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Notices To Correspondents.
THE EDITOR requests that all original ai tides fof approval , and for ivhich remuneration is expected , may be sent to him at 74 , 75 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn Fields , by the first weeks in the months of FEBRUARY , MAY , AUGUST , and NOVEMBER ; all Correspondence and Masonic Intelligence must be transmitted by the tenth day of MARCH , JUNE , SEPTEMBER , and DECEMBER , at latest , to insure its insertion . The attention of Contributors is earnestly requested to these directions , who are also desired to retain copies of their MSS ., as the Editor does not pledge himself to return those which are not approved .
TRINIDAD . —D . H . —1 . Does section the first , page 84 , of the Book of Constitutions of 1847 , under the head of " Proposing Members , " allude to a Mason ivho had been made a Mason in the Lodge , to ivhich he applies to be re-admitted ?—Section 1 , p . 84 , Book of Constitutions , 1847 , and sec . 1 , p . 77 , Book of Constitutions , 1853 , do allude to Masons , who have been made in a Lodge , to ivhich they apply to be RE-admitted . 2 . A member of a Lodge , ivho resigns from his Lodge , and AA'ho afterwards applies to his Lodge for re-admission as a member , is it necessary again to go to the ballot for such a Brother , particularly his having been made
a Mason in that Lodge , and holds his Grand Lodge certificate as a member thereof ? — It is necessary that he should be proposed and ballotted for again . 3 . Members of a Lodge , who have been excluded therefrom for non-compliance of the by-laws , but who afterwards feel a desire to return to their Lodge , and therefore make application to that effect , and express their ivillingness to comply with the by laws , is it necessary to go to the ballot for such members ? — If a member have been regularly excluded , he must be proposed ancl balloted for before he can rejoin the Lodge , from which he has been excluded , and the cause of exclusion has nothing to do ivith his re-admission .
TRINIDAD . —D . H . 585 . —Many thanks for the document , which will be very useful . We regret that our pages are too full to give it at present , but we shall hold it in reserve . KINGSTON . —CANADA WEST . —MIZPAH . —It ivould be much more correct to alter the by-laAvs . It is impossible to answer the question without having full particulars of the point at issue . Thanks for the hint . If you ivill look carefully at our Notices to Correspondents , you will find that ive do not give questions on Masonic practice "the go by . " The American practice is a very good one , but we do not think the quotation ,
"Fas est ab hoste doceri , " applicable . We look upon every Mason on the other side of the Atlantic and elseivhere as a Brother , not as an enemy . We ivould advise our Canadian Brethren to read and study the Book of Constitutions carefully , which will obviate the necessity of asking and answering questions . We never advise an application to the G . S ., unless the question put to us is of a nature , ivhich it is not Avithin our province to attempt to answer . The G . S . ' s duties are already onerous enough without our doing anything to add to them .
UNITED MARINERS LODGES , NO . 33 . —The Report of the Centenary of this Lodge , July 13 th , did not reach us till Dec . 1 st ! This will explain the cause of its not being inserted in the last No , of the F . M . Q . Af .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices To Correspondents.
THE EDITOR requests that all original ai tides fof approval , and for ivhich remuneration is expected , may be sent to him at 74 , 75 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn Fields , by the first weeks in the months of FEBRUARY , MAY , AUGUST , and NOVEMBER ; all Correspondence and Masonic Intelligence must be transmitted by the tenth day of MARCH , JUNE , SEPTEMBER , and DECEMBER , at latest , to insure its insertion . The attention of Contributors is earnestly requested to these directions , who are also desired to retain copies of their MSS ., as the Editor does not pledge himself to return those which are not approved .
TRINIDAD . —D . H . —1 . Does section the first , page 84 , of the Book of Constitutions of 1847 , under the head of " Proposing Members , " allude to a Mason ivho had been made a Mason in the Lodge , to ivhich he applies to be re-admitted ?—Section 1 , p . 84 , Book of Constitutions , 1847 , and sec . 1 , p . 77 , Book of Constitutions , 1853 , do allude to Masons , who have been made in a Lodge , to ivhich they apply to be RE-admitted . 2 . A member of a Lodge , ivho resigns from his Lodge , and AA'ho afterwards applies to his Lodge for re-admission as a member , is it necessary again to go to the ballot for such a Brother , particularly his having been made
a Mason in that Lodge , and holds his Grand Lodge certificate as a member thereof ? — It is necessary that he should be proposed and ballotted for again . 3 . Members of a Lodge , who have been excluded therefrom for non-compliance of the by-laws , but who afterwards feel a desire to return to their Lodge , and therefore make application to that effect , and express their ivillingness to comply with the by laws , is it necessary to go to the ballot for such members ? — If a member have been regularly excluded , he must be proposed ancl balloted for before he can rejoin the Lodge , from which he has been excluded , and the cause of exclusion has nothing to do ivith his re-admission .
TRINIDAD . —D . H . 585 . —Many thanks for the document , which will be very useful . We regret that our pages are too full to give it at present , but we shall hold it in reserve . KINGSTON . —CANADA WEST . —MIZPAH . —It ivould be much more correct to alter the by-laAvs . It is impossible to answer the question without having full particulars of the point at issue . Thanks for the hint . If you ivill look carefully at our Notices to Correspondents , you will find that ive do not give questions on Masonic practice "the go by . " The American practice is a very good one , but we do not think the quotation ,
"Fas est ab hoste doceri , " applicable . We look upon every Mason on the other side of the Atlantic and elseivhere as a Brother , not as an enemy . We ivould advise our Canadian Brethren to read and study the Book of Constitutions carefully , which will obviate the necessity of asking and answering questions . We never advise an application to the G . S ., unless the question put to us is of a nature , ivhich it is not Avithin our province to attempt to answer . The G . S . ' s duties are already onerous enough without our doing anything to add to them .
UNITED MARINERS LODGES , NO . 33 . —The Report of the Centenary of this Lodge , July 13 th , did not reach us till Dec . 1 st ! This will explain the cause of its not being inserted in the last No , of the F . M . Q . Af .