Article SPENCER'S GREAT LIBRARY. Page 1 of 1 Article SPENCER'S GREAT LIBRARY. Page 1 of 1
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Spencer's Great Library.
ODD NOTES . KNOWING from experience that many a q \ iaint and interesting memento has been missed at sales by auction , through the practice of lumping np insignificant-looking soiled tracts in parcels , we had the curiosity , by the permission of the auctioneers , to examine for ourselvos certain lots thus catalogued . Onr readers who are collectors
m bibliography will not be displeased at tho resnlt of onr curiosity , which wo now present . Lot 338 . —The speech by Di « iclter ? ej / has been withdrawn , but we found tho following : —Speech at a Lodge in Halle , with fine engraved title and tail-piece , 1744 . —Speech at a Lodge in Hamburg , engraved
title , 1794 . —Speech at tho Lodge of the threo Hammers , Frankfurt , 1752 . —Speeches at Lodges in Berlin 1753 , 1754 , 1755 , and 1756 , with quaint head and tail-pieces . —Speeches at the Lodge of tho Three Crowns in Konigsberg , 1760-61 . —Speeches at the Lodge Jonathan
in Brunswick , 1761 . —Speeches at the Military Lodge in Berlin , 1775 . —Moser on Toleration of Freemasonry with reference to the Peace of Westphalia , 1776 . —Speeches in the Lodges Minerva at Leipzig , and of the Threo Globes at Berlin , 1777 , with fine vignettes , and others .
Lot 339 . —Speeches . Lodge of Three Stars at Rostock , one of them in honour of the Great Frederick , with vignette , 1762 . —The Friend of Man—a speech . Wetzlar , 1769 . —Social and Brotherly Love ; a speech to Mnsons at Carlisle , 1769 . —Speeches in Lodgo Minerva at Leipzig , 1772 , 1777 and 1778 , in the Lodges of Honesty ,
Absalom and St . George , at Hamburgh , 1773 . —Speech by W . Hutchinson , on laying tho fonndation stone of Rookby Bridge , by tho Barnard Castle Lodge , 1773 . —Speech on reception of the deputation from the Grand Lodge of Sweden , by the Grand Lodge , Royal York
at Berlin ; this is of historical importance , 1777 . —Spooch on unveiling ' tho bust of the Great Frederick , in the Grand Lodge , Berliu , 1777 . — Various Odes on the Peace , and Music , 1770 . —Acto do Bienfaisance and speech on tho King's Return , Grand Lodgo of Berlin , 1779 , and others .
Lot 340 . —Scott . Oration at Newcastle , 1777 . —Oration in Lodge Frederick , at Glogau , 1778 . —Installation , Lodge Centra des Amis , 1797 . —Consecration of the Temple , G . L . of threo Globes at Berlin , 1801 . — -Sermon by Rev . H . Ormo to Prov . G . Lodge , Louth , 1804 , and Goneral Objections to Freemasonry , answered by the same . —Address
by Bro . Harris to Lodge Vectis of Peace and Concord , at Newport , Isle of Wight , 1808 . —Sermon to tho Zetland Lodgo , Hongkong . —A parcel of curious scraps , published by Finch , and others . Lot 341 . —Sermon preached at Trnro , 1779 . —History of tho Grand Mother Lodgo of the Threo Globes , Berlin , 1775 . — Discourse by
Munkhouse to tho Lodgo of Unanimity , No . 202 , ivith author ' s autograph , 1798 . — Sorrnon at Pcterbro' , by Rev . S . Oliver , 1802 . —Lawrie's History of Freemasonry , annotated by Dr . Krause , 1810 . —Haswell Sermon to Prov . G . Lodge , 1800 . —Ormo Sermon at Louth , 1804 , and others .
Lot 342 . — Sermon to the African Lodge , Boston , 1789 . —Dutch translation of Cardow's speech to tho Prov . G . Lodge , Trnro Rotterdam , 1787 , curious ; 6 peech in Lodges at Stendal , 1781 ; Installation , Lodgo de l'Ocoan Francais at Paris , 1798 . —Erection of monument to Olthof by the Masons of Pomorania , 1795 . —Wedokind ,
on the Festivals of St . John in Masonry , 1818 . —Centenary of Lodgo Three Swords , at Dresden , 1840 , and others . Lot 343 . —Discourse to the Allman ' s Lodge , 1799 . —Sermon to Lodgo of Unity , Plymouth , 1792 . —Sermon by Simpson , at Newcastle
1797 . —Sermon by Haswell , at Tynemouth , 1800 . —Sermon by S . Oliver , at Cambridge , 1803 . —Charge by Haswell , at Neath , 1804 . — Dedication of Freemasons' nail , Durham . —Three Sermons by Percy , cloth gilt . —Dedication of Temple , and Speeches to LodgesjinStralsnnd , aud others .
Lot 344 . —Address of Lodge 201 ( Ancients ) , 1799 . —Pamphlets on Masonic Disputes at Rostock , and Hinrichs on Masonic Despotism . — Appeal to all Freemasons in Protestant Germany to erect an everlasting monument to Fame at the present time , by a Protestant Clergyman , 1819 , —Collection of Sermons , 1820 to 1841 , in ono vol ., and others .
Lot 345 . —Installation Lodgo of St , Napoleon , 1805 . —Inauguration of new Temple of tho G . O . of France , 1802 . —Proceedings of the Order of Harodim Kilwinning , 1806 . —Bylaws Lodge de l'Abeille Imperiale , 1809 . — Proceedings of Sovereign Metrop . Chapter , Paris , 1807 , of Lodge Triple Unite , 1811 , Lodge des Trinosophes , 1824 ,
Lodge des Nouf Sueurs , 1807 . —Masonic . Congress at Strasbnrg , 1846 , of Lodge Phenix , aud Parfaito Union , and of Chapters Athenee , and d'Arras , of Lodges St . Therese , Fideles Ecossais , Amis de Ve 3 ta , Chevaliers Croises , Sept Ecossais reunis , 1805 to 1836 , and others .
Lot 346 . —Proceedings of 13 well known French Lodges and others . Lot 347 . —Dawson's Sermon , 1812 , and 26 others . —Woof s Sketch ofthoKnts . Templar . —Oliver ' s Account of tho Schism , 1847 , and others . Lot 348 . —Discourse in tho Loge d'Anacreon , 1814 . —Proceedings of the Loge d'Anacreon , 1811 . —Proceedings of L . Point Pai-fait . 1816 ,
Spencer's Great Library.
and of Lodges Commandeura de Mont Thabor , Rose du parfait silence , Indivisibles Eocossais , Ccenrs nnis , Themis , Trinosophes , Pais immortelle , 1809 , and others . Lot 349 . —Sermons by Oliver , and others . —Masonic Offering to the Duke of Sussex . —Carlisle ' s Manuals ( high grades ) parts 2 and 3 . —
Ahiman Rezon ( a fine copy ) , 1764 , and others . Lot 350 . —( Fenn ' s Light of Masonry has been ivithdrawn ) , —Tliero remain a volame of Sermons by Dr . Oliver , bound and tooled . — Masonry and Oppression , with special referenoe to the State of Prussia , 1816 . —Gravell . What use is Masonry ? 1809 . —Voice of a
Prussian Citizen , by Koppe , 1815 , and various others . Lot 351 . —Installation of the Duke of York , 1823 . —Reports of Committee on power of a D . G . M . and of Special Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence , Virginia . —Centenary of Lodge Minerva , in Leipzig , 1841 . Carlisle ' s Manual , thh-d part . —Sundry Grand Lodgo
papers . Two of them dated 1814 . Various Sermons , and others . Lot 353 . —Fete to Odilon Barrot . Eulogy on General Norton . — Transactions Grand Lodge of New York , 1840-1-2 . —Address by Sir James Burnes , Bombay , 1840 , —Le veritable Lien des penples . — Transactions Snp . Council of France . —United F 6 te of French Lodges .
—First Seance of tho Society du Roveil do la Nature ( in the G . O . of France ) , and tableau historique des Fetes ( of the same ) , pour eight annees , and others . Lot 355 . —Moore ' s Address . —GrylPs Masonic Prayers . —Hinta for Freemasons . —Sermons and Addresses various , and others .
Lot 356 . —Masonic Funeral Services , & c , for King Goorge of Hanover—the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg—William IV . —Duke of Athol—Duke of Sussox—General Foy—G . H . France—Sir John St . Anbyn — Neander — Richard Carpenter — General Worth — John Asplatt—Goethe , with others in Goethe ' s Lodge Amalia at Weimar ,
and in Lodges Point Parfait , Wellington at Deal , Fruchthorn at Lttbeck , & c . Lot 357 ( Convention of Delegates , withdrawn ) . —26 Sermons by Dr . Oliver and others , in 1 vol . —14 Tracts by Dr . Oliver , and others , in 1 vol . —28 select tracts , including 4 on Washington as a
Freemason , iu 1 vol ., and others . Lot 358 . —What time is it ?—30 traots in English and German . — Proceedings of the College of Freemasons of tho Church , 1846 and 1847 . —Various selected numbers of various Masonic Journals . — Jacques do Molai , & c , MS ., and other pieces .
Lot 359 consists of 6 volames of pamphlets , bound up for ma privato use by the late Dr . Oliver . Lot 360 . —Pamphlets on disputes in which the Grand Lodge and St . John ' s Grand Lodgo of New York havo been mixed up from time to timo . —The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine for 1841 , half-bound ,
all that was published , with book-plate and notes of the Hon . T . Fitz Walter Butler , and other works . Lot 361 . — Lists of Members of the folloiving Lodges , & c .: —Mara et Thomia , M . S . 1785 ; Amis intimes , Paris , 1787 , 1788 , 1789 and 1790 ; St . Jean , Paris , 1788 ; Parfaito Estime et Societu Olympique , Paris ,
1788 ; Zele , Paris , 1788 ; St . Jean de Jerusalem , Nanoy , 1792 and 1809 ; Constance couronnee , Paris , 1808 ; Constance oprouvee , Paris , 1808 ; Amis reunis , Tours , 1809 ; Centre des Amis , Paris , 1804 . 1806
and 1811 ; Amis de la Constance , 1805 and 1812 ; Paix immortelle , 1806 ; Admirateurs do l'Univers , 1813 ; Point Parfait , Paris , 1810 and 1813 ; Harmonic nniverselle , 1813 ; St . Napoleon , 1813 ; Anacreon , 1811 , 1813 , 1815 and 1817 ; Ecole do la Sagesso , Metz , 1813 and 1814
Chapter des Amis triomphans , Paris , 1815 ; Loge do Jerusalem , Paris , 1816 ; L ' ago d'or , 1818 ; Concorde , Martinique , 1825 . —Address to the F . and A . Masons of North Munster , by Michael Furnell . —List of the Supreme Council for Ireland for the years 1842 , 1844 , 1846 , 1848 , 1850 and 1851 , and others .
Many of the above Lodges bore a part in lamentable political struggles , and historical names of men eminent in every department are found in their contemporary lists . It is a pity that these have not been sorted and bound in order of date . Lot 362 . —By Laws of Lodgos . —Parfaite Union , 1763 . — ZMe ,
1778 . —Freres unis , 1775 . —Nenf Sceurs ( with symbolic frontispiece , 1778 and 1779 ) . —Reunion des Arts , 1779 . —Amis reunis , 1783 . — L'Amitie , 1787 . —Freres intimes , 1787 . —Centre des Amis , 1793 . — Des Artistes , 1798 . —Amis philanthropes , Bruxelles , 1798 . —Ocean Francais , 1799 ., — Institution for Sons of Freemasons . London , 1827 .
Lot 363 . —Contains , amongst other matter , a nice set of French pocket rituals . Lot 389 . —Eight By Laws of Lodges , & c , from 1802 . —Masonic Journal of Marietta for 1852 and 1853 , with vol . 1 of new series .
3 vols , half-bound , and others . Lot 571 contains an antique painted tracing board , and an old ivory snuff-box , curiously enriched with Masonic emblems , the property of a defunct Lodge of last century .
To the student , curious iu history , and especially in the vicissitudes of Masonry in France and Germany there is much which is very precious in what we have described . Each lot will probably be sold for a trifle , owing to the loose way iu which it has been catalogued .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Spencer's Great Library.
ODD NOTES . KNOWING from experience that many a q \ iaint and interesting memento has been missed at sales by auction , through the practice of lumping np insignificant-looking soiled tracts in parcels , we had the curiosity , by the permission of the auctioneers , to examine for ourselvos certain lots thus catalogued . Onr readers who are collectors
m bibliography will not be displeased at tho resnlt of onr curiosity , which wo now present . Lot 338 . —The speech by Di « iclter ? ej / has been withdrawn , but we found tho following : —Speech at a Lodge in Halle , with fine engraved title and tail-piece , 1744 . —Speech at a Lodge in Hamburg , engraved
title , 1794 . —Speech at tho Lodge of the threo Hammers , Frankfurt , 1752 . —Speeches at Lodges in Berlin 1753 , 1754 , 1755 , and 1756 , with quaint head and tail-pieces . —Speeches at the Lodge of tho Three Crowns in Konigsberg , 1760-61 . —Speeches at the Lodge Jonathan
in Brunswick , 1761 . —Speeches at the Military Lodge in Berlin , 1775 . —Moser on Toleration of Freemasonry with reference to the Peace of Westphalia , 1776 . —Speeches in the Lodges Minerva at Leipzig , and of the Threo Globes at Berlin , 1777 , with fine vignettes , and others .
Lot 339 . —Speeches . Lodge of Three Stars at Rostock , one of them in honour of the Great Frederick , with vignette , 1762 . —The Friend of Man—a speech . Wetzlar , 1769 . —Social and Brotherly Love ; a speech to Mnsons at Carlisle , 1769 . —Speeches in Lodgo Minerva at Leipzig , 1772 , 1777 and 1778 , in the Lodges of Honesty ,
Absalom and St . George , at Hamburgh , 1773 . —Speech by W . Hutchinson , on laying tho fonndation stone of Rookby Bridge , by tho Barnard Castle Lodge , 1773 . —Speech on reception of the deputation from the Grand Lodge of Sweden , by the Grand Lodge , Royal York
at Berlin ; this is of historical importance , 1777 . —Spooch on unveiling ' tho bust of the Great Frederick , in the Grand Lodge , Berliu , 1777 . — Various Odes on the Peace , and Music , 1770 . —Acto do Bienfaisance and speech on tho King's Return , Grand Lodgo of Berlin , 1779 , and others .
Lot 340 . —Scott . Oration at Newcastle , 1777 . —Oration in Lodge Frederick , at Glogau , 1778 . —Installation , Lodge Centra des Amis , 1797 . —Consecration of the Temple , G . L . of threo Globes at Berlin , 1801 . — -Sermon by Rev . H . Ormo to Prov . G . Lodge , Louth , 1804 , and Goneral Objections to Freemasonry , answered by the same . —Address
by Bro . Harris to Lodge Vectis of Peace and Concord , at Newport , Isle of Wight , 1808 . —Sermon to tho Zetland Lodgo , Hongkong . —A parcel of curious scraps , published by Finch , and others . Lot 341 . —Sermon preached at Trnro , 1779 . —History of tho Grand Mother Lodgo of the Threo Globes , Berlin , 1775 . — Discourse by
Munkhouse to tho Lodgo of Unanimity , No . 202 , ivith author ' s autograph , 1798 . — Sorrnon at Pcterbro' , by Rev . S . Oliver , 1802 . —Lawrie's History of Freemasonry , annotated by Dr . Krause , 1810 . —Haswell Sermon to Prov . G . Lodge , 1800 . —Ormo Sermon at Louth , 1804 , and others .
Lot 342 . — Sermon to the African Lodge , Boston , 1789 . —Dutch translation of Cardow's speech to tho Prov . G . Lodge , Trnro Rotterdam , 1787 , curious ; 6 peech in Lodges at Stendal , 1781 ; Installation , Lodgo de l'Ocoan Francais at Paris , 1798 . —Erection of monument to Olthof by the Masons of Pomorania , 1795 . —Wedokind ,
on the Festivals of St . John in Masonry , 1818 . —Centenary of Lodgo Three Swords , at Dresden , 1840 , and others . Lot 343 . —Discourse to the Allman ' s Lodge , 1799 . —Sermon to Lodgo of Unity , Plymouth , 1792 . —Sermon by Simpson , at Newcastle
1797 . —Sermon by Haswell , at Tynemouth , 1800 . —Sermon by S . Oliver , at Cambridge , 1803 . —Charge by Haswell , at Neath , 1804 . — Dedication of Freemasons' nail , Durham . —Three Sermons by Percy , cloth gilt . —Dedication of Temple , and Speeches to LodgesjinStralsnnd , aud others .
Lot 344 . —Address of Lodge 201 ( Ancients ) , 1799 . —Pamphlets on Masonic Disputes at Rostock , and Hinrichs on Masonic Despotism . — Appeal to all Freemasons in Protestant Germany to erect an everlasting monument to Fame at the present time , by a Protestant Clergyman , 1819 , —Collection of Sermons , 1820 to 1841 , in ono vol ., and others .
Lot 345 . —Installation Lodgo of St , Napoleon , 1805 . —Inauguration of new Temple of tho G . O . of France , 1802 . —Proceedings of the Order of Harodim Kilwinning , 1806 . —Bylaws Lodge de l'Abeille Imperiale , 1809 . — Proceedings of Sovereign Metrop . Chapter , Paris , 1807 , of Lodge Triple Unite , 1811 , Lodge des Trinosophes , 1824 ,
Lodge des Nouf Sueurs , 1807 . —Masonic . Congress at Strasbnrg , 1846 , of Lodge Phenix , aud Parfaito Union , and of Chapters Athenee , and d'Arras , of Lodges St . Therese , Fideles Ecossais , Amis de Ve 3 ta , Chevaliers Croises , Sept Ecossais reunis , 1805 to 1836 , and others .
Lot 346 . —Proceedings of 13 well known French Lodges and others . Lot 347 . —Dawson's Sermon , 1812 , and 26 others . —Woof s Sketch ofthoKnts . Templar . —Oliver ' s Account of tho Schism , 1847 , and others . Lot 348 . —Discourse in tho Loge d'Anacreon , 1814 . —Proceedings of the Loge d'Anacreon , 1811 . —Proceedings of L . Point Pai-fait . 1816 ,
Spencer's Great Library.
and of Lodges Commandeura de Mont Thabor , Rose du parfait silence , Indivisibles Eocossais , Ccenrs nnis , Themis , Trinosophes , Pais immortelle , 1809 , and others . Lot 349 . —Sermons by Oliver , and others . —Masonic Offering to the Duke of Sussex . —Carlisle ' s Manuals ( high grades ) parts 2 and 3 . —
Ahiman Rezon ( a fine copy ) , 1764 , and others . Lot 350 . —( Fenn ' s Light of Masonry has been ivithdrawn ) , —Tliero remain a volame of Sermons by Dr . Oliver , bound and tooled . — Masonry and Oppression , with special referenoe to the State of Prussia , 1816 . —Gravell . What use is Masonry ? 1809 . —Voice of a
Prussian Citizen , by Koppe , 1815 , and various others . Lot 351 . —Installation of the Duke of York , 1823 . —Reports of Committee on power of a D . G . M . and of Special Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence , Virginia . —Centenary of Lodge Minerva , in Leipzig , 1841 . Carlisle ' s Manual , thh-d part . —Sundry Grand Lodgo
papers . Two of them dated 1814 . Various Sermons , and others . Lot 353 . —Fete to Odilon Barrot . Eulogy on General Norton . — Transactions Grand Lodge of New York , 1840-1-2 . —Address by Sir James Burnes , Bombay , 1840 , —Le veritable Lien des penples . — Transactions Snp . Council of France . —United F 6 te of French Lodges .
—First Seance of tho Society du Roveil do la Nature ( in the G . O . of France ) , and tableau historique des Fetes ( of the same ) , pour eight annees , and others . Lot 355 . —Moore ' s Address . —GrylPs Masonic Prayers . —Hinta for Freemasons . —Sermons and Addresses various , and others .
Lot 356 . —Masonic Funeral Services , & c , for King Goorge of Hanover—the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg—William IV . —Duke of Athol—Duke of Sussox—General Foy—G . H . France—Sir John St . Anbyn — Neander — Richard Carpenter — General Worth — John Asplatt—Goethe , with others in Goethe ' s Lodge Amalia at Weimar ,
and in Lodges Point Parfait , Wellington at Deal , Fruchthorn at Lttbeck , & c . Lot 357 ( Convention of Delegates , withdrawn ) . —26 Sermons by Dr . Oliver and others , in 1 vol . —14 Tracts by Dr . Oliver , and others , in 1 vol . —28 select tracts , including 4 on Washington as a
Freemason , iu 1 vol ., and others . Lot 358 . —What time is it ?—30 traots in English and German . — Proceedings of the College of Freemasons of tho Church , 1846 and 1847 . —Various selected numbers of various Masonic Journals . — Jacques do Molai , & c , MS ., and other pieces .
Lot 359 consists of 6 volames of pamphlets , bound up for ma privato use by the late Dr . Oliver . Lot 360 . —Pamphlets on disputes in which the Grand Lodge and St . John ' s Grand Lodgo of New York havo been mixed up from time to timo . —The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine for 1841 , half-bound ,
all that was published , with book-plate and notes of the Hon . T . Fitz Walter Butler , and other works . Lot 361 . — Lists of Members of the folloiving Lodges , & c .: —Mara et Thomia , M . S . 1785 ; Amis intimes , Paris , 1787 , 1788 , 1789 and 1790 ; St . Jean , Paris , 1788 ; Parfaito Estime et Societu Olympique , Paris ,
1788 ; Zele , Paris , 1788 ; St . Jean de Jerusalem , Nanoy , 1792 and 1809 ; Constance couronnee , Paris , 1808 ; Constance oprouvee , Paris , 1808 ; Amis reunis , Tours , 1809 ; Centre des Amis , Paris , 1804 . 1806
and 1811 ; Amis de la Constance , 1805 and 1812 ; Paix immortelle , 1806 ; Admirateurs do l'Univers , 1813 ; Point Parfait , Paris , 1810 and 1813 ; Harmonic nniverselle , 1813 ; St . Napoleon , 1813 ; Anacreon , 1811 , 1813 , 1815 and 1817 ; Ecole do la Sagesso , Metz , 1813 and 1814
Chapter des Amis triomphans , Paris , 1815 ; Loge do Jerusalem , Paris , 1816 ; L ' ago d'or , 1818 ; Concorde , Martinique , 1825 . —Address to the F . and A . Masons of North Munster , by Michael Furnell . —List of the Supreme Council for Ireland for the years 1842 , 1844 , 1846 , 1848 , 1850 and 1851 , and others .
Many of the above Lodges bore a part in lamentable political struggles , and historical names of men eminent in every department are found in their contemporary lists . It is a pity that these have not been sorted and bound in order of date . Lot 362 . —By Laws of Lodgos . —Parfaite Union , 1763 . — ZMe ,
1778 . —Freres unis , 1775 . —Nenf Sceurs ( with symbolic frontispiece , 1778 and 1779 ) . —Reunion des Arts , 1779 . —Amis reunis , 1783 . — L'Amitie , 1787 . —Freres intimes , 1787 . —Centre des Amis , 1793 . — Des Artistes , 1798 . —Amis philanthropes , Bruxelles , 1798 . —Ocean Francais , 1799 ., — Institution for Sons of Freemasons . London , 1827 .
Lot 363 . —Contains , amongst other matter , a nice set of French pocket rituals . Lot 389 . —Eight By Laws of Lodges , & c , from 1802 . —Masonic Journal of Marietta for 1852 and 1853 , with vol . 1 of new series .
3 vols , half-bound , and others . Lot 571 contains an antique painted tracing board , and an old ivory snuff-box , curiously enriched with Masonic emblems , the property of a defunct Lodge of last century .
To the student , curious iu history , and especially in the vicissitudes of Masonry in France and Germany there is much which is very precious in what we have described . Each lot will probably be sold for a trifle , owing to the loose way iu which it has been catalogued .