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with the propriety to be expected from a Brother , whose Masonic knowledge was collected , whilst a pupil in Masonry , under the late celebrated Bro . George Aarons , of London . At the conclusion of the lecture , the AV . M . of Loclge 71 proposed the thanks of the meeting to the lecturer , Avhich , being seconded , was unanimously agreed to . It Avas next proposed , that a lecture to the same effect should be delivered on a future day , as being calculated to raise the character of the Order in general estimation .
SIMLA . —Himalayan Brotherhood Bodge , No . 673 , 1 st Nov . 1853 . — The present AV . M , Lt . Col . James Mackenzie , informs us that this Lodge is in a prosperous and good working condition , several good men and true having this year joined the ranks , amongst them Lord AVm . Hay , the Dy . Commissioner of Simla , ancl Supt . of tbe Hill States , Avho promises to become a good and zealous Mason . The Lodge and R . A . Chapter at Simla are in a flourishing
condition , Bro . His Serene Highness AVilliam Prince of Hesse , late a Lieut , of H . M . S . Cleopatra , having a short time back received his third degree at that important station in the Lodge Zetland in East , No . 748 . The above is a brother of the Prince of Prussia , and was initiated at China .
KINGSTON , CANABA AVEST . —On Thursday , the 17 th November , was holden the annual Convocation of the Ancient Frontenac Chapter attached to St . John ' s Lodge , No . 491 , when M . E . Comp . James G . Henderson P . P . S . G . AV . as P . Z , duly installed the Companions elect into the respective chairs of Z . H . and J . ; M . E . Comps . Angel and Milo , P . Z . ' s of the Chapter , assisted in the beautiful and impressive ceremonies of the installation and investiture ; M . E . Comp . Richard
Dowse , late J . of the Albany Chapter , Isle of AVigbt , AA'as installed as Z . ; M . E . Comp . AVm . J . Goodeve was z * e-installed as H . ; and E . Comp . Samuel D . Fowler , AV . M . St . John ' s , 491 , as J . The conclave of installed Z . ' s being closed , on the admission of the
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with the propriety to be expected from a Brother , whose Masonic knowledge was collected , whilst a pupil in Masonry , under the late celebrated Bro . George Aarons , of London . At the conclusion of the lecture , the AV . M . of Loclge 71 proposed the thanks of the meeting to the lecturer , Avhich , being seconded , was unanimously agreed to . It Avas next proposed , that a lecture to the same effect should be delivered on a future day , as being calculated to raise the character of the Order in general estimation .
SIMLA . —Himalayan Brotherhood Bodge , No . 673 , 1 st Nov . 1853 . — The present AV . M , Lt . Col . James Mackenzie , informs us that this Lodge is in a prosperous and good working condition , several good men and true having this year joined the ranks , amongst them Lord AVm . Hay , the Dy . Commissioner of Simla , ancl Supt . of tbe Hill States , Avho promises to become a good and zealous Mason . The Lodge and R . A . Chapter at Simla are in a flourishing
condition , Bro . His Serene Highness AVilliam Prince of Hesse , late a Lieut , of H . M . S . Cleopatra , having a short time back received his third degree at that important station in the Lodge Zetland in East , No . 748 . The above is a brother of the Prince of Prussia , and was initiated at China .
KINGSTON , CANABA AVEST . —On Thursday , the 17 th November , was holden the annual Convocation of the Ancient Frontenac Chapter attached to St . John ' s Lodge , No . 491 , when M . E . Comp . James G . Henderson P . P . S . G . AV . as P . Z , duly installed the Companions elect into the respective chairs of Z . H . and J . ; M . E . Comps . Angel and Milo , P . Z . ' s of the Chapter , assisted in the beautiful and impressive ceremonies of the installation and investiture ; M . E . Comp . Richard
Dowse , late J . of the Albany Chapter , Isle of AVigbt , AA'as installed as Z . ; M . E . Comp . AVm . J . Goodeve was z * e-installed as H . ; and E . Comp . Samuel D . Fowler , AV . M . St . John ' s , 491 , as J . The conclave of installed Z . ' s being closed , on the admission of the