Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
3 B 1 XUARY : — Allatson , Bro . William , 146 . Amos , Bro . Thos . Hy , 257 . Baxter , Bro . Alexr . Watt , 11 . Cook , Bro . Saml . Geo ., 15 . Daly , Bro . David B ., 160 .
De Burgh Adams , Esq ., 218 . Hazlett , Bro . Jno . H ., 54 . Hunt , Bro . Dr . Jas ., 114 , 125 . Jerdan , Bro . 'William , 31 . Jones , Bro . Thos ., ISO . Loewenstark , Bro . E , 139 . McLennan , Col . Peter , 100 .
Ogle , The R . W . Bro . llev . E . Chaloner , 215 . Pullen , Bro . Jno . S ., 208 . Smith , Sir Knight Major Hy ., J . 31 . Spong , Bro . William , 160 . St . Maur , The Earl of , 171 . Thistlelon , Bro Augustus Union , 238 . Whittle , Bro . Henry , 223 . Opinion of Freemasonry expressed by the late Earl Derby ,
245 . Order of Memphis , 189 . St . John of Jerusalem , 7 .
ORDERS OF CHIVALRY : — Knights' Templar Encampments . Grand Conclave , 282 . Truro , 279 . Executive Council , 145 . Ipswich , 200 .
Kcnniiigton , 88 , 225 . Scarborough , 249 . P . G . Conclave of Surrey , 169 . P . G . Encampment of Kent , 40 . United States , G 5 . Woolwich , 40 .
Red Cross of Rome and Constanline , Original or Premier Conclave , 249 . 2 Plantagenct , 134 , 225 . 6 Roman Eagle , 5 , 205 . 9 Villicrs , 147 .
10 Rose and Lily , 88 , 195 . 12 Red liose , 187 . 15 St . Andrew ' s , 225 . 18 St . George ' s , 1 S 7 , 225 , 279 . 19 Rose of Sharon , 195 , 237 . 20 Kenlis , 240 .
ORIGINAL . CORRESPONDENCE : — A Bumper Toast , 128 . A Caution , 210 . A Query , 190 , 251 . 229 . Bro . Finch , P . M . ( 217)—281 . Bros . W . J . Hughan , and W . P . Buchan , 218 . Centenary Sermon , 190 .
"Cipes " and a Temperance Society , 190 . Bro . D . Murray Lyon , 104 . Res non Verba , 229 . Disgraceful Intolerance , 273 . E . A . and the Bye-Laws , 273 . Freemasonry and the Laws of the Land , 239 , 264 , 273 . Papacy , 281 .
in the United States , 68 . — off the Plumb in Glasgow , 80 . versus Masonry , 80 . Hospitallaria , 103 . Indiscriminate Almsgiving and Masonic Impostors , 80 , Ineligibility of Bastards as Freemasons , 65 , 81 , 87 , 92 .
128 . 139 , 10 ] , 169 , 190 . Itinerant Masonic Beggars , 229 , 259 . Jerusalem Encampment , 128 . Jurisdiction of Grand Lodges , 197 . Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodges and the G . Orient of France , 204 . Masonic Banquets , 190 .
Hospitality , 139 , 151 . Landmarks , 264 . Life Boat Fund , 109 , 190 , 207 . Mysteries , 20 . Promotion , -14 . Version of National Anthem , 190 . Masonry and the Slave , 68 .
Origin of Freemasonry , 08 , 104 . Proposed Testimonial , 197 . Remarkable Delusion 180 . lies non Verba and the Good Templars , 218 . Res non Verba , 204 . Royal Arch Masonry , 31 , 103 . Royal Masonic luslifutinn for Girls , 0 .
Sermon preached on Centenary of Lodge , No . 107—183 . Solomon ' s Temple v . Egyptian , Assyrian and Phoenician Architecture , 20 . Specimens from a Masonic Quarry , 101 . Spurious Masonic Bodies , 44 , 128 . Supreme Grand Council , 33 ° —181 . The Antiquity of Freemasonry , 190 .
— Grand Master 239 . — Jews not a Nation of Builders , 197 . — Literary Fund , 80 . — Masonic Charities , 92 . — Masonic Life Boat Fund , 2 l 8 . — Pope and I ' re'masonry , 07 .
— Powers of a ( lr . mil Master , 264 . — Resolutions relating to the Grand Mastership , 264 . Thistle Lodge , Glasgow , 20 , 87 . Uniformity of Working , 67 , 139 . Rilual , 81 , 91 . Why do the Heathen Rage , 80 , 104 .
Our South Eastern Hotels , 112 . Oxford Music Hall ,-139 . Oxford School of Art , 203 . OUR EXCHANGES : — Pomeroy ' s Democrat , 245 .
The Craftsman and Canadian Masonic Record , 213 , 257 . — Die Bauhutte , 257 . Voice of Masonry , 213 . — Landmark , 257 .
— Monde Maconnique , 213 . — Freiinaurer Zeitung , 213 . — Keystone , 215 . — New York Dispatch , 245 . Palestine Exploration Fund , 27 , 134 , 202 .
PAPERS OX MASONRY : — xiii . Masonry and the Slave , 2 xiv . ¦ and Display , 14 . xv . in America , 26 . xvi . in Italy , 43 . xvii . in France , 56 . xviii . in Prussia , 62 .
itix . in its Pure Expression , 79 . xx . among the Mormons , 86 . xxi . . and the Ass , 98 . xxii . and Dissension . xxiii . and Politics , 122 . xxiv . and Twopenny Trash , 137 . xxv . and National Education , 151 . xxvi . and Secularism , 165 . xxvii . and Saturn , 171 .
POETRY : — Impromtu , 257 . Love and Faith , 17 . Masonic Ode , by Bro . Sawyer , 169 . Peabody , 213 . Sit Lux ct Lux Fuit , 105 . Song Written by Bro . Jewell , 213 . Stanzas , 185 . The Ark and Dove , 75 .
Lesson of Pythagoras , 161 . Level and the Square , 14 G . Tolling Bell , 44 . "What better Theme than Masonry , " 254 . Political Masonry in Poland 92 . Presentation to Bro . Thos . McKell Campbell , 208 . G . II . CrookesP . G . S . 282 .
, , Deveson , Lodge 898—51 . Farnficld 7 . Goodall , 87 . ]) r . Moore , 183 . Rev . S . G Morrison , 219 . Capt . II . Newman , 187 .
Prince of \ Valcs and the Grand Lodge of Scotland , 05 . Visit to Lord Kenlis , 100 . and Boys' School , 279 . Province of Middlesex , 223 . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODOK MEETINGS : —
Cheshire , 140 . Cornwall , 32 , 210 . Cumberland an 1 Westmoreland , 141 . Devon , 89 . Dorset , 121 . Durham , 242 , 282 .
Hertfordshire , 63 . Kent , 45 . Lancashire ( West ) , ICG . Leicestershire and Rutland , 172—3 . Lincolnshire , 61—125 . Middlesex , 223 , 219 .
North Wales and Shropshire , 112 . Somerset , 148 . South Wales , 81 . Suffolk , 83 . Sussex , 124 . Wiltshire , 210 . Worcestershire , 8 .
Railway Carriages , 3 . Religious and Military Order of the Temple , 215 . Remarkable Delusion , ISO . REroirrs OF MASONIC MEBTINOS . England—Metropolitan . Grand Stewards Lodge , 23 C . 3 Fidelity , 29 .
9 Albion , 27 . 11 Knock-, 223 . 13 Union Waterloo , 223 , 269 . H Tustan , 230 . 22 Neptune , 203 . 27 Egyptian , 214 , 259 . 28 Old King ' s Anns , 230 .
33 Britannic , 223 . 73 Mount Lebanon , 147 , 223 , 259 . 101 Temple , 29 , 168 , 203 . 141 Faith , 203 , 259 . 142 St . Thomas , 214 , 223 . Ill St . Luke ' s , 178 .
lEroRTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS ( Metropolitan)—Contd . 145 Prudent Brethren , 203 , 259 . 167 St . John ' s , 173 , 183 . 169 Temperance , 236 . 176 Caveac , 178 , 269 . 177 Domatic , 178 , 269 . 185 Tranquillity , 186 .
188 Joppa , 204 . 190 Oak , 236 . 192 Lion and Lamb , 178 . 205 Israel , 194 , 236 , 256 . 206 Friendship , 223 , 217 Stability , 88 , 178 , 214 , 270 . 511 Zetland , 214 .
619 Beadon , 194 . 700 Nelson , 223 . 704 Camden , 52 . 706 Florence Nightingale , 4 . 742 Crystal Palace , 107 , 178 . 749 Belgrave , 194 , 223 . 766 William Preston , 158 , 247 .
780 Royal Alfred , 64 . 781 Merchant Navv , 186 . 813 New Concord , " l 86 , 236 , 278 . 860 Dalhousie , 224 . S 61 Finsbury , 194 , 259 . 862 Whittington , 186 , 236 . 871 Royal Oak , 64 .
879 Peckham , 179 . 898 Temperance in the East , 4 907 Royal Albert , 75 , 278 . 975 Rose of Denmark , 186 . 1056 Victoria , 204 . 1076 Capper , 4 , 136 , 224 , 270 . 1150 Buckingham and Chandos , 224 . 1158 Southern Star , 136 .
1159 Marquis of Dalhousie , 270 . 1178 Perfect Ashlar , 136 , 167 , 259 . 121 C Macdonald , 75 , 82 , 136 , 186 , 224 1227 Upton , 100 , 147 . 1228 Beacontree , 124 . 1269 Stanhope , 186 , 194 . 1275 Star , 121 . 252 .
Eni / laa i—Provincial , 66 Arundel . 278 . 08 Bristol , 23 G . 80 Sunderland , 278 . 11 + Ipswich , 194 , 236 . 127 Margate , 260 . 14 S Warrington , 112 , 247 .
158 Sheeruess , 3 , 28 , 179 . 100 Rochford , 4 . 159 Plymouth , 246 . 200 Scarborough , 27 , 52 , 194 , 236 , 279 . 214 Romford , 204 . 225 Ipsw ich , 88 , 237 , 270 . 230 York , 64 . 241 Liverpool , 52 ,
249 -28 . 279 Lcicestei , 18 , 124 , 186 , 214 , 260 , 270 . 307 Hebden Bridge , 147 , 247 . 393 Berwiekon-Tweed , 279 . 403 Hertford , 225 . 445 Towcestcr , 194 . 448 Halifax , 112 .
463 Croydon , 130 . 475 Luton , 4 . 501 Berkhampstead , 64 . 523 Leicester , 4 , 227 . 531 Hartlepool , 225 , 270 . 574 Newbury , 225 . 590 Jersey , 182 , 214 .
005 Seacombe , 100 . 620 Chippenham , 159 . C 50 Harwich , 136 . CfiC Priiieetowii , 2 S . 697 Colchester , 76 . 777 Guildford , 237 . 779 Ashbv de la Zouch , 4 .
804 llavant , 40 . 815 Iliilme , 194 , 270 . 823 Liverpool , 52 , 100 . 936 Aldborough , 214 . 959 Ipswich , 124 , 168 , 204 . 960 Cardiff , 136 . 1002 Cockermouth , 130 , 179 , 214 , 271 .
1007 Loughborough 237 . 1013 Liverpool , 52 , 76 , 260 . 1051 Lancaster . 179 , 271 . 1003 Mailing , 5 . 1091- Liverpool , 180 . 1112 Fordingbiidge , 191 . 1130 Torpoint , 40 , 1 S 7 . 1143 Denbigh , 218 .
1107 Alnwick , 158 . 1182 Liverpool , 124 . 1191 Islcworlh , 10 , ] 12 , 108 . 1231 Ellund , 225 . 1248 Scarborough , 28 , 195 , 200 , 271 . 1250 Warrington , 214 . 1201 Liverpool , 168 . 1265 Oakham , 237 .
Ireland . 1 G Kilrea , 271 . 73 Limerick , 5 . 07 Belfast , 5 . 100 _ 5 . 178 Lisburn , 5 . 379 Tr . il . e , 16 , 28 , 52 , 04 . G 09 Belfast , 5 . 935 Wexford , 5 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
3 B 1 XUARY : — Allatson , Bro . William , 146 . Amos , Bro . Thos . Hy , 257 . Baxter , Bro . Alexr . Watt , 11 . Cook , Bro . Saml . Geo ., 15 . Daly , Bro . David B ., 160 .
De Burgh Adams , Esq ., 218 . Hazlett , Bro . Jno . H ., 54 . Hunt , Bro . Dr . Jas ., 114 , 125 . Jerdan , Bro . 'William , 31 . Jones , Bro . Thos ., ISO . Loewenstark , Bro . E , 139 . McLennan , Col . Peter , 100 .
Ogle , The R . W . Bro . llev . E . Chaloner , 215 . Pullen , Bro . Jno . S ., 208 . Smith , Sir Knight Major Hy ., J . 31 . Spong , Bro . William , 160 . St . Maur , The Earl of , 171 . Thistlelon , Bro Augustus Union , 238 . Whittle , Bro . Henry , 223 . Opinion of Freemasonry expressed by the late Earl Derby ,
245 . Order of Memphis , 189 . St . John of Jerusalem , 7 .
ORDERS OF CHIVALRY : — Knights' Templar Encampments . Grand Conclave , 282 . Truro , 279 . Executive Council , 145 . Ipswich , 200 .
Kcnniiigton , 88 , 225 . Scarborough , 249 . P . G . Conclave of Surrey , 169 . P . G . Encampment of Kent , 40 . United States , G 5 . Woolwich , 40 .
Red Cross of Rome and Constanline , Original or Premier Conclave , 249 . 2 Plantagenct , 134 , 225 . 6 Roman Eagle , 5 , 205 . 9 Villicrs , 147 .
10 Rose and Lily , 88 , 195 . 12 Red liose , 187 . 15 St . Andrew ' s , 225 . 18 St . George ' s , 1 S 7 , 225 , 279 . 19 Rose of Sharon , 195 , 237 . 20 Kenlis , 240 .
ORIGINAL . CORRESPONDENCE : — A Bumper Toast , 128 . A Caution , 210 . A Query , 190 , 251 . 229 . Bro . Finch , P . M . ( 217)—281 . Bros . W . J . Hughan , and W . P . Buchan , 218 . Centenary Sermon , 190 .
"Cipes " and a Temperance Society , 190 . Bro . D . Murray Lyon , 104 . Res non Verba , 229 . Disgraceful Intolerance , 273 . E . A . and the Bye-Laws , 273 . Freemasonry and the Laws of the Land , 239 , 264 , 273 . Papacy , 281 .
in the United States , 68 . — off the Plumb in Glasgow , 80 . versus Masonry , 80 . Hospitallaria , 103 . Indiscriminate Almsgiving and Masonic Impostors , 80 , Ineligibility of Bastards as Freemasons , 65 , 81 , 87 , 92 .
128 . 139 , 10 ] , 169 , 190 . Itinerant Masonic Beggars , 229 , 259 . Jerusalem Encampment , 128 . Jurisdiction of Grand Lodges , 197 . Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodges and the G . Orient of France , 204 . Masonic Banquets , 190 .
Hospitality , 139 , 151 . Landmarks , 264 . Life Boat Fund , 109 , 190 , 207 . Mysteries , 20 . Promotion , -14 . Version of National Anthem , 190 . Masonry and the Slave , 68 .
Origin of Freemasonry , 08 , 104 . Proposed Testimonial , 197 . Remarkable Delusion 180 . lies non Verba and the Good Templars , 218 . Res non Verba , 204 . Royal Arch Masonry , 31 , 103 . Royal Masonic luslifutinn for Girls , 0 .
Sermon preached on Centenary of Lodge , No . 107—183 . Solomon ' s Temple v . Egyptian , Assyrian and Phoenician Architecture , 20 . Specimens from a Masonic Quarry , 101 . Spurious Masonic Bodies , 44 , 128 . Supreme Grand Council , 33 ° —181 . The Antiquity of Freemasonry , 190 .
— Grand Master 239 . — Jews not a Nation of Builders , 197 . — Literary Fund , 80 . — Masonic Charities , 92 . — Masonic Life Boat Fund , 2 l 8 . — Pope and I ' re'masonry , 07 .
— Powers of a ( lr . mil Master , 264 . — Resolutions relating to the Grand Mastership , 264 . Thistle Lodge , Glasgow , 20 , 87 . Uniformity of Working , 67 , 139 . Rilual , 81 , 91 . Why do the Heathen Rage , 80 , 104 .
Our South Eastern Hotels , 112 . Oxford Music Hall ,-139 . Oxford School of Art , 203 . OUR EXCHANGES : — Pomeroy ' s Democrat , 245 .
The Craftsman and Canadian Masonic Record , 213 , 257 . — Die Bauhutte , 257 . Voice of Masonry , 213 . — Landmark , 257 .
— Monde Maconnique , 213 . — Freiinaurer Zeitung , 213 . — Keystone , 215 . — New York Dispatch , 245 . Palestine Exploration Fund , 27 , 134 , 202 .
PAPERS OX MASONRY : — xiii . Masonry and the Slave , 2 xiv . ¦ and Display , 14 . xv . in America , 26 . xvi . in Italy , 43 . xvii . in France , 56 . xviii . in Prussia , 62 .
itix . in its Pure Expression , 79 . xx . among the Mormons , 86 . xxi . . and the Ass , 98 . xxii . and Dissension . xxiii . and Politics , 122 . xxiv . and Twopenny Trash , 137 . xxv . and National Education , 151 . xxvi . and Secularism , 165 . xxvii . and Saturn , 171 .
POETRY : — Impromtu , 257 . Love and Faith , 17 . Masonic Ode , by Bro . Sawyer , 169 . Peabody , 213 . Sit Lux ct Lux Fuit , 105 . Song Written by Bro . Jewell , 213 . Stanzas , 185 . The Ark and Dove , 75 .
Lesson of Pythagoras , 161 . Level and the Square , 14 G . Tolling Bell , 44 . "What better Theme than Masonry , " 254 . Political Masonry in Poland 92 . Presentation to Bro . Thos . McKell Campbell , 208 . G . II . CrookesP . G . S . 282 .
, , Deveson , Lodge 898—51 . Farnficld 7 . Goodall , 87 . ]) r . Moore , 183 . Rev . S . G Morrison , 219 . Capt . II . Newman , 187 .
Prince of \ Valcs and the Grand Lodge of Scotland , 05 . Visit to Lord Kenlis , 100 . and Boys' School , 279 . Province of Middlesex , 223 . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODOK MEETINGS : —
Cheshire , 140 . Cornwall , 32 , 210 . Cumberland an 1 Westmoreland , 141 . Devon , 89 . Dorset , 121 . Durham , 242 , 282 .
Hertfordshire , 63 . Kent , 45 . Lancashire ( West ) , ICG . Leicestershire and Rutland , 172—3 . Lincolnshire , 61—125 . Middlesex , 223 , 219 .
North Wales and Shropshire , 112 . Somerset , 148 . South Wales , 81 . Suffolk , 83 . Sussex , 124 . Wiltshire , 210 . Worcestershire , 8 .
Railway Carriages , 3 . Religious and Military Order of the Temple , 215 . Remarkable Delusion , ISO . REroirrs OF MASONIC MEBTINOS . England—Metropolitan . Grand Stewards Lodge , 23 C . 3 Fidelity , 29 .
9 Albion , 27 . 11 Knock-, 223 . 13 Union Waterloo , 223 , 269 . H Tustan , 230 . 22 Neptune , 203 . 27 Egyptian , 214 , 259 . 28 Old King ' s Anns , 230 .
33 Britannic , 223 . 73 Mount Lebanon , 147 , 223 , 259 . 101 Temple , 29 , 168 , 203 . 141 Faith , 203 , 259 . 142 St . Thomas , 214 , 223 . Ill St . Luke ' s , 178 .
lEroRTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS ( Metropolitan)—Contd . 145 Prudent Brethren , 203 , 259 . 167 St . John ' s , 173 , 183 . 169 Temperance , 236 . 176 Caveac , 178 , 269 . 177 Domatic , 178 , 269 . 185 Tranquillity , 186 .
188 Joppa , 204 . 190 Oak , 236 . 192 Lion and Lamb , 178 . 205 Israel , 194 , 236 , 256 . 206 Friendship , 223 , 217 Stability , 88 , 178 , 214 , 270 . 511 Zetland , 214 .
619 Beadon , 194 . 700 Nelson , 223 . 704 Camden , 52 . 706 Florence Nightingale , 4 . 742 Crystal Palace , 107 , 178 . 749 Belgrave , 194 , 223 . 766 William Preston , 158 , 247 .
780 Royal Alfred , 64 . 781 Merchant Navv , 186 . 813 New Concord , " l 86 , 236 , 278 . 860 Dalhousie , 224 . S 61 Finsbury , 194 , 259 . 862 Whittington , 186 , 236 . 871 Royal Oak , 64 .
879 Peckham , 179 . 898 Temperance in the East , 4 907 Royal Albert , 75 , 278 . 975 Rose of Denmark , 186 . 1056 Victoria , 204 . 1076 Capper , 4 , 136 , 224 , 270 . 1150 Buckingham and Chandos , 224 . 1158 Southern Star , 136 .
1159 Marquis of Dalhousie , 270 . 1178 Perfect Ashlar , 136 , 167 , 259 . 121 C Macdonald , 75 , 82 , 136 , 186 , 224 1227 Upton , 100 , 147 . 1228 Beacontree , 124 . 1269 Stanhope , 186 , 194 . 1275 Star , 121 . 252 .
Eni / laa i—Provincial , 66 Arundel . 278 . 08 Bristol , 23 G . 80 Sunderland , 278 . 11 + Ipswich , 194 , 236 . 127 Margate , 260 . 14 S Warrington , 112 , 247 .
158 Sheeruess , 3 , 28 , 179 . 100 Rochford , 4 . 159 Plymouth , 246 . 200 Scarborough , 27 , 52 , 194 , 236 , 279 . 214 Romford , 204 . 225 Ipsw ich , 88 , 237 , 270 . 230 York , 64 . 241 Liverpool , 52 ,
249 -28 . 279 Lcicestei , 18 , 124 , 186 , 214 , 260 , 270 . 307 Hebden Bridge , 147 , 247 . 393 Berwiekon-Tweed , 279 . 403 Hertford , 225 . 445 Towcestcr , 194 . 448 Halifax , 112 .
463 Croydon , 130 . 475 Luton , 4 . 501 Berkhampstead , 64 . 523 Leicester , 4 , 227 . 531 Hartlepool , 225 , 270 . 574 Newbury , 225 . 590 Jersey , 182 , 214 .
005 Seacombe , 100 . 620 Chippenham , 159 . C 50 Harwich , 136 . CfiC Priiieetowii , 2 S . 697 Colchester , 76 . 777 Guildford , 237 . 779 Ashbv de la Zouch , 4 .
804 llavant , 40 . 815 Iliilme , 194 , 270 . 823 Liverpool , 52 , 100 . 936 Aldborough , 214 . 959 Ipswich , 124 , 168 , 204 . 960 Cardiff , 136 . 1002 Cockermouth , 130 , 179 , 214 , 271 .
1007 Loughborough 237 . 1013 Liverpool , 52 , 76 , 260 . 1051 Lancaster . 179 , 271 . 1003 Mailing , 5 . 1091- Liverpool , 180 . 1112 Fordingbiidge , 191 . 1130 Torpoint , 40 , 1 S 7 . 1143 Denbigh , 218 .
1107 Alnwick , 158 . 1182 Liverpool , 124 . 1191 Islcworlh , 10 , ] 12 , 108 . 1231 Ellund , 225 . 1248 Scarborough , 28 , 195 , 200 , 271 . 1250 Warrington , 214 . 1201 Liverpool , 168 . 1265 Oakham , 237 .
Ireland . 1 G Kilrea , 271 . 73 Limerick , 5 . 07 Belfast , 5 . 100 _ 5 . 178 Lisburn , 5 . 379 Tr . il . e , 16 , 28 , 52 , 04 . G 09 Belfast , 5 . 935 Wexford , 5 .