Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATIONOFH.R.H.THEPRINCEOFWALES. ^ ffi ® HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , KG .. g Wlwr Most Worshipful Grand Blaster , & c , & c , havinp been graciously m | jj | ^ jgs X ^ ikili ^ Y ^ Ki :, pleased to accept tho special Dedication , A ™* ^^^ 8 ^^^ . A . SPLE ICTIDIID J \ k WmLKiSTOBIGALSTEELOgRAVINGifl v : ^^^^| &^? WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED , A ^ fcM ^^^^^ ^^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL 1875 , / ^§ 0 \ WMM ^^ B , IN THE EOYAL ALBERT HALL , xllfe ¦ --..-.,. ., ^ --, # ^\ W ' By B KO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ' "' ~^< ^ M ^ i & 0 ^ Application for Circulars and for all particnlara to bo mado to tho ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET LONDON , W .
THELONDONMASONICCLUB. THE CLUB PREMISES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARE NOW BEING FITTED UP , AND WILL SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION" is fixed at-. 63 lis for Town Members , i . e ., . Members lvsidmg within twenty miles ot the Club , and . £ 1 lis Bit for Country . Members , no liability is incurred by members beyond their subscription . THE NEXT ELECTION will take place on tho 17 th May . Upwards of 601 ) Brethren having already joined , un Entrance Fee will be imposed as soon as the Chit ) s open d . Full particulars may bo obtained from the Secretary , at the Offices of the LONDON MASONIC CLUB COMPANY LniiTiiu , 37 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . JOHN A . LATHBURY , Secretary ,
. A . nvLOisruiycEisrT A L WO : R : K :. NOW IN PREPARATION . HISTORY OF EVEHY LODOE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OF FR E AND ACCKl'TKD MASONS OF ENGLAND . Will be lidilrd by a dhliuguislied Grand Qt / icer . In a work cf this magnitude , the kind co-operation of a 1 B . cthren who are in possession ot tacts not generally known , will bo invaluable , and thankfully acknowledge I . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
ALEXANDRA PALACE . SEASON TICKETS , availaluV f ,, r one year from tho 1 st of each month , to Ije had of W . "W . MORGAN , 07 Barbican , E . C .
a^^^^^^^a BEBagMwwww ^ ^ \ 0 Tty C , 7 BAEJ 31 CAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
IN the House of Lords on Friday last , tho disturbed state of the island of Barbadoes formed tlie subject of inquiry by Lord Blnchfoid , to which tho Earl o Caniarvo :. pave a cLtailed answer . On 7 . [ orirl -. y , ii ' . o s-oor' ! rending' of the Inns of Court and General School of Laws
Bill was moved b y Lord Se borne and agreed to , after which , the House went into Committee on tho Irish Peerage Bill . On Tuesday , after ( lie University of Oxford Bill had passed through Committee , Lord Selborne put a question as to the recent Proclamation of the new style and
Titles of the Sovereign , which gave rise to a .-harp passage at arms between him and Lord Cairns , in which the latter strenuously defended the course pursued by the Government . On Thursday , the business only occupied a few minutes . On Friday , the sitting of the House of Commons was almost wholly occupied in discussing a motion made by Mr ,
Our Weekly Budget.
E . Smith , and calling for inquiry into the circumstances attending the late Bengal Famine . The motion in the end was negatived by 149 to 46 . The House then went into Committee , first of Supply , and then on the Merchant Shipping Bill , when further clauses to 23 inclusive , were passed . On
Monday , the Committee on this Bill was resumed , when still further progress was made . An Amendment by Mr . Ph ' msoll to prevent deck loading was only defeated by the small majority of 8 ; but another amendment by the same gentleman , but altered in accordance with a suggestion of
Mr . Russell Gurney , throwing the onus of proof on the owner that he was not privy to theoffenceof deckloadingwas rejected by 199 to 104 . On Tuesday , after a variety of subjects , including the Royal Titles Bill , the Gambia , and a flogging case had been discussed , Mr . C . E . Lewis , one of the
members for Londonderry , asked Mr . Lowe if the report of a recent , speecii made by him at a political banquet at East Retford were correct or not . Mr . Lowe ' s answer evaded the question , or rather he gave no direct answer at all . On this Mr . Di .-rieli rose , and speaking in terms far stronger fiiari tin' House of Commons is accustomed to hear
noiv-a-days , enumerated the Prime -Ministers to whom Mr . Lowe ' s statement conld apply , and pointed out that Mr . Gladstone had already denied that ho was one of the two Premiers to whom , on Mr . Lowe ' s authority , Her Majesty had applied to have a Royal Titles Bill introduced ; that the
late Lord Derby was not one of I hem ; and further announcing , on behalf of Her Majesty , and by her authority , that she had never made any snch proposition as Mr . Lowe affirmed she had made . All this , of course , caused an immense amount , of excitement in the House , the cheers and counter
cheersfromlhc Ministerial and Opposition benchesbeingboth loud and prolonged . Not long afterwards the House was counted out . At Wednesday afternoon ' s sitting , Air . Meldon moved tho second reading of the Registration of Voters ( Ireland ) Bill , bnt was defeated by " 234 , or as it
turned out , by 235 to 1 G 8 . On Thursday , after a long series of questions had been answered , Sir H . James gave notice of amotion on the recent Royal Proclamation . Mr . Disraeli interpreted this as an intended motion of censure , and at once p laced Thursday next at the disposal of the honourable and learned gentleman . Mr . Lowe then rose
and fully withdrew the statement he made some time back at East Retford , and as far as a subject could do so , apologised to Her Majesty f . > r the error he had committed . The House then went into Committee and made considerable proo-T-Pss with the Merchant Shi pp ing Bill .
O . i Tuesda y , t ' ie ( . Vo"n , ftr * c ' " ) mpri"ir > r ! ! 'v ' ¦ •P"mni . ; s Beatrice , paid a visit to Aldershot , fur the purpose of inspecting the troops in camp there , the Duke of Cambridge , as Commander-in-Chief , being likewise present . The morninrr was cold but , fine . II . . ^ 'M"sty reached the
Pavilion shortl y before one o ' clock , a ; . ' - : ig partaken of luncheon , to which the Duke of Caml .. '" 0 and a select circle of officers had been invited , drove to the enclosure in the ' Long Valley marked off for her accommodation .
thither in the meantime had marched the troops of all arms , and when the Qncon had cornc on the ground , the review heg-an . Bnt hardly had the Royal Cortege crossed the valley for the purpose of driving along the line , when a fierce sqtjall of wind swept across the open waste , Still
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATIONOFH.R.H.THEPRINCEOFWALES. ^ ffi ® HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , KG .. g Wlwr Most Worshipful Grand Blaster , & c , & c , havinp been graciously m | jj | ^ jgs X ^ ikili ^ Y ^ Ki :, pleased to accept tho special Dedication , A ™* ^^^ 8 ^^^ . A . SPLE ICTIDIID J \ k WmLKiSTOBIGALSTEELOgRAVINGifl v : ^^^^| &^? WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED , A ^ fcM ^^^^^ ^^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL 1875 , / ^§ 0 \ WMM ^^ B , IN THE EOYAL ALBERT HALL , xllfe ¦ --..-.,. ., ^ --, # ^\ W ' By B KO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ' "' ~^< ^ M ^ i & 0 ^ Application for Circulars and for all particnlara to bo mado to tho ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET LONDON , W .
THELONDONMASONICCLUB. THE CLUB PREMISES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARE NOW BEING FITTED UP , AND WILL SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION" is fixed at-. 63 lis for Town Members , i . e ., . Members lvsidmg within twenty miles ot the Club , and . £ 1 lis Bit for Country . Members , no liability is incurred by members beyond their subscription . THE NEXT ELECTION will take place on tho 17 th May . Upwards of 601 ) Brethren having already joined , un Entrance Fee will be imposed as soon as the Chit ) s open d . Full particulars may bo obtained from the Secretary , at the Offices of the LONDON MASONIC CLUB COMPANY LniiTiiu , 37 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . JOHN A . LATHBURY , Secretary ,
. A . nvLOisruiycEisrT A L WO : R : K :. NOW IN PREPARATION . HISTORY OF EVEHY LODOE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OF FR E AND ACCKl'TKD MASONS OF ENGLAND . Will be lidilrd by a dhliuguislied Grand Qt / icer . In a work cf this magnitude , the kind co-operation of a 1 B . cthren who are in possession ot tacts not generally known , will bo invaluable , and thankfully acknowledge I . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
ALEXANDRA PALACE . SEASON TICKETS , availaluV f ,, r one year from tho 1 st of each month , to Ije had of W . "W . MORGAN , 07 Barbican , E . C .
a^^^^^^^a BEBagMwwww ^ ^ \ 0 Tty C , 7 BAEJ 31 CAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
IN the House of Lords on Friday last , tho disturbed state of the island of Barbadoes formed tlie subject of inquiry by Lord Blnchfoid , to which tho Earl o Caniarvo :. pave a cLtailed answer . On 7 . [ orirl -. y , ii ' . o s-oor' ! rending' of the Inns of Court and General School of Laws
Bill was moved b y Lord Se borne and agreed to , after which , the House went into Committee on tho Irish Peerage Bill . On Tuesday , after ( lie University of Oxford Bill had passed through Committee , Lord Selborne put a question as to the recent Proclamation of the new style and
Titles of the Sovereign , which gave rise to a .-harp passage at arms between him and Lord Cairns , in which the latter strenuously defended the course pursued by the Government . On Thursday , the business only occupied a few minutes . On Friday , the sitting of the House of Commons was almost wholly occupied in discussing a motion made by Mr ,
Our Weekly Budget.
E . Smith , and calling for inquiry into the circumstances attending the late Bengal Famine . The motion in the end was negatived by 149 to 46 . The House then went into Committee , first of Supply , and then on the Merchant Shipping Bill , when further clauses to 23 inclusive , were passed . On
Monday , the Committee on this Bill was resumed , when still further progress was made . An Amendment by Mr . Ph ' msoll to prevent deck loading was only defeated by the small majority of 8 ; but another amendment by the same gentleman , but altered in accordance with a suggestion of
Mr . Russell Gurney , throwing the onus of proof on the owner that he was not privy to theoffenceof deckloadingwas rejected by 199 to 104 . On Tuesday , after a variety of subjects , including the Royal Titles Bill , the Gambia , and a flogging case had been discussed , Mr . C . E . Lewis , one of the
members for Londonderry , asked Mr . Lowe if the report of a recent , speecii made by him at a political banquet at East Retford were correct or not . Mr . Lowe ' s answer evaded the question , or rather he gave no direct answer at all . On this Mr . Di .-rieli rose , and speaking in terms far stronger fiiari tin' House of Commons is accustomed to hear
noiv-a-days , enumerated the Prime -Ministers to whom Mr . Lowe ' s statement conld apply , and pointed out that Mr . Gladstone had already denied that ho was one of the two Premiers to whom , on Mr . Lowe ' s authority , Her Majesty had applied to have a Royal Titles Bill introduced ; that the
late Lord Derby was not one of I hem ; and further announcing , on behalf of Her Majesty , and by her authority , that she had never made any snch proposition as Mr . Lowe affirmed she had made . All this , of course , caused an immense amount , of excitement in the House , the cheers and counter
cheersfromlhc Ministerial and Opposition benchesbeingboth loud and prolonged . Not long afterwards the House was counted out . At Wednesday afternoon ' s sitting , Air . Meldon moved tho second reading of the Registration of Voters ( Ireland ) Bill , bnt was defeated by " 234 , or as it
turned out , by 235 to 1 G 8 . On Thursday , after a long series of questions had been answered , Sir H . James gave notice of amotion on the recent Royal Proclamation . Mr . Disraeli interpreted this as an intended motion of censure , and at once p laced Thursday next at the disposal of the honourable and learned gentleman . Mr . Lowe then rose
and fully withdrew the statement he made some time back at East Retford , and as far as a subject could do so , apologised to Her Majesty f . > r the error he had committed . The House then went into Committee and made considerable proo-T-Pss with the Merchant Shi pp ing Bill .
O . i Tuesda y , t ' ie ( . Vo"n , ftr * c ' " ) mpri"ir > r ! ! 'v ' ¦ •P"mni . ; s Beatrice , paid a visit to Aldershot , fur the purpose of inspecting the troops in camp there , the Duke of Cambridge , as Commander-in-Chief , being likewise present . The morninrr was cold but , fine . II . . ^ 'M"sty reached the
Pavilion shortl y before one o ' clock , a ; . ' - : ig partaken of luncheon , to which the Duke of Caml .. '" 0 and a select circle of officers had been invited , drove to the enclosure in the ' Long Valley marked off for her accommodation .
thither in the meantime had marched the troops of all arms , and when the Qncon had cornc on the ground , the review heg-an . Bnt hardly had the Royal Cortege crossed the valley for the purpose of driving along the line , when a fierce sqtjall of wind swept across the open waste , Still