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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
tion of Bro . Goodinge , had been initiated in the lodge , and it could easily be conceived what pleasure it would give him to sec each one of them , in turn , occupying the chair of W . M . of the lodge . The lodge not being yet three years old , they were all young Masons , and the . ability they had displayed was therefore ' all the more to their credit . Bros . Worrell and Goodinge replied ; the latter thanking
the W . M . in the chair for the treat assistance he afforded the brethren in learning the duties of their respective offices . Me promised that all the officers would try to do their duties perfectly . . 'The 'T yler ' s toast was then given , and the proceedings , which had been made additionally pleasant by some excellent music and singing , were brought to a close .
CAMBRIDGE . —Scientific Lodge . ( No . Sis ) . — 'The brethren of this lodge met nt their lodge-room at the Lion Motel , on the gth ult , for the installation of Bro . Edward Hills , of F . lv , as W . M . for the vear . Previous to Hit principal business . Messrs . J . L . Rutter and W . Sindall were initiated . 'The impressive installation ceremony was then puformed by Bro . J . Noalc \ ork ,
P . M ., assisted by Bro . J . Deighton , D . P . G . M . At thc close of the ceremony the W . M . appointed his ollicers as follows : Bros . T . Hunnybun , I . P . M . ; J . V . Pryor , S . W . ; A . Thompson , JAV . ; C . F . Jarrold , P . M ., Chap . ; W . II . Jarrold , 'Treas . ' : T . Nicholls , Sec . ; W . I . I ' ashler , J . D . ;
Oliver Papworth , I . G . ; A . 11 . Moyes , P . M ., D . C ; W . Davidson , P . M .. Stcwaid ; W . Purchas , Organist Subsequently there was a grand banquet , to which upwards of fifty brethren and visiting brethren sat down , under the presidency of Pro . E . Hills ; anel the evening vvas spent in true Masonic harmonv .
SCARBOROUGH . —Old , 'Globe Lodge ( . No coo ) . — 'The annual installation meeting of this lodge took place in the Masonic Hall Londesborough Rooms , on the ISth ult . 'The W . M . elect , Bro . Geo . Dippic , was duly installed bv W . 11 . Smyth , P . G . M . Lincolnshire . Afterwards the " W . M . appointed the following as officers for the
ensuing vear , viz . : Bros . John R . Hippie , I . I . M . ; E . Cooper , ' S . W . ; Chas . | . Kobe-its , J . W . ; J . W . 1 aylor , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Chap . ; | . W . Woodall , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., Tre-is . ; J . Wanless , Sec . ; 11 . Hume , is rs ,,. .. .. ,, . , l \ . iv . l IS . \ V f l . \ .. ! .. i \ i
„„ H . V-. ; \ v arts , - -s . u . ; J . VV . nres , ,. .. , ... v-. .... .... Taylor , I . G . ; B . Slnw , Org . ; J . S . Kitching and J . II . Moody , Stwds . ; J . Verily and G . Simpson , 'T y lers . The banquet was afterwards held at Hie Royal Hotel , the W . M . presiding . Avery large number nf brethien were present , and numerous visitors from the other lodges toolpart in thc proceedings .
WHITBY .- Lion Lodge . ( No . JI *) .--OII the ibth ult , Bro . W . hi . Wolsev was installed as W . M . of the above lodge . Tin : installation ceremony was ; vUy and impressively performed by Bro . J . Stevenson , P . M . _ I he officers appointed were as follow .-.: Bros . M . Smith , S . W . ; II . Walker , J . W . ; J . B . Dale , Sec ; J . N . Lawson , P . M ., Treas . ; ' J . Brooks , S . D . : T . Tate , J . D . j J . T .
Stewart . I . G . ; W . II . Attlav , Org . ; T . Atkinson , pin . M . C ; T . II . Truman , Ty ler j R . day and R . W . White , Stewards . At the close of the lodge the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet at the Royal Hotel , the W . M . being in the chair , and the S . W . in the vice . The usual Masonic toasts and sentiments were given , and the toast list was intcrsilersed with songs and recitations .
PORTSMOUTH . —Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . . 342 ) . —On Wednesday , the njth ult , the installation meeting took place at the Masonic Hall , Landport , when Hro . J . Brickwood was installed , the ceremony being performed by W . Bro . Willmott , I ' . M . 'There wen ; present : Bros . W . W . B . Beach , M . l ' ., R . W . P . G . M . ; W . Hickman , R . W . D . P . G . M .- . Dr . I . O'Connor , P . G . J . W . ; Rev . G . II .
iOe Fraine , P . G . Chap . ; A . J . Miller , I ' . G . Sec ; Lashmore , P . G . D . C ; G . Arnold , P . G . A . D . ; K . Goble , I ' . G . Reg . ; V . Brown , P . G . Purs . ; C B . Whitcomhc , ' •. G . S . D . ; A . Barli . l . l , I ' . G . J . D . j | . Willmott , P . G . Std . Bearer ; Croisdale , P . O . Swd . Bearer ; J . R . Ilavman , W . M . 309 ; Palsgrave , W . M . . 1 ^ 7 ; Llveston , \ V . " M . So . |; Powell . W . M . 0 . 3 ; Wcndover , W . M . 10 !" ,, ;
Williams , W . M . 177 O ; Mason , W . M . 1 S . 34 ; T . Good , P . M . ; J . Ogburn , P . M . ; S . R . Lllis , P . M . ; J . T . Craven , sen ., I ' . M . ; R . J . Turncv , P . M . ; 11 . J . Guy , P . M . ; R . Barnes , P . M . ; Dr . C ' Knott , P . M . ; C W . Rand , Sec . ; J . E . Buck , SAY . ; 11 . Cruncher , J . W . ; W . Gunnell , II . Adams , G . Barnes , II . ll . Huelson , G . Silvester , T . Baily , sen ., G . Peters , W . Miles , J . L . T . elwards ,
and others . At the close of the ceremony , theW . M . appointed the following as his ollicers lor the ensuing year : . Bros . Dr . C . Knott , ' I . P . M . ; J . E . Hue ' -, S . W . ; M . Croucher , J . W . ; J . T . Craven , sen ., Treas . ; C W . Hand , I lon . Sec . ; J . S . Dvcr , D . C ; F . Saunders , S . D . ; J . Green , J . D . ; ' ]' . Larcom , I . C ; J . M . Wilkinson , and G . King , Stewards .
'The brethren subsequently partook of an excellent banquet , after which the usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The W . M ., in complimentary terms proposed the health of " 'The Grand Master of the Province . " In responding to the toast , Bro . Beach saiel it vvas always a pleasure to a Provincial Grand Master to visit the lodges
under his jurisdiction , as it afforded him a opportunity of observing the progress which they were making . I Ic congratulated the Royal Sussex Lodge upon the efficiency with which it vvas conducted , and expressed a hope that he should have an opportunity of visiting it again at no distant sieriod . It was the duty of a P . G . M ., on such an occasion as this , not only to impress on the brethren the value anel
iiigh importance of the principles of Freemasonry , , but also ; to direct their attention to those injunctions which from 'imc to time emanated from those high in authority as lo ihe duties which tbey owed lo the Craft One thing he particularly urged upon them , and that was to be exceedingly careful who they recommended for admission to the Order . In sum :: parts of England there had been too ' . nuch anxiety to increase their numbers , and he , therefore ,
enjoined on the brethren in the province under his rule the necessity of careful inquiry into the antecedents , moral character , anil epia'itications of those whom t ' rey proposed for admission . In this way they would be doing more to promote the best interests of Freemasonry than in any other . There vvas also another important duty inculcated on them , and that was to impress on those newly admitted to the Order the necessity of rigidly adhering to its ancient landmarks . 'There vvas no greater evil than to introduce a class
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
of men into Freemasonry who thought they could improve on this and that—depend upon it , any such innovations would sap the very root and foundation of the Order . _ Slight variations might Vic vnrute ; ( vom time le- time in wemessentials , but their essential principles and pra tices must be rigidly adhered to if Freemasonry was to continue to exercise the power it elid in thc world . Let them reflect for a
moment on what had happened in France . Only a few years ago French Masons were united by the most Fraternal bonds to their brethren in this country , but they had recently made such changes in the fabric of the Order lhat vve could no longer recognise them as Masons at all , and it vvas a matter of great grief to the brethren owing allegiance to the Grand Lodgeof England to find that those with
whom they had been intimately associated for so many years had abandoned those principles which were at the very foundation of their existence as a Craft . What had happened in France showed the necessity cf their clinging very tenaciously to those ancient landmarks by which their brethren had been guided in past generations . So long as they preserved those sacred anil inviolate , so long
Freemasonry would flourish . Happily there vvas little fear of such an event happening in England , for English Freemasons were more tenacious of . jthose principles which had been handed down to them by their predecessors . They stood very high in the estimation oi their American brethren for this very reason . Without going further afield let them look at the careless manner in which thc
rites of Freemasonry were administered in Scotland , and see what an impression must be produced thereby in the minds of candidates . If such a system obtained in their country they would have but little hope of seeing their neophytes grow into gooel and useful Masons . In conclusion , thc P . G . M . warmly congratulated the W . M . on the distinction he had attained , anil thanked the brethren for
the very kind reception which he always met with at their hands whenever he visited Portsmouth . "The Health of the Provincial Grand Officer- - , " was responded toby the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . W . Hickman ) , who congratulated the brethren on thc prosperous condition of Freemasonry in thc province ol Hampshire , and said it vvas a satisfactory sign that with
their increasing material prosperity their charities were not neglected . " The Masonic Charities" was proposed by Bio . Craven , P . M ., and anil responded to by Bro . TCIiis , P . M ., the representative of the Lodge on the Charities Committee . Bro . Dr . Knott , the I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M . " in complimentary terms , and Bin . Brickwood
suitably responded . "'The Health of the Installing Master" vvas proposed by the Provincial Grand Master , who spoke very culogisticatlv of the manner in which Bro . Willmott had performed Ins duties .
"The Representatives of Neighbouring Lodges , " "The P . M ' s of the Lodge , " " The Visitors , " and " The Officers , " were the remaining toasts . During the evening some capital songs were sung by Brs . Sylvester ( who also very ably prvsiiivd at the piano ) , P . M , Ogburn , II . II . Hudson , and other brethren .
MALTON . —Camalodunum Lodge ( No . ("( io ) , — The annual installation meeting of thc above lodge was held nn the 17 II 1 ult , in the Masonic Hall , Yorkersgate , and the ceremony was witness * d by a good number of the brethren . The Worshipful Master elect was Bro . W . Constable , and the installing - ollieer was Bro . Samuel King , P . P . J . G . W ., and P . M ., who pel formed the ceremony wilh
due formality . Afterwards the W . M . appointed thc following brethren as his officers for the corning year , viz .: Bros . J . W . Marshall , I . P . M . ; R . J . Smithson , S . W . ; J . 1 ) . Dodsworth , JAV . ; R . 11 . Bower , Treas . ; R . G . Fish , Chap . ; F . Walton , Sec ; J . B . Nichols , S . D . ; W
Newbv , J . D . ; I * . C Walker , D . C ; W . Ilccklcy , Org . ; W . Clarkson , I . G .-, W . R . Metcalfe and R . G . Lucas , Stewards ; Kirton Wavidhy , Tyler . The usual banquet was afterwards held at Bro . Fitchett ' . ; , the Talbot Motel , the W . M . presiding . Visitors ftom other lodges took part in the fraternal proceedings .
LIVERPOOL . —Dcrby Lodge ( No . 7-4 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Mall , Hope-street , on Wednesday , the 23 th ult , at six p . m . There were present Bros . II . Gordon , W . M .: Henry Trevitt , P . M . ; J . W . Ballard , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; 11 . Vaughan , P . M . ; R . Crisp , P . M . ; G . Becken , P . M . ; James Pendleton , S . W . ; Jacob Comins , J . W . ; Robert
L ' ain , P . M ., Treas . ; John Humphreys , Sec ; D . Davies , S . D . ; II . Ellis , I . G ' . ; E . R . Iloblyn , J . Ramsey , T . Cretney , D . McFarland , R . Crispin , Jos . Sharpies , W . Watson , Edward Ellis , II . Dutton , Robert Wilson , John Blenkinson , David Stones , and John A . Hale . Visitors : Bro . Solelat , 1 -547 ; Thos . Hatton , W . M . 203 ; Dr . F . J . Bailey , P . G . S ., P . M . 7 SO ; R . Foot , W . M . 1505 ;
D . Keisp , 20 . 3 ; J . R . Roberts , 5 . 14 ; A . Herman , 1547 ; W . Lewis , 203 ; J . Kellett , 1576 ; and J . C Robinson , P . M . 249 ( Freemason ) . After the lodge had been opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , thc ballot was taken for Messrs . Alexander J . Hannah and Charles
Jenkinson , who were dcclareel duly elected . Bro . Robert Wilson , 1035 , vvas also elected a joining member . Mr . Hannah , being in attendance , as was also Mr . John Davis , who vvas elected at a previous meeting , were prepared and initiated by the W . M . in a very creditable manner . Bro . T . Cretnev vvas raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . by Bro . J . W . Ballard , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., in his usual
impressive manner . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where a very pleasant evening was spent , Bros . T . Hatton , II . Ellis , W . Lewis , J . Humphreys , J . Sharpies , contributing to thc harmony of the evening by singing a capital selection ot songs .
STAFFORD . —Staffordshire Knot Lodge ( No . 720 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge vvas held on the ISth ult , at the North-Western Hotel , when there were present Bros . T . Wood , P . G . R ., W . M . ; J . Senior , S . W . ; J . Baker , J . W . j Rev . IC . C Perry , M . A ., Chap , j F . Woolley , Sec . ; J . Mottram , S . D . ; IC . J . Mouslev , J . D . ; J .
I ' ervon , Org . j J . Wooldridge , I . G . ; T . Rigby , Stwd . ; R . Tomlinson , Tyler ; T . IC . Fowke , I . P . M . ; J . Badenham , P . M . ; W . P . Duncalfe , F . ICspley , W . Urovvm , G . Griffiths , J . Nevill , C A . Ash , T . B . Mottram , P . Bottril ) , W . D . Batkin , A . Jones ; and Visitor , Bro . J . W . C Warmington , , 28 4 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the lodge vvas opened by the W . M . and the minutes oi the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . C . A . Ash , W . Brown , anel I " . ICspley , were raised to the Dcgi'ee of M . M ., the lust named by the W . M ., the two last by Bro . T . IC . Fowke ,. I . P . M . Previous to the lodge
being closed , Bro . Senior gave notice thai Bro . Storer , P . M ., would propose at th : next general meeting that a P . M . ' s jewel be presented to the W . M . out of the funds of the of the lodge for the very commendable way in which he had performed the onerous duties of the chair for the last two years .
BATTLE . —Abbey Lodge ( No . 11 S 4 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of tins lodge vvas held at the Masonic Hall , on 'Thursday , the 19 th ult , Bro . J . B . Sargent , W . M ., presiding , assisted by the following oflicers : Bros . Charles W . Duke , S . W ., P . P . G . J . D ., P . M . ; A . D . Womcrsley , J . D . ; C R . Chandler , Sec , P . P . G . Steward , D . C ; H . " GVT . Wells , Hem . Treas . P . M . ; J . Fielding ,
Org . ; I . A . Middlemas , acting S . D . ; I lenry Kinim , acting J . D . ( Freemason ) . There were also present Bros . Benjamin II . Thorpe , P . P . G . S . D ., P . M . ; Charles Martin , B . Culbvick , and J . l ' oord . Visitors : Bros . T . Pierce , S . W . 40 ; J . W . I uttick , Chap . 40 : and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed and duly signed . The ballot was then taken for
Mr . J . Walden , and proved unanimous . After which Bro . Sargent , W . M ., proceeded lo initiate Mr . J . B . l- ' oster into the mysteries of the Craft . 'The ceremony vvas gone through in a truly Masonic manner . All business being done thc lodge was closed according to ancient custom . The brethren afterwards assembled at the social board .
1 he preliminary Royal anel Craft toasts having received full justice , " 'The Health of the W . M . " vvas proposed and duly acknowledged ; that of the " Visitors" followed , and was- responded to in suitable terms by Bro . Puttick ; "The Health of the Initiate" was warmly received anil acknowledged . The . brethren separated shortly before eleven , having spent a most enjoyable evening .
BOURNE . —Hereward Lodge ( No . 1232 ) . —The annual installation ineet ' ng of this lodge was held on Friday , the 20 th ult 1 here vvas a numerous attendance of the brethren and a goodly array of visitors . Bro . Woodrow , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ( of the Hundred of Elloe Lodge , No . 4 & 1 ) , installed Bro . Archibald Bott as the W . M ., while Bro . Barrell , P . M . 400 , P . P . G . A . D . C , made :
the proclamations , delivered the charges to the ollicers and brethren , presented the working tools , and officiated as D . C . throughout the proceedings . A sumptuous banquet followed , which was provided by the venerable Treasurer of the lodge , Bro . Bolt , ot thc Angel Motel , and father of the W . M . 'The usual Masonic and loyal toasts were drunk anil duly acknowledged . Bro . Woodrow , P . M ., P . G . J . D ., in response to the toast of
" 'The P . G . M . and his Officers , " delighted the brethren by one of thc most earnest and eloquent speeches on the aim and objects of Freemasonry that could be conceived , 'i'he W . M . expressed his satisfaction at so numerous a gathering , and Bro . Dr . Bott made a speech full of excellent and kindly sentiments . After an evening of enjoyment and harmony , thc brethren depaited , well pleased with the trans-actions of the " auspicious solemnity . "
SHOEBURYNESS . — St . Andrew ' s Ledge ( No . 1 . S 17 ) . — The regular meeling of this comparatively young' but flourishing lodge was held on 'J bur-day , the 2 dth ult , at the Cambridge Hotel , under Ihe presidency of Bro . G . M . Farr , the popular W . M ,, assisted hythe following ollicers : Bros . , ( i , W . Glasscock , I . P . M ., P . G . Swd . Br . ; Floyd , S . W . ; 11 . Church , JAV . ; Turner , S . D . ; jno . Taylor , jun ., J . D . ; Ayling , ( . ( , ' . ; ami Peters , TjJer .
Bro . C J . Harris , P . M . 1000 and P . P . G . D . C , is the esteemed Secretary ; and Bio . IC . Bacon , P . D . G . J AV . of Gibraltar , acted as Organist 'The lodge vvas honoured by a largo number of visiting brethren , amongst whom was Bro . C Lucking , P . G . D . C , who may almost be said to be ubiquitous with regard to Freemasonry in this province , so alive is he to the interests of the Cralt in his particuler
line of duty . The lodge vvas opened in due and ancient form , and Bros . Ogden , Rugan , Koden , Spalding , and Lightowler were raised to the Sublime Degree-of Master Mason . Too much praise cannot be give . 1 to Bro . Farr for the manner in which he had worked up this beautiful Degree ; and this , his first effort , may be said to bc- quite a success . 'The
musical accompaniments , which in this lodge arc novel , were arranged and given with beautiful effect . The brethren then retired lu the refreshment-room , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . During the evening the W . M , vvas frequently congratulated on the excellence of liis working and upon the flourishing state of his lodge .
SHANKLIN . —Chine Lodge ( No . 18 S 4 ) . —Bio . Francis Newman , P . M . of the East Medina Lodge , No . 175 , P . P . G . S . W ., Hants and Isle of Wight , vvas on the 20 th ult , installed as the Worshipful Master of this lodge , in succession to Dr . G . 11 . R . Dabbs . The ceremony of installation was most impressively carried out by Bro . the Rev . J . N . Palmer , of Bembridge , P . M . CoS , P . P . G . S . W .
Hants and Isle of Wight . After the ceremony , thc VV . M . appointed and invested his ollicers as follows : Bros . Dr . Dabbs , I . P . M . ; George Humby , S . W . ; Stephen Shilling , JAV . ; F . Cooper , Treas . ; A . Greenham , Sec ; W . Uu ' ckfall , S . D . ; J . Bailey , J . D . ; A . H . Brown , D . C ; W . Judd , I . G . ; and F . Grant , Tyler . Alter the lodge had been closed the brethren adjourned
to the dining hall , and partook of a splendid banquet The usual loyal and Masonic * toasts were honoured . The toast of " 'The Visitors" vvas acknowledged by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Coleman , 32 " , 242 , United States , and Bro . II . Seymour Blaydes ,, W . M . S 77 , and P-. G . S . D . Jersey . Thc musical efforts of the brethren were greatly assisted bv Iiro . T . M . J . Pctherick , W . M . 551 . The following were present , in addition to those already
named : Bros . Sir Mitchel Clayton , W . M . GyS ; Latimer Saunders , S . W . 6 yS ; R . Dampier Child , S . W . 1 . S 6 9 ; Francis Tiueman , tSoy ; Mark Lindlield , P . M . ; John Bunt , jun ., JAV . lKOy ; lCdwin Groves , P . M . 4 S 7 , ' P . P . G . D . C ; Ernest Groves , W . M . 175 ; James Lowe , P . AL 175 ; Henry Durrant , I . G . 175 ; Frank Carter , P . M . 175 ; Samuel Woods . j . D . 175 j M . Gabell , 175 j J . W . Canllow , Alexander Thompson , J . B . Middleton , V Raynor , C IT . Moorman , and John Buckell , iSb ' 4 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
tion of Bro . Goodinge , had been initiated in the lodge , and it could easily be conceived what pleasure it would give him to sec each one of them , in turn , occupying the chair of W . M . of the lodge . The lodge not being yet three years old , they were all young Masons , and the . ability they had displayed was therefore ' all the more to their credit . Bros . Worrell and Goodinge replied ; the latter thanking
the W . M . in the chair for the treat assistance he afforded the brethren in learning the duties of their respective offices . Me promised that all the officers would try to do their duties perfectly . . 'The 'T yler ' s toast was then given , and the proceedings , which had been made additionally pleasant by some excellent music and singing , were brought to a close .
CAMBRIDGE . —Scientific Lodge . ( No . Sis ) . — 'The brethren of this lodge met nt their lodge-room at the Lion Motel , on the gth ult , for the installation of Bro . Edward Hills , of F . lv , as W . M . for the vear . Previous to Hit principal business . Messrs . J . L . Rutter and W . Sindall were initiated . 'The impressive installation ceremony was then puformed by Bro . J . Noalc \ ork ,
P . M ., assisted by Bro . J . Deighton , D . P . G . M . At thc close of the ceremony the W . M . appointed his ollicers as follows : Bros . T . Hunnybun , I . P . M . ; J . V . Pryor , S . W . ; A . Thompson , JAV . ; C . F . Jarrold , P . M ., Chap . ; W . II . Jarrold , 'Treas . ' : T . Nicholls , Sec . ; W . I . I ' ashler , J . D . ;
Oliver Papworth , I . G . ; A . 11 . Moyes , P . M ., D . C ; W . Davidson , P . M .. Stcwaid ; W . Purchas , Organist Subsequently there was a grand banquet , to which upwards of fifty brethren and visiting brethren sat down , under the presidency of Pro . E . Hills ; anel the evening vvas spent in true Masonic harmonv .
SCARBOROUGH . —Old , 'Globe Lodge ( . No coo ) . — 'The annual installation meeting of this lodge took place in the Masonic Hall Londesborough Rooms , on the ISth ult . 'The W . M . elect , Bro . Geo . Dippic , was duly installed bv W . 11 . Smyth , P . G . M . Lincolnshire . Afterwards the " W . M . appointed the following as officers for the
ensuing vear , viz . : Bros . John R . Hippie , I . I . M . ; E . Cooper , ' S . W . ; Chas . | . Kobe-its , J . W . ; J . W . 1 aylor , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Chap . ; | . W . Woodall , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., Tre-is . ; J . Wanless , Sec . ; 11 . Hume , is rs ,,. .. .. ,, . , l \ . iv . l IS . \ V f l . \ .. ! .. i \ i
„„ H . V-. ; \ v arts , - -s . u . ; J . VV . nres , ,. .. , ... v-. .... .... Taylor , I . G . ; B . Slnw , Org . ; J . S . Kitching and J . II . Moody , Stwds . ; J . Verily and G . Simpson , 'T y lers . The banquet was afterwards held at Hie Royal Hotel , the W . M . presiding . Avery large number nf brethien were present , and numerous visitors from the other lodges toolpart in thc proceedings .
WHITBY .- Lion Lodge . ( No . JI *) .--OII the ibth ult , Bro . W . hi . Wolsev was installed as W . M . of the above lodge . Tin : installation ceremony was ; vUy and impressively performed by Bro . J . Stevenson , P . M . _ I he officers appointed were as follow .-.: Bros . M . Smith , S . W . ; II . Walker , J . W . ; J . B . Dale , Sec ; J . N . Lawson , P . M ., Treas . ; ' J . Brooks , S . D . : T . Tate , J . D . j J . T .
Stewart . I . G . ; W . II . Attlav , Org . ; T . Atkinson , pin . M . C ; T . II . Truman , Ty ler j R . day and R . W . White , Stewards . At the close of the lodge the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet at the Royal Hotel , the W . M . being in the chair , and the S . W . in the vice . The usual Masonic toasts and sentiments were given , and the toast list was intcrsilersed with songs and recitations .
PORTSMOUTH . —Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . . 342 ) . —On Wednesday , the njth ult , the installation meeting took place at the Masonic Hall , Landport , when Hro . J . Brickwood was installed , the ceremony being performed by W . Bro . Willmott , I ' . M . 'There wen ; present : Bros . W . W . B . Beach , M . l ' ., R . W . P . G . M . ; W . Hickman , R . W . D . P . G . M .- . Dr . I . O'Connor , P . G . J . W . ; Rev . G . II .
iOe Fraine , P . G . Chap . ; A . J . Miller , I ' . G . Sec ; Lashmore , P . G . D . C ; G . Arnold , P . G . A . D . ; K . Goble , I ' . G . Reg . ; V . Brown , P . G . Purs . ; C B . Whitcomhc , ' •. G . S . D . ; A . Barli . l . l , I ' . G . J . D . j | . Willmott , P . G . Std . Bearer ; Croisdale , P . O . Swd . Bearer ; J . R . Ilavman , W . M . 309 ; Palsgrave , W . M . . 1 ^ 7 ; Llveston , \ V . " M . So . |; Powell . W . M . 0 . 3 ; Wcndover , W . M . 10 !" ,, ;
Williams , W . M . 177 O ; Mason , W . M . 1 S . 34 ; T . Good , P . M . ; J . Ogburn , P . M . ; S . R . Lllis , P . M . ; J . T . Craven , sen ., I ' . M . ; R . J . Turncv , P . M . ; 11 . J . Guy , P . M . ; R . Barnes , P . M . ; Dr . C ' Knott , P . M . ; C W . Rand , Sec . ; J . E . Buck , SAY . ; 11 . Cruncher , J . W . ; W . Gunnell , II . Adams , G . Barnes , II . ll . Huelson , G . Silvester , T . Baily , sen ., G . Peters , W . Miles , J . L . T . elwards ,
and others . At the close of the ceremony , theW . M . appointed the following as his ollicers lor the ensuing year : . Bros . Dr . C . Knott , ' I . P . M . ; J . E . Hue ' -, S . W . ; M . Croucher , J . W . ; J . T . Craven , sen ., Treas . ; C W . Hand , I lon . Sec . ; J . S . Dvcr , D . C ; F . Saunders , S . D . ; J . Green , J . D . ; ' ]' . Larcom , I . C ; J . M . Wilkinson , and G . King , Stewards .
'The brethren subsequently partook of an excellent banquet , after which the usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The W . M ., in complimentary terms proposed the health of " 'The Grand Master of the Province . " In responding to the toast , Bro . Beach saiel it vvas always a pleasure to a Provincial Grand Master to visit the lodges
under his jurisdiction , as it afforded him a opportunity of observing the progress which they were making . I Ic congratulated the Royal Sussex Lodge upon the efficiency with which it vvas conducted , and expressed a hope that he should have an opportunity of visiting it again at no distant sieriod . It was the duty of a P . G . M ., on such an occasion as this , not only to impress on the brethren the value anel
iiigh importance of the principles of Freemasonry , , but also ; to direct their attention to those injunctions which from 'imc to time emanated from those high in authority as lo ihe duties which tbey owed lo the Craft One thing he particularly urged upon them , and that was to be exceedingly careful who they recommended for admission to the Order . In sum :: parts of England there had been too ' . nuch anxiety to increase their numbers , and he , therefore ,
enjoined on the brethren in the province under his rule the necessity of careful inquiry into the antecedents , moral character , anil epia'itications of those whom t ' rey proposed for admission . In this way they would be doing more to promote the best interests of Freemasonry than in any other . There vvas also another important duty inculcated on them , and that was to impress on those newly admitted to the Order the necessity of rigidly adhering to its ancient landmarks . 'There vvas no greater evil than to introduce a class
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
of men into Freemasonry who thought they could improve on this and that—depend upon it , any such innovations would sap the very root and foundation of the Order . _ Slight variations might Vic vnrute ; ( vom time le- time in wemessentials , but their essential principles and pra tices must be rigidly adhered to if Freemasonry was to continue to exercise the power it elid in thc world . Let them reflect for a
moment on what had happened in France . Only a few years ago French Masons were united by the most Fraternal bonds to their brethren in this country , but they had recently made such changes in the fabric of the Order lhat vve could no longer recognise them as Masons at all , and it vvas a matter of great grief to the brethren owing allegiance to the Grand Lodgeof England to find that those with
whom they had been intimately associated for so many years had abandoned those principles which were at the very foundation of their existence as a Craft . What had happened in France showed the necessity cf their clinging very tenaciously to those ancient landmarks by which their brethren had been guided in past generations . So long as they preserved those sacred anil inviolate , so long
Freemasonry would flourish . Happily there vvas little fear of such an event happening in England , for English Freemasons were more tenacious of . jthose principles which had been handed down to them by their predecessors . They stood very high in the estimation oi their American brethren for this very reason . Without going further afield let them look at the careless manner in which thc
rites of Freemasonry were administered in Scotland , and see what an impression must be produced thereby in the minds of candidates . If such a system obtained in their country they would have but little hope of seeing their neophytes grow into gooel and useful Masons . In conclusion , thc P . G . M . warmly congratulated the W . M . on the distinction he had attained , anil thanked the brethren for
the very kind reception which he always met with at their hands whenever he visited Portsmouth . "The Health of the Provincial Grand Officer- - , " was responded toby the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . W . Hickman ) , who congratulated the brethren on thc prosperous condition of Freemasonry in thc province ol Hampshire , and said it vvas a satisfactory sign that with
their increasing material prosperity their charities were not neglected . " The Masonic Charities" was proposed by Bio . Craven , P . M ., and anil responded to by Bro . TCIiis , P . M ., the representative of the Lodge on the Charities Committee . Bro . Dr . Knott , the I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M . " in complimentary terms , and Bin . Brickwood
suitably responded . "'The Health of the Installing Master" vvas proposed by the Provincial Grand Master , who spoke very culogisticatlv of the manner in which Bro . Willmott had performed Ins duties .
"The Representatives of Neighbouring Lodges , " "The P . M ' s of the Lodge , " " The Visitors , " and " The Officers , " were the remaining toasts . During the evening some capital songs were sung by Brs . Sylvester ( who also very ably prvsiiivd at the piano ) , P . M , Ogburn , II . II . Hudson , and other brethren .
MALTON . —Camalodunum Lodge ( No . ("( io ) , — The annual installation meeting of thc above lodge was held nn the 17 II 1 ult , in the Masonic Hall , Yorkersgate , and the ceremony was witness * d by a good number of the brethren . The Worshipful Master elect was Bro . W . Constable , and the installing - ollieer was Bro . Samuel King , P . P . J . G . W ., and P . M ., who pel formed the ceremony wilh
due formality . Afterwards the W . M . appointed thc following brethren as his officers for the corning year , viz .: Bros . J . W . Marshall , I . P . M . ; R . J . Smithson , S . W . ; J . 1 ) . Dodsworth , JAV . ; R . 11 . Bower , Treas . ; R . G . Fish , Chap . ; F . Walton , Sec ; J . B . Nichols , S . D . ; W
Newbv , J . D . ; I * . C Walker , D . C ; W . Ilccklcy , Org . ; W . Clarkson , I . G .-, W . R . Metcalfe and R . G . Lucas , Stewards ; Kirton Wavidhy , Tyler . The usual banquet was afterwards held at Bro . Fitchett ' . ; , the Talbot Motel , the W . M . presiding . Visitors ftom other lodges took part in the fraternal proceedings .
LIVERPOOL . —Dcrby Lodge ( No . 7-4 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Mall , Hope-street , on Wednesday , the 23 th ult , at six p . m . There were present Bros . II . Gordon , W . M .: Henry Trevitt , P . M . ; J . W . Ballard , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; 11 . Vaughan , P . M . ; R . Crisp , P . M . ; G . Becken , P . M . ; James Pendleton , S . W . ; Jacob Comins , J . W . ; Robert
L ' ain , P . M ., Treas . ; John Humphreys , Sec ; D . Davies , S . D . ; II . Ellis , I . G ' . ; E . R . Iloblyn , J . Ramsey , T . Cretney , D . McFarland , R . Crispin , Jos . Sharpies , W . Watson , Edward Ellis , II . Dutton , Robert Wilson , John Blenkinson , David Stones , and John A . Hale . Visitors : Bro . Solelat , 1 -547 ; Thos . Hatton , W . M . 203 ; Dr . F . J . Bailey , P . G . S ., P . M . 7 SO ; R . Foot , W . M . 1505 ;
D . Keisp , 20 . 3 ; J . R . Roberts , 5 . 14 ; A . Herman , 1547 ; W . Lewis , 203 ; J . Kellett , 1576 ; and J . C Robinson , P . M . 249 ( Freemason ) . After the lodge had been opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , thc ballot was taken for Messrs . Alexander J . Hannah and Charles
Jenkinson , who were dcclareel duly elected . Bro . Robert Wilson , 1035 , vvas also elected a joining member . Mr . Hannah , being in attendance , as was also Mr . John Davis , who vvas elected at a previous meeting , were prepared and initiated by the W . M . in a very creditable manner . Bro . T . Cretnev vvas raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . by Bro . J . W . Ballard , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., in his usual
impressive manner . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where a very pleasant evening was spent , Bros . T . Hatton , II . Ellis , W . Lewis , J . Humphreys , J . Sharpies , contributing to thc harmony of the evening by singing a capital selection ot songs .
STAFFORD . —Staffordshire Knot Lodge ( No . 720 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge vvas held on the ISth ult , at the North-Western Hotel , when there were present Bros . T . Wood , P . G . R ., W . M . ; J . Senior , S . W . ; J . Baker , J . W . j Rev . IC . C Perry , M . A ., Chap , j F . Woolley , Sec . ; J . Mottram , S . D . ; IC . J . Mouslev , J . D . ; J .
I ' ervon , Org . j J . Wooldridge , I . G . ; T . Rigby , Stwd . ; R . Tomlinson , Tyler ; T . IC . Fowke , I . P . M . ; J . Badenham , P . M . ; W . P . Duncalfe , F . ICspley , W . Urovvm , G . Griffiths , J . Nevill , C A . Ash , T . B . Mottram , P . Bottril ) , W . D . Batkin , A . Jones ; and Visitor , Bro . J . W . C Warmington , , 28 4 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the lodge vvas opened by the W . M . and the minutes oi the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . C . A . Ash , W . Brown , anel I " . ICspley , were raised to the Dcgi'ee of M . M ., the lust named by the W . M ., the two last by Bro . T . IC . Fowke ,. I . P . M . Previous to the lodge
being closed , Bro . Senior gave notice thai Bro . Storer , P . M ., would propose at th : next general meeting that a P . M . ' s jewel be presented to the W . M . out of the funds of the of the lodge for the very commendable way in which he had performed the onerous duties of the chair for the last two years .
BATTLE . —Abbey Lodge ( No . 11 S 4 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of tins lodge vvas held at the Masonic Hall , on 'Thursday , the 19 th ult , Bro . J . B . Sargent , W . M ., presiding , assisted by the following oflicers : Bros . Charles W . Duke , S . W ., P . P . G . J . D ., P . M . ; A . D . Womcrsley , J . D . ; C R . Chandler , Sec , P . P . G . Steward , D . C ; H . " GVT . Wells , Hem . Treas . P . M . ; J . Fielding ,
Org . ; I . A . Middlemas , acting S . D . ; I lenry Kinim , acting J . D . ( Freemason ) . There were also present Bros . Benjamin II . Thorpe , P . P . G . S . D ., P . M . ; Charles Martin , B . Culbvick , and J . l ' oord . Visitors : Bros . T . Pierce , S . W . 40 ; J . W . I uttick , Chap . 40 : and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed and duly signed . The ballot was then taken for
Mr . J . Walden , and proved unanimous . After which Bro . Sargent , W . M ., proceeded lo initiate Mr . J . B . l- ' oster into the mysteries of the Craft . 'The ceremony vvas gone through in a truly Masonic manner . All business being done thc lodge was closed according to ancient custom . The brethren afterwards assembled at the social board .
1 he preliminary Royal anel Craft toasts having received full justice , " 'The Health of the W . M . " vvas proposed and duly acknowledged ; that of the " Visitors" followed , and was- responded to in suitable terms by Bro . Puttick ; "The Health of the Initiate" was warmly received anil acknowledged . The . brethren separated shortly before eleven , having spent a most enjoyable evening .
BOURNE . —Hereward Lodge ( No . 1232 ) . —The annual installation ineet ' ng of this lodge was held on Friday , the 20 th ult 1 here vvas a numerous attendance of the brethren and a goodly array of visitors . Bro . Woodrow , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ( of the Hundred of Elloe Lodge , No . 4 & 1 ) , installed Bro . Archibald Bott as the W . M ., while Bro . Barrell , P . M . 400 , P . P . G . A . D . C , made :
the proclamations , delivered the charges to the ollicers and brethren , presented the working tools , and officiated as D . C . throughout the proceedings . A sumptuous banquet followed , which was provided by the venerable Treasurer of the lodge , Bro . Bolt , ot thc Angel Motel , and father of the W . M . 'The usual Masonic and loyal toasts were drunk anil duly acknowledged . Bro . Woodrow , P . M ., P . G . J . D ., in response to the toast of
" 'The P . G . M . and his Officers , " delighted the brethren by one of thc most earnest and eloquent speeches on the aim and objects of Freemasonry that could be conceived , 'i'he W . M . expressed his satisfaction at so numerous a gathering , and Bro . Dr . Bott made a speech full of excellent and kindly sentiments . After an evening of enjoyment and harmony , thc brethren depaited , well pleased with the trans-actions of the " auspicious solemnity . "
SHOEBURYNESS . — St . Andrew ' s Ledge ( No . 1 . S 17 ) . — The regular meeling of this comparatively young' but flourishing lodge was held on 'J bur-day , the 2 dth ult , at the Cambridge Hotel , under Ihe presidency of Bro . G . M . Farr , the popular W . M ,, assisted hythe following ollicers : Bros . , ( i , W . Glasscock , I . P . M ., P . G . Swd . Br . ; Floyd , S . W . ; 11 . Church , JAV . ; Turner , S . D . ; jno . Taylor , jun ., J . D . ; Ayling , ( . ( , ' . ; ami Peters , TjJer .
Bro . C J . Harris , P . M . 1000 and P . P . G . D . C , is the esteemed Secretary ; and Bio . IC . Bacon , P . D . G . J AV . of Gibraltar , acted as Organist 'The lodge vvas honoured by a largo number of visiting brethren , amongst whom was Bro . C Lucking , P . G . D . C , who may almost be said to be ubiquitous with regard to Freemasonry in this province , so alive is he to the interests of the Cralt in his particuler
line of duty . The lodge vvas opened in due and ancient form , and Bros . Ogden , Rugan , Koden , Spalding , and Lightowler were raised to the Sublime Degree-of Master Mason . Too much praise cannot be give . 1 to Bro . Farr for the manner in which he had worked up this beautiful Degree ; and this , his first effort , may be said to bc- quite a success . 'The
musical accompaniments , which in this lodge arc novel , were arranged and given with beautiful effect . The brethren then retired lu the refreshment-room , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . During the evening the W . M , vvas frequently congratulated on the excellence of liis working and upon the flourishing state of his lodge .
SHANKLIN . —Chine Lodge ( No . 18 S 4 ) . —Bio . Francis Newman , P . M . of the East Medina Lodge , No . 175 , P . P . G . S . W ., Hants and Isle of Wight , vvas on the 20 th ult , installed as the Worshipful Master of this lodge , in succession to Dr . G . 11 . R . Dabbs . The ceremony of installation was most impressively carried out by Bro . the Rev . J . N . Palmer , of Bembridge , P . M . CoS , P . P . G . S . W .
Hants and Isle of Wight . After the ceremony , thc VV . M . appointed and invested his ollicers as follows : Bros . Dr . Dabbs , I . P . M . ; George Humby , S . W . ; Stephen Shilling , JAV . ; F . Cooper , Treas . ; A . Greenham , Sec ; W . Uu ' ckfall , S . D . ; J . Bailey , J . D . ; A . H . Brown , D . C ; W . Judd , I . G . ; and F . Grant , Tyler . Alter the lodge had been closed the brethren adjourned
to the dining hall , and partook of a splendid banquet The usual loyal and Masonic * toasts were honoured . The toast of " 'The Visitors" vvas acknowledged by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Coleman , 32 " , 242 , United States , and Bro . II . Seymour Blaydes ,, W . M . S 77 , and P-. G . S . D . Jersey . Thc musical efforts of the brethren were greatly assisted bv Iiro . T . M . J . Pctherick , W . M . 551 . The following were present , in addition to those already
named : Bros . Sir Mitchel Clayton , W . M . GyS ; Latimer Saunders , S . W . 6 yS ; R . Dampier Child , S . W . 1 . S 6 9 ; Francis Tiueman , tSoy ; Mark Lindlield , P . M . ; John Bunt , jun ., JAV . lKOy ; lCdwin Groves , P . M . 4 S 7 , ' P . P . G . D . C ; Ernest Groves , W . M . 175 ; James Lowe , P . AL 175 ; Henry Durrant , I . G . 175 ; Frank Carter , P . M . 175 ; Samuel Woods . j . D . 175 j M . Gabell , 175 j J . W . Canllow , Alexander Thompson , J . B . Middleton , V Raynor , C IT . Moorman , and John Buckell , iSb ' 4 .