Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4
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Notices Of Meetings.
advising Grand Lodge he had endeavoured not to know A B or C D , but only to do what he thought right . If he had met with the approbation of the Craffc , ifc was no more than he had striven for ; he had endeavoured to do the best he conld for the great cause they all had so much at heart . Referring to Bro .
Eve ' s remarks as to the cosmopolitan character of the Lodge of Israel , and tbe universality of Masonry , this Lodge of Israel was a reminder of the antiquity of Masonry , and of fche fidelity Mas > ns bore to the traditions of the Order . Those who were not of the stock of Israel must always remember—certainly in Masonry—that
they were grafted into the tree , and conld nofc forget the stock from which they sprung ; therefore , they must acknowledge the universality of Freemasonry , and do reverence to the antiquity of the Order and fco its principles , whose attractions were so great thafc they brought together all those who recognised the G . A . O . T . U . Bro . Paton
I . P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M ., said that 15 or 16 years ago a Brother stood in tbe position he ( Bro . Paton ) now occupied , to propose the health of the then W . M . ; he referred to Bro . Hcgard , who now again occupied the chair . Ifc was needless for him to say any words of recommendation on behalf of this toast , because Bro .
Hogard was well known to the brethren . Bro . Hogard said that from his point of view it was an immense honour to occupy the chair of the Lodge of Israel for the second time , although he should have been very pleased to see either of the Wardens in his position . By their own right or the suffrages of tbe brethren they could have held it but
for their own modesty . It was to him a very proud moment to be again installed as W . M . of the Lodge of Israel . After having vacated the chair , 16 or 17 years ogo , he did not look to occupy it again , still he appreciated the brethren ' s kindness in electing him to fulfil the most important and highest office in their Lodge . In that position he
should do his best , as he thought they all knew he had done in the past , to merit the approbation and esteem of the brethren . He could only ask them to look kindly on any failings ho might exhibit . The Israel Lodge was his Mother Lodge , the Lodge in which he first saw the light , and he had never once regretted the step he then took .
He trusted he shonld be spared many years to continue a member of the Lodge . Bro . Dr . Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., replying to the toast of the Visitors said , when he received tbe invitation to the Lodge he accepted it with the greatest pleasure , because he felt ifc a very high honour . The visitors were not at all surprised to see Bro . Hogard
again in the ohair , knowing how many years he had worked for the harmony of the Lodge wifch which he was associated . The Provincial Grand Officers did not retire on their laurels , as the W . M . conld testify . The W . M . and he ( Dr . Hogg ) met every month—no brother was more constant—afc the Benevolent Institution , and assisted in a
great deal of work on its behalf . They took the deepest interest in the Benevolent Institution , and he ( Dr . Hogg ) was pleased that the Lodgo had thafc night subscribed fco ifc through fche list of a brother who represented another Lodge . He was not surprised that the Lodge of Israel took tho lead in such a step for the benefit of tho
Craft , ancl he always expected to seethe Lodge of Israel lead the way in adorning that great moral and social virtue whioh they all regarded with such groat intercut . Bro . Andrews , of Jamaica , also addressed the brethren . Abroad a great deal depended on the decisions of the Grand Registrar ; they had continually to refer questions to him , and
his judgment guided the brethren . He happened to be in Grand Lodge last time , and was pleased with the Grand Registrar ' s exposition of Masonio law . When he went back to Jamaica he should carry with him a pleasant memory of the welcome extended to strangers from abroad . After other Visitors , the Installing
Master was complimented ; the W . M . said he did nob know an ocoasion on which tho Master of tho Israel Lodge had nob installed his successor . They had for many years bad Masters who had conferred honour on the Lodge by the masterly manner in which they had performed their duties . He had had the pleasure of pinning on Brother
Paton s breast in Lodge the P . M . s jewel , which was unanimously voted him ; to this was added a P . M . ' s collar and jewel . Bro . R . J . Paton acknowledged the kindness of the brethren ; when he first entered the Lodge he resolved to attain , if he possibly could , tbe high position of W . M ., and he hoped hia exertions had been approved
of . Bro . F . Binckes P . G . Sword Bearer responded for the Masonic Charities . The Lodge of Israel always took a prominent part in supporting them . The W . M . would support fche Boys' School , and he would carry with him the sympathy of all tbe members , together wifch their most liberal , generous , and practical support . Last year the
Girls' School Centenary Festival completely crnshed the Boys' School , though no one grudged the Girls' School their success . In 1889 he hoped there wonld be something like compensation . The Boys ' School had 268 lads , for whom fche best was being done . The other
toasts customary on theso occasions received full recognition . Tbe musical programme provided was a high class one ; the artists who took part in it were tho Misses Louisa White , Marian Forder , Bros . G . Goddard , H . J . Phillips , I . White , and Arthur Combes . Bro . Willy Wright presided at the piano .
rpHE installation meeting was held at the Lodge Room , St George s J . Hall , Deal , on Thursday , the 18 th inst . Bro . E . Trevers was installed as W . M ., the ceremony boing performed in a mosfc impressive manner by Bro . J . F . Solly P . M ., after which the following Officers were appointed : —Bros . Huntley S . W ., Allen J . W ., Rev . L . Griffith
Chaplain , Browning P . M . Secretary , Marsh S . D ., Ootfcew J . D ., Chennel D . C , Webster Organist , Newton I . G ., EUins Steward , and Norris Tyler . Tho Lodgo having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the
banqueting hall , whore an excellent repast had been provided by Bro . W . U- Collins , of the Clarendon Hotel , to whom great praise is due .
HANLEY LODGE , No . 797 . THHE annual meeting was held at Dartmouth , on the 14 th inst . Bro . JL It . H . Benson was installed W . M , by Bro . Cbapple , assisted by
Notices Of Meetings.
Bros . Good ridge , Davson , Whittle , and Bovey . Bro . J . B . Husband was invested as Treasurer in tha place of J . H . Hurrell , wbo had resigned office on account of ill-health . The following Officers were invested l-y the W . M . : —Bros . Tolman I . P . M ., Way S . W ., Medway J . W ., G > odridge Sec , Pack S . D ., Elliott J . D ., Evms I . G ., Cbapole
D . C , Oldreive and Moxey Stewards , Putt Tyler . Bro . Davson was elected representative on the Committee of Petitions . Brethren f other Lxlges present included Bros . Jewels , Mardon , Whoaton , James , and Davies 248 , Pratt 1402 , Brooks and Trenaman 1358 ,
Cove 1487 , Hickey 954 . After the meeting the brethren , fco the numbor of about 35 , then adjourned to Bro . Whittle ' s Hotel , where a capital banquet was served . The nsual Loyal and Masouic toasts wero duly honoured , the speeches being interspersed with songs , by Bros . Medway , Bovey . and others .
PRIORY LODGE , No . 1000 . ON Thursday , the 17 th inst ., the annual festival of this Lodge waa held , at the Middleton Hotel , Southend , when Bro . G . J . Glasscock 1817 P . M . P . P . G . Sword Bjarer was installed as Worshipful Master , in succession to Bro . C . Floyd P . M . 1817 P . P . A . G . P ., tho
ceremony being ably performed by Bro . Albert Lacking P . G . P . Prov . G . D . C ., before a full assemblage of representative members of the Craft . The Worshipful Master appointed and invested the following as the Officers for the year : —Bros . W . E . Bridgland P . M . 933 S . W ., Thomas Hood J . W ., Rev . T . W . Herbert P . M . 313 1041 P . P . G . C .
Chaplain , F . Wood P . M . P . P . S . G . W . Treasnrer , A . Lucking P . M . P . G . P . Prov . G . D . C . Secretary , B . Thomas S . D ., A . Vandervord J . D ., Cyril W . Cooke I . G ., T . F . Barrett P . M . P . P . G . R . Dir . of Cers ., C . W . Barnard and H . Cogill Stewards , A . W . Martin Prov . G . T . Tyler . A Past Master's jewel was presented to Bro . Charles Floyd I . P . M .,
and upon the motion of Bro . A . Lacking , ten guineas was voted to the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , and ordered to be placed on the list of Bro . W . D . Merritt , who will represent the Lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival . Amongst those present ) were Bros . Rev . T . W . Herbert , A . Lucking , E . E . Phillips , W . D . Merritt ,
H . Luker , T . F . Barrett , J . F . Harrington , G . R . Dawson , C . Floyd , F . Wood , E . F . Wood , C . W . Cooke , James Heath , A . Vandervord , B . Thomas , H . Cogill , A . G . Renninson , F . J . Gamine , H . Harper , G . F . Vandervord , C W . Barnard , W . Tyler , W . Trigg , F . Partridge , W . M . Burton , W . Carwarden . Visitors—Bros . F . Binckes ( Secretary Royal
Masonio Boys' School ) , W . W . Morgan P . M . 211 , F . G . Green P . M . and Secretary 1024 P . G . S . W . Essex , A . Barritfc W . M . 1024 , H . Harper P . M . and Secretary 160 , W . Langham W . M . 276 , J . W . Harris P . M . 1000 Secretary 1817 , J . T . Crawford 766 , W . J . Bowes 834 , A . Harrington , Dr . Cresswell J . D ., 276 , W . H . Soratfcon
( B . A . ) , G . Walton 160 , W . HaU . Later on the brethren safe down fco a sumptuous banqnofc , provided by Bro . J . Prifcchard , mine host of fche Middleton , Bro . G . J . Glasscock ( fche newly-installed W . M . ) presided , and the vice chairs were occupied by Bros . Bridgland and Hood . The evening was spent mosfc harmoniously .
WALTON LODGE , No . 1086
ON the 16 th inst ., the brethren of this Lodge met in strong force at the Skelmersdale Hall , Kirkdale , to celebrate their annual festival , and instal the incoming W . M . This Lodge was formed over twenty years ago for the convenience of North-end Freemasons , and has admirably fulfilled its original purpose . At the present meeting there was a very numerous gathering of visitors , the chair being
taken by Bro . Joseph Unsworth , who afterwards installed ihe W . M . elect ( Bro . John Pennington ) in a very praiseworthy manner . The W . M . elect was presented by Bros . J . Lunfc and J . Shield . Officers were also appointed and invested . After dinner , whioh was supplied
by Bro . Eves , the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were duly honoured , and a handsome P . M . ' s jewel presented to the I . P . M . by the Lodge through the W . M ., with a fine sefc of mounted cutlery on behalf of the Lodge of Instruction .
ON the 19 th instant the festival of St . John was celebrated afc the Lodge-room , Local Board Offices , Cannock . There was a good attendance , and among the visiting brethren were the following : —Bros . Col . Foster Gough acting P . G . M ., J . Ryder P . G . S . D ., the Rev . R . M . Grier 1941 , J . Whitworth P . M . 347 , Joseph Collins W . M . 347 , G . Faughan W . M . 419 , F . T . Beck J . D . 419 , W . F . Tolladay
S . W . 1180 , T . H . Simpson Secretary 1180 , James Seddon 526 , J . M , Daffarn 1180 , W . Stamford 1941 , John Tindall P . M . 539 , George Gee W . M . 1911 . The W . M .-elect ( Bio . John J . Simpson ) was dnly installed by Bro . Thomas Evans W . M . The W . M . then invested the following as his Officers dnring the ensuing year : —Bros . T . Evans
I . P . M ., T . M . Heape S . W ., G . Stead J . W ., Peter Sharp Treasurer , W . Blower Secretary , John Smith S . D ., George J . Brownell J . D ., Cope D . C , Wilson Organist , Ryle I . G ., Broughall and Brookes Stewards , Coombes Tyler . The W . M ., in the name of the Officers of the Lodge , presented to Bro . Evans a jewel bearing the following inscription : —
" Presented fco Bro . T . Evans by the Officers ofthe Earl of Shrews , bury Lodge of Free and Accepted Mas -us , No . 1520 , as a token of their esteem for his courtesy and ability as W . M . during the year 1888 . "
The banquet was afterwards served in the Lodge-room by Mrs . Bertram , under the direction of bhe Banqueting Committee , Bros . Sharp , Cope , Brownell , Heape , and Evans . The usual Loyal and Masouic toasts were duly honoured , aud several of the brethren contributed songs during the evening .
TO THE DEAF . —A Person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy , will send a , description of it JJUSE to any Person Who applies to NICHOLSON , 21 BecUord-aq ., London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
advising Grand Lodge he had endeavoured not to know A B or C D , but only to do what he thought right . If he had met with the approbation of the Craffc , ifc was no more than he had striven for ; he had endeavoured to do the best he conld for the great cause they all had so much at heart . Referring to Bro .
Eve ' s remarks as to the cosmopolitan character of the Lodge of Israel , and tbe universality of Masonry , this Lodge of Israel was a reminder of the antiquity of Masonry , and of fche fidelity Mas > ns bore to the traditions of the Order . Those who were not of the stock of Israel must always remember—certainly in Masonry—that
they were grafted into the tree , and conld nofc forget the stock from which they sprung ; therefore , they must acknowledge the universality of Freemasonry , and do reverence to the antiquity of the Order and fco its principles , whose attractions were so great thafc they brought together all those who recognised the G . A . O . T . U . Bro . Paton
I . P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M ., said that 15 or 16 years ago a Brother stood in tbe position he ( Bro . Paton ) now occupied , to propose the health of the then W . M . ; he referred to Bro . Hcgard , who now again occupied the chair . Ifc was needless for him to say any words of recommendation on behalf of this toast , because Bro .
Hogard was well known to the brethren . Bro . Hogard said that from his point of view it was an immense honour to occupy the chair of the Lodge of Israel for the second time , although he should have been very pleased to see either of the Wardens in his position . By their own right or the suffrages of tbe brethren they could have held it but
for their own modesty . It was to him a very proud moment to be again installed as W . M . of the Lodge of Israel . After having vacated the chair , 16 or 17 years ogo , he did not look to occupy it again , still he appreciated the brethren ' s kindness in electing him to fulfil the most important and highest office in their Lodge . In that position he
should do his best , as he thought they all knew he had done in the past , to merit the approbation and esteem of the brethren . He could only ask them to look kindly on any failings ho might exhibit . The Israel Lodge was his Mother Lodge , the Lodge in which he first saw the light , and he had never once regretted the step he then took .
He trusted he shonld be spared many years to continue a member of the Lodge . Bro . Dr . Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., replying to the toast of the Visitors said , when he received tbe invitation to the Lodge he accepted it with the greatest pleasure , because he felt ifc a very high honour . The visitors were not at all surprised to see Bro . Hogard
again in the ohair , knowing how many years he had worked for the harmony of the Lodge wifch which he was associated . The Provincial Grand Officers did not retire on their laurels , as the W . M . conld testify . The W . M . and he ( Dr . Hogg ) met every month—no brother was more constant—afc the Benevolent Institution , and assisted in a
great deal of work on its behalf . They took the deepest interest in the Benevolent Institution , and he ( Dr . Hogg ) was pleased that the Lodgo had thafc night subscribed fco ifc through fche list of a brother who represented another Lodge . He was not surprised that the Lodge of Israel took tho lead in such a step for the benefit of tho
Craft , ancl he always expected to seethe Lodge of Israel lead the way in adorning that great moral and social virtue whioh they all regarded with such groat intercut . Bro . Andrews , of Jamaica , also addressed the brethren . Abroad a great deal depended on the decisions of the Grand Registrar ; they had continually to refer questions to him , and
his judgment guided the brethren . He happened to be in Grand Lodge last time , and was pleased with the Grand Registrar ' s exposition of Masonio law . When he went back to Jamaica he should carry with him a pleasant memory of the welcome extended to strangers from abroad . After other Visitors , the Installing
Master was complimented ; the W . M . said he did nob know an ocoasion on which tho Master of tho Israel Lodge had nob installed his successor . They had for many years bad Masters who had conferred honour on the Lodge by the masterly manner in which they had performed their duties . He had had the pleasure of pinning on Brother
Paton s breast in Lodge the P . M . s jewel , which was unanimously voted him ; to this was added a P . M . ' s collar and jewel . Bro . R . J . Paton acknowledged the kindness of the brethren ; when he first entered the Lodge he resolved to attain , if he possibly could , tbe high position of W . M ., and he hoped hia exertions had been approved
of . Bro . F . Binckes P . G . Sword Bearer responded for the Masonic Charities . The Lodge of Israel always took a prominent part in supporting them . The W . M . would support fche Boys' School , and he would carry with him the sympathy of all tbe members , together wifch their most liberal , generous , and practical support . Last year the
Girls' School Centenary Festival completely crnshed the Boys' School , though no one grudged the Girls' School their success . In 1889 he hoped there wonld be something like compensation . The Boys ' School had 268 lads , for whom fche best was being done . The other
toasts customary on theso occasions received full recognition . Tbe musical programme provided was a high class one ; the artists who took part in it were tho Misses Louisa White , Marian Forder , Bros . G . Goddard , H . J . Phillips , I . White , and Arthur Combes . Bro . Willy Wright presided at the piano .
rpHE installation meeting was held at the Lodge Room , St George s J . Hall , Deal , on Thursday , the 18 th inst . Bro . E . Trevers was installed as W . M ., the ceremony boing performed in a mosfc impressive manner by Bro . J . F . Solly P . M ., after which the following Officers were appointed : —Bros . Huntley S . W ., Allen J . W ., Rev . L . Griffith
Chaplain , Browning P . M . Secretary , Marsh S . D ., Ootfcew J . D ., Chennel D . C , Webster Organist , Newton I . G ., EUins Steward , and Norris Tyler . Tho Lodgo having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the
banqueting hall , whore an excellent repast had been provided by Bro . W . U- Collins , of the Clarendon Hotel , to whom great praise is due .
HANLEY LODGE , No . 797 . THHE annual meeting was held at Dartmouth , on the 14 th inst . Bro . JL It . H . Benson was installed W . M , by Bro . Cbapple , assisted by
Notices Of Meetings.
Bros . Good ridge , Davson , Whittle , and Bovey . Bro . J . B . Husband was invested as Treasurer in tha place of J . H . Hurrell , wbo had resigned office on account of ill-health . The following Officers were invested l-y the W . M . : —Bros . Tolman I . P . M ., Way S . W ., Medway J . W ., G > odridge Sec , Pack S . D ., Elliott J . D ., Evms I . G ., Cbapole
D . C , Oldreive and Moxey Stewards , Putt Tyler . Bro . Davson was elected representative on the Committee of Petitions . Brethren f other Lxlges present included Bros . Jewels , Mardon , Whoaton , James , and Davies 248 , Pratt 1402 , Brooks and Trenaman 1358 ,
Cove 1487 , Hickey 954 . After the meeting the brethren , fco the numbor of about 35 , then adjourned to Bro . Whittle ' s Hotel , where a capital banquet was served . The nsual Loyal and Masouic toasts wero duly honoured , the speeches being interspersed with songs , by Bros . Medway , Bovey . and others .
PRIORY LODGE , No . 1000 . ON Thursday , the 17 th inst ., the annual festival of this Lodge waa held , at the Middleton Hotel , Southend , when Bro . G . J . Glasscock 1817 P . M . P . P . G . Sword Bjarer was installed as Worshipful Master , in succession to Bro . C . Floyd P . M . 1817 P . P . A . G . P ., tho
ceremony being ably performed by Bro . Albert Lacking P . G . P . Prov . G . D . C ., before a full assemblage of representative members of the Craft . The Worshipful Master appointed and invested the following as the Officers for the year : —Bros . W . E . Bridgland P . M . 933 S . W ., Thomas Hood J . W ., Rev . T . W . Herbert P . M . 313 1041 P . P . G . C .
Chaplain , F . Wood P . M . P . P . S . G . W . Treasnrer , A . Lucking P . M . P . G . P . Prov . G . D . C . Secretary , B . Thomas S . D ., A . Vandervord J . D ., Cyril W . Cooke I . G ., T . F . Barrett P . M . P . P . G . R . Dir . of Cers ., C . W . Barnard and H . Cogill Stewards , A . W . Martin Prov . G . T . Tyler . A Past Master's jewel was presented to Bro . Charles Floyd I . P . M .,
and upon the motion of Bro . A . Lacking , ten guineas was voted to the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , and ordered to be placed on the list of Bro . W . D . Merritt , who will represent the Lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival . Amongst those present ) were Bros . Rev . T . W . Herbert , A . Lucking , E . E . Phillips , W . D . Merritt ,
H . Luker , T . F . Barrett , J . F . Harrington , G . R . Dawson , C . Floyd , F . Wood , E . F . Wood , C . W . Cooke , James Heath , A . Vandervord , B . Thomas , H . Cogill , A . G . Renninson , F . J . Gamine , H . Harper , G . F . Vandervord , C W . Barnard , W . Tyler , W . Trigg , F . Partridge , W . M . Burton , W . Carwarden . Visitors—Bros . F . Binckes ( Secretary Royal
Masonio Boys' School ) , W . W . Morgan P . M . 211 , F . G . Green P . M . and Secretary 1024 P . G . S . W . Essex , A . Barritfc W . M . 1024 , H . Harper P . M . and Secretary 160 , W . Langham W . M . 276 , J . W . Harris P . M . 1000 Secretary 1817 , J . T . Crawford 766 , W . J . Bowes 834 , A . Harrington , Dr . Cresswell J . D ., 276 , W . H . Soratfcon
( B . A . ) , G . Walton 160 , W . HaU . Later on the brethren safe down fco a sumptuous banqnofc , provided by Bro . J . Prifcchard , mine host of fche Middleton , Bro . G . J . Glasscock ( fche newly-installed W . M . ) presided , and the vice chairs were occupied by Bros . Bridgland and Hood . The evening was spent mosfc harmoniously .
WALTON LODGE , No . 1086
ON the 16 th inst ., the brethren of this Lodge met in strong force at the Skelmersdale Hall , Kirkdale , to celebrate their annual festival , and instal the incoming W . M . This Lodge was formed over twenty years ago for the convenience of North-end Freemasons , and has admirably fulfilled its original purpose . At the present meeting there was a very numerous gathering of visitors , the chair being
taken by Bro . Joseph Unsworth , who afterwards installed ihe W . M . elect ( Bro . John Pennington ) in a very praiseworthy manner . The W . M . elect was presented by Bros . J . Lunfc and J . Shield . Officers were also appointed and invested . After dinner , whioh was supplied
by Bro . Eves , the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were duly honoured , and a handsome P . M . ' s jewel presented to the I . P . M . by the Lodge through the W . M ., with a fine sefc of mounted cutlery on behalf of the Lodge of Instruction .
ON the 19 th instant the festival of St . John was celebrated afc the Lodge-room , Local Board Offices , Cannock . There was a good attendance , and among the visiting brethren were the following : —Bros . Col . Foster Gough acting P . G . M ., J . Ryder P . G . S . D ., the Rev . R . M . Grier 1941 , J . Whitworth P . M . 347 , Joseph Collins W . M . 347 , G . Faughan W . M . 419 , F . T . Beck J . D . 419 , W . F . Tolladay
S . W . 1180 , T . H . Simpson Secretary 1180 , James Seddon 526 , J . M , Daffarn 1180 , W . Stamford 1941 , John Tindall P . M . 539 , George Gee W . M . 1911 . The W . M .-elect ( Bio . John J . Simpson ) was dnly installed by Bro . Thomas Evans W . M . The W . M . then invested the following as his Officers dnring the ensuing year : —Bros . T . Evans
I . P . M ., T . M . Heape S . W ., G . Stead J . W ., Peter Sharp Treasurer , W . Blower Secretary , John Smith S . D ., George J . Brownell J . D ., Cope D . C , Wilson Organist , Ryle I . G ., Broughall and Brookes Stewards , Coombes Tyler . The W . M ., in the name of the Officers of the Lodge , presented to Bro . Evans a jewel bearing the following inscription : —
" Presented fco Bro . T . Evans by the Officers ofthe Earl of Shrews , bury Lodge of Free and Accepted Mas -us , No . 1520 , as a token of their esteem for his courtesy and ability as W . M . during the year 1888 . "
The banquet was afterwards served in the Lodge-room by Mrs . Bertram , under the direction of bhe Banqueting Committee , Bros . Sharp , Cope , Brownell , Heape , and Evans . The usual Loyal and Masouic toasts were duly honoured , aud several of the brethren contributed songs during the evening .
TO THE DEAF . —A Person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy , will send a , description of it JJUSE to any Person Who applies to NICHOLSON , 21 BecUord-aq ., London , W . C .