Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Earl Ferr ? rs , S . W . ; Garner , J . W . ; Faulkner , S . D . ; Blood , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G ., Cauner , Tyler . In delivering the final charge at the conclusion of the proceedings , the D . P . G . M . expressed the great plea sure it afforded him , having ten years ago on the formation of the lodge , installed its first W . M . in the person of the late worthy and universally respected
Bro . Mammatt , in attending on this occasion to assist iu the installation of his ( Bro . Mammatt's ) son in the chair which his father had so ably filled , and of whom he felt no doubt the present W . M . would be a worthy successor . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , at the Queen ' s Head Hotel , and wdiich was served in Bro . Love ' s usual style of excellence .
KEXT . —Mailing Abbey Lodge , 1063 . —Situated in one of thepleasantest parts of thisdelightful comity , is Mailing , a place of great historic interest , and rich in beautiful arehawlogical ruins , the most beautiful being the fine Old Abbey , the name of which was criven to this lodge when consecrated , some four or
five years since . On the 16 th ult . we had the pleasure of being at the installation of Bro . J . Timins , as W . M . for the year , a brother who , although youug in the Craft , yet is already widely known for his deep thought and research into the profoundly beautiful mysteries of Masonry , evidenced by his published
"Expatiations on Masonry , as orignifJlygiven at this lodge . The installation was impressively performed by Bro . T . F . Nettingham , of Giavesend , P . G . S . W . At the banquet the Deputy Grand Master for Kent , Bro . W . F . Dobson , presided , supported by Rev Bro . Hill , Provincial Grand Chaplain ; W . Hodgsou ,
Provincial Grand Chaplain for Oxfordshire ; Bros . E . H . Hilder , P . G . S . W . ; T . F . Nettingham , P . G . S . W . ; Pottinger , P . M ., Gravesend ; White , P . G . S . W . for Hampshire ; Mackney , W . M . ; Harvey , P . M . ; Moore , P . M . Dartford ; Bros . Drs . Williams and White ; Bros . Bnsbridge , P . G . A . S . ;
Page , P . G . J . D . ; Tolput , P . G . S . D . ; Newsome , of Westerham , and several other brethren . The" usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to most warmly , and some excellent speeches w .-re given , and the whole passed off iu a manner that will always be pleasantly remembered .
IRELAND . DEDICATION' OF THE NEW MASONIC HALL IX LIMERICK LIMERICK . —Eden Lodge , / Vb . 73 . —St . John ' s Day was appropriately selected by the brethren of Eden Lodge , forthe dedication ofthe splendid new Masonic Hall in Baker Place , near to the railway terminus , and immediately adjoining the Savings Bank . From
the arrangements made by the local officers , versed in carrying out everything connected with the craft upon a scale of grandeur suited to the occasion in any emergency , and under all circumstances , the pageant of this day will stand as a record of their genius , and shed new laurels on their Order . From
au early hour the ladies of the city commenced to congregate , and at eleven o'clock the body of the lower hall and upper gallery were conveniently filled , without overcrowding , by the elite of the city and county . The spacious hall was magnificently decorated for the occasion , the walls having been hung
with flags of all nations , interspersed with Masonic emblems and appropriate inscriptions . The fine band of the 72 nd Highlanders , hy their musical performance , enhanced . he general attractiveness ofthe acene . At noon the grand profession is .-ued from the lodge-room , all the leading officers carrying the
distinctive articles of their position , while the members generally were dressed in full Masonic costume . James Spaight , Esq ., J . P ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in the unavoidable absence of Lord Duuboyne , Provincial Grand Master of North Munster , was selected to carry out the dedication .
Representatives from lodges 13 , 201 and 333 were present ; Cork , Ennis , Nenagh , Kilrush , Mallow , and Newcastle West contributed their quota ; and the officers of the garrison united in the fete . The Tyler , with drawn sword , led the procession , followed by the Deacons , behind whom marched the
members ofthe lodges twoand-two ; next came the Wardensand Masters of all the lodges present , the Provincial Grand Deacons , Past Masters ( with cornucopia ) , Past Masters ( with cups and vases ) , Past Provincial Grand Officers , the Provincial Grand Secretary ( with book of Constitution ) , the Master ( carrying
the Bible , accompanied by Stewards at . each side ) , the Provincial Grand Chaplain ( Rev . Mr . Fry , 201 , Nenagh ) , District Chaplain ( Bev . Mr . Massy , 13 ) , Provincial Grand Treasurer , Provincial Grand Inner Guard , First Great Light , Junior Provincial Grand Warden and Column , Second Great Light , Deputy
Provincial Grand Master , with Stewards onrightaud left ; Second Tyler , with sword . When the procession , which had an imposing effect , reached the Provincial Grand Master ' s chair , in the East wing , the brethren opened to right and left , re-formed
and proceeded three times round the building , and returned again to tho upper lodge-room , which is magnificently laid out . Hero the three great li : hts were placed , and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master took the chair . The brethren took their places ; corn , wine , and oil were placed on the altar ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Bible was opened with square and compass , aud laid on a pedestal ; and upon another pedestal was laid the book of constitution . A suitable anthem was . then sung , after which the lodge was tyled and opened iii ample form , and , upon the application o
the Worshiptul Master of Lodge 73 , the hall was dedicated with befitting ceremony to '' Freemasonry , ' " Religion , virtue , and science ; " also to " Universal Benevolence . " The invocation by the Chaplain followed , and when the lodge broke up , the brethren numbering over two hundred , proceeded to oartake of a sumptuous dejeuner , at which " The Health of
the Queen , " and other loyal toasts were drunk . To-night , the whole Masonic fraternity dine together in the new hall . — Belfast News Letter , June 25 . BELFAST . —fliram ' s Lodge , No . 97 . —The brethren of this Masonic Lodge met on Thursday evening , in the Lodge Rooms , Donegall Place Buildings , in order to celebrate the Festival of St . John . There
was a good attendance of the brethren , and also a number of visitors present . The banquet , which was worthy the establishment of Bro . Fisher , who supplied it , having been partaken of , the usual after toasts were proposed and responded to with a felicity of expression rarely to be equalled . Bro .
P . O Simpson , W . M ., occupied the chair , supported by Bros . Wm . Harper , P . M . ; Wm . White , J . W ., and H . Shaw ; Bro . Kerr , the vice-chair , supported by Bros . J . M'Ketina , P . M ., and IT . M'Cartney . Although this was the first time of the W . M . ' s presiding since installation , the several duties
devolving on him were performed in a manner which elicited the enconiums of all the brethren present , and it conviuced them that Bro . Simpson must have spared no pains to so thoroughly qualify himself for the distinguished position lie had attained to . The list of toasts was given and responded to as follows : —
" The Queen and the Craft , " " The Three Grand Masters ; " " The Health of our Royal Bro . the Prince of Wales , " responded to by Bro . Nesbitt ; " The Lord Lieutenant , and Prosperity to Ireland , " responded to by Bro . William Harper ; " Success to Masonry all over the World , " responded to by Bro .
Thomas Smyth ( Waterford ); " Prosperity to Lodge 97 , " proposed by Bro . Hunter Shaw , responded to by Bro . Freeman , P . M . ; " The Press , " responded to by Bro . Rainey ; " The Health of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Simpson , " was given in complimentary terms by the S . W ., and received by the
brethren with every manifestation of enthusiam . Bro . Simpson , in responding , said he could not sufficiently thank them for the many marks of kindness received from the Lodge with which he was so long connected , and of which he now occupied the proud position of Worshipful Master . He had
now been a Mason for upwards of twenty years , and he had never been able to look upon Masonry in the light of a mere frivolous or convivial institution . Besides being a benefit society of the highest order , it was an institution inculcating precepts the practice of wdiich would make good citizens and
good men . For himself , although he could not presume to be a good Mason , for that was equivalent to saying a good man , he would at least promise to endeavour to perform the duties of the office with which they had honored him , to the best of his humble abilities , and to emulate the
brilliant examples he had set before him by those who preceded him in the honourable position of Worshipful . Master of Lodge 97 . "The health of the Senior P . M . present" was proposed by Bro . M'Kenna , and responded to by Bro . Freeman ; "The Dinner Committee , Messrs . Nesbitt , Shaw ,
I'erguson , and Murphy , " was acknowledged by Bro . Nesbitt . " All the poor and distressed Masons " was liberally responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast , given shortly after twelve o ' clock , brought a most agreeable eveuing ' s enjoyment to a close . During the evening several of the brethren enlivened the proceedings
with songs , readings , and recitations , Bro . Graham ' s recital of "Lord Ullin ' s Daughter" being highly appreciated . —Belfast Northern Whig , June 25 . BELFAST . — Union Lodge , 106 .-The brethren of this lodge assembled on Thursday evening , June 24 , in the Dining-rooms , Ulster Hall , to celebrate St .
John s Day . There was a full attendance of the members , and several visiting brethren were present . The chair was occupied by Bro . Jas . Armstrong , W . M ., and the vice-chair by Bro . Thos . Simpson , S . W . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were ably proposed and responded to , and the proceedings
were enlivened at intervals by several songs and recitations , rendered in first-rate style , by Bros . W . M'Larnon . P . M . ; S . Williams , J . W . ; J . B . Porter , J . D . ; J . Lyons , and J . Sloane . The health of the W . M ., having been proposed by Bro . Murphy , aud enthusiastically received , Bro . Armstrong responded iu a neat speech , iu which he referred to
the past career and future prospects of the lodge , and thanked the brethren for their kindness in exalting him to the position he then occupied . The dinner , which was supplied by Bros . Fry and Aiery , of York-street , reflected great credit on their skill and enterprise . After spending a pleasant evening the brethren separated at an early hour . —Belfast News Letter , June 26 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LISBUEN . —Lodge 178 . — The ami i versary of St . John was celebrated with more than usual eclat on Thursday evening l > y the brethren of Lodge 17 S . The Craft , which is gaining ground everywhere , is at present represented much better in Lisburn than it has been for many years . The lodge having been opened
and closed in due form , the brethren retired from labour to refreshment . The dinner was supplied by Mrs . Leunon , ofthe Hertford Arms Hotel , in a most creditable maimer . The guests comprised nearly all the brethren of No . 6 ; , Hillsborough , together with Bros . J . D . Barbour , Esq ., J . P ., the Fort : Thomas
Wayto , Esq ., Sprucefiekl ; J . Milling , Esq ., S . I ., Lisburn , & c . The toasts of "The Queen and the Craft , " "The Three Grand Masters of England , Ireland , and Scotland , " "The Provincial Grand Master of North Down , " " Freemasonry all over the Globe , " & c , having been given by Bro . J . M'Bride ,
Worshipful Master , nextcamothetoastoftheevening , " The health and prosperity of the members of Lodge 66 , " coupled with their Worshipful Master , Bro . William Sands , who after thanking the brethren for their kind wishes and sumptuous entertainment , assured the brotherhood that nothing could be more conducive to the advancement of Freemasonry than
such such happy reunions as he had witnessed that evening . Next followed the health ofthe other visiting brethren , whose several responses signified their individual respect and esteem for the ancient and honourable order of Freemasonry . The anniversary was altogether a happy and joyous one . —Ibid , June 28 .
Lodge 609 . —The members of this Lodge met together yester hiv evening , ai four o ' clock , at Air . SamuelWeir ' s , Divis Street , were they partook of a sumptuous dinner , provided by Mrs . Weir . When the dinner was concluded , t ' -e usual toasts were given aud responded to—P . M . Brother James
M'Cracken in the chair . After enjoying themselves very pleasantly , they separated at an early hour . — Ibid , June 25 th . WEXFORD . —Lodge No . 935 . —On Thursday week the brethren of this lodge assembled at their lodgerooms , Anne-street , Wexford , according to ancient
custom , at high noon , to celebrate the festival of St . John , and to instal their officers . The usual formula having been gone through , the meeting adjourned till sis in the evening , when about forty of the members dined together . The suite of rooms , which have been recently fitted up for the brethren , presented a most
beautiful appearance . The dinner , which was supplied by Mr . David Robinson , caterer to the lodge , was of excellent quality , and was served up in a manner which gave general satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been proposed and responded to , a beautiful tea and coffee service
was presented to Bro . Carroll in recognition of the zeal and efficiency with wdiich for many years he has discharged the duties of the office . The brethren separated at an early hour , having passed a most agreeable evening—one characterised by that harmony and kindly feeling which usually prevail at the
reunions of the brotherhood . CASTLEDLAYXEY . —The Harmony Lodge . —Thursday being the festival of St . John ! the members of the Harmony Lodge celebrate 1 it in the customary manner . The brethren assembled iu their lodgeroom , in Bro . Byrne ' s Hotel , at an early hour in the
evening , the chair being taken by the outgoing Worshipful Master , Bro . Jackson , the other officers presentoeing Dr . Morton , S . W . ; M . Edwards , J . W . ; Whitbey ,, Secretary . The newly-elected officers were : —Dr . Morton , W . M . ; Harry Brooke , S . W . ; Lloyde , J . W . ; John Hall , S . D . ; Thomas Harrison ,
J . D . ; S . Jackson , P . M . ; J . Cooney , Secretary . Tho Master elect having been installed in due and ancient form , tho customary honours were given , after which the brethren sat down to an excellent dinner . After the usual loyal ami Masonic toasts , the Worshipful Master proposed " The health of Bro . Jackson , '
with all the honours , lhe toast was very warmly received , and acknowledged by Bro . Jackson . " Tho present Officers" was then given and replied to , and various toafts followed . [ The members of the Newbliss , Monaghan , and Clones Lodges also appropriately celebrated this lcadingMasonic festival . ] Belfast Northern Whii ) , 28 th June .
Orders Of Chivalry.
Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 . —An assembly of this conclave Was held at Andertou ' s Hotel , FJeetstrect , on Saturday , the 2 ( ith of June . Sir Knt . II . C . Levander , M . A ., M . P . S ., presided , and was supported by Sir Knts . C . 11 . i . ' ogers Harrison , RED CROSS OF ROMF AND CONSTANTINE .
M . J ) ., S . G . ; Rev . W . B . Church , M . A ., J . G . ; J . Read , II . P . ; W . F . N . Quilty , P . Sov . and Treas . ; A . A . Pe . ndlebury , Recorder ; W . II . Hubbard , R . AV . Little , A . Perrot , W . Ilurlstnne , Haigh , Tyler , Weaver , and Adams . Bro . Charles J . Morgan , of
the City of London Lodge , No . 901 , was duly installed a Knight of the Order . The Auditor ' s report was read , and showed a balance in the Treasurer ' s hands of £ 13 . The conclave was then closed , and the Sir Knights separated , there being no banquet upon this occasion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Earl Ferr ? rs , S . W . ; Garner , J . W . ; Faulkner , S . D . ; Blood , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G ., Cauner , Tyler . In delivering the final charge at the conclusion of the proceedings , the D . P . G . M . expressed the great plea sure it afforded him , having ten years ago on the formation of the lodge , installed its first W . M . in the person of the late worthy and universally respected
Bro . Mammatt , in attending on this occasion to assist iu the installation of his ( Bro . Mammatt's ) son in the chair which his father had so ably filled , and of whom he felt no doubt the present W . M . would be a worthy successor . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , at the Queen ' s Head Hotel , and wdiich was served in Bro . Love ' s usual style of excellence .
KEXT . —Mailing Abbey Lodge , 1063 . —Situated in one of thepleasantest parts of thisdelightful comity , is Mailing , a place of great historic interest , and rich in beautiful arehawlogical ruins , the most beautiful being the fine Old Abbey , the name of which was criven to this lodge when consecrated , some four or
five years since . On the 16 th ult . we had the pleasure of being at the installation of Bro . J . Timins , as W . M . for the year , a brother who , although youug in the Craft , yet is already widely known for his deep thought and research into the profoundly beautiful mysteries of Masonry , evidenced by his published
"Expatiations on Masonry , as orignifJlygiven at this lodge . The installation was impressively performed by Bro . T . F . Nettingham , of Giavesend , P . G . S . W . At the banquet the Deputy Grand Master for Kent , Bro . W . F . Dobson , presided , supported by Rev Bro . Hill , Provincial Grand Chaplain ; W . Hodgsou ,
Provincial Grand Chaplain for Oxfordshire ; Bros . E . H . Hilder , P . G . S . W . ; T . F . Nettingham , P . G . S . W . ; Pottinger , P . M ., Gravesend ; White , P . G . S . W . for Hampshire ; Mackney , W . M . ; Harvey , P . M . ; Moore , P . M . Dartford ; Bros . Drs . Williams and White ; Bros . Bnsbridge , P . G . A . S . ;
Page , P . G . J . D . ; Tolput , P . G . S . D . ; Newsome , of Westerham , and several other brethren . The" usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to most warmly , and some excellent speeches w .-re given , and the whole passed off iu a manner that will always be pleasantly remembered .
IRELAND . DEDICATION' OF THE NEW MASONIC HALL IX LIMERICK LIMERICK . —Eden Lodge , / Vb . 73 . —St . John ' s Day was appropriately selected by the brethren of Eden Lodge , forthe dedication ofthe splendid new Masonic Hall in Baker Place , near to the railway terminus , and immediately adjoining the Savings Bank . From
the arrangements made by the local officers , versed in carrying out everything connected with the craft upon a scale of grandeur suited to the occasion in any emergency , and under all circumstances , the pageant of this day will stand as a record of their genius , and shed new laurels on their Order . From
au early hour the ladies of the city commenced to congregate , and at eleven o'clock the body of the lower hall and upper gallery were conveniently filled , without overcrowding , by the elite of the city and county . The spacious hall was magnificently decorated for the occasion , the walls having been hung
with flags of all nations , interspersed with Masonic emblems and appropriate inscriptions . The fine band of the 72 nd Highlanders , hy their musical performance , enhanced . he general attractiveness ofthe acene . At noon the grand profession is .-ued from the lodge-room , all the leading officers carrying the
distinctive articles of their position , while the members generally were dressed in full Masonic costume . James Spaight , Esq ., J . P ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in the unavoidable absence of Lord Duuboyne , Provincial Grand Master of North Munster , was selected to carry out the dedication .
Representatives from lodges 13 , 201 and 333 were present ; Cork , Ennis , Nenagh , Kilrush , Mallow , and Newcastle West contributed their quota ; and the officers of the garrison united in the fete . The Tyler , with drawn sword , led the procession , followed by the Deacons , behind whom marched the
members ofthe lodges twoand-two ; next came the Wardensand Masters of all the lodges present , the Provincial Grand Deacons , Past Masters ( with cornucopia ) , Past Masters ( with cups and vases ) , Past Provincial Grand Officers , the Provincial Grand Secretary ( with book of Constitution ) , the Master ( carrying
the Bible , accompanied by Stewards at . each side ) , the Provincial Grand Chaplain ( Rev . Mr . Fry , 201 , Nenagh ) , District Chaplain ( Bev . Mr . Massy , 13 ) , Provincial Grand Treasurer , Provincial Grand Inner Guard , First Great Light , Junior Provincial Grand Warden and Column , Second Great Light , Deputy
Provincial Grand Master , with Stewards onrightaud left ; Second Tyler , with sword . When the procession , which had an imposing effect , reached the Provincial Grand Master ' s chair , in the East wing , the brethren opened to right and left , re-formed
and proceeded three times round the building , and returned again to tho upper lodge-room , which is magnificently laid out . Hero the three great li : hts were placed , and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master took the chair . The brethren took their places ; corn , wine , and oil were placed on the altar ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Bible was opened with square and compass , aud laid on a pedestal ; and upon another pedestal was laid the book of constitution . A suitable anthem was . then sung , after which the lodge was tyled and opened iii ample form , and , upon the application o
the Worshiptul Master of Lodge 73 , the hall was dedicated with befitting ceremony to '' Freemasonry , ' " Religion , virtue , and science ; " also to " Universal Benevolence . " The invocation by the Chaplain followed , and when the lodge broke up , the brethren numbering over two hundred , proceeded to oartake of a sumptuous dejeuner , at which " The Health of
the Queen , " and other loyal toasts were drunk . To-night , the whole Masonic fraternity dine together in the new hall . — Belfast News Letter , June 25 . BELFAST . —fliram ' s Lodge , No . 97 . —The brethren of this Masonic Lodge met on Thursday evening , in the Lodge Rooms , Donegall Place Buildings , in order to celebrate the Festival of St . John . There
was a good attendance of the brethren , and also a number of visitors present . The banquet , which was worthy the establishment of Bro . Fisher , who supplied it , having been partaken of , the usual after toasts were proposed and responded to with a felicity of expression rarely to be equalled . Bro .
P . O Simpson , W . M ., occupied the chair , supported by Bros . Wm . Harper , P . M . ; Wm . White , J . W ., and H . Shaw ; Bro . Kerr , the vice-chair , supported by Bros . J . M'Ketina , P . M ., and IT . M'Cartney . Although this was the first time of the W . M . ' s presiding since installation , the several duties
devolving on him were performed in a manner which elicited the enconiums of all the brethren present , and it conviuced them that Bro . Simpson must have spared no pains to so thoroughly qualify himself for the distinguished position lie had attained to . The list of toasts was given and responded to as follows : —
" The Queen and the Craft , " " The Three Grand Masters ; " " The Health of our Royal Bro . the Prince of Wales , " responded to by Bro . Nesbitt ; " The Lord Lieutenant , and Prosperity to Ireland , " responded to by Bro . William Harper ; " Success to Masonry all over the World , " responded to by Bro .
Thomas Smyth ( Waterford ); " Prosperity to Lodge 97 , " proposed by Bro . Hunter Shaw , responded to by Bro . Freeman , P . M . ; " The Press , " responded to by Bro . Rainey ; " The Health of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Simpson , " was given in complimentary terms by the S . W ., and received by the
brethren with every manifestation of enthusiam . Bro . Simpson , in responding , said he could not sufficiently thank them for the many marks of kindness received from the Lodge with which he was so long connected , and of which he now occupied the proud position of Worshipful Master . He had
now been a Mason for upwards of twenty years , and he had never been able to look upon Masonry in the light of a mere frivolous or convivial institution . Besides being a benefit society of the highest order , it was an institution inculcating precepts the practice of wdiich would make good citizens and
good men . For himself , although he could not presume to be a good Mason , for that was equivalent to saying a good man , he would at least promise to endeavour to perform the duties of the office with which they had honored him , to the best of his humble abilities , and to emulate the
brilliant examples he had set before him by those who preceded him in the honourable position of Worshipful . Master of Lodge 97 . "The health of the Senior P . M . present" was proposed by Bro . M'Kenna , and responded to by Bro . Freeman ; "The Dinner Committee , Messrs . Nesbitt , Shaw ,
I'erguson , and Murphy , " was acknowledged by Bro . Nesbitt . " All the poor and distressed Masons " was liberally responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast , given shortly after twelve o ' clock , brought a most agreeable eveuing ' s enjoyment to a close . During the evening several of the brethren enlivened the proceedings
with songs , readings , and recitations , Bro . Graham ' s recital of "Lord Ullin ' s Daughter" being highly appreciated . —Belfast Northern Whig , June 25 . BELFAST . — Union Lodge , 106 .-The brethren of this lodge assembled on Thursday evening , June 24 , in the Dining-rooms , Ulster Hall , to celebrate St .
John s Day . There was a full attendance of the members , and several visiting brethren were present . The chair was occupied by Bro . Jas . Armstrong , W . M ., and the vice-chair by Bro . Thos . Simpson , S . W . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were ably proposed and responded to , and the proceedings
were enlivened at intervals by several songs and recitations , rendered in first-rate style , by Bros . W . M'Larnon . P . M . ; S . Williams , J . W . ; J . B . Porter , J . D . ; J . Lyons , and J . Sloane . The health of the W . M ., having been proposed by Bro . Murphy , aud enthusiastically received , Bro . Armstrong responded iu a neat speech , iu which he referred to
the past career and future prospects of the lodge , and thanked the brethren for their kindness in exalting him to the position he then occupied . The dinner , which was supplied by Bros . Fry and Aiery , of York-street , reflected great credit on their skill and enterprise . After spending a pleasant evening the brethren separated at an early hour . —Belfast News Letter , June 26 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LISBUEN . —Lodge 178 . — The ami i versary of St . John was celebrated with more than usual eclat on Thursday evening l > y the brethren of Lodge 17 S . The Craft , which is gaining ground everywhere , is at present represented much better in Lisburn than it has been for many years . The lodge having been opened
and closed in due form , the brethren retired from labour to refreshment . The dinner was supplied by Mrs . Leunon , ofthe Hertford Arms Hotel , in a most creditable maimer . The guests comprised nearly all the brethren of No . 6 ; , Hillsborough , together with Bros . J . D . Barbour , Esq ., J . P ., the Fort : Thomas
Wayto , Esq ., Sprucefiekl ; J . Milling , Esq ., S . I ., Lisburn , & c . The toasts of "The Queen and the Craft , " "The Three Grand Masters of England , Ireland , and Scotland , " "The Provincial Grand Master of North Down , " " Freemasonry all over the Globe , " & c , having been given by Bro . J . M'Bride ,
Worshipful Master , nextcamothetoastoftheevening , " The health and prosperity of the members of Lodge 66 , " coupled with their Worshipful Master , Bro . William Sands , who after thanking the brethren for their kind wishes and sumptuous entertainment , assured the brotherhood that nothing could be more conducive to the advancement of Freemasonry than
such such happy reunions as he had witnessed that evening . Next followed the health ofthe other visiting brethren , whose several responses signified their individual respect and esteem for the ancient and honourable order of Freemasonry . The anniversary was altogether a happy and joyous one . —Ibid , June 28 .
Lodge 609 . —The members of this Lodge met together yester hiv evening , ai four o ' clock , at Air . SamuelWeir ' s , Divis Street , were they partook of a sumptuous dinner , provided by Mrs . Weir . When the dinner was concluded , t ' -e usual toasts were given aud responded to—P . M . Brother James
M'Cracken in the chair . After enjoying themselves very pleasantly , they separated at an early hour . — Ibid , June 25 th . WEXFORD . —Lodge No . 935 . —On Thursday week the brethren of this lodge assembled at their lodgerooms , Anne-street , Wexford , according to ancient
custom , at high noon , to celebrate the festival of St . John , and to instal their officers . The usual formula having been gone through , the meeting adjourned till sis in the evening , when about forty of the members dined together . The suite of rooms , which have been recently fitted up for the brethren , presented a most
beautiful appearance . The dinner , which was supplied by Mr . David Robinson , caterer to the lodge , was of excellent quality , and was served up in a manner which gave general satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been proposed and responded to , a beautiful tea and coffee service
was presented to Bro . Carroll in recognition of the zeal and efficiency with wdiich for many years he has discharged the duties of the office . The brethren separated at an early hour , having passed a most agreeable evening—one characterised by that harmony and kindly feeling which usually prevail at the
reunions of the brotherhood . CASTLEDLAYXEY . —The Harmony Lodge . —Thursday being the festival of St . John ! the members of the Harmony Lodge celebrate 1 it in the customary manner . The brethren assembled iu their lodgeroom , in Bro . Byrne ' s Hotel , at an early hour in the
evening , the chair being taken by the outgoing Worshipful Master , Bro . Jackson , the other officers presentoeing Dr . Morton , S . W . ; M . Edwards , J . W . ; Whitbey ,, Secretary . The newly-elected officers were : —Dr . Morton , W . M . ; Harry Brooke , S . W . ; Lloyde , J . W . ; John Hall , S . D . ; Thomas Harrison ,
J . D . ; S . Jackson , P . M . ; J . Cooney , Secretary . Tho Master elect having been installed in due and ancient form , tho customary honours were given , after which the brethren sat down to an excellent dinner . After the usual loyal ami Masonic toasts , the Worshipful Master proposed " The health of Bro . Jackson , '
with all the honours , lhe toast was very warmly received , and acknowledged by Bro . Jackson . " Tho present Officers" was then given and replied to , and various toafts followed . [ The members of the Newbliss , Monaghan , and Clones Lodges also appropriately celebrated this lcadingMasonic festival . ] Belfast Northern Whii ) , 28 th June .
Orders Of Chivalry.
Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 . —An assembly of this conclave Was held at Andertou ' s Hotel , FJeetstrect , on Saturday , the 2 ( ith of June . Sir Knt . II . C . Levander , M . A ., M . P . S ., presided , and was supported by Sir Knts . C . 11 . i . ' ogers Harrison , RED CROSS OF ROMF AND CONSTANTINE .
M . J ) ., S . G . ; Rev . W . B . Church , M . A ., J . G . ; J . Read , II . P . ; W . F . N . Quilty , P . Sov . and Treas . ; A . A . Pe . ndlebury , Recorder ; W . II . Hubbard , R . AV . Little , A . Perrot , W . Ilurlstnne , Haigh , Tyler , Weaver , and Adams . Bro . Charles J . Morgan , of
the City of London Lodge , No . 901 , was duly installed a Knight of the Order . The Auditor ' s report was read , and showed a balance in the Treasurer ' s hands of £ 13 . The conclave was then closed , and the Sir Knights separated , there being no banquet upon this occasion .