Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
jewel of the Lodge . Bro . Williams thanked the brethren for the reception they had given him . The presentation to him of the jewel of tbe Lodge had afforded bim intense gratification . He assured them one and all he did not in the future intend to be an inactive member ; he shonld continue to exert himself in the fnture as he felt
he was justified in saying he had done in the past . In responding for the toast given on behalf of the Institutions , Bro . F . Binckes gracefully alluded to the excellent work done by the W . M . iu their behalf , and the generous support given by the Lodge . He recounted
the demands each of the Institutions had to be prepared for , and strongly appealed for help in the trying ordeal through which the Charity he was most intimately connected with was passing . Several other toasts followed . The proceedings were enlivened by some capital songs—Bros . Dimsdale and Winne especially distinguishing themselves .
AT the annual meeting at Bodmin , held on the 14 th inst ., the W . M . elect , Bro . Tom Whale , was installed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . R . P . Edyvean , hia brother , B . F . Edyvean , another expert in the ritual , helping him . There was a very large attend , anoe . The W . M . invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . R . P . Edyvean I . P . M ., Brewer S . W ., Page J . W ., Rowe Treas ., Tonkin
Sec , Randall S . D ., Adams J . D ., Rowe I . G ., Dennis Tyler , Roscorla Organist , Sandoe D . C , and Goodfellow and Treverton Stewards , Rowe Steward of the Cornwall Masonio Annuity and Benevolent Fund , Hicks Spear Steward of the Cornwall Charity Association .
The Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel to partake of the annual banqnet , well served by Bro . Sandoe . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wore given , interspersed with songs by various brethren , who were accompanied by Bro . R . P . Edyvean , with good taste , and a very enjoyable evening was spent .
ST . DAVID'S LODGE . No . 384
THE installation meeting took place on the 15 tb insfc ., Bro . T . E " Harris being the installing Master . Bro . T . Mills was the new > Master , and he appointed his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Harris I . P . M Dongall S . W ., Evans J . W ., Morgan Chaplain , Roberts Treas ., Wynn Williams Sec , Thomas Organist , Langford Jones S . D ., Williams J . D ., Thornton Jones D . C , Griffith I . G ., Davies S . S ., Parry Thomas
J . S ., Stubbington Tyler . CONCORD LODGE . No . 632
THE annual festival was celebrated on Monday , the 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Hal ) , Silver Street , Trowbridge . The W . M ., Bro . G . L . Palmer , presided , and was well supported by the Officers and members of tho Lodge , while the visitors mustered in considerable strength . After the usual routine business , the W . M . elect , Bro . J . Pocock , was dnly preset * ted , and the ceremony of installing him in
the chair was ably carried out by Bro . G . L . Palmer , after whioh tbe W . M . was dnly saluted by the brethren . Bro . Foley acted as Director of Ceremonie- * , and Bro . Millington presided at the organ . The new M . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers , as follow -. —Bros . Brown as S . W ., Selfe J . W ., White S . D ., Mondy
J . D ., Hill Sec , Lansdown Organist , Albert Cox I . G ., Gonldsmith Steward . During the subsequent proceedings , in response to an appeal from Bro . Burt , on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institntion , for which Charity he is Steward , a sum often guineas was voted from the Lodge funds . The W . M . also presented a
handsome Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Palmer , as an acknowledgment of his services dnring bis year of office . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet , served afc the Woolpack Hotel , by Bro . Barton . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasfc lisfc was gone through ,
and Bros . Reed , Howse , Sparks , Hill , Selfe and others contributed vocally to the pleasures of the evening . An interesting event during the proceedings was the presentation of a jewel to Bro . Hill , which was done by Bro . Brown in an impressive manner , as a personal token of the admiration he felfc afc Bro . Hill ' s work in the Lodge .
ON Monday , the 14 fch inst ., the Festival of St . John was celebrated afc Chester by the above Lodge , whioh is one of the strongest in the Province , and Bro . John Humphreys , who had been nnanimously elected by his brethren at the December Lodge , was installed W . M . for the year . There was a considerable gathering of Past Masters and members of the Lodge , as well as of Pasfc Provincial
Officers aud visiting brethren . The W . M . elect waa presented by Bros . W . Johnson and J . Dennis , the addresses being delivered by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Felix Thomas , while the whole of the remainder of the ceremony was performed by the I . P . M ., Bro . I . Matthews Jones . Bro . J . Humphreys invested his Officers for fche year , as follow :
Bros . Felix Thomas I . P . M ., Ficchefct S . W ., Rush J . W ., Stevenson Treasurer , Knowles Secretary , Peers S . D ., Adams J . D ., Bennett I . G ., Browne Steward , Ellis Organist , Edwards D . C , Richmond Almoner , and Hall Tyler . Bro . Thomas Knowles delivered the address to the
Wardens . Letters of apology were read from Bro . his Honour Judge Horatio Lloyd Deputy Prov . G . M . of Cheshire , and from several other local Masons . After some ordinary business had been disposed of the Lodge was closed , and tho brethren adjourned to the Masonic Hall , where they dined together , under the presidency of the W . M .
npHE installation of Bro . Joseph Chadderton , for the second time , i- took place at fcho Bull Hotel , Swinfcon , on Wednesday , fche 9 th instant . This Lodgp , which started under anything bufc favourable circumstances , twelve inoutha ago , haa m * ogreased io a most
wonderful and satisfactory manner , mainly owing to the indomitable plnck and courage of Bro . Chadderton , assisted by Bro . Wardle , the indefatigable Secretary , ancl Bro . J . Lee Wood P . M . 350 . From our personal knowledge of Bro . Chadderton we aro assured thai E gerton
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge possesses in him a zealous , conscientious , and untiring adherent , who has never , since the consecration , allowed inconvenience or f ** . tiguo to stand in . his way . Daring the past year there have been innumerable meetings held , for fche purpose of lessening the difficulties and responsibilities that naturally arise when a new Lodge haa bean
established , and Bro . Chadderton has never failed to attend and give his assistance and advice . Added to this , there have been several emergency meetings , for the purpose of getting through the ceremonies , and in every instance our zealous Brother has proved himself the right man in the right place . The result of all this is that the young
Lodge is now firmly established , and will undoubtedly make a name for itself in the Province of West Lancashire . No greater compliment as acknowledgment of valuable services rendered , could have been paid Bro . Chadderton than to re-elect him W . M . for another year , and we feel sore he thoroughly appreciates fche confidence reposed in
hira . The following brethren were present at the meeting : —Bro . Joseph Chadderton W . M ., R . R . Lisenden P . M . 317 Prov . Gnlhd Steward East Lancashire acting S . W ., Ramsden P . M . P . G . S . D . Cheshire acting J . W ., E . L . Littler P . M . 1730 P . P . G . P . noting I . G ., W . H . Dutton P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C , J . Lee Wood P . M . 350 ,
Bennett-Mountain , Wm . Knight , S . J . Hampson , R . J . W . Berry , W . Lambert , Dr . Martin , Bone , Dntton , C Hey , G . H . Slack lata ¦ 985 , Adam Brown , George Lee , Howarth , G . P . Lloyd , Thornton , W . Ramsden P . G . D . Cheshire , James Booth 1213 , Hugh Rowland 1348 . The Lodge was opened at fonr o'clock , and the minutes of fche
previous meeting read and confirmed . In tbe second degree Bro . W . H . Dntton P . M . 11 P . P . G . D . C . Cheshire took the ohair as installing Master . Bro . J . Lee Wood P . M . 350 duly presented the W . M . . elect ( Bro . Joseph Chadderton ) to the Installing Master , who , after the usual formalaties , inducted him into the chair of K . S . according , to
ancient custom . Bro . Chadderton was subsequently proclaimed , to nnd saluted by the M . M . ' s , F . C . ' s , and E . A . 's , on their re-ad mission into theLodge . Bro . Charles Heywood P . M . 1387 presented the working tools in fche three degrees , after whioh Bro . Dr . Martin P . M . 1814 P . G . S . D . invested Bro . R . Wardle as S . W ., and Bro . J .
Lee Wood P . M . as J . W . The remaining Officers were invested by Bro . W . H . Dutton , as follows : —A . B . Worthington Treas ., W . Pass ( absent ) Seo ., J . Berry Organist , W . Bennett S . D ., A . H . Mountain J . D ., W . Knight I . G ., J . Mills , N . Howarth and D . Grnndy Sr .-ward » , and S . J . Hampson Tyler . The addresses to the W . M . and Wardens
were delivered by Bro . Dr . Martin P . G . D ., and to the brethren by Bro . W . H . Dutton . Before the Lodge closed the W . M . thanked Bro . W . H . Dutton mosfc heartily , and the other brethren who had assisted in the installation ceremony for their valuable services . The W . M . also proposed Bros . W . H . Dutton find Wm . Goodacre Prov .
Grand Seo . as honorary membera of the Lodge , which was seconded and carried nnanimously . There being no further business , hearty good wishes were expressed by the visitors , and the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony . The brethren afterwards sat down to a substantial repast , the preparation and serving of which reflected
great credit on Bro . and "Mrs . Knight , the affable and obliging host and hostess . Later on the brethren assembled up stairs at the social board , when the nsual toast list was proceeded with . Bro . J , J , Lambert P . M . 1387 P . P . G . Registrar replying on behalf of the Prov . Grand Officers . The toast of the W . M . was entrusted to Bro . W .
H . Dutton , who considered ifc a great honour , and felt it a great pleasure to proposo it . He felt quite certain that all appreciated the indefatigable exertions of Bro . Chadderton in endeavouring before and since the consecration to make the new Lodge the success whioh it undoubtedly was , and he augured would be still more so in the
future . Such exertions had been rewarded , and as a proof of the brethren ' s appreciation they had unanimously re-elected him Worshipful Master for another year - and he ( Bro . Dutton ) felfc sure they had acted wisely in so doing , and if the Officers rallied round their W . M . and did all in their power to second his efforts , the
prosperity of the Lodge was assured . Bro . Chadderfcon ' s health was drank , after which he rose , and in reply said it certainly was an unusual thing for a man to be installed three times , as he bad been , Worshipfnl Master . There had been a great many nice things said of him , which he naturally felfc very pleased to hear , at the same
time no one knew his failings better than he did himself , and he promised his brethren he would do his utmost to eradicate them be * fore his second year of office expired . He had no donbt himself of the snccess of the Lodge , and it was very satisfactory to have three propositions to commence tbe year wifch . He waa pleased BO many
installed Masters had been present to do him honour , and he thanked all who had been present that day for their kind and valuable assistance . He would ask his Officers to do all in their power to assist him during the forthcoming year , and attend the instruction meetings in order to properly perform fche ceremonies . Tbe toast
of the Installing Master was proposed by Bro . J . Lee Wood , who spoke in high terms of praise of tho excellent manner he had performed the ceremony of installation . Bro . W . H . Dntton in reply said he was very glad he had given satisfaction and to have been of any service to the W . M . of the Egerton Lodge ; the members
might always rely upon him doing anything in his power to further fche interests of the Lodge . He considered he had been ably assisted by Bros . Dr . Martin and Charles Heywood , and expressed his opinion fche ceremony was always better performed when divided . He thanked fche brethren for thoir kind reception of the toast . Bro .
E . L . Littler P . P . G . P . proposed the Officers , and expressed the pleasure he felt at having been asked to assist afc the ceremony that day . The W . M . need have no donbt of being well supported by his Officer *? , aa both the S . W . ( Bro . Wardle ) and the J . W . ( Bro . J . Lee Wood ) were well tried men who had already proved their
ability to perform their dnties . The S . W . especially had rendered valuable service to Bro . Chadderton during the past year as Secretary , and wonld no doubfc prove himself equally valuable io his present position . Bro . Littler went on to say he was present at
the consecration ofthe Lodge , and had assisted at its ceremonies during the year . Ib was at all times a pleasure to render any aid that was in his power for the benefit of Freemasonry , and he wished the Lodgo every success . Other toasts were proposed and responded to , and a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
jewel of the Lodge . Bro . Williams thanked the brethren for the reception they had given him . The presentation to him of the jewel of tbe Lodge had afforded bim intense gratification . He assured them one and all he did not in the future intend to be an inactive member ; he shonld continue to exert himself in the fnture as he felt
he was justified in saying he had done in the past . In responding for the toast given on behalf of the Institutions , Bro . F . Binckes gracefully alluded to the excellent work done by the W . M . iu their behalf , and the generous support given by the Lodge . He recounted
the demands each of the Institutions had to be prepared for , and strongly appealed for help in the trying ordeal through which the Charity he was most intimately connected with was passing . Several other toasts followed . The proceedings were enlivened by some capital songs—Bros . Dimsdale and Winne especially distinguishing themselves .
AT the annual meeting at Bodmin , held on the 14 th inst ., the W . M . elect , Bro . Tom Whale , was installed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . R . P . Edyvean , hia brother , B . F . Edyvean , another expert in the ritual , helping him . There was a very large attend , anoe . The W . M . invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . R . P . Edyvean I . P . M ., Brewer S . W ., Page J . W ., Rowe Treas ., Tonkin
Sec , Randall S . D ., Adams J . D ., Rowe I . G ., Dennis Tyler , Roscorla Organist , Sandoe D . C , and Goodfellow and Treverton Stewards , Rowe Steward of the Cornwall Masonio Annuity and Benevolent Fund , Hicks Spear Steward of the Cornwall Charity Association .
The Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel to partake of the annual banqnet , well served by Bro . Sandoe . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wore given , interspersed with songs by various brethren , who were accompanied by Bro . R . P . Edyvean , with good taste , and a very enjoyable evening was spent .
ST . DAVID'S LODGE . No . 384
THE installation meeting took place on the 15 tb insfc ., Bro . T . E " Harris being the installing Master . Bro . T . Mills was the new > Master , and he appointed his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Harris I . P . M Dongall S . W ., Evans J . W ., Morgan Chaplain , Roberts Treas ., Wynn Williams Sec , Thomas Organist , Langford Jones S . D ., Williams J . D ., Thornton Jones D . C , Griffith I . G ., Davies S . S ., Parry Thomas
J . S ., Stubbington Tyler . CONCORD LODGE . No . 632
THE annual festival was celebrated on Monday , the 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Hal ) , Silver Street , Trowbridge . The W . M ., Bro . G . L . Palmer , presided , and was well supported by the Officers and members of tho Lodge , while the visitors mustered in considerable strength . After the usual routine business , the W . M . elect , Bro . J . Pocock , was dnly preset * ted , and the ceremony of installing him in
the chair was ably carried out by Bro . G . L . Palmer , after whioh tbe W . M . was dnly saluted by the brethren . Bro . Foley acted as Director of Ceremonie- * , and Bro . Millington presided at the organ . The new M . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers , as follow -. —Bros . Brown as S . W ., Selfe J . W ., White S . D ., Mondy
J . D ., Hill Sec , Lansdown Organist , Albert Cox I . G ., Gonldsmith Steward . During the subsequent proceedings , in response to an appeal from Bro . Burt , on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institntion , for which Charity he is Steward , a sum often guineas was voted from the Lodge funds . The W . M . also presented a
handsome Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Palmer , as an acknowledgment of his services dnring bis year of office . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet , served afc the Woolpack Hotel , by Bro . Barton . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasfc lisfc was gone through ,
and Bros . Reed , Howse , Sparks , Hill , Selfe and others contributed vocally to the pleasures of the evening . An interesting event during the proceedings was the presentation of a jewel to Bro . Hill , which was done by Bro . Brown in an impressive manner , as a personal token of the admiration he felfc afc Bro . Hill ' s work in the Lodge .
ON Monday , the 14 fch inst ., the Festival of St . John was celebrated afc Chester by the above Lodge , whioh is one of the strongest in the Province , and Bro . John Humphreys , who had been nnanimously elected by his brethren at the December Lodge , was installed W . M . for the year . There was a considerable gathering of Past Masters and members of the Lodge , as well as of Pasfc Provincial
Officers aud visiting brethren . The W . M . elect waa presented by Bros . W . Johnson and J . Dennis , the addresses being delivered by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Felix Thomas , while the whole of the remainder of the ceremony was performed by the I . P . M ., Bro . I . Matthews Jones . Bro . J . Humphreys invested his Officers for fche year , as follow :
Bros . Felix Thomas I . P . M ., Ficchefct S . W ., Rush J . W ., Stevenson Treasurer , Knowles Secretary , Peers S . D ., Adams J . D ., Bennett I . G ., Browne Steward , Ellis Organist , Edwards D . C , Richmond Almoner , and Hall Tyler . Bro . Thomas Knowles delivered the address to the
Wardens . Letters of apology were read from Bro . his Honour Judge Horatio Lloyd Deputy Prov . G . M . of Cheshire , and from several other local Masons . After some ordinary business had been disposed of the Lodge was closed , and tho brethren adjourned to the Masonic Hall , where they dined together , under the presidency of the W . M .
npHE installation of Bro . Joseph Chadderton , for the second time , i- took place at fcho Bull Hotel , Swinfcon , on Wednesday , fche 9 th instant . This Lodgp , which started under anything bufc favourable circumstances , twelve inoutha ago , haa m * ogreased io a most
wonderful and satisfactory manner , mainly owing to the indomitable plnck and courage of Bro . Chadderton , assisted by Bro . Wardle , the indefatigable Secretary , ancl Bro . J . Lee Wood P . M . 350 . From our personal knowledge of Bro . Chadderton we aro assured thai E gerton
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge possesses in him a zealous , conscientious , and untiring adherent , who has never , since the consecration , allowed inconvenience or f ** . tiguo to stand in . his way . Daring the past year there have been innumerable meetings held , for fche purpose of lessening the difficulties and responsibilities that naturally arise when a new Lodge haa bean
established , and Bro . Chadderton has never failed to attend and give his assistance and advice . Added to this , there have been several emergency meetings , for the purpose of getting through the ceremonies , and in every instance our zealous Brother has proved himself the right man in the right place . The result of all this is that the young
Lodge is now firmly established , and will undoubtedly make a name for itself in the Province of West Lancashire . No greater compliment as acknowledgment of valuable services rendered , could have been paid Bro . Chadderton than to re-elect him W . M . for another year , and we feel sore he thoroughly appreciates fche confidence reposed in
hira . The following brethren were present at the meeting : —Bro . Joseph Chadderton W . M ., R . R . Lisenden P . M . 317 Prov . Gnlhd Steward East Lancashire acting S . W ., Ramsden P . M . P . G . S . D . Cheshire acting J . W ., E . L . Littler P . M . 1730 P . P . G . P . noting I . G ., W . H . Dutton P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C , J . Lee Wood P . M . 350 ,
Bennett-Mountain , Wm . Knight , S . J . Hampson , R . J . W . Berry , W . Lambert , Dr . Martin , Bone , Dntton , C Hey , G . H . Slack lata ¦ 985 , Adam Brown , George Lee , Howarth , G . P . Lloyd , Thornton , W . Ramsden P . G . D . Cheshire , James Booth 1213 , Hugh Rowland 1348 . The Lodge was opened at fonr o'clock , and the minutes of fche
previous meeting read and confirmed . In tbe second degree Bro . W . H . Dntton P . M . 11 P . P . G . D . C . Cheshire took the ohair as installing Master . Bro . J . Lee Wood P . M . 350 duly presented the W . M . . elect ( Bro . Joseph Chadderton ) to the Installing Master , who , after the usual formalaties , inducted him into the chair of K . S . according , to
ancient custom . Bro . Chadderton was subsequently proclaimed , to nnd saluted by the M . M . ' s , F . C . ' s , and E . A . 's , on their re-ad mission into theLodge . Bro . Charles Heywood P . M . 1387 presented the working tools in fche three degrees , after whioh Bro . Dr . Martin P . M . 1814 P . G . S . D . invested Bro . R . Wardle as S . W ., and Bro . J .
Lee Wood P . M . as J . W . The remaining Officers were invested by Bro . W . H . Dutton , as follows : —A . B . Worthington Treas ., W . Pass ( absent ) Seo ., J . Berry Organist , W . Bennett S . D ., A . H . Mountain J . D ., W . Knight I . G ., J . Mills , N . Howarth and D . Grnndy Sr .-ward » , and S . J . Hampson Tyler . The addresses to the W . M . and Wardens
were delivered by Bro . Dr . Martin P . G . D ., and to the brethren by Bro . W . H . Dutton . Before the Lodge closed the W . M . thanked Bro . W . H . Dutton mosfc heartily , and the other brethren who had assisted in the installation ceremony for their valuable services . The W . M . also proposed Bros . W . H . Dutton find Wm . Goodacre Prov .
Grand Seo . as honorary membera of the Lodge , which was seconded and carried nnanimously . There being no further business , hearty good wishes were expressed by the visitors , and the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony . The brethren afterwards sat down to a substantial repast , the preparation and serving of which reflected
great credit on Bro . and "Mrs . Knight , the affable and obliging host and hostess . Later on the brethren assembled up stairs at the social board , when the nsual toast list was proceeded with . Bro . J , J , Lambert P . M . 1387 P . P . G . Registrar replying on behalf of the Prov . Grand Officers . The toast of the W . M . was entrusted to Bro . W .
H . Dutton , who considered ifc a great honour , and felt it a great pleasure to proposo it . He felt quite certain that all appreciated the indefatigable exertions of Bro . Chadderton in endeavouring before and since the consecration to make the new Lodge the success whioh it undoubtedly was , and he augured would be still more so in the
future . Such exertions had been rewarded , and as a proof of the brethren ' s appreciation they had unanimously re-elected him Worshipful Master for another year - and he ( Bro . Dutton ) felfc sure they had acted wisely in so doing , and if the Officers rallied round their W . M . and did all in their power to second his efforts , the
prosperity of the Lodge was assured . Bro . Chadderfcon ' s health was drank , after which he rose , and in reply said it certainly was an unusual thing for a man to be installed three times , as he bad been , Worshipfnl Master . There had been a great many nice things said of him , which he naturally felfc very pleased to hear , at the same
time no one knew his failings better than he did himself , and he promised his brethren he would do his utmost to eradicate them be * fore his second year of office expired . He had no donbt himself of the snccess of the Lodge , and it was very satisfactory to have three propositions to commence tbe year wifch . He waa pleased BO many
installed Masters had been present to do him honour , and he thanked all who had been present that day for their kind and valuable assistance . He would ask his Officers to do all in their power to assist him during the forthcoming year , and attend the instruction meetings in order to properly perform fche ceremonies . Tbe toast
of the Installing Master was proposed by Bro . J . Lee Wood , who spoke in high terms of praise of tho excellent manner he had performed the ceremony of installation . Bro . W . H . Dntton in reply said he was very glad he had given satisfaction and to have been of any service to the W . M . of the Egerton Lodge ; the members
might always rely upon him doing anything in his power to further fche interests of the Lodge . He considered he had been ably assisted by Bros . Dr . Martin and Charles Heywood , and expressed his opinion fche ceremony was always better performed when divided . He thanked fche brethren for thoir kind reception of the toast . Bro .
E . L . Littler P . P . G . P . proposed the Officers , and expressed the pleasure he felt at having been asked to assist afc the ceremony that day . The W . M . need have no donbt of being well supported by his Officer *? , aa both the S . W . ( Bro . Wardle ) and the J . W . ( Bro . J . Lee Wood ) were well tried men who had already proved their
ability to perform their dnties . The S . W . especially had rendered valuable service to Bro . Chadderton during the past year as Secretary , and wonld no doubfc prove himself equally valuable io his present position . Bro . Littler went on to say he was present at
the consecration ofthe Lodge , and had assisted at its ceremonies during the year . Ib was at all times a pleasure to render any aid that was in his power for the benefit of Freemasonry , and he wished the Lodgo every success . Other toasts were proposed and responded to , and a