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List Of Rare And Valuable Works On Freemasonry.
Offered for Sale , at the pices annexed , at the office of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , Belvidere Works , Henries Hill , Pentonville , N .
1 Ahiman Rezon . Svo . Philadelphia , 1825 ... 0 10 6 2 Ahiman Rezon . 12 mo . Frontispiece . Philadelphia , 1783 15 0 3 Freemasons' Library and General Ahiman Rezon . Svo . 0 16 0 Baltimore , 1817 . „ „
4 Constitutions , with Appendix by Moore , and Portrait 0 5 U of Price , first G . M . Impl . Svo . Boston ( U . S . ) . 1857 . 5 Constitutions of Wisconsin . Milwaukee , 1880 ... 0 1 0 * 6 Histoire . Obligations et Statuts , & o . ISmo . Half- 0 12 6 bound , fine copy . Frankfort , 1712 . 7 Statuts de l'Ordre Mac en France . Svo . Paris , 1806 0 7 6
8 Statnts et Reglements generaux . Svo . Pans , 182 b 0 7 b 9 Ditto ditto ditto ditto 1839 0 6 0 10 General Rules and Laws , Ireland . Svo . Dublin , 1838 0 2 0 12 Constitutions , Grand Mark Lodge . 12 mo . London , 1857 0 2 0 13 Statutes . Masonio Knights Templar . Svo . Plates . 0 2 0 London , 1863 and 1816 . each 1000
15 Nash . . Lebanon , ovo . -uoionescer , ... u o o 16 Masonio Offering to the Duke of Sussex , G . M . Svo . 0 2 6 Two Plates . London , 1838 . 17 Trevilian . Letter on the Anti-Christian Character of 0 8 0 F . M . Svo . Bath , 1849 . 19 Pocket Companion and History . Frontispiece . 12 mo . 15 0 2 nd Edition . List of Lodges added . London , 1759 .
20 Philosophy of Masons . Epistles from Egypt , & c . 0 10 b 12 mo . London , 1790 . 21 Miscellany of Knowledge . By an Egyptian F . M . Svo . 0 10 6 London , 1792 . 22 In wood . Sermon at Chatham . 1797 ... ... 0 1 6 23 Simpson . Circumspection . A Sermon . 1797 ... 0 2 6
24 Town . System of Speculative Masonry . Call . Salem , 1 0 U 1818 . 25 Freemasonry . Pretensions Exposed . Review of Town ' s 0 15 0 Book . Svo . New York , 1828 . 26 Dallaway , Architecture , with historical account of 0 18 0 the Master and Freemasons . Large Svo . London , 1833 . 27 O'Brien . The Round Towers of Ireland ... ... 1 10 0
28 Sutherland . Knights of Malta . 2 vols . ISmo . Plates , 0 12 6 half-bound , lettered . 29 Ritnal of F . M . Key to Phi Beta Kappa . Kidnapping 0 5 0 of Morgan , & c . 30 Parker . Life ' s Painter of characters . Dissertation 0 8 6
on Masonry . Portrait . Svo . London , 1789 . 31 Sandoval . The Freemason . 3 vols . 12 mo . London , 1826 10 0 32 Reprint of Masonio Papers . Science of Lux , & c . 0 5 0 ii
juauras , . a .. 33 Order of the Eastern Star . ISmo . New York , 1869 0 2 6 34 Tannehill . Masonio Manual . 12 mo . Nashville , 1824 0 18 0 35 Trinitarian Principle . Law of Tri-Personality . Svo . 0 5 0 Boston , 1853 . 36 Light of the Temple . ISmo . Plates . Cincinnati , 1854 0 4 6 al lersoniraaisious UI \
x . . O L E .UI . I ^ U . aew IUIK , AOOO > u v 38 Washington and the Principles of Freemasonry . New 0 2 6 York , 1852 . 39 Masonic Union . Address to the Duke of Athol . 1804 0 8 0 40 Hutchinson ' s Spirit of Masonry . London , 1775 , and 0 10 6 the same , Carlisle , 1795 . . each 41 American Quarterly Review of F . M . Svo . 1858 and 0 6 0
1859 , New York . 42 F . M . Monthly Mag . 1847-8 , ' 52-5-9 . 5 vols . Svo . 0 12 0 Boston . 43 Halliwell . Early History of F . M . 12 mo . London , 1840 0 12 G 44 Narrative of Course pursued by the G . L . of New York . 0 2 0 Svo . 1819 . Report of Committee of Holland Lodge . 12 mo ,
New York , 1856 . 45 Oliver . Farewell Address . Lonth , 1866 ... ... 0 10 46 Barruel . Jacobinism . 4 vols . Svo . ... ... 0 18 0 47 Moore . Masonic Trestle Board . Part 2 , Boston , 1850 0 2 0
48 Stone . Masonry and Anti-Masonry , ovo . ualt . JNew 1 15 0 York , 1832 . 49 The Rectangular Review ( all published ) 1878-81 ... 0 10 6 50 The Republican . July 8 to October 28 , 1825 . lvol . Svo . 110 52 Finch's Masonio Treaties , with Two Symbolic Plates . 110 Deal , 1802 . 53 Oliver . Signs and Symbols . Svo . Grimsby , 1826 0 6 0
54 Ditto ditto ditto London , 1837 0 6 0 55 Oliver . Antiquities of F . M . Svo . London , 1823 ... 080 66 Oliver . Book of tbe Lodge . 12 mo . 1849 ... 0 2 6 58 Oliver . Pythagorean Triangle . 12 mo . London , 1876 0 4 0 59 Oliver . History of Initiation . Svo . London , 1841 110 60 Barruel . Memoires du Jacobinisme . 4 vols . Svo . Lon . 0 14 0 i / 8
cires , » . 61 Le Regulateur des Chevalier Macons ( 5 manuels for 110 Blu , Eccosais , d'Orient R . C . published at 15 francs each ) . 4 to . 62 Bazot . Manuel du Franc-Macon . 12 mo . Frontispiece . 0 5 0 Paris , 1819 . 63 Levesque . Apercu des sectes Hag dans tous les Pays . 0 12 0 8 vo . Paris , 1821 . I 64 Abrege de l'histoire d la F . M . ISmo . Londres , 1779 0 10 6 65 Les F . M . E ' crases . ISmo . Plates . Amsterdam , 1747 0 10 6 ' 66 L'Etoile flamboyante . 2 vols . 24 mo . 1785-7 ... 0 7 6
67 Kecueil precieux de la Mag . Adonhiramite . a vols . 0 7 6 Svo . Folding Plate . Philadelphia , 1785 . 68 La vraie Mag . d'Adoption . 18 mo . 1787 ... ... 0 4 0 69 Mounier . Influence des Philosophes des Franc Magons , 0 7 6 & c , sur la Revolution de France . 12 mo . Tubingen , 1801 . 70 The Freemason ' s Chronicle . 1875 to 1887 . Odd Volumes , nffafAr ) of . K < a no / iVi 1 tJmJ fmltWSmml
UU . bXVI . « VU . 71 Do . A complete set , 27 vols . Offers invited . 72 Lo Tombeau de Jacques Molai . Frontispiece . Paris , 0 9 0 l'an 5 . 73 De L'independence des Rites Mag . Paris , 1827 ... 0 2 0 74 Bedarride . L'Ordre Mag . de Mizraim . 2 vols . Svo . 0 10 0 Paris , 18-15 .
75 Le Voile leve , le Secret de la Revolution , la F . M . Svo . 0 10 6 Paris , 1792 . 76 Considerations Filosophiques sur la F . M . 18 mo . Calf . 0 7 6 177 «
77 Ragon . Orthodoxie Mag . Maconnerie Ocoulte . Initia- 0 9 0 tion Hemu'tiquo , & c . Svo . 78 Essai sur les Inconnus . 1777 ... ... ... 0 3 6 79 Des Erreurs et de la Verite . 2 vols . 12 mo . Edinburgh , 0 15 0 1782 ; and Suite des Erreurs et de la Verito . Salomonopolis , / si
r . 80 Villete . Memoire des Intriques de la Cour . ( The 15 0 scarcest and most scandalous Tract on tho diamond necklace of Marie Antoinette ) . Half-bound . 81 Essai sur la Secte des Illumines . Half-bound , lettered , 12 0 fine copy . Paris , 1789 . 82 Boubee . Etudes sur la F . M . Svo . Paris , 1854 ... 0 2 6 83 Barbet . Loge Centrale des veritables F . M . 18 mo . 0 10 0 Pnw ' ei 1 QAO
84 Dubreuil . Histoire des F . M . 2 vols . ISmo . Bruxelles , 0 5 0 1838 . 85 Le Regulateur du Ma ? on . ( 3 degrees ) . 4 to . Heredon , 0 12 6 1801 . Half-bound , fine copy . Q £ » r . amm . i T ... IV \ , rnnilnn .. .. n HAtn . nklA A « .. * M . V . ALm O 8 ? f \ ¦ uDuuii ± iu ib voimuiuit
JCJ , jut x-.. . cuuuo an , uijgiu , yrtu . a U V 10 fine plates . Paris 1811 . With curious MS . notes separate . 87 Apologie pour l'Ordre . Par M . N . Frontispiece . 0 5 6 ISmo . La Hayo . 17-15 . 88 Rebold Histoire de la F . M . Paris , 1851 ... ... 0 9 0 89 Louis XVI . detrone \ Tableau des causes de la Revo- 0 10 6
lution . l 2 mo . raris , 1803 . 90 Les plus secrets Mysteres des Hants Grades . ISmo . 0 3 6 Jerusalem , n . d . 91 Necessaire Magonnique . 18 rao . ... ... ... 020 93 Recherches sur les Templiera et leurs Croyances . Svo . 0 5 6 i aris
, IOJO . 94 Histoire de la demission d ' un Grand Chancelier , Con- 0 9 0 damnations , Reflexions , Discours dans un seance extraordinaire , Reponse , & c . Militia Templi . Ordre du Templo , Langue do France . 9 pamphlets of the Paris Templars . Svo . 1836-7 . 95 Bock . Histoire du Tribunal Secret . ISmo . 1799 ... O fi R
96 Les Magons de Cythere . Poeme . ISmo . Frontispiece . 0 2 6 Paris , 1813 . 97 Histoire du G . O . de France . Folding plates . 12 mo . 0 5 6
i-ans , lboo . 98 Instructions des Haufcs-Grades . ISmo . Paris , 1865 0 3 6 99 Le veritable Lien des Peuples . Svo . Paris , 1829 ... 0 4 6 100 Michaud . Bibliotheque des Croisades . 4 vols . Svo . 110 Paris , 1829 . 101 Clavel . Histoire Pittoresque do la F . M . Impl . Svo . 2 15 0 mil
-o plates , oounu , . pans , 1813 . 102 Vertot . Les Chevaliers de Malte . 18 mo . Tours , 1845 0 7 6 104 AugnstinuNuma . Ritter des bessern Zeitaltera . 18 mo . 0 5 6 1797 . 105 Der flammende Stern . 2 vols . 18 tno . 1779 ... 0 5 0 1 / 1 C T „ r . r ,: „ r . Vm „ m ^ „ r , A TOnlnlr ( " !„„„ ., „ „ 1 , „ J . 'l „ t * 1 TIT O 1 _ rt 1 /» /\ 1 tUUK 1 UI * 1
J . VU UCJOOlUg UCIOCI UUU JU . UG 0 ^ SUJUO i . IM .. m , YU 1 B . U ± \ J \ J 18 mo . ( Vol . IL , very scarce ) . 1778-90 . Wolfenbiittel . 107 Vertheidigung wider ftffentliche Verliiumdungen auf 0 3 6 der Kanzel . 12 mo . Frankfurt , 1779 .
IDS An meine Uruaer . ISmo . ± Sreslau , 1779 ... ... 0 1 6 109 Starck Zweck des F . M . Ordens . Crypto-Katholicismus , 0 6 0 goheime Gesellschaften , & c . 2 vols . 12 mo . Frankfurt , 1787 . 110 Recke , Cagliostro ' s Aufenthalt und magiscben Opera- 0 3 0 tioner in Mitau .
111 Compass der VVeisen . Symbolic folding plate . 12 mo . 0 4 6 Berlin , 1779 . 112 Ganz neue Entdecknngen v . d . F . M . 18 mo . Leipzig , 0 3 6 1782 ; . 113 Rede bey einer Versammlnng der F . M . May 30 , 1772 . 0 10
4 to . Dresden . 114 Die Jesuiten vertrieben aus der F . M . 2 vols . 12 mo . 0 5 0 Leipzig , 1783 . 115 Maurerey von einer lichtern Seite . 18 mo . 1788 ... 0 2 0 116 Nicolai . Verbindung mit dem Illuminatenorden . Svo . 0 2 6 Berlin , 1788 . 117 Endliches Schicksal des F . M Ordens . ISmo . Frank- 0 2 6 furt , 1791 .
118 Nothiger Anhang . ( Sequel to the foregoing ) . 18 mo . 0 16 Regensburg , 1795 . 119 Abhandlung iiber die allg . Zusammenkunft der F . M . 0 3 6 12 mo . Frankfurt , 1781 . 120 Probierstein fiir iichte F . M ., Rosenkreutzer , Jesuiten , 0 7 6 Illuminaten und irrende Ritter . 2 vols , in 1 . ISmo . Copenhagen , 1780 .
121 Etwas iiber den Hirtenbrief an die F . M . alten systems , 0 2 0 18 mo . Leipzig , 1786 . 122 Nicolai . Versuch iiber die Beschuldigungen der Tem- 0 7 6 pelherren . Plates . 2 vols , in 1 . 12 mo . Berlin , 1782 . 124 Logen Hierarchic . ISmo . Freiberg , 1819 ... 0 2 0 125 Velthusen . Pokeaoh Iwrim . 18 mo . 1804 ... 0 4 0 126 Eckert . Der F . M . Orden in seiner wahren Bedeutung . 0 4 0 12 mo . Half-bound . Dresden , 1852 . 128 Notuma . TJeber das Gauze der Maurerey . 18 mo . 0 3 6 Leiozis * . 178 S .
129 Numotheca Numismatico Latomorum . With all plates , 0 12 6 fine copy , Ito . Calf . 130 Dupuis . Origine de tous les Cnlfces . Abrege . 2 vols . 0 12 6 in 1 . Calf , lettered . Bruxelles , 1827 . 131 Etwas zum Nachdenken fiir M . F . Frontispiece . ISmo . 0 16 17 S 3 .
16 Z oammiung aer iiaon . u . iramitiscnen maurerey . l 8 mo . 0 3 0 Leipzig , 1736 . 133 Abenteuer eines Maures . ISmo . 1788 ... .., 0 2 0 134 Simonetti . Sendschreiben an die Loge in Berlin . 0 3 6 12 mo . Berlin , 1811 . 135 Giirtler . Historia Templariorntn . ISmo . Amsterdam , 0 10 0 1703 .
In ordering from this list it is only necessary to give the number and date of the work required ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of Rare And Valuable Works On Freemasonry.
Offered for Sale , at the pices annexed , at the office of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , Belvidere Works , Henries Hill , Pentonville , N .
1 Ahiman Rezon . Svo . Philadelphia , 1825 ... 0 10 6 2 Ahiman Rezon . 12 mo . Frontispiece . Philadelphia , 1783 15 0 3 Freemasons' Library and General Ahiman Rezon . Svo . 0 16 0 Baltimore , 1817 . „ „
4 Constitutions , with Appendix by Moore , and Portrait 0 5 U of Price , first G . M . Impl . Svo . Boston ( U . S . ) . 1857 . 5 Constitutions of Wisconsin . Milwaukee , 1880 ... 0 1 0 * 6 Histoire . Obligations et Statuts , & o . ISmo . Half- 0 12 6 bound , fine copy . Frankfort , 1712 . 7 Statuts de l'Ordre Mac en France . Svo . Paris , 1806 0 7 6
8 Statnts et Reglements generaux . Svo . Pans , 182 b 0 7 b 9 Ditto ditto ditto ditto 1839 0 6 0 10 General Rules and Laws , Ireland . Svo . Dublin , 1838 0 2 0 12 Constitutions , Grand Mark Lodge . 12 mo . London , 1857 0 2 0 13 Statutes . Masonio Knights Templar . Svo . Plates . 0 2 0 London , 1863 and 1816 . each 1000
15 Nash . . Lebanon , ovo . -uoionescer , ... u o o 16 Masonio Offering to the Duke of Sussex , G . M . Svo . 0 2 6 Two Plates . London , 1838 . 17 Trevilian . Letter on the Anti-Christian Character of 0 8 0 F . M . Svo . Bath , 1849 . 19 Pocket Companion and History . Frontispiece . 12 mo . 15 0 2 nd Edition . List of Lodges added . London , 1759 .
20 Philosophy of Masons . Epistles from Egypt , & c . 0 10 b 12 mo . London , 1790 . 21 Miscellany of Knowledge . By an Egyptian F . M . Svo . 0 10 6 London , 1792 . 22 In wood . Sermon at Chatham . 1797 ... ... 0 1 6 23 Simpson . Circumspection . A Sermon . 1797 ... 0 2 6
24 Town . System of Speculative Masonry . Call . Salem , 1 0 U 1818 . 25 Freemasonry . Pretensions Exposed . Review of Town ' s 0 15 0 Book . Svo . New York , 1828 . 26 Dallaway , Architecture , with historical account of 0 18 0 the Master and Freemasons . Large Svo . London , 1833 . 27 O'Brien . The Round Towers of Ireland ... ... 1 10 0
28 Sutherland . Knights of Malta . 2 vols . ISmo . Plates , 0 12 6 half-bound , lettered . 29 Ritnal of F . M . Key to Phi Beta Kappa . Kidnapping 0 5 0 of Morgan , & c . 30 Parker . Life ' s Painter of characters . Dissertation 0 8 6
on Masonry . Portrait . Svo . London , 1789 . 31 Sandoval . The Freemason . 3 vols . 12 mo . London , 1826 10 0 32 Reprint of Masonio Papers . Science of Lux , & c . 0 5 0 ii
juauras , . a .. 33 Order of the Eastern Star . ISmo . New York , 1869 0 2 6 34 Tannehill . Masonio Manual . 12 mo . Nashville , 1824 0 18 0 35 Trinitarian Principle . Law of Tri-Personality . Svo . 0 5 0 Boston , 1853 . 36 Light of the Temple . ISmo . Plates . Cincinnati , 1854 0 4 6 al lersoniraaisious UI \
x . . O L E .UI . I ^ U . aew IUIK , AOOO > u v 38 Washington and the Principles of Freemasonry . New 0 2 6 York , 1852 . 39 Masonic Union . Address to the Duke of Athol . 1804 0 8 0 40 Hutchinson ' s Spirit of Masonry . London , 1775 , and 0 10 6 the same , Carlisle , 1795 . . each 41 American Quarterly Review of F . M . Svo . 1858 and 0 6 0
1859 , New York . 42 F . M . Monthly Mag . 1847-8 , ' 52-5-9 . 5 vols . Svo . 0 12 0 Boston . 43 Halliwell . Early History of F . M . 12 mo . London , 1840 0 12 G 44 Narrative of Course pursued by the G . L . of New York . 0 2 0 Svo . 1819 . Report of Committee of Holland Lodge . 12 mo ,
New York , 1856 . 45 Oliver . Farewell Address . Lonth , 1866 ... ... 0 10 46 Barruel . Jacobinism . 4 vols . Svo . ... ... 0 18 0 47 Moore . Masonic Trestle Board . Part 2 , Boston , 1850 0 2 0
48 Stone . Masonry and Anti-Masonry , ovo . ualt . JNew 1 15 0 York , 1832 . 49 The Rectangular Review ( all published ) 1878-81 ... 0 10 6 50 The Republican . July 8 to October 28 , 1825 . lvol . Svo . 110 52 Finch's Masonio Treaties , with Two Symbolic Plates . 110 Deal , 1802 . 53 Oliver . Signs and Symbols . Svo . Grimsby , 1826 0 6 0
54 Ditto ditto ditto London , 1837 0 6 0 55 Oliver . Antiquities of F . M . Svo . London , 1823 ... 080 66 Oliver . Book of tbe Lodge . 12 mo . 1849 ... 0 2 6 58 Oliver . Pythagorean Triangle . 12 mo . London , 1876 0 4 0 59 Oliver . History of Initiation . Svo . London , 1841 110 60 Barruel . Memoires du Jacobinisme . 4 vols . Svo . Lon . 0 14 0 i / 8
cires , » . 61 Le Regulateur des Chevalier Macons ( 5 manuels for 110 Blu , Eccosais , d'Orient R . C . published at 15 francs each ) . 4 to . 62 Bazot . Manuel du Franc-Macon . 12 mo . Frontispiece . 0 5 0 Paris , 1819 . 63 Levesque . Apercu des sectes Hag dans tous les Pays . 0 12 0 8 vo . Paris , 1821 . I 64 Abrege de l'histoire d la F . M . ISmo . Londres , 1779 0 10 6 65 Les F . M . E ' crases . ISmo . Plates . Amsterdam , 1747 0 10 6 ' 66 L'Etoile flamboyante . 2 vols . 24 mo . 1785-7 ... 0 7 6
67 Kecueil precieux de la Mag . Adonhiramite . a vols . 0 7 6 Svo . Folding Plate . Philadelphia , 1785 . 68 La vraie Mag . d'Adoption . 18 mo . 1787 ... ... 0 4 0 69 Mounier . Influence des Philosophes des Franc Magons , 0 7 6 & c , sur la Revolution de France . 12 mo . Tubingen , 1801 . 70 The Freemason ' s Chronicle . 1875 to 1887 . Odd Volumes , nffafAr ) of . K < a no / iVi 1 tJmJ fmltWSmml
UU . bXVI . « VU . 71 Do . A complete set , 27 vols . Offers invited . 72 Lo Tombeau de Jacques Molai . Frontispiece . Paris , 0 9 0 l'an 5 . 73 De L'independence des Rites Mag . Paris , 1827 ... 0 2 0 74 Bedarride . L'Ordre Mag . de Mizraim . 2 vols . Svo . 0 10 0 Paris , 18-15 .
75 Le Voile leve , le Secret de la Revolution , la F . M . Svo . 0 10 6 Paris , 1792 . 76 Considerations Filosophiques sur la F . M . 18 mo . Calf . 0 7 6 177 «
77 Ragon . Orthodoxie Mag . Maconnerie Ocoulte . Initia- 0 9 0 tion Hemu'tiquo , & c . Svo . 78 Essai sur les Inconnus . 1777 ... ... ... 0 3 6 79 Des Erreurs et de la Verite . 2 vols . 12 mo . Edinburgh , 0 15 0 1782 ; and Suite des Erreurs et de la Verito . Salomonopolis , / si
r . 80 Villete . Memoire des Intriques de la Cour . ( The 15 0 scarcest and most scandalous Tract on tho diamond necklace of Marie Antoinette ) . Half-bound . 81 Essai sur la Secte des Illumines . Half-bound , lettered , 12 0 fine copy . Paris , 1789 . 82 Boubee . Etudes sur la F . M . Svo . Paris , 1854 ... 0 2 6 83 Barbet . Loge Centrale des veritables F . M . 18 mo . 0 10 0 Pnw ' ei 1 QAO
84 Dubreuil . Histoire des F . M . 2 vols . ISmo . Bruxelles , 0 5 0 1838 . 85 Le Regulateur du Ma ? on . ( 3 degrees ) . 4 to . Heredon , 0 12 6 1801 . Half-bound , fine copy . Q £ » r . amm . i T ... IV \ , rnnilnn .. .. n HAtn . nklA A « .. * M . V . ALm O 8 ? f \ ¦ uDuuii ± iu ib voimuiuit
JCJ , jut x-.. . cuuuo an , uijgiu , yrtu . a U V 10 fine plates . Paris 1811 . With curious MS . notes separate . 87 Apologie pour l'Ordre . Par M . N . Frontispiece . 0 5 6 ISmo . La Hayo . 17-15 . 88 Rebold Histoire de la F . M . Paris , 1851 ... ... 0 9 0 89 Louis XVI . detrone \ Tableau des causes de la Revo- 0 10 6
lution . l 2 mo . raris , 1803 . 90 Les plus secrets Mysteres des Hants Grades . ISmo . 0 3 6 Jerusalem , n . d . 91 Necessaire Magonnique . 18 rao . ... ... ... 020 93 Recherches sur les Templiera et leurs Croyances . Svo . 0 5 6 i aris
, IOJO . 94 Histoire de la demission d ' un Grand Chancelier , Con- 0 9 0 damnations , Reflexions , Discours dans un seance extraordinaire , Reponse , & c . Militia Templi . Ordre du Templo , Langue do France . 9 pamphlets of the Paris Templars . Svo . 1836-7 . 95 Bock . Histoire du Tribunal Secret . ISmo . 1799 ... O fi R
96 Les Magons de Cythere . Poeme . ISmo . Frontispiece . 0 2 6 Paris , 1813 . 97 Histoire du G . O . de France . Folding plates . 12 mo . 0 5 6
i-ans , lboo . 98 Instructions des Haufcs-Grades . ISmo . Paris , 1865 0 3 6 99 Le veritable Lien des Peuples . Svo . Paris , 1829 ... 0 4 6 100 Michaud . Bibliotheque des Croisades . 4 vols . Svo . 110 Paris , 1829 . 101 Clavel . Histoire Pittoresque do la F . M . Impl . Svo . 2 15 0 mil
-o plates , oounu , . pans , 1813 . 102 Vertot . Les Chevaliers de Malte . 18 mo . Tours , 1845 0 7 6 104 AugnstinuNuma . Ritter des bessern Zeitaltera . 18 mo . 0 5 6 1797 . 105 Der flammende Stern . 2 vols . 18 tno . 1779 ... 0 5 0 1 / 1 C T „ r . r ,: „ r . Vm „ m ^ „ r , A TOnlnlr ( " !„„„ ., „ „ 1 , „ J . 'l „ t * 1 TIT O 1 _ rt 1 /» /\ 1 tUUK 1 UI * 1
J . VU UCJOOlUg UCIOCI UUU JU . UG 0 ^ SUJUO i . IM .. m , YU 1 B . U ± \ J \ J 18 mo . ( Vol . IL , very scarce ) . 1778-90 . Wolfenbiittel . 107 Vertheidigung wider ftffentliche Verliiumdungen auf 0 3 6 der Kanzel . 12 mo . Frankfurt , 1779 .
IDS An meine Uruaer . ISmo . ± Sreslau , 1779 ... ... 0 1 6 109 Starck Zweck des F . M . Ordens . Crypto-Katholicismus , 0 6 0 goheime Gesellschaften , & c . 2 vols . 12 mo . Frankfurt , 1787 . 110 Recke , Cagliostro ' s Aufenthalt und magiscben Opera- 0 3 0 tioner in Mitau .
111 Compass der VVeisen . Symbolic folding plate . 12 mo . 0 4 6 Berlin , 1779 . 112 Ganz neue Entdecknngen v . d . F . M . 18 mo . Leipzig , 0 3 6 1782 ; . 113 Rede bey einer Versammlnng der F . M . May 30 , 1772 . 0 10
4 to . Dresden . 114 Die Jesuiten vertrieben aus der F . M . 2 vols . 12 mo . 0 5 0 Leipzig , 1783 . 115 Maurerey von einer lichtern Seite . 18 mo . 1788 ... 0 2 0 116 Nicolai . Verbindung mit dem Illuminatenorden . Svo . 0 2 6 Berlin , 1788 . 117 Endliches Schicksal des F . M Ordens . ISmo . Frank- 0 2 6 furt , 1791 .
118 Nothiger Anhang . ( Sequel to the foregoing ) . 18 mo . 0 16 Regensburg , 1795 . 119 Abhandlung iiber die allg . Zusammenkunft der F . M . 0 3 6 12 mo . Frankfurt , 1781 . 120 Probierstein fiir iichte F . M ., Rosenkreutzer , Jesuiten , 0 7 6 Illuminaten und irrende Ritter . 2 vols , in 1 . ISmo . Copenhagen , 1780 .
121 Etwas iiber den Hirtenbrief an die F . M . alten systems , 0 2 0 18 mo . Leipzig , 1786 . 122 Nicolai . Versuch iiber die Beschuldigungen der Tem- 0 7 6 pelherren . Plates . 2 vols , in 1 . 12 mo . Berlin , 1782 . 124 Logen Hierarchic . ISmo . Freiberg , 1819 ... 0 2 0 125 Velthusen . Pokeaoh Iwrim . 18 mo . 1804 ... 0 4 0 126 Eckert . Der F . M . Orden in seiner wahren Bedeutung . 0 4 0 12 mo . Half-bound . Dresden , 1852 . 128 Notuma . TJeber das Gauze der Maurerey . 18 mo . 0 3 6 Leiozis * . 178 S .
129 Numotheca Numismatico Latomorum . With all plates , 0 12 6 fine copy , Ito . Calf . 130 Dupuis . Origine de tous les Cnlfces . Abrege . 2 vols . 0 12 6 in 1 . Calf , lettered . Bruxelles , 1827 . 131 Etwas zum Nachdenken fiir M . F . Frontispiece . ISmo . 0 16 17 S 3 .
16 Z oammiung aer iiaon . u . iramitiscnen maurerey . l 8 mo . 0 3 0 Leipzig , 1736 . 133 Abenteuer eines Maures . ISmo . 1788 ... .., 0 2 0 134 Simonetti . Sendschreiben an die Loge in Berlin . 0 3 6 12 mo . Berlin , 1811 . 135 Giirtler . Historia Templariorntn . ISmo . Amsterdam , 0 10 0 1703 .
In ordering from this list it is only necessary to give the number and date of the work required ,