Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 6 of 9 →
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EMULATION LODGE OA ? IMPROVEMENT . —Tbe Members of this Lodge held their annual festival on Tuesday , the 29 th November , which was most numerousl y attended , to hear the first lecture worked , the seven sections of Avhich Avere given by the following Brethren , in a manner which left nothing to be desired , and reflected tbe highest credit on the instruction of the A'eteran and talented
Bro . S . B . AVilson , who occupied tbe chair , and put tbe questions : — Bro . Rixon , Avhose proficiency AA'as much remarked , haA-ing only been initiated in January last , Avorked the first section ; Bro . Oram the second ; Bro . Symonds the third ; Bro . Palmer , Honorary Secretary to the Lodge , the fourth ; Bro . Absolon , tbe fifth ; Bro . S . B . Wilson , jun , the sixth ; and Bro . Hervey , tbe Treasurer , tbe seventh . After tbe conclusion of tbe lecturean unprecedented number of
, visitors were proposed as joining members . The Brethren then proceeded to tbe Great Hall , where upwards of 150 sat down to an elegant banquet , uncier the Presidency of Bro . J . Hervey , Treasurer to the Lodge , and A ice-President of tbe Board of General Purposes , Avho had for bis officers , Bro . H . Lloyd , S . AV . ; Bro . J . Robinson , J . AV . ;
Bro . S . Oram , S . D . ; Bro . L . Artus , J . D . ; and Bro . J . Symonds , I . G . ; and Avas supported on bis right and left by Bros . H . Crohn , G . S . for German Correspondence ; P . L . Evans , P . G . S . B . ; G . R . Rowe , M . D ., P . G . D . ; Baumer , P . G . D . ; Bisgood , D . P . G . M , Kent ; Luxmore , P . P . S . G . AV , Devon ; Massey DaAvson , G . S , and many other mfluential Brethren . The cloth having been draAvntbe first toast was to tbe " Pious
, memory of Bro . Peter Gilkes , " whieh Avas drunk in solemn silence . The W . M . then rose , aud stated that it was not his intention to weary the meeting with long speeches ; and as tbe nest toast required no comment , be would at once call upon them to drink " The Queen andthe Craft . " This was followed by tbe "M . AV . G . M , tbe Earl of Zetland , "
which was received with every demonstration of respect . The W . M , in proposing the health of tbe D . G . M . the Earl of Yarborough , and the past and present Grand Officers , having paid a well-merited tribute of respect to that nobleman , and a proper compliment to the G . 0 . by Avhom be Avas supported , called on the Brethren to be upstanding , coupling tbe toast with the name of Bro . Crohn .
Bro . Crohn briefly returned thanks , stating what pleasure the G . O . always had in attending such meetings , and in upholding tbe interests ofthe Craft . Bro . Dr . Rowe then rose , and in very complimentary language proposed the health of tbe W . M , recommending all young Masons to join and attend Lodges of Instructions , Avbence all Masonic principles took their germand where they Avere so abldiscussed and
, y elucidated . The AV . M . regretted that the chair was not more ablyfilled , and stated that , in tbe absence of tbe Brother who was to bave presided over them , be had been most unespectedly called upon to fill bisplace . He thanked
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EMULATION LODGE OA ? IMPROVEMENT . —Tbe Members of this Lodge held their annual festival on Tuesday , the 29 th November , which was most numerousl y attended , to hear the first lecture worked , the seven sections of Avhich Avere given by the following Brethren , in a manner which left nothing to be desired , and reflected tbe highest credit on the instruction of the A'eteran and talented
Bro . S . B . AVilson , who occupied tbe chair , and put tbe questions : — Bro . Rixon , Avhose proficiency AA'as much remarked , haA-ing only been initiated in January last , Avorked the first section ; Bro . Oram the second ; Bro . Symonds the third ; Bro . Palmer , Honorary Secretary to the Lodge , the fourth ; Bro . Absolon , tbe fifth ; Bro . S . B . Wilson , jun , the sixth ; and Bro . Hervey , tbe Treasurer , tbe seventh . After tbe conclusion of tbe lecturean unprecedented number of
, visitors were proposed as joining members . The Brethren then proceeded to tbe Great Hall , where upwards of 150 sat down to an elegant banquet , uncier the Presidency of Bro . J . Hervey , Treasurer to the Lodge , and A ice-President of tbe Board of General Purposes , Avho had for bis officers , Bro . H . Lloyd , S . AV . ; Bro . J . Robinson , J . AV . ;
Bro . S . Oram , S . D . ; Bro . L . Artus , J . D . ; and Bro . J . Symonds , I . G . ; and Avas supported on bis right and left by Bros . H . Crohn , G . S . for German Correspondence ; P . L . Evans , P . G . S . B . ; G . R . Rowe , M . D ., P . G . D . ; Baumer , P . G . D . ; Bisgood , D . P . G . M , Kent ; Luxmore , P . P . S . G . AV , Devon ; Massey DaAvson , G . S , and many other mfluential Brethren . The cloth having been draAvntbe first toast was to tbe " Pious
, memory of Bro . Peter Gilkes , " whieh Avas drunk in solemn silence . The W . M . then rose , aud stated that it was not his intention to weary the meeting with long speeches ; and as tbe nest toast required no comment , be would at once call upon them to drink " The Queen andthe Craft . " This was followed by tbe "M . AV . G . M , tbe Earl of Zetland , "
which was received with every demonstration of respect . The W . M , in proposing the health of tbe D . G . M . the Earl of Yarborough , and the past and present Grand Officers , having paid a well-merited tribute of respect to that nobleman , and a proper compliment to the G . 0 . by Avhom be Avas supported , called on the Brethren to be upstanding , coupling tbe toast with the name of Bro . Crohn .
Bro . Crohn briefly returned thanks , stating what pleasure the G . O . always had in attending such meetings , and in upholding tbe interests ofthe Craft . Bro . Dr . Rowe then rose , and in very complimentary language proposed the health of tbe W . M , recommending all young Masons to join and attend Lodges of Instructions , Avbence all Masonic principles took their germand where they Avere so abldiscussed and
, y elucidated . The AV . M . regretted that the chair was not more ablyfilled , and stated that , in tbe absence of tbe Brother who was to bave presided over them , be had been most unespectedly called upon to fill bisplace . He thanked