Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD . L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with tho present improved stats of society . ViiKi ' . uuTioy rent THK CIVIL SEUVICK , C . v > tituiufiK MIDDLE CLASS , COLLEGK OK PlIKCKl'TOHS , Soi-iKTV Off ARTS , TUB Sl'tKXL'E AX D AliT EXAMINATIONS , & C . Special attention to backward and timid pupils ! . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading banking and commercial firms in London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons are now , or have been , educated at tho College . Prospectus forwarded on application to tho Principal .
THE LONDON MASONIC CLUB COMPANY LIMITED . " TVTOTIOE is hereby given , that an Ordinary General Meeting of tho _ Li LONDON MASOXIC CLCH COMPANY LoriTiiD , will bo held , at tho Club Premises , 101 Queen Victoria-street , E . C , on Wednesday , tho 29 tU day of November ls 7 t > , at 3 of the clock , for the purpose of considering tho report of tho Directors , passing tho accounts , electing Auditors , and transacting other business .
LONDON MASONIC CLUB , 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . C . milE CLUU IS NOW OPEN fur the use of Members . JL Only a limited number of members can be elected without Entrance Fee and at tho present rate of subscription . Lodges requiring accommodation should make immediate application to the Secretary . For all particulars and forms of application , apply to the Secretary , at tho Offices , 37 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , LONDON , E . G .
LONDON SCHOOL BOARD- ELECTION , TO THE CITIZENS OF LONDON . FELLOW Crtr / . K'ss , — I ask you to return mo again ns ono of the City Representatives at tho Loudon School Hoard . I rest my claim to your support on the fact that throughout my life . 1 have earnestly devoted my time ami energy to the elevation and mental improvement of the very classes for whose education your School Board was called into existence . I rejoice to recognise its great services , ami to see iiow much it has already effected . It has erected , or is erecting , over 2 uo commodious and subst .. uitial schools . The total number of scholars has been double '! since tho passing of the Act . Indeed , it has laid broadly and surely the foim-1 ation of a , system which , improved as it will be , will secure cultivated intelligence to every London child . The London School Board some time ago determined that the Bible should be read , entirely unmixed with any sectarian comment . To this mode of meeting the religious ditliculty I am prepared to adhere . I am a friend to true economy . No more should be spent than is absolutely needed for the attainment of our great object . Beyond that not a farthing should be taken from the pocket of the ratepayer . Compulsion will be less and less needed every year , for the people will soon come to regard their schools ¦ with pride , aud will take n deeper interest in their children ' s progress . All statesmen aro ready to acknowledge that , iu order to maintain our prosperity in the markets of the world , we must put our working classes on an equal footing as to taste and intellectual culture with the foreign workmen with wh- m we have to compete . I rest my iiope ot being returned by you on the sacrifices I have luaiie for so many years to promote throughout the country the mental , moral , and artistic education of the English people . I therefore respectfully solicit your votes , aud have the honour to remain , Your faithful servant , JOHN BENNETT . Clieapside , 11 th October 1870 .
SCHOOL BOARD FOR LONDON L . wur . s AXB GI ; XTLKMI !> ' , The Educations ! . ! Department having determined on additional representation for this district , and that the 1 'Hection shall take p . aco on the I'Oth November next , J . most respectfully he-licit the honour of being returned as one of your Members . I have hud much experience in School work in this locality , having been for many years on the ( Junuuiuee of Management to the Hoard School , Johanna Street , Aew Cut ; the Summer Memorial Voluntary School , Kennington lioad , and Tenison ' s School , High Street , Lambeth ; these Schoals having an aggregate average wcj . dy attendance of l . -KW children . I am most anxious to assist in carrying out the Elementary Education Act of 1 S 70 ; but I think that , in the interest of the Ratepayers , ' more economy is nccesr-ary in the proceedings which characterize tlie present Board . Tho estimated Expenditure for the ensuing year ending Lady-day next is X' 3 !) S , S ( i 7 7 s id , which , on au sv ^ essmeut of , wi , 5 UD , ouo , reouires a rate of lid iutlieA '; aud if no further supplemental aid be given to the Voluntary s ' chools , this amount must necessarily be con-iderably increased , and possibly doubled as the Voluntary Sy .-tcm becomes extinct . At the Summer Voluntary Schools referred to , upwards of 500 children are cflicieiit . y instructed ; it is self-supporting , aud the ratepayers are thus relieved of a large expenditure . Schools of this description should be fostered , instead of being super .-eded by the competitive action of the Board . I am a member of the Church of England , but of no extreme views , as I respect th-j religious sympathies of my neighbours , aud regard tua Bible alone its tno basis of lieligious Instruction . If you approve my candidature , and return me to the honourable position as one of your Representatives , I vv . U uevote the necessary time snd attention , aud u = e my best endeavours to fulfil with faithfulness tue duties of tho office to which I aspire . I remain , Your most obedient servant , 262 , Kennington Eoad , S . E . CHARLES WHITE . October 2 nd , 1 S 70 .
" A suitahle gift from a Master to Ms Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s 6 d EACH , Int hikiiMksfs CftritirifSLEj VOLUMES I ., II . and III . London : —W . YV " . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in tlie United Kingdom , on receipt ot' Cheque or P . 0 . 0 . Cloth Cases for Binding can be had from the Offices , prico Is Gd each .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . JOHN'S HILL , S . W . Off ICE : 5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . PATROXS : H . R . H . T HE P KINCE OF W AGES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., President . HEK EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PKIXCESS or WALES . IN compliance with a requisition delivered to mo , and signed by Lieut .-Col . Joux CKEATON , P . G . D .. Vice-Patron and Trustee , a Special General Court of tho Coventors anil Subscribers of this Institution will bo held nt Freemasons' Hall , Croat Queon-streot , Lincoln's Inu-iields , London , on Monday , 27 th November lsJ 7 l > , at Twelve o'clock precisely , on tho following business : — " To receive tho Report of the Special Committee upon the Collectorship of the Institution , and to decide thereon . " E . WENTWORTH LITTLE , Secretary .
ROYAL MASONIO BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION I'OH AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . rPHE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION JL will take place on Wednesday , the MtU February 1877 , at Freemasons * Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , upon which occasion H . R . H . Prince Leopold , E . G ., & c , & c . R . W . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , has graciously signified his intention of presiding . Brethren desirous of accepting tho office of Steward upon this auspicious occasion will greatly oblige by forwarding their names , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give every information required . JAMES TERRY , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , Secr $ taiy . i Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
g ^^^^^^^ 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
WE refer elsewhere to the two principal occurrences of the Aveek , namely , the Installation , on Monday , by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., of Lord Suffield as Provincial Grand Master of Norfolk in succession to the late Hon . F . Walpole M . P ., and the visit of Prince Leopold to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire at its meeting at
the Town Hall , Warminster , on Wednesday . The two events necessarily show the deep interest which both Princes take in the welfare of Freemasonry , and cannot fail to extend the influence of the Craft throughout England . Moreover the Prince of Wales ' s visit to Norwich , whither
he was accompanied by his wife , had in view a two-fold purpose . The installation of Lord Suffield was one , the enlargement of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital was the other . The Masonic event was a grand success , nor doubt we His Royal Highness ' s appeal on behalf of the Hospital
will be answered most satisfactorily . A large portion of the requisite sum was promised at the meeting in St . Andrew ' s Hall , and wo anticipate , from so auspicious a commencement , that the whole of the amount will be completed very shortly . We regret , however , to add that
His Royal Highness ' s visit to Lord Suffield was abruptly terminated , by the death of one of Lady Snifield ' s brothers . We beg to express our sympathy with his Lordship and Lady Suffield in their present bereavement . Extra-Parliamentary speeches have , this week , been more
numerous than for some time past . Mr . Cross , who has been on a visit to Ragley Hall , near Birmingham , opened the ball on Monday evening , when the Right Honourable Gentleman was entertained at a banquet in the Town Hall , and took the opportunity of defending the foreign and
home policy of the Government of which he is so distinguished a member . The following evening he was presented with an address of welcome by the local Conservative working men , when he expatiated at length on the services tlie ministry were rendering to the moral and
material progress of the whole community . Lord Hampton presided at the former meeting , and the Earl of Warwick at the latter . On Wednesday , he was entertained by the Mayor and Corporation , at a banquet in the Queen ' s Hotel , when his health was proposed by Mr . Alderman Chamberlain , one of the representatives in the House of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD . L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with tho present improved stats of society . ViiKi ' . uuTioy rent THK CIVIL SEUVICK , C . v > tituiufiK MIDDLE CLASS , COLLEGK OK PlIKCKl'TOHS , Soi-iKTV Off ARTS , TUB Sl'tKXL'E AX D AliT EXAMINATIONS , & C . Special attention to backward and timid pupils ! . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading banking and commercial firms in London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons are now , or have been , educated at tho College . Prospectus forwarded on application to tho Principal .
THE LONDON MASONIC CLUB COMPANY LIMITED . " TVTOTIOE is hereby given , that an Ordinary General Meeting of tho _ Li LONDON MASOXIC CLCH COMPANY LoriTiiD , will bo held , at tho Club Premises , 101 Queen Victoria-street , E . C , on Wednesday , tho 29 tU day of November ls 7 t > , at 3 of the clock , for the purpose of considering tho report of tho Directors , passing tho accounts , electing Auditors , and transacting other business .
LONDON MASONIC CLUB , 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . C . milE CLUU IS NOW OPEN fur the use of Members . JL Only a limited number of members can be elected without Entrance Fee and at tho present rate of subscription . Lodges requiring accommodation should make immediate application to the Secretary . For all particulars and forms of application , apply to the Secretary , at tho Offices , 37 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , LONDON , E . G .
LONDON SCHOOL BOARD- ELECTION , TO THE CITIZENS OF LONDON . FELLOW Crtr / . K'ss , — I ask you to return mo again ns ono of the City Representatives at tho Loudon School Hoard . I rest my claim to your support on the fact that throughout my life . 1 have earnestly devoted my time ami energy to the elevation and mental improvement of the very classes for whose education your School Board was called into existence . I rejoice to recognise its great services , ami to see iiow much it has already effected . It has erected , or is erecting , over 2 uo commodious and subst .. uitial schools . The total number of scholars has been double '! since tho passing of the Act . Indeed , it has laid broadly and surely the foim-1 ation of a , system which , improved as it will be , will secure cultivated intelligence to every London child . The London School Board some time ago determined that the Bible should be read , entirely unmixed with any sectarian comment . To this mode of meeting the religious ditliculty I am prepared to adhere . I am a friend to true economy . No more should be spent than is absolutely needed for the attainment of our great object . Beyond that not a farthing should be taken from the pocket of the ratepayer . Compulsion will be less and less needed every year , for the people will soon come to regard their schools ¦ with pride , aud will take n deeper interest in their children ' s progress . All statesmen aro ready to acknowledge that , iu order to maintain our prosperity in the markets of the world , we must put our working classes on an equal footing as to taste and intellectual culture with the foreign workmen with wh- m we have to compete . I rest my iiope ot being returned by you on the sacrifices I have luaiie for so many years to promote throughout the country the mental , moral , and artistic education of the English people . I therefore respectfully solicit your votes , aud have the honour to remain , Your faithful servant , JOHN BENNETT . Clieapside , 11 th October 1870 .
SCHOOL BOARD FOR LONDON L . wur . s AXB GI ; XTLKMI !> ' , The Educations ! . ! Department having determined on additional representation for this district , and that the 1 'Hection shall take p . aco on the I'Oth November next , J . most respectfully he-licit the honour of being returned as one of your Members . I have hud much experience in School work in this locality , having been for many years on the ( Junuuiuee of Management to the Hoard School , Johanna Street , Aew Cut ; the Summer Memorial Voluntary School , Kennington lioad , and Tenison ' s School , High Street , Lambeth ; these Schoals having an aggregate average wcj . dy attendance of l . -KW children . I am most anxious to assist in carrying out the Elementary Education Act of 1 S 70 ; but I think that , in the interest of the Ratepayers , ' more economy is nccesr-ary in the proceedings which characterize tlie present Board . Tho estimated Expenditure for the ensuing year ending Lady-day next is X' 3 !) S , S ( i 7 7 s id , which , on au sv ^ essmeut of , wi , 5 UD , ouo , reouires a rate of lid iutlieA '; aud if no further supplemental aid be given to the Voluntary s ' chools , this amount must necessarily be con-iderably increased , and possibly doubled as the Voluntary Sy .-tcm becomes extinct . At the Summer Voluntary Schools referred to , upwards of 500 children are cflicieiit . y instructed ; it is self-supporting , aud the ratepayers are thus relieved of a large expenditure . Schools of this description should be fostered , instead of being super .-eded by the competitive action of the Board . I am a member of the Church of England , but of no extreme views , as I respect th-j religious sympathies of my neighbours , aud regard tua Bible alone its tno basis of lieligious Instruction . If you approve my candidature , and return me to the honourable position as one of your Representatives , I vv . U uevote the necessary time snd attention , aud u = e my best endeavours to fulfil with faithfulness tue duties of tho office to which I aspire . I remain , Your most obedient servant , 262 , Kennington Eoad , S . E . CHARLES WHITE . October 2 nd , 1 S 70 .
" A suitahle gift from a Master to Ms Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s 6 d EACH , Int hikiiMksfs CftritirifSLEj VOLUMES I ., II . and III . London : —W . YV " . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in tlie United Kingdom , on receipt ot' Cheque or P . 0 . 0 . Cloth Cases for Binding can be had from the Offices , prico Is Gd each .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . JOHN'S HILL , S . W . Off ICE : 5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . PATROXS : H . R . H . T HE P KINCE OF W AGES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., President . HEK EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PKIXCESS or WALES . IN compliance with a requisition delivered to mo , and signed by Lieut .-Col . Joux CKEATON , P . G . D .. Vice-Patron and Trustee , a Special General Court of tho Coventors anil Subscribers of this Institution will bo held nt Freemasons' Hall , Croat Queon-streot , Lincoln's Inu-iields , London , on Monday , 27 th November lsJ 7 l > , at Twelve o'clock precisely , on tho following business : — " To receive tho Report of the Special Committee upon the Collectorship of the Institution , and to decide thereon . " E . WENTWORTH LITTLE , Secretary .
ROYAL MASONIO BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION I'OH AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . rPHE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION JL will take place on Wednesday , the MtU February 1877 , at Freemasons * Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , upon which occasion H . R . H . Prince Leopold , E . G ., & c , & c . R . W . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , has graciously signified his intention of presiding . Brethren desirous of accepting tho office of Steward upon this auspicious occasion will greatly oblige by forwarding their names , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give every information required . JAMES TERRY , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , Secr $ taiy . i Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
g ^^^^^^^ 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
WE refer elsewhere to the two principal occurrences of the Aveek , namely , the Installation , on Monday , by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., of Lord Suffield as Provincial Grand Master of Norfolk in succession to the late Hon . F . Walpole M . P ., and the visit of Prince Leopold to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire at its meeting at
the Town Hall , Warminster , on Wednesday . The two events necessarily show the deep interest which both Princes take in the welfare of Freemasonry , and cannot fail to extend the influence of the Craft throughout England . Moreover the Prince of Wales ' s visit to Norwich , whither
he was accompanied by his wife , had in view a two-fold purpose . The installation of Lord Suffield was one , the enlargement of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital was the other . The Masonic event was a grand success , nor doubt we His Royal Highness ' s appeal on behalf of the Hospital
will be answered most satisfactorily . A large portion of the requisite sum was promised at the meeting in St . Andrew ' s Hall , and wo anticipate , from so auspicious a commencement , that the whole of the amount will be completed very shortly . We regret , however , to add that
His Royal Highness ' s visit to Lord Suffield was abruptly terminated , by the death of one of Lady Snifield ' s brothers . We beg to express our sympathy with his Lordship and Lady Suffield in their present bereavement . Extra-Parliamentary speeches have , this week , been more
numerous than for some time past . Mr . Cross , who has been on a visit to Ragley Hall , near Birmingham , opened the ball on Monday evening , when the Right Honourable Gentleman was entertained at a banquet in the Town Hall , and took the opportunity of defending the foreign and
home policy of the Government of which he is so distinguished a member . The following evening he was presented with an address of welcome by the local Conservative working men , when he expatiated at length on the services tlie ministry were rendering to the moral and
material progress of the whole community . Lord Hampton presided at the former meeting , and the Earl of Warwick at the latter . On Wednesday , he was entertained by the Mayor and Corporation , at a banquet in the Queen ' s Hotel , when his health was proposed by Mr . Alderman Chamberlain , one of the representatives in the House of