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Consecration Of The Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge, No. 1602.
A WAEEANT having been granted by the M . W . tho Grand Master for tho formation of a now Ledge , for which a numerousl y signed application , supported by four Lodges in the vicinity , had been sent in , a more appropriate title could not have been chosen than tho above . Sir Hugh Myddelton was not a Mason , yet not only the residents of Islington , bnt all classes , are familiar with his history as projector of the New Eiver Company . Bro . J . Ilervey , our respected
Grand Secretary , was the Consecrating Officer , and a numerous and influential body of Masons—including many Grand Officersassembled at tho Agricultural Hall , Islington , on Saturday , tho 29 th ultimo . Greetings from brethren from various parts were also given , and there was nothing in the gathering from first to last but hearty expressions for success to the Lodge , which bids fair , not
only to havo a large number of members , but also to have ou its roll tho names of brethren who have shed lustre on the Order . Tho brethren having assembled , a procession was formed , under tho direction of Bro . C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., which escorted tho Consecrating Officer , the Grand Officers and tho brethren . Bro . J . Hervev G . S . occupied tho chair , Bro . A . J . D . Filer P . G . S . B . as S . W ., Dr .
Woodman P . G . S . B . as J . W ., Bro . Eev . J . E . Simpson P . G . C . as Chaplain , assisted by Bros . T . Cnbitc P . G . P ., and T . Buss P . M . 27 , P . G . Treasurer Middlesex , C . B . Payne G . Tyler , Ac ; Bro . E . Somers being tho W . M . designate , E . G . Sim ( 35 S . W . designate , T . J . Coombs 4 ( 53 J . W . designate . Tho brethren having taken their places , tho Lodgo was opened . Bro . John Ilervey then addressed
tho brethren , and his remarks applied to the general tenets ot our Order , and tho subjects ho dwelt on , if carried out , would tend indeed to realise what Freemasonry should bo . Tho Eev . J . E . Simpson then gave the Consecrating prayer , Bro . Osborn read the petition and warrant , empowering tho brethren to meet on the 4 th Friday in the month , at tho Agricultural Hall . The approval of the brethren , as to
the officers named in the petition and warrant , was given . Bro . J . E . Simpson P . G . C . then gave a very eloqnent nnd impromptu rddress , which was listened to with great attention , and admiration at tbe soundness of tho arguments nsed in connection with the name of tho founder , and his general remarks as to the nature of their duties as men and Masons . Tho following Hymn ' was then sung : —
" Oh ! praise onr God to-day , His constant mercy bless ; Whoso love hath helped us on our way , And granted us success . Lord , may it bo our choice This blessed rulo to keep ; Eejoico with them that do rejoice , And weep with them that weep .
God of tho widow , hear ; Onr work of mercy bless ; God of the fatherless , bo near , And grant ns great success . " The Lodge board was then uncovered , and the consecrating officer proceeded with the ceremony . The following psalms be ng sung , namely : —
" Oh ! Lord , how joyful 'tis to see The brethren joia iu love to Thee , & c . " " Guide mc , 0 Thou great Jehovah , Pilgrim through this barren laud ; I am weak , bat Thou art mighty , Hold me with Thy powerful hand : Bread of Heaven , Feed me till I want no more .
Open Thou the crystal fountain , Whence the healing streams do flow ; Lot the fiery cloudy pillar Guide mo all my journey through : Strong Deliverer , Be Thou still my strength and shield . "
The Lodgo having been dedicated and constituted , Brother C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . D . C . presented Bro . Elias Somers to the Lodge . A board of Installed Masters , numbering thirtyfonr , was formed , and bo was duly installed into the chair by Bro . John Hervcy , in his usual perfect and impressive manner . Tho W . M . having been saluted , thou invested his officers : —Bro . E . G . Sim
S . W ., J . J . Coombs J . W ., J . Weroti Treas ., J . Osborn See ., A . Rowley S . D ., F . Ellar J . U ., J . G . Glover I . G ., W . Norris D . C , J . D . Tavlor P . M . 1305 , and W . P . Patilton Stewards , H . Do Sella Organist , W . Steedmart Tyler . Bro . Sim proposed , and Bro . J . J . Coombs seconded , that Bros . J . Ilervey , Eev . J . E . Simpson P . G . C , Dr . W ' oodman P . G . S . B ., and C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P . bo elected
honorary members , which w ; s carried unanimously . The Lodge was then *" n- '"' l , > " <>> i in- iiin . ' ' r-. i . ,, ; ; .. .. i „ ., ! j ^; ' , .. ' . ; . dj ' -vr . Lo a stiniptui ns i -v . lecherclio banquet ami dessert , pie . liei . i in l . io . F . Sawyer ( of the Crystal Palace ) , and superintended by Bro . Sawyer jun . The tables ¦ were beautifully decorated w h choice flowers , in arti .-. tiea ! lv designed vases , button holes were proviiicd , and the i ickets and menu were really
works of art , with appropriate quotations from fchakcjspeare . The viands , wines and dessert , and tho general catering gave great , satisfaction . Banners , with the Coat of Arms of Sir Hugh Myddelton , were suspended over the Master ' s chair . All or grace had been sung , the toast of Her Majesty the . Queen , and the Craft , w .: j 'riven ,
iind the National Anthem followed . The toast , of the M . W . G . M . v .-as then given , "God Bless tho Princo of Wales" being sung . The Ticxt toast was that of tho Pro Grand Master , after which Brother II . De oolla sang "Sally in onr Alley . " In proposing tho toast o : the Deputy Grand Master , the W . M . said ho was proud to be supported by so many Grand Officers . The conduct of the members
'o-day must be considered as an earnest of their desire to do as they had commenced , and he hoped to havo Freemasonry carried out to their satisfaction . He would couple with tho toast the name of Bro . Eev . J . E . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of England . The Glee , " The Winds Whistled Cold , " was then sung , after which Eev . J . E . S ' mpson suitably replied . Bro . J . Hervcy then rose and
said , To-day we havo had the pleasure of inaugurating a now Lodge , and a new link has been added to our chain , which in long , and is trotting stronger . I am personally sure this link has done me no discredit , and is a good connecting one for the future . I now propose your Worshipful Master ; lam sure the brethren who . 'resented tho petition would not have done so unless thev had been satisfied that
ho was one who was qualified to fill the chair . ( Cheers . ) Having congratulated the master of the Lod ' .-e , and having expressed a hope for its future prosperity , Bro . Ilervey concluded by proposing tho health of the W . M . The toast was drunk with great enthusiasm , Bro . McDavitt , then sang " Widow Maehree . " Tho W . M ., in rop ' y , said he thanked tho Grand Secretary for his kind expressions
and his allusion to tho links ot tho chain ; he hoped no link would break on the part of tho W . M .. and added that in his Lodge tho Masonic Charities would not , be forgotten . lie then proposed tho toast of tho Consecrating Officer . Tho G . S . on rising , was received with loud cheers and said , ho could only thank them foi thoir reception . If what he had done in tho capacity of Consecrating
Otlicer had pleased them , ho was satisfied . Tho W . M . then in appropriate terms proposed the toast , of the Visitors . Bro . Hnbbard sang tho song of tho " Vagabond . " Bro . Howe , P . G . P . Middlesex , returned thanks for the toast . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast , of the Lodges who had supported the petition viz .- the Islington Lodgo ( he regretted tho absence of its W . M ., Bro . Bowyer ) , tho
Finsbury Park Lodge , and tho Royal Standard Lodge . Bro . Gallant W . M . 813 returned thanks for the toast . The W . M . then proposed tho toast of the Masonic Charities , and regretted tho absence of those indefatigable brethren the worthy Secretaries . Ho hoped tho Charities would never bo forgotten ; they had one able represetifntivo in the person of Bro . T . Cnbitt PG . P ., who was one of the trustees
for the Aged . Bro . Cnbitt returned thanks , aud alluded to the increase latel y made in tho Annuity Fund . Bro . Dr . Woodman P . G . S . D . sa'd ho regretted the absence of Bro . Little , but assured them his services and energies would always be at their command . Tho W . M ., in proposing the toast of the Wardens and Officers , said , the manner in which they had discharged their duties on this tho first
occasion was sufficient to show what they wonld do in tho future . Glee , '' Mynheer von Dunk . " Bro . Sim S . W . said he hoped to be a Steward for the Charities , and he was sure the Lodgo would not be backward in supporting him . He was pleased to bo placed in the position of Senior Warden , and hoped that perfect harmony would prevail during his occupation of that office . The W . M ., in proposing
the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , said , that , Bros . Weston and Osborn were two well calculated to look after tho interests of tho Lodge , and he was sure it . would \ y to their sati-faotion . Bro . Norris returned thanks for the junior officers . Tin ) . II . Mnssey P . M . filOanrl H . M . Lew P . M . 1 , ' SS returned thanks for the Press . Tho Tyler ' s toast was then givru . Altoir ther , one of the most enjoyable and harmonious evenings was parsed . Am mgst those present , were
Bros . J . Emmons P . G . P . J . Owl P . G . P . Granrl Steward . J . Wright P . G . P ., H . ( iah ' o jun . P . M . Hi : , ' , W . P . Given Wil , S . Gibbs 103 C , ' L . Lewis W . M . ( 15 , Benham 13 : !!) , Dawson K 22 . J . Green W . M . 27 , Dr . Perry 35 . Klen-k P . M . 1339 , 1 'urdy P . M . Slil , . 1 . Kew P . M . 179 , Davis W . M . 1228 , J . F . Wilson 129 S , J . Wicket's 291 ) , Durham 1339 , Braiuc J . W . 1471 , Davey P . M . ( 55 , Shea , I 7 19 , Fuuqimz P . M . 70 , Lee P . M . 1254 , H . Massey P . M . G 19 , and tl . M . Levy P . M . 1 SS .
Cornwall Chapter Of S.P. Rose-Croix Of H.R.D.M.
A meeting of this Chapter was held on Thursday , at two p . m . precisely , at tho Masonic Hall , Truro . The minutes of the previous Chapter , held on 3 rd February , having been read and confirmed , tho following candidates wore elected aud perfected , namely : —W . Bro . Thomas Henry
Lukes , W . M . No . 40 G St . Austell ; and W . Bro . Wm . Guy , P . M . No . 49 ( 3 and P . P . G . D . C , proposed by E . and P . Bro . Charles Trnscott , jnu ., 30 " . R order , and seconded bv the W . M . S ., R . and P . B :-o . C , ! . i . ' , ;; Uoitehcad Peard : " Bro .
rrank 1 arkyn , S . W . r , u . o-jii , LosUv'itiiiel , proposed by the Recorder nnd seconded bv 111 . Bro . LiugWan , 30 ° P . M . W . S . ; and Bro . Alfred Luke , I . G . No . 977 , Fowey , proposed b y 111 . Bro . Htighn . ii , and seconded b y E . and P . I ' . t 1 - 1 ' ' -. > ' t ) ¦ : -. : - ¦ "' I , ' '' , , Inn . Ij . irvA ' , I o . / , i ..... i , ., '; . je . ' , V ... ,.. ; , s „ ..:-. i , ;• S ' i
111 . Bro . 6 Jv F . M . Williams . Bar .., iu . P ., o ± \ J .. P .. \ L W . o . j in appreciation of his valuable services to the Chapter as its first M . W . S . The presentation was made b y Col . Peard , M . W . S ., and very feelingl y acknovvv-jtl ged by the recip ient . After the transaction of some formal business the Chanter was closed .
It is rumoured th . it the firm of Messrs I ' ultoe and Sons , the ivino merehi . v .. td , of 27 Allwmavle-stivct , Piucadiiiy , proprietors of tho wellknown " Specialite" sherry , will shortly be turned into a limited liability company , with a capital of £ 2 ~ adfiQQ . —BulUonisf .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge, No. 1602.
A WAEEANT having been granted by the M . W . tho Grand Master for tho formation of a now Ledge , for which a numerousl y signed application , supported by four Lodges in the vicinity , had been sent in , a more appropriate title could not have been chosen than tho above . Sir Hugh Myddelton was not a Mason , yet not only the residents of Islington , bnt all classes , are familiar with his history as projector of the New Eiver Company . Bro . J . Ilervey , our respected
Grand Secretary , was the Consecrating Officer , and a numerous and influential body of Masons—including many Grand Officersassembled at tho Agricultural Hall , Islington , on Saturday , tho 29 th ultimo . Greetings from brethren from various parts were also given , and there was nothing in the gathering from first to last but hearty expressions for success to the Lodge , which bids fair , not
only to havo a large number of members , but also to have ou its roll tho names of brethren who have shed lustre on the Order . Tho brethren having assembled , a procession was formed , under tho direction of Bro . C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., which escorted tho Consecrating Officer , the Grand Officers and tho brethren . Bro . J . Hervev G . S . occupied tho chair , Bro . A . J . D . Filer P . G . S . B . as S . W ., Dr .
Woodman P . G . S . B . as J . W ., Bro . Eev . J . E . Simpson P . G . C . as Chaplain , assisted by Bros . T . Cnbitc P . G . P ., and T . Buss P . M . 27 , P . G . Treasurer Middlesex , C . B . Payne G . Tyler , Ac ; Bro . E . Somers being tho W . M . designate , E . G . Sim ( 35 S . W . designate , T . J . Coombs 4 ( 53 J . W . designate . Tho brethren having taken their places , tho Lodgo was opened . Bro . John Ilervey then addressed
tho brethren , and his remarks applied to the general tenets ot our Order , and tho subjects ho dwelt on , if carried out , would tend indeed to realise what Freemasonry should bo . Tho Eev . J . E . Simpson then gave the Consecrating prayer , Bro . Osborn read the petition and warrant , empowering tho brethren to meet on the 4 th Friday in the month , at tho Agricultural Hall . The approval of the brethren , as to
the officers named in the petition and warrant , was given . Bro . J . E . Simpson P . G . C . then gave a very eloqnent nnd impromptu rddress , which was listened to with great attention , and admiration at tbe soundness of tho arguments nsed in connection with the name of tho founder , and his general remarks as to the nature of their duties as men and Masons . Tho following Hymn ' was then sung : —
" Oh ! praise onr God to-day , His constant mercy bless ; Whoso love hath helped us on our way , And granted us success . Lord , may it bo our choice This blessed rulo to keep ; Eejoico with them that do rejoice , And weep with them that weep .
God of tho widow , hear ; Onr work of mercy bless ; God of the fatherless , bo near , And grant ns great success . " The Lodge board was then uncovered , and the consecrating officer proceeded with the ceremony . The following psalms be ng sung , namely : —
" Oh ! Lord , how joyful 'tis to see The brethren joia iu love to Thee , & c . " " Guide mc , 0 Thou great Jehovah , Pilgrim through this barren laud ; I am weak , bat Thou art mighty , Hold me with Thy powerful hand : Bread of Heaven , Feed me till I want no more .
Open Thou the crystal fountain , Whence the healing streams do flow ; Lot the fiery cloudy pillar Guide mo all my journey through : Strong Deliverer , Be Thou still my strength and shield . "
The Lodgo having been dedicated and constituted , Brother C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . D . C . presented Bro . Elias Somers to the Lodge . A board of Installed Masters , numbering thirtyfonr , was formed , and bo was duly installed into the chair by Bro . John Hervcy , in his usual perfect and impressive manner . Tho W . M . having been saluted , thou invested his officers : —Bro . E . G . Sim
S . W ., J . J . Coombs J . W ., J . Weroti Treas ., J . Osborn See ., A . Rowley S . D ., F . Ellar J . U ., J . G . Glover I . G ., W . Norris D . C , J . D . Tavlor P . M . 1305 , and W . P . Patilton Stewards , H . Do Sella Organist , W . Steedmart Tyler . Bro . Sim proposed , and Bro . J . J . Coombs seconded , that Bros . J . Ilervey , Eev . J . E . Simpson P . G . C , Dr . W ' oodman P . G . S . B ., and C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P . bo elected
honorary members , which w ; s carried unanimously . The Lodge was then *" n- '"' l , > " <>> i in- iiin . ' ' r-. i . ,, ; ; .. .. i „ ., ! j ^; ' , .. ' . ; . dj ' -vr . Lo a stiniptui ns i -v . lecherclio banquet ami dessert , pie . liei . i in l . io . F . Sawyer ( of the Crystal Palace ) , and superintended by Bro . Sawyer jun . The tables ¦ were beautifully decorated w h choice flowers , in arti .-. tiea ! lv designed vases , button holes were proviiicd , and the i ickets and menu were really
works of art , with appropriate quotations from fchakcjspeare . The viands , wines and dessert , and tho general catering gave great , satisfaction . Banners , with the Coat of Arms of Sir Hugh Myddelton , were suspended over the Master ' s chair . All or grace had been sung , the toast of Her Majesty the . Queen , and the Craft , w .: j 'riven ,
iind the National Anthem followed . The toast , of the M . W . G . M . v .-as then given , "God Bless tho Princo of Wales" being sung . The Ticxt toast was that of tho Pro Grand Master , after which Brother II . De oolla sang "Sally in onr Alley . " In proposing tho toast o : the Deputy Grand Master , the W . M . said ho was proud to be supported by so many Grand Officers . The conduct of the members
'o-day must be considered as an earnest of their desire to do as they had commenced , and he hoped to havo Freemasonry carried out to their satisfaction . He would couple with tho toast the name of Bro . Eev . J . E . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of England . The Glee , " The Winds Whistled Cold , " was then sung , after which Eev . J . E . S ' mpson suitably replied . Bro . J . Hervcy then rose and
said , To-day we havo had the pleasure of inaugurating a now Lodge , and a new link has been added to our chain , which in long , and is trotting stronger . I am personally sure this link has done me no discredit , and is a good connecting one for the future . I now propose your Worshipful Master ; lam sure the brethren who . 'resented tho petition would not have done so unless thev had been satisfied that
ho was one who was qualified to fill the chair . ( Cheers . ) Having congratulated the master of the Lod ' .-e , and having expressed a hope for its future prosperity , Bro . Ilervey concluded by proposing tho health of the W . M . The toast was drunk with great enthusiasm , Bro . McDavitt , then sang " Widow Maehree . " Tho W . M ., in rop ' y , said he thanked tho Grand Secretary for his kind expressions
and his allusion to tho links ot tho chain ; he hoped no link would break on the part of tho W . M .. and added that in his Lodge tho Masonic Charities would not , be forgotten . lie then proposed tho toast of tho Consecrating Officer . Tho G . S . on rising , was received with loud cheers and said , ho could only thank them foi thoir reception . If what he had done in tho capacity of Consecrating
Otlicer had pleased them , ho was satisfied . Tho W . M . then in appropriate terms proposed the toast , of the Visitors . Bro . Hnbbard sang tho song of tho " Vagabond . " Bro . Howe , P . G . P . Middlesex , returned thanks for the toast . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast , of the Lodges who had supported the petition viz .- the Islington Lodgo ( he regretted tho absence of its W . M ., Bro . Bowyer ) , tho
Finsbury Park Lodge , and tho Royal Standard Lodge . Bro . Gallant W . M . 813 returned thanks for the toast . The W . M . then proposed tho toast of the Masonic Charities , and regretted tho absence of those indefatigable brethren the worthy Secretaries . Ho hoped tho Charities would never bo forgotten ; they had one able represetifntivo in the person of Bro . T . Cnbitt PG . P ., who was one of the trustees
for the Aged . Bro . Cnbitt returned thanks , aud alluded to the increase latel y made in tho Annuity Fund . Bro . Dr . Woodman P . G . S . D . sa'd ho regretted the absence of Bro . Little , but assured them his services and energies would always be at their command . Tho W . M ., in proposing the toast of the Wardens and Officers , said , the manner in which they had discharged their duties on this tho first
occasion was sufficient to show what they wonld do in tho future . Glee , '' Mynheer von Dunk . " Bro . Sim S . W . said he hoped to be a Steward for the Charities , and he was sure the Lodgo would not be backward in supporting him . He was pleased to bo placed in the position of Senior Warden , and hoped that perfect harmony would prevail during his occupation of that office . The W . M ., in proposing
the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , said , that , Bros . Weston and Osborn were two well calculated to look after tho interests of tho Lodge , and he was sure it . would \ y to their sati-faotion . Bro . Norris returned thanks for the junior officers . Tin ) . II . Mnssey P . M . filOanrl H . M . Lew P . M . 1 , ' SS returned thanks for the Press . Tho Tyler ' s toast was then givru . Altoir ther , one of the most enjoyable and harmonious evenings was parsed . Am mgst those present , were
Bros . J . Emmons P . G . P . J . Owl P . G . P . Granrl Steward . J . Wright P . G . P ., H . ( iah ' o jun . P . M . Hi : , ' , W . P . Given Wil , S . Gibbs 103 C , ' L . Lewis W . M . ( 15 , Benham 13 : !!) , Dawson K 22 . J . Green W . M . 27 , Dr . Perry 35 . Klen-k P . M . 1339 , 1 'urdy P . M . Slil , . 1 . Kew P . M . 179 , Davis W . M . 1228 , J . F . Wilson 129 S , J . Wicket's 291 ) , Durham 1339 , Braiuc J . W . 1471 , Davey P . M . ( 55 , Shea , I 7 19 , Fuuqimz P . M . 70 , Lee P . M . 1254 , H . Massey P . M . G 19 , and tl . M . Levy P . M . 1 SS .
Cornwall Chapter Of S.P. Rose-Croix Of H.R.D.M.
A meeting of this Chapter was held on Thursday , at two p . m . precisely , at tho Masonic Hall , Truro . The minutes of the previous Chapter , held on 3 rd February , having been read and confirmed , tho following candidates wore elected aud perfected , namely : —W . Bro . Thomas Henry
Lukes , W . M . No . 40 G St . Austell ; and W . Bro . Wm . Guy , P . M . No . 49 ( 3 and P . P . G . D . C , proposed by E . and P . Bro . Charles Trnscott , jnu ., 30 " . R order , and seconded bv the W . M . S ., R . and P . B :-o . C , ! . i . ' , ;; Uoitehcad Peard : " Bro .
rrank 1 arkyn , S . W . r , u . o-jii , LosUv'itiiiel , proposed by the Recorder nnd seconded bv 111 . Bro . LiugWan , 30 ° P . M . W . S . ; and Bro . Alfred Luke , I . G . No . 977 , Fowey , proposed b y 111 . Bro . Htighn . ii , and seconded b y E . and P . I ' . t 1 - 1 ' ' -. > ' t ) ¦ : -. : - ¦ "' I , ' '' , , Inn . Ij . irvA ' , I o . / , i ..... i , ., '; . je . ' , V ... ,.. ; , s „ ..:-. i , ;• S ' i
111 . Bro . 6 Jv F . M . Williams . Bar .., iu . P ., o ± \ J .. P .. \ L W . o . j in appreciation of his valuable services to the Chapter as its first M . W . S . The presentation was made b y Col . Peard , M . W . S ., and very feelingl y acknovvv-jtl ged by the recip ient . After the transaction of some formal business the Chanter was closed .
It is rumoured th . it the firm of Messrs I ' ultoe and Sons , the ivino merehi . v .. td , of 27 Allwmavle-stivct , Piucadiiiy , proprietors of tho wellknown " Specialite" sherry , will shortly be turned into a limited liability company , with a capital of £ 2 ~ adfiQQ . —BulUonisf .