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Presentation To The W. Bro. W. Farnfield, Past Assistant Grand Secretary , By The Constitutional Lodge, No. 55.
Thelneriibers of this lodge had their annual su ' mnier excursion' oh board -the Maria Wood , the City Barge , on Wednesday . last ; the weather was everything that could be desired , and thereby the beauty of tlie scenery of the Thames between
Kew and Twickenham , where the barge was anchored , was considerably enhanced ; and . under the auspices of the W . M ., Bro . S . 0 . Hadley , a most enjoyable day was spent . There were present , Bros . R . P . Atkins , S . W . ; G . Snow ,
j ; W . ; J . W . Mi Dosell , Thos . Barford , J . Compton , J ; Atherton , and W . Farnfield , P . M . ' s ¦; with Bros . Neville , Thompson , Stiles , and other brethren ofthe lodge , and the following visitors ; Ei H . Patten , P . G ., and B . ; F . Binokes , J . G . Chancellor , J . A . Farnfield , Roebuck , G . Painter ,
arid others . At the banquet , which was served in the saloon ( under the direction of Mr . C . Bitter , of Hammersmith ) , after the usual loyal toasts , the W . M in the name of the brethren , presented to Bro .
W ; Farnfield , P . M ., the respected Hon . Sec , a silver salver ( wei g hing nearly 100 ounces ) , in testimony of their appreciation of his long services . The salver bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . W . FARNFIELD , P . M ., by
the members of the Constitutional Lodge , 55 , to mark their great regard and esteem for him , and for his unceasing attention to its interests as its Secretary for neatly forty years , June 23 rd , 1869 , S . C . HADLEV , W . M . "
Bro . Farn field ' s health was very enthusiastically received , and in responding he stated , that it wa at the summer banquet of that lodge in the year 1 S 30 , that he first met Miss Moss , the daughter of the Master of the lodge , and in due time lie
married her , and now had a family often children , and he trusted that this banquet might have an equal blessing in store for their bachelor W . M . He concluded by thanking the brethren . Other toasts followed ( "The Visitors , "
responded to by Bro . E . H . Patten , ) concluding with " The Ladies , " to which Bro . J . A . Farnfield replied , and stated that had the brethren churlishly come to Twickenham to enjoy their summer banquet without the ladies' society , they
doubtless would have had dull weather ; as it was , even the suu had shown its bri ght face in response to the bright eyes aud smiles of the ladies . He would not say more , but begged them at once to ascend to the deck in order to fully appreciate tha ladies' society in the merry dance .
This proposition appearing to meet tlie favour of the brethren , an immediate adjournment was niade , and dancing was carried on with unflagging vigour , to the deli ghtful strains of the band of the Honourable Artillery Company , until the
barge had returned , to Kew , where the party separated after three hearty cheers for the W ; M ., who by his energy and courtesy had so materiall y contributed to the day ' s enjoyment . M
THK annual meeting of tho Grand Provincial Lodge ot Kent will be held on Wednesday , July 14 , at Brompton , Lord Holmesdale , Provincial Grand Master presiding . Lod ge to op . ii at half-past 12 , pr 6 cession to church at half-past 1 , and banquet at 3 . PHILADELPHIA , on tho 10 th of June was given up to the Order of Masonic Kuiahts Temolar . who
clebrated the 50 th anniversary of the foundation of St . John ' s Coinniandery iu that city . There was a procession of about 2 , 500 in regalia , there being conimandories present from all parts of tho country , aud there were appropriate addresses and other ceremonies at several of the large halls . The streets generally wore a holyday aspect , little business being
The Sovereign, Military And Religious Order Of St. John Of Jerusalem, In Anglia.
The Annual Chapter General of this venerable Order was held at the Chancery , 8 , St . Martiri ' splace , Trafalgar-square , on Thursday , the 24 th June . The Knights assembled previously in the Savoy Chapel , kindly lent for the occasion by
the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , and a solemn service was performed . On referring to the annual report ofthe Secretary-General , the Chevalier Edmund A . H . Lechmere , Bart ., M . P ., we find that the ancient
practice of commencing the proceedings on St . John ' s Day by a religious service , was : happily revived in 1 S 67 , when the Rev . Chaplain , Thomas Hugo , preached in St . Martin ' s church . This year , as above-stated , the religious ceremonial
took p lace in the Chapel Royal , Savoy , and a large number of Knights attended the service . The preacher was the Rev . Chevalier J . Bell
Cox , Chaplain to the Provincial Commandery of Worcestershire aud Hereford , which is held at Rhydd Court , the seat of Sir E . A . H . Lechmere , Bart . The order of service was as follows : —
HYMN . The great forerunner ofthe morn , The herald of the Word is born ; And faithful hearts shall never fail , With thanks aud praise his light to hail . & c .
LITANY . HYMN . We praise our God to-day , His constant mercy bless ; Whose love has helped us on our way , And granted us success . & c .
SERMON . The Rev . Chaplain selected as his text the 58 th chapter of ¦ Isaiah , 10 th and 12 th verses , and preached extemporaneously a most eloquent
sermon upon practical charity , illustrating his subject by learned references to the foundation of the Sovereign order of St . John upon a pious and charitable basis in days of old .
THE OFFERTORY . Alms were then collected by the Almoners , and we are happy to say the sum received was large in amount , and afforded ample evidence of the charitable sentiments of the donors .
HYMN . Holy offerings rich and rare , Offerings of praise and prayer ;
Purer life and purpose high , Clasped hands and lifted eye , Lowly acts of adoration , To tho God of our Salvation . & c .
THE BENEDICTION . A devoutly - invoked blessing closed the religious ceremonial , and the Knig hts then proceeded to the Chancery of the Order , where the Chapter General was opened in solemn
form , and the members afterwards , with the " Dames Chevaliores , " sat down to the Annual Festival of St . John the Baptist . Believing that inauy of our readers would be interested inadctailedaccount of thisdistinguished
Order , we directed our representative ( who is a P . K . Commander K . T ., and a Knight ofthe Red Cross of Constantino ) to attend the service , and we are bound to acknowledge the great courtesy which he received from the Rev .
Chaplain , the Chevalier Bull . Cox , who afforded him every facility in his power . We . regret being unable to do justice to the Chaplain ' s sermon , as it was delivered extempore , and our representative who attended is not a ' short-hand reporter .
lhe following are the Principal Officers of the Sixth or English Langue : —
THE CAPITULAR BAILIFFS . Grand Prior ol England : His Grace the Duke of Manchester , G . C .. T .. I .
Grand Prior of Ireland : The Count de Salis , G . C . J . J ., K . C . H ., K . R . E ., & c . Bailiff of Egle : The Right Honourable the Lord Leigh , G . C . J . J . Ol'FICEKS . Preceptor of Torphichen in Scotland : The Right Honourable the Lord Torphichen , G . C . J . J .
The Sovereign, Military And Religious Order Of St. John Of Jerusalem, In Anglia.
President of the Chapter : Col . Burlton , G . C . J . J ., C . B . Chaplain-General : The Rev . W . Bentinck L Hawkins , K . C . J . J .. M . A .. F . R . S .
Chancellor and Archivist : Major-General St . George , Roy . Art , K . C . J . J .,. C . B . Secretary-General .: Sir Edmund A . H . Lechmere , Bart ., K . J . J ., M . P .
Receiver-General : Lieutenant-Colonel Whitwbrtb Porter , Roy . Eng ., K . C . J . J . Registrar , Secretary , and Judge-of-Arms : Julius A . Pearson , K . J . J ., F ^ S-A . Genealogist and Librarian : The Rev . Thomas Hugo , M . A ., F . S . A ., Chaplain . - " ' Almoner : Charles J . Burgess , K . of Grace .
THE CHAPTER . The Grand-Prior , with the Bailiffss holding Office , the Offices of the Langue . and the following elected Members : —Colonel William Burltbu , C . B . ( President ) , Sir Edward Hoare , Bart ., C . Pemberton Carter , John Furley , the Rev . AY . Bentinck L Hawkins , M . A ., F . R . S ., and H . B . Sheridan , W . P .
Jt will be seen that many ofthe above Eminent Knights are also members of the Masonic Order , and among others on the roll of Chevaliers . we may mention General Sir J . C .. Pennefather Major-General Ramsay , Lord Torphichen , SirE Hoare , Bart ., Col . Sir J . E . Alexander , Sirs E .
G . L . Perrott , Bart ., Gen . C . It . O'Doiiiiell , H .. M ; Vavasour , Bart ., J . B . W . Mansel , Bart ., arid . F . Shuckburgh , Bart . ; Col . Le Couteur , Viscount of Jersey , H . Pownall , Chairman of Middlesex Sessions ; Admiral Ramsay , H . B . Loch , CB . The Rev . W . B . L . Hawkins is the Senior Chap-Iain ( 1865 ) , R . L . De Pearsall , Senior Knight of
Justice ( 1840 ) , and Col . C . A . McAlester , R . II ., ( 1848 ) , the Senior Knight of Grace . Mrs . Ramsay , the wife of Major-General Kamsay , is the Senior « ' Dame Chevaliere" ( 1862 ) , Lady Leigh , being the President ofthe Ladies' Chapter . There are also several honorary members ( chiefly foreigners of high social position ) in the varioris Grades .
lhe deceased members are also commemorated in the report . On this necplogical rull are to be found the names of men never to be forgotten in story . Sir Homo Popham , Sir Sidney Smith , of Acre , the Rev . Sir liobert Peat , by whose exertions the Order may be said to have been
resuscitated in England ; General Sir John M . Doyle , Dr . Maginn , Sir Lancelot Shadwell , Vice-Chancellor ; Sir Jas . Bnrnes , F . A' . t i ., Sir Alan MacNab , Sir Jas . Outrain , Dr . Turnbull , of the State Paper Office , and many others scarcely less known to readers of history .
In our next week ' s issue we shall give extracts from the report , and also from an interesting work entitled , "Hospitalfaria" written , wo believe , by the late Sir R . Broun , Bart ., ( R B . ) , then Secretary-General of the Order , in which the objects of this Ancient Chivalric Order are sot forth at length .
Funeral Of The Late Bro. John Slaughter, P.M., 298.
On Friday the 25 th of June , at the Hey wood Cemetery , near Rochdale , ' a very interesting but solemn ceremony was performed by Bro . the Rev . John Leighton Figgins , PP . G . O . of E . Lancashire , the occasion beitijj the interment of the late Bro .
Slaughter , a very worthy and highly-esteemed Past Master of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 298 . Ho was also E . ofthe Unity Chapter , aud 1 st Expert of the Albert Encampment . The brethren met at the Masonic Rooms ,-Ann-street , Rochdale , and the arrangements for the interment were under the
direction of two esteemed friends of the deceased , viz ., Bros . W . II . Prince , P . M ., aud P . G . S . D . of E . L ., and Win . Ashworth , P . M . and Hon . Sec . of the said lodge . The brethren having assembled at the lodge-room iu obedience to the call of the AV . M ., Bro . James
Holroyd , proceeded to the residence of the deceased brother ' s widow , where they were received by about 80 of deceased's work-people and a large circle of friends , who had assembled to do honour to the departed , and pay the last tribute of respect to one who had at all times been kind and generous towards those with
whom he had to do . Thedeceascd Brother Slaughter , whohad only been confined to his house three or four days , was ii viery honest and upright man , a good husband , a kind and indulgent father , and one much beloved . His , loss is deeply lamented by all who knew him . He was 50 years of age .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Presentation To The W. Bro. W. Farnfield, Past Assistant Grand Secretary , By The Constitutional Lodge, No. 55.
Thelneriibers of this lodge had their annual su ' mnier excursion' oh board -the Maria Wood , the City Barge , on Wednesday . last ; the weather was everything that could be desired , and thereby the beauty of tlie scenery of the Thames between
Kew and Twickenham , where the barge was anchored , was considerably enhanced ; and . under the auspices of the W . M ., Bro . S . 0 . Hadley , a most enjoyable day was spent . There were present , Bros . R . P . Atkins , S . W . ; G . Snow ,
j ; W . ; J . W . Mi Dosell , Thos . Barford , J . Compton , J ; Atherton , and W . Farnfield , P . M . ' s ¦; with Bros . Neville , Thompson , Stiles , and other brethren ofthe lodge , and the following visitors ; Ei H . Patten , P . G ., and B . ; F . Binokes , J . G . Chancellor , J . A . Farnfield , Roebuck , G . Painter ,
arid others . At the banquet , which was served in the saloon ( under the direction of Mr . C . Bitter , of Hammersmith ) , after the usual loyal toasts , the W . M in the name of the brethren , presented to Bro .
W ; Farnfield , P . M ., the respected Hon . Sec , a silver salver ( wei g hing nearly 100 ounces ) , in testimony of their appreciation of his long services . The salver bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . W . FARNFIELD , P . M ., by
the members of the Constitutional Lodge , 55 , to mark their great regard and esteem for him , and for his unceasing attention to its interests as its Secretary for neatly forty years , June 23 rd , 1869 , S . C . HADLEV , W . M . "
Bro . Farn field ' s health was very enthusiastically received , and in responding he stated , that it wa at the summer banquet of that lodge in the year 1 S 30 , that he first met Miss Moss , the daughter of the Master of the lodge , and in due time lie
married her , and now had a family often children , and he trusted that this banquet might have an equal blessing in store for their bachelor W . M . He concluded by thanking the brethren . Other toasts followed ( "The Visitors , "
responded to by Bro . E . H . Patten , ) concluding with " The Ladies , " to which Bro . J . A . Farnfield replied , and stated that had the brethren churlishly come to Twickenham to enjoy their summer banquet without the ladies' society , they
doubtless would have had dull weather ; as it was , even the suu had shown its bri ght face in response to the bright eyes aud smiles of the ladies . He would not say more , but begged them at once to ascend to the deck in order to fully appreciate tha ladies' society in the merry dance .
This proposition appearing to meet tlie favour of the brethren , an immediate adjournment was niade , and dancing was carried on with unflagging vigour , to the deli ghtful strains of the band of the Honourable Artillery Company , until the
barge had returned , to Kew , where the party separated after three hearty cheers for the W ; M ., who by his energy and courtesy had so materiall y contributed to the day ' s enjoyment . M
THK annual meeting of tho Grand Provincial Lodge ot Kent will be held on Wednesday , July 14 , at Brompton , Lord Holmesdale , Provincial Grand Master presiding . Lod ge to op . ii at half-past 12 , pr 6 cession to church at half-past 1 , and banquet at 3 . PHILADELPHIA , on tho 10 th of June was given up to the Order of Masonic Kuiahts Temolar . who
clebrated the 50 th anniversary of the foundation of St . John ' s Coinniandery iu that city . There was a procession of about 2 , 500 in regalia , there being conimandories present from all parts of tho country , aud there were appropriate addresses and other ceremonies at several of the large halls . The streets generally wore a holyday aspect , little business being
The Sovereign, Military And Religious Order Of St. John Of Jerusalem, In Anglia.
The Annual Chapter General of this venerable Order was held at the Chancery , 8 , St . Martiri ' splace , Trafalgar-square , on Thursday , the 24 th June . The Knights assembled previously in the Savoy Chapel , kindly lent for the occasion by
the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , and a solemn service was performed . On referring to the annual report ofthe Secretary-General , the Chevalier Edmund A . H . Lechmere , Bart ., M . P ., we find that the ancient
practice of commencing the proceedings on St . John ' s Day by a religious service , was : happily revived in 1 S 67 , when the Rev . Chaplain , Thomas Hugo , preached in St . Martin ' s church . This year , as above-stated , the religious ceremonial
took p lace in the Chapel Royal , Savoy , and a large number of Knights attended the service . The preacher was the Rev . Chevalier J . Bell
Cox , Chaplain to the Provincial Commandery of Worcestershire aud Hereford , which is held at Rhydd Court , the seat of Sir E . A . H . Lechmere , Bart . The order of service was as follows : —
HYMN . The great forerunner ofthe morn , The herald of the Word is born ; And faithful hearts shall never fail , With thanks aud praise his light to hail . & c .
LITANY . HYMN . We praise our God to-day , His constant mercy bless ; Whose love has helped us on our way , And granted us success . & c .
SERMON . The Rev . Chaplain selected as his text the 58 th chapter of ¦ Isaiah , 10 th and 12 th verses , and preached extemporaneously a most eloquent
sermon upon practical charity , illustrating his subject by learned references to the foundation of the Sovereign order of St . John upon a pious and charitable basis in days of old .
THE OFFERTORY . Alms were then collected by the Almoners , and we are happy to say the sum received was large in amount , and afforded ample evidence of the charitable sentiments of the donors .
HYMN . Holy offerings rich and rare , Offerings of praise and prayer ;
Purer life and purpose high , Clasped hands and lifted eye , Lowly acts of adoration , To tho God of our Salvation . & c .
THE BENEDICTION . A devoutly - invoked blessing closed the religious ceremonial , and the Knig hts then proceeded to the Chancery of the Order , where the Chapter General was opened in solemn
form , and the members afterwards , with the " Dames Chevaliores , " sat down to the Annual Festival of St . John the Baptist . Believing that inauy of our readers would be interested inadctailedaccount of thisdistinguished
Order , we directed our representative ( who is a P . K . Commander K . T ., and a Knight ofthe Red Cross of Constantino ) to attend the service , and we are bound to acknowledge the great courtesy which he received from the Rev .
Chaplain , the Chevalier Bull . Cox , who afforded him every facility in his power . We . regret being unable to do justice to the Chaplain ' s sermon , as it was delivered extempore , and our representative who attended is not a ' short-hand reporter .
lhe following are the Principal Officers of the Sixth or English Langue : —
THE CAPITULAR BAILIFFS . Grand Prior ol England : His Grace the Duke of Manchester , G . C .. T .. I .
Grand Prior of Ireland : The Count de Salis , G . C . J . J ., K . C . H ., K . R . E ., & c . Bailiff of Egle : The Right Honourable the Lord Leigh , G . C . J . J . Ol'FICEKS . Preceptor of Torphichen in Scotland : The Right Honourable the Lord Torphichen , G . C . J . J .
The Sovereign, Military And Religious Order Of St. John Of Jerusalem, In Anglia.
President of the Chapter : Col . Burlton , G . C . J . J ., C . B . Chaplain-General : The Rev . W . Bentinck L Hawkins , K . C . J . J .. M . A .. F . R . S .
Chancellor and Archivist : Major-General St . George , Roy . Art , K . C . J . J .,. C . B . Secretary-General .: Sir Edmund A . H . Lechmere , Bart ., K . J . J ., M . P .
Receiver-General : Lieutenant-Colonel Whitwbrtb Porter , Roy . Eng ., K . C . J . J . Registrar , Secretary , and Judge-of-Arms : Julius A . Pearson , K . J . J ., F ^ S-A . Genealogist and Librarian : The Rev . Thomas Hugo , M . A ., F . S . A ., Chaplain . - " ' Almoner : Charles J . Burgess , K . of Grace .
THE CHAPTER . The Grand-Prior , with the Bailiffss holding Office , the Offices of the Langue . and the following elected Members : —Colonel William Burltbu , C . B . ( President ) , Sir Edward Hoare , Bart ., C . Pemberton Carter , John Furley , the Rev . AY . Bentinck L Hawkins , M . A ., F . R . S ., and H . B . Sheridan , W . P .
Jt will be seen that many ofthe above Eminent Knights are also members of the Masonic Order , and among others on the roll of Chevaliers . we may mention General Sir J . C .. Pennefather Major-General Ramsay , Lord Torphichen , SirE Hoare , Bart ., Col . Sir J . E . Alexander , Sirs E .
G . L . Perrott , Bart ., Gen . C . It . O'Doiiiiell , H .. M ; Vavasour , Bart ., J . B . W . Mansel , Bart ., arid . F . Shuckburgh , Bart . ; Col . Le Couteur , Viscount of Jersey , H . Pownall , Chairman of Middlesex Sessions ; Admiral Ramsay , H . B . Loch , CB . The Rev . W . B . L . Hawkins is the Senior Chap-Iain ( 1865 ) , R . L . De Pearsall , Senior Knight of
Justice ( 1840 ) , and Col . C . A . McAlester , R . II ., ( 1848 ) , the Senior Knight of Grace . Mrs . Ramsay , the wife of Major-General Kamsay , is the Senior « ' Dame Chevaliere" ( 1862 ) , Lady Leigh , being the President ofthe Ladies' Chapter . There are also several honorary members ( chiefly foreigners of high social position ) in the varioris Grades .
lhe deceased members are also commemorated in the report . On this necplogical rull are to be found the names of men never to be forgotten in story . Sir Homo Popham , Sir Sidney Smith , of Acre , the Rev . Sir liobert Peat , by whose exertions the Order may be said to have been
resuscitated in England ; General Sir John M . Doyle , Dr . Maginn , Sir Lancelot Shadwell , Vice-Chancellor ; Sir Jas . Bnrnes , F . A' . t i ., Sir Alan MacNab , Sir Jas . Outrain , Dr . Turnbull , of the State Paper Office , and many others scarcely less known to readers of history .
In our next week ' s issue we shall give extracts from the report , and also from an interesting work entitled , "Hospitalfaria" written , wo believe , by the late Sir R . Broun , Bart ., ( R B . ) , then Secretary-General of the Order , in which the objects of this Ancient Chivalric Order are sot forth at length .
Funeral Of The Late Bro. John Slaughter, P.M., 298.
On Friday the 25 th of June , at the Hey wood Cemetery , near Rochdale , ' a very interesting but solemn ceremony was performed by Bro . the Rev . John Leighton Figgins , PP . G . O . of E . Lancashire , the occasion beitijj the interment of the late Bro .
Slaughter , a very worthy and highly-esteemed Past Master of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 298 . Ho was also E . ofthe Unity Chapter , aud 1 st Expert of the Albert Encampment . The brethren met at the Masonic Rooms ,-Ann-street , Rochdale , and the arrangements for the interment were under the
direction of two esteemed friends of the deceased , viz ., Bros . W . II . Prince , P . M ., aud P . G . S . D . of E . L ., and Win . Ashworth , P . M . and Hon . Sec . of the said lodge . The brethren having assembled at the lodge-room iu obedience to the call of the AV . M ., Bro . James
Holroyd , proceeded to the residence of the deceased brother ' s widow , where they were received by about 80 of deceased's work-people and a large circle of friends , who had assembled to do honour to the departed , and pay the last tribute of respect to one who had at all times been kind and generous towards those with
whom he had to do . Thedeceascd Brother Slaughter , whohad only been confined to his house three or four days , was ii viery honest and upright man , a good husband , a kind and indulgent father , and one much beloved . His , loss is deeply lamented by all who knew him . He was 50 years of age .