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Notices Of Meetings.
Carpenter and Abbott , who were unanimously elected . The Lodge was passed to tho F . C . degree , and Bro . William Knight , having passed a satisfactory examination , retired . Tho Lodgo was then raised , and Bro . William Knight was duly advanced to tho sublime degree by the W . M ., in his usual eloquent and impressive manner . The Lodge was resumed in tho first degree . At this stage of tho proceedings , the
R . W . P . G . M . of Surrey entered tho Lodge , the W . M . presenting him with the gavol . Ho took charge of the Lodge for a short period , during which ho called upon the Secretary , Bro . J . H . Askham , to read a Patent , appointing Bro . Rev . Charles William Arnold G . C . as Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Surrey . This announcement was received with acclamation , tho ability and zeal for the Craft
displayed by Bro . Rev . Arnold being fully appreciated by tho brethren in this locality . Bro . Rev . Arnold having duly acknowledged the high honour conferred on him , expressed his determination to faithfully discharge tho important duties of his new office . The Very Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master then proceeded with the installation of the W . M . elect . A Board of Installed Masters
being formed , Bro . John Webster was duly installed in tho chair of K . S ., and saluted according to ancient custom . Tho W . M . at once proceeded to invest the following brethren as his officers for tho ensuing year , delivering to each a suitable address on tho duties of his office . Bros . Henry Hacker P . M ., William Stacey S . W ., John McGowan J . W ., Thomas Haydon Treasurer , William Weller Secretary ,
J . II . Askham S . D ., William Rowland J . D ., Robert Kimmms I . G ., William Male Tr . pro tern , William Elsley D . C ., E . J . Wilkinson Organist , T . Kemp Almoner , William Pearson , George Payne , and John Eaton Crouch , Stewards . The Lodge being dul y closed at 4 . 30 p . m ., the brethren adjourned to a banquet , supplied by Messrs . Brett and Son , of Guildford , in their well-known style , at tho Anchor
Inn , Knaphill , the rooms being kindly lent for the occasion b y Mr . James Jay . Tho nsaal Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and responded to , in tho course of which tho R . W . P . G . M . and the V . W . D . P . G . M . alluded to the great success of the Lodge during the past year , and complimented the brethren on their wisdom in
reelecting their W . M . The " Masonic Charities " were suitably proposed by Wor . Bro . H , Hacker , and replied to by Bro . F . Binckes , iu a powerful and impressive speech . A most agreeable evening was spent , Bros . Wilkinson , Weller , and Askham having rendered somo capital songs . Bro . Wilkinson efficiently presided at tho piano .
Upper Norwood Lodge of Instruction , No . 1586 . — White Hart Hotel , Upper Norwood , meets weekly , on Mondays , at 7 . 30 p . m . II . E . Frances P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Surrey Preceptor , VV . Hopekirk P . M . Treasurer , J . Hammond P . M . Secretary . This excel , lent Lodge of Instruction , which has only been in existence since the formation of the mother Lodge , in April last , now numbers over
thirty members . It is presided over by a brother who is well known in the South London Masonic Circle for his earnest zeal in tho Craft , and eminent qualifications ancl natural adaptions to impart Masonic instruction . On tho first Monday in each month , the 1 st degree is rehearsed , and lectures worked ; on the second Monday , the 2 nd degree , Ac ; on tho third Monday , tho 3 rd degree , & o . ; ancl on the
fourth , tho Installation Ceremony , or any of the former . On Monday last ( Bvo . J . Pringle W . M . Preston Lodge in tho chair ) , in addition to tho third degree , by special request of the Lodge at the preceding meeting , the Preceptor , Bro . H . E . Frances , gave , in true Masonic style , the explanation of the Tracing Board of the 1 st degree . So admirably was the lecture given , that tho Lodge unanimously resolved to have recorded on tho minutes a vote of thanks , not only for tho fluent
and correct rendering of the historical illustrations , but for the accurate aud excellent production of a Tracing Board , which practically evidenced that Bro . Frances is as familiar with the professional use of the brush as he is acquainted with tho Rituals of Masonry . The Ceremony of Installation will be rehearsed on Monday next , tho 26 th inst ., when it is proposed that Bro . H . E . Frances shall instal Bro . J . Miller ( W . M . Upper Norwood Lodge ) in tho chair .
West Middlesex Lodge , No . 1612 . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting on Saturday , the 11 th of November , at the Institute , Ealing . Present—Bros A . Beasly W . M ., T . Kingston S . W ., W . Goss , J . W . 780 as J . W ., J . Chambers Roe Sec , — Brown Treas ., A . J . Burr S . D ., J . Green J . D ., T . Bourne D . C ., W . J . Compton I . G ., Harrison Tyler . Visitor—Bro . Henry Lawrence , of the Leinster
Lodge , No . 263 , Irish Constitution . Business—The Lodge was opened iu the first degree , at 6 p . m . Bros . Hughes , Tuckcr / pooley , and Wm . Seward jun . having been separately introduced , and having shown their proficiency as E . A . ' s , were entrusted and retired . The Lodge was then opened in tbe second degree , and these brethren were severally passed to tho degree of F . C , the W . M . performing tho
ceremony separately for each candidate . The W . M . then requested Bro . J . Chambers Roe to take the chair , and deliver the lecture on the Tracing Board , which was done in an impressive manner , to the delight of all pieseut . The W . M . then resumed the chair , and having closed the Lodge in the second degree , the Secretary stated that ho had , in accordance with instructions received at last meeting , written
to Bro . II . Kasner J . W ., to express the sympath y of the Lodge with him in his great domestic affliction . Having read tho letter and Bro . Kasner ' s reply , it was proposed by tho W . M ., and seconded by tho S . W ., tiiat both epistles be entered on the minutes of tho Lodge . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and the Lod"e was
then closed in ancient form . The brethren then retired to Brown ' s Railway Hotel for refreshment . "We cannot too hi ghly praiso the W . M . for his excellent working . At bis installation he stated that he intended to make the West Middlesex a model Lod ge , and it is evident that he intends to carry out this determination .
CHUTUSE CARVING . —For Sale , an elaborately carved set of Ivory Chessmen The Kings stand 8 J inches high , the oilier piece . - * hi proportion . Knifhts ami Pawns on horseback , all mounted on stands , with concentric balls . ° Can be seen , and full particulars obtained , on application to VV . VV . MORGAN RT Barbican . —AUvt . ' '
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BRO . CONSTABLE'S Tickets , entitling tho holder to a chance in the drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of the above Institution are now ready , price ONE SHILLING EACH . To be had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Siso Lane , Cannon Street , London , E . C .
A ^ oisruMEisrT A Hi WORK :. WOW IN PBEPABATION . HISTORY OF EVERY LODGE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OP FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OP ENGLAND . Will be Editeil by a distinguished Grand Officer . In a work of this magnitude , the kind co-operation of all Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will bo invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
Noiv ready , Price 3 s 6 d , Croivn Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS . REPRINTED FIOM "THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . Ova LITEBARY BBOTHER . 17 . THB CHRISTIAN MIKISTEB . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON . 18 . THB ITSBIIC . 3 . THE MAN OP ENJSBQX . 19 . A MODEL MASON . 4 . FATHER TIME . 20 . A CHIP THOU JOPPA . '" . * 5 . A CORKER STONB . 21 . A PILLAB OP MASONS * . 6 . THB CRAFTSMAN . 22 . BATABD . 7 . THB GOWNSMAN . 23 . A RIGHT HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTERN STAB . 24 . OUR CITIZEN BROTHER . 9 . THE KNIGHT ERKANT . 25 . Ax AIILK PRECEPTOR . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN , 26 . Ax ANCIENT BRITON . 11 . A ZBAIOUS OJSIOEB . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIBB , 23 . THE FATHER OP THE LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CHOWN . 29 . A SHINING LIGHT . U . OUR HEBCULES . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PBINCB . 31 . THE MABINBR . 16 . THB CHURCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIER or FORTUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " OPINIONS OF THK PRESS . "A series of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of some of the principal Masonic worthies of the day . They aro well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private life , and in Masonic society will be welcomed as an interesting series of word paintings of members of the Craft . —Standard . " Wo do not remember to have road any similar series of sketches which , surpass this in merit . "—Zand and Water . " Admirably written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . " —Sunday Times . "' J . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off' a weakness when he finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at tho same time he never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with tbe Craft or iu the service of the public out of doors . Tho sketches are lively reading . "—City Press . " This is a neat book . Tho Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . W . S . Hughan ' Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others nnder equally unique titles . We commend the book as worthy of a place in every Masonic library . "—Voice of Masonry . " Evinces much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to the few works wo have in Masonic biography . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " The book ought to be in every well arranged Masonic Library . " —New York Courier . " The portraits consist of a series of what wo call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent in all the noble undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren we find Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( ' Our Hercules , ' ) whoso herculean efforts in behalf of those blessed institutions , the charities of English Masons , have a world-wide reputation , which will live long after the zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . '"—Hew York Square . " The stylo of the author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly complimentay to his ability as a writer . "—Masonic Advocate . " There is a piquancy in the ready off-hand dash that lends much zest to the subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . " —Hebrew Lender . " Ve value tho work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for oar copy . "Masonic Jewel . " There can be no doubt that tho writer has produced a series of Portraits which will bo a sourco of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout tho world . "—Surrey Comet . " Will be found very interesting ancl pleasant reading , especially to tlie Ifasonic world . "—Barnet Press . " Calculated to raise the Order—if that bo possible—in the estimation of its members , if not of the outer world . "—Trowbridye and North Wilts Advertiser . "Written in a spirited , racy style , and conveying , in as clear a niimn . r aa possible , a ' counterfeit presentment' of somo of tho rulers of the Craft . "Essex Standard . " Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with some pithy common sense remarks . "—Cushel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether forms a valuable addition to Masonic literature . "—Hyde News , " Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of the worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Deal , IValmer and Sandwich Mercury . "The members of tho Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their biographical literature . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They are written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . " —Leigh Chronicle . " Should have a very largo sale . " —Kingsbridye Gazette . "These sketches are drawn with sparkling ability . " —BanJJshire JBeporter . "We must sincerely congratulate the author on the success of his endeavour to aim at faithful portraiture , while there is an entire absence of what might give offence to the most sensitive mind . " —Folkestone Express . " A very acceptable contribution to the history of the Order . The volume has our warmest cornmendation . "—Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no little humour , ancl embellished with many a deft stroke of good natured satire . —Figaro . London : W . W . MORGAN . Order of all Booksellers , or mh be seat , free bj post , direct from the Office , 67 Barbican .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Carpenter and Abbott , who were unanimously elected . The Lodge was passed to tho F . C . degree , and Bro . William Knight , having passed a satisfactory examination , retired . Tho Lodgo was then raised , and Bro . William Knight was duly advanced to tho sublime degree by the W . M ., in his usual eloquent and impressive manner . The Lodge was resumed in tho first degree . At this stage of tho proceedings , the
R . W . P . G . M . of Surrey entered tho Lodge , the W . M . presenting him with the gavol . Ho took charge of the Lodge for a short period , during which ho called upon the Secretary , Bro . J . H . Askham , to read a Patent , appointing Bro . Rev . Charles William Arnold G . C . as Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Surrey . This announcement was received with acclamation , tho ability and zeal for the Craft
displayed by Bro . Rev . Arnold being fully appreciated by tho brethren in this locality . Bro . Rev . Arnold having duly acknowledged the high honour conferred on him , expressed his determination to faithfully discharge tho important duties of his new office . The Very Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master then proceeded with the installation of the W . M . elect . A Board of Installed Masters
being formed , Bro . John Webster was duly installed in tho chair of K . S ., and saluted according to ancient custom . Tho W . M . at once proceeded to invest the following brethren as his officers for tho ensuing year , delivering to each a suitable address on tho duties of his office . Bros . Henry Hacker P . M ., William Stacey S . W ., John McGowan J . W ., Thomas Haydon Treasurer , William Weller Secretary ,
J . II . Askham S . D ., William Rowland J . D ., Robert Kimmms I . G ., William Male Tr . pro tern , William Elsley D . C ., E . J . Wilkinson Organist , T . Kemp Almoner , William Pearson , George Payne , and John Eaton Crouch , Stewards . The Lodge being dul y closed at 4 . 30 p . m ., the brethren adjourned to a banquet , supplied by Messrs . Brett and Son , of Guildford , in their well-known style , at tho Anchor
Inn , Knaphill , the rooms being kindly lent for the occasion b y Mr . James Jay . Tho nsaal Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and responded to , in tho course of which tho R . W . P . G . M . and the V . W . D . P . G . M . alluded to the great success of the Lodge during the past year , and complimented the brethren on their wisdom in
reelecting their W . M . The " Masonic Charities " were suitably proposed by Wor . Bro . H , Hacker , and replied to by Bro . F . Binckes , iu a powerful and impressive speech . A most agreeable evening was spent , Bros . Wilkinson , Weller , and Askham having rendered somo capital songs . Bro . Wilkinson efficiently presided at tho piano .
Upper Norwood Lodge of Instruction , No . 1586 . — White Hart Hotel , Upper Norwood , meets weekly , on Mondays , at 7 . 30 p . m . II . E . Frances P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Surrey Preceptor , VV . Hopekirk P . M . Treasurer , J . Hammond P . M . Secretary . This excel , lent Lodge of Instruction , which has only been in existence since the formation of the mother Lodge , in April last , now numbers over
thirty members . It is presided over by a brother who is well known in the South London Masonic Circle for his earnest zeal in tho Craft , and eminent qualifications ancl natural adaptions to impart Masonic instruction . On tho first Monday in each month , the 1 st degree is rehearsed , and lectures worked ; on the second Monday , the 2 nd degree , Ac ; on tho third Monday , tho 3 rd degree , & o . ; ancl on the
fourth , tho Installation Ceremony , or any of the former . On Monday last ( Bvo . J . Pringle W . M . Preston Lodge in tho chair ) , in addition to tho third degree , by special request of the Lodge at the preceding meeting , the Preceptor , Bro . H . E . Frances , gave , in true Masonic style , the explanation of the Tracing Board of the 1 st degree . So admirably was the lecture given , that tho Lodge unanimously resolved to have recorded on tho minutes a vote of thanks , not only for tho fluent
and correct rendering of the historical illustrations , but for the accurate aud excellent production of a Tracing Board , which practically evidenced that Bro . Frances is as familiar with the professional use of the brush as he is acquainted with tho Rituals of Masonry . The Ceremony of Installation will be rehearsed on Monday next , tho 26 th inst ., when it is proposed that Bro . H . E . Frances shall instal Bro . J . Miller ( W . M . Upper Norwood Lodge ) in tho chair .
West Middlesex Lodge , No . 1612 . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting on Saturday , the 11 th of November , at the Institute , Ealing . Present—Bros A . Beasly W . M ., T . Kingston S . W ., W . Goss , J . W . 780 as J . W ., J . Chambers Roe Sec , — Brown Treas ., A . J . Burr S . D ., J . Green J . D ., T . Bourne D . C ., W . J . Compton I . G ., Harrison Tyler . Visitor—Bro . Henry Lawrence , of the Leinster
Lodge , No . 263 , Irish Constitution . Business—The Lodge was opened iu the first degree , at 6 p . m . Bros . Hughes , Tuckcr / pooley , and Wm . Seward jun . having been separately introduced , and having shown their proficiency as E . A . ' s , were entrusted and retired . The Lodge was then opened in tbe second degree , and these brethren were severally passed to tho degree of F . C , the W . M . performing tho
ceremony separately for each candidate . The W . M . then requested Bro . J . Chambers Roe to take the chair , and deliver the lecture on the Tracing Board , which was done in an impressive manner , to the delight of all pieseut . The W . M . then resumed the chair , and having closed the Lodge in the second degree , the Secretary stated that ho had , in accordance with instructions received at last meeting , written
to Bro . II . Kasner J . W ., to express the sympath y of the Lodge with him in his great domestic affliction . Having read tho letter and Bro . Kasner ' s reply , it was proposed by tho W . M ., and seconded by tho S . W ., tiiat both epistles be entered on the minutes of tho Lodge . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and the Lod"e was
then closed in ancient form . The brethren then retired to Brown ' s Railway Hotel for refreshment . "We cannot too hi ghly praiso the W . M . for his excellent working . At bis installation he stated that he intended to make the West Middlesex a model Lod ge , and it is evident that he intends to carry out this determination .
CHUTUSE CARVING . —For Sale , an elaborately carved set of Ivory Chessmen The Kings stand 8 J inches high , the oilier piece . - * hi proportion . Knifhts ami Pawns on horseback , all mounted on stands , with concentric balls . ° Can be seen , and full particulars obtained , on application to VV . VV . MORGAN RT Barbican . —AUvt . ' '
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BRO . CONSTABLE'S Tickets , entitling tho holder to a chance in the drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of the above Institution are now ready , price ONE SHILLING EACH . To be had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Siso Lane , Cannon Street , London , E . C .
A ^ oisruMEisrT A Hi WORK :. WOW IN PBEPABATION . HISTORY OF EVERY LODGE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OP FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OP ENGLAND . Will be Editeil by a distinguished Grand Officer . In a work of this magnitude , the kind co-operation of all Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will bo invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
Noiv ready , Price 3 s 6 d , Croivn Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS . REPRINTED FIOM "THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . Ova LITEBARY BBOTHER . 17 . THB CHRISTIAN MIKISTEB . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON . 18 . THB ITSBIIC . 3 . THE MAN OP ENJSBQX . 19 . A MODEL MASON . 4 . FATHER TIME . 20 . A CHIP THOU JOPPA . '" . * 5 . A CORKER STONB . 21 . A PILLAB OP MASONS * . 6 . THB CRAFTSMAN . 22 . BATABD . 7 . THB GOWNSMAN . 23 . A RIGHT HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTERN STAB . 24 . OUR CITIZEN BROTHER . 9 . THE KNIGHT ERKANT . 25 . Ax AIILK PRECEPTOR . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN , 26 . Ax ANCIENT BRITON . 11 . A ZBAIOUS OJSIOEB . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIBB , 23 . THE FATHER OP THE LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CHOWN . 29 . A SHINING LIGHT . U . OUR HEBCULES . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PBINCB . 31 . THE MABINBR . 16 . THB CHURCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIER or FORTUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " OPINIONS OF THK PRESS . "A series of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of some of the principal Masonic worthies of the day . They aro well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private life , and in Masonic society will be welcomed as an interesting series of word paintings of members of the Craft . —Standard . " Wo do not remember to have road any similar series of sketches which , surpass this in merit . "—Zand and Water . " Admirably written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . " —Sunday Times . "' J . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off' a weakness when he finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at tho same time he never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with tbe Craft or iu the service of the public out of doors . Tho sketches are lively reading . "—City Press . " This is a neat book . Tho Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . W . S . Hughan ' Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others nnder equally unique titles . We commend the book as worthy of a place in every Masonic library . "—Voice of Masonry . " Evinces much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to the few works wo have in Masonic biography . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " The book ought to be in every well arranged Masonic Library . " —New York Courier . " The portraits consist of a series of what wo call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent in all the noble undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren we find Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( ' Our Hercules , ' ) whoso herculean efforts in behalf of those blessed institutions , the charities of English Masons , have a world-wide reputation , which will live long after the zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . '"—Hew York Square . " The stylo of the author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly complimentay to his ability as a writer . "—Masonic Advocate . " There is a piquancy in the ready off-hand dash that lends much zest to the subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . " —Hebrew Lender . " Ve value tho work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for oar copy . "Masonic Jewel . " There can be no doubt that tho writer has produced a series of Portraits which will bo a sourco of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout tho world . "—Surrey Comet . " Will be found very interesting ancl pleasant reading , especially to tlie Ifasonic world . "—Barnet Press . " Calculated to raise the Order—if that bo possible—in the estimation of its members , if not of the outer world . "—Trowbridye and North Wilts Advertiser . "Written in a spirited , racy style , and conveying , in as clear a niimn . r aa possible , a ' counterfeit presentment' of somo of tho rulers of the Craft . "Essex Standard . " Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with some pithy common sense remarks . "—Cushel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether forms a valuable addition to Masonic literature . "—Hyde News , " Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of the worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Deal , IValmer and Sandwich Mercury . "The members of tho Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their biographical literature . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They are written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . " —Leigh Chronicle . " Should have a very largo sale . " —Kingsbridye Gazette . "These sketches are drawn with sparkling ability . " —BanJJshire JBeporter . "We must sincerely congratulate the author on the success of his endeavour to aim at faithful portraiture , while there is an entire absence of what might give offence to the most sensitive mind . " —Folkestone Express . " A very acceptable contribution to the history of the Order . The volume has our warmest cornmendation . "—Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no little humour , ancl embellished with many a deft stroke of good natured satire . —Figaro . London : W . W . MORGAN . Order of all Booksellers , or mh be seat , free bj post , direct from the Office , 67 Barbican .