Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATUBDAY , 24 th JULY . Audit Committee , Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall . SUNDAY , 25 th JULY . 6-1—Hope , Spread Eagle Inn , Hochdale . ( Instruction . ) MONDAY , 26 th JULY .
do—Strong Man , Crown Tavern , Clerkenwell Green , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 999—Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper Street , Manchester . M . M . 113-Birchall , Bull Hotel , Preston .
TUESDAY , 27 th JULY . Audit Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 1 . 299—Emulation , Bull Hotel , Dartford , Kent . 573—Perseverance , Shenstone House , Hales Owen , AVorccster . 788—Crescent , Island Hotel , Twickenham . 1393—Hamer , 92 Everton Road , Liverpool . K , A . 288—Union , Queen ' s Arms , Ashton-under-Lyne .
WEDNESDAY , 28 th JULY . 193—Confidence , AVhite Hart , Abchurch Lane , E . C , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) . Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertford , Town Hall , St . Albans . 163—Integrity , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 301—Philanthropic , Ma : onic Hall , Leeds . 503—Belvidere , Star Hotel , High Street , Maidstone . ( Instruction . ) 996—Londes , Assembly Rooms , East Dereham .
1083—Townley Parker , Stag Inn , Bradford , near Manchester . 1219—Sti ngeways , Dog and Partridge Hotel , Fennet-street , Manchester . 1222—St . Kew , Masonic Hall , High Street , AVeston-Super-Mare . 1392—Egerton , Stanley Arms Hotel , Bury , Lancashire . R . A . 236-Zetland , Masonio Hall , York . M . M . 21—Roberts , Masonic Rooms , Rochdale .
THURSDAY , 29 th JULY . General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at i . 1278—Burdctt Coutts , Freemasons' Hall , AV . C . 39—St . John tho Baptist , Masonic Hall , Exeter . 286—Samaritan , Green Man Hotel , Bacup . 901—Phoenix , Ship Hotel , Westgate , Rotherham .
966—St . Edward , Literary Institute , Leek , Staffordshire 1126—Oak AVood , Stockdove Inn , Romiley , Cheshire . 1115—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington . R . A . 266—Naphtali , Masonic Rooms , Heywood . M . M . 32—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . K . T . —Alpuss , Masonic Hall , Hope Street , Liverpool
FRIDAY , 30 th JULY . 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , A ictovia Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 209 Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . ) IRELAND . ! F , H KSI ) AY—12 l-Se « patnck , Masonic Hall , Bnnbridgc , co . Down , TULSDAY—193-St . Patrick ' s , Masonic Rooms , Belfast . EDINBURGH DISTRICT .
MONDAY-310-St . Clair , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY—151—Defensive Band . Alexander Hall , Cocklmrn-strcct . ¦ . ,-r . ^^ ,,. , ^ . ?/ - -W—Naval and Military , Freemasons' Hall . ™ VY- £ ^ & DAY T ,, ' - ~ St ' , Toun ' Fishcrrow , Royal Hotel , Musselburgh . FKIDAY-223-Tralalgar , 5-1 Bonmrd-strcct , Lcith .
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge Of Relief , No . 42 , Bury—Tho monthly meeting of this old Lodge Avas held at the Albion Hotel , on Thursday evening , the 15 th inst . Present-Bros . E . Eccles W . M ., Alfred Buckley S . W ., J . Skcrrett J . W ., T . Barker J . D ., E . Simpkin Secretary , S . Mosley I . G ., Thorman Tyler ; Past Masters Harry Grundy and J . W . Kcnyon . Visitors—Bros . G . A . O'Noil W . M . 101 and J . Grime
P . M . 128 . Business—Bros . John Redfern and William Hewitson Avero raised to the sublime degrco by Bros . O'Neil and Grime . Tho Secretary intimated , in respect of tho proposed memorial stone for the grave of Bro . J . S . Redfern P . Prov . G . P . E . L ., that the various Worshipful Masters in the town had signified their desire to take an active part in promoting the fund ; that it had been agreed to send circulars on the matter to theEast Lancashire Lodges
and that Bro . L . Booth , architect , be requested to submit a design . The W . M . stated that the subscription fund was progressing satisfactorily . It was resolved to make representations to the Provincial Lodge of the cases of tho widow and children of Bro . B ( P . M . ) , and the widow of Bro . H , to whom Lodge 42 has already given of its substance . A substantial repast followed the closing down of the Lodge .
Carnarvon Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 62 . — This liodge held its quarterly meeting on Tuesday , 20 th July , at tho Town Hall , Havant . Present—Bros . Price W . M ., J . IN * . Hill man S . W ., J . Harrison J . W ., H . R . Trigg Secretary ; and Purnell , Clarke and Lemon . Business—Bro . Liddell was advanced to the degree of Mark Master . P . M . Hillman ' s motion , " That this Lodge exceedingly regrets thaUhe Grand Lodge of Mark Masters should be party to a treaty for
Notices Of Meetings.
expelling its own members who may belong to Masonic degrees not approved of by the other parties to that treaty , " was discussed at some length , but , owing to the lateness of the hour , the further consideration of the same Avas adjourned until the next meeting .
Domatie Lodge , No . 170 . —The members of this old established Lodge held their Summer Banquet on Friday , 16 th instant , at Bro . Middlecott ' s , the Greyhound Inn , Dulwich , where , despite the weather , the brethren and their friends mustered in strong force . Bro . Geo . Everett W . M . presided , and was ably supported by the following Stewards : Bros . P . Kent C . C . I . P . M ., A . Treadwell S . W .,
J . Willing jnn . J . W ., J . Smith P . M . Treasurer , T . Williams Secretary , W . Palmer S . D ., I . Bnscall J . D ., G . Clarke I . G ., E . White W . S ., H . N . B . Spink D . C ., J . McLean , E . W . Kent , A . Scard , D . Plenderleith , J . Jones , C . Sergeant , J . Willis . The banquet was very well served , and on the cloth being removed the W . M . said : It was not his desire nor his intention to inflict on the company , who ho was pleased to see
had assembled so numerously , any long speeches . He should , therefore , at once proceed to the first toast , which was that of the health of " The Queen . " The brethren would all agree with him that her conduct throughout life had been everything they could wish , and that she had done all in her power to endear herself to her subjects . The W . M . then proposed the health of " The : Prince and Princess of
Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . The Princess of Wales was universally respected and beloved by the English people , and as for the Prince he had a double claim on those gathered around this board . All who Avere present at the Albert Hall , on the 28 th of April last , conld testify to the manner in which His Royal Highness had performed his duties , in fact , he had , by his conduct on that
occasion , created an impression that would not be forgotten , and all would agree with him when he stated the Prince was a large-hearted and generous man . The W . M . then briefly referred to His Royal Highness's proposed visit to India , and hoped that it Avonld be a successful one . He had no hesitation in saying that the Prince was a good Mason , and he was sure that , when the time arrived , he Avould
make a good King . " Bro . F . Kent , C . C , I . P . M . rose to propose the next toast , " The Worshipful Master , " Avhich was most enthusiastically received , and duly responded to , tho W . M . saying that the unfavorable state of tho weather had been a matter of seriona concern to him , as he had feared it would sadly reduce the number of those who he hoped to see assemble round him , but the fact that his brethren and
their lady friends , to the number of 85 , had braved the storm and were gathered together was exceedingly gratifying , and he might safely say their meeting was a great success . The several toasts of "The Past Masters , " "Tho Visitors , " "The Officers , " "The Stewards , " and " The Ladies , " wero then given , the example set by tho W . M ., as to brevity , being adhered to by those brethren who
rose to reply . After this , the rain having somewhat abated , an adjournment took place to the beantifnl grounds attached to the Hotel , where the brethren enjoyed the luxury of cigars , meanwhile the energetic Stewards Avere making arrangements for the ball , which it had been arranged should follow the banquet . This part of the day ' s procodings was carried out iu a most spirited manner , and it Avas a late hour before the company separated , all expressing tho utmost
gratification at the way everything had been conducted , and reiterating their thanks to P . M . Bro . Fonlger , who exerted himself most energetically as Master of the Ceremonies . Amongst those present , in addition to those named above , Avere P . M . ' s Tims , Stuart ( 141 ) , Gardner W . M . ( 13 S 1 ) , Bros . Ambrose , Bennett , Beagle , Baker , Crane , Field , Harris , Higgins , Douglas , Scard , Stranger , Kruse , Walker , Norris , Bird , Ralphs , Richards , Ford , Shenstone , McPhorson , Morgan , & c .
St . John's Lodge , No . 191 . —This Lodge held its meeting on Wednesday , the 14 th Jul }' , at the Knowsley Hotel , Bury . Present—Bros . G . A . O'Neil W . M ., Samuel Hamer S . W ., William Balmer J . W ., Samuel Bailey Secretary , T . W . Probert S . D ., W . E . Thorhley J . D ., Alfred Hopkinson I . G ., Hartley Bates Tyler . Past Masters—Bros .
W . O . Walker , Fred . Anderton , J . Smethnrst , J . R . Fletcher . Visitors—Bros . Lawrence Booth P . Prov . G . S . B . E . L ., Jas . Barrett 1012 , Alfred Wroe 42 , Harry Woodcock 1012 . Business—Initiation of Mr . James Crossley ; Crafting of Bro . J . C . Yule , Raising of Bro . William Barritt by Bro . Smethursfc , the tracing board being explained by Bro . Walker . A very pleasant hob-nob followed .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . — This Lodge held its Aveekly meeting on the 21 st July , at tho White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-laue , E . C . Present — Bros . Tnrqnand W . M ., Blinkhorn S . W ., Abell J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , J . Constable Treasurer , F . Croaker S . D ., Blackball J . D ., Craske I . G ., Christopher Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Gottheil Preceptor and Bloomfield , also Bros . Posener , Woodward , Campbell , Brodie , Botibol , Walker , Horsley ,
Gonnn , Swan , Saint , & c . Business—The usual formalities having been gone through , the W . M . proceeded to raise Bro . Walker , and accomplished the duty in a manner as gratifying to the members as it mnst have been to himself ; the sections in connection with the degree were Avorked by Bro , Gottheil , assisted by the brethren . The Lodgo , having been resumed , and all business transacted , it was closed and adjourned until the following week .
Tyra % vley Lodge , No . 217 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 11 th of July , at Dillon Terrace , Ballina . Presont—Bros . John Gilbert W . M ., H . Lyons S . W ., James Beatty J . W ., J . It . Dudgeon Secretary , P . Atkinson Treasurer , H . DeverS . D ., Harvey J . D ., J . E . Edmonds I . G ., R . Massey Tyler . Past
Masters Bros . Lyons and Beatty . Visitors—Bros . Harvey 15 S 7 Ballinasloe , Wilson 218 Dublin , and BoAvles 248 Roscommon . Business—Ballot for affiliation of Bro . Bole was successful . Bro . Scott ' s notice of motion Avas postponed for one month . Bro . C , Petrie wag raised to the Fellow Craft degree .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATUBDAY , 24 th JULY . Audit Committee , Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall . SUNDAY , 25 th JULY . 6-1—Hope , Spread Eagle Inn , Hochdale . ( Instruction . ) MONDAY , 26 th JULY .
do—Strong Man , Crown Tavern , Clerkenwell Green , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 999—Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper Street , Manchester . M . M . 113-Birchall , Bull Hotel , Preston .
TUESDAY , 27 th JULY . Audit Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 1 . 299—Emulation , Bull Hotel , Dartford , Kent . 573—Perseverance , Shenstone House , Hales Owen , AVorccster . 788—Crescent , Island Hotel , Twickenham . 1393—Hamer , 92 Everton Road , Liverpool . K , A . 288—Union , Queen ' s Arms , Ashton-under-Lyne .
WEDNESDAY , 28 th JULY . 193—Confidence , AVhite Hart , Abchurch Lane , E . C , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) . Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertford , Town Hall , St . Albans . 163—Integrity , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 301—Philanthropic , Ma : onic Hall , Leeds . 503—Belvidere , Star Hotel , High Street , Maidstone . ( Instruction . ) 996—Londes , Assembly Rooms , East Dereham .
1083—Townley Parker , Stag Inn , Bradford , near Manchester . 1219—Sti ngeways , Dog and Partridge Hotel , Fennet-street , Manchester . 1222—St . Kew , Masonic Hall , High Street , AVeston-Super-Mare . 1392—Egerton , Stanley Arms Hotel , Bury , Lancashire . R . A . 236-Zetland , Masonio Hall , York . M . M . 21—Roberts , Masonic Rooms , Rochdale .
THURSDAY , 29 th JULY . General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at i . 1278—Burdctt Coutts , Freemasons' Hall , AV . C . 39—St . John tho Baptist , Masonic Hall , Exeter . 286—Samaritan , Green Man Hotel , Bacup . 901—Phoenix , Ship Hotel , Westgate , Rotherham .
966—St . Edward , Literary Institute , Leek , Staffordshire 1126—Oak AVood , Stockdove Inn , Romiley , Cheshire . 1115—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington . R . A . 266—Naphtali , Masonic Rooms , Heywood . M . M . 32—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . K . T . —Alpuss , Masonic Hall , Hope Street , Liverpool
FRIDAY , 30 th JULY . 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , A ictovia Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 209 Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . ) IRELAND . ! F , H KSI ) AY—12 l-Se « patnck , Masonic Hall , Bnnbridgc , co . Down , TULSDAY—193-St . Patrick ' s , Masonic Rooms , Belfast . EDINBURGH DISTRICT .
MONDAY-310-St . Clair , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY—151—Defensive Band . Alexander Hall , Cocklmrn-strcct . ¦ . ,-r . ^^ ,,. , ^ . ?/ - -W—Naval and Military , Freemasons' Hall . ™ VY- £ ^ & DAY T ,, ' - ~ St ' , Toun ' Fishcrrow , Royal Hotel , Musselburgh . FKIDAY-223-Tralalgar , 5-1 Bonmrd-strcct , Lcith .
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge Of Relief , No . 42 , Bury—Tho monthly meeting of this old Lodge Avas held at the Albion Hotel , on Thursday evening , the 15 th inst . Present-Bros . E . Eccles W . M ., Alfred Buckley S . W ., J . Skcrrett J . W ., T . Barker J . D ., E . Simpkin Secretary , S . Mosley I . G ., Thorman Tyler ; Past Masters Harry Grundy and J . W . Kcnyon . Visitors—Bros . G . A . O'Noil W . M . 101 and J . Grime
P . M . 128 . Business—Bros . John Redfern and William Hewitson Avero raised to the sublime degrco by Bros . O'Neil and Grime . Tho Secretary intimated , in respect of tho proposed memorial stone for the grave of Bro . J . S . Redfern P . Prov . G . P . E . L ., that the various Worshipful Masters in the town had signified their desire to take an active part in promoting the fund ; that it had been agreed to send circulars on the matter to theEast Lancashire Lodges
and that Bro . L . Booth , architect , be requested to submit a design . The W . M . stated that the subscription fund was progressing satisfactorily . It was resolved to make representations to the Provincial Lodge of the cases of tho widow and children of Bro . B ( P . M . ) , and the widow of Bro . H , to whom Lodge 42 has already given of its substance . A substantial repast followed the closing down of the Lodge .
Carnarvon Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 62 . — This liodge held its quarterly meeting on Tuesday , 20 th July , at tho Town Hall , Havant . Present—Bros . Price W . M ., J . IN * . Hill man S . W ., J . Harrison J . W ., H . R . Trigg Secretary ; and Purnell , Clarke and Lemon . Business—Bro . Liddell was advanced to the degree of Mark Master . P . M . Hillman ' s motion , " That this Lodge exceedingly regrets thaUhe Grand Lodge of Mark Masters should be party to a treaty for
Notices Of Meetings.
expelling its own members who may belong to Masonic degrees not approved of by the other parties to that treaty , " was discussed at some length , but , owing to the lateness of the hour , the further consideration of the same Avas adjourned until the next meeting .
Domatie Lodge , No . 170 . —The members of this old established Lodge held their Summer Banquet on Friday , 16 th instant , at Bro . Middlecott ' s , the Greyhound Inn , Dulwich , where , despite the weather , the brethren and their friends mustered in strong force . Bro . Geo . Everett W . M . presided , and was ably supported by the following Stewards : Bros . P . Kent C . C . I . P . M ., A . Treadwell S . W .,
J . Willing jnn . J . W ., J . Smith P . M . Treasurer , T . Williams Secretary , W . Palmer S . D ., I . Bnscall J . D ., G . Clarke I . G ., E . White W . S ., H . N . B . Spink D . C ., J . McLean , E . W . Kent , A . Scard , D . Plenderleith , J . Jones , C . Sergeant , J . Willis . The banquet was very well served , and on the cloth being removed the W . M . said : It was not his desire nor his intention to inflict on the company , who ho was pleased to see
had assembled so numerously , any long speeches . He should , therefore , at once proceed to the first toast , which was that of the health of " The Queen . " The brethren would all agree with him that her conduct throughout life had been everything they could wish , and that she had done all in her power to endear herself to her subjects . The W . M . then proposed the health of " The : Prince and Princess of
Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . The Princess of Wales was universally respected and beloved by the English people , and as for the Prince he had a double claim on those gathered around this board . All who Avere present at the Albert Hall , on the 28 th of April last , conld testify to the manner in which His Royal Highness had performed his duties , in fact , he had , by his conduct on that
occasion , created an impression that would not be forgotten , and all would agree with him when he stated the Prince was a large-hearted and generous man . The W . M . then briefly referred to His Royal Highness's proposed visit to India , and hoped that it Avonld be a successful one . He had no hesitation in saying that the Prince was a good Mason , and he was sure that , when the time arrived , he Avould
make a good King . " Bro . F . Kent , C . C , I . P . M . rose to propose the next toast , " The Worshipful Master , " Avhich was most enthusiastically received , and duly responded to , tho W . M . saying that the unfavorable state of tho weather had been a matter of seriona concern to him , as he had feared it would sadly reduce the number of those who he hoped to see assemble round him , but the fact that his brethren and
their lady friends , to the number of 85 , had braved the storm and were gathered together was exceedingly gratifying , and he might safely say their meeting was a great success . The several toasts of "The Past Masters , " "Tho Visitors , " "The Officers , " "The Stewards , " and " The Ladies , " wero then given , the example set by tho W . M ., as to brevity , being adhered to by those brethren who
rose to reply . After this , the rain having somewhat abated , an adjournment took place to the beantifnl grounds attached to the Hotel , where the brethren enjoyed the luxury of cigars , meanwhile the energetic Stewards Avere making arrangements for the ball , which it had been arranged should follow the banquet . This part of the day ' s procodings was carried out iu a most spirited manner , and it Avas a late hour before the company separated , all expressing tho utmost
gratification at the way everything had been conducted , and reiterating their thanks to P . M . Bro . Fonlger , who exerted himself most energetically as Master of the Ceremonies . Amongst those present , in addition to those named above , Avere P . M . ' s Tims , Stuart ( 141 ) , Gardner W . M . ( 13 S 1 ) , Bros . Ambrose , Bennett , Beagle , Baker , Crane , Field , Harris , Higgins , Douglas , Scard , Stranger , Kruse , Walker , Norris , Bird , Ralphs , Richards , Ford , Shenstone , McPhorson , Morgan , & c .
St . John's Lodge , No . 191 . —This Lodge held its meeting on Wednesday , the 14 th Jul }' , at the Knowsley Hotel , Bury . Present—Bros . G . A . O'Neil W . M ., Samuel Hamer S . W ., William Balmer J . W ., Samuel Bailey Secretary , T . W . Probert S . D ., W . E . Thorhley J . D ., Alfred Hopkinson I . G ., Hartley Bates Tyler . Past Masters—Bros .
W . O . Walker , Fred . Anderton , J . Smethnrst , J . R . Fletcher . Visitors—Bros . Lawrence Booth P . Prov . G . S . B . E . L ., Jas . Barrett 1012 , Alfred Wroe 42 , Harry Woodcock 1012 . Business—Initiation of Mr . James Crossley ; Crafting of Bro . J . C . Yule , Raising of Bro . William Barritt by Bro . Smethursfc , the tracing board being explained by Bro . Walker . A very pleasant hob-nob followed .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . — This Lodge held its Aveekly meeting on the 21 st July , at tho White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-laue , E . C . Present — Bros . Tnrqnand W . M ., Blinkhorn S . W ., Abell J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , J . Constable Treasurer , F . Croaker S . D ., Blackball J . D ., Craske I . G ., Christopher Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Gottheil Preceptor and Bloomfield , also Bros . Posener , Woodward , Campbell , Brodie , Botibol , Walker , Horsley ,
Gonnn , Swan , Saint , & c . Business—The usual formalities having been gone through , the W . M . proceeded to raise Bro . Walker , and accomplished the duty in a manner as gratifying to the members as it mnst have been to himself ; the sections in connection with the degree were Avorked by Bro , Gottheil , assisted by the brethren . The Lodgo , having been resumed , and all business transacted , it was closed and adjourned until the following week .
Tyra % vley Lodge , No . 217 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 11 th of July , at Dillon Terrace , Ballina . Presont—Bros . John Gilbert W . M ., H . Lyons S . W ., James Beatty J . W ., J . It . Dudgeon Secretary , P . Atkinson Treasurer , H . DeverS . D ., Harvey J . D ., J . E . Edmonds I . G ., R . Massey Tyler . Past
Masters Bros . Lyons and Beatty . Visitors—Bros . Harvey 15 S 7 Ballinasloe , Wilson 218 Dublin , and BoAvles 248 Roscommon . Business—Ballot for affiliation of Bro . Bole was successful . Bro . Scott ' s notice of motion Avas postponed for one month . Bro . C , Petrie wag raised to the Fellow Craft degree .