Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( No . 25 ) . —Thc usual meeting of this lodge vvas held at thc Norlh Pole Oxford-street , on ihe 27 II 1 ult . Present : Bros . Marx , W . M- ; Deckcnson , S . W . ; Blum , J . W . ; Blundell , S . D . ; Batson , J . D . ; T . D . Harvey , I . G . ; " Cuff , Candv , Latreille .
Richardson , Green , and baker , Preceptor . 'The lodge was openeel in the Second Degree , and the First Section of that lecture worked by Bro . Baker . The ceremony of installation was then worked by Bro . Latreille , after which the lodge vvas opened in thc Third Degree . Bro . Deckcnson was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
SINCERITY LODGE ( No . 174 ) . —Tho last regular meetingof this lodge ( which now meetsjat thc Ship Tavern , Hart-street . Mark-lane , E . C . ) took place on thc " -rdult . Bro . Cant , the Hon . Sec , occupied the chair . Bros . W . Eraser , was S . W . ; J . S . Eraser , JAV . ; T . Brown , J . D ; Sackett , I . G . ; and others . After due formalities lodge was opened , and the ceremonies of initiation was worked , Bro .
March , candidate . Ledge vvas closed , and a meeting of the Masonic Charitable Association was held . 'Three Life Governorships were declared and balloted for . It is a p leasant fact that in connection with this young association that thirty-two Life Governors have already been paid to the Masonic Charities , a result which must be highly gratifying to the Committee .
JOPPA LODGE ( No . _ iSS ) . —The first winter dinner of this lodge of instruction took place on the 24 th ult , at the Champion Hotel , 15 , Aldersgate-street , ICC Lotlge was opened as visual at 7 p . m . ( Bro . J . Hick , vV . M . ) in the presence of . 1 good attendance of brethren and visitors , who afterwards sat down to an excellent banqnet , served in Host Chillingworth's well known style . Bro .
A . G . Dod-on , P . M ., President of thc lodge , occupied the chair . After the usual loyal and Mnsonic toasts , Bro . Hicks gave "The Health of the President , Bro . Dodson , P . M ., " commenting upon his strenuous eff-rts to rai ^ e the lodge to the highest pinnacle , and also on the great efficiency of his
working as displajed in the lodge . Bro . Dodson replied , and afterwards proposed ' •'The Mother Lodge Joppa , No . iSS , " which vvas received with great pleasure , and replied to by Bro . Wall . Several other toasts followed , and the evening vvas further enlivened by some capital songs , very ably rendered by Bros . Dodson , // ughes , McK ' wk-y , and others .
YARBOROUGH LODGE ( No . 5- * . - . ) . —The regular meeting of the : above lodge took place on the . " . ist ult ., at Bro . A . Walker ' s , Green Dragon , Stepney , IC . Uro . J . II . Pringle , was W . M ., also present Bros . ( . Taylor , S . W \; Shinglield , JAV . ; Stephens , S . D . ; Tyler , J . D . ; Walter , I . G . ' ; Past Masters , T . J . Barnes , Preceptor , J . Andrews . J . Hood , and Bros . Harvey , Ayres , C . II . Ford ,
aud others . After usual formalities the ceremony of rai-ing was very carefully worked , llro . Ellingford candidate . Lodge vvas resumed in the First Degree , and Bro . Ford an American brother visitor gave the lodge an exposition of the manner in which the ritual i . " . carried out by American brethren , more especially as regards the examination of visitors to a lodge for passing to the Second Degree .
A highly interesting discussion ensued , and lodge was icsumed , and Bro . Stephen : ! worked the 2 nd and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture , the brethren assisting . Lodge vvas closed down in ancient form , and Bros . J . II . Pringle , I . G . 7 S 1 , and W . Ayres . S . D . <> - * , were duly admitted members . Bro . Taylor was elected W . M . for the next meeting . 'The
services of Bros . J . II . Pringle , as W . M ., and C . Jl . Ford , St John ' s Lodge , Virginia , I ' nitcd States of America , were warmly acknowledged and votes of thanks ordered to bc recorded on the minutes of the lodge . _ Lodge vas then close 1 . Brethren paying this lodge a visit will lind the teaching thorough , and likely to make them regular attenders .
ST . JAMES LODGE ( No . 765 ) . —The brethren of the above old lodge passed a very pleasant evening at Bro . Meacuck ' s , the Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , on the 27 th ult . The occasion was the working of the Fifteen Sections , under the presidency of Bro . W . Pennefather , P . M ., who vvas assisted hy Bros . H , | . Lardner , P . G . S . W . Kent , JAV . ; J . Davison , P . M .,
Preceptor ; G . Perkins , Sec ; G . II . Stephens , Deacon ; Donaher , I . G . ; and a good attendance of thc brethren . After due formalities the Fifteen Sections were worked . The usual veto of thanks to the W . M . for his able working in the chair , and to the brethren for assisting , were duly
accorded , Bro . Lardner also brought forwarel a proposition to present Bro . J . -Davison , P . M ., the esteemed Preceptor of the lodge , with a testimonial , and the following Committee vvas formed lo carry out the same : Bros . Lardner , Penney , Jackson , Kent , Martin , and G . Perkins , Sec . Lodge vvas then closed .
MERCHANT NAVY LODGE ( No . 781 ) . —The regular meeting of the above lodge vvas held at the Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , IC , on the 25 II 1 ult . Bro . Harvey vvas W . M ., and had the support of the following brethren : Bros . Lax , S . W . ; Robinson , J . W . ; Bull , Deacon ; Turquand , P . M ., Preceptor ; Brcden , P . M .,
ace ; Scherboom , l ' .. VL ; l-ianiells , 1 .. vt ; Ixnowles , Money , Wyness , Gregory , Stephens , and others . The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes read . Lodge vvas advanced , and the ceremony of raising was very carefully rendered , Bro . Wyness being candidate . Lodge vvas closed down , and Bro . Lax vvas chosen W . M . for the ensuing lodge meeting .
DALHOUSIE LODGE ( No . 860 ) . —Thc usual meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . 'Thos . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Povvnall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , the 24 th ult ,, Present : Bros . Thos . Clark , W . M . j Darnell , S . W . j Wardell , JAV . ; Catling , S . D . ; Christian , J . D . ; Larter , I . G . ; F . Carr , Mon . Sec ; WallingtonP . M . Preceptor ; Br * . stedRobinsonBaker
, , , , , Smyth , Edwards , Gushing , Dignam , Coble , and C . LiiT-in . 'The lodge vvas opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Edwards offered himself as a candidate for passing , vvas vjitcrrogated and entrusted . Thc lodge vvas opened in thc Second Degree , Bro . Edwards being passed to the Degree of a
Fellow Craft The same brother vvas a candidate , for rising , was interrogated and entrusted . The lodge vvas opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Edwards vvas raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason , the W . M . giving the traditional history . 'The W . M . worked the
First Section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . F . Canwas elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Nothing further olfcring for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer , and adjourned .
THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . — The annual supper of this flourishing lodge was held on 'Thursday , the 26 th ult ., when about forty brethren sat down , under thc presidency of Bro . Charles 'Taylor , W . M . of the mother lodge . lie was supported by iBros . Saul , Preceptor ; White . S . W .: J . Room , J . W . ; Tlenrv Wright , J . D . ; J . Goodenough " , Sec ; W / Siblev , Baber ,
Wedgwood , and others . A very pleasant evening vvas spent after the closing of the lodge , in which Bro . Blackie had worked the initiating ceremony . A letter vvas read from Bro . Stevens , P . M . 1 | 2 (> and P . Z ., offering to deliver his lecture explanatory of the ceremonies ol" the First Degree , and on the motion of
Bro . Wright , seconded by Bro . Baber , his offer was accepted with thanks . It is expected there will be a large gathering of the Craft on the occasion . Much regret has been felt in the lodge at the sudden death of Bro . Rush , who , a few weeks ago , vvas electee ! Master for the ensuing week , and elicd a few days after of inflammation , broughton suddenly . Several of the brethren attended our brother ' s funeral .
PRINCE LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 1445 ) . — At the last regular meeting of the above lodge the Fifteen Sections were worked , under the able presidency of Bro . W . II . . Myers , P . M ., and the Preceptor of the lodge . Despite the thick fog , which rendered locomotion extremely dillicult , Bro . Myers vvas supported by nearly thirty brethren . Among those were Bros . Macdonald , J . W . 144 s , as SAY . ; Walters , P . M . i S , J . W . ; W . Musto , P . M .
1349 , I . P . M . ; Seymour Clarke , Hon . Sec ; Koch , P . M . S 20 ; Temvick and ' Wrightson , S 20 , and others . 'The Fifteen Sections were worked , and subsequently Bros . F ' enwick and Wrightson , S 20 , were elected members ' , and the usual complimentary votes of thanks were passed and acknowledged . Bro . Myers , P . M ., is lo be eemgratulatcd upon having secured such a numerous attendance of the brethren , ami having had sosucccsslul a meeting under such disadvantageous weather .
CRUSADERS LODGE ( No . iGo ;) . —The above lodge met on the 26 th ult , a the Old Jerusalem Tavein , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , when there were present Bros . R . D . Cummings , W . M . ; J . Simpson , ^.. W ' . ; J . Rothschild , J . W .: T . Pingston , S . D . J . S . Fletcher , I . G , ; G . 11 . Gilham , Preceptor ; II . Halliday , Hon . Sec , and others .
'The loelge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Lodge vvas then opened in the Second Degree . Bro . 'Tillett offered himself as a candidate to be raised to the'Third Degree , nnd having answered the necessary questions , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the 'Third Degree , and thc ceremony of raising with traditional history , excellently worked by Bro . Cuinniings , who is Preceptor * of this lodge .
'The lodge was then called olT . 'The lodg- being called ' on vvas closed in the Third and Second Degrees , when it was unanimously voted that Bro . Simpson be W . M . for thc ensuing week . 'The W . M . elect appointed ollicers in rotation . It vvas proposed by Bro . Artnur Millward , and seconded by Bro . Ciuimings , that Bro . Paget become a member of this lodge , which vvas carried with acclamation . This ending the duties e . f the evening , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and adjourned .
LANGTON LODGE ( No . K ' 7 . 1 ) . —A meeting of this lodge of instruction vvas held on the ; 2 <"> th ult . at the Mansion House Station Restaurant , Oueen Victoria-street , ICC , thc offices being tilled as follovvs : Bros . Tanqueray , W . M . ; Maude , S . W . ; llallowes , J . W . ; Vyse , S . D . ; Marshall , J . D . ; Due , I . G . ; Sudlow , Preceptor ; aud . Sha . v , acting Secretary . There were also present Bros . Duret ,
Mornss , Gaze , Bartholomew , Stemgraber , and others . 1 he lodge having been opened in the First Degree , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and the lodge opened in the Second and Third Degrees , and resumed in the First , when Bro . Gaze , acting as candidate for the Second Degree , answered the usual questions ; after which the lodge was resumed in the Second Degree , llro . Gaze being passed to the Degree of F . C After a " call
off , " the lodge resumed in the Third Degree , Bro . Sudlow , Preceptor , working the Second and 'Third Sections of the Third Lecture , assisted by the brethren , and the lodge closed down to thc First Degree . Bro . Bue ; having been unanimously elected W . M . for ensuing meeting , the ollicers in rotation , the work appointed being the Third Ceremony and the First and Sixth Sections of the First Lecture , the'lodgc was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PATTISON CHAPTER ( No . 91 . * , ) . —Thc < iuartcrly convocation of thc above chapter vvas held at the Lord Raglan , Burragc-road , on Thursday , the lyth ult , Ex . Comp . T . D . Hayes , M . E . / .., presiding , supported by the following ollicers and companions : Comps . W . B . Lloyd , IL ; Capt . Eugene Sweny , ) . j C Coupland , P . Z . and Treas ., P . P . G . P . S . Kent ; A . Penfold , P . Z ., and P . P . G . 1 st . Asst , S . Kent ; W . Musto . P . Z . : II . Prvce . Scribe IC :
II . Mason , Scribe N . ; R . ICdmui-ds , 1 st Asst S . ; T . R . Richardson , W . Busbridge , C J . Clapham , G . Host , W . Rees , D . C . Capon , J . ll . Roberts , J . IC Randall , D . Campbell , J . Scott-Mutch , J . 13 ; G . Kennedy , P . S . 13 ; and C Jolly , 913 ( Freemason ) . On the companions being admitted , the minutes and accounts were passed after which Bro . C Ellis , 913 , was exalted to the Sunrcme Deoreo with Ihe full re ,-,.,-,,,,,.-, !
Comp . Richardson presiding at the harmonium . 'The ritual was most ample , and the intense interest with which the " Histories" and lectures were listened to , showed how deepl y their eloquent and powerful delivery by the Three Principals touched the feelings of the exaltee and companions present . Nor must wc omit to mention the admirable manner in which Comp . Edmunds carriedout thc important
Royal Arch.
and onerous dut y of P . S . ; and , in fait , the whole ceremony was most impressive-, and a grand display of Arch-FYccmasonic erudition . Comp . Lloyd then announced himself as a Steward at Ihe forthcoming festival I ' or thc Aged 1 ' rcemasoiis' Benevolent Institution , and his ample list was afterwards supplemented by live guineas from the charity-box , upwards of three pounds ol which were collected shortly after at the
festive board . 'The chapter vvas then closed . At the banquet , which followed , the . M . E . Z . called on the companions to drink to " The Oueen and Royal Arch Masonry , *' and the other foists special to such occasions . Comp . Penfold , in replying for " The Grand Ollicers of the Province of Kent , " said he would adopt the tactics of their most " Excellent , " and be : very brief ill his remarks .
I'or thc lasl two years he had hael to return thanks for the toast , and found it a most dillicult toasl lo lind anything new to . say in the maiter . 'There wa . i really nothing - to talk about , except simply to thank them for their kind wishes . He must say , however , that their Grand Superintendent Lord Holmesdale , did all in his power to keep up the good feeling which existed in the chapters in the pro- . vince , and selected his oflicers wilh such care that the result
gavegencral satisfaction . Me thanked them on behalf of the Grand Oflicers , and vvas proud of the position he held among them . Comps . Coupland and Butter also returned thanks . Comp . Butter , I . P . Z ., then proposed "T .- . e Health of the M . I " . / * ., " expressing great personal respect and
admiration for Comp . Hayes , both in his position as head of tho chapter and also as a Past Master of their old lodge . In his position as their M . F .. / .. he vvas so perfect in his parts that he wanted no assistance , and soil was when he was Master of the lodge . Comp . Hayes briefly returned thanks , and proposed "Thc Visitors . "
Comp . Mutch , in reply , said it was the Iirst time he had had the pleasure of being a visitor at the Pattison Chapter , but would cordially promise that it should not be the last . 'The grand working he hail seen that night was a treat to him , although he must confess that it was different to what he had been accustomed to in thc I ' nion Waterloo Chapter . Yet it certainly was an improvement , and would not be forgotten by him when he arrived at the apex of the
triangle . Comp . Kennedy also returned thanks saying that thc ritual was somewhat new to him . 'Ihe M . E . Z . said , with reference to the remarks of Comps . Mutch and Kennedy , he could inform them that they , the Pattison Chapter , were working like their companions of the I ' nion Water ' oo Chapter , in accordance with the old lights of Royal Arch Masonry , but upon
improved hues laid down jy Most Excellent Comp . Robinson , a Past Principal Grand 11 , of the Province of Kent , and upon his authority—a great authority in all matters of Masonry , especially Royal Arch Freemasonry . While they desired to keep up the ancient landmarks of the Order , they did not wish to retrograde , and surely it was better to do the work correctly than to go on year after year working at a ritual full of anomalies and incongruities . 1 he ritual was a sublime on .. . but ns ll ,,. !<* .,.. lis ! , l-. n , r .. s ,...
had improved with ages , so had it advanced with the language and improved with it . It was like the leaves in the forest , anel had nutations like them -green and fresh in the spring time of its existence ; lovely in its suinircr beauty ; but grand in the autumn of its life ; and such , he trusted , it would ever be in his chapter , not altered from its original landmarks , but improved and beautilied , and brought up to the standaid of the time they lived aud worked in .
" Ihe Second and Third Piincipals " were then toasted , and returned thanks . C ' oiup . Ellis briefly replied to a warm re : eplion of his name as "The ICxaltee , " anil trusted to be worthy of the honour dime him . 'The toasts ; of " The Ollicers " and Janitor concluded the proceedings .
MANCHESTER . —Caledonian Chapter ( No . 204 ) . —The installation meeting of the above chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on 'Thursday , the lyth ult , when the following were present : Comps . R . I .. Messayer , acting / .. ; John Roberts , II . ; N Dumville , J . ; R . Hauley , Treas . ; S . II . Needham , S . E . ; A . B . Whittaker , S . N . ; W . W . Dawson , P . S . ; Win . Byway , 1 st Asst . Soj . ; John C Hind , P . Z . ; ) . 1 * . Sutton . P . Z . :
Jno . Rogers , P . Z . ; IC . Clay , P . Z . j ' S . Mamelok , R . Barlow , S . Naphtali , Benj . Taylor , Wm . Fauldcn , T . Lever , W . Willis , Jos . Potts , Jas . Kelly , A . B . Bennett , P . Z . ; Chas . J . Scholield , John Worrell , A . Goodwin , P . Jackson , J . M . Pereival , P . McLean , W . Barnes Russell , 11 . R . Sutton ; and visitors , Comps . Frank A . Iluct , Humphrey Chetham ; Wm . "IJagiiatl , 277 ; J . Hall , P . P . ist Asst Soj . ; and R . R . Lissendcn , 317 ( hrcemnsou ) .
1 he chapter was opened shortly before six o ' clock in the usual manner , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Comp . Andrew reported on thc annual balance sheet , and moved its adoption , which vvas seconded and carried . The Three Principals elect , Comps . John Roberts , Z . ; N . Dumville , II . ; and W . W . Dawson , J . ; were installed into their respective chairs by Comp . James Hall , and were afterwards saluted b y the companions in the
usual manner . Ihe M . E . / . . then appointed his officers , and they were severally invested and addressed by Comp . Janies Mall , as follows : Comps . S . 11 . Needham , S . E . ; Win . Byway , S . N . ; A . B . Whittaker , P . S . ; IshniaeJ Davies , 1 st Asst . Soj . ( by proxy ); Win . Paulden , 2 ml Asst . Soj . ; R . Hartley , Treas . ; C J . Scholield , Org . ; T . J . Hooper , D . of C ; and j . Sly , Janitor . The addresses were also delivered by Comp . Hailand the chapter
, was shortly afterwards closed in peace and harmony at eight o ' clock . The ceremony throughout was conducted by Comp . Jas . Mall , unassisted , and there is doubtless a large amount of credit due to him , considering his advanced age , and , further , that he was called upon to perform this ollice at a very short notice , owing to the illness of Comp . George F .
[ Cast , who waslo have otliciated . The companion : ; afterwards sat down to supper , which beingfinished , the usual toasts were proposed and responded , to , amongst them being " 'The Newly-Installed Principals , " " I'he Installing . Master , " "The Newly-Invested Ollicers , " & c , etc ., and after spending an enjoyable evening together the companions . separated shortly before eleven o ' clock . LIVERPOOL . —Chapter of Friendship ( No . 241 ) . —The installation meeting of this old and flourish-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( No . 25 ) . —Thc usual meeting of this lodge vvas held at thc Norlh Pole Oxford-street , on ihe 27 II 1 ult . Present : Bros . Marx , W . M- ; Deckcnson , S . W . ; Blum , J . W . ; Blundell , S . D . ; Batson , J . D . ; T . D . Harvey , I . G . ; " Cuff , Candv , Latreille .
Richardson , Green , and baker , Preceptor . 'The lodge was openeel in the Second Degree , and the First Section of that lecture worked by Bro . Baker . The ceremony of installation was then worked by Bro . Latreille , after which the lodge vvas opened in thc Third Degree . Bro . Deckcnson was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
SINCERITY LODGE ( No . 174 ) . —Tho last regular meetingof this lodge ( which now meetsjat thc Ship Tavern , Hart-street . Mark-lane , E . C . ) took place on thc " -rdult . Bro . Cant , the Hon . Sec , occupied the chair . Bros . W . Eraser , was S . W . ; J . S . Eraser , JAV . ; T . Brown , J . D ; Sackett , I . G . ; and others . After due formalities lodge was opened , and the ceremonies of initiation was worked , Bro .
March , candidate . Ledge vvas closed , and a meeting of the Masonic Charitable Association was held . 'Three Life Governorships were declared and balloted for . It is a p leasant fact that in connection with this young association that thirty-two Life Governors have already been paid to the Masonic Charities , a result which must be highly gratifying to the Committee .
JOPPA LODGE ( No . _ iSS ) . —The first winter dinner of this lodge of instruction took place on the 24 th ult , at the Champion Hotel , 15 , Aldersgate-street , ICC Lotlge was opened as visual at 7 p . m . ( Bro . J . Hick , vV . M . ) in the presence of . 1 good attendance of brethren and visitors , who afterwards sat down to an excellent banqnet , served in Host Chillingworth's well known style . Bro .
A . G . Dod-on , P . M ., President of thc lodge , occupied the chair . After the usual loyal and Mnsonic toasts , Bro . Hicks gave "The Health of the President , Bro . Dodson , P . M ., " commenting upon his strenuous eff-rts to rai ^ e the lodge to the highest pinnacle , and also on the great efficiency of his
working as displajed in the lodge . Bro . Dodson replied , and afterwards proposed ' •'The Mother Lodge Joppa , No . iSS , " which vvas received with great pleasure , and replied to by Bro . Wall . Several other toasts followed , and the evening vvas further enlivened by some capital songs , very ably rendered by Bros . Dodson , // ughes , McK ' wk-y , and others .
YARBOROUGH LODGE ( No . 5- * . - . ) . —The regular meeting of the : above lodge took place on the . " . ist ult ., at Bro . A . Walker ' s , Green Dragon , Stepney , IC . Uro . J . II . Pringle , was W . M ., also present Bros . ( . Taylor , S . W \; Shinglield , JAV . ; Stephens , S . D . ; Tyler , J . D . ; Walter , I . G . ' ; Past Masters , T . J . Barnes , Preceptor , J . Andrews . J . Hood , and Bros . Harvey , Ayres , C . II . Ford ,
aud others . After usual formalities the ceremony of rai-ing was very carefully worked , llro . Ellingford candidate . Lodge vvas resumed in the First Degree , and Bro . Ford an American brother visitor gave the lodge an exposition of the manner in which the ritual i . " . carried out by American brethren , more especially as regards the examination of visitors to a lodge for passing to the Second Degree .
A highly interesting discussion ensued , and lodge was icsumed , and Bro . Stephen : ! worked the 2 nd and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture , the brethren assisting . Lodge vvas closed down in ancient form , and Bros . J . II . Pringle , I . G . 7 S 1 , and W . Ayres . S . D . <> - * , were duly admitted members . Bro . Taylor was elected W . M . for the next meeting . 'The
services of Bros . J . II . Pringle , as W . M ., and C . Jl . Ford , St John ' s Lodge , Virginia , I ' nitcd States of America , were warmly acknowledged and votes of thanks ordered to bc recorded on the minutes of the lodge . _ Lodge vas then close 1 . Brethren paying this lodge a visit will lind the teaching thorough , and likely to make them regular attenders .
ST . JAMES LODGE ( No . 765 ) . —The brethren of the above old lodge passed a very pleasant evening at Bro . Meacuck ' s , the Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , on the 27 th ult . The occasion was the working of the Fifteen Sections , under the presidency of Bro . W . Pennefather , P . M ., who vvas assisted hy Bros . H , | . Lardner , P . G . S . W . Kent , JAV . ; J . Davison , P . M .,
Preceptor ; G . Perkins , Sec ; G . II . Stephens , Deacon ; Donaher , I . G . ; and a good attendance of thc brethren . After due formalities the Fifteen Sections were worked . The usual veto of thanks to the W . M . for his able working in the chair , and to the brethren for assisting , were duly
accorded , Bro . Lardner also brought forwarel a proposition to present Bro . J . -Davison , P . M ., the esteemed Preceptor of the lodge , with a testimonial , and the following Committee vvas formed lo carry out the same : Bros . Lardner , Penney , Jackson , Kent , Martin , and G . Perkins , Sec . Lodge vvas then closed .
MERCHANT NAVY LODGE ( No . 781 ) . —The regular meeting of the above lodge vvas held at the Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , IC , on the 25 II 1 ult . Bro . Harvey vvas W . M ., and had the support of the following brethren : Bros . Lax , S . W . ; Robinson , J . W . ; Bull , Deacon ; Turquand , P . M ., Preceptor ; Brcden , P . M .,
ace ; Scherboom , l ' .. VL ; l-ianiells , 1 .. vt ; Ixnowles , Money , Wyness , Gregory , Stephens , and others . The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes read . Lodge vvas advanced , and the ceremony of raising was very carefully rendered , Bro . Wyness being candidate . Lodge vvas closed down , and Bro . Lax vvas chosen W . M . for the ensuing lodge meeting .
DALHOUSIE LODGE ( No . 860 ) . —Thc usual meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . 'Thos . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Povvnall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , the 24 th ult ,, Present : Bros . Thos . Clark , W . M . j Darnell , S . W . j Wardell , JAV . ; Catling , S . D . ; Christian , J . D . ; Larter , I . G . ; F . Carr , Mon . Sec ; WallingtonP . M . Preceptor ; Br * . stedRobinsonBaker
, , , , , Smyth , Edwards , Gushing , Dignam , Coble , and C . LiiT-in . 'The lodge vvas opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Edwards offered himself as a candidate for passing , vvas vjitcrrogated and entrusted . Thc lodge vvas opened in thc Second Degree , Bro . Edwards being passed to the Degree of a
Fellow Craft The same brother vvas a candidate , for rising , was interrogated and entrusted . The lodge vvas opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Edwards vvas raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason , the W . M . giving the traditional history . 'The W . M . worked the
First Section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . F . Canwas elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Nothing further olfcring for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer , and adjourned .
THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . — The annual supper of this flourishing lodge was held on 'Thursday , the 26 th ult ., when about forty brethren sat down , under thc presidency of Bro . Charles 'Taylor , W . M . of the mother lodge . lie was supported by iBros . Saul , Preceptor ; White . S . W .: J . Room , J . W . ; Tlenrv Wright , J . D . ; J . Goodenough " , Sec ; W / Siblev , Baber ,
Wedgwood , and others . A very pleasant evening vvas spent after the closing of the lodge , in which Bro . Blackie had worked the initiating ceremony . A letter vvas read from Bro . Stevens , P . M . 1 | 2 (> and P . Z ., offering to deliver his lecture explanatory of the ceremonies ol" the First Degree , and on the motion of
Bro . Wright , seconded by Bro . Baber , his offer was accepted with thanks . It is expected there will be a large gathering of the Craft on the occasion . Much regret has been felt in the lodge at the sudden death of Bro . Rush , who , a few weeks ago , vvas electee ! Master for the ensuing week , and elicd a few days after of inflammation , broughton suddenly . Several of the brethren attended our brother ' s funeral .
PRINCE LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 1445 ) . — At the last regular meeting of the above lodge the Fifteen Sections were worked , under the able presidency of Bro . W . II . . Myers , P . M ., and the Preceptor of the lodge . Despite the thick fog , which rendered locomotion extremely dillicult , Bro . Myers vvas supported by nearly thirty brethren . Among those were Bros . Macdonald , J . W . 144 s , as SAY . ; Walters , P . M . i S , J . W . ; W . Musto , P . M .
1349 , I . P . M . ; Seymour Clarke , Hon . Sec ; Koch , P . M . S 20 ; Temvick and ' Wrightson , S 20 , and others . 'The Fifteen Sections were worked , and subsequently Bros . F ' enwick and Wrightson , S 20 , were elected members ' , and the usual complimentary votes of thanks were passed and acknowledged . Bro . Myers , P . M ., is lo be eemgratulatcd upon having secured such a numerous attendance of the brethren , ami having had sosucccsslul a meeting under such disadvantageous weather .
CRUSADERS LODGE ( No . iGo ;) . —The above lodge met on the 26 th ult , a the Old Jerusalem Tavein , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , when there were present Bros . R . D . Cummings , W . M . ; J . Simpson , ^.. W ' . ; J . Rothschild , J . W .: T . Pingston , S . D . J . S . Fletcher , I . G , ; G . 11 . Gilham , Preceptor ; II . Halliday , Hon . Sec , and others .
'The loelge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Lodge vvas then opened in the Second Degree . Bro . 'Tillett offered himself as a candidate to be raised to the'Third Degree , nnd having answered the necessary questions , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the 'Third Degree , and thc ceremony of raising with traditional history , excellently worked by Bro . Cuinniings , who is Preceptor * of this lodge .
'The lodge was then called olT . 'The lodg- being called ' on vvas closed in the Third and Second Degrees , when it was unanimously voted that Bro . Simpson be W . M . for thc ensuing week . 'The W . M . elect appointed ollicers in rotation . It vvas proposed by Bro . Artnur Millward , and seconded by Bro . Ciuimings , that Bro . Paget become a member of this lodge , which vvas carried with acclamation . This ending the duties e . f the evening , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and adjourned .
LANGTON LODGE ( No . K ' 7 . 1 ) . —A meeting of this lodge of instruction vvas held on the ; 2 <"> th ult . at the Mansion House Station Restaurant , Oueen Victoria-street , ICC , thc offices being tilled as follovvs : Bros . Tanqueray , W . M . ; Maude , S . W . ; llallowes , J . W . ; Vyse , S . D . ; Marshall , J . D . ; Due , I . G . ; Sudlow , Preceptor ; aud . Sha . v , acting Secretary . There were also present Bros . Duret ,
Mornss , Gaze , Bartholomew , Stemgraber , and others . 1 he lodge having been opened in the First Degree , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and the lodge opened in the Second and Third Degrees , and resumed in the First , when Bro . Gaze , acting as candidate for the Second Degree , answered the usual questions ; after which the lodge was resumed in the Second Degree , llro . Gaze being passed to the Degree of F . C After a " call
off , " the lodge resumed in the Third Degree , Bro . Sudlow , Preceptor , working the Second and 'Third Sections of the Third Lecture , assisted by the brethren , and the lodge closed down to thc First Degree . Bro . Bue ; having been unanimously elected W . M . for ensuing meeting , the ollicers in rotation , the work appointed being the Third Ceremony and the First and Sixth Sections of the First Lecture , the'lodgc was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PATTISON CHAPTER ( No . 91 . * , ) . —Thc < iuartcrly convocation of thc above chapter vvas held at the Lord Raglan , Burragc-road , on Thursday , the lyth ult , Ex . Comp . T . D . Hayes , M . E . / .., presiding , supported by the following ollicers and companions : Comps . W . B . Lloyd , IL ; Capt . Eugene Sweny , ) . j C Coupland , P . Z . and Treas ., P . P . G . P . S . Kent ; A . Penfold , P . Z ., and P . P . G . 1 st . Asst , S . Kent ; W . Musto . P . Z . : II . Prvce . Scribe IC :
II . Mason , Scribe N . ; R . ICdmui-ds , 1 st Asst S . ; T . R . Richardson , W . Busbridge , C J . Clapham , G . Host , W . Rees , D . C . Capon , J . ll . Roberts , J . IC Randall , D . Campbell , J . Scott-Mutch , J . 13 ; G . Kennedy , P . S . 13 ; and C Jolly , 913 ( Freemason ) . On the companions being admitted , the minutes and accounts were passed after which Bro . C Ellis , 913 , was exalted to the Sunrcme Deoreo with Ihe full re ,-,.,-,,,,,.-, !
Comp . Richardson presiding at the harmonium . 'The ritual was most ample , and the intense interest with which the " Histories" and lectures were listened to , showed how deepl y their eloquent and powerful delivery by the Three Principals touched the feelings of the exaltee and companions present . Nor must wc omit to mention the admirable manner in which Comp . Edmunds carriedout thc important
Royal Arch.
and onerous dut y of P . S . ; and , in fait , the whole ceremony was most impressive-, and a grand display of Arch-FYccmasonic erudition . Comp . Lloyd then announced himself as a Steward at Ihe forthcoming festival I ' or thc Aged 1 ' rcemasoiis' Benevolent Institution , and his ample list was afterwards supplemented by live guineas from the charity-box , upwards of three pounds ol which were collected shortly after at the
festive board . 'The chapter vvas then closed . At the banquet , which followed , the . M . E . Z . called on the companions to drink to " The Oueen and Royal Arch Masonry , *' and the other foists special to such occasions . Comp . Penfold , in replying for " The Grand Ollicers of the Province of Kent , " said he would adopt the tactics of their most " Excellent , " and be : very brief ill his remarks .
I'or thc lasl two years he had hael to return thanks for the toast , and found it a most dillicult toasl lo lind anything new to . say in the maiter . 'There wa . i really nothing - to talk about , except simply to thank them for their kind wishes . He must say , however , that their Grand Superintendent Lord Holmesdale , did all in his power to keep up the good feeling which existed in the chapters in the pro- . vince , and selected his oflicers wilh such care that the result
gavegencral satisfaction . Me thanked them on behalf of the Grand Oflicers , and vvas proud of the position he held among them . Comps . Coupland and Butter also returned thanks . Comp . Butter , I . P . Z ., then proposed "T .- . e Health of the M . I " . / * ., " expressing great personal respect and
admiration for Comp . Hayes , both in his position as head of tho chapter and also as a Past Master of their old lodge . In his position as their M . F .. / .. he vvas so perfect in his parts that he wanted no assistance , and soil was when he was Master of the lodge . Comp . Hayes briefly returned thanks , and proposed "Thc Visitors . "
Comp . Mutch , in reply , said it was the Iirst time he had had the pleasure of being a visitor at the Pattison Chapter , but would cordially promise that it should not be the last . 'The grand working he hail seen that night was a treat to him , although he must confess that it was different to what he had been accustomed to in thc I ' nion Waterloo Chapter . Yet it certainly was an improvement , and would not be forgotten by him when he arrived at the apex of the
triangle . Comp . Kennedy also returned thanks saying that thc ritual was somewhat new to him . 'Ihe M . E . Z . said , with reference to the remarks of Comps . Mutch and Kennedy , he could inform them that they , the Pattison Chapter , were working like their companions of the I ' nion Water ' oo Chapter , in accordance with the old lights of Royal Arch Masonry , but upon
improved hues laid down jy Most Excellent Comp . Robinson , a Past Principal Grand 11 , of the Province of Kent , and upon his authority—a great authority in all matters of Masonry , especially Royal Arch Freemasonry . While they desired to keep up the ancient landmarks of the Order , they did not wish to retrograde , and surely it was better to do the work correctly than to go on year after year working at a ritual full of anomalies and incongruities . 1 he ritual was a sublime on .. . but ns ll ,,. !<* .,.. lis ! , l-. n , r .. s ,...
had improved with ages , so had it advanced with the language and improved with it . It was like the leaves in the forest , anel had nutations like them -green and fresh in the spring time of its existence ; lovely in its suinircr beauty ; but grand in the autumn of its life ; and such , he trusted , it would ever be in his chapter , not altered from its original landmarks , but improved and beautilied , and brought up to the standaid of the time they lived aud worked in .
" Ihe Second and Third Piincipals " were then toasted , and returned thanks . C ' oiup . Ellis briefly replied to a warm re : eplion of his name as "The ICxaltee , " anil trusted to be worthy of the honour dime him . 'The toasts ; of " The Ollicers " and Janitor concluded the proceedings .
MANCHESTER . —Caledonian Chapter ( No . 204 ) . —The installation meeting of the above chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on 'Thursday , the lyth ult , when the following were present : Comps . R . I .. Messayer , acting / .. ; John Roberts , II . ; N Dumville , J . ; R . Hauley , Treas . ; S . II . Needham , S . E . ; A . B . Whittaker , S . N . ; W . W . Dawson , P . S . ; Win . Byway , 1 st Asst . Soj . ; John C Hind , P . Z . ; ) . 1 * . Sutton . P . Z . :
Jno . Rogers , P . Z . ; IC . Clay , P . Z . j ' S . Mamelok , R . Barlow , S . Naphtali , Benj . Taylor , Wm . Fauldcn , T . Lever , W . Willis , Jos . Potts , Jas . Kelly , A . B . Bennett , P . Z . ; Chas . J . Scholield , John Worrell , A . Goodwin , P . Jackson , J . M . Pereival , P . McLean , W . Barnes Russell , 11 . R . Sutton ; and visitors , Comps . Frank A . Iluct , Humphrey Chetham ; Wm . "IJagiiatl , 277 ; J . Hall , P . P . ist Asst Soj . ; and R . R . Lissendcn , 317 ( hrcemnsou ) .
1 he chapter was opened shortly before six o ' clock in the usual manner , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Comp . Andrew reported on thc annual balance sheet , and moved its adoption , which vvas seconded and carried . The Three Principals elect , Comps . John Roberts , Z . ; N . Dumville , II . ; and W . W . Dawson , J . ; were installed into their respective chairs by Comp . James Hall , and were afterwards saluted b y the companions in the
usual manner . Ihe M . E . / . . then appointed his officers , and they were severally invested and addressed by Comp . Janies Mall , as follows : Comps . S . 11 . Needham , S . E . ; Win . Byway , S . N . ; A . B . Whittaker , P . S . ; IshniaeJ Davies , 1 st Asst . Soj . ( by proxy ); Win . Paulden , 2 ml Asst . Soj . ; R . Hartley , Treas . ; C J . Scholield , Org . ; T . J . Hooper , D . of C ; and j . Sly , Janitor . The addresses were also delivered by Comp . Hailand the chapter
, was shortly afterwards closed in peace and harmony at eight o ' clock . The ceremony throughout was conducted by Comp . Jas . Mall , unassisted , and there is doubtless a large amount of credit due to him , considering his advanced age , and , further , that he was called upon to perform this ollice at a very short notice , owing to the illness of Comp . George F .
[ Cast , who waslo have otliciated . The companion : ; afterwards sat down to supper , which beingfinished , the usual toasts were proposed and responded , to , amongst them being " 'The Newly-Installed Principals , " " I'he Installing . Master , " "The Newly-Invested Ollicers , " & c , etc ., and after spending an enjoyable evening together the companions . separated shortly before eleven o ' clock . LIVERPOOL . —Chapter of Friendship ( No . 241 ) . —The installation meeting of this old and flourish-