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[ TirE EDITOR does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained h y Correspondents . ^
TO THE EDITOR 01 ? THE FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY MAGAZINE . DEAR SIE . AND BROTHER , — I HAVE been often told , " I Avill neA'er take any of the Christian Degrees ; the three first are quite enough for me , or , at all events , the Royal Arch added . " I confesswhen I hear thisI look on the
, , Brother who says it as a weak , unthinking man , who Avould no doubt be much annoyed to be classed with the bigoted and unbelieving Jew of old ; and yet he adheres to his prejudices , not considering that those were out types , Avliieh are either now fulfilled in the person of our Saviour , or are in the course of fulfilment day by day . And so , Masonry is to be the only thing in nature Avithout change ! We are
to rest in the dark ages of Heathenism , whilst the glorious li ght of the Gospel and completion of prophecy sheds its bright rays over every other system !! Masonry alone is to be that dark corner , on which the Sun of Righteousness is not to shine ! ! . ! Is Christianity , Avhich Ave are taught out of the Word of God is to be universal , to
bow to Judaism , instead of being the completion of a system originally begun by our forefathers , in like manner as they worshipped God , and Avhich worship , in our present age , is completed by including the Son and Holy Ghost . That Brother who says , " I Avill not take Christian Degrees , " would perhaps hesitate to say , " I do not belieA'e in Jesus as the author and finisher of all things , " and AVIIO was to complete in his body the predictions uttered at the period , when
Masonry took its rise , and even long before . He does not confine his belief to the Old Testament , but folloAving out the beautiful path of religious instruction therein contained , he finds it leads to , and ends in , the fulfilment of all things by the miracles and wonders revealed in the JSTBAV Testament ; and thus Judaism merges into Christianity : and so Masonry , which was begun in tiie darker ages , by the blessing of the G . A . O . T . U . now adds Christian Degreesand
, , completes the beauteous system , Avhich is universal in its fullest meaning . And this reminds me that some object to the Christian degrees for not being universal ! These Brethren look so far afield , that they consider all foreign and heathenish nations as Brethren , 2 Y 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
[ TirE EDITOR does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained h y Correspondents . ^
TO THE EDITOR 01 ? THE FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY MAGAZINE . DEAR SIE . AND BROTHER , — I HAVE been often told , " I Avill neA'er take any of the Christian Degrees ; the three first are quite enough for me , or , at all events , the Royal Arch added . " I confesswhen I hear thisI look on the
, , Brother who says it as a weak , unthinking man , who Avould no doubt be much annoyed to be classed with the bigoted and unbelieving Jew of old ; and yet he adheres to his prejudices , not considering that those were out types , Avliieh are either now fulfilled in the person of our Saviour , or are in the course of fulfilment day by day . And so , Masonry is to be the only thing in nature Avithout change ! We are
to rest in the dark ages of Heathenism , whilst the glorious li ght of the Gospel and completion of prophecy sheds its bright rays over every other system !! Masonry alone is to be that dark corner , on which the Sun of Righteousness is not to shine ! ! . ! Is Christianity , Avhich Ave are taught out of the Word of God is to be universal , to
bow to Judaism , instead of being the completion of a system originally begun by our forefathers , in like manner as they worshipped God , and Avhich worship , in our present age , is completed by including the Son and Holy Ghost . That Brother who says , " I Avill not take Christian Degrees , " would perhaps hesitate to say , " I do not belieA'e in Jesus as the author and finisher of all things , " and AVIIO was to complete in his body the predictions uttered at the period , when
Masonry took its rise , and even long before . He does not confine his belief to the Old Testament , but folloAving out the beautiful path of religious instruction therein contained , he finds it leads to , and ends in , the fulfilment of all things by the miracles and wonders revealed in the JSTBAV Testament ; and thus Judaism merges into Christianity : and so Masonry , which was begun in tiie darker ages , by the blessing of the G . A . O . T . U . now adds Christian Degreesand
, , completes the beauteous system , Avhich is universal in its fullest meaning . And this reminds me that some object to the Christian degrees for not being universal ! These Brethren look so far afield , that they consider all foreign and heathenish nations as Brethren , 2 Y 2