Article Untitled ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE SHEERNESS PUBLIC ROOMS COMPANY. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Article Agents. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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death of ihe R . W . and Rev . Charles L . Piatt , of Binghamptoi . ); Grand Pursuivant , W . Johnson Fountain , of New York ; Grand Tyler , W . John IIoolo ( in place of the late Sewall Fisk ) . _ ¦ For Grand Lecturer , four brethren were nominated , one of whom withdrew his name , and the election
resulted in favour ofthe R . W . Brother George II . Raymond . ¦ After several reports had been discussedand adopted , the installation of officers took p lace , the installing muster being M . W . John L . Lewis . Previous to this , however , the Grand Master announced the following
appointments , all of whom filled the offices last year Charles'B . Foster , Grand Marshal ; Cornelius Esselstyn , Grand Standard Bearer ; 14 . II . Huntington , Grand Sword Bearer ; -John Boyd , Phili p Mcrkie , Wm . Sinclair , and James M . Fuller , Grand Stewards ; Cornelius A . Marvin , Senior Grand Deacon ; Charles E . Young , Junior Grand Deacon .
Thus ihe staff remains as it stood during the past year , and we think the Grand Master has acted wisel y in not making any change . The Grand Officers were then installed in ample form , the Rev . and W . William Long , acting Grand Chap lain offering prayer before proceeding with the ceremonies . —Abridged from the A'eio York Dispatch of June 6 .
The Sheerness Public Rooms Company.
We have received the Prospectus of The Sheerness Public Rooms Company , Limited , in which the Directors invite subscriptions for a capital of . £ 5 , 000 in 1 , 000 shares of £ i > each , deposit 5 s ., allotment 15 s . No call to exceed £ 1 , and aw interval of two months between calls . The Board is of a respectable local
character . The chief features of the p lan are : — A Restaurant , with every convenience for providing , on liberal terms , for the entertainment of large or small parties of visitors ; a Billiard Room ; Refreshment , Reading , Smoking , Conversation , Library , Retiring , and Waiting Rooms ; fitted up with special
regard to the comfort , freedom and convenience of the frequenters . Adjoining these will be a large Concert Hall , 100 feet by 50 feet , 35 feet in height , with gallery , stage , lobby , corridors , waiting , and cloak rooms , all on the most approved princi ples of construction , warming , and ventilating arrangements .
The Victoria Hall will be , undoubtedly , the finest room in the County of Kent for Bazaars , Concerts , Balls , Promenades , Entertainments , and Assemblies of all kinds . The Building also includes a smaller Hall , to be used as a Masonic Lodge Room , to which Preparation and Ante-Rooms are attached .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending July 10 , 1869 . . Monday , July 5 . l-odge No . 10 , " Royal Alpha , " St . James' Iltl ., Piccadilly . ,, 25 , " Iiobert liurns , ' Freemasons' Hall . „ 188 , " Joppa , " Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . R . A . Chap . 28 , " Old King's Arms , " Freemasons' Tavern .
Tuesday , July 6 . Colonial Board , at Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . Audit Committee , Girls' School , at 2 . 30 . Lodge No , 1 G 7 , "St . John ' s , " Holly HushTav ., Hampstead . R . A . Chap ., lC'J , "Temperance , " White Swan Tnv ., Deptl ' ord .
Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldcrnmnlniry at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Pahnerston Tavern , Grosvonorpark , Camherwell , nt 7 . 30 . Joppa Lodge of Instruction , Koso and Crown , Bishopsgatostreet .
Wednesday , July 7 . Lodge No , 10 , " Westminster and Keystone , " Freemason * Hall . „ 217 , "Stability , " George Hotel , Aldermanliury . „ 10-14 , " New Wandsworth , ' New Wandsworth . „ 12 Hi , "Macdonald , " Head Quarters 1 st S . R . V ., Brunswick road , Camberwell . K . A . Chap . 753 , " Prince Frederick William , " Knights of St .
John Hotel . Queeu ' s-tirracc , St . John ' s Wood . Mark Lodge , " Samson and Lion , ' No . 80 , Freemasons ' Tavern .
Thursday , July 8 . Quarterly Gcul . Court Girl's School , Freemasons' Hall , at 12 . Lodge No . 107 G , "Capper , " Marino Hotel , Victoria Dock , West Ham . „ 1227 , "Upton , " Spotted DogTav ., Upton , Essex . U . A . Chap . 73 , "Mount Lebanon , " Bridge llouso Hotel , Southwark . 1
„ 55 f , "Yin-borough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Friday , July 9 . [ Nil . ] Saturday , July 10 . Lodge No . 176 , " Cavcac , " liadlcy ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . Domatic Chapter of Instruction , Horns Tavern , Kcniiington , at 8 : Comp . Little , P . Z ., Preceptor ,
Agents .
AMERICA : Bro . J . FLETCHER . BREXNAN , Hi , Mainstreet , Cincinnati , Ohio . CANADA : Messrs . D . VUIK & SON , Ottawa . CEYLON : Messrs . W . L . SKEENE & Co ., Uolumrjo . CONSTANTINOPLE : . Bro . J . L . HANLT Levant Times ' GALATA : IPSICK KAHN , Perchembe' IJajar . PARIS : M . DICOHEVAUX-DUMKSNIL , Rue de Harlay-du-Palais , 20 , near tho Pont Neuf ; Euitor Lc I'Vanc-Macon . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in Great Britain and Ireland .
' % hb erfcemenis . BRO . HIGSIAST'S MASONIC BOUaiTET , GREATLY ADMIRED FOR ITS UFCHNESS AND PERMANENCY OF FRAGRANCE . Sold in Stoppered Bottles , at 2 s . 6 d . each , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . at the MASONIC D £ P 0 T , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London Bro . G . W . CHINNOCK , Sfoimmj imb Ctmfeii jslonc gJfaSDit , 93 , FTJLHAM ROAD , S . W .
MISSES E . & C . CHINNOCK , Pianistes & Teachers of the Pianoforte * 93 , PDLHAM ROAD , S . W .
ARMS , " CRESTS , and MONOGRAMS ^—MASONIC EMBLEMS Engraved on Seals , Dies , & e . Official Stamps designed and Engraved . —Bro . D . ' G . BEUUI , Engraver to Her Majesty's Post Office , Stationery Office , & c ., 3 ( 1 , High Ilolhorn ( opposite Chancery-lane ) , London , W . C . BRO . ADLARD'S " REGISTERED " JEWEL ATTACIIF . lt . Price 7 s . Od . Universally adopted . Maker of the Improved Fitting Lodge Collars and Masonic Clothing . 225 , High Ilolhorn , London , W . C . BRO . R . FLETCHER , Masonic Stationer . Masonic Emblems . Arms , Crests , Monograms , Addresses , & c ., beautifully stamped on note paper and envelopes in Gold , Silver or Colours . Lodge Stationery correctly and carefully prepared . Jewels copied anil Signet Rings engraved with minute care . The patronage of the Craft respeclfully solicited hy Bro . R . FLETCHER , Masonic Stationer , 10 , Winslcy-street , Oxford-street , London , W ., opposite tho Panlheon .
ASTRINGENT TOOTH PASTE . — HENRY NEWMAN'S "Astringent Tooth Paste , ' iu Pots Is . fid . and 2 s . 6 d ., to be had of all respeclable Chemists . Wholesale Agents , Evans and Sons , Hanoverstreet ; Raiines and Co ., Hanover street ; Messrs Clay , Dodd and Case , St . Anne street ; or of the Proprietor , II EN RY NEWMAN SUttOKON-DKNTIST , C , SLATER STREjET , I . lVKltl'OOI ..
N TCOLL , HAIR CUTTER to 1 I . K . 1 I the Prince of Wales , 40 , GLASSHOUSK STRIIET , KKGF . NT STRFXT . Tlie Hair artistically Cut and Brushed by Machinery—Charge o"d . Shampooing with tho celebrated Indian Reetiili , and cold , tepid , and warm Distilled Water-Charge 6 d . ( including Brushing hy Machinery ) . NICOLL'S GOLDEN TINCTURE , forgiving a brilliant Golden shade to Hair of any colour—Sample Bottle , Us . Gd . NICOLL'S UNIVERSAL TOILET COMPANION . — It cleanses and beautifies the llair , rendering it soft , glossy and elastic ; it purifies the skin , eradicates dandriff ; its use in the bath is most refreshing and invigorating . —Is . NICOLL'S CELEBRATED SYRIAN LIQUID HAIR DYE . —Instantaneous . —In Cases , : is ( Id . Extract from the Weekly Times , May : — "Nicoll'a Syrian Liquid Hair Dyu may justly bo termed the Wonder of tho Ago , being free fiom all unpleasant smell ; anil , acting instantaneously on the hair , must pl .-ase and astonish those who have occasion to use it . ' Extract from iho Polytechnic Magazine : — "It is with groat pleasuro wo call tho attention of our readers to tho Uair Dyo invented hy Mr . G . Meoll , Us great superiority over other dyes confers a boon on that portion of tho community who require its use , which wo ourselves acknowledge , and ourimproved looks will testify . " NICOLL'S TRICHONAPHRON removes tho Scurf from the skin , prevents it turning grey , mid imparts to the Hair a beautifully glossy appearance . —2 s . ( id . per bottle . Hair-cutting and Shampooing Saloons . N . B . —Private Saloons for Ladies .
Vj-HE NEW MUSICAL PITCH . — . 1 COLLARD MOUTRIE lias just invented , perfected , and secured by Royal Letters Patent , an important improvement in tlie manufacture of Pianofortes , by which the Pitch is raised to the Philharmonic or lowered to ' lhat . of the French normal diapason in an instant , at the option of lhe performer . Phis invention can be applied to any IManforte . Tlie Profession , Amateurs , Musical Grilles , Musical Public , and the 'trade are invited to witness its utility and effect , between the hours of Eleven and Four , at the Manufactory , 77 , Southampton-row , liusscU-squurc . Established 18-19 .
rpiIE AMERICAN FREEMASON JL is Monthly , of sixteen double-column quarto pages of entirely original matter , and translations from lhe French Italian , and German Masonic papers and periodicals of the day . It is devoted to tlie discussion of the rights of Lodges and individual Freemasons , in contradistinction to the assumptions of Grand Lodges , and the un Masonic doctrines and arrangements of " high degrees"' Its motto is—Belief in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man . Its price is Five Shillings a year—a sum so small that no Freemason , for pecuniary reasons , need be a non-subscriber to it . Trans-Atlantic Subscribers to the AMERICAN FREEMASON will receive it Post-paid from tlie Office of Publication direct , at their respective Post-oiliccs , upon payment of ilie subscription to Bno . GEORGE KENNING , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C . All Subscriptions begin with March loth , 1 SG 9 , and end with February , 1870 . The AMERICAN FREEMASON is not tho organ of any Grand Lodge ; but speaking the words of truth , manhood , and independence , advocates freedom for Masonry in America , and the rights of Freemasons in their Lodges—rights which , by our Grand Lodges , in their subs » . rveney to high degrees . luiva been invaded , until at present , they are nearly obliterated . Subscribers in the British Colonies will please address all Subscriptions and Correspondence to J . FLETCHER BRENNAN , Editor , ill , Main-street , Cincinnati , Ohio .
VELOCIPEDES & BICIOLES for either Sex . Speed 30 miles per hour , hill-ascending , self-propelling and balancing , £ 100 . Diagram , fid . Manufacturing Licences granted . ' W . PIDD 1 NG , ESQ ., PATENTEE , 31 , Kings ' -rovr , Walworth-road . "Having drawn Mr . W . FINDING ' S Specification of Patent , I am able to certify that his improvements in Velocipedes ( bicycles particularly ) will render them self balancing , capable of ascending hilly ground , and that thy would travel on a newly-made road without inconvenience to the rider , either in the way of jolting or in retarding of the great speed the improvements will secure . The travelling , in fact , would be as though on level ground . ( Signed ) "J . G WILSON , C . E . " Belgrave-terracc , Peck ham , S E . ; formerly of 18 . fit . George-street , Westminster . " ' MR . W . PiuniNo ' a PATENT SKI . P-PKOFKLI . IXG AND BALANCING VELOCIPEDES ANII BICICI . ES —Having seen th * diagrams and perused a specification of Mr . Pidding ' s patent , we hesitate not for an instant , to say that that gentleman will accomplish all he professes to do by means of his invention . " —Sporting Opinion . New Edition , in post Svo , with about 80 Woodcuts , price 12 s . u'd . j _) R . JAMES STEVENS ( -25 , " 72 oTl 21 G , So !) , . 13 Auctioneer and Surveyor , llouso and Kstate Agent , Sc ., Claplmin Common . —Valuations for Probate or Legacy Duties . Agent to the Imperial Fire & Life Insurance Offices .
ESTABLISHED 1840 . BRO . VV . II . WAGHOHN Manufacturer of Regalia for all Societies . Masonic Aprons , Collars , Ribbons , Sashes , and every requisite for all degrees in Freemasonry always in Stock . 10 , Vi . NKOAit YAIIO , COVEXT GAIUHCX , LnsnoK , W . C .
MONEY . —LOANS Granted from . £ 100 to . £ 2 , 000 at b per cent ., repayable over Three Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy clfected with the WEST OF ENGLAND ' INSURANCK CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Applv to the Superintendent or Agents , Bro . J . CROCKER , Gatesheadon-Tyne . Agents Wanted .
pROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH KLIXIR . \_ ' Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills , are too often invoked lo give relief iu Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary Diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH KLIXIR as the true remedy . 8 EMCUT TKSTIMONI . U . Dr . Rookc , Scarborough , author of the "Anti-Lancet , " says : — "I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough , Pain , and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens tho constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Clumsy , and all directions of the throat and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers , in bottles at Is . Oil ., -Is . 0 d ., and lis . each . Sold wholesale and retail by JAS . M . CIIOSBY . Chemist , Scarborough . * , * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air Vessels , " a copy of which can bo obtained gratis on application .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
death of ihe R . W . and Rev . Charles L . Piatt , of Binghamptoi . ); Grand Pursuivant , W . Johnson Fountain , of New York ; Grand Tyler , W . John IIoolo ( in place of the late Sewall Fisk ) . _ ¦ For Grand Lecturer , four brethren were nominated , one of whom withdrew his name , and the election
resulted in favour ofthe R . W . Brother George II . Raymond . ¦ After several reports had been discussedand adopted , the installation of officers took p lace , the installing muster being M . W . John L . Lewis . Previous to this , however , the Grand Master announced the following
appointments , all of whom filled the offices last year Charles'B . Foster , Grand Marshal ; Cornelius Esselstyn , Grand Standard Bearer ; 14 . II . Huntington , Grand Sword Bearer ; -John Boyd , Phili p Mcrkie , Wm . Sinclair , and James M . Fuller , Grand Stewards ; Cornelius A . Marvin , Senior Grand Deacon ; Charles E . Young , Junior Grand Deacon .
Thus ihe staff remains as it stood during the past year , and we think the Grand Master has acted wisel y in not making any change . The Grand Officers were then installed in ample form , the Rev . and W . William Long , acting Grand Chap lain offering prayer before proceeding with the ceremonies . —Abridged from the A'eio York Dispatch of June 6 .
The Sheerness Public Rooms Company.
We have received the Prospectus of The Sheerness Public Rooms Company , Limited , in which the Directors invite subscriptions for a capital of . £ 5 , 000 in 1 , 000 shares of £ i > each , deposit 5 s ., allotment 15 s . No call to exceed £ 1 , and aw interval of two months between calls . The Board is of a respectable local
character . The chief features of the p lan are : — A Restaurant , with every convenience for providing , on liberal terms , for the entertainment of large or small parties of visitors ; a Billiard Room ; Refreshment , Reading , Smoking , Conversation , Library , Retiring , and Waiting Rooms ; fitted up with special
regard to the comfort , freedom and convenience of the frequenters . Adjoining these will be a large Concert Hall , 100 feet by 50 feet , 35 feet in height , with gallery , stage , lobby , corridors , waiting , and cloak rooms , all on the most approved princi ples of construction , warming , and ventilating arrangements .
The Victoria Hall will be , undoubtedly , the finest room in the County of Kent for Bazaars , Concerts , Balls , Promenades , Entertainments , and Assemblies of all kinds . The Building also includes a smaller Hall , to be used as a Masonic Lodge Room , to which Preparation and Ante-Rooms are attached .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending July 10 , 1869 . . Monday , July 5 . l-odge No . 10 , " Royal Alpha , " St . James' Iltl ., Piccadilly . ,, 25 , " Iiobert liurns , ' Freemasons' Hall . „ 188 , " Joppa , " Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . R . A . Chap . 28 , " Old King's Arms , " Freemasons' Tavern .
Tuesday , July 6 . Colonial Board , at Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . Audit Committee , Girls' School , at 2 . 30 . Lodge No , 1 G 7 , "St . John ' s , " Holly HushTav ., Hampstead . R . A . Chap ., lC'J , "Temperance , " White Swan Tnv ., Deptl ' ord .
Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldcrnmnlniry at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Pahnerston Tavern , Grosvonorpark , Camherwell , nt 7 . 30 . Joppa Lodge of Instruction , Koso and Crown , Bishopsgatostreet .
Wednesday , July 7 . Lodge No , 10 , " Westminster and Keystone , " Freemason * Hall . „ 217 , "Stability , " George Hotel , Aldermanliury . „ 10-14 , " New Wandsworth , ' New Wandsworth . „ 12 Hi , "Macdonald , " Head Quarters 1 st S . R . V ., Brunswick road , Camberwell . K . A . Chap . 753 , " Prince Frederick William , " Knights of St .
John Hotel . Queeu ' s-tirracc , St . John ' s Wood . Mark Lodge , " Samson and Lion , ' No . 80 , Freemasons ' Tavern .
Thursday , July 8 . Quarterly Gcul . Court Girl's School , Freemasons' Hall , at 12 . Lodge No . 107 G , "Capper , " Marino Hotel , Victoria Dock , West Ham . „ 1227 , "Upton , " Spotted DogTav ., Upton , Essex . U . A . Chap . 73 , "Mount Lebanon , " Bridge llouso Hotel , Southwark . 1
„ 55 f , "Yin-borough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Friday , July 9 . [ Nil . ] Saturday , July 10 . Lodge No . 176 , " Cavcac , " liadlcy ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . Domatic Chapter of Instruction , Horns Tavern , Kcniiington , at 8 : Comp . Little , P . Z ., Preceptor ,
Agents .
AMERICA : Bro . J . FLETCHER . BREXNAN , Hi , Mainstreet , Cincinnati , Ohio . CANADA : Messrs . D . VUIK & SON , Ottawa . CEYLON : Messrs . W . L . SKEENE & Co ., Uolumrjo . CONSTANTINOPLE : . Bro . J . L . HANLT Levant Times ' GALATA : IPSICK KAHN , Perchembe' IJajar . PARIS : M . DICOHEVAUX-DUMKSNIL , Rue de Harlay-du-Palais , 20 , near tho Pont Neuf ; Euitor Lc I'Vanc-Macon . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in Great Britain and Ireland .
' % hb erfcemenis . BRO . HIGSIAST'S MASONIC BOUaiTET , GREATLY ADMIRED FOR ITS UFCHNESS AND PERMANENCY OF FRAGRANCE . Sold in Stoppered Bottles , at 2 s . 6 d . each , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . at the MASONIC D £ P 0 T , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London Bro . G . W . CHINNOCK , Sfoimmj imb Ctmfeii jslonc gJfaSDit , 93 , FTJLHAM ROAD , S . W .
MISSES E . & C . CHINNOCK , Pianistes & Teachers of the Pianoforte * 93 , PDLHAM ROAD , S . W .
ARMS , " CRESTS , and MONOGRAMS ^—MASONIC EMBLEMS Engraved on Seals , Dies , & e . Official Stamps designed and Engraved . —Bro . D . ' G . BEUUI , Engraver to Her Majesty's Post Office , Stationery Office , & c ., 3 ( 1 , High Ilolhorn ( opposite Chancery-lane ) , London , W . C . BRO . ADLARD'S " REGISTERED " JEWEL ATTACIIF . lt . Price 7 s . Od . Universally adopted . Maker of the Improved Fitting Lodge Collars and Masonic Clothing . 225 , High Ilolhorn , London , W . C . BRO . R . FLETCHER , Masonic Stationer . Masonic Emblems . Arms , Crests , Monograms , Addresses , & c ., beautifully stamped on note paper and envelopes in Gold , Silver or Colours . Lodge Stationery correctly and carefully prepared . Jewels copied anil Signet Rings engraved with minute care . The patronage of the Craft respeclfully solicited hy Bro . R . FLETCHER , Masonic Stationer , 10 , Winslcy-street , Oxford-street , London , W ., opposite tho Panlheon .
ASTRINGENT TOOTH PASTE . — HENRY NEWMAN'S "Astringent Tooth Paste , ' iu Pots Is . fid . and 2 s . 6 d ., to be had of all respeclable Chemists . Wholesale Agents , Evans and Sons , Hanoverstreet ; Raiines and Co ., Hanover street ; Messrs Clay , Dodd and Case , St . Anne street ; or of the Proprietor , II EN RY NEWMAN SUttOKON-DKNTIST , C , SLATER STREjET , I . lVKltl'OOI ..
N TCOLL , HAIR CUTTER to 1 I . K . 1 I the Prince of Wales , 40 , GLASSHOUSK STRIIET , KKGF . NT STRFXT . Tlie Hair artistically Cut and Brushed by Machinery—Charge o"d . Shampooing with tho celebrated Indian Reetiili , and cold , tepid , and warm Distilled Water-Charge 6 d . ( including Brushing hy Machinery ) . NICOLL'S GOLDEN TINCTURE , forgiving a brilliant Golden shade to Hair of any colour—Sample Bottle , Us . Gd . NICOLL'S UNIVERSAL TOILET COMPANION . — It cleanses and beautifies the llair , rendering it soft , glossy and elastic ; it purifies the skin , eradicates dandriff ; its use in the bath is most refreshing and invigorating . —Is . NICOLL'S CELEBRATED SYRIAN LIQUID HAIR DYE . —Instantaneous . —In Cases , : is ( Id . Extract from the Weekly Times , May : — "Nicoll'a Syrian Liquid Hair Dyu may justly bo termed the Wonder of tho Ago , being free fiom all unpleasant smell ; anil , acting instantaneously on the hair , must pl .-ase and astonish those who have occasion to use it . ' Extract from iho Polytechnic Magazine : — "It is with groat pleasuro wo call tho attention of our readers to tho Uair Dyo invented hy Mr . G . Meoll , Us great superiority over other dyes confers a boon on that portion of tho community who require its use , which wo ourselves acknowledge , and ourimproved looks will testify . " NICOLL'S TRICHONAPHRON removes tho Scurf from the skin , prevents it turning grey , mid imparts to the Hair a beautifully glossy appearance . —2 s . ( id . per bottle . Hair-cutting and Shampooing Saloons . N . B . —Private Saloons for Ladies .
Vj-HE NEW MUSICAL PITCH . — . 1 COLLARD MOUTRIE lias just invented , perfected , and secured by Royal Letters Patent , an important improvement in tlie manufacture of Pianofortes , by which the Pitch is raised to the Philharmonic or lowered to ' lhat . of the French normal diapason in an instant , at the option of lhe performer . Phis invention can be applied to any IManforte . Tlie Profession , Amateurs , Musical Grilles , Musical Public , and the 'trade are invited to witness its utility and effect , between the hours of Eleven and Four , at the Manufactory , 77 , Southampton-row , liusscU-squurc . Established 18-19 .
rpiIE AMERICAN FREEMASON JL is Monthly , of sixteen double-column quarto pages of entirely original matter , and translations from lhe French Italian , and German Masonic papers and periodicals of the day . It is devoted to tlie discussion of the rights of Lodges and individual Freemasons , in contradistinction to the assumptions of Grand Lodges , and the un Masonic doctrines and arrangements of " high degrees"' Its motto is—Belief in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man . Its price is Five Shillings a year—a sum so small that no Freemason , for pecuniary reasons , need be a non-subscriber to it . Trans-Atlantic Subscribers to the AMERICAN FREEMASON will receive it Post-paid from tlie Office of Publication direct , at their respective Post-oiliccs , upon payment of ilie subscription to Bno . GEORGE KENNING , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C . All Subscriptions begin with March loth , 1 SG 9 , and end with February , 1870 . The AMERICAN FREEMASON is not tho organ of any Grand Lodge ; but speaking the words of truth , manhood , and independence , advocates freedom for Masonry in America , and the rights of Freemasons in their Lodges—rights which , by our Grand Lodges , in their subs » . rveney to high degrees . luiva been invaded , until at present , they are nearly obliterated . Subscribers in the British Colonies will please address all Subscriptions and Correspondence to J . FLETCHER BRENNAN , Editor , ill , Main-street , Cincinnati , Ohio .
VELOCIPEDES & BICIOLES for either Sex . Speed 30 miles per hour , hill-ascending , self-propelling and balancing , £ 100 . Diagram , fid . Manufacturing Licences granted . ' W . PIDD 1 NG , ESQ ., PATENTEE , 31 , Kings ' -rovr , Walworth-road . "Having drawn Mr . W . FINDING ' S Specification of Patent , I am able to certify that his improvements in Velocipedes ( bicycles particularly ) will render them self balancing , capable of ascending hilly ground , and that thy would travel on a newly-made road without inconvenience to the rider , either in the way of jolting or in retarding of the great speed the improvements will secure . The travelling , in fact , would be as though on level ground . ( Signed ) "J . G WILSON , C . E . " Belgrave-terracc , Peck ham , S E . ; formerly of 18 . fit . George-street , Westminster . " ' MR . W . PiuniNo ' a PATENT SKI . P-PKOFKLI . IXG AND BALANCING VELOCIPEDES ANII BICICI . ES —Having seen th * diagrams and perused a specification of Mr . Pidding ' s patent , we hesitate not for an instant , to say that that gentleman will accomplish all he professes to do by means of his invention . " —Sporting Opinion . New Edition , in post Svo , with about 80 Woodcuts , price 12 s . u'd . j _) R . JAMES STEVENS ( -25 , " 72 oTl 21 G , So !) , . 13 Auctioneer and Surveyor , llouso and Kstate Agent , Sc ., Claplmin Common . —Valuations for Probate or Legacy Duties . Agent to the Imperial Fire & Life Insurance Offices .
ESTABLISHED 1840 . BRO . VV . II . WAGHOHN Manufacturer of Regalia for all Societies . Masonic Aprons , Collars , Ribbons , Sashes , and every requisite for all degrees in Freemasonry always in Stock . 10 , Vi . NKOAit YAIIO , COVEXT GAIUHCX , LnsnoK , W . C .
MONEY . —LOANS Granted from . £ 100 to . £ 2 , 000 at b per cent ., repayable over Three Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy clfected with the WEST OF ENGLAND ' INSURANCK CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Applv to the Superintendent or Agents , Bro . J . CROCKER , Gatesheadon-Tyne . Agents Wanted .
pROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH KLIXIR . \_ ' Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills , are too often invoked lo give relief iu Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary Diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH KLIXIR as the true remedy . 8 EMCUT TKSTIMONI . U . Dr . Rookc , Scarborough , author of the "Anti-Lancet , " says : — "I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough , Pain , and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens tho constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Clumsy , and all directions of the throat and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers , in bottles at Is . Oil ., -Is . 0 d ., and lis . each . Sold wholesale and retail by JAS . M . CIIOSBY . Chemist , Scarborough . * , * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air Vessels , " a copy of which can bo obtained gratis on application .