Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary .
— : o : — BEOTHER ANDREW MIDDLEMASS P . M . WiTHregret we announce the death of this estimable brother ,
who passed away to his eternal rest on the 6 th inst ., after a somewhat prolonged illness , at Brunswick-terrace , Camberwell . Brother Middlemass for many years was connected with the press , for which he was a most assiduous writer . He was born afc Newcastle-upon-Tyne , in 1827 ,
and entered the ranks of journalism on the Neivs of the World , with which newspaper he was connected for nearly
30 years . In 1868 he was elected a member of Camberwell Vestry , and until his death devoted his time and abilities to the discharge of parochial duties . In 1885 he was appointed representative of Camberwell at the
Metropolitan Board of Works , and was also on fche Committee of the Newspaper Press Fund . Ho was a hard working and useful man ; moreover , a most able one . His place will nofc be easily filled up . As an evidence of his marvellous mental vigour and determined will , ifc may be mentioned
that on Saturday , after his medical adviser had given up
all hopes of his recovery , he dictated a column of paragraphs , under the heading of " Our Last ; Look Round , " and which appeared in the paper on the day of his death . On Saturday last he was interred in the Forest Hill
Cemetery , whither his remains were followed by a large number of the members of the Sphinx and other Lodges of which he had been a member . He will be long missed and wanted both by the Sphinx Lodge and Chapter . BRO . JOHN J . CLAY . WE have this week to record the death of Bro . John J . Clay , of Sunderland ; this took place late on Wednesday , the 16 th instant , at Ventnor , Isle of Wight , whither he proceeded a short while ago on account of ill-health . The deceased was an enthusiastic member of the Masonic
Order ; and as an Officer of the Province of Durham he for some time rendered very valuable services , fulfilling for some years , and up to the time of last annual meeting , the duties of Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , and he also held high rank as one of the Grand Principals of the
Royal Arch Chapter of Durham . In 1871 he became the W . M . of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 , Sunderland , in which he had almost ever since fulfilled the duties of Director
of Ceremonies . He was a Past Firsfc Principal of the De Lambton Chapter , No . 94 , Sunderland , and was also a P . E . P . of fche Royal Kenfc Preceptory , No . 20 , of
Knighfc Templars , meeting in Newcastle . He was a close companion of the late Bro . E . D . Davis , for so many years identified in a similar manner with Freemasonry in
Northumberland , that Bro . Clay was in tbe Province of Durham . The news of his death will be learnt throughout the district with very deep regrefc , as Bro . Clay was very highly and deservedly esteemed by the brethren of Durham county and Newcastle , as well as bv a wide circle of
acquaintances . The Provincial Grand Master of Durham ( Sir Hedworth Williamson ) , at the last Provincial Grand Lodge , in Gateshead , referred in high terms of praise to Bro . Clay ' s services , and expressed the hope thafc he might , by his sojourn in the south , be restored to health .
BRO . JOHN COBHAM . THE interment of the remains of the late Bro . John Cobham , whose decease occurred with painful suddenness on Thursday morning , the lOfch instant , took place on Saturday afternoon , in the churchyard attached to the Parish Church , Sefton . A special train left the Central Station shortly after two o ' clock , wifch a large number of friends of the deceased , and this contingent received a further
augmentation at Sefton , making the total number of people present between 300 and 400 . The funeral cortege left Bro . Cobham ' s late residence , Fearns House , Waterloo , at about one o ' clock . Gathered in the churchyard and within the
sacred edifice were several Officers and members of the Merchants' Lodge , No . 241 , of which the deceased was an esteemed P . M . Bro . Cobham was also S . W ., and one of the founders of tbe Excelsior Mark Lodge , No . 359 .
Upwards of sixty of the employes of the deceased , at the Bear ' s Paw , were also amongst the mourners . When the coffin was borne into the church , Mr . J . Hammond , Organist , played " I know thafc my Redeemer liveth , " and , afterwards , when a move was made for the graveside , the
" Dead March in Saul . " A number of boys from the choir ofthe Pro Cathedral , assisted by several other voices , sang " Brief life is here our portion . " The officiating minister
was the Rev . J . Brooke Richardson , oi bt . John s , Waterloo , who stated it was the wish of the deceased that all present should keep their heads covered at his graveside . The coffin was of polished oak , wifch brass fittings , and the
inscription on the plate read " John Cobham , 10 th Jan . 1889 , acred 51 years . " Numerous wreaths were sent , those from
the Dramatic Lodge , Excelsior Mark Lodge , the employes at the Bear ' s Paw , and the Merchants' Lodge being particularly fine .
The monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence was held on ? Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Gray P . G . D . President of the Board was in his chair , while Bro . Garrod P . G . P . acted as Vice President in tne
unavoidable absence of Bro . Brett ; Bro . Cottebrune P . G . P . was at his post . Among the brethren present were Colonel Gierke , Pendlebury , Dodd , and Lee , representing
Grand Secretary s office ; and amongst others were Bros . Mercer , Grieve , Dairy , Britten , Hopekirk , Cundy , Brown , Driver , Read , Ferryman , Webb , Croydon , Burnett , H . J . Ohanman . Kibble . G . B . Chapman , Hiersrs . Ridoatb ,
Massey , H . E . Frances , Philip Morrison , C . J . HiU , Cox , Nimmo , Tilt , Claridge , Carter , Savage , Goldschraidt , Jackson , Berry , Voisey , Weeks , Bilby , Ray , Daniel , Bindoii ,
Higham , Rymer , Parkhouse , Abbott , Eedle , Sadler ( Grand Tyler ) . The President announced that a statement had been issued from Grand Secretary ' s Office , whereby the
brethren might see the position of the Fund of Benevolence . This we propose to comment upon next week . Recommendations made at the last meeting , to the Grand Master , to the amount of £ 340 were confirmed . On the new lisfc there
were 44 cases . In fche course of a four hours sitting forty of these were relieved , with a total sum of £ 1180 ; threo were deferred , and one was dismissed . There were three recommendations to Grand Lodge of £ 100 each , three of
£ 50 ; five recommendations to the Grand Master of £ 40 j five of £ 30 ; eleven grants of £ 20 each , one of £ 15 , ten of £ 10 each , and one of £ 5 .
An incident occurred at the last meeting of the Enoch Lodge , No , 11 , which may be deemed worthy of record . The three chairs were filled by Masons of the same name , and of the same family . Bro . Frederick Charles McQueen was W . M ., Bro . William Frederick Bennington McQueen -Tm ~* rmN X-A Cj J-. mmm - - » -- 1 / l / A M # "J J-- _ _—— U . I A U Wit I 1 It A « t I ft ( "l i _ J A * fm «« M ill ! » l 1 <¦* A A « tuu ocuiut wutuioo
. * . . . waa YY IUUCIJ , YYUUD JJXU . xxcury -m .-jto ^ ucrcu . was the Junior Warden . The two last named are sons of the esteemed Worshipful Master . Long may this goodly trio be associated with the Enoch Lodge .
On Wednesday evening , the 9 fch inst ., a concert was given in the Orange Hall , Carleton-street , Portadowri , in aid of the Masonic Charities . When the concert
commenced the hall was filled to overflowing by a large and appreciative audience . All the performers acquitted themselves in capital style , and the concert on the whole was a great success .
A grand concert and conversazione in aid ofthe Masonic Orphan Schools was held , under the auspices of St , Cecilia Lodge , No . 1636 , on Saturday evening , the 19 fch instanfc . The concert was under distinguished patronage , and the
lisfc of vocalists and instrumentalists was as strong as the best local talent can make it . Dr . Joze conducted , and Sir Robert Stewart presided at the organ .
Great Northern Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 1287 . —The nanal weekly meeting was held at the Berwick Arms , Berners-street , W ., on Friday , the llth inst ., when there were present Bros . G . Hill W . M ., J . Greenway S . W ., F . Steer J . W ., J . Edgar S . D ., Jaqnes Wynman J . D ., F . Osborne LG ., J . Paul Secretary ( acting Preceptor ) , and others . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of
the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the second degree and the first section was worked by Bro . Panl . Bro . Hill vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Edgar ( tbe outgoing Master of the Mother Lodge ) , who rehearsed tbe ceremony of installation in a mosfc perfect and impressive manner , Bro . Hill as candidate .
Lodge having been resumed to first degree and the three addresses delivered , Bro . Osborne offered himself aa a candidate for passing ; the Lodge was resumed ancl the ceremony ably rehearsed by Brother Hill . Bro . Jaqnes "Wynman , of the Joppa Lodge 188 , was elected a member . It was resolved unanimously thafc a hearfcy vote of thanks be
recorded on the minntes of this Lodge to Bro . J . Edgar for the efficient manner in which he had rendered the installation ceremony . Bro . Edgar feelingly replied , and thanked the brethren for their good wishes , attendance , and attention . Lodge was then closed in dne form .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary .
— : o : — BEOTHER ANDREW MIDDLEMASS P . M . WiTHregret we announce the death of this estimable brother ,
who passed away to his eternal rest on the 6 th inst ., after a somewhat prolonged illness , at Brunswick-terrace , Camberwell . Brother Middlemass for many years was connected with the press , for which he was a most assiduous writer . He was born afc Newcastle-upon-Tyne , in 1827 ,
and entered the ranks of journalism on the Neivs of the World , with which newspaper he was connected for nearly
30 years . In 1868 he was elected a member of Camberwell Vestry , and until his death devoted his time and abilities to the discharge of parochial duties . In 1885 he was appointed representative of Camberwell at the
Metropolitan Board of Works , and was also on fche Committee of the Newspaper Press Fund . Ho was a hard working and useful man ; moreover , a most able one . His place will nofc be easily filled up . As an evidence of his marvellous mental vigour and determined will , ifc may be mentioned
that on Saturday , after his medical adviser had given up
all hopes of his recovery , he dictated a column of paragraphs , under the heading of " Our Last ; Look Round , " and which appeared in the paper on the day of his death . On Saturday last he was interred in the Forest Hill
Cemetery , whither his remains were followed by a large number of the members of the Sphinx and other Lodges of which he had been a member . He will be long missed and wanted both by the Sphinx Lodge and Chapter . BRO . JOHN J . CLAY . WE have this week to record the death of Bro . John J . Clay , of Sunderland ; this took place late on Wednesday , the 16 th instant , at Ventnor , Isle of Wight , whither he proceeded a short while ago on account of ill-health . The deceased was an enthusiastic member of the Masonic
Order ; and as an Officer of the Province of Durham he for some time rendered very valuable services , fulfilling for some years , and up to the time of last annual meeting , the duties of Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , and he also held high rank as one of the Grand Principals of the
Royal Arch Chapter of Durham . In 1871 he became the W . M . of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 , Sunderland , in which he had almost ever since fulfilled the duties of Director
of Ceremonies . He was a Past Firsfc Principal of the De Lambton Chapter , No . 94 , Sunderland , and was also a P . E . P . of fche Royal Kenfc Preceptory , No . 20 , of
Knighfc Templars , meeting in Newcastle . He was a close companion of the late Bro . E . D . Davis , for so many years identified in a similar manner with Freemasonry in
Northumberland , that Bro . Clay was in tbe Province of Durham . The news of his death will be learnt throughout the district with very deep regrefc , as Bro . Clay was very highly and deservedly esteemed by the brethren of Durham county and Newcastle , as well as bv a wide circle of
acquaintances . The Provincial Grand Master of Durham ( Sir Hedworth Williamson ) , at the last Provincial Grand Lodge , in Gateshead , referred in high terms of praise to Bro . Clay ' s services , and expressed the hope thafc he might , by his sojourn in the south , be restored to health .
BRO . JOHN COBHAM . THE interment of the remains of the late Bro . John Cobham , whose decease occurred with painful suddenness on Thursday morning , the lOfch instant , took place on Saturday afternoon , in the churchyard attached to the Parish Church , Sefton . A special train left the Central Station shortly after two o ' clock , wifch a large number of friends of the deceased , and this contingent received a further
augmentation at Sefton , making the total number of people present between 300 and 400 . The funeral cortege left Bro . Cobham ' s late residence , Fearns House , Waterloo , at about one o ' clock . Gathered in the churchyard and within the
sacred edifice were several Officers and members of the Merchants' Lodge , No . 241 , of which the deceased was an esteemed P . M . Bro . Cobham was also S . W ., and one of the founders of tbe Excelsior Mark Lodge , No . 359 .
Upwards of sixty of the employes of the deceased , at the Bear ' s Paw , were also amongst the mourners . When the coffin was borne into the church , Mr . J . Hammond , Organist , played " I know thafc my Redeemer liveth , " and , afterwards , when a move was made for the graveside , the
" Dead March in Saul . " A number of boys from the choir ofthe Pro Cathedral , assisted by several other voices , sang " Brief life is here our portion . " The officiating minister
was the Rev . J . Brooke Richardson , oi bt . John s , Waterloo , who stated it was the wish of the deceased that all present should keep their heads covered at his graveside . The coffin was of polished oak , wifch brass fittings , and the
inscription on the plate read " John Cobham , 10 th Jan . 1889 , acred 51 years . " Numerous wreaths were sent , those from
the Dramatic Lodge , Excelsior Mark Lodge , the employes at the Bear ' s Paw , and the Merchants' Lodge being particularly fine .
The monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence was held on ? Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Gray P . G . D . President of the Board was in his chair , while Bro . Garrod P . G . P . acted as Vice President in tne
unavoidable absence of Bro . Brett ; Bro . Cottebrune P . G . P . was at his post . Among the brethren present were Colonel Gierke , Pendlebury , Dodd , and Lee , representing
Grand Secretary s office ; and amongst others were Bros . Mercer , Grieve , Dairy , Britten , Hopekirk , Cundy , Brown , Driver , Read , Ferryman , Webb , Croydon , Burnett , H . J . Ohanman . Kibble . G . B . Chapman , Hiersrs . Ridoatb ,
Massey , H . E . Frances , Philip Morrison , C . J . HiU , Cox , Nimmo , Tilt , Claridge , Carter , Savage , Goldschraidt , Jackson , Berry , Voisey , Weeks , Bilby , Ray , Daniel , Bindoii ,
Higham , Rymer , Parkhouse , Abbott , Eedle , Sadler ( Grand Tyler ) . The President announced that a statement had been issued from Grand Secretary ' s Office , whereby the
brethren might see the position of the Fund of Benevolence . This we propose to comment upon next week . Recommendations made at the last meeting , to the Grand Master , to the amount of £ 340 were confirmed . On the new lisfc there
were 44 cases . In fche course of a four hours sitting forty of these were relieved , with a total sum of £ 1180 ; threo were deferred , and one was dismissed . There were three recommendations to Grand Lodge of £ 100 each , three of
£ 50 ; five recommendations to the Grand Master of £ 40 j five of £ 30 ; eleven grants of £ 20 each , one of £ 15 , ten of £ 10 each , and one of £ 5 .
An incident occurred at the last meeting of the Enoch Lodge , No , 11 , which may be deemed worthy of record . The three chairs were filled by Masons of the same name , and of the same family . Bro . Frederick Charles McQueen was W . M ., Bro . William Frederick Bennington McQueen -Tm ~* rmN X-A Cj J-. mmm - - » -- 1 / l / A M # "J J-- _ _—— U . I A U Wit I 1 It A « t I ft ( "l i _ J A * fm «« M ill ! » l 1 <¦* A A « tuu ocuiut wutuioo
. * . . . waa YY IUUCIJ , YYUUD JJXU . xxcury -m .-jto ^ ucrcu . was the Junior Warden . The two last named are sons of the esteemed Worshipful Master . Long may this goodly trio be associated with the Enoch Lodge .
On Wednesday evening , the 9 fch inst ., a concert was given in the Orange Hall , Carleton-street , Portadowri , in aid of the Masonic Charities . When the concert
commenced the hall was filled to overflowing by a large and appreciative audience . All the performers acquitted themselves in capital style , and the concert on the whole was a great success .
A grand concert and conversazione in aid ofthe Masonic Orphan Schools was held , under the auspices of St , Cecilia Lodge , No . 1636 , on Saturday evening , the 19 fch instanfc . The concert was under distinguished patronage , and the
lisfc of vocalists and instrumentalists was as strong as the best local talent can make it . Dr . Joze conducted , and Sir Robert Stewart presided at the organ .
Great Northern Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 1287 . —The nanal weekly meeting was held at the Berwick Arms , Berners-street , W ., on Friday , the llth inst ., when there were present Bros . G . Hill W . M ., J . Greenway S . W ., F . Steer J . W ., J . Edgar S . D ., Jaqnes Wynman J . D ., F . Osborne LG ., J . Paul Secretary ( acting Preceptor ) , and others . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of
the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the second degree and the first section was worked by Bro . Panl . Bro . Hill vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Edgar ( tbe outgoing Master of the Mother Lodge ) , who rehearsed tbe ceremony of installation in a mosfc perfect and impressive manner , Bro . Hill as candidate .
Lodge having been resumed to first degree and the three addresses delivered , Bro . Osborne offered himself aa a candidate for passing ; the Lodge was resumed ancl the ceremony ably rehearsed by Brother Hill . Bro . Jaqnes "Wynman , of the Joppa Lodge 188 , was elected a member . It was resolved unanimously thafc a hearfcy vote of thanks be
recorded on the minntes of this Lodge to Bro . J . Edgar for the efficient manner in which he had rendered the installation ceremony . Bro . Edgar feelingly replied , and thanked the brethren for their good wishes , attendance , and attention . Lodge was then closed in dne form .