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Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
A SPECIAL General Court was lielti on Saturday , the 18 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , in consequence of a requisition delivered to the Secretary , signed by Lieut .-Col . Creaton , V . P . and Trustee , to receive the report of the building committee upon the new laundry , and , if approved , to authorise such further expenditure as
may bo deemed necessary . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton V . P . having been unanimously voted to the chair , the Secretary , Bro . It . Wentworth Little , read the advertisement convening the meeting , and tbe minutes of tho building committee . The meeting was called upon to authorise the committee to
vote the sum of £ 1 , 000 , in addition to the sum of £ 1 , 400 already voted . Bro . Massa , the architect , having given notice that the builder and contractor could not complete the building of the new laundry , so essential to the requirements , without that sum— £ 600 being required for
engineering purposes , and that would include the fittings . The estimates of the building of the great hall were alread y given , but this was to be a separate charge . Bro . Massa fully explained the case . It was then proposed by Bro . Lieut .-Colonel Creaton , and seconded by Bro .
H . M . Levy , that the sum of £ 1 , 000 be voted for the above purposes , that sum to include the fittings . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart P . G . D . said that the architect , Bro . Massa , having given in his estimate , the subscribers ought not to be called on to give a further sum . He then proposed ,
and Bro . H . Browse seconded , that tenders be solicited , by advertisements , for the work of the new laundry , to include the fittings . Bro . John Symonds P . G . D . proposed , and Bro . A . H . Tattershall seconded , that the building committee be authorised to incur a further expenditure of £ 600 ,
such additional sum to include the fittings . The chairman having put this to the meeting , the amendment was carried . Bro . John Symonds proposed , and Bro . Raynham W . Stewart seconded , that a cordial vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton , for his
able presidency , he having , at great personal inconvenience ( owing to his late severe accident ) , attended the meeting This was carried unanimously , and all present expressed their pleasure at seeing him so far recovered . Among thoso present were Bros . H . Browse , R . VV . Stewart , S .
Rawson , Hyde Pullen , J . T . Sabine , T . W . White , Major Finney , A . H . Tattershall , Capt . Wordsworth , Massa , J . Svmonds , CoIIard , Moutric , Rev . J . Vaughan , John Boyd , L . Ruf , F , Binckes , Roebuck , Jas . Terry , H . A . Dubois , Chancellor , H . Massey , Dr . Ramsey and H . M . Levy .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , and was more numerously attended than any Lodge we remember for some years past . Bro . Joshua JNunn , Senior Vice-President occupied the chair , Bro . J . Brett , Junior Vice-Presidentas
, Senior V . P ., and Bro . S . G . Foxall as Junior V . P ., supporting him , together with Bros . C . F . Hogard , F . Binckes , J . Green , J . Bingemann , J . A . Farnfield , M . S . Larlham , and very many others . At the Board of Masters the agenda paper for the next Communication of Grand
Lodge was settled . This included notice of motion b y Bro . F . Binckes to distribute in equal portions among the three Masonic Charities the sum of £ 6 , 000 . It was further intimated that the Pro Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon intended calling a special Grand Lodge , with
a view to receiving the report of the Committee appoin ed last Grand Lodge to consider the appropriation of a proposed vote iu honour of the Grand Master ' s visit to and safe return from India . Grants were then confirmed to the extent of £ 175 . The sum of
£ 5 o- ± was then awarded by the Lodge as follows : £ 100 to one applicant , £ 50 to two , £ 40 to one , £ 25 to one , £ 20 to nine , £ 13 to one , £ 10 to seven , £ 5 to four , and £ 3 to two . Two other petitions were dismissed . The meeting closed with the usual formalities .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
THE annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland will be held in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
Thursday , the 30 th vast ., at five o clock p . m ., for the election of Grand Office-bearers ; and also in the same place , at six o ' clock p . m ., at a banquet , in celebration of the Festival of
St . Andrew . Chairman , Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart , Bart ., M . W . Grand Master Mason . Wardens , the Right Hon . Lord Rosenill , the Right Hon . Lord Ramsay . The chair will be taken at six o ' clock p . m .
Prince Leopold And The Wiltshire Freemasons.
THERE was a very largo and influential gathering of Freemasons at Warminster on Wednesday , in consequence of Prince Leopold K . G ., P . G . M . for Oxfordshire , having expressed his intention of visiting the annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire , hold in the Warminster Town Hall . The officers of the Longleat Lodge opened tho Lodgo at half-past twelve o'clock , and shortly afterwards received the Provincial Grand Lodge , the long procession including
the Provincial Grand Master , Lord Methuen , accompanied by Prince Leopold , Bro . Gabriel Goldney , M . P ., Deputy Grand Master , Lord Harry Thynne , M . P ., Past Grand Warden of England , Sir Watkin Wynn , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Wales and Shropshire , Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Berks and Bucks , Bro . V . F . Benett-Stanford M . P ., General Doherty ,
the Revs . G . R . Davey and T . F . Ravenshaw , Past Grand Chaplains , Rev . G . O . E . Gardiner , Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . Tombs , Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Biggs , Provincial Grand Secretary Berks and Bucks , and a number of other Grand Officers of the Craft in Wilts , Dorset , Somerset , and other provinces . The customary honours having been accorded to Prince Leopold and the other dis .
tinguished visitors , reports were presented , showing that the province was in a very satisfactory state , upon which Lord Methuen congratulated the brethren generally . Bro . Goldney , the Deputy Grand Master , in tho name of Provincial Grand Lodge , presented to Lord Methuen a handsome banner , emblazoned with his lordship's arms , and an inscription giving the date of Lord Methuen ' s installation
( 1855 ) , and also that of the presentation . Bro . Goldney delivered a brief address , asking Lord Methuen ' s acceptance of the banner as a token of the gratitude which the Masons of Wiltshire felt towards him for the ability with which he had for so many years presided over the province of Wiltshire . Lord Methuen , in thanking the brethren for this expression of their kindness and good
will , said that whenever his connection with the province of Wilts ceased ho should look back upon it with feelings of pleasure and satisfaction . The Provincial Grand Master presented tho thanks of the brethren to Prince Leopold for having honoured them with his presence , and said he hoped his Royal Highness would nover feel regret , but rather pride that he was
a member of a Wiltshire Lodge . At tho conclusion of the business , tho company adjourned to a banquet , when the usual Masonic toasts wore honoured . Lord Methuen presided , and the company , which numbered upwards of 100 , included Prince Leopold , Lord H . Thynne , M . P ., tho High Sheriff of Wilts ( Mr . W . H . Poynder ) , Sir Watkin Wynn , M . P ., Sir Daniel Gooch M . P ., Bro . Arthur Guest , Past Grand
Senior Warden Dorset , Colonel the Hon . Percy Fielding ( Coldstream Guards ) , Colonel Crawley , Colonel Everett , Colonel Magrafch , Mr . R . H . Collins , and others holding high office in the Masonic Craft . The health of tho Right Worshipful Brother His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire , was proposed by Lord Methuen , and received with great enthusiasm . —His Royal
Highness , in responding , said ; Right Worshipful Sir and Brethren , —I rise to return my most sincere thanks for the cordial terms in which the Provincial Grand Master has proposed my health , and also to return thanks to all tho brethren for the kind reception they have given to this toast ( cheers ) . Although I have spent little more than a few weeks in Wiltshire , this is already the second occasion on
which I have received a hearty reception from the brethren of this province ( cheers ) . I can assure you that this fact in no small degree increases my appreciation of this country and this neighbourhood in particular . It seems to me that wherever a Mason may take np his residence , and however much he may previously have been a stranger in the country , he is sure to find here a nucleus of ready-made
friends ( loud cheers . ) And this , brethren , is an advantage which I am sure you will agree cannot be valued too highly ( loud cheers ) . I must add that it is a special pleasure to me to make the acquaint , ance of my brother Masons in Wiltshire , and to find my highly valued friend Lord Mothnen in charge of the province ( cheers ) . Although there are probably many present who have enjoyed the Provincial
Grand Master ' s friendship a greater number of years than I have , I can at least say I have known him as long almost as I have known any one , and I need not add that to know him is to appreciate a manly , straightforward , ancl thoroughly English character ( loud cheers ) . Inviting yon to drink "The Health of your Provincial
Grand Master , I congratulate yon upon having so genial and cheery a chief , and I ask you to join me in praying that he may be spared for many , many years to preside over this province ( cheers ) . Lord Methuen responded , and the toast list was then gone through .- — Standard .
Bro . Terry announced , at the banquet of the Social , Sincerity and Walpole Lodges , held on Monday , in honour of the Installation , by the Grand Master , of Lord Suffield , aa
Prov . G . M . Norfolk , at the Royal Hotel , Norwich , that H . R . H . Bro . Prince Leopold had graciously undertaken to preside at the Festival in February of next year of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
A SPECIAL General Court was lielti on Saturday , the 18 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , in consequence of a requisition delivered to the Secretary , signed by Lieut .-Col . Creaton , V . P . and Trustee , to receive the report of the building committee upon the new laundry , and , if approved , to authorise such further expenditure as
may bo deemed necessary . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton V . P . having been unanimously voted to the chair , the Secretary , Bro . It . Wentworth Little , read the advertisement convening the meeting , and tbe minutes of tho building committee . The meeting was called upon to authorise the committee to
vote the sum of £ 1 , 000 , in addition to the sum of £ 1 , 400 already voted . Bro . Massa , the architect , having given notice that the builder and contractor could not complete the building of the new laundry , so essential to the requirements , without that sum— £ 600 being required for
engineering purposes , and that would include the fittings . The estimates of the building of the great hall were alread y given , but this was to be a separate charge . Bro . Massa fully explained the case . It was then proposed by Bro . Lieut .-Colonel Creaton , and seconded by Bro .
H . M . Levy , that the sum of £ 1 , 000 be voted for the above purposes , that sum to include the fittings . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart P . G . D . said that the architect , Bro . Massa , having given in his estimate , the subscribers ought not to be called on to give a further sum . He then proposed ,
and Bro . H . Browse seconded , that tenders be solicited , by advertisements , for the work of the new laundry , to include the fittings . Bro . John Symonds P . G . D . proposed , and Bro . A . H . Tattershall seconded , that the building committee be authorised to incur a further expenditure of £ 600 ,
such additional sum to include the fittings . The chairman having put this to the meeting , the amendment was carried . Bro . John Symonds proposed , and Bro . Raynham W . Stewart seconded , that a cordial vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton , for his
able presidency , he having , at great personal inconvenience ( owing to his late severe accident ) , attended the meeting This was carried unanimously , and all present expressed their pleasure at seeing him so far recovered . Among thoso present were Bros . H . Browse , R . VV . Stewart , S .
Rawson , Hyde Pullen , J . T . Sabine , T . W . White , Major Finney , A . H . Tattershall , Capt . Wordsworth , Massa , J . Svmonds , CoIIard , Moutric , Rev . J . Vaughan , John Boyd , L . Ruf , F , Binckes , Roebuck , Jas . Terry , H . A . Dubois , Chancellor , H . Massey , Dr . Ramsey and H . M . Levy .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , and was more numerously attended than any Lodge we remember for some years past . Bro . Joshua JNunn , Senior Vice-President occupied the chair , Bro . J . Brett , Junior Vice-Presidentas
, Senior V . P ., and Bro . S . G . Foxall as Junior V . P ., supporting him , together with Bros . C . F . Hogard , F . Binckes , J . Green , J . Bingemann , J . A . Farnfield , M . S . Larlham , and very many others . At the Board of Masters the agenda paper for the next Communication of Grand
Lodge was settled . This included notice of motion b y Bro . F . Binckes to distribute in equal portions among the three Masonic Charities the sum of £ 6 , 000 . It was further intimated that the Pro Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon intended calling a special Grand Lodge , with
a view to receiving the report of the Committee appoin ed last Grand Lodge to consider the appropriation of a proposed vote iu honour of the Grand Master ' s visit to and safe return from India . Grants were then confirmed to the extent of £ 175 . The sum of
£ 5 o- ± was then awarded by the Lodge as follows : £ 100 to one applicant , £ 50 to two , £ 40 to one , £ 25 to one , £ 20 to nine , £ 13 to one , £ 10 to seven , £ 5 to four , and £ 3 to two . Two other petitions were dismissed . The meeting closed with the usual formalities .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
THE annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland will be held in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
Thursday , the 30 th vast ., at five o clock p . m ., for the election of Grand Office-bearers ; and also in the same place , at six o ' clock p . m ., at a banquet , in celebration of the Festival of
St . Andrew . Chairman , Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart , Bart ., M . W . Grand Master Mason . Wardens , the Right Hon . Lord Rosenill , the Right Hon . Lord Ramsay . The chair will be taken at six o ' clock p . m .
Prince Leopold And The Wiltshire Freemasons.
THERE was a very largo and influential gathering of Freemasons at Warminster on Wednesday , in consequence of Prince Leopold K . G ., P . G . M . for Oxfordshire , having expressed his intention of visiting the annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire , hold in the Warminster Town Hall . The officers of the Longleat Lodge opened tho Lodgo at half-past twelve o'clock , and shortly afterwards received the Provincial Grand Lodge , the long procession including
the Provincial Grand Master , Lord Methuen , accompanied by Prince Leopold , Bro . Gabriel Goldney , M . P ., Deputy Grand Master , Lord Harry Thynne , M . P ., Past Grand Warden of England , Sir Watkin Wynn , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Wales and Shropshire , Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Berks and Bucks , Bro . V . F . Benett-Stanford M . P ., General Doherty ,
the Revs . G . R . Davey and T . F . Ravenshaw , Past Grand Chaplains , Rev . G . O . E . Gardiner , Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . Tombs , Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Biggs , Provincial Grand Secretary Berks and Bucks , and a number of other Grand Officers of the Craft in Wilts , Dorset , Somerset , and other provinces . The customary honours having been accorded to Prince Leopold and the other dis .
tinguished visitors , reports were presented , showing that the province was in a very satisfactory state , upon which Lord Methuen congratulated the brethren generally . Bro . Goldney , the Deputy Grand Master , in tho name of Provincial Grand Lodge , presented to Lord Methuen a handsome banner , emblazoned with his lordship's arms , and an inscription giving the date of Lord Methuen ' s installation
( 1855 ) , and also that of the presentation . Bro . Goldney delivered a brief address , asking Lord Methuen ' s acceptance of the banner as a token of the gratitude which the Masons of Wiltshire felt towards him for the ability with which he had for so many years presided over the province of Wiltshire . Lord Methuen , in thanking the brethren for this expression of their kindness and good
will , said that whenever his connection with the province of Wilts ceased ho should look back upon it with feelings of pleasure and satisfaction . The Provincial Grand Master presented tho thanks of the brethren to Prince Leopold for having honoured them with his presence , and said he hoped his Royal Highness would nover feel regret , but rather pride that he was
a member of a Wiltshire Lodge . At tho conclusion of the business , tho company adjourned to a banquet , when the usual Masonic toasts wore honoured . Lord Methuen presided , and the company , which numbered upwards of 100 , included Prince Leopold , Lord H . Thynne , M . P ., tho High Sheriff of Wilts ( Mr . W . H . Poynder ) , Sir Watkin Wynn , M . P ., Sir Daniel Gooch M . P ., Bro . Arthur Guest , Past Grand
Senior Warden Dorset , Colonel the Hon . Percy Fielding ( Coldstream Guards ) , Colonel Crawley , Colonel Everett , Colonel Magrafch , Mr . R . H . Collins , and others holding high office in the Masonic Craft . The health of tho Right Worshipful Brother His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire , was proposed by Lord Methuen , and received with great enthusiasm . —His Royal
Highness , in responding , said ; Right Worshipful Sir and Brethren , —I rise to return my most sincere thanks for the cordial terms in which the Provincial Grand Master has proposed my health , and also to return thanks to all tho brethren for the kind reception they have given to this toast ( cheers ) . Although I have spent little more than a few weeks in Wiltshire , this is already the second occasion on
which I have received a hearty reception from the brethren of this province ( cheers ) . I can assure you that this fact in no small degree increases my appreciation of this country and this neighbourhood in particular . It seems to me that wherever a Mason may take np his residence , and however much he may previously have been a stranger in the country , he is sure to find here a nucleus of ready-made
friends ( loud cheers . ) And this , brethren , is an advantage which I am sure you will agree cannot be valued too highly ( loud cheers ) . I must add that it is a special pleasure to me to make the acquaint , ance of my brother Masons in Wiltshire , and to find my highly valued friend Lord Mothnen in charge of the province ( cheers ) . Although there are probably many present who have enjoyed the Provincial
Grand Master ' s friendship a greater number of years than I have , I can at least say I have known him as long almost as I have known any one , and I need not add that to know him is to appreciate a manly , straightforward , ancl thoroughly English character ( loud cheers ) . Inviting yon to drink "The Health of your Provincial
Grand Master , I congratulate yon upon having so genial and cheery a chief , and I ask you to join me in praying that he may be spared for many , many years to preside over this province ( cheers ) . Lord Methuen responded , and the toast list was then gone through .- — Standard .
Bro . Terry announced , at the banquet of the Social , Sincerity and Walpole Lodges , held on Monday , in honour of the Installation , by the Grand Master , of Lord Suffield , aa
Prov . G . M . Norfolk , at the Royal Hotel , Norwich , that H . R . H . Bro . Prince Leopold had graciously undertaken to preside at the Festival in February of next year of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .