Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 3 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
very pleasanfcrevening was spent . The intervals between the toasts were enlivened ! with some capital songs , from Bros . Adam Brown , S . J . Hampson , and others . Bro . R . R . Lisenden gave his celebrated recitation , " Over the Hill fco the Poor House , " and played a selection on the English concertina .
BROTHER T . CLIBBON was , on the 16 th inst ., installed as Worshipfnl Master , at the Sun Hotel , Chatham . The induction ceremony was performed by Bro . G . Naylor , and there was a large attendance , which included Bro . Binckes , Past Grand Sword Bearer of England and Secretary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The new W . M . appointed his Officers , as follow : —Bros . G . R .
ham S . W ., W . T . Wiggins J . W ., Humphey Wood P . M . Treasurer , 0 . B . Cockburn P . M . Secretary , F . H . Collins S . D ., C E . Skinner J . D ., T . Robinson I G ., E . Bacon D . C , J . J . Thompson Organist , Church and Leavey Stewards . The usual banquet followed the business meeting ,.
THE installation of the Rev . J . Putfcick W . M . took place afc the Castle Hotel Assembly Rooms , on Monday afternoon , the 14 th inst ., the ceremony being ably performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Markwick , who had held that position two years ; and for the admirable manner in which he had fulfilled the onerons duties the brethren , on the proposition of Bro . Norris , unanimously voted him a bar to
the P . M . jewel presented him last year . The W . M . invested the following brethren with collars of office : —Markwick I . P . M ., Allen S . W ., Edwards J . W ., Rossiter Treas ., Pearce Sec , llandell S . D ., Walmsley J . D ., Duke D . C , Muscat Organist , Gage I . G ., Ticehurst Steward . Bro . C W . Duke was elected as Prov . Charity Steward .
The D . Prov . G . M . wrote , stating that he was too unwell to be present , and expressing hearty wishes for the welfare of the Lodge under the guidance of the esteemed Bro . Putfcick . The brethren , after transacting the bnsiness of the Lodge , adjourned to the banquet-room , where Bro . Boyce did credit to himself and won hearty expressions of
approval for tbe excellent manner in whioh he had provided for the comfort and enjoyment of the brethren . The nsual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and a very pleasant evening was " spent . The harmony of the evening was greatly enhanced by the capital singing of the Black Crown Glee Singers , and Bros . Russell , Markwick , and Rossiter .
MOIRA LODGE . No . 92 .
THE regular meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday , the 22 nd inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street . Present : — Bros . Adam Pringle I . P . M . in the ohair , G . C Andrew P . M . as S . W ., G . Greincr J . W ., T . L . Wilkinson P . M . Treasurer , Josiah Honle P . M . Sec ,, J . P ., Murrough S . D ., Sir Alfred Dent ( K . C . M . G . ) P . M ., W . Ridner , J . A . Maitland , and J . P . Fearfield . After the transaction
of the routine business , it was proposed by Sir Alfred Dent , seconded by the I . P . M ., and carried unanimously : — "Thafc the sum of ten guineas be voted from tbe Lodge fnnds to the Testimonial which has been set on foot in recognition of the services rendered to tho literature of Freemasonry by Bro . R . F . Gould P . G . D . and P . M . 92 .
UNION LODGE . No . 127 .
BRO . John Healing was installed Worshipful Master , on tho 15 th instant , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . W . Jones Lane . The Officers for the ensuing year are—Bros . Moor S . W ., Stanley J . W ., Brighurst S . D ., Bamber J . " ,, Fagg I . G ., Crosoer
Dir . of Cers ., Moor Assist . Dir . of Cers ., Taylor-Jones Chaplain , Chexfield Organist , Wooton Secretary , Reeve Steward , Tookey Tylor . The annual banquet was held at the Elephant ; Hotel in the evening .
THE 121 st Anniversary Meeting of this Lodge was celebrated on Wednesday , the 16 th instant , afc the Guildhall Hotel , Greshatnflfcreefc , London , E . G . Thero was scarcely so large an attendance . as usual , but the proceedings throughout were of an agreeable character . Lodge was opened by the retiring Master , Bro . Dr . William Wiles ,
who was supported by Past Masters Charles Lacoy ( Treasurer ) , 0 . H . Webb ( Secretary ) , Jobn Newton , G . T . H . Seddon , A . H . Brown , G . Jones , J . _ S . Fraser , W . C Barlow , and F . H . Dellow . Amongst those who signed the attendance boob as Visitors wero W . R . Bott
1949 , E . G . Brewer W . M . 165 , N . II . Turner W . M . 2000 , J . Loftus W . M . 2000 , J . Boulton W . M . 2291 , J . D . Gray 55 , J . Knight P . M . 95 , G . Macallan 51 , Henry Prenton 1319 , C . Daniel P . M . 65 , W . W . Morgan P . M . 211 . After the formal opening of tho Lodgr , tho minntes of last meeting were read and confirmed , Bro . William James
Higgs was then presented as the W . M . elect , and Bro . Dr . Wiles proceeded with the installation ceremony . After tho obligation , Bro . John Newton took the chair vacated by Dr . Wiles in his " favour , and conducted the ceremony through tho Board of Installed Misters , who afterwards congratulated Bro . fliggs on his accession to supreme
power in tho Lodge . The new Worshipful Master appointed and invested the following Officers .- —Bros . Dr . Wiles I . P . M ., W . Richardson ¦ S . W ., Henry Magee J . W ., Charles Lacey P . M . Treasnrer , C . II . Wohb P . M . Secretary , II . F . Jay S . D ., T . A . Starnes J . D ., R . Grout Organise , W . Phillips I . G .. W . M . Bntcber D . C , James Vory Tyler .
The nddrrsa to the Mister was delivered by Past Master Brown , that to the Wardens by Past Master Jonea , while Bro . Newton con . eluded the ceremony with the address to the Brethren . Tho resignation of throe members was announced , anil Bro . John Miller ( in
conseqnoncc of heavy domestic affliction ) desired to bo rclea-. ed from the responsibilities of tbo office ho had so long held in the Sincerity Lodge , The next bnsiness was the ootisider . ition of an application that ono of the members desired to mako for relief from tho Board of Benevolence . An exhaustive discussion as to the wints nf the -Tase
Notices Of Meetings.
ensued , but in the end the Petition was signed for presentation in due course . The Auditors' Report , which , with the Financial Statement , had beeu printed and circulated among the members , was taken as read and adopted . In the course of the evening a very handsome banner was presented by Past Master Jones , for the use ofthe Lodge ,
and this gift was gracefully accepted on behalf of the Lodge by the W . M . The banqnet was served in the style that has so long characterised this establishment ; the new proprietor was present , while Bro . John Marsham exerted himself as zealously as of yore to make all the guests comfortable . The speeches throughout were well
to the point , and the charitable proclivities of the members were duly exercised , —the Benevolent Institution being the especial charity for which the appeal was made , and the W . M . announced that his list as Steward now amounted to £ 106 odd : The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Henry Prenton , assisted by Bros . C . A . White , Emerson , Miss Emily Davies , and Miss Camelia Page .
THE ISRAEL LODGE , No . 205 . THE installation meeting was held on Tuesday , afc the Cannon Street Hotel , London . Lodge was opened at 4-30 , by Bro . Robert ; James Paton , the W . M ., who was supported by the following Pasfc Masters of the Lodge and visitors : —Past Masters Brothers H . J .
Phillips , W . Bassington , A . J . Henochsberg , S . Jacobs , H . M . Harris , J . A . Gartley , M . J . Emanuel , I . P . Cohen , S . M . Harris , J . Da Silva , E . H . Norden , Abraham M . Cohen ( Treasurer ) . Visitors : Bros . A . Greenham I . P . M . 70 , & c ,
J . Barnett jun . S . D . 2205 , James Chapman P . M . 194 , W . Maple P . M . 675 , Dr . J . Hogg P . G . D ., H . Massey P . M . 619 , 1928 , Valentino P . M . 1017 , A . Grant 619 , W . Garrard 870 , Thomas Harvey S . W . 1017 , F . Larner P . M . 858 , W . Andrews 1933 , I . Botibol W . M . 188 , Isaac White , Harding 1017 , D . M . Davis P . M . 1017 , Edward Terry P . G . S ., J . W . Harvey P . M . 25 , J . D . Frohlicb 1207 , E . J . Acworth P . M . 1612 , & c , C R . Williams W . M . 2262 , 0 . Norrington P . M . 619 , W . W . Morgan P . M . 211 , J . Joel 2265 ,
G . Goddard 733 , B . Field W . M . 1668 , M . J . Jessop P . M . 1261 , W . G . Dickinson 1608 , F . Binckes P . G . Sword Bearer , M . Browning 172 , J . Smith W . M . 933 , Goodrich late 205 , W . Wright Organist 1897 , Heidmann 188 , C Belton V . P , Board of General Purposes , Riohard Eve Past Grand Treasurer , S . Joel 1017 , Joseph Israel , M . Hvman
1880 , F . A . Philbrick Grand Registrar , M . Lyons 1155 , W . Silversfcone 1155 , E . V . Page 834 , M . B . Rosenberg 188 , H . Cheetham 1017 , S . B . Joel 1017 , P . Harris 1658 , H . Bromet 1155 , J . N . Joseph 1017 , J . Lewis Thomas P . G . A . D . C , & o . After the minutes of the last regular meeting had been read and confirmed , the Auditors
presented their report , which was unanimously accepted , as also was that of the Committee of the Benevolent Fund . Bro . C . F . Hogard P . G . Standard Bearer was then presented for installation , the outgoing Master rendering the ceremony in a perfect manner . The following brethren were appointed , and
invested wifch their respective collars * . —Brothers Robert James Paton I . P . M ., Marcus Bromet S . W ., M . I . Emanuel P . M . J . W ., Abraham Mark Cohen P . M . Treasurer , Joseph Da Silva P . M . Secretary , S . Dancyger S . D ., J . W . Corrie J . D ., H . M . Harris P . M . Dir . of Cers ., R . J . Paton Organist , M . Bash I . G ., J . Levy Asst . Dir . of Cers .,
I . H . Glnckstein benior Steward , B . Marcus Junior Steward , R . J . Morley Tyler . After the addresses had been delivered , a Past Master ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Master , three candidates were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . A grant was made from the Lodgo funds to support Bro . Da Silva P . M ., who will
acfc this year as a Steward for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and - £ 21 was voted to Bro . Hogard , in support of his Stewardship for the Boys . Other routine matters having received attention , Lodge was closed . After fcho banquet Bro . Hogard introduced the toast of the Qneen and the Craft . Her Majesty was the Patroness
of our Order , the mother of our Mosfc Worshipful Graud Master , and he ( the Worshipful Master ) thought this sufficient to commend the toasfc to the brethren . The Most Worshfpfnl the Grand Master was the next toasfc , and this received full honour . In speaking of the Pro G . M ., tbe W . M . said the brethren knew the
services that the Earl of Carnarvon had rendered to Freemasonry during the years he had been Pro G . M ., especially they ought to thank him for the union he arranged in Australia between the Lodges holding sway there . Under his auspices the connection of tho English , Scotch , and what ho might call the two illegal Lodges
in Australia , had been brought about , and that was sufficient to prove his interest . During his tour round the world he visited South Africa , and he wrote ou the subject of the Colonies in the Contem - porary Review , wherein ho said that however strong fcho difference of race , colour , and religion were in Kimberley , still he found the
brethren of tho Mystic Tio sank all those differences . The W . M . next rose for the Deputy G . BL , tho Earl of Lathom , and tho rest of tbe Grand Officers , Present and Past . Tho services of tho Earl of Lathom were recognised by all the brethren . Ho might havo an extra claim on this Lodgo because two members of it were honoured by him
in West Lancashire with the Provincial purple . He coupled with the toasfc the the names of Bro . Richard Eve P . G . Treasurer , and Bro . Philbrick the Grand Registrar . Bro . Philbrick hud held tho office of Grand Registrar for some years , and the decisions that Grand Lodgo had given under his advico had never been
challenged in tho slightest degree . Tho brethren of the Lodge of Israel hailed hia company with delight , and as ho had not been vory well lately , they wished him renewed health and strength . Bros . Dr . Hogg , J . Lewis Thomas , and Frederick Binckes wero also with them , and thoy hoped it would
nofc be tho last lime thoy wero honoured with their presence . Brother Richard Eve Past Grand Treasurer said that though tho Past Grand Officers were supposed to have rotir . hl nn thoir laurels , they upheld their positions , and still desired to further tho great interests of
Freemasonry , Bro . Lvo contimu'd with some interesting remarks as to tha tu- ' r :- alky of Freemasonry . Bro . Philbrick next rose : Ifc wa :- tho ^ Kindness and confidence of tho Craft generally which had supported him in tha Inborn" * referred tn by Uio W . M . j in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
very pleasanfcrevening was spent . The intervals between the toasts were enlivened ! with some capital songs , from Bros . Adam Brown , S . J . Hampson , and others . Bro . R . R . Lisenden gave his celebrated recitation , " Over the Hill fco the Poor House , " and played a selection on the English concertina .
BROTHER T . CLIBBON was , on the 16 th inst ., installed as Worshipfnl Master , at the Sun Hotel , Chatham . The induction ceremony was performed by Bro . G . Naylor , and there was a large attendance , which included Bro . Binckes , Past Grand Sword Bearer of England and Secretary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The new W . M . appointed his Officers , as follow : —Bros . G . R .
ham S . W ., W . T . Wiggins J . W ., Humphey Wood P . M . Treasurer , 0 . B . Cockburn P . M . Secretary , F . H . Collins S . D ., C E . Skinner J . D ., T . Robinson I G ., E . Bacon D . C , J . J . Thompson Organist , Church and Leavey Stewards . The usual banquet followed the business meeting ,.
THE installation of the Rev . J . Putfcick W . M . took place afc the Castle Hotel Assembly Rooms , on Monday afternoon , the 14 th inst ., the ceremony being ably performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Markwick , who had held that position two years ; and for the admirable manner in which he had fulfilled the onerons duties the brethren , on the proposition of Bro . Norris , unanimously voted him a bar to
the P . M . jewel presented him last year . The W . M . invested the following brethren with collars of office : —Markwick I . P . M ., Allen S . W ., Edwards J . W ., Rossiter Treas ., Pearce Sec , llandell S . D ., Walmsley J . D ., Duke D . C , Muscat Organist , Gage I . G ., Ticehurst Steward . Bro . C W . Duke was elected as Prov . Charity Steward .
The D . Prov . G . M . wrote , stating that he was too unwell to be present , and expressing hearty wishes for the welfare of the Lodge under the guidance of the esteemed Bro . Putfcick . The brethren , after transacting the bnsiness of the Lodge , adjourned to the banquet-room , where Bro . Boyce did credit to himself and won hearty expressions of
approval for tbe excellent manner in whioh he had provided for the comfort and enjoyment of the brethren . The nsual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and a very pleasant evening was " spent . The harmony of the evening was greatly enhanced by the capital singing of the Black Crown Glee Singers , and Bros . Russell , Markwick , and Rossiter .
MOIRA LODGE . No . 92 .
THE regular meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday , the 22 nd inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street . Present : — Bros . Adam Pringle I . P . M . in the ohair , G . C Andrew P . M . as S . W ., G . Greincr J . W ., T . L . Wilkinson P . M . Treasurer , Josiah Honle P . M . Sec ,, J . P ., Murrough S . D ., Sir Alfred Dent ( K . C . M . G . ) P . M ., W . Ridner , J . A . Maitland , and J . P . Fearfield . After the transaction
of the routine business , it was proposed by Sir Alfred Dent , seconded by the I . P . M ., and carried unanimously : — "Thafc the sum of ten guineas be voted from tbe Lodge fnnds to the Testimonial which has been set on foot in recognition of the services rendered to tho literature of Freemasonry by Bro . R . F . Gould P . G . D . and P . M . 92 .
UNION LODGE . No . 127 .
BRO . John Healing was installed Worshipful Master , on tho 15 th instant , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . W . Jones Lane . The Officers for the ensuing year are—Bros . Moor S . W ., Stanley J . W ., Brighurst S . D ., Bamber J . " ,, Fagg I . G ., Crosoer
Dir . of Cers ., Moor Assist . Dir . of Cers ., Taylor-Jones Chaplain , Chexfield Organist , Wooton Secretary , Reeve Steward , Tookey Tylor . The annual banquet was held at the Elephant ; Hotel in the evening .
THE 121 st Anniversary Meeting of this Lodge was celebrated on Wednesday , the 16 th instant , afc the Guildhall Hotel , Greshatnflfcreefc , London , E . G . Thero was scarcely so large an attendance . as usual , but the proceedings throughout were of an agreeable character . Lodge was opened by the retiring Master , Bro . Dr . William Wiles ,
who was supported by Past Masters Charles Lacoy ( Treasurer ) , 0 . H . Webb ( Secretary ) , Jobn Newton , G . T . H . Seddon , A . H . Brown , G . Jones , J . _ S . Fraser , W . C Barlow , and F . H . Dellow . Amongst those who signed the attendance boob as Visitors wero W . R . Bott
1949 , E . G . Brewer W . M . 165 , N . II . Turner W . M . 2000 , J . Loftus W . M . 2000 , J . Boulton W . M . 2291 , J . D . Gray 55 , J . Knight P . M . 95 , G . Macallan 51 , Henry Prenton 1319 , C . Daniel P . M . 65 , W . W . Morgan P . M . 211 . After the formal opening of tho Lodgr , tho minntes of last meeting were read and confirmed , Bro . William James
Higgs was then presented as the W . M . elect , and Bro . Dr . Wiles proceeded with the installation ceremony . After tho obligation , Bro . John Newton took the chair vacated by Dr . Wiles in his " favour , and conducted the ceremony through tho Board of Installed Misters , who afterwards congratulated Bro . fliggs on his accession to supreme
power in tho Lodge . The new Worshipful Master appointed and invested the following Officers .- —Bros . Dr . Wiles I . P . M ., W . Richardson ¦ S . W ., Henry Magee J . W ., Charles Lacey P . M . Treasnrer , C . II . Wohb P . M . Secretary , II . F . Jay S . D ., T . A . Starnes J . D ., R . Grout Organise , W . Phillips I . G .. W . M . Bntcber D . C , James Vory Tyler .
The nddrrsa to the Mister was delivered by Past Master Brown , that to the Wardens by Past Master Jonea , while Bro . Newton con . eluded the ceremony with the address to the Brethren . Tho resignation of throe members was announced , anil Bro . John Miller ( in
conseqnoncc of heavy domestic affliction ) desired to bo rclea-. ed from the responsibilities of tbo office ho had so long held in the Sincerity Lodge , The next bnsiness was the ootisider . ition of an application that ono of the members desired to mako for relief from tho Board of Benevolence . An exhaustive discussion as to the wints nf the -Tase
Notices Of Meetings.
ensued , but in the end the Petition was signed for presentation in due course . The Auditors' Report , which , with the Financial Statement , had beeu printed and circulated among the members , was taken as read and adopted . In the course of the evening a very handsome banner was presented by Past Master Jones , for the use ofthe Lodge ,
and this gift was gracefully accepted on behalf of the Lodge by the W . M . The banqnet was served in the style that has so long characterised this establishment ; the new proprietor was present , while Bro . John Marsham exerted himself as zealously as of yore to make all the guests comfortable . The speeches throughout were well
to the point , and the charitable proclivities of the members were duly exercised , —the Benevolent Institution being the especial charity for which the appeal was made , and the W . M . announced that his list as Steward now amounted to £ 106 odd : The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Henry Prenton , assisted by Bros . C . A . White , Emerson , Miss Emily Davies , and Miss Camelia Page .
THE ISRAEL LODGE , No . 205 . THE installation meeting was held on Tuesday , afc the Cannon Street Hotel , London . Lodge was opened at 4-30 , by Bro . Robert ; James Paton , the W . M ., who was supported by the following Pasfc Masters of the Lodge and visitors : —Past Masters Brothers H . J .
Phillips , W . Bassington , A . J . Henochsberg , S . Jacobs , H . M . Harris , J . A . Gartley , M . J . Emanuel , I . P . Cohen , S . M . Harris , J . Da Silva , E . H . Norden , Abraham M . Cohen ( Treasurer ) . Visitors : Bros . A . Greenham I . P . M . 70 , & c ,
J . Barnett jun . S . D . 2205 , James Chapman P . M . 194 , W . Maple P . M . 675 , Dr . J . Hogg P . G . D ., H . Massey P . M . 619 , 1928 , Valentino P . M . 1017 , A . Grant 619 , W . Garrard 870 , Thomas Harvey S . W . 1017 , F . Larner P . M . 858 , W . Andrews 1933 , I . Botibol W . M . 188 , Isaac White , Harding 1017 , D . M . Davis P . M . 1017 , Edward Terry P . G . S ., J . W . Harvey P . M . 25 , J . D . Frohlicb 1207 , E . J . Acworth P . M . 1612 , & c , C R . Williams W . M . 2262 , 0 . Norrington P . M . 619 , W . W . Morgan P . M . 211 , J . Joel 2265 ,
G . Goddard 733 , B . Field W . M . 1668 , M . J . Jessop P . M . 1261 , W . G . Dickinson 1608 , F . Binckes P . G . Sword Bearer , M . Browning 172 , J . Smith W . M . 933 , Goodrich late 205 , W . Wright Organist 1897 , Heidmann 188 , C Belton V . P , Board of General Purposes , Riohard Eve Past Grand Treasurer , S . Joel 1017 , Joseph Israel , M . Hvman
1880 , F . A . Philbrick Grand Registrar , M . Lyons 1155 , W . Silversfcone 1155 , E . V . Page 834 , M . B . Rosenberg 188 , H . Cheetham 1017 , S . B . Joel 1017 , P . Harris 1658 , H . Bromet 1155 , J . N . Joseph 1017 , J . Lewis Thomas P . G . A . D . C , & o . After the minutes of the last regular meeting had been read and confirmed , the Auditors
presented their report , which was unanimously accepted , as also was that of the Committee of the Benevolent Fund . Bro . C . F . Hogard P . G . Standard Bearer was then presented for installation , the outgoing Master rendering the ceremony in a perfect manner . The following brethren were appointed , and
invested wifch their respective collars * . —Brothers Robert James Paton I . P . M ., Marcus Bromet S . W ., M . I . Emanuel P . M . J . W ., Abraham Mark Cohen P . M . Treasurer , Joseph Da Silva P . M . Secretary , S . Dancyger S . D ., J . W . Corrie J . D ., H . M . Harris P . M . Dir . of Cers ., R . J . Paton Organist , M . Bash I . G ., J . Levy Asst . Dir . of Cers .,
I . H . Glnckstein benior Steward , B . Marcus Junior Steward , R . J . Morley Tyler . After the addresses had been delivered , a Past Master ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Master , three candidates were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . A grant was made from the Lodgo funds to support Bro . Da Silva P . M ., who will
acfc this year as a Steward for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and - £ 21 was voted to Bro . Hogard , in support of his Stewardship for the Boys . Other routine matters having received attention , Lodge was closed . After fcho banquet Bro . Hogard introduced the toast of the Qneen and the Craft . Her Majesty was the Patroness
of our Order , the mother of our Mosfc Worshipful Graud Master , and he ( the Worshipful Master ) thought this sufficient to commend the toasfc to the brethren . The Most Worshfpfnl the Grand Master was the next toasfc , and this received full honour . In speaking of the Pro G . M ., tbe W . M . said the brethren knew the
services that the Earl of Carnarvon had rendered to Freemasonry during the years he had been Pro G . M ., especially they ought to thank him for the union he arranged in Australia between the Lodges holding sway there . Under his auspices the connection of tho English , Scotch , and what ho might call the two illegal Lodges
in Australia , had been brought about , and that was sufficient to prove his interest . During his tour round the world he visited South Africa , and he wrote ou the subject of the Colonies in the Contem - porary Review , wherein ho said that however strong fcho difference of race , colour , and religion were in Kimberley , still he found the
brethren of tho Mystic Tio sank all those differences . The W . M . next rose for the Deputy G . BL , tho Earl of Lathom , and tho rest of tbe Grand Officers , Present and Past . Tho services of tho Earl of Lathom were recognised by all the brethren . Ho might havo an extra claim on this Lodgo because two members of it were honoured by him
in West Lancashire with the Provincial purple . He coupled with the toasfc the the names of Bro . Richard Eve P . G . Treasurer , and Bro . Philbrick the Grand Registrar . Bro . Philbrick hud held tho office of Grand Registrar for some years , and the decisions that Grand Lodgo had given under his advico had never been
challenged in tho slightest degree . Tho brethren of the Lodge of Israel hailed hia company with delight , and as ho had not been vory well lately , they wished him renewed health and strength . Bros . Dr . Hogg , J . Lewis Thomas , and Frederick Binckes wero also with them , and thoy hoped it would
nofc be tho last lime thoy wero honoured with their presence . Brother Richard Eve Past Grand Treasurer said that though tho Past Grand Officers were supposed to have rotir . hl nn thoir laurels , they upheld their positions , and still desired to further tho great interests of
Freemasonry , Bro . Lvo contimu'd with some interesting remarks as to tha tu- ' r :- alky of Freemasonry . Bro . Philbrick next rose : Ifc wa :- tho ^ Kindness and confidence of tho Craft generally which had supported him in tha Inborn" * referred tn by Uio W . M . j in