Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE GRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Florence Nightingale Lodge , No . 706 . —The annual meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday , June 25 th , at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , to install Bro . Prescott , Senior Warden , -who was unanimously elected at the last meeting to that
distinguished office . Bro . M . P . Ward , Worshipful Master , opened the Lodge , assisted by P . M . Colonel Clerk , as I . P . M . The officers in attendance were Bro . Prescott , S . W ., Bro . Toms , J . W ., Bro . E . Denton , P . M . and Secretary , Bro . H . Fieling , S . D ., Bro . Stanton , J . D ., and Bro . L . Fieling as l . G .
The minutes of the preceding Lodge were read and unanimously approved , The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . Prescott , W . M .-eleet , was presented to the Worshipful Master , to receive from him the benefit of installation . That part of the ceremouy belonging to the second degree being
ended , the Lodge was opened in the third degree , and , the M . M . ' s having retired , the Board of I . M . ' s was formed , and Bro . Prescott was installed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , and saluted in the presence of a goodly number of Past Masters . The visitors were also in strong force , as
the W . M . ' s of the other Woolwich Lodges were honoured with invitations to attend , which proves the admirable , good fraternal feeling that exists amongst the Lodges in this town ; and there also were some distinguished London and Provincial brethren present . He then invested his I . P . M ., and
the Board was duly closed . The M . M . s were then admitted , and the W . M . was proclaimed and saluted . The working tools were also explained , and the Lodge was resumed . The Fellow Crafts were then admitted , and the W . M . was again proclaimed , saluted , & c . The Lodge was resumed in the first
degree , and the E . A . ' s were admitted , and the W . M . was , for the third time , proclaimed , saluted , & c . The W . M . then proceeded to appoint the following brethren officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bro . Toms , S . W ., H . Fieling , J . W ., P . M . Ward , Treasurer , P . M . Denton , Secretary , Bro .
Farnfield , S . D ., Bro ; Stanford , J . D ., and Bro . L . Fieling as l . G . The officers being invested , and having the duties of their respective offices explained to them by the installing Master , they were inducted in their proper positions . The usual addresses to the Worshi pful Master , Wardens , and the Lodge was
then delivered by Bro . P . M . Ward in a very able and impressive manner , which closed the ceremony of installation . Bro . P . M . Ward was then presemod with a very handsome P . M . Jewel , in token of the respect and esteem evinced towards him by the brethren , for the correct maimer in which he
performed his duty for the past year , which was received and acknowledged in very suitable terms . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to the Freemasons' Hotel and partook of an excellent ban quit , provided by Bro . De Grey in his
usual liberal manner . Aimuiyst the visitors we noticed the W . M . of the Pattison Lodire , Bro . W . J . Palmer , Bro . P . M . Bickcrstafl , Bro . May , S . W ., and Bro . W . Graham . J . W . of the Nelson Lodge , 70 ! i , and several other Brothers . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts
were given , and the evening enlivened by some very excellent harmony from the brethren present . Lodge . Temperance in the Kits ' , A ' o . 898 . —The members of this lodge met at their elegant and convenient Masonic Hall , No . (! , Newby-phice , Poplar , on Wednesday , when the W . M ., Bro . James (' annon , well supported b y Past Masters Finch and Devison ,
and his officers in a most able manner initiated Mr . B . Carter , and conferred the degree of P . O . on Bros . Newell and Waller . This very useful lodge , as usual , w . i-s attended by numerous visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Berkley ( P . M . ( Ml ) , Vesper ( P . M . 95 , 180 , 1 SI , 53 S and 5 . Y 1 ) , Fritehley ( S . W . 215 ) , Long ( ISO ) , and Mert ( 831 ) .
Ciipjhr lAHigc , Ao . 107 < i .- -This excellent working lodge held its usual summer banquet at the Royal Hotel , North Woolwich , on Thursday last , under the able direction of the W . Master Bro . S . Watkins , supported by Bro . Bossiter , S , Wauleu ; and Bro . Sisley , J . Warden ; and nearly 100 of the members .
The banquet was provided by Bro . W . Holland in a very excellent and lb eral manner , for which he received the thanks of the brethren . The W . Master was also congratulated for the admirable way in which he discharged the duties of the table , showing his proficiency in that department , as well as in wielding the gavel in open lodge . The banquet
being ended , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , viz ., the Queen , the Prince of Wales and Royal Family , the Earl of Zetland , were done honor to . Success to the Army , Navy and Volunteers was then given , and very ably responded to by Bro . Croiigh for the Army , and by Bro . P . M . West for the Volunteers . The health of the W . M . was given , and responded to , iu a very neat and appropriate
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
speech , and the evening was spent in a very agreeable manner , enlivened by a selection of songs , & c ., by professionals , the whole under the excellent direction of Bro . W . Holland .
PROVINCIAL . ESSEX—Lodge of True Friendship , No . 160 . —The annual meeting of the Lodge of " True Friendship , " No . 160 , took place at the Lodge Room , Old Ship Hotel , Rochford , on the 24 th June , -when Bro . John Allen , iun ., of Paglesham was duly installed as
W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being very ably and impressively performed by W . Bro . William Pissey , P . M . No . 160 , Provincial J . G . W . of Essex . The W . M . appointed his officers as follows , Bro . D . B . Grout , S . W . ; Bro . Robert Grout , J . W . ; Bro . H . WoodP . M . and P . P . G . O . re-elected Treasurer ;
, Bro . George Burgess , P . M . and P . P . J . G . D . reappointed Secretary ; Bro . Edward Judd , S . D . ; Bro . A . Lucking , J . D . ; Bro . Thomas King , l . G . Amongst the visitors , in compliment to the W . M . and the good old Lodge , were several Past and Present Provincial Grand Officers and Past Masters . The
Provincial Grand Officers present were the Right Worship ful D . P . G . Master , Bro . A . Meggy ; W . Bro . William Pissey , P . M . No . 160 , Prov . J . G . W . ; W . Bro . J . Myers , P . M . No . 276 , Provincial Grand Registrar ; W . Bro . J . Burton , P . M . No . 276 , Provincial Grand Treasurer ; Bro . J . W . Carr ,
Provincial Grand Secretary ; W . Bro . H . Rowley , P . M . No . 1000 , Provincial S . G . D . ; Bros . Dr . Nicholls and T . Smee , No . 276 , Provincial Grand Stewards , and also the following Past Provincial Grand Officers , Past Masters , & c , were present : —W . Bro . Frederick Wood , P . M . No . 1000 , P . P . S . G . W . ; W .
Bro . Frederick Green , P . M . Nos . 276 and 1024 , P . P . S . G . W . ; W . Bro . G . F . Browning , P . M . No . 160 , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . Bro . H . Wood , P . M . No . 160 , P . P . G . O . ; Bro . Rev . F . B . Shepherd , W . M . No 276 , P . P . G . Chaplain ; AV . Bro . George Burgess , P . JI . 100 , P . P . J . G . D . ; W . Bro . William S . Pavitt ,
I . P . M . No . 160 ; W . Bro . Garrington , P . M . ; W . Bro . Peter Richmond , P . M . ; W . Bro . Jones , P . M . ; Bro . English , S . D . No . 1000 ; Bro . Abbott , No . 1000 ; Bro . Andrews , of St . Peters , No . 1021 . At the close of the business the brethren , thirty in number , sat down to an excellent dinner , provided by Bro . H .
D . Brown , of the Old Ship , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and after a few songs had been given the brethren separated , after enjoying a pleasant evening . BEDFOUDsmr . K . —Lodge of St . John the Baptist , No 475 . —This excellent working lodge met on Friday , the
25 th June , at the Town Hall , Luton . Bro . E . O . Williams iu the chair . The lodge being opened , and the minutes of the former meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . II . Torrance , aud on its being unanimous in his favour , he was duly initiated . Bro . the Rev .
Henry Tite having answered the usual questions satisfactorily , was passed to the degree of a F . C ., and Bro . R . Drew was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , all the above ceremonies being excellently worked . Bro . John Cumberland was then presented to the lodge for the purpose of
installation , and thateeremony was beautifully rendered in a solemn and imposin . 'manner , by Bro . F . Gotto ( P . P . 8 . W . for Berks and Bucks . ) lie then invested his officers as follows : Bros Seurgill , S . W . ; Cawdell . J . W . ; E . F . Green , S D . ; J . Cotchin , J . D . ; I . W . Green , l . G . ; F . B . Kelly , See . ; E . O .
Williams , Treas . It was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that a vote of thanks be given to Pro . F . Gotto , for the excellent manner he p rformed the ceremony of Installation , to the satisfaction of every Hr- ' i . and visitor present . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren
adjourned to the George Hotel , and there sat down to a very recherche banquet , the dinner and wines being of first-rate quality . After Mho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , the W . M .. in proposing the various toasts , showed the excellent selection thev had made of one
so well calculated to fill that office . The visitors were Bros . F . Gotto ( P . M . 501 , 018 , 1087 and P . P . S . W . Berks and Bucks ) , C . Mortimer ( Organist 048 ) . C . Marriott ( 357 ) , McCubbin ( S . W . 948 ) , King ( 048 ) , Iladley ( S . D . 048 ) , J . Merrifield ( 1087 ) , Roberts ( J . W . 102 ) . Some very excellent singing
emenated from several brethren , and after speuding an agreeable evening , the brethren returned to town at an early hour . LEICESTEII . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —The brethren of this lodge assembled to celebrate their annual festival on'St . John ' s Day , at the Freemasons '
Hall , when , from the great esteem m which the W . M .., elect ( Bro . George Toller , juu ., ) is held by the members of both the local lodges , the attendance was very numerous . All the officers of the lodge , except the Chaplain ( who is absent from the
kingdom ) , and the Treasurer ( who wasabseiitfrom illness ) , were in their places , and the following P . M . ' s were present , viz .: Bros . Kelly ( D . P . G . M . and W . M . No . 279 ) , Goodyer , ( P . P . S . G . W . ) , Major Brewin , ( P . P . S G . W . imd P . G . Treas . ) , Sheppnrd ' fP . P . G . Ueg . ) , C . Johnson ( P . M . l' . U aud P . P . S . G . W . Jersey ) ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Org ., and A . M . ; Duff , W . M . and P . G . J . D ., the Rev . N . Haycroft , D . D ., and many members . Among the visitors were Bros . Eev . Chas . J . E . Smith ( S . W ., No . 502 , and Pro . G . Chap ., Warwickshire ) , S . P . Ekin ( No . 279 and P . G . D . C . of Northampton and Hants ) , H . Douglas ( S . W . No . 1130 and P . G . D .
of C ) , and Weare ( P . M . and P . P . G . D ) , Pettifor ( P . M . and P . P . S . G . W . ) , S . A . Clarke ( P . M . and P . G . S . D . ) , C . Stretton ( J . W . and P . P . G . Reg . ) , Ride , McAllirter , Atwood , Palmer , J . W . Smith , and other members of No . 279 . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., Bro Duff , and the minutes of
the last meeting , including the unanimous election of Bro . Toller as W . M ., read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . the Rev . Nathaniel Haycroft , D . D ., of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 , as a joining member , and for the Rev . Heaton Edward Von Stiirmer , and Mr . George Fletcher , as candidates for initiation ,
which was unanimous , in their favour . Bro . J . J . Millar , having passed a very satisfactory examination in the first degree retired , and the lodge having been opened in the second degree he was passed in Fellow Craft . The lodge was then resumed in the firstdegree , and the W . M ., proceeded to initiate the Rev . II . E . Von Stiirmer and Mr . M . Fletcher into our
mysteries , after whicn the D . P . G . M ., gave the lecture on the tracing board . The lodge was resumed in the second degree , and the W . M ., commenced the ceremony of installing his successor in the chair of K . S ., after which a lodge of M . M . ' s aud a Board of Installed Masters were succesively opened , and Bro . Toller was duly installed in the presence of eight P . M ' s . On the return of the brethren the W . M . was
duly proclaimed , and saluted in the several degrees . The ceremony being concluded , the newly-installed W . M ., moved a vote of thanks to his predecessor , Bro . Duff , for his efficient services in the chair , which was seconded by the D . P . G . M ., and carried un . inimor . sly . Thanks were also voted to Bro . W .
B . Smith , P . P . J . G . W ., for his services as Treasurer ( to which office he was re-elected ) , and to Bro . G . B . Atkins , for the discharge of the onerous duties of Steward . The W . M . then appointed and invested the officers for the ensuing year , as follows : —Bros . A . M . Duff , P . M . ; T . II . Buzzard , S . W . : W .
Sculthorpe , J . W . ; Rev . John Spittal , M . A ., Chap . ; Rev . N . ' Haycroft , D . D ., S . D . ; S . S . Partridge , J . D . ; W . B . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; F . < J . Baines , Sec . ; Chas . Johnson , P . M ., Org . ; G . B . Atkins , and A . Sargeant , Stewards ; M . H . Lewin , l . G . ; . Chas . Bembridge , Tyler . A candidate having been
proposed for admission at the next lodge , the brethren were called off for refreshment , and about 40 brethren sat down to the banquet . On the removal of the cloth , the '"; usual loyal and Masonic toastB were duly honored , those of the Rt . W . P . G . M ., the Earl Howe , of the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Keily , and of
the newly-installed W . M ., being most warmly received . TheD . P . G . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Bishop of the diocese , and the ministers of religion of all denominations in the Province , " ( and which was responded to by the Revs . C . J . E . Smith , M . A ., and N . Haycroft , D . D ., ) took occasion to
announce the gratifying fact , that the new Bishop , ( Dr . Magee ) , is a member of the Craft . During the evening some excellent songs were sung by Bros . C . Johnson , Atwood , Palmer , and others . The lodge was finally closed , and the brethren separated after a very pleasant reunion .
AsniiY-DE LA-ZOUCII Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 770 . —The annual festival of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 29 th ult .. the lodge being opened at the Town Hall , at 3 o ' clock , by the W . M ., the Rev . S . Pyemont , D . D ., Prov . S . G . W ., the following brethren also being present : —W . Kelly ,
D . P . G M . ; H . E . Smith , J . P ., P . M ., and P . P . J . G . W . ; G . F . Brown , P . M ., and P . P . J . G . W . ; S . Love , P . M ., andP . PG . S . D . ; E . F . Mammatt , S . W ., and P . G . Reg ., W . M . elect ; Garner , Faulkner , Blood , Johuson , Calmer , and other members of the lodge . Among the visitors were , Bros J . C . Bindleyand F . A . Jackson ,
( Abbey Lodge , 024 ) ; R . Warner , P . M . ( Repose Lodge , 802 ); and Major Brewin , P . P . S . G . W . ; Pettifor , P . P . S . G . W . ; Stretton , P . P . G . Reg . ; Duff , P . G . J . D . ; Buzzard , P . G . Steward , and Atwood , of the Leicester Lodges . The lodge having been opened and some preliminary business transacted , Bro . E .
F . Mammatt was presented for the benefit of installation , and tho W . M . proceeded to address him accordingto usage , after which assent wasgiven to the ancient charges , and the O . B . as regards the government of the lodge . After the lodge had been opened in the third degree , the D P . G . M . assumed
the gavel , and having declared a board of installed Masters duly constituted , he proceeded regularly to install Bro . Mammatt in the chair of the lodge , after which he was duly saluted by the P . M . ' s present . The brethren having been called in , they were informed that the W . M . had been duly
installed , and they were called upon to salute him ; the address to the W . M . was then delivered , and subsequently the ceremony wis completed in the second and first degrees . The W . M . appointed the following as the officers , and invested them ( with the exception of Bro . Earl Ferrers , who was prevented being pivseiit by illness ) : —Dr Pyemont , I . P . M .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE GRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Florence Nightingale Lodge , No . 706 . —The annual meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday , June 25 th , at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , to install Bro . Prescott , Senior Warden , -who was unanimously elected at the last meeting to that
distinguished office . Bro . M . P . Ward , Worshipful Master , opened the Lodge , assisted by P . M . Colonel Clerk , as I . P . M . The officers in attendance were Bro . Prescott , S . W ., Bro . Toms , J . W ., Bro . E . Denton , P . M . and Secretary , Bro . H . Fieling , S . D ., Bro . Stanton , J . D ., and Bro . L . Fieling as l . G .
The minutes of the preceding Lodge were read and unanimously approved , The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . Prescott , W . M .-eleet , was presented to the Worshipful Master , to receive from him the benefit of installation . That part of the ceremouy belonging to the second degree being
ended , the Lodge was opened in the third degree , and , the M . M . ' s having retired , the Board of I . M . ' s was formed , and Bro . Prescott was installed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , and saluted in the presence of a goodly number of Past Masters . The visitors were also in strong force , as
the W . M . ' s of the other Woolwich Lodges were honoured with invitations to attend , which proves the admirable , good fraternal feeling that exists amongst the Lodges in this town ; and there also were some distinguished London and Provincial brethren present . He then invested his I . P . M ., and
the Board was duly closed . The M . M . s were then admitted , and the W . M . was proclaimed and saluted . The working tools were also explained , and the Lodge was resumed . The Fellow Crafts were then admitted , and the W . M . was again proclaimed , saluted , & c . The Lodge was resumed in the first
degree , and the E . A . ' s were admitted , and the W . M . was , for the third time , proclaimed , saluted , & c . The W . M . then proceeded to appoint the following brethren officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bro . Toms , S . W ., H . Fieling , J . W ., P . M . Ward , Treasurer , P . M . Denton , Secretary , Bro .
Farnfield , S . D ., Bro ; Stanford , J . D ., and Bro . L . Fieling as l . G . The officers being invested , and having the duties of their respective offices explained to them by the installing Master , they were inducted in their proper positions . The usual addresses to the Worshi pful Master , Wardens , and the Lodge was
then delivered by Bro . P . M . Ward in a very able and impressive manner , which closed the ceremony of installation . Bro . P . M . Ward was then presemod with a very handsome P . M . Jewel , in token of the respect and esteem evinced towards him by the brethren , for the correct maimer in which he
performed his duty for the past year , which was received and acknowledged in very suitable terms . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to the Freemasons' Hotel and partook of an excellent ban quit , provided by Bro . De Grey in his
usual liberal manner . Aimuiyst the visitors we noticed the W . M . of the Pattison Lodire , Bro . W . J . Palmer , Bro . P . M . Bickcrstafl , Bro . May , S . W ., and Bro . W . Graham . J . W . of the Nelson Lodge , 70 ! i , and several other Brothers . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts
were given , and the evening enlivened by some very excellent harmony from the brethren present . Lodge . Temperance in the Kits ' , A ' o . 898 . —The members of this lodge met at their elegant and convenient Masonic Hall , No . (! , Newby-phice , Poplar , on Wednesday , when the W . M ., Bro . James (' annon , well supported b y Past Masters Finch and Devison ,
and his officers in a most able manner initiated Mr . B . Carter , and conferred the degree of P . O . on Bros . Newell and Waller . This very useful lodge , as usual , w . i-s attended by numerous visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Berkley ( P . M . ( Ml ) , Vesper ( P . M . 95 , 180 , 1 SI , 53 S and 5 . Y 1 ) , Fritehley ( S . W . 215 ) , Long ( ISO ) , and Mert ( 831 ) .
Ciipjhr lAHigc , Ao . 107 < i .- -This excellent working lodge held its usual summer banquet at the Royal Hotel , North Woolwich , on Thursday last , under the able direction of the W . Master Bro . S . Watkins , supported by Bro . Bossiter , S , Wauleu ; and Bro . Sisley , J . Warden ; and nearly 100 of the members .
The banquet was provided by Bro . W . Holland in a very excellent and lb eral manner , for which he received the thanks of the brethren . The W . Master was also congratulated for the admirable way in which he discharged the duties of the table , showing his proficiency in that department , as well as in wielding the gavel in open lodge . The banquet
being ended , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , viz ., the Queen , the Prince of Wales and Royal Family , the Earl of Zetland , were done honor to . Success to the Army , Navy and Volunteers was then given , and very ably responded to by Bro . Croiigh for the Army , and by Bro . P . M . West for the Volunteers . The health of the W . M . was given , and responded to , iu a very neat and appropriate
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
speech , and the evening was spent in a very agreeable manner , enlivened by a selection of songs , & c ., by professionals , the whole under the excellent direction of Bro . W . Holland .
PROVINCIAL . ESSEX—Lodge of True Friendship , No . 160 . —The annual meeting of the Lodge of " True Friendship , " No . 160 , took place at the Lodge Room , Old Ship Hotel , Rochford , on the 24 th June , -when Bro . John Allen , iun ., of Paglesham was duly installed as
W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being very ably and impressively performed by W . Bro . William Pissey , P . M . No . 160 , Provincial J . G . W . of Essex . The W . M . appointed his officers as follows , Bro . D . B . Grout , S . W . ; Bro . Robert Grout , J . W . ; Bro . H . WoodP . M . and P . P . G . O . re-elected Treasurer ;
, Bro . George Burgess , P . M . and P . P . J . G . D . reappointed Secretary ; Bro . Edward Judd , S . D . ; Bro . A . Lucking , J . D . ; Bro . Thomas King , l . G . Amongst the visitors , in compliment to the W . M . and the good old Lodge , were several Past and Present Provincial Grand Officers and Past Masters . The
Provincial Grand Officers present were the Right Worship ful D . P . G . Master , Bro . A . Meggy ; W . Bro . William Pissey , P . M . No . 160 , Prov . J . G . W . ; W . Bro . J . Myers , P . M . No . 276 , Provincial Grand Registrar ; W . Bro . J . Burton , P . M . No . 276 , Provincial Grand Treasurer ; Bro . J . W . Carr ,
Provincial Grand Secretary ; W . Bro . H . Rowley , P . M . No . 1000 , Provincial S . G . D . ; Bros . Dr . Nicholls and T . Smee , No . 276 , Provincial Grand Stewards , and also the following Past Provincial Grand Officers , Past Masters , & c , were present : —W . Bro . Frederick Wood , P . M . No . 1000 , P . P . S . G . W . ; W .
Bro . Frederick Green , P . M . Nos . 276 and 1024 , P . P . S . G . W . ; W . Bro . G . F . Browning , P . M . No . 160 , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . Bro . H . Wood , P . M . No . 160 , P . P . G . O . ; Bro . Rev . F . B . Shepherd , W . M . No 276 , P . P . G . Chaplain ; AV . Bro . George Burgess , P . JI . 100 , P . P . J . G . D . ; W . Bro . William S . Pavitt ,
I . P . M . No . 160 ; W . Bro . Garrington , P . M . ; W . Bro . Peter Richmond , P . M . ; W . Bro . Jones , P . M . ; Bro . English , S . D . No . 1000 ; Bro . Abbott , No . 1000 ; Bro . Andrews , of St . Peters , No . 1021 . At the close of the business the brethren , thirty in number , sat down to an excellent dinner , provided by Bro . H .
D . Brown , of the Old Ship , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and after a few songs had been given the brethren separated , after enjoying a pleasant evening . BEDFOUDsmr . K . —Lodge of St . John the Baptist , No 475 . —This excellent working lodge met on Friday , the
25 th June , at the Town Hall , Luton . Bro . E . O . Williams iu the chair . The lodge being opened , and the minutes of the former meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . II . Torrance , aud on its being unanimous in his favour , he was duly initiated . Bro . the Rev .
Henry Tite having answered the usual questions satisfactorily , was passed to the degree of a F . C ., and Bro . R . Drew was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , all the above ceremonies being excellently worked . Bro . John Cumberland was then presented to the lodge for the purpose of
installation , and thateeremony was beautifully rendered in a solemn and imposin . 'manner , by Bro . F . Gotto ( P . P . 8 . W . for Berks and Bucks . ) lie then invested his officers as follows : Bros Seurgill , S . W . ; Cawdell . J . W . ; E . F . Green , S D . ; J . Cotchin , J . D . ; I . W . Green , l . G . ; F . B . Kelly , See . ; E . O .
Williams , Treas . It was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that a vote of thanks be given to Pro . F . Gotto , for the excellent manner he p rformed the ceremony of Installation , to the satisfaction of every Hr- ' i . and visitor present . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren
adjourned to the George Hotel , and there sat down to a very recherche banquet , the dinner and wines being of first-rate quality . After Mho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , the W . M .. in proposing the various toasts , showed the excellent selection thev had made of one
so well calculated to fill that office . The visitors were Bros . F . Gotto ( P . M . 501 , 018 , 1087 and P . P . S . W . Berks and Bucks ) , C . Mortimer ( Organist 048 ) . C . Marriott ( 357 ) , McCubbin ( S . W . 948 ) , King ( 048 ) , Iladley ( S . D . 048 ) , J . Merrifield ( 1087 ) , Roberts ( J . W . 102 ) . Some very excellent singing
emenated from several brethren , and after speuding an agreeable evening , the brethren returned to town at an early hour . LEICESTEII . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —The brethren of this lodge assembled to celebrate their annual festival on'St . John ' s Day , at the Freemasons '
Hall , when , from the great esteem m which the W . M .., elect ( Bro . George Toller , juu ., ) is held by the members of both the local lodges , the attendance was very numerous . All the officers of the lodge , except the Chaplain ( who is absent from the
kingdom ) , and the Treasurer ( who wasabseiitfrom illness ) , were in their places , and the following P . M . ' s were present , viz .: Bros . Kelly ( D . P . G . M . and W . M . No . 279 ) , Goodyer , ( P . P . S . G . W . ) , Major Brewin , ( P . P . S G . W . imd P . G . Treas . ) , Sheppnrd ' fP . P . G . Ueg . ) , C . Johnson ( P . M . l' . U aud P . P . S . G . W . Jersey ) ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Org ., and A . M . ; Duff , W . M . and P . G . J . D ., the Rev . N . Haycroft , D . D ., and many members . Among the visitors were Bros . Eev . Chas . J . E . Smith ( S . W ., No . 502 , and Pro . G . Chap ., Warwickshire ) , S . P . Ekin ( No . 279 and P . G . D . C . of Northampton and Hants ) , H . Douglas ( S . W . No . 1130 and P . G . D .
of C ) , and Weare ( P . M . and P . P . G . D ) , Pettifor ( P . M . and P . P . S . G . W . ) , S . A . Clarke ( P . M . and P . G . S . D . ) , C . Stretton ( J . W . and P . P . G . Reg . ) , Ride , McAllirter , Atwood , Palmer , J . W . Smith , and other members of No . 279 . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., Bro Duff , and the minutes of
the last meeting , including the unanimous election of Bro . Toller as W . M ., read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . the Rev . Nathaniel Haycroft , D . D ., of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 , as a joining member , and for the Rev . Heaton Edward Von Stiirmer , and Mr . George Fletcher , as candidates for initiation ,
which was unanimous , in their favour . Bro . J . J . Millar , having passed a very satisfactory examination in the first degree retired , and the lodge having been opened in the second degree he was passed in Fellow Craft . The lodge was then resumed in the firstdegree , and the W . M ., proceeded to initiate the Rev . II . E . Von Stiirmer and Mr . M . Fletcher into our
mysteries , after whicn the D . P . G . M ., gave the lecture on the tracing board . The lodge was resumed in the second degree , and the W . M ., commenced the ceremony of installing his successor in the chair of K . S ., after which a lodge of M . M . ' s aud a Board of Installed Masters were succesively opened , and Bro . Toller was duly installed in the presence of eight P . M ' s . On the return of the brethren the W . M . was
duly proclaimed , and saluted in the several degrees . The ceremony being concluded , the newly-installed W . M ., moved a vote of thanks to his predecessor , Bro . Duff , for his efficient services in the chair , which was seconded by the D . P . G . M ., and carried un . inimor . sly . Thanks were also voted to Bro . W .
B . Smith , P . P . J . G . W ., for his services as Treasurer ( to which office he was re-elected ) , and to Bro . G . B . Atkins , for the discharge of the onerous duties of Steward . The W . M . then appointed and invested the officers for the ensuing year , as follows : —Bros . A . M . Duff , P . M . ; T . II . Buzzard , S . W . : W .
Sculthorpe , J . W . ; Rev . John Spittal , M . A ., Chap . ; Rev . N . ' Haycroft , D . D ., S . D . ; S . S . Partridge , J . D . ; W . B . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; F . < J . Baines , Sec . ; Chas . Johnson , P . M ., Org . ; G . B . Atkins , and A . Sargeant , Stewards ; M . H . Lewin , l . G . ; . Chas . Bembridge , Tyler . A candidate having been
proposed for admission at the next lodge , the brethren were called off for refreshment , and about 40 brethren sat down to the banquet . On the removal of the cloth , the '"; usual loyal and Masonic toastB were duly honored , those of the Rt . W . P . G . M ., the Earl Howe , of the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Keily , and of
the newly-installed W . M ., being most warmly received . TheD . P . G . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Bishop of the diocese , and the ministers of religion of all denominations in the Province , " ( and which was responded to by the Revs . C . J . E . Smith , M . A ., and N . Haycroft , D . D ., ) took occasion to
announce the gratifying fact , that the new Bishop , ( Dr . Magee ) , is a member of the Craft . During the evening some excellent songs were sung by Bros . C . Johnson , Atwood , Palmer , and others . The lodge was finally closed , and the brethren separated after a very pleasant reunion .
AsniiY-DE LA-ZOUCII Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 770 . —The annual festival of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 29 th ult .. the lodge being opened at the Town Hall , at 3 o ' clock , by the W . M ., the Rev . S . Pyemont , D . D ., Prov . S . G . W ., the following brethren also being present : —W . Kelly ,
D . P . G M . ; H . E . Smith , J . P ., P . M ., and P . P . J . G . W . ; G . F . Brown , P . M ., and P . P . J . G . W . ; S . Love , P . M ., andP . PG . S . D . ; E . F . Mammatt , S . W ., and P . G . Reg ., W . M . elect ; Garner , Faulkner , Blood , Johuson , Calmer , and other members of the lodge . Among the visitors were , Bros J . C . Bindleyand F . A . Jackson ,
( Abbey Lodge , 024 ) ; R . Warner , P . M . ( Repose Lodge , 802 ); and Major Brewin , P . P . S . G . W . ; Pettifor , P . P . S . G . W . ; Stretton , P . P . G . Reg . ; Duff , P . G . J . D . ; Buzzard , P . G . Steward , and Atwood , of the Leicester Lodges . The lodge having been opened and some preliminary business transacted , Bro . E .
F . Mammatt was presented for the benefit of installation , and tho W . M . proceeded to address him accordingto usage , after which assent wasgiven to the ancient charges , and the O . B . as regards the government of the lodge . After the lodge had been opened in the third degree , the D P . G . M . assumed
the gavel , and having declared a board of installed Masters duly constituted , he proceeded regularly to install Bro . Mammatt in the chair of the lodge , after which he was duly saluted by the P . M . ' s present . The brethren having been called in , they were informed that the W . M . had been duly
installed , and they were called upon to salute him ; the address to the W . M . was then delivered , and subsequently the ceremony wis completed in the second and first degrees . The W . M . appointed the following as the officers , and invested them ( with the exception of Bro . Earl Ferrers , who was prevented being pivseiit by illness ) : —Dr Pyemont , I . P . M .