Article OUR FREEMASONRY.—SIR C. WREN, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PRACTICE versus PRECEPT. Page 1 of 1 Article PRACTICE versus PRECEPT. Page 1 of 1 Article " WHAT FREEMASONRY HAS DONE." Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Freemasonry.—Sir C. Wren, &C.
and these few words I shall speak to you in riddles , because to you is given to know those mysteries which are hidden from the unworthy . " Bro . Irwin agrees with me that the words higher class refer to degree , and I consider that the alchemical language thereupon used refers to the degree of Royal Arch , which , in 1725 , is called the fifth order . After giving a quantity of matter , showing the Rosicrncian
bearing of Freemasonry , I quoted , at page 122 , in A . D . 1743 , a list of six Lodges of H . R . M . —Rosy Cross existing in London at that date " from time immemorial . " The English system of the higher degrees have been so frequently repaired and tinkered that it is almost impossible to say what degree , or portion of a degree , is ancient ; but , possibly , in their first form , the Royal Aroh , Rosy Cross or H . R . D . M .
Templar , and Kadosh Templar or Priest , were pre-1717 inventions of the Rosicrncian Freemasons , and from which Ramsay obtained his theory . About the 1721 allusion to some Rosicrncian degree , or degrees , there can now be no question , the only doubt is , as to what degrees allusion is made . The system of Ramsay was started in 1728 . I cannot refrain from stating that tho only Rite
¦ which still preserves the Rosicrncian dogma is that of the Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry ; as a system of Philalethes , it was carried by the French to Egypt , and brought back to Montanban in 1815 , by Bro . Samuel Honis , a native of Cairo , and worked there , in connection with Marconi ' s de Negre , Baron Dumas , Marquis de Laroque , and Hypolite Labrunie ; twice united with the Grand Orient
of France , namely in 1826 and 1862 . I believe the Rosicrucian theory to be the only true theory , and the only true high grade Masonry , and in my hands it will not be eradicated from tho teaching of the Antient and Primitive Rite , no matter what amount of sarcasm or invectives may be , nnmasonically , brought to bear . I againhowever , reiterate the expression of my belief that the
, only ancient Masonic grades are the threo first . In England there is no allusion of any kind , to either a system of Marks or a degree of Buch , until recent times , whilst in Scotland my proofs are conclusive , that every apprentice got a mark without any ceremony . As regards the Master's ceremony , the ancient documents go to prove that it had nothing to do with tho Royal Arch . Tho Royal Arch ,
Rosy Cross or H . R . D . M . Templar , and Templar Priest , seem to be the three steps alluded to in 1744 by D'Assigny , although he may mean the Excellent , Super-excellent , Royal Arch , to resemble most the Rosicrucian allusions , and to be most consistent . The latter degree of Priest or Kadosh claimed in old Lancashire Rituals to date from the " year of revival , or 1686 , " but in any case they are none
of them a portion of genuine Craft Masonry . The Scotch had not the system of H . R . M . Rosy Cross at all , until the middle of the eighteenth century , and carried it from London to Edinburgh . It is now discovered that there is an allusion in the minutes of the Lodge at Gateshead to tho " Highrodiams" in 1746 , and under this Grand Lodge might be included all tho Rosicrucian system . The present system of Heredom Rosy Cross in Scotland
( the French version of the secrets of which the Antient and Primitive Rite gives ) , consists of two parts , the first is a system of question and answer , recognising only tho three degrees of Craft Masonry , but including Arch , and similar symbolism , whilst the second part is in doggerel rhyme , making the brother a Knight of the Ro 3 y Cross . I , myself , doubt the Order ' s antiquity in its present form ; its boasted descent from Bruce , at least , is pure nonsense .
Truly and fraternally yours , JOHN YARKER , P . M ., P . Z ., Ac , P . S . G . W . of the Grand Lodge of Greece . P . S . —Bro . F . G . Irwin believes that " Long Livers " ( dedicated 1721 ) , is the work of Dr . Mead . Can any one give me particulars of Dr . Mead's career , Masonic or otherwise ?
Practice Versus Precept.
To the Editor of TnE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . SIR AND BROTHER , —Recently I have read , with no little interest , the pointed letters of certain brethren upon the objectionable course followed in some Lodges of initiating candidates hailing from other and , perhaps , somewhat distant towns , without strict inquiries being
instituted as to why the said candidates did not choose to avail themselves of the means of Masonio access which their own towns afforded , et cetera . I have not a word to say against the words of caution contained in these letters , but I think , Sir , —if I may judge from what has recently occurred in connection with the Lodge whereof I am a member—there may be good reasons why , in some
instances at any rate , persons Masomcally inclined seek to enter onr ranks through the medium of a Lodge in a town other than their own . At our last meeting but one , a Past Master ( who is also a P . Pro . G . S . B . ) proposed , for initiation , one of our leading tradesmen , who is also a member of the local mnnicipal body ; and the seconder was no loss esteemed a brother than the I . P . M . The balloting took
placo last Thnrsday evening , and you may imagine the amazement of the proposer and seconder of the candidate on learning that something like eight black-balls were found iu the box . Tho feeling of astonishment was such that , at the after Lodge meeting , certain of the brethren expressed themselves very warmly on tho point , and protested against the spirit of vvodictivenesa being introduced into
a matter of this kind . The fact is , Sir , this black-balling did not arise from the fact that the candidate was not a jnst and upright man , of sound judgment or strict morals , but it was purely a reprisal —a quid pro quo for tho black-balling of a candidate some few months ago , who had the sympathies of those who , on this occasion ,
so liberally black-balled the gentleman who had two of the leading P . M . ' s for his sponsors . Not the slightest hint was thrown out at any time that this candidato was iu any respect unfit for , or uuworthy of Masonic induction , and I can honestly assure you that the event has sent a thrill of surprise and indignation through the whole of the other Lodges iu the town .
Practice Versus Precept.
It should be stated that the candidate who was black-balled a few months ago , was objected to by those who went against him , on the score of morality , so that this simply aggravates the recent attempt at making two blacks into a white . I may state , furthermore , that the I . P . M . had two candidates to propose at this last meeting , but ,
seeing how the tide had set in , he chose to leave the propositions alone rather than suffer farther humiliation at the next meeting . So that instead of having our hands full of business , we may now sing , as sang the doleful operatives during the cotton famine , " We ' ve got no work to do . "
There has already been one secession from this Lodge on account of the questionable conduct of certain brethren—a secession which ultimated in tho consecration of a new Lodge ; and if things go on in this unbrotherly and suidical manner , then these troublesome spirits , to whom I have alluded , who , Cato-like , are giving effect to the
legend , Delenda est Carthago , will have only themselves to thank should they find " Ichabod " written across the title of their Lodge . In the face of such a fact as the foregoing , I do not wonder much that certain parties should seek admission into our brotherhood beyond tho confines of thoir own towns . I do not for a moment
assume that all who seek admission through outlandish sources are " fit and proper persons ; " my argument is that , in some instances , the candidate is much " moro sinned against than sinning , " that here and there he is confronted by a base and heathenish opposition , and that
there are times when a candidate is warranted in seeking initiation in a locality where he is less known . I could wish , Sir , that some abler pen than mine would take up this subject , and read our Lodges a practical homily on the subject . Yours fraternally , EAST LANCASHIRE .
" What Freemasonry Has Done."
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Yon do favour us with some curious extracts sometimes , and , if I am not mistaken , the one at page 43 , from the Scotsman , will stand alongside of any as a wonderful specimen of " drawing the long bow " upon Masonic matters . Tho castle in the air , which the imaginative scribe calls up before
us , would certainly be a grand and beautiful edifice if it had sufficient substantiality about it to stand looking at closely and fairly , but tho worst of it is , that the more wo look the less we see ! I fear the writer is not a real " canny Scot , " but some inspired missionary , who has felt constrained to visit our benighted land to remove the veil which so sadly obstructs our vision , I cannot help thinking , however ,
that instead of really removing this veil ho has only made matters worse by painting it . We are told that " Freemasonry was tho conservator of pure and sound religious morals in times of almost universal degeneracy , " and that , in the fourteenth century , it " entered its solemn and oft repeated protests against the corruptions and profligacy of the time . "
Of course it did , the only saints then living were " Freemasons . " Wicklifl ' e was a Freemason , so was Hnss , Luther too was a Freemason , and even attained tho dignity of Grand Master of the German Freemasons , and the best of it is that the reason why they made their mark npon the history of tho world so well was because they were Freemasons , and because of the instruction they received
within the bosom of their Masonic Lodges . Some folks tell us that the devil is not quite so black as he is painted , but I fear that that piece of charity would not apply to his Catholic majesty , for ho cannot be painted black enough . It is possible , however , to lay it on too thick sometimes , when it falls off with its own weight , displaying beauties before undreamt of . So
with tho Catholic Church in the fourteenth century , it had its faults , but still it had many valuable points about it too , and although it ultimately degenerated , yet in its time it did much good , and had many good men in its ranks . As to what really kept up the standard of morals in and after tho fourteenth century , perhaps the Scotsman will rub his spectacles and again strive to enlighten us ? I am , Sir , Yours fraternally , W . P . BUCHAN .
MASONIC CONVERSATIONS . —It was a source of pleasure to us to be present at a Masonic meeting a few evenings ago , under the intelligent presiding officer . The able manner in which he discharged all the duties of his office , the attention that his manner of discharging those duties commanded from the brethren , tho earnest desiro of every brother present to hear every word that fell from his lips ,
the readiness with which his decisions were bowed to , and the satisfaction which they gave the brethren , all went to convince us that our Worshipful Brother was indeed Master of his Lodge . One feature we noticed especially , and it particularly pleased us . The regular business of the Lodge was over ; there was no " work , " as the conferring of degrees is called , and instead of closing
his Lodge , as most Masters do under such circumstances , he said : " Brethren , we can now spend half an hour profitably in a ' Masonic Conversation . ' Is there anything on which any brother requires light ? or has any brother a suggestion to make that may benifit ns all as Masons ? Let us have a regular Masonic talk over Masonio matters generally . " A Masonic " family talk " followed , that interested
all the brethren present—we know it interested us . There was no subtle discussion , no effort at display , no attempt at gaining a personal triumph . The eliciting of truth only seemed to be the object of every one present . How many Masters of Lodges might follow this excellent example , and have their "Masonio Conversations" — their " family talk over Masonic matters generally" — with profit and satisfaction to themselves and their brethren . —tfe & rety Leader ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Freemasonry.—Sir C. Wren, &C.
and these few words I shall speak to you in riddles , because to you is given to know those mysteries which are hidden from the unworthy . " Bro . Irwin agrees with me that the words higher class refer to degree , and I consider that the alchemical language thereupon used refers to the degree of Royal Arch , which , in 1725 , is called the fifth order . After giving a quantity of matter , showing the Rosicrncian
bearing of Freemasonry , I quoted , at page 122 , in A . D . 1743 , a list of six Lodges of H . R . M . —Rosy Cross existing in London at that date " from time immemorial . " The English system of the higher degrees have been so frequently repaired and tinkered that it is almost impossible to say what degree , or portion of a degree , is ancient ; but , possibly , in their first form , the Royal Aroh , Rosy Cross or H . R . D . M .
Templar , and Kadosh Templar or Priest , were pre-1717 inventions of the Rosicrncian Freemasons , and from which Ramsay obtained his theory . About the 1721 allusion to some Rosicrncian degree , or degrees , there can now be no question , the only doubt is , as to what degrees allusion is made . The system of Ramsay was started in 1728 . I cannot refrain from stating that tho only Rite
¦ which still preserves the Rosicrncian dogma is that of the Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry ; as a system of Philalethes , it was carried by the French to Egypt , and brought back to Montanban in 1815 , by Bro . Samuel Honis , a native of Cairo , and worked there , in connection with Marconi ' s de Negre , Baron Dumas , Marquis de Laroque , and Hypolite Labrunie ; twice united with the Grand Orient
of France , namely in 1826 and 1862 . I believe the Rosicrucian theory to be the only true theory , and the only true high grade Masonry , and in my hands it will not be eradicated from tho teaching of the Antient and Primitive Rite , no matter what amount of sarcasm or invectives may be , nnmasonically , brought to bear . I againhowever , reiterate the expression of my belief that the
, only ancient Masonic grades are the threo first . In England there is no allusion of any kind , to either a system of Marks or a degree of Buch , until recent times , whilst in Scotland my proofs are conclusive , that every apprentice got a mark without any ceremony . As regards the Master's ceremony , the ancient documents go to prove that it had nothing to do with tho Royal Arch . Tho Royal Arch ,
Rosy Cross or H . R . D . M . Templar , and Templar Priest , seem to be the three steps alluded to in 1744 by D'Assigny , although he may mean the Excellent , Super-excellent , Royal Arch , to resemble most the Rosicrucian allusions , and to be most consistent . The latter degree of Priest or Kadosh claimed in old Lancashire Rituals to date from the " year of revival , or 1686 , " but in any case they are none
of them a portion of genuine Craft Masonry . The Scotch had not the system of H . R . M . Rosy Cross at all , until the middle of the eighteenth century , and carried it from London to Edinburgh . It is now discovered that there is an allusion in the minutes of the Lodge at Gateshead to tho " Highrodiams" in 1746 , and under this Grand Lodge might be included all tho Rosicrucian system . The present system of Heredom Rosy Cross in Scotland
( the French version of the secrets of which the Antient and Primitive Rite gives ) , consists of two parts , the first is a system of question and answer , recognising only tho three degrees of Craft Masonry , but including Arch , and similar symbolism , whilst the second part is in doggerel rhyme , making the brother a Knight of the Ro 3 y Cross . I , myself , doubt the Order ' s antiquity in its present form ; its boasted descent from Bruce , at least , is pure nonsense .
Truly and fraternally yours , JOHN YARKER , P . M ., P . Z ., Ac , P . S . G . W . of the Grand Lodge of Greece . P . S . —Bro . F . G . Irwin believes that " Long Livers " ( dedicated 1721 ) , is the work of Dr . Mead . Can any one give me particulars of Dr . Mead's career , Masonic or otherwise ?
Practice Versus Precept.
To the Editor of TnE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . SIR AND BROTHER , —Recently I have read , with no little interest , the pointed letters of certain brethren upon the objectionable course followed in some Lodges of initiating candidates hailing from other and , perhaps , somewhat distant towns , without strict inquiries being
instituted as to why the said candidates did not choose to avail themselves of the means of Masonio access which their own towns afforded , et cetera . I have not a word to say against the words of caution contained in these letters , but I think , Sir , —if I may judge from what has recently occurred in connection with the Lodge whereof I am a member—there may be good reasons why , in some
instances at any rate , persons Masomcally inclined seek to enter onr ranks through the medium of a Lodge in a town other than their own . At our last meeting but one , a Past Master ( who is also a P . Pro . G . S . B . ) proposed , for initiation , one of our leading tradesmen , who is also a member of the local mnnicipal body ; and the seconder was no loss esteemed a brother than the I . P . M . The balloting took
placo last Thnrsday evening , and you may imagine the amazement of the proposer and seconder of the candidate on learning that something like eight black-balls were found iu the box . Tho feeling of astonishment was such that , at the after Lodge meeting , certain of the brethren expressed themselves very warmly on tho point , and protested against the spirit of vvodictivenesa being introduced into
a matter of this kind . The fact is , Sir , this black-balling did not arise from the fact that the candidate was not a jnst and upright man , of sound judgment or strict morals , but it was purely a reprisal —a quid pro quo for tho black-balling of a candidate some few months ago , who had the sympathies of those who , on this occasion ,
so liberally black-balled the gentleman who had two of the leading P . M . ' s for his sponsors . Not the slightest hint was thrown out at any time that this candidato was iu any respect unfit for , or uuworthy of Masonic induction , and I can honestly assure you that the event has sent a thrill of surprise and indignation through the whole of the other Lodges iu the town .
Practice Versus Precept.
It should be stated that the candidate who was black-balled a few months ago , was objected to by those who went against him , on the score of morality , so that this simply aggravates the recent attempt at making two blacks into a white . I may state , furthermore , that the I . P . M . had two candidates to propose at this last meeting , but ,
seeing how the tide had set in , he chose to leave the propositions alone rather than suffer farther humiliation at the next meeting . So that instead of having our hands full of business , we may now sing , as sang the doleful operatives during the cotton famine , " We ' ve got no work to do . "
There has already been one secession from this Lodge on account of the questionable conduct of certain brethren—a secession which ultimated in tho consecration of a new Lodge ; and if things go on in this unbrotherly and suidical manner , then these troublesome spirits , to whom I have alluded , who , Cato-like , are giving effect to the
legend , Delenda est Carthago , will have only themselves to thank should they find " Ichabod " written across the title of their Lodge . In the face of such a fact as the foregoing , I do not wonder much that certain parties should seek admission into our brotherhood beyond tho confines of thoir own towns . I do not for a moment
assume that all who seek admission through outlandish sources are " fit and proper persons ; " my argument is that , in some instances , the candidate is much " moro sinned against than sinning , " that here and there he is confronted by a base and heathenish opposition , and that
there are times when a candidate is warranted in seeking initiation in a locality where he is less known . I could wish , Sir , that some abler pen than mine would take up this subject , and read our Lodges a practical homily on the subject . Yours fraternally , EAST LANCASHIRE .
" What Freemasonry Has Done."
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Yon do favour us with some curious extracts sometimes , and , if I am not mistaken , the one at page 43 , from the Scotsman , will stand alongside of any as a wonderful specimen of " drawing the long bow " upon Masonic matters . Tho castle in the air , which the imaginative scribe calls up before
us , would certainly be a grand and beautiful edifice if it had sufficient substantiality about it to stand looking at closely and fairly , but tho worst of it is , that the more wo look the less we see ! I fear the writer is not a real " canny Scot , " but some inspired missionary , who has felt constrained to visit our benighted land to remove the veil which so sadly obstructs our vision , I cannot help thinking , however ,
that instead of really removing this veil ho has only made matters worse by painting it . We are told that " Freemasonry was tho conservator of pure and sound religious morals in times of almost universal degeneracy , " and that , in the fourteenth century , it " entered its solemn and oft repeated protests against the corruptions and profligacy of the time . "
Of course it did , the only saints then living were " Freemasons . " Wicklifl ' e was a Freemason , so was Hnss , Luther too was a Freemason , and even attained tho dignity of Grand Master of the German Freemasons , and the best of it is that the reason why they made their mark npon the history of tho world so well was because they were Freemasons , and because of the instruction they received
within the bosom of their Masonic Lodges . Some folks tell us that the devil is not quite so black as he is painted , but I fear that that piece of charity would not apply to his Catholic majesty , for ho cannot be painted black enough . It is possible , however , to lay it on too thick sometimes , when it falls off with its own weight , displaying beauties before undreamt of . So
with tho Catholic Church in the fourteenth century , it had its faults , but still it had many valuable points about it too , and although it ultimately degenerated , yet in its time it did much good , and had many good men in its ranks . As to what really kept up the standard of morals in and after tho fourteenth century , perhaps the Scotsman will rub his spectacles and again strive to enlighten us ? I am , Sir , Yours fraternally , W . P . BUCHAN .
MASONIC CONVERSATIONS . —It was a source of pleasure to us to be present at a Masonic meeting a few evenings ago , under the intelligent presiding officer . The able manner in which he discharged all the duties of his office , the attention that his manner of discharging those duties commanded from the brethren , tho earnest desiro of every brother present to hear every word that fell from his lips ,
the readiness with which his decisions were bowed to , and the satisfaction which they gave the brethren , all went to convince us that our Worshipful Brother was indeed Master of his Lodge . One feature we noticed especially , and it particularly pleased us . The regular business of the Lodge was over ; there was no " work , " as the conferring of degrees is called , and instead of closing
his Lodge , as most Masters do under such circumstances , he said : " Brethren , we can now spend half an hour profitably in a ' Masonic Conversation . ' Is there anything on which any brother requires light ? or has any brother a suggestion to make that may benifit ns all as Masons ? Let us have a regular Masonic talk over Masonio matters generally . " A Masonic " family talk " followed , that interested
all the brethren present—we know it interested us . There was no subtle discussion , no effort at display , no attempt at gaining a personal triumph . The eliciting of truth only seemed to be the object of every one present . How many Masters of Lodges might follow this excellent example , and have their "Masonio Conversations" — their " family talk over Masonic matters generally" — with profit and satisfaction to themselves and their brethren . —tfe & rety Leader ,