to God , and to the Holy Church ; nnd that you use no Error , nor Heresy by your Understanding , or by the teaching of Men .
2 . You shall boar truo Agemcnt to the King , without Treason or Falshood . 3 . AND that you know no Treason , but may amend it , if you Tnviy ; or else warn tho King , or his lawful Successors , or their Council thereof .
< i . 1 ou shall be True one to another ; that is to say , every Master and Fellow oi' the Charge of MASONRY , that , to he MASONS alowed , that you do to 1 hem that you would they should do to you . 5 . AND also MASONS keep True COUNCIL of LODGE , and CHAMBER , and all other that ought to be kept by the way of MASONRY . ( . ! . AND nl-o that no MASON shall be Chief , neither in Company , as far forth as he shall , or ninv know .
7 . You shall ho true to the Lord , and Master , you servo ; and trul y to be for his Profit and Advantage . S . AND aKo that you do no Villany in that Ilonse whereby the Craft he slandered . These lie Cliarges in General , that every MASON , both Master and Fellow , should keep .
Now I will rehearse other Charges in particular for 2 Iastcrs ana Fcll . ws . 1 . THAT no Master shall take upon him any Lord ' s Work , nor any other work bur . that he know himself able of coming t < perform the same , so that tho Craft have no Diswoivship , but that the Lord mav be well served and truly .
2 . AND also that no Master take no work but that ho tako ii reasonably : so thai the Lord may be well served , which is one good and the Master to live II 01 ¦ o . -aly b y it , and so pay his Follow .-truly their Pay . as tho Craft doth require . ' . . } . AMI also tlrif no Master , urn- Fellow , shall supplant ot ' csft their Work , that is to siy , if they have taken a Work , ami s an Master of the Lord ' s Work , you shall not put h m out it' ho 1 e- ab ¦ of ci . mil ¦ " to End the Wi . rk .
¦ 1- . AND a ' so that no Master , nor F-dlow , or Apprentice , be a ' owe as an Apprentice of Seven Years ; but the Apprentice to be able 01 Birth aud Life , as ho ought to be .
5 . AND also that no Master , nor Fellow , tako Allowance to make MASONS without , the Assent of his Fellows , at the least Five or Sis ; and be that shall be made Mason bo able over all Syevs , that is to say , that ho be Freeborn , and of a good Kindred , and no Bond-Man ; and that have his right Limbs as a Man ought to have .
G . AND also that every MASON shall give no Pay to his Fellows , bnt as ho may deserve ; so that ho may not bo deceived by false Workmen .
7 . AND also that no Master shall put Lords Work to Task , that used to go to Journey-Work . S . AND also that no Fellow slander falsly another beyond his back , to make him looso his good Name , or world-Goods . 9 . AND also that no Fellow within tho LODGE , nor without , answer another Ungodly without reasonable cause .
10 . AND also that every MASON shall prefer his Fellow , and put him to Worship . 11 . AND that no MASON shall play at Hazzard , nor any other Game wh"i-eby they may be slandered . 12 . AND also that no MASON shall be a common Eibbald in Lotchery , to make the Craft to be slandered .
13 . AND also that no Fellow go to a Town where there is a LODGE of Fellows , without a Fellow to bear him Company , and witness that he was in honest Company . 14 . AND also that every Master and Fellow come to the Assembly , if it be within Fifty Miles about , him , if ho havo any Warning , or to stand to the award of Masters and Fellows .
15 . AND also that every Master and Follow , if they have Trespassed , shall stand to the award of Masters to make them accord if they may ; and if they may not accord , to < to to tho Common Law . 10 . AND also that no MASON Mould , Square , and Eulo , to any rough Hewer .
17 . AND also that no MASON within the LODGE , or without tho LODGE , to have any Monk ? of his own making . LS . AND also that every MASON shall Eeccivo and Cherish strange Fellows , when they come over the Country , and set them at Work as tho Manner is ; that is to say , if thoy havo ai > y Work and Stone in Place he shall set them at Work a Fourth Night at least , and give him his Wages ; and if there bo no Stono in Place , ho shall give
him Money to carry him to tho next LODGE . 19 . AND also he shall , and every MASON shall truly serve his Work , and make an End of his Work , bo it Task or Journey-Work , if they may have pay as thoy ought to have . So these are that wc have Eehearsed , and all other yon shall keep . So help you God and Holy-Dome , and by this Book , to the utmost of your Power . FINIS .
Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons Of England.
The Quarterly Convocation of this grand body was held 011 Wednesday last , 3 rd instant , at . . Freemason's Hall . The business on the agenda paper having been disposed of , the report was adopted , and tho prayers of petitions for Chapters
lo bo attached to the Harrier Lodge 1303 , Gosport 903 , Zetland 11 ) 71 , Era 1423 , and Lewis 1185 were granted . Tlie following is a list of the Grand Officers for the present year : —
Grand Z . ... H . E . H . tho Princo of Wales . Pro Grand Z . ... Et . Hon . tho Earl of Carnarvon . Grand II . ... Lord Skelmersdale Grand J . ... Lord Do Tabloy
Grand E . ... John Hervey . Grand N . ... Earl of Dononghmoro . Prin . Sojr . ... The Hon . William Warren Vernon .
1 st Assist . Sojr . The Itevd . Spencer Eobert Wigram . 2 nd Assist , Sojr . Lieutenant Col . Thomas Birchall . Treasurer ... Samuel Tomkins .
Begistrar ... . / Eneas J . Mclntyre Q . C . Sword Bearer ... T . W . Boord MY . Standard Bearer E . J . Barron . D . C . ... John M . Case .
Janitor ... C . B . Payne . The New Committee of Grand Chapter was nominated is follows : — E . Comp . ... Lt . Col . J . Creaton , President .
„ ... Benjamin Head . „ ... Eobert Grey . „ ... J . Lewis Thomas , P . Z . ... No . 13 „ ... Joseph Smith , P . Z . ... 19
„ ... John Boyd ... ... 115 ,, ... Frederick Adlard ... ... 214 „ ... Henry C . Lcvander ... 720 ,, ... Will um Stt p ' iens ... ... 13 ( 35
Among thoso present were 1 la 1 Enrl of Dononghmore , I . ijor . Mtirmtuluke R .-irasny , A . A . Bairshaw , John Contable , C . Conpland , Dr . Woodman , F . Driver , H . Clarke , F . Adlard , & c . & c . ¦
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Briscoe's Ms.—Printed A.D. 1724-5.
GRACCUR , that had been at the making of SOLOMON ' Temple , and cnnv into France , and he tnncrht . the CRAFT of MASONRY to a man "f France , that was named CHMII . ES MARTII . I ,, and ho loved well his CRAFT , and drew to him this NAINUS GRACCUS aforesaid , and learned of him Charges and Manners .
And afterwards , by the Grace of God , he was elected to bo KlNO of France ; and when he was in his Estate , he took to him many MASONS and made M ASONS there that were none , and set them on Work , and gave them both Charges and Manners , and good Payment as lie had learned of other MASONS , ami confirmed their Charter from year to your to hold their Assembly ; and thus came the CRAFT into France .
And England all this season stood void , as lor any Charge of MASONRY , until the Time of St . Alhon , and in his Time the King of Em / land , that was a Pagan , ho walled the Town Wall , which is now called , S' . A'hnns . And so in ST . A LISON ' S Time , a worthy Knight was Steward to the Kin !/ , and had Government , of the Eealm , nnd a ' so of the making of tho Town Walla , and beloved well MASONS and cherished them .
And he made their Payment right good s'anrling Wages as the Eealm did require , for he gave them every Week threo Shillings Sixpence to their double Wages : Before that time throughout all the Land a MAROV took bnt a Penny . 1 Day , and next , to that time ST ALIION mended it , nnd got them a Charier of the King , and his Conned gave it the Name of Assembly , and thereat he was himself
and MASONS , and gave them Charges ns yon shall h ar afterwards right . After tho Death of ST . A LBON there came Wars into England , throught divers Commotions , so that the good Bate of MASONS was quite destroy'd until tho Time of King ATHELSTON , that was a worthy King in England . And ho built , many other Buildings , aud Irved MASONS very well ,
and he had a son that was called IlEDvicE . nnd ho loved MASONS much moro than his Father , and he was full of Practice in GEOMETRY ; wherrfore he drew himself to commune with MASONS , and bo learned of their CRAFT , ' and ho was made a MASON himself , and got of his Father the King , a Charter and Commission to hold every Assembly ; where they themselves wero punished for Trespasses , if committed or
done within the CRAFT , and he held himself an Assembly at York , and there he made MASONS and gave them charges and taught them the Manners of MASONS . And commanded that Eulo to be holden ever after , and to them took the Charter nnd Commission , to keep and ordain that it should be ruled from Time to Time ,
When this Assembly was gathered togather , ho mild * a cry that nil MASONS both old and young , that had any Writing or Understanding of the CRAFT , and Charges that wero made before , either in tho Land or any other Land , that they should shew them forth , and there were found some in French , some in Greek , some in English , and some in other languages . And the intent thereof was found , and he commanded a Boole to be
made how the CRAFT was first made and found , and commanded that it should bo read aud toukl when any M ASON should be made , and to give him Charges . And from that , nntil this time , MASONS havo been kept in that , Sort and Order , as well as tlie men might govern it , ant ! furthermore at divers Assemblies have been put to , nnd added certain Charges more , by the best advice of Masters and Fellows .
Here followcih the Worthy and Godly OATH of MASONS . Every One that is a MASON , lake heed to his Charge ; if van find yourselei ' -, guilty of any of these that you may a mewl ym again ; and especially you that ore to be charged , take heed that yon , keep this Charge , f r it is a great Peril toforsivear himself un 0 BOOK . 1 . You shall be a True Man to God , and to the Holy Church ; nnd that you use no Error , nor Heresy by your Understanding , or by the teaching of Men .
2 . You shall boar truo Agemcnt to the King , without Treason or Falshood . 3 . AND that you know no Treason , but may amend it , if you Tnviy ; or else warn tho King , or his lawful Successors , or their Council thereof .
< i . 1 ou shall be True one to another ; that is to say , every Master and Fellow oi' the Charge of MASONRY , that , to he MASONS alowed , that you do to 1 hem that you would they should do to you . 5 . AND also MASONS keep True COUNCIL of LODGE , and CHAMBER , and all other that ought to be kept by the way of MASONRY . ( . ! . AND nl-o that no MASON shall be Chief , neither in Company , as far forth as he shall , or ninv know .
7 . You shall ho true to the Lord , and Master , you servo ; and trul y to be for his Profit and Advantage . S . AND aKo that you do no Villany in that Ilonse whereby the Craft he slandered . These lie Cliarges in General , that every MASON , both Master and Fellow , should keep .
Now I will rehearse other Charges in particular for 2 Iastcrs ana Fcll . ws . 1 . THAT no Master shall take upon him any Lord ' s Work , nor any other work bur . that he know himself able of coming t < perform the same , so that tho Craft have no Diswoivship , but that the Lord mav be well served and truly .
2 . AND also that no Master take no work but that ho tako ii reasonably : so thai the Lord may be well served , which is one good and the Master to live II 01 ¦ o . -aly b y it , and so pay his Follow .-truly their Pay . as tho Craft doth require . ' . . } . AMI also tlrif no Master , urn- Fellow , shall supplant ot ' csft their Work , that is to siy , if they have taken a Work , ami s an Master of the Lord ' s Work , you shall not put h m out it' ho 1 e- ab ¦ of ci . mil ¦ " to End the Wi . rk .
¦ 1- . AND a ' so that no Master , nor F-dlow , or Apprentice , be a ' owe as an Apprentice of Seven Years ; but the Apprentice to be able 01 Birth aud Life , as ho ought to be .
5 . AND also that no Master , nor Fellow , tako Allowance to make MASONS without , the Assent of his Fellows , at the least Five or Sis ; and be that shall be made Mason bo able over all Syevs , that is to say , that ho be Freeborn , and of a good Kindred , and no Bond-Man ; and that have his right Limbs as a Man ought to have .
G . AND also that every MASON shall give no Pay to his Fellows , bnt as ho may deserve ; so that ho may not bo deceived by false Workmen .
7 . AND also that no Master shall put Lords Work to Task , that used to go to Journey-Work . S . AND also that no Fellow slander falsly another beyond his back , to make him looso his good Name , or world-Goods . 9 . AND also that no Fellow within tho LODGE , nor without , answer another Ungodly without reasonable cause .
10 . AND also that every MASON shall prefer his Fellow , and put him to Worship . 11 . AND that no MASON shall play at Hazzard , nor any other Game wh"i-eby they may be slandered . 12 . AND also that no MASON shall be a common Eibbald in Lotchery , to make the Craft to be slandered .
13 . AND also that no Fellow go to a Town where there is a LODGE of Fellows , without a Fellow to bear him Company , and witness that he was in honest Company . 14 . AND also that every Master and Fellow come to the Assembly , if it be within Fifty Miles about , him , if ho havo any Warning , or to stand to the award of Masters and Fellows .
15 . AND also that every Master and Follow , if they have Trespassed , shall stand to the award of Masters to make them accord if they may ; and if they may not accord , to < to to tho Common Law . 10 . AND also that no MASON Mould , Square , and Eulo , to any rough Hewer .
17 . AND also that no MASON within the LODGE , or without tho LODGE , to have any Monk ? of his own making . LS . AND also that every MASON shall Eeccivo and Cherish strange Fellows , when they come over the Country , and set them at Work as tho Manner is ; that is to say , if thoy havo ai > y Work and Stone in Place he shall set them at Work a Fourth Night at least , and give him his Wages ; and if there bo no Stono in Place , ho shall give
him Money to carry him to tho next LODGE . 19 . AND also he shall , and every MASON shall truly serve his Work , and make an End of his Work , bo it Task or Journey-Work , if they may have pay as thoy ought to have . So these are that wc have Eehearsed , and all other yon shall keep . So help you God and Holy-Dome , and by this Book , to the utmost of your Power . FINIS .
Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons Of England.
The Quarterly Convocation of this grand body was held 011 Wednesday last , 3 rd instant , at . . Freemason's Hall . The business on the agenda paper having been disposed of , the report was adopted , and tho prayers of petitions for Chapters
lo bo attached to the Harrier Lodge 1303 , Gosport 903 , Zetland 11 ) 71 , Era 1423 , and Lewis 1185 were granted . Tlie following is a list of the Grand Officers for the present year : —
Grand Z . ... H . E . H . tho Princo of Wales . Pro Grand Z . ... Et . Hon . tho Earl of Carnarvon . Grand II . ... Lord Skelmersdale Grand J . ... Lord Do Tabloy
Grand E . ... John Hervey . Grand N . ... Earl of Dononghmoro . Prin . Sojr . ... The Hon . William Warren Vernon .
1 st Assist . Sojr . The Itevd . Spencer Eobert Wigram . 2 nd Assist , Sojr . Lieutenant Col . Thomas Birchall . Treasurer ... Samuel Tomkins .
Begistrar ... . / Eneas J . Mclntyre Q . C . Sword Bearer ... T . W . Boord MY . Standard Bearer E . J . Barron . D . C . ... John M . Case .
Janitor ... C . B . Payne . The New Committee of Grand Chapter was nominated is follows : — E . Comp . ... Lt . Col . J . Creaton , President .
„ ... Benjamin Head . „ ... Eobert Grey . „ ... J . Lewis Thomas , P . Z . ... No . 13 „ ... Joseph Smith , P . Z . ... 19
„ ... John Boyd ... ... 115 ,, ... Frederick Adlard ... ... 214 „ ... Henry C . Lcvander ... 720 ,, ... Will um Stt p ' iens ... ... 13 ( 35
Among thoso present were 1 la 1 Enrl of Dononghmore , I . ijor . Mtirmtuluke R .-irasny , A . A . Bairshaw , John Contable , C . Conpland , Dr . Woodman , F . Driver , H . Clarke , F . Adlard , & c . & c . ¦