Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 9 of 20 →
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only say that I deeply deplore my inability to express , in words , tbe sense I entertain of his very great kindness . I have , as yet , I feel , done but little in this ProA'ince to merit your approbation , but little compared Avith the pleasure I feel , at all times , in lending a helping hand towards the furtherance of our Order ; but I assure you that I shall feel the hihest gratificationif it be leasurein visiting
g , your p , ei-ery Lodge in the Province , and affording to the younger members that knowledge of Freemasonry so essential to our orthodox working of the Craft . AV . G . M . and Brethren , hoAvever much I may have failed in giving expression to my deep feelings of respect for the high honour you have this day done me , I trust you will believe that for your kindness ray heart is overflowing with gratitude . In
plain language , then , be pleased to accept , from my heart , my warmest thanks . I humbly trust , by my actions , to prove to you at the commencement of another Masonic year , that the favour of our G . M . lias not been undeservedly conferred upon me . " Bro . MARRIOTT again rose ancl said , — " Brethren , the W . G . M . has
honoured me by calling upon me to submit the nest toast . Will you do me tbe favour to charge your glasses , and to drink the toast in a bumper ? It is one that ahvays receives a hearty response in every Lodge I visit . I call upon you to drink the health of Bro . Major AVilliams and Bro . Freeme—those , make the ninety-nine initiated by me into Freemasonry , and I may add , speaking from some experiencethat I never performed the ceremony with more pleasure
, and satisfaction than I did this evening . I trust the little they have seen is sufficient to satisf y them of the excellence of our Order , and will act as an incitement to them to make the sublime Art their study , so that at no remote period we shall find them no mean constellations in the Craft . - Major AVILLIAMS returned thanks .
Several other toasts folloAA'ed , concluding with the usual Masonic one , " To all poor aud distressed Masons . " Music enlivened the proceedings , ancl Brothers Hay , Baker , Purcell , and Sai-age , contributed songs . At half-past ten the AV . G . M . and Brethren retired , alter a most agreeable and truly Masonic festival .
OXFORDSHIRE . MASONRY AT OXEORD . —The Apollo University Lodge has bad some brilliant meetings during the last term , and has enrolled a large number of new members , many of Avhom will , doubtless , at some future day , do much to propagate and extend Masonry in tbose different com * ties in which they may be located . It is for this reason that peculiar interest attaches to the University Lodgethe
, members of AA'hich remain in Oxford but a few years , and then are scattered over various parts of the kingdom . The Masonic knowledge , Avhich they acquire during their sojourn at the University , qualifies them to take their share of Masonic duties in their new spheres of action ; and , at the present time , many of the best Provincial Grand Masters and Provincial Grancl Officers Avere first
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
only say that I deeply deplore my inability to express , in words , tbe sense I entertain of his very great kindness . I have , as yet , I feel , done but little in this ProA'ince to merit your approbation , but little compared Avith the pleasure I feel , at all times , in lending a helping hand towards the furtherance of our Order ; but I assure you that I shall feel the hihest gratificationif it be leasurein visiting
g , your p , ei-ery Lodge in the Province , and affording to the younger members that knowledge of Freemasonry so essential to our orthodox working of the Craft . AV . G . M . and Brethren , hoAvever much I may have failed in giving expression to my deep feelings of respect for the high honour you have this day done me , I trust you will believe that for your kindness ray heart is overflowing with gratitude . In
plain language , then , be pleased to accept , from my heart , my warmest thanks . I humbly trust , by my actions , to prove to you at the commencement of another Masonic year , that the favour of our G . M . lias not been undeservedly conferred upon me . " Bro . MARRIOTT again rose ancl said , — " Brethren , the W . G . M . has
honoured me by calling upon me to submit the nest toast . Will you do me tbe favour to charge your glasses , and to drink the toast in a bumper ? It is one that ahvays receives a hearty response in every Lodge I visit . I call upon you to drink the health of Bro . Major AVilliams and Bro . Freeme—those , make the ninety-nine initiated by me into Freemasonry , and I may add , speaking from some experiencethat I never performed the ceremony with more pleasure
, and satisfaction than I did this evening . I trust the little they have seen is sufficient to satisf y them of the excellence of our Order , and will act as an incitement to them to make the sublime Art their study , so that at no remote period we shall find them no mean constellations in the Craft . - Major AVILLIAMS returned thanks .
Several other toasts folloAA'ed , concluding with the usual Masonic one , " To all poor aud distressed Masons . " Music enlivened the proceedings , ancl Brothers Hay , Baker , Purcell , and Sai-age , contributed songs . At half-past ten the AV . G . M . and Brethren retired , alter a most agreeable and truly Masonic festival .
OXFORDSHIRE . MASONRY AT OXEORD . —The Apollo University Lodge has bad some brilliant meetings during the last term , and has enrolled a large number of new members , many of Avhom will , doubtless , at some future day , do much to propagate and extend Masonry in tbose different com * ties in which they may be located . It is for this reason that peculiar interest attaches to the University Lodgethe
, members of AA'hich remain in Oxford but a few years , and then are scattered over various parts of the kingdom . The Masonic knowledge , Avhich they acquire during their sojourn at the University , qualifies them to take their share of Masonic duties in their new spheres of action ; and , at the present time , many of the best Provincial Grand Masters and Provincial Grancl Officers Avere first