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A Sketch From Cologne, With A Peep Into Holland.
of the alabaster tombs enriching the eastern end of the building . Nothing in architecture can be more exquisite than the dome of this east end ; here as we faced the window , all the colours of the rainbow streamed in through the painted glass , and one of the columns had literally the appearance of burnished
gold ; then the amber beam faded away , and left the lofty shaft in its original purity and grace . From all this splendour we passed with whispering voices to a dim corner of the church , and the sacristan , opening a rickety door , ushered us in to the ecclesiastical plate-closet , the contents of which must be familiar to many of our readers . Having duly admired the superb casket containing the relics of St . Englebert , and Pio Nono ' s gift of the chalice , we were conducted to a darker nook . An old oaken door
swung back , and a blaze from two gas-lights flashed across a splendid casket of gold and gems . In this are enshrined what are called the relics of the three kings of Cologne , and I must own that till the moment I was told this , I never could make out who the said " three kings" could be . The gorgeous casket of relics is of silver gilt , and the forms
filling the niches surrounding it , stand out from the background in strong relief . On the door of the cliasse ( casket ) flying open , behold the skulls of the " three kings , " each crowned with a diadem of mock brilliants . The original jewels were sold to buy bread for the unfortunate priests , in their days of banishment and disgrace . The ** original" skulls
, we were told on good authority , have been replaced by very poor imitations . Some say that those now shown are made of a composition . We left the casket and its ghastly relics to their darkened shrine again ; with gentle tread and hushed voices moved through one of the seven aislesnow dim and stilland emerged
, , with something of a shock to the nerves , from the solemn , lofty temple , upon the streets filled with sickly vapours , unsoldier-like soldiers , idle women , and squalid children . Right glad were we to find ourselves next clay , " at early morning prime , " on board the steamer , bound "down the Rhine" for Holland . There had been heavy rains some days
before , and the " divine river" was not in beauty ; indeed , it is not much to be admired between Cologne and Holland ; but there was part of a Prussian regiment crossing the bridge of boats between Cologne and Deutz , and , at that distance , with the sun glinting on their helmets , and their meagre forms strongly defined against the bright sky , they gave a picturesque
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Sketch From Cologne, With A Peep Into Holland.
of the alabaster tombs enriching the eastern end of the building . Nothing in architecture can be more exquisite than the dome of this east end ; here as we faced the window , all the colours of the rainbow streamed in through the painted glass , and one of the columns had literally the appearance of burnished
gold ; then the amber beam faded away , and left the lofty shaft in its original purity and grace . From all this splendour we passed with whispering voices to a dim corner of the church , and the sacristan , opening a rickety door , ushered us in to the ecclesiastical plate-closet , the contents of which must be familiar to many of our readers . Having duly admired the superb casket containing the relics of St . Englebert , and Pio Nono ' s gift of the chalice , we were conducted to a darker nook . An old oaken door
swung back , and a blaze from two gas-lights flashed across a splendid casket of gold and gems . In this are enshrined what are called the relics of the three kings of Cologne , and I must own that till the moment I was told this , I never could make out who the said " three kings" could be . The gorgeous casket of relics is of silver gilt , and the forms
filling the niches surrounding it , stand out from the background in strong relief . On the door of the cliasse ( casket ) flying open , behold the skulls of the " three kings , " each crowned with a diadem of mock brilliants . The original jewels were sold to buy bread for the unfortunate priests , in their days of banishment and disgrace . The ** original" skulls
, we were told on good authority , have been replaced by very poor imitations . Some say that those now shown are made of a composition . We left the casket and its ghastly relics to their darkened shrine again ; with gentle tread and hushed voices moved through one of the seven aislesnow dim and stilland emerged
, , with something of a shock to the nerves , from the solemn , lofty temple , upon the streets filled with sickly vapours , unsoldier-like soldiers , idle women , and squalid children . Right glad were we to find ourselves next clay , " at early morning prime , " on board the steamer , bound "down the Rhine" for Holland . There had been heavy rains some days
before , and the " divine river" was not in beauty ; indeed , it is not much to be admired between Cologne and Holland ; but there was part of a Prussian regiment crossing the bridge of boats between Cologne and Deutz , and , at that distance , with the sun glinting on their helmets , and their meagre forms strongly defined against the bright sky , they gave a picturesque