Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Whitaker W . M . elect 1572 , Davige 7 , Sadlin 185 , Taylor 1572 , W . M . Stiles I . G . 1507 . Business—The Lodge was opened in due form , with solemn prayer ; the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Shand was candidate . The W . M . stated , as this was the first meeting he hoped the brethren , when they met for instruction , would adopt tho tuition , or dictum and working of the Preceptor , without
reference to their previous usages or working , so that only one system ¦ would prevail with this Lodgo of Instruction . Bro . Mandor P . M ., Preceptor 1201 , gave explanation of first tracing board . It waa proposed , seconded , and unanimously carried , that Bro . S . W . Hubbuck bo W . M . at next meeting , and ho appointed his officers in rotation . It was proposed and carried that a voto of thanks be
given and recorded upon the minutes to Bro . Matider , for his able lecture upon tho tracing board . The thanks of tho meeting were given to the W . M . for his able conduct of the chair on this , the inauguration meeting . Bro . Reed J . W . proposed , and Bro . Hubbnck S . W . seconded , that a vote of thanks bo recorded upon the minutes
and given to the Directors and Committee of tho London Masonic Clnb , for their kindness in placing tho room at tho disposal of the Lodge for meetings . The bye-laws wero read , and all Masonic business being ended , the Lodgo closed with solemn prayer and in perfect harmony , and was adjourned until Monday evening , 27 th inst ., at 6 o ' clock .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 85 . —Held at Bro . Maidwell's , Hercules Tavern , Leadonhall-street , on Tuesday , 21 st November . Present—Bros . Rudderforth W . M ., Ellis S . W ., Parker J . W ., Maidwell S . D ., E . Maidvvell I . G . Bros . Hollands , Hill , Davis , & c . Tho Lodge was opened in clue form , and tho minutes of tho previous meeting wero read and confirmed . The Lodgo was opened
in the 2 nd degree . Bro . Hill answered tho questions leading to the 3 rd degree , aud was entrusted . Tho Lodgo was opened in the 3 rd degree , and Bro . Hill was duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The 1 st section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Rudderforth , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed in the 3 rd degree . The Ledge was resumed to the 1 st degree , and tho 2 nd section of tho lecture was worked by the W . M ,, assisted by Bro . Ellis and the
brethren . Bro . Ellis was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was recorded for the able manner in which Bro . Rudderforth worked the ceremony—including the traditional history of the 3 rd degree—for the first time in this Lodge . The motion on the books of tbe 7 th November was carried , that this Lodgo of Instruction shall meet at 7 instead of 7-30 , the same to take effect on the 1 st Tuesday in December . Nothing further offering tho Lodge , was closed in duo form , tho brethren having spent a very instructive evening .
Lodge Of Tranquillity , No . 185 . —A regular meeting of this Lodgo took place at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . G ., on Monday , the 20 th inst . There were present Bros . J . D . Barnett W . M ., John Poartreo S . W ., D . Posener J . W ., John Ross I . P . M ., P . Levy Sec , George Pare S . D ., S . D . Bayley J . D ., Fred . Croaker I . G ., George Bilby P . M . Organist . Past Masters — J .
Constable , R . Z . Bloomfield , S . E . Moss , N . Moss , M . Harris , N . Gluekstein , nnd E . Gottheil . The attendance of lay members was unusually largo . The following visitors wero also present : —M . Emanuel P . M . 342 , D . Webb P . M . 1242 , 11 . Webb Emanuel Hess , 1017 , M . Loowenstark ] 3 U 0 , S . Brown P . M . 1420 , A . Wolf 1613 , W . Payne 1 G 02 , M . Hairier 1119 , E . D . Drummoiid R . W . M . 5 Scotch
Constitution . S . Westerby 1613 , 0 . J . Benson 1613 . The business of the evening consisted of conferring tho degree of M . M . to Eros . Lederer , Salaman , Valentine , Myers , and Barnett ; Crafting Bros . Smith and Davis ; and initiating Messrs . James Butler , Gustav Feigl , and Alfred Westerby , all the ceremonies being very ably performed by the W . M . Subsequently , Bro . E . C .
Chantler was unanimously elected a joining member . In pursuance of notice of motion given at a previous meeting , Bvo . E . Gottheil P . M . submitted the following resolution : —That the Lodge vote a sum of twenty guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution fcr Boys , to be placed on the list of Bro . John Constable P . M ., as Steward representing the Lodge . In the course of his remarks he
adverted to the willingness with which the members met any proposition having for its object deeds of mercy and benevolence , and their readiness to carry into practice the exhortation , "Ask and ye shall have . " Ho thought it needed no words of his to recommend the merits of the Boys' Institution , as they were well acquainted with the great amount cf beneficial work it accomplished . However
deserving of sympathy and support the other institutions may be , it had always appeared to him that the Boys' Institution was preeminently entitled to the highest consideration , for boys are destined in due time to participate in manhood ' s strife for existence , and the Craft , as their guardian , is bound to see that their breeding and education is such as tc fit them to enter the battle of life sufficiently
Avell armed to give them a chance to continue the fight with somi measure of success . The flourishing condition of the Order , with its incessant influx cf new members , of which tho Lodge of Tranquillity can boast of having a fair share , must , in the nature of things , eventually result in larger demands upon the institution , it therefore behoved everv Mason to do what ho could towards seeinc their
resources kept m a state of efficiency . Whenever a call of this kind is made , whether the Ledge fund permits it or not , if even they had to punish their own pockets , it was a duty , indeed it ought to be ; i pleasure , to set aside every selfish consideration and respond to it heartily . The motion was seconded by Bro . John Peartree , Treasurer , and carried without a dissentient voice . In accordance with a
notice cf motion , by Bro . Constable P . M ., a committee was formed for the purpose of taking into consideiation the advisability of the removal of tho Lodge from its present quarters . Bro . Myers , prcprietorof the Jewish Chronicle , called attention to the fact that , in North Germany , Jews are rot admitted into Masonio Lod ges . Recently , at a meeting of the German Grand Lodge , the abolition of
Notices Of Meetings.
the prohibitory clause in tho Constitution was strongly advocated , it received the support of the Grand Master , as well as that of tho Grand Officers , but had to be retained by the vote of a majority , consisting chiefly of provincial delegates . Bro . Myers thought it was time that such an anomaly i hould be protested against , as being so utterly nn-Masonie . It was not a question of creed upon which tho
question ought to rest , but upon the broad basis of Masonic principle and practice . A resolution to petition Grand Lodge upon the subject was unanimously carried . Bro . Gottheil suggested that , in the face of such gross violation of one of tho fundamental principles of Masonry , the Grand Lodgo of England ought , in justice , to suspend all correspondence with tho Grand Lodge of Germany . When tho
Lodge was closed , supper was served , after which the proceedings wero of tho usual character . Tho health of the visitors was proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bro . Duncomb R . W . M . of No . 5 , Scottish Constitution . The reason , ho thought , he was selected to respond to the toast was that ho hailed from a greater distance than any of tho other visitors . Ho represented Lodge No . 5 , being the R . W . M ., for the second vear , in succession to Bro . John Laurie , tho
Grand Secretary , and when ho returned it would be a great pleasure to him to inform his brethren of the excellent work done in this Lodgo , tho hospitality he had enjoyed , aud tho kindness with which he had been received . The initiates responded in a practical manner by subscribing ono guinea each to tho Benevolent Fund , and ono of them ( Bro . Alfred Westerby ) gave , in addition , £ 10 10 s on Bro . Constable ' s list . Bro . Saillard also subscribed £ 10 10 s . Somo excellent singing by Bros . Bailey , Woolf , Barnett , Constable , & c . contributed to enliven tho proceedings .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Wednesday , tho 22 ud November , at Mason ' s Hall , Mason ' s-avenuo , Basinghall-street , E . C . Present—Bros . I . P . Cohen W . M ., Rudderforth S . W ., Tollis J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , John Constable P . M . Treasurer , F . Croaker S . D ., M . Loewenstark J . D ., Fenner I . G ., Christopher Tyler . Past
Masters—Bros . E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , Turquand , Bloomfield . Business—The minutes having been confirmed , tho third ceremony was very ably rehearsed , Bro . Staley acting as candidate . The first section was worked by Bro . Gottheil , assisted by the brethren . Iu accordanco with bye-law 12 , a life governorship was balloted for among those who had attended twenty-five times and upwards during tho
year . The prize was drawn by Bro . Battie , who will place the ten guineas on Bro . Constable ' s list . Bro . Rudderforth will preside on next Wednesday , and after the rehearsal of ono of the ceremonies , Bro . G . B . Abbott will deliver a lecture on a Masonic historical sub - ject . The meeting will be held in one of the largest rooms , and we
trust that brethren who can make it convenient will attend , as this innovation in Lodge of Instruction procedure -will , thero is no doubt , prove most highly interesting and instructive ; and , if approved of , will be followed at stated times by a scries of lectures and addresses by brethren who are qualified and perfectly willing to give their services in that direction .
Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 . —This Lodge held its meeting at Bro . Yetton ' s , tho Rising Sun , Globe-road , on tho 19 th inst . Bros . Austin P . M . Preceptor , Musto P . M . Hon . Sec ., Andrews W . M ., Defriez S . W ., Taylor J . W ., Lazarus S . D ., Hewlett J . D ., Webb I . G ., also Bios . Barnes P . M ., Job , Locks , Fowler , & o . Tho Lodge was opened in due form , tho minutes were read and
confirmed . The Lodge was then opened in tho second and third degrees , and the ceremony of Raising rehearsed , Bro . Locks as candidate . The 1 st , 2 nd ancl 3 rd sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed down to the 1 st degree , ancl the 4 th section of that lecture was worked b y Bro . ¦ Webb , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Defriez was elected W . M . for
tho ensuing week . A unanimous vote of thanks was recorded to the W . M . for the able manner in which ho had fulfilled the duties of the chair . Bro . Webb asked the Lodgo to voto him an amount , to bo added to his list as Steward at one of the forthcoming Festivals , which request was acceded to unanimously . Nothing further offering , the Lodge was closed in due form , aud adjourned until the 26 th inst ° , at seven o ' clock .
Eoyal Union Lodge , No , 382 . —This Lodge held its meet , ing on Monday , tho 20 th of November last , at Chequers Hotel , Uxbridgo , Middlesex . Present—Bros . C . J . W . Davis W . M ., Coulton P . M . as S . W ., Holliday J . W ., W . Coombes Prov . G . S . B . Middlesex Secrefaiy , T . Swallow as S . D ., Cook J . D ., G . Stacey P . M . Organist , Allen Steward , T . Lonsdale I . G ., Longstaff Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . E . C .
Woodward , Swallow , Weedon , Lonsdale . Visitors—Bros . W . Grist The Unity Lodge , Haines P . M . Cosmopolitan , Watson ± \ inolagh Lodge , Docker City Westminster , Ford Castle Lodge . Business—Lodge opened at 3 . 30 punctually , minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Henderson , Matthews and Nicholson questioned and raised . Bros . Ahl and Garrard questioned nnd passed . Ballot unanimous
for Mr . C . baylard , who was initiated . Tbe brethren adjourned to the Railway Hotel , where an excellent banquet was provided by Mrs . Marshall , widow of tbe late Bro . Marshall . After the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bro . Haines P . M ., on behalf of tho Visitors , in an able speech , stated that tho working in the Lodge was perfect , the W . M . and officers being well up to their work . The Tyler ' s toast closed a very pleasant cvoaing , at 9 p . m .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 .-The members met at tho Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , on Thursday , 23 rd inst . Bro . Wray W . M ., G . Davis S . W ., A . Weeks J . W ., Woods S . D ., Neighbour J . D ., Smith I . G ., T . Cull Sec . ; also Bros . Yeomans , Dutton , Re . bold , Be If rage , & c . Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Tha first Lecture was worked by Bro . Cull . Bro
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Notices Of Meetings.
Whitaker W . M . elect 1572 , Davige 7 , Sadlin 185 , Taylor 1572 , W . M . Stiles I . G . 1507 . Business—The Lodge was opened in due form , with solemn prayer ; the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Shand was candidate . The W . M . stated , as this was the first meeting he hoped the brethren , when they met for instruction , would adopt tho tuition , or dictum and working of the Preceptor , without
reference to their previous usages or working , so that only one system ¦ would prevail with this Lodgo of Instruction . Bro . Mandor P . M ., Preceptor 1201 , gave explanation of first tracing board . It waa proposed , seconded , and unanimously carried , that Bro . S . W . Hubbuck bo W . M . at next meeting , and ho appointed his officers in rotation . It was proposed and carried that a voto of thanks be
given and recorded upon the minutes to Bro . Matider , for his able lecture upon tho tracing board . The thanks of tho meeting were given to the W . M . for his able conduct of the chair on this , the inauguration meeting . Bro . Reed J . W . proposed , and Bro . Hubbnck S . W . seconded , that a vote of thanks bo recorded upon the minutes
and given to the Directors and Committee of tho London Masonic Clnb , for their kindness in placing tho room at tho disposal of the Lodge for meetings . The bye-laws wero read , and all Masonic business being ended , the Lodgo closed with solemn prayer and in perfect harmony , and was adjourned until Monday evening , 27 th inst ., at 6 o ' clock .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 85 . —Held at Bro . Maidwell's , Hercules Tavern , Leadonhall-street , on Tuesday , 21 st November . Present—Bros . Rudderforth W . M ., Ellis S . W ., Parker J . W ., Maidwell S . D ., E . Maidvvell I . G . Bros . Hollands , Hill , Davis , & c . Tho Lodge was opened in clue form , and tho minutes of tho previous meeting wero read and confirmed . The Lodgo was opened
in the 2 nd degree . Bro . Hill answered tho questions leading to the 3 rd degree , aud was entrusted . Tho Lodgo was opened in the 3 rd degree , and Bro . Hill was duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The 1 st section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Rudderforth , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed in the 3 rd degree . The Ledge was resumed to the 1 st degree , and tho 2 nd section of tho lecture was worked by the W . M ,, assisted by Bro . Ellis and the
brethren . Bro . Ellis was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was recorded for the able manner in which Bro . Rudderforth worked the ceremony—including the traditional history of the 3 rd degree—for the first time in this Lodge . The motion on the books of tbe 7 th November was carried , that this Lodgo of Instruction shall meet at 7 instead of 7-30 , the same to take effect on the 1 st Tuesday in December . Nothing further offering tho Lodge , was closed in duo form , tho brethren having spent a very instructive evening .
Lodge Of Tranquillity , No . 185 . —A regular meeting of this Lodgo took place at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . G ., on Monday , the 20 th inst . There were present Bros . J . D . Barnett W . M ., John Poartreo S . W ., D . Posener J . W ., John Ross I . P . M ., P . Levy Sec , George Pare S . D ., S . D . Bayley J . D ., Fred . Croaker I . G ., George Bilby P . M . Organist . Past Masters — J .
Constable , R . Z . Bloomfield , S . E . Moss , N . Moss , M . Harris , N . Gluekstein , nnd E . Gottheil . The attendance of lay members was unusually largo . The following visitors wero also present : —M . Emanuel P . M . 342 , D . Webb P . M . 1242 , 11 . Webb Emanuel Hess , 1017 , M . Loowenstark ] 3 U 0 , S . Brown P . M . 1420 , A . Wolf 1613 , W . Payne 1 G 02 , M . Hairier 1119 , E . D . Drummoiid R . W . M . 5 Scotch
Constitution . S . Westerby 1613 , 0 . J . Benson 1613 . The business of the evening consisted of conferring tho degree of M . M . to Eros . Lederer , Salaman , Valentine , Myers , and Barnett ; Crafting Bros . Smith and Davis ; and initiating Messrs . James Butler , Gustav Feigl , and Alfred Westerby , all the ceremonies being very ably performed by the W . M . Subsequently , Bro . E . C .
Chantler was unanimously elected a joining member . In pursuance of notice of motion given at a previous meeting , Bvo . E . Gottheil P . M . submitted the following resolution : —That the Lodge vote a sum of twenty guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution fcr Boys , to be placed on the list of Bro . John Constable P . M ., as Steward representing the Lodge . In the course of his remarks he
adverted to the willingness with which the members met any proposition having for its object deeds of mercy and benevolence , and their readiness to carry into practice the exhortation , "Ask and ye shall have . " Ho thought it needed no words of his to recommend the merits of the Boys' Institution , as they were well acquainted with the great amount cf beneficial work it accomplished . However
deserving of sympathy and support the other institutions may be , it had always appeared to him that the Boys' Institution was preeminently entitled to the highest consideration , for boys are destined in due time to participate in manhood ' s strife for existence , and the Craft , as their guardian , is bound to see that their breeding and education is such as tc fit them to enter the battle of life sufficiently
Avell armed to give them a chance to continue the fight with somi measure of success . The flourishing condition of the Order , with its incessant influx cf new members , of which tho Lodge of Tranquillity can boast of having a fair share , must , in the nature of things , eventually result in larger demands upon the institution , it therefore behoved everv Mason to do what ho could towards seeinc their
resources kept m a state of efficiency . Whenever a call of this kind is made , whether the Ledge fund permits it or not , if even they had to punish their own pockets , it was a duty , indeed it ought to be ; i pleasure , to set aside every selfish consideration and respond to it heartily . The motion was seconded by Bro . John Peartree , Treasurer , and carried without a dissentient voice . In accordance with a
notice cf motion , by Bro . Constable P . M ., a committee was formed for the purpose of taking into consideiation the advisability of the removal of tho Lodge from its present quarters . Bro . Myers , prcprietorof the Jewish Chronicle , called attention to the fact that , in North Germany , Jews are rot admitted into Masonio Lod ges . Recently , at a meeting of the German Grand Lodge , the abolition of
Notices Of Meetings.
the prohibitory clause in tho Constitution was strongly advocated , it received the support of the Grand Master , as well as that of tho Grand Officers , but had to be retained by the vote of a majority , consisting chiefly of provincial delegates . Bro . Myers thought it was time that such an anomaly i hould be protested against , as being so utterly nn-Masonie . It was not a question of creed upon which tho
question ought to rest , but upon the broad basis of Masonic principle and practice . A resolution to petition Grand Lodge upon the subject was unanimously carried . Bro . Gottheil suggested that , in the face of such gross violation of one of tho fundamental principles of Masonry , the Grand Lodgo of England ought , in justice , to suspend all correspondence with tho Grand Lodge of Germany . When tho
Lodge was closed , supper was served , after which the proceedings wero of tho usual character . Tho health of the visitors was proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bro . Duncomb R . W . M . of No . 5 , Scottish Constitution . The reason , ho thought , he was selected to respond to the toast was that ho hailed from a greater distance than any of tho other visitors . Ho represented Lodge No . 5 , being the R . W . M ., for the second vear , in succession to Bro . John Laurie , tho
Grand Secretary , and when ho returned it would be a great pleasure to him to inform his brethren of the excellent work done in this Lodgo , tho hospitality he had enjoyed , aud tho kindness with which he had been received . The initiates responded in a practical manner by subscribing ono guinea each to tho Benevolent Fund , and ono of them ( Bro . Alfred Westerby ) gave , in addition , £ 10 10 s on Bro . Constable ' s list . Bro . Saillard also subscribed £ 10 10 s . Somo excellent singing by Bros . Bailey , Woolf , Barnett , Constable , & c . contributed to enliven tho proceedings .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Wednesday , tho 22 ud November , at Mason ' s Hall , Mason ' s-avenuo , Basinghall-street , E . C . Present—Bros . I . P . Cohen W . M ., Rudderforth S . W ., Tollis J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , John Constable P . M . Treasurer , F . Croaker S . D ., M . Loewenstark J . D ., Fenner I . G ., Christopher Tyler . Past
Masters—Bros . E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , Turquand , Bloomfield . Business—The minutes having been confirmed , tho third ceremony was very ably rehearsed , Bro . Staley acting as candidate . The first section was worked by Bro . Gottheil , assisted by the brethren . Iu accordanco with bye-law 12 , a life governorship was balloted for among those who had attended twenty-five times and upwards during tho
year . The prize was drawn by Bro . Battie , who will place the ten guineas on Bro . Constable ' s list . Bro . Rudderforth will preside on next Wednesday , and after the rehearsal of ono of the ceremonies , Bro . G . B . Abbott will deliver a lecture on a Masonic historical sub - ject . The meeting will be held in one of the largest rooms , and we
trust that brethren who can make it convenient will attend , as this innovation in Lodge of Instruction procedure -will , thero is no doubt , prove most highly interesting and instructive ; and , if approved of , will be followed at stated times by a scries of lectures and addresses by brethren who are qualified and perfectly willing to give their services in that direction .
Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 . —This Lodge held its meeting at Bro . Yetton ' s , tho Rising Sun , Globe-road , on tho 19 th inst . Bros . Austin P . M . Preceptor , Musto P . M . Hon . Sec ., Andrews W . M ., Defriez S . W ., Taylor J . W ., Lazarus S . D ., Hewlett J . D ., Webb I . G ., also Bios . Barnes P . M ., Job , Locks , Fowler , & o . Tho Lodge was opened in due form , tho minutes were read and
confirmed . The Lodge was then opened in tho second and third degrees , and the ceremony of Raising rehearsed , Bro . Locks as candidate . The 1 st , 2 nd ancl 3 rd sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed down to the 1 st degree , ancl the 4 th section of that lecture was worked b y Bro . ¦ Webb , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Defriez was elected W . M . for
tho ensuing week . A unanimous vote of thanks was recorded to the W . M . for the able manner in which ho had fulfilled the duties of the chair . Bro . Webb asked the Lodgo to voto him an amount , to bo added to his list as Steward at one of the forthcoming Festivals , which request was acceded to unanimously . Nothing further offering , the Lodge was closed in due form , aud adjourned until the 26 th inst ° , at seven o ' clock .
Eoyal Union Lodge , No , 382 . —This Lodge held its meet , ing on Monday , tho 20 th of November last , at Chequers Hotel , Uxbridgo , Middlesex . Present—Bros . C . J . W . Davis W . M ., Coulton P . M . as S . W ., Holliday J . W ., W . Coombes Prov . G . S . B . Middlesex Secrefaiy , T . Swallow as S . D ., Cook J . D ., G . Stacey P . M . Organist , Allen Steward , T . Lonsdale I . G ., Longstaff Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . E . C .
Woodward , Swallow , Weedon , Lonsdale . Visitors—Bros . W . Grist The Unity Lodge , Haines P . M . Cosmopolitan , Watson ± \ inolagh Lodge , Docker City Westminster , Ford Castle Lodge . Business—Lodge opened at 3 . 30 punctually , minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Henderson , Matthews and Nicholson questioned and raised . Bros . Ahl and Garrard questioned nnd passed . Ballot unanimous
for Mr . C . baylard , who was initiated . Tbe brethren adjourned to the Railway Hotel , where an excellent banquet was provided by Mrs . Marshall , widow of tbe late Bro . Marshall . After the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bro . Haines P . M ., on behalf of tho Visitors , in an able speech , stated that tho working in the Lodge was perfect , the W . M . and officers being well up to their work . The Tyler ' s toast closed a very pleasant cvoaing , at 9 p . m .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 .-The members met at tho Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , on Thursday , 23 rd inst . Bro . Wray W . M ., G . Davis S . W ., A . Weeks J . W ., Woods S . D ., Neighbour J . D ., Smith I . G ., T . Cull Sec . ; also Bros . Yeomans , Dutton , Re . bold , Be If rage , & c . Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Tha first Lecture was worked by Bro . Cull . Bro