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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Norfolk.
THE ceremony , on Monday last , at the Drill Hall , Norwich , waa ono of tho moat successful Masonic events of the year . In fact never since the celebrated gathering at the Albert Hall , when tho M . W . G . M . was installed , have there been assembled so many distinguished members of the Order . The day fixed was the anniversary of the installation , bv Lord Skelmersdale , of the lato R . W . Bro . the
Hon . F . Walpole , as P . G . M . of this Province . The weather was unpropitious , bat that in no way affected tho attendance of tho brethren , who flocked in considerable numbers from London , ancl especially from the neighbouring provinces , as it was known tho M . W . G . M . would conduct tho ceremony in person . Hence no labour or expense was spared in decorating tho Drill Hall in a manner
worthy of tho occasion . For more than a week Messrs . J . and J . King exercised all their skill and art in decorating against move than ordinary difficulties , the building being so nnsuited to any kind of embellishment . Nevertheless , they succeeded in effecting a wonderful transformation The beams of the roof were festooned with evergreens and flowers ,
& e ., and in tho bays of the walls , were inserted trophies , armorial bearings , shields , and monograms . The gallery at the entrance end was covered with scarlet cloth ; on the wall above was a large Masonio emblem—the square and oompassess ; aud beneath was a temporary screen , faced with crimson and buff cloth , and bearing on its front the arms of Lord Snffield—tho new Provincial Grand
Master . At the further end , a dais was raised . It was covered with crimson cloth , and draped and canopied , the canopy being of crimson and buff , quilted , and lighted by a handsome pendant corona . In the centre was a massive gilt throne , we believe from the Grand Lodge of London , and on either side of these were chairs of State , whilst the walls of the dais bore in the centre the Royal arms , with
the motto , " Love all : trust a few ; do wrong to none j" and on either side were miniature Prince of Wales' plumes in white and gold . Right and left of the steps was a gorgeous Royal banner of purple and gold , specially painted for the occasion , with the motto , "Pax et honor , fides et pudor . " The building was brilliantly lighted , the ordinary coronas being supplemented by a row
of jets , with a radiating star extending the whole length of tbe building on both sides . The body of the hall was seated with chairs placed diagonally from the sides , with a wide carpeted space down the centre ; and the brethren were placed right and left , according to the seniority of their Lodges . Those represented by banners were —on the right , Union 52 , Social 93 , Unanimity 102 , Perseverance
213 , Cabbell 807 , Sondes 996 , and Doric 1193 ; on the left , Faithful 85 , Friendship 100 , Philanthropic 107 , United Friends 313 , Sincerity 943 , and Walpole 1500 . When filled with upwards of 900 brethren , in full Masonio Graft clothing , a large number of whom wore the jewels of high rank , the scene was a most imposing one . At twenty minutes to three o'clock , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master
Designate ( Bro . Major Penrice ) ascended the throne , and the other officers having taken their seats , the Lodge was opened in due form . The arrival of H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . of All England was now awaited , tho following brethren , who had been appointed as special stewards to attend on his Royal Highness , taking np their positions for this purpose—Bros . W . A . Tyssen-Amherst , R . E . Baker , Lieut . -
Col . Bignold , Sir F . G . M . Boileau Bart ., Sir R . J . Buxton Bart ., Lieut .-Col . Boileau , G . Buxton , J . Bond Cabbell , Captain W . Dods , Sir W . H . B . Folkes , Bart . ( High Sheriff of Norfolk ) , R . T . Gurdon , J . S . Holmes , Roger Kerrison , G . W . F . Loftns , Rev . H . Lombe , Rev . Dr . Maugan , Captain W . Massey , Cecil Montgomerie , Captain Hastings Parker , Paynton Pigott , Thomas Watson , George
Wilkinson , and H . Morgan . In a short time the Prov . G . M . of Suffolk , Bro . Lord Waveney , entered the Hall , and having taken a seat on tbe right of the throne , was received with cheers . Shortly after three o ' clock , the strains of " God Save the Queen , " and somo truly English cheers from without , indicated the approach of tho G . M ., and in a very few minutes afterwards his Royal Highness claimed
admission . The order was at once given , and the Prince , accompanied by Lord Skelmersdale , the M . W . Deputy-Grand Master , and Lord Hardwicke , P . G . M . of Cambridge , was attended to the daia by the Stewards . The Deputy Prov . G . M . Designate at once vacated the throne , aud handed the gavel to his Royal Highness . Amid much clapping of hands and cheering the Grand Master ascended the throne : and
at the call of Sir Albert Woods , Grand Director of Ceremonies , the paluto in Masonry was rendered quite as effectively and impressively , considering the difference in the attendance at the Prince ' s own irstallation , as in the Royal Albert Hall in April of last year . Bro . Lord Snffield was then announced . His patent was given in and handed to the P . G . Secretary ( Bro . H . Barwell ) , by whom it was
read . Bros . Colonel Bignold , E . S . Bignold , Wilkinson , Aldis , Baker , Loftus , and J . Reeve were then selected as stewards to attend upon and escort the Provincial Grand Master Designate to the Throne . When Lord Snffield had ascended the dais , the Right Worshipful Grand Master said : —Brother Lord Suffield , in conferring upon you to-day the office of Provincial Grand Master of the County of Norfolk , I feel convinced , and I think I shall have
t he approval of the brethren of this Province , that the choice that I have made will find favour in tho eyes of the brethren . I know that you have proved a good and true Mason , and I know that the duties yon are about to enter upon you will carry out in a conscien - tious aud true manner ; and I feel also convinced that the choice I have made will confer pleasure and gratification on the brethren of the county . His Royal Highness then obligated and invested Lord Suffield , on which the brethren accorded his lordship a most enthusiastic cheer .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Norfolk.
The Provincial Grand Master having ascended the throne , then said : —May it please your Royal Highness , Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Honourabl o and Ancient Fraternity of Free nnd Accepted Masons of England , I am deeply sensible , Sir , of tho groat honour that yon have conferred upon this province and upon me in selecting mo to fill the
office which has been rendered vacant by tho death of onr late lamented Brother Walpole . I am fully aware , Sir , of the responsibilities and rules devolving npon mo . Accepting tho responsibilities , it will bo my earnest and anxious endeavour to perform tho duties of my high office , and I will do , as far as in mo lios , tho best I can for tho honour and advantage of Masonry in general , of the Grand Charity , and of
this province in particular . And so , Brethren , I hope to merit your approval of the choice which His Royal Highness has made . Circumstances have prevented my entertaining our numerous and distinguished visitors in tho customary manner on tho present occasion , but I hope before long to hold a Provincial Grand Lodgo , to attend Cathedral service , and to have a banquet , when I hopo we may bo
again honoured by the company of thoso brothers from a distance , to whom I can only now offer my most sincere and hearty thanks for their kindness , their courtesy , and the fraternal good fooling that has induced them to come here to-day to assist in the ceremony which has just taken place . Lord Snffield having offered to tho Grand Master the gavel , which hia Royal Highness declined , thereupon
appointed and invested his officers as follow : —Bros . Major Ppnrico D . P . G . M ., Liont .-Col . Duff M . P . P . G . S . W ., Hamon ' L'Estrange P . G . J . W ., Rev . E . J . Alvis P . G . Chaplain , Lient .-Col . L'Estrango P . G . Treasurer , G . B . Kennett P . G . R ., H . G . Barwell P . G . Secretarv , J . C . Chittock P . G . S . D ., P . Wortley P . G . J . D ., T . Lord P . G . S . J . W ., G . A . Bnston P . G . D . C ., E . J . Bonfollow P . G . A . D . C ., Hon . Harbo-d
Harboard P . G . S ., G . Brittain P . G . O ., E . D . Horsfield P . G . P ., J . B . Bridgman , 0 . Havers , W . Mills , and J . J . Commins Stewards . Grand Lodge was then closed . Among the brethren present , in addition to thoso already named , were Bros . Lord Claud Hamilton , M . P ., SirE . Lacon , M . P ., Rev . 0 . J . Martyn , P . G . C ., Rev . R . G . Simpson P . G . C . P . D . C ., A . M . F . Morgan , Major Marsham , J . B . Grabor
Browne , Bro . Porrott P . P . G . S . W . of South Wales , Bro . Emra Holmes P . Prov . G . R . and P . P . G . D . of Suffolk , Bro . Ma | or Allen P . Prov . G . S . W . of Suffolk , Bro . W . Clarke Prov . G . D . C . of Suffolk , Bro . Huddlestone Prov . G . Treas . of Suffolk , Bro . Lucia Prov . G . Sec . of Snffolk , Bro . Boby P . P . G . S . W . Suffolk , Bro . Frazor Prov . G . S . D . of Suffolk , Bro . Hedloy Brown Prov . G . S . W . of Snffolk , Bro . Parrio
Prov . G . A . D . C . of Suffolk , Bro . James Terry G . D . C . of Herts , Bro . W . Hammond P . Prov . G . J . D . of Middlesex , Bro . Adams P . Prov . G . S . B . of Suffolk , Bro . F . Binckes P . G . S ., Bro . Long P . Prov . G . D . C . of Suffolk , Bro . Sedgwick P . P . G . Reg . of Suffolk , Bro . Joshua Nunn P . G . J . W ., H . H . Bridgwater P . P . G . C , Rev . H . Evans Lombe P . S . W ., J . Cholmeley P . G . C ., A . Masters , G . Chamborlin , Gervas Holmes , N . B . Headon , H . Massey , While , W . W . Morgan , & o ..
After this the several Lodges in Norwich devoted themselves to the very agreeable and especially Masonio duty of dispensing hospitality . The brethren of the Social , Sincerity , and Walpolo Lodges dined together , at the Royal Hotel . Bro . Commins , W . M . of tho Social Lodge , occupied the chair , having , on his ricrhfc , Bro . Chittock , of the Sincerity , and on his left , Bro . Isley , W . M . of the Walpole ,
there being present Bros . A . M . F . Morgan P . Dop . G . M . Norfolk , Binckes Secretary Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , Terry , Secretary Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution , J . Bathurst Grabor Browne , Doric 1192 , Wymondham , W . W . Morgan , 1385 , and other gnests . After tho cloth was removed , tho usual round of toasts was proposed . Bro . Commins gave that of Her Majesty ; Bro .
Chittock that of the M . W . G . M . the Prince of Wales , of -whom he spoke in most eloquent terms , as ready at all times , as a landed proprietor in Norfolk , to promote the causo of Norfolk institutions . Bro . Chittock referred especially to his Royal Highnoss's presence that afternoon , at St . Andrew's Hall , for the purpose of rendering his aid in extending the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital . Tho toast of
the Pro Grand Master and the rest of the Grand Officers , present and past , was acknowledged by Bro . Binckes . The health of Lord Suffield P . G . M ., proposed by Bro . Chittock , was responded to with the utmost enthusiasm . Bro . A . M . F . Morgan replied for the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the rest of the Grand Officers , present and past , proposed by Bro . Isley . Bro . Morgan expressed
his firm belief that Bro . Penrice was an excellent working Mason , and congratulated the brethren of tbe Province on the appointment as P . G . M . of Bro . Lord Snffield , than whom a better man could not have been appointed by the Grand Master . Bros . Terry and Binckes responded to the toast of the Masonic Charities , the latter proposing the health of the three presiding Masters , to
which Bros . Commins , Chittock and Isley severally responded . The toast of the Visitors was acknowledged by Bro . Lord Claud Hamilton , who entered tho banquet room at an advanced hour of the evening . Lodge Union dined at the Norfolk , and Lodges Perseverance and Cabbell at the Castle . At the latter , Brother Offerd , W . M . of tho
Perseverance , presided , faced by Bro . Baxter , W . M . of the Cabbell . Our stay at this banquet was necessarily brief , but we may mention that the speech of the meeting was that delivered by Bro . A . M . F . Morgan , in response to the toast of the Provincial Officers . Bro . Kennett presided at the Norfolk banqnefc . It only remains for ns to add that , as far as it was possible , all the
needful arrangements gave the utmost satisfaction . The salute , as conducted by Sir Albert Woods , was perfect . Bro . A . M . F . Morgan , whose name wo" have more than once mentioned already , was most hospitable in his reception of visiting brethren , and his honse was most elegantly decorated in honour of tho Prince's visit . Bro . Mills
fulfilled the duties of D . C . at tho banquet at the Royal very snecossfnlly . Last , but not least , the railway arrangements were excellent on tho clay itself , while on the day previous ( Sunday ) tho Great Eastern management ran a special train for the directors and officials who were anxious to visit Norwich on this grand occasion ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Norfolk.
THE ceremony , on Monday last , at the Drill Hall , Norwich , waa ono of tho moat successful Masonic events of the year . In fact never since the celebrated gathering at the Albert Hall , when tho M . W . G . M . was installed , have there been assembled so many distinguished members of the Order . The day fixed was the anniversary of the installation , bv Lord Skelmersdale , of the lato R . W . Bro . the
Hon . F . Walpole , as P . G . M . of this Province . The weather was unpropitious , bat that in no way affected tho attendance of tho brethren , who flocked in considerable numbers from London , ancl especially from the neighbouring provinces , as it was known tho M . W . G . M . would conduct tho ceremony in person . Hence no labour or expense was spared in decorating tho Drill Hall in a manner
worthy of tho occasion . For more than a week Messrs . J . and J . King exercised all their skill and art in decorating against move than ordinary difficulties , the building being so nnsuited to any kind of embellishment . Nevertheless , they succeeded in effecting a wonderful transformation The beams of the roof were festooned with evergreens and flowers ,
& e ., and in tho bays of the walls , were inserted trophies , armorial bearings , shields , and monograms . The gallery at the entrance end was covered with scarlet cloth ; on the wall above was a large Masonio emblem—the square and oompassess ; aud beneath was a temporary screen , faced with crimson and buff cloth , and bearing on its front the arms of Lord Snffield—tho new Provincial Grand
Master . At the further end , a dais was raised . It was covered with crimson cloth , and draped and canopied , the canopy being of crimson and buff , quilted , and lighted by a handsome pendant corona . In the centre was a massive gilt throne , we believe from the Grand Lodge of London , and on either side of these were chairs of State , whilst the walls of the dais bore in the centre the Royal arms , with
the motto , " Love all : trust a few ; do wrong to none j" and on either side were miniature Prince of Wales' plumes in white and gold . Right and left of the steps was a gorgeous Royal banner of purple and gold , specially painted for the occasion , with the motto , "Pax et honor , fides et pudor . " The building was brilliantly lighted , the ordinary coronas being supplemented by a row
of jets , with a radiating star extending the whole length of tbe building on both sides . The body of the hall was seated with chairs placed diagonally from the sides , with a wide carpeted space down the centre ; and the brethren were placed right and left , according to the seniority of their Lodges . Those represented by banners were —on the right , Union 52 , Social 93 , Unanimity 102 , Perseverance
213 , Cabbell 807 , Sondes 996 , and Doric 1193 ; on the left , Faithful 85 , Friendship 100 , Philanthropic 107 , United Friends 313 , Sincerity 943 , and Walpole 1500 . When filled with upwards of 900 brethren , in full Masonio Graft clothing , a large number of whom wore the jewels of high rank , the scene was a most imposing one . At twenty minutes to three o'clock , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master
Designate ( Bro . Major Penrice ) ascended the throne , and the other officers having taken their seats , the Lodge was opened in due form . The arrival of H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . of All England was now awaited , tho following brethren , who had been appointed as special stewards to attend on his Royal Highness , taking np their positions for this purpose—Bros . W . A . Tyssen-Amherst , R . E . Baker , Lieut . -
Col . Bignold , Sir F . G . M . Boileau Bart ., Sir R . J . Buxton Bart ., Lieut .-Col . Boileau , G . Buxton , J . Bond Cabbell , Captain W . Dods , Sir W . H . B . Folkes , Bart . ( High Sheriff of Norfolk ) , R . T . Gurdon , J . S . Holmes , Roger Kerrison , G . W . F . Loftns , Rev . H . Lombe , Rev . Dr . Maugan , Captain W . Massey , Cecil Montgomerie , Captain Hastings Parker , Paynton Pigott , Thomas Watson , George
Wilkinson , and H . Morgan . In a short time the Prov . G . M . of Suffolk , Bro . Lord Waveney , entered the Hall , and having taken a seat on tbe right of the throne , was received with cheers . Shortly after three o ' clock , the strains of " God Save the Queen , " and somo truly English cheers from without , indicated the approach of tho G . M ., and in a very few minutes afterwards his Royal Highness claimed
admission . The order was at once given , and the Prince , accompanied by Lord Skelmersdale , the M . W . Deputy-Grand Master , and Lord Hardwicke , P . G . M . of Cambridge , was attended to the daia by the Stewards . The Deputy Prov . G . M . Designate at once vacated the throne , aud handed the gavel to his Royal Highness . Amid much clapping of hands and cheering the Grand Master ascended the throne : and
at the call of Sir Albert Woods , Grand Director of Ceremonies , the paluto in Masonry was rendered quite as effectively and impressively , considering the difference in the attendance at the Prince ' s own irstallation , as in the Royal Albert Hall in April of last year . Bro . Lord Snffield was then announced . His patent was given in and handed to the P . G . Secretary ( Bro . H . Barwell ) , by whom it was
read . Bros . Colonel Bignold , E . S . Bignold , Wilkinson , Aldis , Baker , Loftus , and J . Reeve were then selected as stewards to attend upon and escort the Provincial Grand Master Designate to the Throne . When Lord Snffield had ascended the dais , the Right Worshipful Grand Master said : —Brother Lord Suffield , in conferring upon you to-day the office of Provincial Grand Master of the County of Norfolk , I feel convinced , and I think I shall have
t he approval of the brethren of this Province , that the choice that I have made will find favour in tho eyes of the brethren . I know that you have proved a good and true Mason , and I know that the duties yon are about to enter upon you will carry out in a conscien - tious aud true manner ; and I feel also convinced that the choice I have made will confer pleasure and gratification on the brethren of the county . His Royal Highness then obligated and invested Lord Suffield , on which the brethren accorded his lordship a most enthusiastic cheer .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Norfolk.
The Provincial Grand Master having ascended the throne , then said : —May it please your Royal Highness , Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Honourabl o and Ancient Fraternity of Free nnd Accepted Masons of England , I am deeply sensible , Sir , of tho groat honour that yon have conferred upon this province and upon me in selecting mo to fill the
office which has been rendered vacant by tho death of onr late lamented Brother Walpole . I am fully aware , Sir , of the responsibilities and rules devolving npon mo . Accepting tho responsibilities , it will bo my earnest and anxious endeavour to perform tho duties of my high office , and I will do , as far as in mo lios , tho best I can for tho honour and advantage of Masonry in general , of the Grand Charity , and of
this province in particular . And so , Brethren , I hope to merit your approval of the choice which His Royal Highness has made . Circumstances have prevented my entertaining our numerous and distinguished visitors in tho customary manner on tho present occasion , but I hope before long to hold a Provincial Grand Lodgo , to attend Cathedral service , and to have a banquet , when I hopo we may bo
again honoured by the company of thoso brothers from a distance , to whom I can only now offer my most sincere and hearty thanks for their kindness , their courtesy , and the fraternal good fooling that has induced them to come here to-day to assist in the ceremony which has just taken place . Lord Snffield having offered to tho Grand Master the gavel , which hia Royal Highness declined , thereupon
appointed and invested his officers as follow : —Bros . Major Ppnrico D . P . G . M ., Liont .-Col . Duff M . P . P . G . S . W ., Hamon ' L'Estrange P . G . J . W ., Rev . E . J . Alvis P . G . Chaplain , Lient .-Col . L'Estrango P . G . Treasurer , G . B . Kennett P . G . R ., H . G . Barwell P . G . Secretarv , J . C . Chittock P . G . S . D ., P . Wortley P . G . J . D ., T . Lord P . G . S . J . W ., G . A . Bnston P . G . D . C ., E . J . Bonfollow P . G . A . D . C ., Hon . Harbo-d
Harboard P . G . S ., G . Brittain P . G . O ., E . D . Horsfield P . G . P ., J . B . Bridgman , 0 . Havers , W . Mills , and J . J . Commins Stewards . Grand Lodge was then closed . Among the brethren present , in addition to thoso already named , were Bros . Lord Claud Hamilton , M . P ., SirE . Lacon , M . P ., Rev . 0 . J . Martyn , P . G . C ., Rev . R . G . Simpson P . G . C . P . D . C ., A . M . F . Morgan , Major Marsham , J . B . Grabor
Browne , Bro . Porrott P . P . G . S . W . of South Wales , Bro . Emra Holmes P . Prov . G . R . and P . P . G . D . of Suffolk , Bro . Ma | or Allen P . Prov . G . S . W . of Suffolk , Bro . W . Clarke Prov . G . D . C . of Suffolk , Bro . Huddlestone Prov . G . Treas . of Suffolk , Bro . Lucia Prov . G . Sec . of Snffolk , Bro . Boby P . P . G . S . W . Suffolk , Bro . Frazor Prov . G . S . D . of Suffolk , Bro . Hedloy Brown Prov . G . S . W . of Snffolk , Bro . Parrio
Prov . G . A . D . C . of Suffolk , Bro . James Terry G . D . C . of Herts , Bro . W . Hammond P . Prov . G . J . D . of Middlesex , Bro . Adams P . Prov . G . S . B . of Suffolk , Bro . F . Binckes P . G . S ., Bro . Long P . Prov . G . D . C . of Suffolk , Bro . Sedgwick P . P . G . Reg . of Suffolk , Bro . Joshua Nunn P . G . J . W ., H . H . Bridgwater P . P . G . C , Rev . H . Evans Lombe P . S . W ., J . Cholmeley P . G . C ., A . Masters , G . Chamborlin , Gervas Holmes , N . B . Headon , H . Massey , While , W . W . Morgan , & o ..
After this the several Lodges in Norwich devoted themselves to the very agreeable and especially Masonio duty of dispensing hospitality . The brethren of the Social , Sincerity , and Walpolo Lodges dined together , at the Royal Hotel . Bro . Commins , W . M . of tho Social Lodge , occupied the chair , having , on his ricrhfc , Bro . Chittock , of the Sincerity , and on his left , Bro . Isley , W . M . of the Walpole ,
there being present Bros . A . M . F . Morgan P . Dop . G . M . Norfolk , Binckes Secretary Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , Terry , Secretary Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution , J . Bathurst Grabor Browne , Doric 1192 , Wymondham , W . W . Morgan , 1385 , and other gnests . After tho cloth was removed , tho usual round of toasts was proposed . Bro . Commins gave that of Her Majesty ; Bro .
Chittock that of the M . W . G . M . the Prince of Wales , of -whom he spoke in most eloquent terms , as ready at all times , as a landed proprietor in Norfolk , to promote the causo of Norfolk institutions . Bro . Chittock referred especially to his Royal Highnoss's presence that afternoon , at St . Andrew's Hall , for the purpose of rendering his aid in extending the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital . Tho toast of
the Pro Grand Master and the rest of the Grand Officers , present and past , was acknowledged by Bro . Binckes . The health of Lord Suffield P . G . M ., proposed by Bro . Chittock , was responded to with the utmost enthusiasm . Bro . A . M . F . Morgan replied for the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the rest of the Grand Officers , present and past , proposed by Bro . Isley . Bro . Morgan expressed
his firm belief that Bro . Penrice was an excellent working Mason , and congratulated the brethren of tbe Province on the appointment as P . G . M . of Bro . Lord Snffield , than whom a better man could not have been appointed by the Grand Master . Bros . Terry and Binckes responded to the toast of the Masonic Charities , the latter proposing the health of the three presiding Masters , to
which Bros . Commins , Chittock and Isley severally responded . The toast of the Visitors was acknowledged by Bro . Lord Claud Hamilton , who entered tho banquet room at an advanced hour of the evening . Lodge Union dined at the Norfolk , and Lodges Perseverance and Cabbell at the Castle . At the latter , Brother Offerd , W . M . of tho
Perseverance , presided , faced by Bro . Baxter , W . M . of the Cabbell . Our stay at this banquet was necessarily brief , but we may mention that the speech of the meeting was that delivered by Bro . A . M . F . Morgan , in response to the toast of the Provincial Officers . Bro . Kennett presided at the Norfolk banqnefc . It only remains for ns to add that , as far as it was possible , all the
needful arrangements gave the utmost satisfaction . The salute , as conducted by Sir Albert Woods , was perfect . Bro . A . M . F . Morgan , whose name wo" have more than once mentioned already , was most hospitable in his reception of visiting brethren , and his honse was most elegantly decorated in honour of tho Prince's visit . Bro . Mills
fulfilled the duties of D . C . at tho banquet at the Royal very snecossfnlly . Last , but not least , the railway arrangements were excellent on tho clay itself , while on the day previous ( Sunday ) tho Great Eastern management ran a special train for the directors and officials who were anxious to visit Norwich on this grand occasion ,