Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 3 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Yeomans , 167 , was elected a joining member , and Bro . G . Davis appointed W . M . for Thursday week , in consequence of tho arrangements mado to work the 15 Sections hero on tho 30 th inst . The following brethren will assist : —First Lecture—Bros . E . A . Dutton , F . J . Wray , B . H . Swallow , G . Davis , D . M . Bolfrage , J . Bontlov , E . Farwiir . Second Lecture—Bros . Harrison , J . II . Watts , G . W . Saul , A . " Stewart , A . Boohr . Third Lecture— Bros . F . J . Taylor , W . Neighbour , W . J . Collens .
St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 481 . —Tho regular moeing of this Lodge was held on Monday , 13 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastlo-on-Tyno . Bro . J . Spearman I . P . M ., in tho unavoidable absence of tho W . M ., occupied tho chair , supported by Bros . Eynm S . W ., T . Halliday as J . W ., G . Thompson P . P . G . S . W . Northumberland Treasurer , G . Hazard Secretary , S . M . Harris as S . D ., J .
Nespet J . D ., J . Martin P . M . as I . G ., G . Watson Steward , and Past Masters Bros . W . Fulsham P . P . G . S . W . and J . Cook . Tho Lodgo was opened , and tho minutes wero confirmed . Ono brother was passed to the second degree , anil ono candidate was raised to tho third in a manner perfect and impressive . Bro . Thompson P . M . then said ho had much pleasure in informing tho brethren that their
candidate , Edwin Hair , had been elected at the last election of the Boys' School , and that tho sum of 125 guineas had been subscribed to the Boys' School , in tho name of tho St . Peter's Lodgo , thus giving them eighteen additional votes in perpetuity , in tho name of the W . M . for the time being , in addition to those they already possessed . These he formally presented to the Lodge . Tho following notice
of motion was given : " That the sum of 100 guineas originally voted by the Lodge for the purpose of getting tho candidate into tho School bo handed over to the Boys' School . " It was discussed what was the best mode of acknowledging so munificent a gift from Bro . Thompson , how to recognise his long services and valuable assistance to tho Lodgo . A committee was then appointed consisting of the W . M ., Wardens , and Bros . Fulsham P . M . ancl
Martin , for the purpose of carrying out arrangements . It is understood that the testimonial will take the form of a full length portrait , in Masonic clothing , to be placed in the Lodge room . The Lodgo was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to slight refreshment . The W . M . proposed tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . The health of Bro . Thompson P . M . being most enthusiastically received . The visiting brethren were Bros . Gates J . W . 30 A , Manchester , Halliday S . W . 406 , J . Turner 424 , J . Sumerfield 406 and S . M . Harris 406 .
Wiltshire Lodge of Fidelity , No . 663—This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 16 th November , at the Town Hall , Devizes . Present—Bros . T . B . Fox W . M ., T . H . Chandler P . M . as S . W ., Thomas Raymond as J . W ., William Nott P . M . Score , tary , Rev . H . Richardson P . M . Chaplain , W . H . Burt S . D ., H . Howse J . D ., Thomas Waito P . M . D . C ., W . H . Bush as I . G .,
John Hayler T yler . Past Masters—Bros . J . H . Chandler , H . J . Ward , & c . Members— J . A . Randall , G . S . A . Waylen , W . E . Fulford , & c . Visitors—Bros . William Moore 457 , Henry Barrass 503 . Business—Tho Lodge was opened and Bros . Heiron and Cannings—after having had the charge on initiation ( omitted at last meeting for want of time ) delivered to them by Bros . William
Nott P . M ., —were examined , entrusted , and retired . They were subsequently re-admitted to the Lodgo , which was sitting in tho second degree , and were duly passed by the W . M . Bro . F . J . Butler , after having been examined ancl entrusted in tho second degree , retired , and tho Lodgo having been opened in tho third , he waa re-admitted and duly raised by tho W . M ., assisted by Bro . Nott . On tho Lodge being subsequently resumed to the first
degree , the lecture on the Tracing Board was admirably delivered by Bro . J . H . Chandler P . M . On the motion of Bro . Nott , seconded by Bro . Richardson , a resolution was passed appointing a " General Purposes Committee , " consisting of all P . M . ' s , to advise the W . M . generally , and to consider the eligibility of candidates for initiation or joining . Two new joining candidates were proposed , and after the usual routine tho Lodgo was closed .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The weekly meeting took place on Tuesday , 21 st Nov ., at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present—Bros . W . J . Smith W . M ., Weigo S . W ., Hewlett J . W ., Perrin S . D ., Williams J . D ., Dallas I . G ., Wallington P . M . Preceptor , Worsley Secretary ; also P . M . Ashburner and Bros . Barker , Fielder , Johnson , Perry , Cambridge ,
Gompertz , Saunders , & c . The Lodge was opened to the 2 nd degree . Bro . Saunders having answered the necessary questions , the Lodge was advanced to the 3 rd degree , when the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Saunders acling as candidate . P . M . Ashbnruer gave the traditional history . Tho W . M . worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . The Lodgo was olo ;; o ; l down to tho
1 st degree . Bro . Weigo was unanimously elected W . M , for the ensuing week . Bro . Gompertz , of Lodgo SG 9 , was elected a member . Bro . Cambridge announced that tho 15 Sections would bo worked on Monday evening next , the 27 th instant , at the Lord Stanley , Sandringham-road , Kingsland , at seven o ' clock precisely . Tho
meeting would be presided over by Bro . I . J . Barnes , assisted by Bro . T . Austin as S . W . We would advise brethren who wish to attend to be in good time , as the announcement of tho two names jnsb mentioned is snre to fill the Lodge , it being always a great treat to hear these able expositors of our Ritual .
City of London Lodge , No . 901 . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Monday , 20 th November . Tho minutes of the last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The W . M . then initiated Mr Arthur Wellington Smith , and passed Bro . Micklefield to the degree of Fellow Craft . He then raised Bro . W . T . Trehearn of Lebanon
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodgo 1326 to tho snblimo degree of M . M . This being the evening for election of W . M . for the ensuing year , the ballot was taken , and was unanimous for Bro . Geo . Porter . It was proposed by P . M . Bro . Lawrence , seconded by Bro . Lewis P . M . and carried unanimously ,
that a jewel bo presented to Bro . II . D Arcy the retiring W . M ., as a slight acknowledgement of his efficient services during his term of office . Tho W . M . in a suitable speech returned thanks , and tho brethren then adjourned to tho banquet , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —The members met on Friday , 17 th inst ., at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Fnlgate . Present—Bros . Groorao W . M ., A . W . Fenner S . W ., Lane J . W ., Townsend Sec , Boltou Treas ., Hirsch S . D ., Scales J . D ., Pearcy I . G . Bro . Gross Preceptor , and Bros . Keyes , Webb , Lupinsky and Crollin . Visitors—Dulling 640 , St . Lawrence , Montreal , and VV . W .
Morgan . The proceedings of the evening commenced with the formal opening of the Lodge . When the minutes had received confirmation tho Lodgo was advanced to the third degree , and tho W . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of raising . Bro . Keyes acting as candidate . On the proposition of Bro . Gross , which was seconded by Bro . Fenner , Bro .
Morgan was elected an honorary member . After tho compliment had been acknowledged , Bro . Fenner was appointed to preside at the next meeting . Tho brethren of this Lodge of Instruction may be congratulated upon having a comfortable , well ventilated room , in which to hold their gatherings .
Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 . —At the meeting , on Thursday , tho 16 th November , at 111 Cheapside , the following were present : —Bros . Goodman W . M ., Freeman S . W ., Wale J . W ., Spiegel as Sec . pro tem , Colmar Treas ., Pin no P . M . S . D ., Browne J . D ., Pitt I . G . Past Master Bro . Poore Preceptor ; Bros .
Wyler , Hamer , & o . This Lodgo of Instruction is generally very well attended , and has an advantage , as many think , inasmuch that it is all labour and no refreshment . The members worked tho third and second degrees , for both of which Bro . Wyler acted as candidate . Bro , Freeman was chosen W . M . for the next meeting .
Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . —This flourishing Lodge held its first meeting after the installation on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., at the Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonville-road , King ' s Cross . Present—Bros . T . Williams W . M ., R . T . Kingham S . W ., J . T . Douglass J . W ., C . J . Scales S . D ., W . Side J . D ., W . M . Stiles I . G ., G . Colls
D . C ., and H . Stiles W . S . ; P . M . 's J . Willing jun . and J . J . Michael , and a numerous assemblage of brethren . The ceremony of raising was worked in favour of Bros . Bosshart , Wrigley , Knight , Tuck , Debcauf , and Lefebvre . Messrs . Clare and Beattie , having been balloted for , wero duly initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . A lengthy report , from the Removal Committee , was read by the W . M ., and ,
after careful consideration , adopted by the Lodge . Tho W . M . then appointed Bro . W . M . Stiles as Assistant Secretary , and passed a high eulogium on the ability ancl untiring industry of that brother . Bro , J . Willing P . M . proposed that Bro . Tims , Secretary , bo elected an honorary member of tho Lodge , which was carried . Tho W . M . appropriately addressed Bro . Tims , who briefly responded for his election .
Bro . Willing then called tho attention of the Lodge to the desirability of establishing a Chapter at this appropriate time ; the announcement was well received by all present . The Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren retired for the preparation of the banquet . After tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bro . J . J . Michael I . P . M . proposed the health of tho W . M ., who , he was pleased to say , had
clone his Lodgo duties in a manner gratifying alike to the Past Masters as it must be to the brethren . The toast was enthusiastically received and appropriately responded to . The W . M . then gave tho toast of the Past Masters , which was duly acknowledged by Bros . J . J . Michael I . P . M . and Willing P . M . The toast of the initiates
followed , the W . M . expressing his gratification in believing that , from the marked attention given to the ceremony by these gentlemen , that they would practically illustrate , in their every-day life , the advantages derived from the teachings of Freemasonry . Other toasts followed in rapid succession , each being suitably acknowledged .
St , John ' s Lodge , No . 1564 . —The first anniversary of this Lodge was celebrated on the 6 th inst ., at the Prince of Wales Tavern , Knaphill , Surrey . There was a full attendance of officers and brethren , and among the visitors wero tho following well-known and dis . tinguished members of the Craft : —Bros . Lieut—Gen . J . Studholme Brownrigg C . B ., R . W . P . G . M . of Surrey , Rev . Charles William
Arnold G . C . of England , Fred . Binckes Sec . R . M . I . B , II . Hacker P . G . S . D . Hants and Isle of Wight , Harry William . Charringtoa P . P . G . S . D . Surrey , Thomas Cawley Eager M . D ., P . G . S . D . Surrey , Wor . Bro . C . Gold , Pan mure Lodge , Ahlershot , Bros . Benham , J . W . of Panmure Lodge , Aldershot , Thomas James Street C . E ., S . VV " . No . 1395 , George Trower J . W . No . 1395 . This young and flourishing
Lodgo was consecrated by tho R . W . P . G . M . of Surrey on the 9 th November 1 S 75 , when its first Master , Bro . John Webster , P . D . G . J . W . of Gibraltar , was duly installed according to ancient custom . Tho necessity of a Lodge in this neighbourhood had long been felt , a proof of which is amply furnished by tho fact that , although it has only been established twelve months , during that short period its numbers have been almost quadrupled , making it now one of the
strongest Lodges in the Province of Surrey , this unusual prosperity being mainly due to the untiring exertions and abilities displayed by its very talented W . M ., Bro . J . Webster , who , in that short period , has initiated , passed , and raised about thirty members , tho brethren showing their appreciation of his valuable services by re-electing him to fill tho chair of K . S . for another year . At the hour appointed the Lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of last regular meeting wero read and confirmed . The ballot waa then taken for Messrs .
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Notices Of Meetings.
Yeomans , 167 , was elected a joining member , and Bro . G . Davis appointed W . M . for Thursday week , in consequence of tho arrangements mado to work the 15 Sections hero on tho 30 th inst . The following brethren will assist : —First Lecture—Bros . E . A . Dutton , F . J . Wray , B . H . Swallow , G . Davis , D . M . Bolfrage , J . Bontlov , E . Farwiir . Second Lecture—Bros . Harrison , J . II . Watts , G . W . Saul , A . " Stewart , A . Boohr . Third Lecture— Bros . F . J . Taylor , W . Neighbour , W . J . Collens .
St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 481 . —Tho regular moeing of this Lodge was held on Monday , 13 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastlo-on-Tyno . Bro . J . Spearman I . P . M ., in tho unavoidable absence of tho W . M ., occupied tho chair , supported by Bros . Eynm S . W ., T . Halliday as J . W ., G . Thompson P . P . G . S . W . Northumberland Treasurer , G . Hazard Secretary , S . M . Harris as S . D ., J .
Nespet J . D ., J . Martin P . M . as I . G ., G . Watson Steward , and Past Masters Bros . W . Fulsham P . P . G . S . W . and J . Cook . Tho Lodgo was opened , and tho minutes wero confirmed . Ono brother was passed to the second degree , anil ono candidate was raised to tho third in a manner perfect and impressive . Bro . Thompson P . M . then said ho had much pleasure in informing tho brethren that their
candidate , Edwin Hair , had been elected at the last election of the Boys' School , and that tho sum of 125 guineas had been subscribed to the Boys' School , in tho name of tho St . Peter's Lodgo , thus giving them eighteen additional votes in perpetuity , in tho name of the W . M . for the time being , in addition to those they already possessed . These he formally presented to the Lodge . Tho following notice
of motion was given : " That the sum of 100 guineas originally voted by the Lodge for the purpose of getting tho candidate into tho School bo handed over to the Boys' School . " It was discussed what was the best mode of acknowledging so munificent a gift from Bro . Thompson , how to recognise his long services and valuable assistance to tho Lodgo . A committee was then appointed consisting of the W . M ., Wardens , and Bros . Fulsham P . M . ancl
Martin , for the purpose of carrying out arrangements . It is understood that the testimonial will take the form of a full length portrait , in Masonic clothing , to be placed in the Lodge room . The Lodgo was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to slight refreshment . The W . M . proposed tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . The health of Bro . Thompson P . M . being most enthusiastically received . The visiting brethren were Bros . Gates J . W . 30 A , Manchester , Halliday S . W . 406 , J . Turner 424 , J . Sumerfield 406 and S . M . Harris 406 .
Wiltshire Lodge of Fidelity , No . 663—This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 16 th November , at the Town Hall , Devizes . Present—Bros . T . B . Fox W . M ., T . H . Chandler P . M . as S . W ., Thomas Raymond as J . W ., William Nott P . M . Score , tary , Rev . H . Richardson P . M . Chaplain , W . H . Burt S . D ., H . Howse J . D ., Thomas Waito P . M . D . C ., W . H . Bush as I . G .,
John Hayler T yler . Past Masters—Bros . J . H . Chandler , H . J . Ward , & c . Members— J . A . Randall , G . S . A . Waylen , W . E . Fulford , & c . Visitors—Bros . William Moore 457 , Henry Barrass 503 . Business—Tho Lodge was opened and Bros . Heiron and Cannings—after having had the charge on initiation ( omitted at last meeting for want of time ) delivered to them by Bros . William
Nott P . M ., —were examined , entrusted , and retired . They were subsequently re-admitted to the Lodgo , which was sitting in tho second degree , and were duly passed by the W . M . Bro . F . J . Butler , after having been examined ancl entrusted in tho second degree , retired , and tho Lodgo having been opened in tho third , he waa re-admitted and duly raised by tho W . M ., assisted by Bro . Nott . On tho Lodge being subsequently resumed to the first
degree , the lecture on the Tracing Board was admirably delivered by Bro . J . H . Chandler P . M . On the motion of Bro . Nott , seconded by Bro . Richardson , a resolution was passed appointing a " General Purposes Committee , " consisting of all P . M . ' s , to advise the W . M . generally , and to consider the eligibility of candidates for initiation or joining . Two new joining candidates were proposed , and after the usual routine tho Lodgo was closed .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The weekly meeting took place on Tuesday , 21 st Nov ., at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present—Bros . W . J . Smith W . M ., Weigo S . W ., Hewlett J . W ., Perrin S . D ., Williams J . D ., Dallas I . G ., Wallington P . M . Preceptor , Worsley Secretary ; also P . M . Ashburner and Bros . Barker , Fielder , Johnson , Perry , Cambridge ,
Gompertz , Saunders , & c . The Lodge was opened to the 2 nd degree . Bro . Saunders having answered the necessary questions , the Lodge was advanced to the 3 rd degree , when the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Saunders acling as candidate . P . M . Ashbnruer gave the traditional history . Tho W . M . worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . The Lodgo was olo ;; o ; l down to tho
1 st degree . Bro . Weigo was unanimously elected W . M , for the ensuing week . Bro . Gompertz , of Lodgo SG 9 , was elected a member . Bro . Cambridge announced that tho 15 Sections would bo worked on Monday evening next , the 27 th instant , at the Lord Stanley , Sandringham-road , Kingsland , at seven o ' clock precisely . Tho
meeting would be presided over by Bro . I . J . Barnes , assisted by Bro . T . Austin as S . W . We would advise brethren who wish to attend to be in good time , as the announcement of tho two names jnsb mentioned is snre to fill the Lodge , it being always a great treat to hear these able expositors of our Ritual .
City of London Lodge , No . 901 . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Monday , 20 th November . Tho minutes of the last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The W . M . then initiated Mr Arthur Wellington Smith , and passed Bro . Micklefield to the degree of Fellow Craft . He then raised Bro . W . T . Trehearn of Lebanon
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodgo 1326 to tho snblimo degree of M . M . This being the evening for election of W . M . for the ensuing year , the ballot was taken , and was unanimous for Bro . Geo . Porter . It was proposed by P . M . Bro . Lawrence , seconded by Bro . Lewis P . M . and carried unanimously ,
that a jewel bo presented to Bro . II . D Arcy the retiring W . M ., as a slight acknowledgement of his efficient services during his term of office . Tho W . M . in a suitable speech returned thanks , and tho brethren then adjourned to tho banquet , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —The members met on Friday , 17 th inst ., at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Fnlgate . Present—Bros . Groorao W . M ., A . W . Fenner S . W ., Lane J . W ., Townsend Sec , Boltou Treas ., Hirsch S . D ., Scales J . D ., Pearcy I . G . Bro . Gross Preceptor , and Bros . Keyes , Webb , Lupinsky and Crollin . Visitors—Dulling 640 , St . Lawrence , Montreal , and VV . W .
Morgan . The proceedings of the evening commenced with the formal opening of the Lodge . When the minutes had received confirmation tho Lodgo was advanced to the third degree , and tho W . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of raising . Bro . Keyes acting as candidate . On the proposition of Bro . Gross , which was seconded by Bro . Fenner , Bro .
Morgan was elected an honorary member . After tho compliment had been acknowledged , Bro . Fenner was appointed to preside at the next meeting . Tho brethren of this Lodge of Instruction may be congratulated upon having a comfortable , well ventilated room , in which to hold their gatherings .
Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 . —At the meeting , on Thursday , tho 16 th November , at 111 Cheapside , the following were present : —Bros . Goodman W . M ., Freeman S . W ., Wale J . W ., Spiegel as Sec . pro tem , Colmar Treas ., Pin no P . M . S . D ., Browne J . D ., Pitt I . G . Past Master Bro . Poore Preceptor ; Bros .
Wyler , Hamer , & o . This Lodgo of Instruction is generally very well attended , and has an advantage , as many think , inasmuch that it is all labour and no refreshment . The members worked tho third and second degrees , for both of which Bro . Wyler acted as candidate . Bro , Freeman was chosen W . M . for the next meeting .
Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . —This flourishing Lodge held its first meeting after the installation on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., at the Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonville-road , King ' s Cross . Present—Bros . T . Williams W . M ., R . T . Kingham S . W ., J . T . Douglass J . W ., C . J . Scales S . D ., W . Side J . D ., W . M . Stiles I . G ., G . Colls
D . C ., and H . Stiles W . S . ; P . M . 's J . Willing jun . and J . J . Michael , and a numerous assemblage of brethren . The ceremony of raising was worked in favour of Bros . Bosshart , Wrigley , Knight , Tuck , Debcauf , and Lefebvre . Messrs . Clare and Beattie , having been balloted for , wero duly initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . A lengthy report , from the Removal Committee , was read by the W . M ., and ,
after careful consideration , adopted by the Lodge . Tho W . M . then appointed Bro . W . M . Stiles as Assistant Secretary , and passed a high eulogium on the ability ancl untiring industry of that brother . Bro , J . Willing P . M . proposed that Bro . Tims , Secretary , bo elected an honorary member of tho Lodge , which was carried . Tho W . M . appropriately addressed Bro . Tims , who briefly responded for his election .
Bro . Willing then called tho attention of the Lodge to the desirability of establishing a Chapter at this appropriate time ; the announcement was well received by all present . The Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren retired for the preparation of the banquet . After tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bro . J . J . Michael I . P . M . proposed the health of tho W . M ., who , he was pleased to say , had
clone his Lodgo duties in a manner gratifying alike to the Past Masters as it must be to the brethren . The toast was enthusiastically received and appropriately responded to . The W . M . then gave tho toast of the Past Masters , which was duly acknowledged by Bros . J . J . Michael I . P . M . and Willing P . M . The toast of the initiates
followed , the W . M . expressing his gratification in believing that , from the marked attention given to the ceremony by these gentlemen , that they would practically illustrate , in their every-day life , the advantages derived from the teachings of Freemasonry . Other toasts followed in rapid succession , each being suitably acknowledged .
St , John ' s Lodge , No . 1564 . —The first anniversary of this Lodge was celebrated on the 6 th inst ., at the Prince of Wales Tavern , Knaphill , Surrey . There was a full attendance of officers and brethren , and among the visitors wero tho following well-known and dis . tinguished members of the Craft : —Bros . Lieut—Gen . J . Studholme Brownrigg C . B ., R . W . P . G . M . of Surrey , Rev . Charles William
Arnold G . C . of England , Fred . Binckes Sec . R . M . I . B , II . Hacker P . G . S . D . Hants and Isle of Wight , Harry William . Charringtoa P . P . G . S . D . Surrey , Thomas Cawley Eager M . D ., P . G . S . D . Surrey , Wor . Bro . C . Gold , Pan mure Lodge , Ahlershot , Bros . Benham , J . W . of Panmure Lodge , Aldershot , Thomas James Street C . E ., S . VV " . No . 1395 , George Trower J . W . No . 1395 . This young and flourishing
Lodgo was consecrated by tho R . W . P . G . M . of Surrey on the 9 th November 1 S 75 , when its first Master , Bro . John Webster , P . D . G . J . W . of Gibraltar , was duly installed according to ancient custom . Tho necessity of a Lodge in this neighbourhood had long been felt , a proof of which is amply furnished by tho fact that , although it has only been established twelve months , during that short period its numbers have been almost quadrupled , making it now one of the
strongest Lodges in the Province of Surrey , this unusual prosperity being mainly due to the untiring exertions and abilities displayed by its very talented W . M ., Bro . J . Webster , who , in that short period , has initiated , passed , and raised about thirty members , tho brethren showing their appreciation of his valuable services by re-electing him to fill tho chair of K . S . for another year . At the hour appointed the Lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of last regular meeting wero read and confirmed . The ballot waa then taken for Messrs .