Article OUR MODEL LODGE. Page 1 of 5 →
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Our Model Lodge.
PERFECTION ancl human nature are , unhappily , inconsistencies ; but the more humanity strives to be better than it is , the less do Ave suffer from the consequences of this inconsistency . Masonry is one of the means Avhereby man may be exalted to a deeper sense of the responsibilities of his life , and led to study more carefully the part he is called upon to play in the varied
theatre of the world's history . Nothing , however , that is truly important , can retain its position if it be treated as a matter of indifference . If Masonry possesses the powers we claim for it , viz ., of elevating the character , of teaching man to chug to man , not only for his own sake , but for that of his neighbom's , ancl of ripening the moral
as well as the intellectual faculties , it is clear that the duties of the Lodge-room are of a most serious character , and that to be a " bad Mason , " is to be a most formidable and mischievous stumbling-block to the social welfare of man . In a word , the Master of a Lodge is , to no small extent , a custos morum , and although kindliness and forbearance should
be the first promptings of a Mason ' s heart , a stern regard for propriety should never be lost sight of , even for a moment . Let us , from some careful observation of Masonic matters , in a variety of quarters , state candidly , but without the smallest desire to wound the feelings of any one—still less of a Masonic brother—Avhat the errors in practice are which Ave believe to be the chief drawbacks to our possessing a " Model Lodge , " such as every loyal and upright Mason would Avish to point to as the safest ancl truest of landmarks .
The first evil against Avhich we must protest , is the admission of very young men into Masonry , with little or no scrutiny as to Avhether they possess the disposition likely to reflect credit upon the Craft , or whether then position and prospects are likely to be improved or deteriorated by their association with a public bod It seem a startling expressionwhen Ave insinuate
y . may , that Masonry can " deteriorate " any one ; but it is a statement too frequently borne out by facts to be easily , disproved . _ A neglect of other pursuits , necessaiy to the welfare , if not inseparable from the actual duties of the individual , frequently leads to serious mischief ; and Masonry , fascinating as a study ,
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Our Model Lodge.
PERFECTION ancl human nature are , unhappily , inconsistencies ; but the more humanity strives to be better than it is , the less do Ave suffer from the consequences of this inconsistency . Masonry is one of the means Avhereby man may be exalted to a deeper sense of the responsibilities of his life , and led to study more carefully the part he is called upon to play in the varied
theatre of the world's history . Nothing , however , that is truly important , can retain its position if it be treated as a matter of indifference . If Masonry possesses the powers we claim for it , viz ., of elevating the character , of teaching man to chug to man , not only for his own sake , but for that of his neighbom's , ancl of ripening the moral
as well as the intellectual faculties , it is clear that the duties of the Lodge-room are of a most serious character , and that to be a " bad Mason , " is to be a most formidable and mischievous stumbling-block to the social welfare of man . In a word , the Master of a Lodge is , to no small extent , a custos morum , and although kindliness and forbearance should
be the first promptings of a Mason ' s heart , a stern regard for propriety should never be lost sight of , even for a moment . Let us , from some careful observation of Masonic matters , in a variety of quarters , state candidly , but without the smallest desire to wound the feelings of any one—still less of a Masonic brother—Avhat the errors in practice are which Ave believe to be the chief drawbacks to our possessing a " Model Lodge , " such as every loyal and upright Mason would Avish to point to as the safest ancl truest of landmarks .
The first evil against Avhich we must protest , is the admission of very young men into Masonry , with little or no scrutiny as to Avhether they possess the disposition likely to reflect credit upon the Craft , or whether then position and prospects are likely to be improved or deteriorated by their association with a public bod It seem a startling expressionwhen Ave insinuate
y . may , that Masonry can " deteriorate " any one ; but it is a statement too frequently borne out by facts to be easily , disproved . _ A neglect of other pursuits , necessaiy to the welfare , if not inseparable from the actual duties of the individual , frequently leads to serious mischief ; and Masonry , fascinating as a study ,