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Notices Of Meetings
present on 4 th March 1864 , when , working nnder dispensation previous to consecration , our lato Bro . Goldsbro * opened tho first Masonio Lodge in his native town ; for , although resident iu London , tho Doctor waa designated as first Master , and that during the two years ho had held the office ho presided at 23 meetings , and had initiated 44 candidates . Tho death of Bro . Goldsbro' came extremely
sudden to him ( Bro . Owen ) , aa it waa only on tho Sunday ho had received a letter from Dr . Goldsbro * in reply to ono of his , in which he had asked him to write and invito ( in his name ) tho D . P . G . M ., Bro . Bulkeley Hughes , to bo present at tho anniversary , on tho 29 th of March , and in 36 hours afterwards the silver thread was broken . When he recollected the time when ho was initiated by Bro .
Goldsbro ' , and his ( after the banquet ) asking him ( Bro . Owen ) to be sure to stick fast to 998 , a promise how glad ho waa now that he had kept , ho could hardly realise that no more within their walls wonld be heard that voice , so impressive in its manner , teaching ua all the beauties of his beloved Masonry ; the kind look no more to shed light and lustre amongst us , and the want of that kindly connoil
given as soon as asked , that had enabled him' ( Bro . Owen ) to help to steer 998 in difficulties and in dangers into a sea of rest . But not only would the loss bo felt in 998 , it would extend all over the Province , for when this Lodge was consecrated there had not been a new ono opened for six years , and during the last thirteen years Bro . Goldsbro * had ( at the request of tho Pro G . M . ) consecrated fourteen
new Lodges . The Marlborough Lodge , Woodstock , tho Prince of Wales Chapter , Tredegar , and their own Chapter received the same great service at his hands . He was also the first P . Z . of 998 , and arrangements wore mado for him to consecrate the Towyn and Rhyl Lodges in the summer . In addition , our late brother was a P . M . of Jordan 201 , and a P . Z . of Jerusalem 185 , and had served the office
of Steward to the three Charities , and was also a Past Prov . G . Senior Warden of North Wales and Shropshire . Before concluding , Bro . Owen expressed a sure hope that many a long year would elapse before the name of Goldsbro' would cease to bo a revered and " household word" in 998 , and it was with a sad heart that he had to move that a vote of condolence be passed to the widow and family
of the one to whom ho owed his entrance into—and tho whole of his knowledge of—Freemasonry . This proposition was seconded by Bro . Withy P . M ., who spoko in tho most feeling terms of the loss sustained , not only in the Lodge , but also as a precious and sincere friend . He would wish to add , further , to mark their sense and feel , ing , that the Lodge clothe itself in mourning until after the June
meeting . The above propositions were carried in solemn silence . In addition to the above , Bro . Collender P . M . 998 and W . M . of the Llanidloes Lodge , which was consecrated by Bro . Goldsbro' , intimated his intention to insert on their next Lodge summons a request that the brethren of 1582 would appear in mourning , ancl Bro . F . Britton P . M . 850 and 998 and W . M . of the Codewnin Lodge , which also was
consecrated by Bro . Goldsbro , expressed his intention to act in the same manner . Bro . Owen then informed the brethren that the time had now arrived when it was necessary to elect a W . M . for the ensuing twelvemonth . Tho lot fell unanimously on the S . W ., Bro . Grahame Brown , who returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Withy P . M . returned thanks for being re - elected
Treasurer . The worthy old Tyler , Bro . Sergeant Barnard , was also re-elected . Bro . D . P . Owen then proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring Master , Bro . Thos . R . Morris , for tho many services that he had done for the Lodge , not only during his year of office but also during the two years that ho had held tho office of Secretary . This was seconded by the S . W . The Lodge was then closed and adjourned until the anniversary , 29 th March .
8 Southam Lodge , No . 1054 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on 5 th February , at tho Railway Hotel , Wilmslow , Cheshire . Present—Bros . Richard Nichols W . M ., James Crooko S . W ., John Jamieson J . W ., Henry William Smith Secretary , Robert Kenyon Treasurer , John Drummond I . G ., Joseph Yarwood Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . J . Fred . Keeley , P . M . Watson and Schofield . Visitor—Bro . C . Morehouse P . M . Lodge No . 274 . After preliminaries , Mr . William Mitchell was initiated .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , No . 1178 . —This Lodge mot on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Bro . W . T . Lover W . M . in an able manner passed Bros . Bailey , Gibbs , Judge , Gehringer , and Parratt , aud initiated Messrs . H . Tarryer , T . Turk , and J . Long . Ten guineas was given to a distressed brother , once a member of tho Lodgo , and five guineas to
a deceased member s widow . Tho Lodgo closed , aud the brethren adjourned to a banquet . Present : Bros . W . Batchelor S . W ., F . Garbett J . W ., F . H . Elisworth P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . G . J . D . Middlesex P . M . Secretary , J . Stock S . D ., J . Porter J . D ., T . Simpson I . G ., J . A . Smith P . M ., G . J . Grace , P . M ., & c . Tho Visitors were Bros . E . John P . M . 879 , W . Richardson 72 , R . Reyndle 169 , G . Dyke 141 , Wren P . M . 1056 , Nicolson P . M . 101 , H . Hyman 141 , H . Haywood 106 , A . Thomson J . W . 1446 , W . Thompson 72 , W . D . Loewenstark S . W . 1360 , & o .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —The ordinary meeting of this Chapter was held on Tuesday tho 6 th inst ., at tho Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michael's-alley , Cornhill , E . C . Present—Comps . E . Gottheil Z ., John Cox H ., J . Constable J ., T . W . White S . E ., M . Loewenstark S . N ., J . Highe P . S ., E . Legg , lt . P . Tebb , G . J . Row , C Nash , H . McPherson , J . B . Sorrell , G . L . Walker , G .
Lemann , G . B . Finney , W . M . Goss , P . A . Nairne , A . Barfield , P . Wagner , S . W . P . Moore , Catterson , & c The ceremony of exaltation waa rehearsed , Comp . Walker acting as candidate . One clause of the Lecture waa worked by Comp . Gottheil , assisted by the Companions . The convocation was then adjourned . Comps . Goss , Tebb , Loewenstark and Walker were elected members . Comp . E . Gottheil P . Z . will again occupy the first Principal ' s chair at next meeting .
Notices Of Meetings
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —The weekly meeting of this Lodgo was held on Friday , 2 nd February , at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate . Present—Bros . Oldroyd W . M ., Lane S . W ., Andrews J . W ., A . W . Fenner S . D ., Cleverley J . D ., Townsend I . G . Bros . Simpson , Bolton , Lnpinsky , & o . Tho Lodge was opened in duo form with solemn prayer . Tho minutes wero
then read and confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Cleverley acting as candidate . The 1 st and 2 nd Sections of tho Lecture wore worked by Bro . Fenner , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Lane was unanimously chosen W . M . for tho ensuing week . A vote of thanks was cordially voted to the W . M . for tho excellent manner in which ho had performed tho duties of the chair . All business being ended , Lodge was closed in due form .
Golden Eule Lodge , No . 1261 . —Met on Tuesday tho 6 th instant , at the Regent Masonio hall . Bro . Gorton Adkins was passed . Tho ceremony of installing onr popular Bro . J . Perry Godfrey into the chair , waa then most impressively performed by Bro . Allworth , the retiring W . M ., after which tho new Master signalled tho day of his installation by initiating Messrs . J . E . Beckett and James G .
Wilkin , with equal efficiency ancl solemnity . Bros . W . H . Mnggeridge W . M . 1328 , and J . A . Burgan 1622 , wero elected joining members . After a well served banquet , the usual loyal and Masonio toasts were duly honoured ; after which the W . M . proposed the health of tho initiates , whom ho had known for many years . Bro . Wilkin , always a good fellow , could nob but become a better henceforward . Bro .
Beckett was his old brother officer in the Irish Rifles ; he had been best man at that brother ' s wedding , and felt that in initiating him that evening he had again done the proper thing . Bros . Beckett and Wilkin expressed their thanks . The latter stated that somo years back , his friend tho W . M . on learning his desire to become a Mason , had begged him to wait until ho should give the word . He had
waited until Bro . Godfrey was in the chair to initiate him ; had ifc been ten or fifteen years he would have done the same ; and he fully intended to reflect credit upon the friend who had initiated him at last . W . Bro . Allworth proposed the health of tho W . M ., whose Masonic career he had watched with interest from the day , whilst yet a raw recruit , that he declared his intention not to slacken his
endeavours until ho had attained tho chair . He had attained it , and the faultless working thoy had seen that day , had amply justified the ambition . W . Bro . Perry Godfrey returned thanks , and said that when he first found himself in office , ho had felt it a duty to his father in Masonry thoroughly to qualify himself for the career before him . To that end , although the duties of the world weighed
heavily npon him , he determined not to accept the chair until he had proved himself thoroughly qualified in a Lodgo of Instruction to fulfil its duties . This he had done . As in his past career , so in the future , that which he professed to undertake he expected to carry out . Some good speeches wero made by Bros . Bigg , Rose , Dr . Cross and others . The proceedings were diversified by loyal and humorous
songs , exquisitely rendered by Bro . Vernon , and an effective duet by Bros . Bigg and Williams . Quite a number of visitors were pro . sent ; amongst whom we noticed Bros . E . J . Harty W . M . of 1201 , J . Norton W . M ., 969 , Rose P . M . and Preceptor of 73 , ancl W . M . of 1622 : Mander W . M . of 1201 , Canton W . M . of 1475 , Hall , Vyse , A . S . Godfrey , Barker , Spencer , Garner , Captain Howitt , and Dr . Payne .
Beaminster Lodge , No . 1367 . —Held its regular meeting on Thursday , tho 1 st of February , at tho Lodge Room , White Hart Hotel , Beaminster , Dorset . Present—Bros . Edward Gapper Legg W . M ., John Hine P . M . acting S . W ., Edward Holland J . W ., Samuel Cox Sec , James Andrews P . M . Treas ., Edward Toleman S . D ., J . S . Webb P . M . D . C , Toby P . M . Steward , William Murrant
I . G ., F . Long Tyler , P . M . 's Bros . Parkis and James Broad . The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . A letter was read from Bro . Montagu © Guest , as to the claim of Bro . Lovelace , Provincial Grand Tyler , and a sum was voted to purchase a life governorship ( for this Lodge ) for tho Royal Masonic Institution for Aged Freemasons . Bro . Lovelace's
claims wero heartily responded to by tho brothers subscribing to pur . chase votes on his behalf . Bro . James Broad was passed to the second degree , and Mr . John Williams , of Beanmister , having beeu ballotted for , and unanimously elected , was properly prepared and initiated in ancient form in the mysteries and privileges of the first degree . On the proposition of Bro . Hine , it was carried unanimously that tho
Secretary bo instructed to write a letter of condolence to the family of our late lamented Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master Joseph Gundry , sympathising in their bereavement , and expressing the high esteem in which Bro . Gundry waa held in this Lodge and the Province generally . Tho Lodge was closed in peace , order , and harmony , at 9 . 15 , after which the brethren retired to refreshment .
New Cross Lodge , No . 1559 . —On Saturday last , ab Now Cross Hall , the regular meeting was held . Bro . F . Walters P . P . J . D . Middlesex P . M ., Treasurer , opened tho Lodge . He raised Bro . A . Macgilvary . He initiated Messrs . Swain , Knibbs , Willson and Thorn , ton , tho W . M . Bro . W . B . Woodman completing the ceremony . Ho installed Bro . H . Keeblo W . M ., who appointed as his officers Bros . E .
H . Thiellay P . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M . 145 , W . M . elect 1423 , S . W ., W . A . Simmons J . W ., F . Walters P . G . J . D . Middlesex , P . M . Treasurer , Grammant Secretary , L . Beck S . D ., H . J . Green P . M . 1538 , W . M . 1275 , J . W ., S . Jewell I . G ., E . Smith D . C , W . B . Woodman I . P . M ., W . S . Church Tyler . E . M . Hubbuck gave tho working tools
explanation in tho three degrees , and address to tho W . M . ; W . Smeed tho address to the Wardens , and F . Walters tho address to tho brethren . The W . M ., Bro . H . Keeble , on behalf of tho members , presented Bro . W . B . Woodman with a massive ten guinea P . M . ' s jewel , which had been unanimously voted to him from the Lodge funds . It bears a suitable inscription , which was duly acknowledged by Bro , W . B ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
present on 4 th March 1864 , when , working nnder dispensation previous to consecration , our lato Bro . Goldsbro * opened tho first Masonio Lodge in his native town ; for , although resident iu London , tho Doctor waa designated as first Master , and that during the two years ho had held the office ho presided at 23 meetings , and had initiated 44 candidates . Tho death of Bro . Goldsbro' came extremely
sudden to him ( Bro . Owen ) , aa it waa only on tho Sunday ho had received a letter from Dr . Goldsbro * in reply to ono of his , in which he had asked him to write and invito ( in his name ) tho D . P . G . M ., Bro . Bulkeley Hughes , to bo present at tho anniversary , on tho 29 th of March , and in 36 hours afterwards the silver thread was broken . When he recollected the time when ho was initiated by Bro .
Goldsbro ' , and his ( after the banquet ) asking him ( Bro . Owen ) to be sure to stick fast to 998 , a promise how glad ho waa now that he had kept , ho could hardly realise that no more within their walls wonld be heard that voice , so impressive in its manner , teaching ua all the beauties of his beloved Masonry ; the kind look no more to shed light and lustre amongst us , and the want of that kindly connoil
given as soon as asked , that had enabled him' ( Bro . Owen ) to help to steer 998 in difficulties and in dangers into a sea of rest . But not only would the loss bo felt in 998 , it would extend all over the Province , for when this Lodge was consecrated there had not been a new ono opened for six years , and during the last thirteen years Bro . Goldsbro * had ( at the request of tho Pro G . M . ) consecrated fourteen
new Lodges . The Marlborough Lodge , Woodstock , tho Prince of Wales Chapter , Tredegar , and their own Chapter received the same great service at his hands . He was also the first P . Z . of 998 , and arrangements wore mado for him to consecrate the Towyn and Rhyl Lodges in the summer . In addition , our late brother was a P . M . of Jordan 201 , and a P . Z . of Jerusalem 185 , and had served the office
of Steward to the three Charities , and was also a Past Prov . G . Senior Warden of North Wales and Shropshire . Before concluding , Bro . Owen expressed a sure hope that many a long year would elapse before the name of Goldsbro' would cease to bo a revered and " household word" in 998 , and it was with a sad heart that he had to move that a vote of condolence be passed to the widow and family
of the one to whom ho owed his entrance into—and tho whole of his knowledge of—Freemasonry . This proposition was seconded by Bro . Withy P . M ., who spoko in tho most feeling terms of the loss sustained , not only in the Lodge , but also as a precious and sincere friend . He would wish to add , further , to mark their sense and feel , ing , that the Lodge clothe itself in mourning until after the June
meeting . The above propositions were carried in solemn silence . In addition to the above , Bro . Collender P . M . 998 and W . M . of the Llanidloes Lodge , which was consecrated by Bro . Goldsbro' , intimated his intention to insert on their next Lodge summons a request that the brethren of 1582 would appear in mourning , ancl Bro . F . Britton P . M . 850 and 998 and W . M . of the Codewnin Lodge , which also was
consecrated by Bro . Goldsbro , expressed his intention to act in the same manner . Bro . Owen then informed the brethren that the time had now arrived when it was necessary to elect a W . M . for the ensuing twelvemonth . Tho lot fell unanimously on the S . W ., Bro . Grahame Brown , who returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Withy P . M . returned thanks for being re - elected
Treasurer . The worthy old Tyler , Bro . Sergeant Barnard , was also re-elected . Bro . D . P . Owen then proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring Master , Bro . Thos . R . Morris , for tho many services that he had done for the Lodge , not only during his year of office but also during the two years that ho had held tho office of Secretary . This was seconded by the S . W . The Lodge was then closed and adjourned until the anniversary , 29 th March .
8 Southam Lodge , No . 1054 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on 5 th February , at tho Railway Hotel , Wilmslow , Cheshire . Present—Bros . Richard Nichols W . M ., James Crooko S . W ., John Jamieson J . W ., Henry William Smith Secretary , Robert Kenyon Treasurer , John Drummond I . G ., Joseph Yarwood Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . J . Fred . Keeley , P . M . Watson and Schofield . Visitor—Bro . C . Morehouse P . M . Lodge No . 274 . After preliminaries , Mr . William Mitchell was initiated .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , No . 1178 . —This Lodge mot on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Bro . W . T . Lover W . M . in an able manner passed Bros . Bailey , Gibbs , Judge , Gehringer , and Parratt , aud initiated Messrs . H . Tarryer , T . Turk , and J . Long . Ten guineas was given to a distressed brother , once a member of tho Lodgo , and five guineas to
a deceased member s widow . Tho Lodgo closed , aud the brethren adjourned to a banquet . Present : Bros . W . Batchelor S . W ., F . Garbett J . W ., F . H . Elisworth P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . G . J . D . Middlesex P . M . Secretary , J . Stock S . D ., J . Porter J . D ., T . Simpson I . G ., J . A . Smith P . M ., G . J . Grace , P . M ., & c . Tho Visitors were Bros . E . John P . M . 879 , W . Richardson 72 , R . Reyndle 169 , G . Dyke 141 , Wren P . M . 1056 , Nicolson P . M . 101 , H . Hyman 141 , H . Haywood 106 , A . Thomson J . W . 1446 , W . Thompson 72 , W . D . Loewenstark S . W . 1360 , & o .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —The ordinary meeting of this Chapter was held on Tuesday tho 6 th inst ., at tho Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michael's-alley , Cornhill , E . C . Present—Comps . E . Gottheil Z ., John Cox H ., J . Constable J ., T . W . White S . E ., M . Loewenstark S . N ., J . Highe P . S ., E . Legg , lt . P . Tebb , G . J . Row , C Nash , H . McPherson , J . B . Sorrell , G . L . Walker , G .
Lemann , G . B . Finney , W . M . Goss , P . A . Nairne , A . Barfield , P . Wagner , S . W . P . Moore , Catterson , & c The ceremony of exaltation waa rehearsed , Comp . Walker acting as candidate . One clause of the Lecture waa worked by Comp . Gottheil , assisted by the Companions . The convocation was then adjourned . Comps . Goss , Tebb , Loewenstark and Walker were elected members . Comp . E . Gottheil P . Z . will again occupy the first Principal ' s chair at next meeting .
Notices Of Meetings
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —The weekly meeting of this Lodgo was held on Friday , 2 nd February , at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate . Present—Bros . Oldroyd W . M ., Lane S . W ., Andrews J . W ., A . W . Fenner S . D ., Cleverley J . D ., Townsend I . G . Bros . Simpson , Bolton , Lnpinsky , & o . Tho Lodge was opened in duo form with solemn prayer . Tho minutes wero
then read and confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Cleverley acting as candidate . The 1 st and 2 nd Sections of tho Lecture wore worked by Bro . Fenner , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Lane was unanimously chosen W . M . for tho ensuing week . A vote of thanks was cordially voted to the W . M . for tho excellent manner in which ho had performed tho duties of the chair . All business being ended , Lodge was closed in due form .
Golden Eule Lodge , No . 1261 . —Met on Tuesday tho 6 th instant , at the Regent Masonio hall . Bro . Gorton Adkins was passed . Tho ceremony of installing onr popular Bro . J . Perry Godfrey into the chair , waa then most impressively performed by Bro . Allworth , the retiring W . M ., after which tho new Master signalled tho day of his installation by initiating Messrs . J . E . Beckett and James G .
Wilkin , with equal efficiency ancl solemnity . Bros . W . H . Mnggeridge W . M . 1328 , and J . A . Burgan 1622 , wero elected joining members . After a well served banquet , the usual loyal and Masonio toasts were duly honoured ; after which the W . M . proposed the health of tho initiates , whom ho had known for many years . Bro . Wilkin , always a good fellow , could nob but become a better henceforward . Bro .
Beckett was his old brother officer in the Irish Rifles ; he had been best man at that brother ' s wedding , and felt that in initiating him that evening he had again done the proper thing . Bros . Beckett and Wilkin expressed their thanks . The latter stated that somo years back , his friend tho W . M . on learning his desire to become a Mason , had begged him to wait until ho should give the word . He had
waited until Bro . Godfrey was in the chair to initiate him ; had ifc been ten or fifteen years he would have done the same ; and he fully intended to reflect credit upon the friend who had initiated him at last . W . Bro . Allworth proposed the health of tho W . M ., whose Masonic career he had watched with interest from the day , whilst yet a raw recruit , that he declared his intention not to slacken his
endeavours until ho had attained tho chair . He had attained it , and the faultless working thoy had seen that day , had amply justified the ambition . W . Bro . Perry Godfrey returned thanks , and said that when he first found himself in office , ho had felt it a duty to his father in Masonry thoroughly to qualify himself for the career before him . To that end , although the duties of the world weighed
heavily npon him , he determined not to accept the chair until he had proved himself thoroughly qualified in a Lodgo of Instruction to fulfil its duties . This he had done . As in his past career , so in the future , that which he professed to undertake he expected to carry out . Some good speeches wero made by Bros . Bigg , Rose , Dr . Cross and others . The proceedings were diversified by loyal and humorous
songs , exquisitely rendered by Bro . Vernon , and an effective duet by Bros . Bigg and Williams . Quite a number of visitors were pro . sent ; amongst whom we noticed Bros . E . J . Harty W . M . of 1201 , J . Norton W . M ., 969 , Rose P . M . and Preceptor of 73 , ancl W . M . of 1622 : Mander W . M . of 1201 , Canton W . M . of 1475 , Hall , Vyse , A . S . Godfrey , Barker , Spencer , Garner , Captain Howitt , and Dr . Payne .
Beaminster Lodge , No . 1367 . —Held its regular meeting on Thursday , tho 1 st of February , at tho Lodge Room , White Hart Hotel , Beaminster , Dorset . Present—Bros . Edward Gapper Legg W . M ., John Hine P . M . acting S . W ., Edward Holland J . W ., Samuel Cox Sec , James Andrews P . M . Treas ., Edward Toleman S . D ., J . S . Webb P . M . D . C , Toby P . M . Steward , William Murrant
I . G ., F . Long Tyler , P . M . 's Bros . Parkis and James Broad . The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . A letter was read from Bro . Montagu © Guest , as to the claim of Bro . Lovelace , Provincial Grand Tyler , and a sum was voted to purchase a life governorship ( for this Lodge ) for tho Royal Masonic Institution for Aged Freemasons . Bro . Lovelace's
claims wero heartily responded to by tho brothers subscribing to pur . chase votes on his behalf . Bro . James Broad was passed to the second degree , and Mr . John Williams , of Beanmister , having beeu ballotted for , and unanimously elected , was properly prepared and initiated in ancient form in the mysteries and privileges of the first degree . On the proposition of Bro . Hine , it was carried unanimously that tho
Secretary bo instructed to write a letter of condolence to the family of our late lamented Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master Joseph Gundry , sympathising in their bereavement , and expressing the high esteem in which Bro . Gundry waa held in this Lodge and the Province generally . Tho Lodge was closed in peace , order , and harmony , at 9 . 15 , after which the brethren retired to refreshment .
New Cross Lodge , No . 1559 . —On Saturday last , ab Now Cross Hall , the regular meeting was held . Bro . F . Walters P . P . J . D . Middlesex P . M ., Treasurer , opened tho Lodge . He raised Bro . A . Macgilvary . He initiated Messrs . Swain , Knibbs , Willson and Thorn , ton , tho W . M . Bro . W . B . Woodman completing the ceremony . Ho installed Bro . H . Keeblo W . M ., who appointed as his officers Bros . E .
H . Thiellay P . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M . 145 , W . M . elect 1423 , S . W ., W . A . Simmons J . W ., F . Walters P . G . J . D . Middlesex , P . M . Treasurer , Grammant Secretary , L . Beck S . D ., H . J . Green P . M . 1538 , W . M . 1275 , J . W ., S . Jewell I . G ., E . Smith D . C , W . B . Woodman I . P . M ., W . S . Church Tyler . E . M . Hubbuck gave tho working tools
explanation in tho three degrees , and address to tho W . M . ; W . Smeed tho address to the Wardens , and F . Walters tho address to tho brethren . The W . M ., Bro . H . Keeble , on behalf of tho members , presented Bro . W . B . Woodman with a massive ten guinea P . M . ' s jewel , which had been unanimously voted to him from the Lodge funds . It bears a suitable inscription , which was duly acknowledged by Bro , W . B ,