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Companions , Z . H . aud J . ivere proclaimed by the installing Z , Avho , Avith the Companions , greeted them as Princes and Rulers of the Hol y Royal Arch . The M . E . Z . then inducted , Avith appropriate charges , the folloAving Companions , who had been previously elected to fill the respective offices—Excellent Comp . James G . Fortier ; F . E . Comp . Edward J . Barker ; N . E . Comp . Thomas Perkins , Treasurer ; E . Comp . Thomas Duncan , Principal Sojourner ; Comps . Isaac Hope and John Lauktree , Stewards ; Comp . Ellesy AV . Palmer , Director of Ceremonies ; aud Comp . Henry Gibson , Janitor . E .
Comp . Duncan , as P . S , appointed Comps . John Medcalf ancl Sylvester Stevenson , Assistant Sojourners . That this Chapter has obtained in Canada AVest not onl y a high position , but a lastingreputation as one that " can best Avork ancl best agree , " may be sufficiently proved by the fact that among the many candidates for Exaltation are Brethren residents of the adjoining counties to Kingston , AVIIO , regardless of distance , seek to attain in the Ancient
Froutenac Chapter , after the English ritual , the summit of Ancient Craft Masonry . Preparations are made to open an Encampment of Knight-Templars , under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Conclave of England and Wales . A dispensation for that purpose is daily expected ; should it arrive , the encampment at Kingston will be the first ever formed in the Province of Canada , uncier the above jurisdiction .
PRUSSIA . BERLIN . —Some time ago ( about twelve or eighteen months ) , tbe Prince of Prussia visited one of the Rhenish Lodges , and in his address to the Brethren , mentioned that he had been most agreeably surprised by bis son , Prince Frederick William ( tbe future heir to the CroAvn ) , expressing a desire to be initiated into Masonry . II R . H . said— "I mightas head ofthe BrotherhoodhaA'e exercised my
, , , prerogative , ancl at once have complied with my son's desire ; but I have advised him to look on for another year , and if he does not change bis mind , I shail be happy to grant his wish at the expiration of that period . "
On the Gth of November last , the initiation- of tbe young Prince took place at the palace of the Prince of Prussia , at Berlin , where a suite of apartments was prepared for tbe occasion , and the ceremony Avas gone through Avith great eclat , in the presence of deputations from the various Grancl Lodges . Tbe Brethren present were sixty in number , all of Avhom bad the honour of dining at the palace . The
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Companions , Z . H . aud J . ivere proclaimed by the installing Z , Avho , Avith the Companions , greeted them as Princes and Rulers of the Hol y Royal Arch . The M . E . Z . then inducted , Avith appropriate charges , the folloAving Companions , who had been previously elected to fill the respective offices—Excellent Comp . James G . Fortier ; F . E . Comp . Edward J . Barker ; N . E . Comp . Thomas Perkins , Treasurer ; E . Comp . Thomas Duncan , Principal Sojourner ; Comps . Isaac Hope and John Lauktree , Stewards ; Comp . Ellesy AV . Palmer , Director of Ceremonies ; aud Comp . Henry Gibson , Janitor . E .
Comp . Duncan , as P . S , appointed Comps . John Medcalf ancl Sylvester Stevenson , Assistant Sojourners . That this Chapter has obtained in Canada AVest not onl y a high position , but a lastingreputation as one that " can best Avork ancl best agree , " may be sufficiently proved by the fact that among the many candidates for Exaltation are Brethren residents of the adjoining counties to Kingston , AVIIO , regardless of distance , seek to attain in the Ancient
Froutenac Chapter , after the English ritual , the summit of Ancient Craft Masonry . Preparations are made to open an Encampment of Knight-Templars , under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Conclave of England and Wales . A dispensation for that purpose is daily expected ; should it arrive , the encampment at Kingston will be the first ever formed in the Province of Canada , uncier the above jurisdiction .
PRUSSIA . BERLIN . —Some time ago ( about twelve or eighteen months ) , tbe Prince of Prussia visited one of the Rhenish Lodges , and in his address to the Brethren , mentioned that he had been most agreeably surprised by bis son , Prince Frederick William ( tbe future heir to the CroAvn ) , expressing a desire to be initiated into Masonry . II R . H . said— "I mightas head ofthe BrotherhoodhaA'e exercised my
, , , prerogative , ancl at once have complied with my son's desire ; but I have advised him to look on for another year , and if he does not change bis mind , I shail be happy to grant his wish at the expiration of that period . "
On the Gth of November last , the initiation- of tbe young Prince took place at the palace of the Prince of Prussia , at Berlin , where a suite of apartments was prepared for tbe occasion , and the ceremony Avas gone through Avith great eclat , in the presence of deputations from the various Grancl Lodges . Tbe Brethren present were sixty in number , all of Avhom bad the honour of dining at the palace . The