Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHATHAMPBZTOliT,A Member of the Lecturers' Association , DISSOLVINGVIEWARTIST, * ¦ ' --v-fes tf ^ 558 ^ And Manufacturer of lanterns , Slides , Cameras , and Apparatus of ¦ SB ™ ilSiS ™ every Description for Lecturers and Amateurs , ^JHsHL.22Gray'sInnRoad,Holborn,London,W*G. Ilj ^^^^^ - ^^^^^^^^^ jii ESTABLISHED 30 TEARS , |(( m | te ^| i * i ^^ piEW ! jni ^^^^^^^ l : l ^ a ' rIt ^^^ H ^^ SLIDES prepared from Drawings , Books , Prints , Ac , in very best style ; Slides produced from ISiillfPilill ; ' 'B'liBwilJ'l ' lOh ^ fff ^^ sr' Negatives and supplied Plain or Coloured ; Large Stock of Lanterns to select from . JH vtJl ^'' 1 l 'l * frH i ' ^? ^^ y ^ l ^* j ^^^^ "Cists Tree . VfUolesale , Retail , aud for Excoriation . HEf l l l ^^^ iyHiiK SEC 0 ND HAND APPARATUS & 8 LiDE 8 F 0 R 8 ALE - LANTERNS & SLIDES ON HIRE . * lilS ^ IWS *' ' ' Pi'lSi'I ^^ fjj ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ Free Tuition to Purchasers of all Apparatus . Lanterns may be seen at work day and night . inf ^ ClJ ^^ SS ^ I ^ BFW ^ i ' ^^^ P- ^^^^^^ iS ^^^^ SS ^^^ HH Tri P Wick Lanterns , -with 4-in . compound Condensers , from 31 / 6 to 5 guineas . fffjjfc Bi-unial Lanterns from £ 5 10 s to 20 guineas . Triple Lanterns from £ 8 10 s fco 60 guineas . ™' l | H m * m ^ &^ iiSSs && Large Collection of smaller size Lanterns suitable for Presents , from 10 / 6 to 21 / - complete . ^^^^^^ j ^^^^ ^^ i CREAT BARGAINS IN SECOND HAND GOODS . PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . ' ' llllllil- sjft ^ " ir l | | TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS- " DISSOLVING , LONDON . "
BO YAL MASONICBENEVOLENTINSTITUTION FOR AGED FftEEiflASONS AMD WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROYDON . Grand Patron aud President : His RoifAii HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL MtOti TAKE PIACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , ON WEDNESDAY , THE 27 TH OF FEBRUARY 1889 , UP 02 T WHICH OCCASIOK The Right Hon . the EARL of EUSTON , Tt . W . Provincial Grand Master of Norths and Hunts , has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . BRETHREN are earnestly invited to accept the office of Stewards upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and Masonic rank as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly givo any information required , and supply them with the necessary circulars , & a . It is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , owing to the large number of applicants and the few vacancies , Brethren will use their influence to obtain donations towards tho funds of the Institution , which were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone £ 15 , 000 . Permanent income only £ 3 , 000 . 428 Annuitants on the funds . 110 Candidates seeking admission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . Sword Bearer , P . Prov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , Secretary . OJJFICB : —m Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
M4T®9SCiilltMSOYEXt, EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION ( Adjoining tbe RAILWAY , and facing the RIVER and PALACE ) . BRO . JOHN MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing of this old-established and noted Riverside Hotol for Banquets for any number up to 100 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and referonce may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , Ac .
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H , THE PRINCE OF WALES As the M . W . G . M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , 28 th APEIL 1875 . COPIE S of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother HARTY P . M ., consisting of Artist's Proofs , Proofs before Letters , and Lettered Proofs , India Prints , aud Plain Prints may bo had at Cost Price by applying to Bro . W . R . NORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C . London .
MASONIC LITERATURE . WANTED . —To Pnrehrise , for O .-. sb , OLD HOOKS OV EKEEJUSONKY . State full Tide , Date , a ? . ' ! stylo of JJimling ; with prices required . Address , F . W ., U Xlioruhill Sij-i-uo , C . irn ^ biu'y . r . onilon , N . Four days' silence a negative .
To Masonio Book Collectors . ! FOR SALE . —The FU-. ST En-ui * VOLUMES of THE FREEMASON'S QUART 10 RLY RKVilOW- 1 *•"> :.: 1 to lit | . Half bound , tooled nnd lettered . In Fine Cuiulitioi * . ' Vice C'i 1 " . * . At ' . ilic . is W ., Officii of tho ['' ¦¦ ISKMAWN ' S (; nROXlcr , ii , l ! elviile ;* e ' rt ' c > , *! .- ¦ * , !! eru ; e * ! ii ! l , PoHiohviUe , London , " v . ;
mrtv-- * r-- ** r w ^^ sjc^^^g^^^a' ^ - ^ mv ^ - ^ - ^ r ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ J ^^^^ J ^ — ' ^^^^—^ ' ^^ -m ^^ -WmtmM ^**^^^^*^*~ ^^^ I / i ^ cj ^ , b 4 cWlbc ^ kJfcJBUJMi ^ c aa ^ L ^ c ^^ H « VcMflL ^'' c ^ JcKa ,. HL ^ 2 all
Royal Naval Lodge Of Independence.
BY BRO . JACOB NORTON . IN the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE of 2 nd April 1887 will be found a paper under the above heading , wherein I described a very curiously arranged lisfc of the members of the above-named Lodge , printed in London in 1795 . The names of the members were put on the list under three
headings , viz , "Quarterly members , " "Land members , " and " Sea members , " and under last-named heading I counted no less than 741 names . With the aid of Bro .
Lane ' s Masonic Records , I found that the Lodge was chartered in 1739 . I also gave its successive numbers on the Grand Lodge list , its successive alterations or change of its name , and of its removals from place to place . The said
Lodge removed from St . Giles , or St . James , to Wapping in 1791 , ancl it naturally surprised me to find that in less than five years so many as 741 seamen should have joined ifc !
or in other words , that on an average the Lodge initiated 150 seamen per annum during the five years or less . Bro . Hughan immediately informed me that a " History
of the Lodge of Felicity had just been printed , which confirmed the fact of the extraordinary rush of seamen into tho " Royal Naval Lodge " at the time I mentioned , and even later on . I soon after received the book , and though I found therein a solution of the Seamen
Puzzle , I did nofc deem the rest of the information appertaining to the Royal Naval Lodge , which is scattered in tho book , of sufficient interest to the general reader , and so I took no further notice of it . A few days ago , however , fche Graud Secretary of Massachusetts called my attention to an old yellow printed document , which stirred me up for making further inquiry ; and hero is a copy of the said document :
Boston , June 13 , A . L . 5803 . Tho subsequent admonition of tho Graud Lodge of Great Britain having been read , on motion , it was voted : — That the Grand Corresponding Secretary communicate a copy thereof to the several Lodges under this jurisdiction , for their information and guidance .
A copy of record . JOHN PROCTOR , ( J . D . Rec , Seo ' tanj . GRAND LODGE .
The Mcoi . Aiicicnt ancl Honounib ' e Fraternity oi Fiu'f * : AM ' A * 'Ci * rTED MASONS OI * EXGUND . Aouoi'iwxi' TO nn ; OLI > COXSTITI ' TJOXS .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHATHAMPBZTOliT,A Member of the Lecturers' Association , DISSOLVINGVIEWARTIST, * ¦ ' --v-fes tf ^ 558 ^ And Manufacturer of lanterns , Slides , Cameras , and Apparatus of ¦ SB ™ ilSiS ™ every Description for Lecturers and Amateurs , ^JHsHL.22Gray'sInnRoad,Holborn,London,W*G. Ilj ^^^^^ - ^^^^^^^^^ jii ESTABLISHED 30 TEARS , |(( m | te ^| i * i ^^ piEW ! jni ^^^^^^^ l : l ^ a ' rIt ^^^ H ^^ SLIDES prepared from Drawings , Books , Prints , Ac , in very best style ; Slides produced from ISiillfPilill ; ' 'B'liBwilJ'l ' lOh ^ fff ^^ sr' Negatives and supplied Plain or Coloured ; Large Stock of Lanterns to select from . JH vtJl ^'' 1 l 'l * frH i ' ^? ^^ y ^ l ^* j ^^^^ "Cists Tree . VfUolesale , Retail , aud for Excoriation . HEf l l l ^^^ iyHiiK SEC 0 ND HAND APPARATUS & 8 LiDE 8 F 0 R 8 ALE - LANTERNS & SLIDES ON HIRE . * lilS ^ IWS *' ' ' Pi'lSi'I ^^ fjj ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ Free Tuition to Purchasers of all Apparatus . Lanterns may be seen at work day and night . inf ^ ClJ ^^ SS ^ I ^ BFW ^ i ' ^^^ P- ^^^^^^ iS ^^^^ SS ^^^ HH Tri P Wick Lanterns , -with 4-in . compound Condensers , from 31 / 6 to 5 guineas . fffjjfc Bi-unial Lanterns from £ 5 10 s to 20 guineas . Triple Lanterns from £ 8 10 s fco 60 guineas . ™' l | H m * m ^ &^ iiSSs && Large Collection of smaller size Lanterns suitable for Presents , from 10 / 6 to 21 / - complete . ^^^^^^ j ^^^^ ^^ i CREAT BARGAINS IN SECOND HAND GOODS . PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . ' ' llllllil- sjft ^ " ir l | | TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS- " DISSOLVING , LONDON . "
BO YAL MASONICBENEVOLENTINSTITUTION FOR AGED FftEEiflASONS AMD WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROYDON . Grand Patron aud President : His RoifAii HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL MtOti TAKE PIACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , ON WEDNESDAY , THE 27 TH OF FEBRUARY 1889 , UP 02 T WHICH OCCASIOK The Right Hon . the EARL of EUSTON , Tt . W . Provincial Grand Master of Norths and Hunts , has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . BRETHREN are earnestly invited to accept the office of Stewards upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and Masonic rank as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly givo any information required , and supply them with the necessary circulars , & a . It is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , owing to the large number of applicants and the few vacancies , Brethren will use their influence to obtain donations towards tho funds of the Institution , which were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone £ 15 , 000 . Permanent income only £ 3 , 000 . 428 Annuitants on the funds . 110 Candidates seeking admission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . Sword Bearer , P . Prov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , Secretary . OJJFICB : —m Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
M4T®9SCiilltMSOYEXt, EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION ( Adjoining tbe RAILWAY , and facing the RIVER and PALACE ) . BRO . JOHN MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing of this old-established and noted Riverside Hotol for Banquets for any number up to 100 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and referonce may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , Ac .
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H , THE PRINCE OF WALES As the M . W . G . M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , 28 th APEIL 1875 . COPIE S of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother HARTY P . M ., consisting of Artist's Proofs , Proofs before Letters , and Lettered Proofs , India Prints , aud Plain Prints may bo had at Cost Price by applying to Bro . W . R . NORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C . London .
MASONIC LITERATURE . WANTED . —To Pnrehrise , for O .-. sb , OLD HOOKS OV EKEEJUSONKY . State full Tide , Date , a ? . ' ! stylo of JJimling ; with prices required . Address , F . W ., U Xlioruhill Sij-i-uo , C . irn ^ biu'y . r . onilon , N . Four days' silence a negative .
To Masonio Book Collectors . ! FOR SALE . —The FU-. ST En-ui * VOLUMES of THE FREEMASON'S QUART 10 RLY RKVilOW- 1 *•"> :.: 1 to lit | . Half bound , tooled nnd lettered . In Fine Cuiulitioi * . ' Vice C'i 1 " . * . At ' . ilic . is W ., Officii of tho ['' ¦¦ ISKMAWN ' S (; nROXlcr , ii , l ! elviile ;* e ' rt ' c > , *! .- ¦ * , !! eru ; e * ! ii ! l , PoHiohviUe , London , " v . ;
mrtv-- * r-- ** r w ^^ sjc^^^g^^^a' ^ - ^ mv ^ - ^ - ^ r ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ J ^^^^ J ^ — ' ^^^^—^ ' ^^ -m ^^ -WmtmM ^**^^^^*^*~ ^^^ I / i ^ cj ^ , b 4 cWlbc ^ kJfcJBUJMi ^ c aa ^ L ^ c ^^ H « VcMflL ^'' c ^ JcKa ,. HL ^ 2 all
Royal Naval Lodge Of Independence.
BY BRO . JACOB NORTON . IN the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE of 2 nd April 1887 will be found a paper under the above heading , wherein I described a very curiously arranged lisfc of the members of the above-named Lodge , printed in London in 1795 . The names of the members were put on the list under three
headings , viz , "Quarterly members , " "Land members , " and " Sea members , " and under last-named heading I counted no less than 741 names . With the aid of Bro .
Lane ' s Masonic Records , I found that the Lodge was chartered in 1739 . I also gave its successive numbers on the Grand Lodge list , its successive alterations or change of its name , and of its removals from place to place . The said
Lodge removed from St . Giles , or St . James , to Wapping in 1791 , ancl it naturally surprised me to find that in less than five years so many as 741 seamen should have joined ifc !
or in other words , that on an average the Lodge initiated 150 seamen per annum during the five years or less . Bro . Hughan immediately informed me that a " History
of the Lodge of Felicity had just been printed , which confirmed the fact of the extraordinary rush of seamen into tho " Royal Naval Lodge " at the time I mentioned , and even later on . I soon after received the book , and though I found therein a solution of the Seamen
Puzzle , I did nofc deem the rest of the information appertaining to the Royal Naval Lodge , which is scattered in tho book , of sufficient interest to the general reader , and so I took no further notice of it . A few days ago , however , fche Graud Secretary of Massachusetts called my attention to an old yellow printed document , which stirred me up for making further inquiry ; and hero is a copy of the said document :
Boston , June 13 , A . L . 5803 . Tho subsequent admonition of tho Graud Lodge of Great Britain having been read , on motion , it was voted : — That the Grand Corresponding Secretary communicate a copy thereof to the several Lodges under this jurisdiction , for their information and guidance .
A copy of record . JOHN PROCTOR , ( J . D . Rec , Seo ' tanj . GRAND LODGE .
The Mcoi . Aiicicnt ancl Honounib ' e Fraternity oi Fiu'f * : AM ' A * 'Ci * rTED MASONS OI * EXGUND . Aouoi'iwxi' TO nn ; OLI > COXSTITI ' TJOXS .