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proceedings of the day are regarded as amongst the proudest and most promising eA'ents in the annals of Masonry . H . R . H . has since gone on his travels , accompanied by seA'eral Avell-known Brethren ; one of whom , in particular , deseiwes to be mentioned , as showing the Prince ' s earnestness in the cause , viz , a serving Brother of a Berlin Lodge , AVIIO has been specially engaged to attend upon the Prince as one of H . R . H . 's body servants .
CHINA . Masonic Festival on the Opening of the first Freemasons' Hall in China . —On Thursday , the 13 th October , the Brethren of the Zetland Lodge , No . 768 , gave a banquet on tbe occasion of opening the Freemasons' Hall , the first temple specially dedicated to Masonry in China . This building was projected by the able and indefatigable
Mason , Bro . S . Raivson , P . G . M . for China , and by his efforts all difficulties having been smoothed , he laid the foundation-stone with due Masonic honours on the 1 st February of this year . Since then , by tbe exertions of the able architect , Bro . Cleverly , the building has been brought to a perfect state , and Masonry , having under the skilful working of tbe W . M . Bro . Mercer , D . P . G . M , advanced
rapidly , tbe new successful and flourishing Lodge met for the first time in their new Hall , and opened their hospitable doors to their Brother Masons , not of the Zetland Lodge . The necessary work having been well and duly performed , the Craft retired "from labour to refreshment , " and at sei-en o ' clock sat doiA'n in their working gear in open Loclgeto the splendid
feast-, placed on the board by the provident care of the Stevrards , Bros . Rienaecker , Baldwin , and Grand-Pre . After tbe banquet , the usual Masonic toasts were given , accompanied with appropriate music by the band of tbe 59 th regiment , kindl y lent by Bro . Col .
Graham and the officers of tbe regiment . On giving the toast of "The Earl of Zetland , G . M . and the U . G . Lodge of England , " the W . M , Bro . Mercer , D . P . G . M , made tbe following eloquent oration , which is AA'ell worthy the perusal both of those who are Masons and those who do not enjoy that great privilege and honour : — Brethren , the toasts already given from the chair are those which , it is
customary to propose without comment , hut in introducing to your attention that next in order , — "The Earl of Zetland and the Grand Lodge of England , " I may take the opportunity of saying- a few words about that bond of Brotherhood that bids us meet together in this place this evening . I have already endeavoured this day to illustrate in detail the forms and practice of Masonry ; may I no-v offer a few general observations ? Whilst before the outer Avorld humility , that pure attribute of Masonry , forbids us to vaunt the excellence of our InstitutionI know of no Masonic law by which
, a Brother before Brethren is required to preserve silence on the merits of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity ; and I know of no occasion which may more properly demand some remarks on our system than this , on which a flourishing Lodge has invited to its board , and is proud to see there , a numerous and a worthy assemblage of the Brethren . I have said that I take advantage of the earliest toast of which I could mako use , for the purpose of addressing the Brethren briefly on the subject of the Craft
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
proceedings of the day are regarded as amongst the proudest and most promising eA'ents in the annals of Masonry . H . R . H . has since gone on his travels , accompanied by seA'eral Avell-known Brethren ; one of whom , in particular , deseiwes to be mentioned , as showing the Prince ' s earnestness in the cause , viz , a serving Brother of a Berlin Lodge , AVIIO has been specially engaged to attend upon the Prince as one of H . R . H . 's body servants .
CHINA . Masonic Festival on the Opening of the first Freemasons' Hall in China . —On Thursday , the 13 th October , the Brethren of the Zetland Lodge , No . 768 , gave a banquet on tbe occasion of opening the Freemasons' Hall , the first temple specially dedicated to Masonry in China . This building was projected by the able and indefatigable
Mason , Bro . S . Raivson , P . G . M . for China , and by his efforts all difficulties having been smoothed , he laid the foundation-stone with due Masonic honours on the 1 st February of this year . Since then , by tbe exertions of the able architect , Bro . Cleverly , the building has been brought to a perfect state , and Masonry , having under the skilful working of tbe W . M . Bro . Mercer , D . P . G . M , advanced
rapidly , tbe new successful and flourishing Lodge met for the first time in their new Hall , and opened their hospitable doors to their Brother Masons , not of the Zetland Lodge . The necessary work having been well and duly performed , the Craft retired "from labour to refreshment , " and at sei-en o ' clock sat doiA'n in their working gear in open Loclgeto the splendid
feast-, placed on the board by the provident care of the Stevrards , Bros . Rienaecker , Baldwin , and Grand-Pre . After tbe banquet , the usual Masonic toasts were given , accompanied with appropriate music by the band of tbe 59 th regiment , kindl y lent by Bro . Col .
Graham and the officers of tbe regiment . On giving the toast of "The Earl of Zetland , G . M . and the U . G . Lodge of England , " the W . M , Bro . Mercer , D . P . G . M , made tbe following eloquent oration , which is AA'ell worthy the perusal both of those who are Masons and those who do not enjoy that great privilege and honour : — Brethren , the toasts already given from the chair are those which , it is
customary to propose without comment , hut in introducing to your attention that next in order , — "The Earl of Zetland and the Grand Lodge of England , " I may take the opportunity of saying- a few words about that bond of Brotherhood that bids us meet together in this place this evening . I have already endeavoured this day to illustrate in detail the forms and practice of Masonry ; may I no-v offer a few general observations ? Whilst before the outer Avorld humility , that pure attribute of Masonry , forbids us to vaunt the excellence of our InstitutionI know of no Masonic law by which
, a Brother before Brethren is required to preserve silence on the merits of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity ; and I know of no occasion which may more properly demand some remarks on our system than this , on which a flourishing Lodge has invited to its board , and is proud to see there , a numerous and a worthy assemblage of the Brethren . I have said that I take advantage of the earliest toast of which I could mako use , for the purpose of addressing the Brethren briefly on the subject of the Craft