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proposed it , I beg to return my thanks , as also to Sir Watkin , for tbe honour be has again conferred upon me in having appointed me one of the Chaplains to the Province of North AVales and Shropshire . " Sir Andrew V . CORBET , Bart , said , — " In conformity to the request of the G . Mhe bad verv great leasAire iiA proposing aa the next
, p toast , the health of the R . W . D . P . G . M . Bro . Dymork . " Bro . DYMORK said , — "He felt deeply tbe high and flattering compliment now paid to him ; be was proud of his distinguished position , and that his best energies would be given , as they had been devoted to the promotion of the Craft , not only in this ProA'ince , but generally . "
Sir AVATKIN then proposed the health of Bro . Sir AndreAV Corbet , Bart , the S . G . W . Sir ANDREW returned his best thanks for that and the many other favours be bad received from the Brethren during the thirty-three years he had been a Mason . Sir WATKIN then proposed the health of Bro . W . J . Clement , whose excellent fatherbefore himbad through a long and useful
, , life marked his sense of the Order by his long and valuable connection witb it . Bro . CLEMENT said , — -He felt quite unequal to return thanks for tbe compliment just paid him . He regretted he had done but little for Masonry , but his venerated father , AA * 1 IO hacl so lately been borne
to his fathers , Avas upwards of sixty years a member of the Order . Bro . CLEMENT again rose and said , —He did not know Avhy a toast , all harmony itself , should be proposed by a voice so discordant as his ; he had , hoAvever , very great pleasure in mentioning the names of Lady AVynn , Lady Corbet , and Lady Combermere , the Patronesses of the Order . Sir ANDREW CORBET returned thanks .
Sir AVATKIN then proposed tbe health of Bro . Marriott , with thanks to him for bis valuable services ; be bad experienced , very great pleasure in witnessing the ceremony of initiation AA'hich had been performed by him , and he was quite sure his valuable services in tbe Province would be fully appreciated by the Brethren . Bro . MARRIOTT spoke as folloAvs , — "Most AVorshipful Grand Master and BrethrenI am convincedfrom all I have seenthe Royal Art
, , , must prosper in North AVales and Shropshire . So long as tbe Province is presided over by one so distinguished and so determined to carry out the principles of our Order , as alluded to by Lord Methuen , in his A'ery able address—I say as long as our M . AV . G . M . is so enthusiastic , and our Brethren so zealous , the Order has nothing to fear in this part of the Avorld , ancl will stand out not only second to no other Provincebut an example of AA'hat can be
, accomplished by perseverance and determination . As regards tbe high and flattering compliment , which our G . M . has this day been pleased to pay me , both in having mentioned my name to your notice now , as also in having appointed me Grand ' Registrar , I can
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proposed it , I beg to return my thanks , as also to Sir Watkin , for tbe honour be has again conferred upon me in having appointed me one of the Chaplains to the Province of North AVales and Shropshire . " Sir Andrew V . CORBET , Bart , said , — " In conformity to the request of the G . Mhe bad verv great leasAire iiA proposing aa the next
, p toast , the health of the R . W . D . P . G . M . Bro . Dymork . " Bro . DYMORK said , — "He felt deeply tbe high and flattering compliment now paid to him ; be was proud of his distinguished position , and that his best energies would be given , as they had been devoted to the promotion of the Craft , not only in this ProA'ince , but generally . "
Sir AVATKIN then proposed the health of Bro . Sir AndreAV Corbet , Bart , the S . G . W . Sir ANDREW returned his best thanks for that and the many other favours be bad received from the Brethren during the thirty-three years he had been a Mason . Sir WATKIN then proposed the health of Bro . W . J . Clement , whose excellent fatherbefore himbad through a long and useful
, , life marked his sense of the Order by his long and valuable connection witb it . Bro . CLEMENT said , — -He felt quite unequal to return thanks for tbe compliment just paid him . He regretted he had done but little for Masonry , but his venerated father , AA * 1 IO hacl so lately been borne
to his fathers , Avas upwards of sixty years a member of the Order . Bro . CLEMENT again rose and said , —He did not know Avhy a toast , all harmony itself , should be proposed by a voice so discordant as his ; he had , hoAvever , very great pleasure in mentioning the names of Lady AVynn , Lady Corbet , and Lady Combermere , the Patronesses of the Order . Sir ANDREW CORBET returned thanks .
Sir AVATKIN then proposed tbe health of Bro . Marriott , with thanks to him for bis valuable services ; be bad experienced , very great pleasure in witnessing the ceremony of initiation AA'hich had been performed by him , and he was quite sure his valuable services in tbe Province would be fully appreciated by the Brethren . Bro . MARRIOTT spoke as folloAvs , — "Most AVorshipful Grand Master and BrethrenI am convincedfrom all I have seenthe Royal Art
, , , must prosper in North AVales and Shropshire . So long as tbe Province is presided over by one so distinguished and so determined to carry out the principles of our Order , as alluded to by Lord Methuen , in his A'ery able address—I say as long as our M . AV . G . M . is so enthusiastic , and our Brethren so zealous , the Order has nothing to fear in this part of the Avorld , ancl will stand out not only second to no other Provincebut an example of AA'hat can be
, accomplished by perseverance and determination . As regards tbe high and flattering compliment , which our G . M . has this day been pleased to pay me , both in having mentioned my name to your notice now , as also in having appointed me Grand ' Registrar , I can