Article THE GOVERNOR OF NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 →
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The Governor Of New Zealand.
ON the 21 st inst . a complimentary dinner was given at Limmer a Hotel , Hanover-square , to the Earl of Onslow , K . C . M . G ., on his appointment as Governor of New Zealand . The dinner was given by the Onslow Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 361 , of whioh Lodge he was the first Worshipful Master . His Lordship , who takes a great interest in Freemasonry , was appointed Grand Senior Warden
in United Grand Lodge of England in 1880 , Prince John of Gluckaburg having that rank conferred upon hira at the same time ; and in other degrees the Earl of Onslow has always taken a prominent part . Previously to the dinner the Lodge held its regular January meeting at the Hall of tbe Supreme Council 33 ° , 33 Golden Square , at which
the Earl of Euston the Master of tho Lodge presided , and performed the ceremony of advancement to the Mark degree in admirable style , the candidate being Mr . W . R . Macaalpy . At the dinner also the Earl of Euston presided , having the E irl of Onslow on his right , and Mr . L . C . Gordon Bobbins , Colonel Shadwell Gierke , and Mr . A . Bott
Cook on his left . The company comprised Sir Lionel Darrell , Mr . Hyde Clarke , Colonel A . H . Biroham , Major J . H . L . Craigie , the Rev . G . N . Palmer , the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Mr . J . Inglis , Mr . R . Loveland Loveland , the Rev . H . R . Cooper Smith , Mr . S . Green , Mr . G . Farwell Jones , Mr . C . F . Matier , and Mr . Reginald J . Mure . The Earl of
Lathom , Lord Egerton of Tatton , the Earl of Limerick , and several other noble lords were unable to attend , aud sent apologies for their absence . The Earl of Euston , in giving the toast of the evening—the Earl of Onslow—aaid that aa Lord Onslow had marked well in the past in everything he had taken up , in every office he had held , so ,
as Her Majesty s representative in New Zealand , he would leave his mark there , and God prosper him in everything he did ! When he came back , after a brief absence , he would receive as hearty a welcome as he now received a God-speed and good wishes . The Earl of Onslow , in responding , said the Onslo . v Lodge had already paid
him the greatest honour a Lodge could pay by calling it after his name . He could not say that in undertaking the duties he was about to assume be did it with unalloyed feelings of pleasure , for there were many ties to be severed and many matters to be uprooted , but it was only for a short period , and there was none he felt more
deeply than his severance from Grand Lodge of England , Grand Mark Lodge , and the Onslow Lodge . He had undertaken something that was exceptionally interesting ; he was going to see a great country , a young , strong , and prosperous country , which combined many diversified and conflicting elements ; it was a country which
was loyal to the backbone , which honoured and respected Freemasonry and Grand Lodge , and yet was more democratic even than democratic England ; and with all those curious combinations it was , above all , a hater and abhorrer of the great principles of Free Trade . He . was pleased to think that , as Governor of a great
Australasian Colony , he should not be far separated from one who had honoured him with far greater distinction than he could pretend to in the Mastership of this Lodge , via ., Lord Kintore ; bufc ifc waa an augury for the future of the Empire that there were men who were willing to go away and leave the pleasures and comforts of a
civilised land for a very fow years for the sake of promoting tbe welfare of the great Empire . A great change had come over the spirit of Freemasonry in Australasia . It was not long ago that , for the first time , the Australasian Colonies . proposed to establish a Grand Lodge and a Grand Master of their own , and he believed that
it would be for the greatest usefulness of Freemasonry in Australasia thafc they should be self-sustained and cohesive . The Prince of Wale . ? , who fnlly appreciated these matters , had nofc hesitated to deolare that a closer union of hearts should be brought about by acknowledging such a Grand Lodge . After all , though many thousands
of miles away , they were not so far separated . It was nofc only true that a girdle had been put around the world in forty minutes , but thafc those wbo wished to go to Australasia on a visit could do so in a very short time , and he hoped that those brethren he saw around him would come oufc to New Zealand , and he promised them a hearfcy
reception at Government House . Wherever he might go he had this consolation , that he should always meet warm Masonio hearts who were willing to work with him , to set aside all distinctions and differences in the one bond of Freemasonry , and he should nofc easily
forget those words he had heard pronounced by the Worshipful Master thafc wherever they might be they would always find among Mark Masons true friends . Mr . Wilhelm Ganz , in the course of the evening , played " Home , Sweet Home , " and after the Tyler ' s toast the brethren sang "Auld Lang Syne . "—Daily Telegraph .
A Lodge of Instruction , to work under the sanction and designation of the Montefiore , No . 1017 , will in future meet every Thursday evening , afc St . James ' s Restaurant ,
Piccadilly . Bro . N . P . Vallentine , P . M . 1017 , has undertaken the Precepfcorship , and proceedings will commence at 8 o'clock precisely . Bro . F . N . Hardinge , 1017 , will ant an Sfinrntarir
The anniversary of the Lodge of Repose was held at Derby , on Thursday , the 17 th instanfc , when there was a large attendance of brethren . Bro . John Ryley was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year .
The Lodge of Rectitude , No . 502 , held a ball afc the Town Hall , Rugby , on Wednesday , the 23 rd instant , in aid of the hospital of St . Cross .
On Tuesday evening , the 15 fch instant , at a meeting of the Handyside Lodge , No . 1618 , held at Saltburn , Bro . Isaac Robinson S . W . was unanimously re-elected Worshipfnl Maater for the ensuing year .
Notices Of Meetings.
FORTITUDE LODGE , No . 105 . THE annual meeting was held , on the 14 th instant , afc the Freemasons' Hall , Princess-square , Plymouth . There was a large attendance , and the brethren adjourned , after the ordinary business , to the large hall for the installation of the Worshipful Master elect , — : o : —
Bro . A . W . Spinney . Broa . Parson , Kifcfc , Jew , Horswill and Cooper were the Installing Officers . Bro . W . S . Hoarder presided afc the organ . The Officers invested were Bros . Parson I . P . M ., Edgcumbe S . W ., Sweet J . W ., Jew Chaplain , Browning Treasurer , Cooper
Secretary , McBryde S . D ., Soper J . D ., Gibbens Dir . of Cers ., Rodd Asst . Dir . of Cers ., Ivey Organist , Lidiard Asst . Organist , Luke I . G ., Waterman and Taylor Stewards , Phillips Tyler . Bro . M . Emdon was re-elected the representative at the Committee on Petitions , and Bro . G . Horswill waa elected the Charity Steward .
JUSTICE LODGE , No . 147 . THE members of fcbis popular Lodge celebrated their installation meeting on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the White Swan Hotel , Deptford . As on the previous evening , at the same establishment , when the Wellington Lodge , No . 548 , held high festival , there was a very large attendance , and it is clearly shown by these two meetings that the residents in the vicinity are most zealous in the exercise of
their Masonio functions . The Lodge was opened by Bro . J . B . Williams W . M ., who was supported by Past Masters G . Bolton , H . Bartlett ( Treasurer ) , S . R . Speight ( Secretary ) , G . Dilley , J . Freeman , B . Banks , H . 0 . Freeman , J . J . Pitt , and H . G . Dilley . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . F . Binckes P . G . S . B ., J . Terry P . G . S . B ., F . R .
W . Hedges P . G . S . B ., J . G . Dale W . M . 169 , W . T . Hunt W . M . 1531 ,
Spratliug Prov . Grand Treasurer Middx ., F . W . Dimsdale W . M . 1507 , W . W . Morgan P . M . 211 , J . S . Miller P . M . 1668 , C . J . Scales P . M . 1507 , H . Dickey P . M . 1744 , E . Williams P . M . 1539 , G . Ransford S . W . 1512 , W . Neville J . W . 73 , E . Bax J . W . 871 , Mote 1732 , Lewis 2206 , Morgan 30 , Gedney 1663 , H . Greener 829 , Talbot
65 , Farman 1820 , Hurl 1345 , Fountain 879 , Hide 1275 , Saddington 1744 , Anderson 1320 , Webb 162 . After the Lodge had been formally opened and preliminaries duly observed , Bro . George Emblin was presented as the W . M . elect . Bro . Emblin is but a yonng man , but since he entered the Craft—be was initiated in the
Justice Lodge in 1880—he has devoted his best energies to the service of Freemasonry . In the first place , he has served all the offices in his mother Lodge , and has taken a deep interest in the Justice Lodge of Instruction , of whioh he may be said to have been one of the foremost , if not the foremost , in establishing . But it is in
connection with tho Masonio Institutions that Bro . Emblin has mosfc prominently made his mark . In 1887 , the year before its Centenary , he undertook a Stewardship on behalf of the Royal Masonio Institu . tion for Girls , when the amount recorded on his list reached the magnificent total of £ 420 . Our readers will agree with us when we
venture to express the opinion he had "Justice" wifch him . In duo course the Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Emblin was placed in the ohair . After the Past Masters had done their special work , and cement had been duly administered , the brethren below the degree of Installed Master were readmitted , and the W . M
was proclaimed and saluted in the three degrees . The following brethreu were invested as Officers : —Bros . J . Dixon S . W ., W . P . M . Penrose J . W ., J . B . Williams I . P . M ., H . Bartlett P . M . Treasnrer , S . R . Speight P . M . Secretary , H . G . Pitt S . D ., T . D . Leng J . D ., C . W . C . Jones I . G ., J . J . Hutchings P . M . D . C , H . Wilson Organist , R . W .
Goddard Tyler . Bro . Williams gave the addresses , and was congratulated by all present on the admirable way in which he had carried out the ceremony . A candidate for initiation now presented himself ; the ballot was declared in favour , and Mr . Campbell was introduced and took the benefit of Masonic light . The next feature was tbe
formal presentation to the W . M . of an elegant banner , to be used by the Lodge in perpetuity . This gift was acknowledged by Bro . Emblin , who stated the members of the Lodge fully appreciated the kindness thus exhibited by the Immediate Past Master . The announcement was then made thafc the Worshipful Master had undertaken a
Stewardship for the next Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , and £ 1010 s was voted from Lodge Funds , the amount to be placed on his List on behalf of that Charity . An application from a member to be placed on the conntry list was favourably entertained , and a proposition for a gentleman to join the Order , in due form , was
presented to the Secretary . Shortly afterwards Lodge was closed . A capital banquet followed ; ifc was done full justice to , and while the cloth was being cleared the Charity Box was passed round , with very happy result . Tbe W . M . briefly introduced the Loyal toasts , which were heartily responded to . For the Grand Officers Bro . James
Terry replied . Bro . Williams then rose to propose the health of the W . M . After referring to the good work Bro . Emblin had done in the several offices he had held in the Lodge , the I . P . M . spoke of what their W . M . had already done on behalf of the Charities . The Associations Bro . Emblin had exercised himself so well in bad paid over
to the three Masonic Institutions something like £ 800 , and great things were anticipated from the W . M . in behalf of his appeal for the Boys . All anticipated that Bro . Emblin would make a good Master , and with the capable band of Officers that would support him the in . creased prosperity of the Lodge would be assured . In reply the
W . M , said that since his initiation it ha : l been bis ambition to fill the ohair of the Lodge of Justice , and no effort should be wanting so far as he was concerned to promote the happiness and harmony of the brethren . Bro . Emblin then referred to his proposed Stewardshi p
for tbe Boys' School , and made an earnest appeal for support . In response to the toasfc given in his honour , Bro . Campbell said he appeared that night as an Entered Apprentice , bufc he trusted he might prove an efficient mechanic . The health of the Installing Officer waa next given , and he was invested wifch the Pasfc Master ^
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Governor Of New Zealand.
ON the 21 st inst . a complimentary dinner was given at Limmer a Hotel , Hanover-square , to the Earl of Onslow , K . C . M . G ., on his appointment as Governor of New Zealand . The dinner was given by the Onslow Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 361 , of whioh Lodge he was the first Worshipful Master . His Lordship , who takes a great interest in Freemasonry , was appointed Grand Senior Warden
in United Grand Lodge of England in 1880 , Prince John of Gluckaburg having that rank conferred upon hira at the same time ; and in other degrees the Earl of Onslow has always taken a prominent part . Previously to the dinner the Lodge held its regular January meeting at the Hall of tbe Supreme Council 33 ° , 33 Golden Square , at which
the Earl of Euston the Master of tho Lodge presided , and performed the ceremony of advancement to the Mark degree in admirable style , the candidate being Mr . W . R . Macaalpy . At the dinner also the Earl of Euston presided , having the E irl of Onslow on his right , and Mr . L . C . Gordon Bobbins , Colonel Shadwell Gierke , and Mr . A . Bott
Cook on his left . The company comprised Sir Lionel Darrell , Mr . Hyde Clarke , Colonel A . H . Biroham , Major J . H . L . Craigie , the Rev . G . N . Palmer , the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Mr . J . Inglis , Mr . R . Loveland Loveland , the Rev . H . R . Cooper Smith , Mr . S . Green , Mr . G . Farwell Jones , Mr . C . F . Matier , and Mr . Reginald J . Mure . The Earl of
Lathom , Lord Egerton of Tatton , the Earl of Limerick , and several other noble lords were unable to attend , aud sent apologies for their absence . The Earl of Euston , in giving the toast of the evening—the Earl of Onslow—aaid that aa Lord Onslow had marked well in the past in everything he had taken up , in every office he had held , so ,
as Her Majesty s representative in New Zealand , he would leave his mark there , and God prosper him in everything he did ! When he came back , after a brief absence , he would receive as hearty a welcome as he now received a God-speed and good wishes . The Earl of Onslow , in responding , said the Onslo . v Lodge had already paid
him the greatest honour a Lodge could pay by calling it after his name . He could not say that in undertaking the duties he was about to assume be did it with unalloyed feelings of pleasure , for there were many ties to be severed and many matters to be uprooted , but it was only for a short period , and there was none he felt more
deeply than his severance from Grand Lodge of England , Grand Mark Lodge , and the Onslow Lodge . He had undertaken something that was exceptionally interesting ; he was going to see a great country , a young , strong , and prosperous country , which combined many diversified and conflicting elements ; it was a country which
was loyal to the backbone , which honoured and respected Freemasonry and Grand Lodge , and yet was more democratic even than democratic England ; and with all those curious combinations it was , above all , a hater and abhorrer of the great principles of Free Trade . He . was pleased to think that , as Governor of a great
Australasian Colony , he should not be far separated from one who had honoured him with far greater distinction than he could pretend to in the Mastership of this Lodge , via ., Lord Kintore ; bufc ifc waa an augury for the future of the Empire that there were men who were willing to go away and leave the pleasures and comforts of a
civilised land for a very fow years for the sake of promoting tbe welfare of the great Empire . A great change had come over the spirit of Freemasonry in Australasia . It was not long ago that , for the first time , the Australasian Colonies . proposed to establish a Grand Lodge and a Grand Master of their own , and he believed that
it would be for the greatest usefulness of Freemasonry in Australasia thafc they should be self-sustained and cohesive . The Prince of Wale . ? , who fnlly appreciated these matters , had nofc hesitated to deolare that a closer union of hearts should be brought about by acknowledging such a Grand Lodge . After all , though many thousands
of miles away , they were not so far separated . It was nofc only true that a girdle had been put around the world in forty minutes , but thafc those wbo wished to go to Australasia on a visit could do so in a very short time , and he hoped that those brethren he saw around him would come oufc to New Zealand , and he promised them a hearfcy
reception at Government House . Wherever he might go he had this consolation , that he should always meet warm Masonio hearts who were willing to work with him , to set aside all distinctions and differences in the one bond of Freemasonry , and he should nofc easily
forget those words he had heard pronounced by the Worshipful Master thafc wherever they might be they would always find among Mark Masons true friends . Mr . Wilhelm Ganz , in the course of the evening , played " Home , Sweet Home , " and after the Tyler ' s toast the brethren sang "Auld Lang Syne . "—Daily Telegraph .
A Lodge of Instruction , to work under the sanction and designation of the Montefiore , No . 1017 , will in future meet every Thursday evening , afc St . James ' s Restaurant ,
Piccadilly . Bro . N . P . Vallentine , P . M . 1017 , has undertaken the Precepfcorship , and proceedings will commence at 8 o'clock precisely . Bro . F . N . Hardinge , 1017 , will ant an Sfinrntarir
The anniversary of the Lodge of Repose was held at Derby , on Thursday , the 17 th instanfc , when there was a large attendance of brethren . Bro . John Ryley was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year .
The Lodge of Rectitude , No . 502 , held a ball afc the Town Hall , Rugby , on Wednesday , the 23 rd instant , in aid of the hospital of St . Cross .
On Tuesday evening , the 15 fch instant , at a meeting of the Handyside Lodge , No . 1618 , held at Saltburn , Bro . Isaac Robinson S . W . was unanimously re-elected Worshipfnl Maater for the ensuing year .
Notices Of Meetings.
FORTITUDE LODGE , No . 105 . THE annual meeting was held , on the 14 th instant , afc the Freemasons' Hall , Princess-square , Plymouth . There was a large attendance , and the brethren adjourned , after the ordinary business , to the large hall for the installation of the Worshipful Master elect , — : o : —
Bro . A . W . Spinney . Broa . Parson , Kifcfc , Jew , Horswill and Cooper were the Installing Officers . Bro . W . S . Hoarder presided afc the organ . The Officers invested were Bros . Parson I . P . M ., Edgcumbe S . W ., Sweet J . W ., Jew Chaplain , Browning Treasurer , Cooper
Secretary , McBryde S . D ., Soper J . D ., Gibbens Dir . of Cers ., Rodd Asst . Dir . of Cers ., Ivey Organist , Lidiard Asst . Organist , Luke I . G ., Waterman and Taylor Stewards , Phillips Tyler . Bro . M . Emdon was re-elected the representative at the Committee on Petitions , and Bro . G . Horswill waa elected the Charity Steward .
JUSTICE LODGE , No . 147 . THE members of fcbis popular Lodge celebrated their installation meeting on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the White Swan Hotel , Deptford . As on the previous evening , at the same establishment , when the Wellington Lodge , No . 548 , held high festival , there was a very large attendance , and it is clearly shown by these two meetings that the residents in the vicinity are most zealous in the exercise of
their Masonio functions . The Lodge was opened by Bro . J . B . Williams W . M ., who was supported by Past Masters G . Bolton , H . Bartlett ( Treasurer ) , S . R . Speight ( Secretary ) , G . Dilley , J . Freeman , B . Banks , H . 0 . Freeman , J . J . Pitt , and H . G . Dilley . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . F . Binckes P . G . S . B ., J . Terry P . G . S . B ., F . R .
W . Hedges P . G . S . B ., J . G . Dale W . M . 169 , W . T . Hunt W . M . 1531 ,
Spratliug Prov . Grand Treasurer Middx ., F . W . Dimsdale W . M . 1507 , W . W . Morgan P . M . 211 , J . S . Miller P . M . 1668 , C . J . Scales P . M . 1507 , H . Dickey P . M . 1744 , E . Williams P . M . 1539 , G . Ransford S . W . 1512 , W . Neville J . W . 73 , E . Bax J . W . 871 , Mote 1732 , Lewis 2206 , Morgan 30 , Gedney 1663 , H . Greener 829 , Talbot
65 , Farman 1820 , Hurl 1345 , Fountain 879 , Hide 1275 , Saddington 1744 , Anderson 1320 , Webb 162 . After the Lodge had been formally opened and preliminaries duly observed , Bro . George Emblin was presented as the W . M . elect . Bro . Emblin is but a yonng man , but since he entered the Craft—be was initiated in the
Justice Lodge in 1880—he has devoted his best energies to the service of Freemasonry . In the first place , he has served all the offices in his mother Lodge , and has taken a deep interest in the Justice Lodge of Instruction , of whioh he may be said to have been one of the foremost , if not the foremost , in establishing . But it is in
connection with tho Masonio Institutions that Bro . Emblin has mosfc prominently made his mark . In 1887 , the year before its Centenary , he undertook a Stewardship on behalf of the Royal Masonio Institu . tion for Girls , when the amount recorded on his list reached the magnificent total of £ 420 . Our readers will agree with us when we
venture to express the opinion he had "Justice" wifch him . In duo course the Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Emblin was placed in the ohair . After the Past Masters had done their special work , and cement had been duly administered , the brethren below the degree of Installed Master were readmitted , and the W . M
was proclaimed and saluted in the three degrees . The following brethreu were invested as Officers : —Bros . J . Dixon S . W ., W . P . M . Penrose J . W ., J . B . Williams I . P . M ., H . Bartlett P . M . Treasnrer , S . R . Speight P . M . Secretary , H . G . Pitt S . D ., T . D . Leng J . D ., C . W . C . Jones I . G ., J . J . Hutchings P . M . D . C , H . Wilson Organist , R . W .
Goddard Tyler . Bro . Williams gave the addresses , and was congratulated by all present on the admirable way in which he had carried out the ceremony . A candidate for initiation now presented himself ; the ballot was declared in favour , and Mr . Campbell was introduced and took the benefit of Masonic light . The next feature was tbe
formal presentation to the W . M . of an elegant banner , to be used by the Lodge in perpetuity . This gift was acknowledged by Bro . Emblin , who stated the members of the Lodge fully appreciated the kindness thus exhibited by the Immediate Past Master . The announcement was then made thafc the Worshipful Master had undertaken a
Stewardship for the next Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , and £ 1010 s was voted from Lodge Funds , the amount to be placed on his List on behalf of that Charity . An application from a member to be placed on the conntry list was favourably entertained , and a proposition for a gentleman to join the Order , in due form , was
presented to the Secretary . Shortly afterwards Lodge was closed . A capital banquet followed ; ifc was done full justice to , and while the cloth was being cleared the Charity Box was passed round , with very happy result . Tbe W . M . briefly introduced the Loyal toasts , which were heartily responded to . For the Grand Officers Bro . James
Terry replied . Bro . Williams then rose to propose the health of the W . M . After referring to the good work Bro . Emblin had done in the several offices he had held in the Lodge , the I . P . M . spoke of what their W . M . had already done on behalf of the Charities . The Associations Bro . Emblin had exercised himself so well in bad paid over
to the three Masonic Institutions something like £ 800 , and great things were anticipated from the W . M . in behalf of his appeal for the Boys . All anticipated that Bro . Emblin would make a good Master , and with the capable band of Officers that would support him the in . creased prosperity of the Lodge would be assured . In reply the
W . M , said that since his initiation it ha : l been bis ambition to fill the ohair of the Lodge of Justice , and no effort should be wanting so far as he was concerned to promote the happiness and harmony of the brethren . Bro . Emblin then referred to his proposed Stewardshi p
for tbe Boys' School , and made an earnest appeal for support . In response to the toasfc given in his honour , Bro . Campbell said he appeared that night as an Entered Apprentice , bufc he trusted he might prove an efficient mechanic . The health of the Installing Officer waa next given , and he was invested wifch the Pasfc Master ^