Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Royal Union Lodge , No . 382 . —This Lodge held its bymonthly meeting on Monday , the 19 th July , at the Chequers Hall , Uxbridge , Middlesex . Present — Bros . E . C . Woodward W . M ., Davis S . W ., T . Swallow J . W ., Wm . Coombes P . M . and Secretary , J . L . Conlton Treasurer , Webb as S . D ., Cook as J . D ., Wm . Smith CE . P . M . D . C ., Dayson Steward , Cobley as T . G ., Longstaff Tyler . Past
Masters — Bros . Lonsdale , Swallow , Weodon , Jaqnin , and Stacey Organist . Visitors—Bros . Flattley , Lane , Hay ward , Manders , Burrell , and Henricks . Business—Lodge opened , minntes read and confirmed . Ballot for Messrs . Perkins , Day , Cripps , Winkler , Holland and Cook , which was unanimous , the first five were initiated , Mr . Cook being unable to attend until the September meeting . Bro . Rev . . T . Holden
was unanimously elected a joining member . Bros . Walhs , Partridge , Tait , Fowler , Rowles , and Hill received the 2 nd degree . Bros . Allen , Arnold and Perkins received the 3 rd degreo . The Lodge was resnmed to the 1 st degree , the whole of tho ceremonies of the three degrees were done by the W . M . in a most effective manner , showing that ho was worthy to occupy the chair . The Lodge was then
closed , and tho brethren , about 50 , adjourned to Bro . Marshall ' s meadows , adjoining the Railway Hotel , where a marquee was erected , and an excellent banquet was provided by Bro . Marshall . The nsnal toasts were dispensed with on this occasion . The Visitors expressed themselves highly pleased with the good working , and particularly the brotherly feeling that always exists among the
members of this Lodge , which has been the remark of visiting brethren on former occasions , their motto beinj ? Royal Unions . Tho presont pros , perons state of this Lodge is principally due to tho much rospected Secretary ( Brother Wm . Coombes P . M . ) , whose services are always readily given to the Lodge , also to Bro . Wm . Smith C . E . P . M . D . C .,
who assisted in resuscitating this Lodgo about 16 years ago , and who is always ready to give his Masonic intelligence for the good of the members . Bros . Moore , Allen , Pearce and Flattley contributed to the harmony of the evening . The brethren separated at 8 . 45 , to catch the 9 p . m . train for Paddingtou .
Frederick of Unity Lodge No . 452—The thirregular meeting was held on the 20 th of July , at tho Station Hotel , Sutton . Present—Bro . William Stanley Masterman W . M ., J . W . Sugg S . W ., George Wright J . W ., A . T . Jeffery S . D ., Chas . H . Edmands J . D ., E . H . Sugg Steward , Charles Pawley I . G ., C . T . Speight Tyler , Magnus Ohren P . M . Secretary , Jas . Robins P . M . Treasurer . Past Master
Bro . Wm . _ Sugg . Visitor—Bro . T . H . Bolton "Hornsey Lodge " 890 . Business transacted—Mr . Frederick Cassell , of Rotherhithe , Surrey , was initiated . Stewards were appointed for the Charities for 1876 as follow : —Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , Bro . Henry E . Francis , G . Deacon for Province of Surrey ; Institution for Boys , Bro . George Wright ; Institution for Girls , Bro . Frederick G . Gilbert .
Benevolence Lodge , No . 666 . —This Lodge held its annual meeting on Wednesday , tho 14 th of July , at Private Rooms , Prince Town , Dartmoor , Devon . Present—Bros . N . Hammett W . M ., Wm . J . Rowe S . W . W . M . elect , Hamilton McAllon J . W ., J . H . Westlake P . M . P . P . G . P . Secretary , Geo . Alexander P . M . P . P . G . O . Treasurer , Wm . Holdstock S . D ., Wm . G . Moore J . D ., J . Stapleton D . C ., Thos . Bennett
Steward , Edward Irish I . G ., R . Hancock Tyler . Past Masters—J . H . Westlako and Geo . Alexander . Visitors—Bros . J . H . Tonkin P . M . 282 , J . R . Lord P . M . 1247 , P . E . Murphy P . M . 184 and 1424 , S . D . Nicholls J . W . 282 , T . L . Wright S . D . 282 . Business—To install the W . M . and invest the officers for tho ensuing year . The installing ceremony was performed by Bro . J . H . Westlako P . M . P . P . G . P . The W . M . invested tho following as his officers : —Bros . N . Hammett I . P . M , Hamilton
McAllen S . W ., Wm . Holdstock J . W ., Geo . Alexander P . M . P . P . G . O . Treasurer , N . Hammett I . P . M . Secretary , W . G . Moore S . D ., E . Irish J . D ., Thos . Bennett D . C ., J . Tooker Steward , R . Hancock I . G ., Jessie Stapledon Tyler . Business being over , the brethren adjourned to the Duchy Hotel , where . an excellent banqtict was provided by Mrs . Rowe . About eighteen sat down to dinner , and spent a very pleasant ovening . Many more were expected from different Lodges , bnt were prevented from attending through the inclemency of the weather .
Bedford Lodge , No . 925 . —This Lodge held its IGOth meeting on Monday , tho 19 th July , at the Masonic Hall , New Street , Birmingham . Present—Bros . James Stevens W . M ., W . Price S . W ., J . W . Matthews J . W ., J , F . Pearson Secretary , W . Pringle acting
S . D ., J . W . Wilkes J . D ., J . C . Gray Steward , G . H . Gaydon I . G ., J . Coates Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . E . Worrall , W . Pringle , C . Pembroke , and J . G . O'Leary . Visitors—Bros . Gray and Nutting . Business-Lodge opened at 6 p . m ., two candidates were initiated , one brother passed , and one gentleman was proposed .
TregUllow Lodge , No . 1006 . —This Lodge held a meeting on Tnesday , the 20 th instant , at St . Day , Cornwall . Present—Bros . Edmund Rogers W . M ., Theo . Michell S . W ., Fras . Bartle J . W ., T . B . Provis Secretary , Geo . Michell P . M . Treasurer , J . H . Mayue S . D ., G . J . Gregor J . D ., J . H . Gillan Chaplain , Jos . Pryor Steward , Geo . S . Bray I . G ., Jas . Kinsman acting Tyler ; Past Master Bro . W . B . Bennett . Business—The Lod go having been opened , it was worked
up to the 2 nd degree , when Bro . Champion was examined as to his proficiency , received a test of merit , and , in due time , was impressively raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by tho W . M ., assisted by Bro . Michell P . M ., who is also an excellent Avorker ; after which tlie Lodge was resumed to 1 st degree , and two candidates were proposed for the next meeting . This Lodge numbers fifty members , aud is worth a visit , everything being well carried out .
Devon Lodge , No . 1138 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 13 th July , at the Masonic Hall , Devon Square
Notices Of Meetings.
Newton Abbot . Present—Bros . W . R . King W . M ., J . S . Saunders J . W ., Jno . Oliver See ., Wm . Harris S . D ., Franois J . Pratt and C . Stevens Stewards , Richd . Crooke I . G ., Jno . Haywood Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Philip D . Michelmore , Henry G . Beachey . Visitors —Bros . Robt . G . Bird W . M . Prudence Lodge , No . 1550 , Thos . Taylor P . M . True and Faithful Lodge , No . 318 . Business—Lodge opened
in first degree , minutes confirmed . Mr . Ryland James Walford , who had been proposed and seconded at last meetiug , was ballotted for and unanimously elected . He was initiated into tho Ordor by the W . M ., the working tools being explained by Bro . P . D . Michelmore P . M ., and the charge given by Bro . Robt , G . Bird . The Lodgo was then closed in due and ancient form .
Burdett Coutts Lodge No . 1278 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 15 th of July , at the " Approach " Tavern , Victoria Park , E . Present—Bros . J . G . Harris W . M ., W . J . Crutch S . W ., Wm . Toye J . W ., G . Ward Verry Secretary , James Terry P . M . and Treasurer , C . K . Crouch S . D ., A . Lazarus as J . D ., Marx Gross Steward , W . T . Christian as I . G ., W . Gilohrist Tyler . Past
Masters Bros . J . Ashbumer and H . Lloyd . Visitors—Bros . J . Whito W . M . 228 , Bro . Jennings 554 , and Bro . John Berry S . W . 554 . Business—After the confirmation of tho minutes of the last meeting , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Ferry , and , proving unanimous , Mr . Feny Avas introduced and initiated into Freemasonry according to ancient rite . The bye-laws having been read , the ballot was taken for W . M . for the ensuing year , and proved unanimous in
favour of Bro . Crutch S . W . Bro . Terry was re-elected ( a sixth time ) Treasurer , and Bro . Gilchrist Tyler . A letter was read from Bro , Colonel Francis Burdett , stating that Thursday , 29 th instant , had been fixed for the presentation of the chairs by the Baroness Burdett Coutts , when a large muster of the members of the Lodge is expected . Tho Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet provided by the host , Bro . T . Lloyd jun ., in that brother ' s usual liberal style .
Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 . —This Lodge held its installation meeting on Saturday , 17 th July , at the Sun Hotel , Hampton , province of Middlesex . Present—Bros . Wm . Hammond W . M ., E . Gilbert S . W ., C . W . FoxJ . W . ; F . Walters P . M . Prov . G . Secretary , S . WickensP . M . Treasurer , J . Hammond P . M . S . D ., R . W . Williams J . D ., H . Gloster D . C ., H . Cutress Steward , J . W . Baldwin I . G ., J . Gilbert Pro . G . T .
Middlesex Tyler . This Lodge was consecrated in July 1870 , bnt two Masters having held office two years each , there are but two P . M . ' s , one , the Treasurer , was present . Visitors—Bros . Dr . Goldsborongh . P . M . 201 , Watts P . M . 201 , CarvellP . M . 201 , Binckes P . M . and Secretary Boys' School , Terry P . M . and Secretary Benevolent Institution , and a large number of other brethren , there being sixteen present at
the Board of Iustalled Masters . Business—Initiations only constituted the preliminary work , of which there were three . The W . M . then installed Bro . Dubois P . M . 1423 , Prov . G . A . D . C . Middlesex . The addresses had been arranged to be given by the three Secretaries of the Charitable Institutions connected with the Order , but Bro .
Little being unavoidably absent , his place was supplied by the veteran Secretary of the Lodge . Ten guineas were voted unanimously to the W . M . for his efficient services to the Lodge during the two years he had held the office of Master , to be applied , in accordance with his wishes , in procuring a life governorship of one of tho Charities instead of a P . M . ' s jewel .
De Grey and Eipon Lodge , No . 1356 , Liverpool . — Although only about four years in oxistence , this Lodge has displayed a vitality and energy which has not been equalled by any in the province of West Lancashire ; and its membership is now not only the most numerous in tho Liverpool district , but also tho most influential , as it embraces some of the best known representatives of the
Fraternity . The annual installation meeting took place on Wednesday evening , 14 th July , in the Lodge room in North Hill Street , where there was a gathering of nearly 100 brethren , including a good representation of W . M . ' s , P . M . ' s , and officers from other Lodges . Bro . E . 0 . C . Rothwell , the retiring W . M ., presided at the commencement of the business ; and after the transaction of some formal business the
chair was taken by Bro . T . Evans P . M ., who installed Bro . Joseph Bell as the W . M . of the Lodge for the ensuing year . The ceremony was performed in a very impressive and masterly manner , and a special vote of thanks was subsequently passed to Bro . Evans for tho manner in which he had done the Installing Master ' s duties . Bro . J . Bell W . M . installed the following as his officers for the ensuing year :
—Bros . E . 0 . C . Rothwell I . P . M ., T . Evans P . M . D . C ., T . Home S . W ., T . Nixon J . W ., J . Ireland Treasurer ( re-elected ) , Jos . Jones Secretary ( re-appointed ) , W . G . Veagle Org ., J . W . Williams S . D ., E . Costigan J . D ., R . Roberts I . G ., A . Wool rich S . S ., C . Arden J . S ., and P . M . Larsen Tyler . A proposition by Bro . Marson P . M ., seconded by the W . M ., that a R . A . Chapter should be estab ished in connection
with the Lodge , was carried by acclamation . The annual pio-nic of the members of the No . 135 ( 1 took place on the Thursday , and , as on former occasions , proved one of the most enjoyable Masonic " outs " of the season . Arrangements wero made with the Cheshire Lines Committee , and a special train conveyed about 1 ( 50 ladies and brethren to Knutsford , on Thursday morning . The railway arrangements Avere
admirable , and on arriving at their destination the large party sat down to an excellent banquet provided at the Royal George Hotel . The after-dinner proceedings included several toasts , amongst which that of the W . M . ( Bro . J . Bell ) was prominent , a general wish bein " expressed for his success during his year of office . A very massive and
handsome P . M . s jewel was also presented to Bro . Rothwell I . P . M ., as a token of the esteem of the brethren . The privilege of visiting Tatton Hall , Lord de Tabley ' s mansion and grounds , and other places of interest , was afforded to the visitors , and many availed themselves of the opportunity of seeing these splendid grounds . A very pleasant day was spent , and the party returned to Liverpool shortly before
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Royal Union Lodge , No . 382 . —This Lodge held its bymonthly meeting on Monday , the 19 th July , at the Chequers Hall , Uxbridge , Middlesex . Present — Bros . E . C . Woodward W . M ., Davis S . W ., T . Swallow J . W ., Wm . Coombes P . M . and Secretary , J . L . Conlton Treasurer , Webb as S . D ., Cook as J . D ., Wm . Smith CE . P . M . D . C ., Dayson Steward , Cobley as T . G ., Longstaff Tyler . Past
Masters — Bros . Lonsdale , Swallow , Weodon , Jaqnin , and Stacey Organist . Visitors—Bros . Flattley , Lane , Hay ward , Manders , Burrell , and Henricks . Business—Lodge opened , minntes read and confirmed . Ballot for Messrs . Perkins , Day , Cripps , Winkler , Holland and Cook , which was unanimous , the first five were initiated , Mr . Cook being unable to attend until the September meeting . Bro . Rev . . T . Holden
was unanimously elected a joining member . Bros . Walhs , Partridge , Tait , Fowler , Rowles , and Hill received the 2 nd degree . Bros . Allen , Arnold and Perkins received the 3 rd degreo . The Lodge was resnmed to the 1 st degree , the whole of tho ceremonies of the three degrees were done by the W . M . in a most effective manner , showing that ho was worthy to occupy the chair . The Lodge was then
closed , and tho brethren , about 50 , adjourned to Bro . Marshall ' s meadows , adjoining the Railway Hotel , where a marquee was erected , and an excellent banquet was provided by Bro . Marshall . The nsnal toasts were dispensed with on this occasion . The Visitors expressed themselves highly pleased with the good working , and particularly the brotherly feeling that always exists among the
members of this Lodge , which has been the remark of visiting brethren on former occasions , their motto beinj ? Royal Unions . Tho presont pros , perons state of this Lodge is principally due to tho much rospected Secretary ( Brother Wm . Coombes P . M . ) , whose services are always readily given to the Lodge , also to Bro . Wm . Smith C . E . P . M . D . C .,
who assisted in resuscitating this Lodgo about 16 years ago , and who is always ready to give his Masonic intelligence for the good of the members . Bros . Moore , Allen , Pearce and Flattley contributed to the harmony of the evening . The brethren separated at 8 . 45 , to catch the 9 p . m . train for Paddingtou .
Frederick of Unity Lodge No . 452—The thirregular meeting was held on the 20 th of July , at tho Station Hotel , Sutton . Present—Bro . William Stanley Masterman W . M ., J . W . Sugg S . W ., George Wright J . W ., A . T . Jeffery S . D ., Chas . H . Edmands J . D ., E . H . Sugg Steward , Charles Pawley I . G ., C . T . Speight Tyler , Magnus Ohren P . M . Secretary , Jas . Robins P . M . Treasurer . Past Master
Bro . Wm . _ Sugg . Visitor—Bro . T . H . Bolton "Hornsey Lodge " 890 . Business transacted—Mr . Frederick Cassell , of Rotherhithe , Surrey , was initiated . Stewards were appointed for the Charities for 1876 as follow : —Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , Bro . Henry E . Francis , G . Deacon for Province of Surrey ; Institution for Boys , Bro . George Wright ; Institution for Girls , Bro . Frederick G . Gilbert .
Benevolence Lodge , No . 666 . —This Lodge held its annual meeting on Wednesday , tho 14 th of July , at Private Rooms , Prince Town , Dartmoor , Devon . Present—Bros . N . Hammett W . M ., Wm . J . Rowe S . W . W . M . elect , Hamilton McAllon J . W ., J . H . Westlake P . M . P . P . G . P . Secretary , Geo . Alexander P . M . P . P . G . O . Treasurer , Wm . Holdstock S . D ., Wm . G . Moore J . D ., J . Stapleton D . C ., Thos . Bennett
Steward , Edward Irish I . G ., R . Hancock Tyler . Past Masters—J . H . Westlako and Geo . Alexander . Visitors—Bros . J . H . Tonkin P . M . 282 , J . R . Lord P . M . 1247 , P . E . Murphy P . M . 184 and 1424 , S . D . Nicholls J . W . 282 , T . L . Wright S . D . 282 . Business—To install the W . M . and invest the officers for tho ensuing year . The installing ceremony was performed by Bro . J . H . Westlako P . M . P . P . G . P . The W . M . invested tho following as his officers : —Bros . N . Hammett I . P . M , Hamilton
McAllen S . W ., Wm . Holdstock J . W ., Geo . Alexander P . M . P . P . G . O . Treasurer , N . Hammett I . P . M . Secretary , W . G . Moore S . D ., E . Irish J . D ., Thos . Bennett D . C ., J . Tooker Steward , R . Hancock I . G ., Jessie Stapledon Tyler . Business being over , the brethren adjourned to the Duchy Hotel , where . an excellent banqtict was provided by Mrs . Rowe . About eighteen sat down to dinner , and spent a very pleasant ovening . Many more were expected from different Lodges , bnt were prevented from attending through the inclemency of the weather .
Bedford Lodge , No . 925 . —This Lodge held its IGOth meeting on Monday , tho 19 th July , at the Masonic Hall , New Street , Birmingham . Present—Bros . James Stevens W . M ., W . Price S . W ., J . W . Matthews J . W ., J , F . Pearson Secretary , W . Pringle acting
S . D ., J . W . Wilkes J . D ., J . C . Gray Steward , G . H . Gaydon I . G ., J . Coates Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . E . Worrall , W . Pringle , C . Pembroke , and J . G . O'Leary . Visitors—Bros . Gray and Nutting . Business-Lodge opened at 6 p . m ., two candidates were initiated , one brother passed , and one gentleman was proposed .
TregUllow Lodge , No . 1006 . —This Lodge held a meeting on Tnesday , the 20 th instant , at St . Day , Cornwall . Present—Bros . Edmund Rogers W . M ., Theo . Michell S . W ., Fras . Bartle J . W ., T . B . Provis Secretary , Geo . Michell P . M . Treasurer , J . H . Mayue S . D ., G . J . Gregor J . D ., J . H . Gillan Chaplain , Jos . Pryor Steward , Geo . S . Bray I . G ., Jas . Kinsman acting Tyler ; Past Master Bro . W . B . Bennett . Business—The Lod go having been opened , it was worked
up to the 2 nd degree , when Bro . Champion was examined as to his proficiency , received a test of merit , and , in due time , was impressively raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by tho W . M ., assisted by Bro . Michell P . M ., who is also an excellent Avorker ; after which tlie Lodge was resumed to 1 st degree , and two candidates were proposed for the next meeting . This Lodge numbers fifty members , aud is worth a visit , everything being well carried out .
Devon Lodge , No . 1138 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 13 th July , at the Masonic Hall , Devon Square
Notices Of Meetings.
Newton Abbot . Present—Bros . W . R . King W . M ., J . S . Saunders J . W ., Jno . Oliver See ., Wm . Harris S . D ., Franois J . Pratt and C . Stevens Stewards , Richd . Crooke I . G ., Jno . Haywood Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Philip D . Michelmore , Henry G . Beachey . Visitors —Bros . Robt . G . Bird W . M . Prudence Lodge , No . 1550 , Thos . Taylor P . M . True and Faithful Lodge , No . 318 . Business—Lodge opened
in first degree , minutes confirmed . Mr . Ryland James Walford , who had been proposed and seconded at last meetiug , was ballotted for and unanimously elected . He was initiated into tho Ordor by the W . M ., the working tools being explained by Bro . P . D . Michelmore P . M ., and the charge given by Bro . Robt , G . Bird . The Lodgo was then closed in due and ancient form .
Burdett Coutts Lodge No . 1278 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 15 th of July , at the " Approach " Tavern , Victoria Park , E . Present—Bros . J . G . Harris W . M ., W . J . Crutch S . W ., Wm . Toye J . W ., G . Ward Verry Secretary , James Terry P . M . and Treasurer , C . K . Crouch S . D ., A . Lazarus as J . D ., Marx Gross Steward , W . T . Christian as I . G ., W . Gilohrist Tyler . Past
Masters Bros . J . Ashbumer and H . Lloyd . Visitors—Bros . J . Whito W . M . 228 , Bro . Jennings 554 , and Bro . John Berry S . W . 554 . Business—After the confirmation of tho minutes of the last meeting , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Ferry , and , proving unanimous , Mr . Feny Avas introduced and initiated into Freemasonry according to ancient rite . The bye-laws having been read , the ballot was taken for W . M . for the ensuing year , and proved unanimous in
favour of Bro . Crutch S . W . Bro . Terry was re-elected ( a sixth time ) Treasurer , and Bro . Gilchrist Tyler . A letter was read from Bro , Colonel Francis Burdett , stating that Thursday , 29 th instant , had been fixed for the presentation of the chairs by the Baroness Burdett Coutts , when a large muster of the members of the Lodge is expected . Tho Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet provided by the host , Bro . T . Lloyd jun ., in that brother ' s usual liberal style .
Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 . —This Lodge held its installation meeting on Saturday , 17 th July , at the Sun Hotel , Hampton , province of Middlesex . Present—Bros . Wm . Hammond W . M ., E . Gilbert S . W ., C . W . FoxJ . W . ; F . Walters P . M . Prov . G . Secretary , S . WickensP . M . Treasurer , J . Hammond P . M . S . D ., R . W . Williams J . D ., H . Gloster D . C ., H . Cutress Steward , J . W . Baldwin I . G ., J . Gilbert Pro . G . T .
Middlesex Tyler . This Lodge was consecrated in July 1870 , bnt two Masters having held office two years each , there are but two P . M . ' s , one , the Treasurer , was present . Visitors—Bros . Dr . Goldsborongh . P . M . 201 , Watts P . M . 201 , CarvellP . M . 201 , Binckes P . M . and Secretary Boys' School , Terry P . M . and Secretary Benevolent Institution , and a large number of other brethren , there being sixteen present at
the Board of Iustalled Masters . Business—Initiations only constituted the preliminary work , of which there were three . The W . M . then installed Bro . Dubois P . M . 1423 , Prov . G . A . D . C . Middlesex . The addresses had been arranged to be given by the three Secretaries of the Charitable Institutions connected with the Order , but Bro .
Little being unavoidably absent , his place was supplied by the veteran Secretary of the Lodge . Ten guineas were voted unanimously to the W . M . for his efficient services to the Lodge during the two years he had held the office of Master , to be applied , in accordance with his wishes , in procuring a life governorship of one of tho Charities instead of a P . M . ' s jewel .
De Grey and Eipon Lodge , No . 1356 , Liverpool . — Although only about four years in oxistence , this Lodge has displayed a vitality and energy which has not been equalled by any in the province of West Lancashire ; and its membership is now not only the most numerous in tho Liverpool district , but also tho most influential , as it embraces some of the best known representatives of the
Fraternity . The annual installation meeting took place on Wednesday evening , 14 th July , in the Lodge room in North Hill Street , where there was a gathering of nearly 100 brethren , including a good representation of W . M . ' s , P . M . ' s , and officers from other Lodges . Bro . E . 0 . C . Rothwell , the retiring W . M ., presided at the commencement of the business ; and after the transaction of some formal business the
chair was taken by Bro . T . Evans P . M ., who installed Bro . Joseph Bell as the W . M . of the Lodge for the ensuing year . The ceremony was performed in a very impressive and masterly manner , and a special vote of thanks was subsequently passed to Bro . Evans for tho manner in which he had done the Installing Master ' s duties . Bro . J . Bell W . M . installed the following as his officers for the ensuing year :
—Bros . E . 0 . C . Rothwell I . P . M ., T . Evans P . M . D . C ., T . Home S . W ., T . Nixon J . W ., J . Ireland Treasurer ( re-elected ) , Jos . Jones Secretary ( re-appointed ) , W . G . Veagle Org ., J . W . Williams S . D ., E . Costigan J . D ., R . Roberts I . G ., A . Wool rich S . S ., C . Arden J . S ., and P . M . Larsen Tyler . A proposition by Bro . Marson P . M ., seconded by the W . M ., that a R . A . Chapter should be estab ished in connection
with the Lodge , was carried by acclamation . The annual pio-nic of the members of the No . 135 ( 1 took place on the Thursday , and , as on former occasions , proved one of the most enjoyable Masonic " outs " of the season . Arrangements wero made with the Cheshire Lines Committee , and a special train conveyed about 1 ( 50 ladies and brethren to Knutsford , on Thursday morning . The railway arrangements Avere
admirable , and on arriving at their destination the large party sat down to an excellent banquet provided at the Royal George Hotel . The after-dinner proceedings included several toasts , amongst which that of the W . M . ( Bro . J . Bell ) was prominent , a general wish bein " expressed for his success during his year of office . A very massive and
handsome P . M . s jewel was also presented to Bro . Rothwell I . P . M ., as a token of the esteem of the brethren . The privilege of visiting Tatton Hall , Lord de Tabley ' s mansion and grounds , and other places of interest , was afforded to the visitors , and many availed themselves of the opportunity of seeing these splendid grounds . A very pleasant day was spent , and the party returned to Liverpool shortly before