Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Rosicrucian Society. Page 1 of 1 Article EAST LONDON MASONIC CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
ing chapter was held on Monday , thc 23 rd ult , at thc Masonic Hall . A large number of companions were present . 'The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the ballot was afterwards taken for Bro . j . N . Borthwick , 1 S 13 , and Bro . J . F . McDonnell , 1013 , which proved to be unanimous . 'I'he installation of the 'Three
Principals—Comps . 'Thos . Salter , / .. ; J . R . Rowan , Tl . ; and Dr . Mill , J . —was most ably and impressively carried out by Comp . Dr . Samuels , the LP . / .., after which Bro . McDonnell was duly exalted to the Supreme Degree . The newly-exalted M . 1 C . / .., in the name of the companions of the chapter , presented the I . P . Z ., Comp . Dr . Samuels , with a Past Principal ' s jewel . In doing this , the
M . IC . / .. dwelt upon the brilliant services rendered by Comp . Dr . Samuels during the tenure of the chair in the Chapter of I ' riendship , and expressed the hope that for many years the companions would have the pleasure and advantage of his company . Comp . Samuels replied in -suitable terms , and said that he should always leiok back upon his year of oflice with pleasure anil satisfaction , feeling that he had enjoyed the
conlidcnccof the companions , which it would always be his endeavour to deserve . The chapter vvas then closed , and . the companions adjourned to an excellent supper , presided over by Comp . Salter , M . ICZ ., at which the usual toasts were duly honoured , and several songs and recitations were well given by Comps . Ramage , Longbottom , Humphries , Winsor , Brotherton , and others . A very pleasant evening was spent .
BOSTON . —St . Botolph ' s Chapter ( No . 272 ) . — The annual installation meeting of this chapter took place on 'Thursday , the 19 th ult , when M . IC . Comp . the Rev . G . W . Lowe installed Comp . Geo . IC Barrcll , as ' / .. ; Jacobson , being appointed 11 . ; and Con * . p . . R . Thorpe , as J . The subordinate ollicers having been invested , thc newly-installed Z . presented the chapter with a very handsome set of sceptres , to replace the unseemly ones hitherto
use . At the conclusion of the ceremony the companions adjourned to the Peacock Hotel , where a most recherchi banquet was provided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and thc companions separated after a most enjoyable evening .
. LIVERPOOL . —Temple Chapter ( No . 1094 ) . — The annual installation meeting of this chapter took place nt the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday , thc 24 th ult . The companions assembled al fouro ' clock p . m ., under the presidency of Comps . J . II . Bradshaw , Z . ; D . A . Davis , II . ; and R . B . Burgess , J . ; supported hythe following companions : Comps . John Pemberton , P . Z ., P . P .
G . S . H . ; Richard Washington , P . / ., P . G . R . ; Hugh Williams , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . ' ; IVMacMiildrow , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . N . ; J . B . Robinson , P . Z . ; Richard R . Martin , I' . Z . ; 'Thos . Shaw , P . Z . ; R . C Yelland , I' . Z . j T . Schonstadt , S . E . ; II . A . Tobias , S . N . ; M . Robertson , P . S . ; Jno . Cook , A . S . ; W . Parker , Henry Dutton , IC IC Boustead , W . Davis , Robt . l . ' pton , Saml . Gordon , W . R . Reeve , I ' .
S . Johnson , Kiple-V , Joseph Wood , and F . Mason . Visitors Comps , J . 11 . Siilitoe . P . Z . 13 S 7 ; T . R . Williams , P . Z . 152 ; Thos . II . 'Tanner , 337 ; Maurice Hart , Z . 1 . 502 ; Alexander Levy , S . E . 1302 ; Thos . Roberts , P . Z . f . 73 ; F . J . Bailey , J . ONo ; A . Levy , 1502 ; D . Gabrielson , 1502 ; and Henry Madsell , S 23 . I he minutes of thc previous meeting were read and
confirmed , and the ballot was then takeu fur Comp . M . J . Pnttinson , 1325 , and declared duly elected . 'The ceremony of installation was then proceeded with and very ably rendered by Comp . Pemberton . 'The- following companions were then installed and invested : Comps . 1 ) . A . Davis , M-ICZ . ; R . B . Burgess , 11 . ; M . Robertson , J . ; Jno . Pemberton , P . Z . 'Treas : ; II . A . 'Tobias , S . IC ; J " . Holme
( by proxy ) , S . N . ; S . Schonstadt , P . S . ; Peter Ball was re-elected janitor . Comp . T ' attinson being in attendance was admitted and exalted to the Supreme Degree of R . A . M ., in a manner that reflected great credit upon the M . IC / .. and the newly appointed ollieer . lt was proposed and unanimously resolved lhat a letter of condolence be sent to the family of our late Comp .
Win . Cottrell , P . / .., upon the loss they have sustained . Comp . Petiiberlou , then , in tlie name of the chapter presented a P . Z . ' s jewel to the retiring M . IC / .., Comp . Bradshaw . After "Hearty good Wishes" from many visiting
companions and other formal business , the chapter vvas closed in regular form , and the companions adjourned to refreshments , when the usual loyal anel Masonic toasts were given . Comps . Hart , Levy , Washington and others sang some excellent songs , and a very enjoyable evening vvas brought to a close at an early hour .
DORIC CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . 9 ' ,. *)) . — The companions of this rhapler of improvement met on Monday last at the Duke ' s Head , Whitechapel-road , IC . Comp . W . 11 . Myers , P . Z ., as M . E . Z ., was supported by Comps . Macdonald , II . ; Chilson , N . ;
Macgregor , Clarke , G . T . Holdom , and others . Comp . Shepherd , P . M ., a visitor , from Devon . 'The ceremony of exaltation was worked , Comp . Clarke In ing candidate . A hearty welcome is offered to companions seeking instruction , which they may rely upon obtaining at this chapter of improvement every Monday evening .
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . 975 ) . —This eminent school of instruction for Royal Arch Masons seeking to prolit by the teaching here to be obliined , meets regularly every'Tuesday evening , at half-past six , at the Jamaica Tavern , St . MichacTs-alley , Cornhill , and all its meetings are attended by sonic of tile most eminent members of Royal Arch Masonry , where , under the able preceptorship of Comp . ritual of this mi be
IC Brown , the pure , Sii'ive : Degree cau obtained . At the meeting on Tuesday evening' last the ceremony of exaltation was most ably rehearsed . Comps . Crovvder presided as Z . ; J . Payne , II . ; Rowe , J . ; Darcey , S . N . ; and Frazer , P . S . 'There were several Arch Masons preseut , amongst whom were Comps . W . Frazer , IT . Thompson , M . E . Z . Giy ; Edwards , Metropolitan , and several others . The exaltation ceremony vvas well performed , but the particular
excellence of thc working of Comp . Payne , as IL , is deserving of special notice , as one of the constant attendants at this chapter , and who has well profited by the instruction which is in this chapter to be obtained .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
YORK . —York Lodge ( T . I . ) . —Thc annual installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 17 th ult . Bro . J , S . Cumberland vvas installed as W . M . by Bro . Rev . W . Valentine , P . M ., Prov . G . Chap . The ollicers were appointed as follows : Bros . W . C . Lukis , I . P . M . ; ( .. G . PadelS . W . ; \ V . 11 . GainforthJAV . ; WC Valentine
, , , P . M ., Chap . ; T . B . Wlivte-hcad , P . M ., Treas . and Sec ; M . Millington , M . O . ; J . T . Seller , S . O . ; A . T . B . Turner , 1 . 0 . ; J . T . Wilkinson , Reg . of M . ; T . Humphries , S . D . ; WC B . ' Dyson . J . D . ; G . Balmford , Org . ; IC . \ . De Salis , D . C ; IC Smith , I . G . ; S . Walker and J . E . Wilkinson , Stwds . ; and Pearson , Tyler .
SHEERNESS-ON-SEA . —Adams Lodge ( No . ( V . — The members of this lodge met at the Victoria Hall Buildings on 'Tuesday , the 24 th ult ., to assist at the installation of Bro . Michael James Sullivan , S . W . and W . M . elect . 'The attendance vvas small on this occasion , owing to thc majority of the brethren being away on business .
The members present were Bros . A . Spears , as W . M ., P . G . J . D ., P . P . G . S . W . ; J . Bagshaw , P . M ., P . P . G . A . S . ; W . T . Carpenter , P . P . G . S . B . ; ' H . A . Johnson , P . P . G . JAV . ; M . J . Sullivan , P . P . G . D . C ; R . J . E . Brown , P . P . G . A . D . C j G . T . Green , P . P . G . M . O . ; T . IT . Smith , S . O . ; J . Gardner , M . Pierson , and J . II . Watson . Among the visitors was Bro . T . S . Warrie , P . P . G . S . W . Kent , 237 .
Bro . A . Spears acted as Installing Master , and in an impressive manner performed the beautiful ceremony of installing Bro . M . J . Sullivan W . M . for the ensuing year into the chair of A . The W . M . then proceeded to invest his ollicers as follows : Bros . J . Hancock , I . P . M . ( bv proxy ); 11 . A . Johnson , S . W . ; G . T . Green , J . W . ; li .
J . IC Brown , M . O . ; T . H . Smith , S . O . ; W . T . Carpenter , J . O . ; A . Spears , Treas . ; J . Bagshaw , Sec ; R . II . Plattin , S . D . ( by proxy ); T . G . Redman , J . D . ( byproxy ); IC . J . Pesing , D . C . ( hy proxy ); and J . Akhurst , Tyler . The ceremony being completed , Bro . J . Bagshaw proposed that a cordial vote of thanks bc recorded on the minntes to Bro . A . Spears for the very able and efficient manner in which he had performed thc ceremony of
installation . The resolution having been passed unanimously , Bro . A . Spears thanked them in suitable terms , and expressed his regret at not seeing the Grand Secretary present , who was unable to be there through other important engagements . " Hearty good wishes" having been given , the lotlge was closed in due form . 'The brethren afterwards assemat the Britannia Hotel , where they sat down to an excellent dinner , and spent a very pleasant evening .
NEWBURY . —Porchester Lodge ( No . 27 ) . — 'The above lodge met at the Temperance I Iall on the 20 th ult , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . J . Banco , P . G . M . O . The principal business was the installation of the SAY ., Bro . G . M . Knight , P . G . J . O ., as W . M . feir the ensuing year . 'The ceremony was performed by Bro . T . J .
Pulley , P . M ., Prov . G . Sec . Berks and Oxon , and S . D . of the Grand Mark Lodge of ICngland for the current year , and at its conclusion the newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested his oflicers as follows : Bros . IC 11 . Lyon , S . W . ; G . J . Cosbnrn , P . G . Std . Br ., I . W . ; W . B . Wilson , M . O . ; IC . P . Plenty , S . O . ; S . Knight , J . O . ; IC . Head , 'Treas . ; IC II . Marychurch , Sec . ; G . Buyer , Reg . of Marks ; C Chapman , S . D . ; Montagu Palmer , J . D . ; W . T . 'Toms , I . G . ; Tegg , Stwd . ; and II . Dodd , Tyler . A handsome
Past Master ' s jewel was presented lo Bro . Bancc , Bro . Pulley referring to the valuable assistance which Bro . Bance rendered in connection with the resuscitation of the Porchester Lodge . Bro . Bance thanked the brethren in suitable terms for this expression of their good feeling towards him , and the
pleasure he realised 111 knowing that the elforts he had made to promote the interests of Mark Ma : onry in general , and the Porchester Lodge in particular , had been appreciated . In the evening the brethren partook of a banquet at the Chequers Hotel . 'The W . M . presided , and the toast of "The Oueen and Mark Masonry " having been honoured , the W . "M . proposed " The Health of the (" rand Ollicers ,
Present anil Past , and leelingly alluded to the Past G . Master , Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , who was unfortunately abroad through ill-health . Coupled vvitlv thc toast was the name of llro . Pulley , one of the Grand Deacons of ICngland . Bro . Pulley responded , remarking that as one of Ihe Grand Deacons it was his pleasing duty to assist at thc installation of Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Albany as Past G . Master—an event which vvas likely to give a great impetus
to Mark Masonry . Bro . W . B . Wilson proposed " 'The Health of the Prov , G . Master ( Lord Jersey ) , the Deputy G . Master ( Bro . C Stephens ) , and the rest of the Prov . Grand Ollicers , " for whom Bro . Coslmrn returned thanks . Bro . Bance , in complimentary terms , proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " who suitably replied . " 'The Health of the I . P . M . " was also honoured , and
having been appropriately acknowledged , " 'The Health of thc Installing Master" vvas proposed and responded to . " Success to the Mark Benevolent F ' und , " "The Visiting Brethren , " " 'The Wardens , Overseers , and other Oflicers of the Porchester Lodge , " and other toasts were duly honoured , some excellent songs were sung , and under the genial presidency of thc W . M . one and all spent a very pleasant evening .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
BURNLEY . -Plains of Manure Preceptory ( No . e ) . — 'This encampment was held on the 20 th ult , at the Exchange Hotel . Among thos * c present were Sir Knights K . ' W . Watcrsnn , ICC , P . G . S . B . ( Beauceant ); ] . S . Veevers , P . E . C , P . P . G . R . ; M . FI . Robinson , Prelate , P . P . G . P . ; Tom Bradshaw , P . E . C , P . G . C . L . ; John
Knights Templar.
Bollard , ICC . elect ; Wm . B . Mossop , 1 st Capt ; B . Whitaker , J . Sutcliffe , W . G . Gregory , L . IT . Brown , John Harrison , Robert Harrison , A . S . Dean , Wm . Marsden , and Geo . Bell . 'The visitors were Sir Knights J . Mason , ICC ; W . Varley , C . L ., and J . B . Carey , of Plains of Tabor Encampment , Colne . Ihe minutes of tlie previous convocation were then read and confirmed . Sir Knight John Bollard was presented
by Sir Knight J . S . Veevers and installed into the chair b y Sir Knight R . W . W . iterson . The ICC invested Sir Knights R . W . Waterson , P . ICC ; Wm . Mossop , ist Capt ; B . Whitaker , 2 nd Capt . .: J . Sutcliffe , Expert ; John Harrison , C of L . ; 'Tom Bradshaw , Almoner ; L . 11 . Brown , Registrar ; II . II . Robinson , Prelat *; James Grimsbaw and W . G . Gregory , Heralds ; and Geo . Bell , ICeiuerry .
I he encampment having been closed , thc Sir Knights adjourned to a banquet , when the usual toasts followed . 1 he toast of " The ICC . " was proposed , and responded to by him . "The Health of the P . E . C" followed , and Sir Knight Watersen briefly replied . Sir Knight Robinson proposed "The Health of the Visitors , " which was responded to by Sir Knights Mason and Carey . The Equerry ' s toast brought a most enjoyable evening to a close .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
COCKERMOUTH . —Dykes Conclave ( No . 36 ) . —The quarterly assembly of this conclave vvas held in the Freemasons' Hall , College-street , Whitehaven , on Wednesday , the 25 th ult There were present : Em . Sir Knights P . dc E . Collins , M . P . S . ; T . Bird , V . E . ; Crowther Murton , P . S . ; W . IC Lamonby , P . S . ; E . Tyson , P . S . ; T . Mantlle , P . S . j 11 . Peacock , S . G . j G .
Dalrymple , J . G . ; D . Bell , H . P . ; W . II . Lewthwaite , 1 reas ., Rec , and Org . ; R . Baxter , Prep . ; J . Ashworth , H . ; J . Abbott , W . Holloway , J . Mills , T . Atkinson , and J . IC Kirk-con cl . 'The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot vvas takeu for Bro . J . Dodd , P . M . 13110 , which being favourable lie was admitted , installed , and proclaimed a Knight of the Order , by Em . Sir Knight IC . 'Tyson , in his well
known style . 1 he other ollicers performed their duties with a smartness and precision never before seen in this conclave , although it was a joint a . 'sembly since the enthronement festival ; and , without being invidious , special mention ought to be made of Sir Knight D . Bells' admirable delivery of the historical oration . Hitherto it has been the rule to organise a scratch team of olliceis for installation
work ; hut wc are g lad to lind that a lime for the better has set in , whilst it is crec'itable to the majority of thc ollicers to know that they are the youngest Sir Knights . A resolution , expressive of loss to the conclave through the death of I ' m . Sir Knight Dr . IC . W . Henry , P . S ., was ordered to be recorded on thc minutes . The best wishes of the Sir Kni ghts were also cordially tendered to ICm . Sir Knight
\\ . F . Lamonby , P . S ., on his approaching departure for Australia , and that frater in acknowledging the compliment , intimated his wish to continue a subscribing member of the conclave . After passing a vote of thanks to tlie W . M ., Wardens , and brethren of the Lodgj No . ny , for Ihe use
of their hall , the conclave vvas solemnly closed , one of the heartiest and most successful assemblies since the constitution of No . 30 , being thus brought to a conclusion . It is anticipated that there will be two or three distinguished candidates for installation at thc next assembly of the conclave .
Rosicrucian Society.
Rosicrucian Society .
METROPOLITAN COLLEGE . —The quarterly convocation of this college was held nt thc FYccmasons * ' Tavern , Gre-at ( Jiiccn-streel , W . C , on 'Thursday , the 12 th ult . The chair was taken by the Supreme Magus , Frater W . R . Woodman , the vice-chair by the Secretary-General , Frater C IC Peek , and amongst those present were Fratres W . J . Ferguson and D . M . Dewar , Antients ; ( ,. A . Rooks , R . Roy , G . Mickley , J . MasonW . Wynn
, , Westcott , M . B . ; W . Dodd , and ' J . Gilbert , Acolyte . The accounts , which had been duly audited . the day before at a I Iigh Council meeting convened for that purpose , were duly passed , showing a handsome balance on the right side . The High Council accounts had been also audited and passed at the previous meeting ( January nth ) . 'The Supreme Magus read a paper on the " Rosicrucian
Certificates and the Seal of the Order , " for which a vote of thanks was proposed by 1 ' rater F ' erguson , seconded by Frater Mason , and carried . 'The convocation was then closed , and the fratres adjourned to the banquet , which was presided over as in the convocation of the college . The next convocation will bc held on the second Thursday in April , and will be the obligatory meeting .
East London Masonic Charitable Association.
The monthly meeting of Ihis association , in connection with thc Merchant Navy Lodgeof Instruction , vvas held on the 25 th ult , at thc Silver Tavern , Burdett Road . IC , Bros . Daniclls , P . M ., Prcs . ; Turquand , P . M ., Treas . ; Breden , P . M ., Sec ; and a good attendance of the members . Subscriptions COIIlinrr in Well , the Treasurer hn . I tho
pleasure of announcing that three Life Governorships would be balloted for , and these in due course fell to Bros . Moore , Green and Gregory , and we learn each of these brethren have kindly placed the £ 10 ios ' . upon the list of Bro . IC Robinson , who represents the Merchant Navy Lodge at the ensuing Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . 'The audit of the accounts for the past
year having been performed by Bro . Stephens was submitted to the brethren . Mom this it appears that the lota ! receipts for Ihe year 1 . SS 1 , was £ 100 ids . enabling the Committee to declare nine Life Governorships , leaving a small balance , a little over £ 2 . Bro . 'Turquand vvas paid a well-deserved compliment for thc capital way in which the accounts are kept , and a vote of thanks to Bro . Geo . Stephens fqr his services as Auditor , and to Bros . 'Turquand and Breden for their kind services as Treas . and Sec , were unanimously passed .
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Royal Arch.
ing chapter was held on Monday , thc 23 rd ult , at thc Masonic Hall . A large number of companions were present . 'The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the ballot was afterwards taken for Bro . j . N . Borthwick , 1 S 13 , and Bro . J . F . McDonnell , 1013 , which proved to be unanimous . 'I'he installation of the 'Three
Principals—Comps . 'Thos . Salter , / .. ; J . R . Rowan , Tl . ; and Dr . Mill , J . —was most ably and impressively carried out by Comp . Dr . Samuels , the LP . / .., after which Bro . McDonnell was duly exalted to the Supreme Degree . The newly-exalted M . 1 C . / .., in the name of the companions of the chapter , presented the I . P . Z ., Comp . Dr . Samuels , with a Past Principal ' s jewel . In doing this , the
M . IC . / .. dwelt upon the brilliant services rendered by Comp . Dr . Samuels during the tenure of the chair in the Chapter of I ' riendship , and expressed the hope that for many years the companions would have the pleasure and advantage of his company . Comp . Samuels replied in -suitable terms , and said that he should always leiok back upon his year of oflice with pleasure anil satisfaction , feeling that he had enjoyed the
conlidcnccof the companions , which it would always be his endeavour to deserve . The chapter vvas then closed , and . the companions adjourned to an excellent supper , presided over by Comp . Salter , M . ICZ ., at which the usual toasts were duly honoured , and several songs and recitations were well given by Comps . Ramage , Longbottom , Humphries , Winsor , Brotherton , and others . A very pleasant evening was spent .
BOSTON . —St . Botolph ' s Chapter ( No . 272 ) . — The annual installation meeting of this chapter took place on 'Thursday , the 19 th ult , when M . IC . Comp . the Rev . G . W . Lowe installed Comp . Geo . IC Barrcll , as ' / .. ; Jacobson , being appointed 11 . ; and Con * . p . . R . Thorpe , as J . The subordinate ollicers having been invested , thc newly-installed Z . presented the chapter with a very handsome set of sceptres , to replace the unseemly ones hitherto
use . At the conclusion of the ceremony the companions adjourned to the Peacock Hotel , where a most recherchi banquet was provided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and thc companions separated after a most enjoyable evening .
. LIVERPOOL . —Temple Chapter ( No . 1094 ) . — The annual installation meeting of this chapter took place nt the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday , thc 24 th ult . The companions assembled al fouro ' clock p . m ., under the presidency of Comps . J . II . Bradshaw , Z . ; D . A . Davis , II . ; and R . B . Burgess , J . ; supported hythe following companions : Comps . John Pemberton , P . Z ., P . P .
G . S . H . ; Richard Washington , P . / ., P . G . R . ; Hugh Williams , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . ' ; IVMacMiildrow , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . N . ; J . B . Robinson , P . Z . ; Richard R . Martin , I' . Z . ; 'Thos . Shaw , P . Z . ; R . C Yelland , I' . Z . j T . Schonstadt , S . E . ; II . A . Tobias , S . N . ; M . Robertson , P . S . ; Jno . Cook , A . S . ; W . Parker , Henry Dutton , IC IC Boustead , W . Davis , Robt . l . ' pton , Saml . Gordon , W . R . Reeve , I ' .
S . Johnson , Kiple-V , Joseph Wood , and F . Mason . Visitors Comps , J . 11 . Siilitoe . P . Z . 13 S 7 ; T . R . Williams , P . Z . 152 ; Thos . II . 'Tanner , 337 ; Maurice Hart , Z . 1 . 502 ; Alexander Levy , S . E . 1302 ; Thos . Roberts , P . Z . f . 73 ; F . J . Bailey , J . ONo ; A . Levy , 1502 ; D . Gabrielson , 1502 ; and Henry Madsell , S 23 . I he minutes of thc previous meeting were read and
confirmed , and the ballot was then takeu fur Comp . M . J . Pnttinson , 1325 , and declared duly elected . 'The ceremony of installation was then proceeded with and very ably rendered by Comp . Pemberton . 'The- following companions were then installed and invested : Comps . 1 ) . A . Davis , M-ICZ . ; R . B . Burgess , 11 . ; M . Robertson , J . ; Jno . Pemberton , P . Z . 'Treas : ; II . A . 'Tobias , S . IC ; J " . Holme
( by proxy ) , S . N . ; S . Schonstadt , P . S . ; Peter Ball was re-elected janitor . Comp . T ' attinson being in attendance was admitted and exalted to the Supreme Degree of R . A . M ., in a manner that reflected great credit upon the M . IC / .. and the newly appointed ollieer . lt was proposed and unanimously resolved lhat a letter of condolence be sent to the family of our late Comp .
Win . Cottrell , P . / .., upon the loss they have sustained . Comp . Petiiberlou , then , in tlie name of the chapter presented a P . Z . ' s jewel to the retiring M . IC / .., Comp . Bradshaw . After "Hearty good Wishes" from many visiting
companions and other formal business , the chapter vvas closed in regular form , and the companions adjourned to refreshments , when the usual loyal anel Masonic toasts were given . Comps . Hart , Levy , Washington and others sang some excellent songs , and a very enjoyable evening vvas brought to a close at an early hour .
DORIC CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . 9 ' ,. *)) . — The companions of this rhapler of improvement met on Monday last at the Duke ' s Head , Whitechapel-road , IC . Comp . W . 11 . Myers , P . Z ., as M . E . Z ., was supported by Comps . Macdonald , II . ; Chilson , N . ;
Macgregor , Clarke , G . T . Holdom , and others . Comp . Shepherd , P . M ., a visitor , from Devon . 'The ceremony of exaltation was worked , Comp . Clarke In ing candidate . A hearty welcome is offered to companions seeking instruction , which they may rely upon obtaining at this chapter of improvement every Monday evening .
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . 975 ) . —This eminent school of instruction for Royal Arch Masons seeking to prolit by the teaching here to be obliined , meets regularly every'Tuesday evening , at half-past six , at the Jamaica Tavern , St . MichacTs-alley , Cornhill , and all its meetings are attended by sonic of tile most eminent members of Royal Arch Masonry , where , under the able preceptorship of Comp . ritual of this mi be
IC Brown , the pure , Sii'ive : Degree cau obtained . At the meeting on Tuesday evening' last the ceremony of exaltation was most ably rehearsed . Comps . Crovvder presided as Z . ; J . Payne , II . ; Rowe , J . ; Darcey , S . N . ; and Frazer , P . S . 'There were several Arch Masons preseut , amongst whom were Comps . W . Frazer , IT . Thompson , M . E . Z . Giy ; Edwards , Metropolitan , and several others . The exaltation ceremony vvas well performed , but the particular
excellence of thc working of Comp . Payne , as IL , is deserving of special notice , as one of the constant attendants at this chapter , and who has well profited by the instruction which is in this chapter to be obtained .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
YORK . —York Lodge ( T . I . ) . —Thc annual installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 17 th ult . Bro . J , S . Cumberland vvas installed as W . M . by Bro . Rev . W . Valentine , P . M ., Prov . G . Chap . The ollicers were appointed as follows : Bros . W . C . Lukis , I . P . M . ; ( .. G . PadelS . W . ; \ V . 11 . GainforthJAV . ; WC Valentine
, , , P . M ., Chap . ; T . B . Wlivte-hcad , P . M ., Treas . and Sec ; M . Millington , M . O . ; J . T . Seller , S . O . ; A . T . B . Turner , 1 . 0 . ; J . T . Wilkinson , Reg . of M . ; T . Humphries , S . D . ; WC B . ' Dyson . J . D . ; G . Balmford , Org . ; IC . \ . De Salis , D . C ; IC Smith , I . G . ; S . Walker and J . E . Wilkinson , Stwds . ; and Pearson , Tyler .
SHEERNESS-ON-SEA . —Adams Lodge ( No . ( V . — The members of this lodge met at the Victoria Hall Buildings on 'Tuesday , the 24 th ult ., to assist at the installation of Bro . Michael James Sullivan , S . W . and W . M . elect . 'The attendance vvas small on this occasion , owing to thc majority of the brethren being away on business .
The members present were Bros . A . Spears , as W . M ., P . G . J . D ., P . P . G . S . W . ; J . Bagshaw , P . M ., P . P . G . A . S . ; W . T . Carpenter , P . P . G . S . B . ; ' H . A . Johnson , P . P . G . JAV . ; M . J . Sullivan , P . P . G . D . C ; R . J . E . Brown , P . P . G . A . D . C j G . T . Green , P . P . G . M . O . ; T . IT . Smith , S . O . ; J . Gardner , M . Pierson , and J . II . Watson . Among the visitors was Bro . T . S . Warrie , P . P . G . S . W . Kent , 237 .
Bro . A . Spears acted as Installing Master , and in an impressive manner performed the beautiful ceremony of installing Bro . M . J . Sullivan W . M . for the ensuing year into the chair of A . The W . M . then proceeded to invest his ollicers as follows : Bros . J . Hancock , I . P . M . ( bv proxy ); 11 . A . Johnson , S . W . ; G . T . Green , J . W . ; li .
J . IC Brown , M . O . ; T . H . Smith , S . O . ; W . T . Carpenter , J . O . ; A . Spears , Treas . ; J . Bagshaw , Sec ; R . II . Plattin , S . D . ( by proxy ); T . G . Redman , J . D . ( byproxy ); IC . J . Pesing , D . C . ( hy proxy ); and J . Akhurst , Tyler . The ceremony being completed , Bro . J . Bagshaw proposed that a cordial vote of thanks bc recorded on the minntes to Bro . A . Spears for the very able and efficient manner in which he had performed thc ceremony of
installation . The resolution having been passed unanimously , Bro . A . Spears thanked them in suitable terms , and expressed his regret at not seeing the Grand Secretary present , who was unable to be there through other important engagements . " Hearty good wishes" having been given , the lotlge was closed in due form . 'The brethren afterwards assemat the Britannia Hotel , where they sat down to an excellent dinner , and spent a very pleasant evening .
NEWBURY . —Porchester Lodge ( No . 27 ) . — 'The above lodge met at the Temperance I Iall on the 20 th ult , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . J . Banco , P . G . M . O . The principal business was the installation of the SAY ., Bro . G . M . Knight , P . G . J . O ., as W . M . feir the ensuing year . 'The ceremony was performed by Bro . T . J .
Pulley , P . M ., Prov . G . Sec . Berks and Oxon , and S . D . of the Grand Mark Lodge of ICngland for the current year , and at its conclusion the newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested his oflicers as follows : Bros . IC 11 . Lyon , S . W . ; G . J . Cosbnrn , P . G . Std . Br ., I . W . ; W . B . Wilson , M . O . ; IC . P . Plenty , S . O . ; S . Knight , J . O . ; IC . Head , 'Treas . ; IC II . Marychurch , Sec . ; G . Buyer , Reg . of Marks ; C Chapman , S . D . ; Montagu Palmer , J . D . ; W . T . 'Toms , I . G . ; Tegg , Stwd . ; and II . Dodd , Tyler . A handsome
Past Master ' s jewel was presented lo Bro . Bancc , Bro . Pulley referring to the valuable assistance which Bro . Bance rendered in connection with the resuscitation of the Porchester Lodge . Bro . Bance thanked the brethren in suitable terms for this expression of their good feeling towards him , and the
pleasure he realised 111 knowing that the elforts he had made to promote the interests of Mark Ma : onry in general , and the Porchester Lodge in particular , had been appreciated . In the evening the brethren partook of a banquet at the Chequers Hotel . 'The W . M . presided , and the toast of "The Oueen and Mark Masonry " having been honoured , the W . "M . proposed " The Health of the (" rand Ollicers ,
Present anil Past , and leelingly alluded to the Past G . Master , Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , who was unfortunately abroad through ill-health . Coupled vvitlv thc toast was the name of llro . Pulley , one of the Grand Deacons of ICngland . Bro . Pulley responded , remarking that as one of Ihe Grand Deacons it was his pleasing duty to assist at thc installation of Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Albany as Past G . Master—an event which vvas likely to give a great impetus
to Mark Masonry . Bro . W . B . Wilson proposed " 'The Health of the Prov , G . Master ( Lord Jersey ) , the Deputy G . Master ( Bro . C Stephens ) , and the rest of the Prov . Grand Ollicers , " for whom Bro . Coslmrn returned thanks . Bro . Bance , in complimentary terms , proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " who suitably replied . " 'The Health of the I . P . M . " was also honoured , and
having been appropriately acknowledged , " 'The Health of thc Installing Master" vvas proposed and responded to . " Success to the Mark Benevolent F ' und , " "The Visiting Brethren , " " 'The Wardens , Overseers , and other Oflicers of the Porchester Lodge , " and other toasts were duly honoured , some excellent songs were sung , and under the genial presidency of thc W . M . one and all spent a very pleasant evening .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
BURNLEY . -Plains of Manure Preceptory ( No . e ) . — 'This encampment was held on the 20 th ult , at the Exchange Hotel . Among thos * c present were Sir Knights K . ' W . Watcrsnn , ICC , P . G . S . B . ( Beauceant ); ] . S . Veevers , P . E . C , P . P . G . R . ; M . FI . Robinson , Prelate , P . P . G . P . ; Tom Bradshaw , P . E . C , P . G . C . L . ; John
Knights Templar.
Bollard , ICC . elect ; Wm . B . Mossop , 1 st Capt ; B . Whitaker , J . Sutcliffe , W . G . Gregory , L . IT . Brown , John Harrison , Robert Harrison , A . S . Dean , Wm . Marsden , and Geo . Bell . 'The visitors were Sir Knights J . Mason , ICC ; W . Varley , C . L ., and J . B . Carey , of Plains of Tabor Encampment , Colne . Ihe minutes of tlie previous convocation were then read and confirmed . Sir Knight John Bollard was presented
by Sir Knight J . S . Veevers and installed into the chair b y Sir Knight R . W . W . iterson . The ICC invested Sir Knights R . W . Waterson , P . ICC ; Wm . Mossop , ist Capt ; B . Whitaker , 2 nd Capt . .: J . Sutcliffe , Expert ; John Harrison , C of L . ; 'Tom Bradshaw , Almoner ; L . 11 . Brown , Registrar ; II . II . Robinson , Prelat *; James Grimsbaw and W . G . Gregory , Heralds ; and Geo . Bell , ICeiuerry .
I he encampment having been closed , thc Sir Knights adjourned to a banquet , when the usual toasts followed . 1 he toast of " The ICC . " was proposed , and responded to by him . "The Health of the P . E . C" followed , and Sir Knight Watersen briefly replied . Sir Knight Robinson proposed "The Health of the Visitors , " which was responded to by Sir Knights Mason and Carey . The Equerry ' s toast brought a most enjoyable evening to a close .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
COCKERMOUTH . —Dykes Conclave ( No . 36 ) . —The quarterly assembly of this conclave vvas held in the Freemasons' Hall , College-street , Whitehaven , on Wednesday , the 25 th ult There were present : Em . Sir Knights P . dc E . Collins , M . P . S . ; T . Bird , V . E . ; Crowther Murton , P . S . ; W . IC Lamonby , P . S . ; E . Tyson , P . S . ; T . Mantlle , P . S . j 11 . Peacock , S . G . j G .
Dalrymple , J . G . ; D . Bell , H . P . ; W . II . Lewthwaite , 1 reas ., Rec , and Org . ; R . Baxter , Prep . ; J . Ashworth , H . ; J . Abbott , W . Holloway , J . Mills , T . Atkinson , and J . IC Kirk-con cl . 'The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot vvas takeu for Bro . J . Dodd , P . M . 13110 , which being favourable lie was admitted , installed , and proclaimed a Knight of the Order , by Em . Sir Knight IC . 'Tyson , in his well
known style . 1 he other ollicers performed their duties with a smartness and precision never before seen in this conclave , although it was a joint a . 'sembly since the enthronement festival ; and , without being invidious , special mention ought to be made of Sir Knight D . Bells' admirable delivery of the historical oration . Hitherto it has been the rule to organise a scratch team of olliceis for installation
work ; hut wc are g lad to lind that a lime for the better has set in , whilst it is crec'itable to the majority of thc ollicers to know that they are the youngest Sir Knights . A resolution , expressive of loss to the conclave through the death of I ' m . Sir Knight Dr . IC . W . Henry , P . S ., was ordered to be recorded on thc minutes . The best wishes of the Sir Kni ghts were also cordially tendered to ICm . Sir Knight
\\ . F . Lamonby , P . S ., on his approaching departure for Australia , and that frater in acknowledging the compliment , intimated his wish to continue a subscribing member of the conclave . After passing a vote of thanks to tlie W . M ., Wardens , and brethren of the Lodgj No . ny , for Ihe use
of their hall , the conclave vvas solemnly closed , one of the heartiest and most successful assemblies since the constitution of No . 30 , being thus brought to a conclusion . It is anticipated that there will be two or three distinguished candidates for installation at thc next assembly of the conclave .
Rosicrucian Society.
Rosicrucian Society .
METROPOLITAN COLLEGE . —The quarterly convocation of this college was held nt thc FYccmasons * ' Tavern , Gre-at ( Jiiccn-streel , W . C , on 'Thursday , the 12 th ult . The chair was taken by the Supreme Magus , Frater W . R . Woodman , the vice-chair by the Secretary-General , Frater C IC Peek , and amongst those present were Fratres W . J . Ferguson and D . M . Dewar , Antients ; ( ,. A . Rooks , R . Roy , G . Mickley , J . MasonW . Wynn
, , Westcott , M . B . ; W . Dodd , and ' J . Gilbert , Acolyte . The accounts , which had been duly audited . the day before at a I Iigh Council meeting convened for that purpose , were duly passed , showing a handsome balance on the right side . The High Council accounts had been also audited and passed at the previous meeting ( January nth ) . 'The Supreme Magus read a paper on the " Rosicrucian
Certificates and the Seal of the Order , " for which a vote of thanks was proposed by 1 ' rater F ' erguson , seconded by Frater Mason , and carried . 'The convocation was then closed , and the fratres adjourned to the banquet , which was presided over as in the convocation of the college . The next convocation will bc held on the second Thursday in April , and will be the obligatory meeting .
East London Masonic Charitable Association.
The monthly meeting of Ihis association , in connection with thc Merchant Navy Lodgeof Instruction , vvas held on the 25 th ult , at thc Silver Tavern , Burdett Road . IC , Bros . Daniclls , P . M ., Prcs . ; Turquand , P . M ., Treas . ; Breden , P . M ., Sec ; and a good attendance of the members . Subscriptions COIIlinrr in Well , the Treasurer hn . I tho
pleasure of announcing that three Life Governorships would be balloted for , and these in due course fell to Bros . Moore , Green and Gregory , and we learn each of these brethren have kindly placed the £ 10 ios ' . upon the list of Bro . IC Robinson , who represents the Merchant Navy Lodge at the ensuing Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . 'The audit of the accounts for the past
year having been performed by Bro . Stephens was submitted to the brethren . Mom this it appears that the lota ! receipts for Ihe year 1 . SS 1 , was £ 100 ids . enabling the Committee to declare nine Life Governorships , leaving a small balance , a little over £ 2 . Bro . 'Turquand vvas paid a well-deserved compliment for thc capital way in which the accounts are kept , and a vote of thanks to Bro . Geo . Stephens fqr his services as Auditor , and to Bros . 'Turquand and Breden for their kind services as Treas . and Sec , were unanimously passed .