Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE BRO. PROFESSOR PRAG LIVERPOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE BRO. PROFESSOR PRAG LIVERPOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC BALLS. Page 1 of 1 Article LIVERPOOL MASONIC HALL. Page 1 of 1 Article South Africa. Page 1 of 1 Article New Sealand. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LAST WOODEN SPOON. Page 1 of 1
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Grand Mark Lodge.
The following' Circular lias been issued by Bro . Binckes : — "G RAND L ODGI ; OF MARK MASTKR MASONS OK ENGLAND AND WALES , & C , & C . " " GRAND LODGE BENEVOLENT FIND . " Office : Sa , Red Lion Square , London , W . C , " January , iSSn .
"W . and Dear Sir and Brother , — "It is the continued special wish of the Grand Mark Master Mason that the intention the W . Masters and Members ot every Lodge should he particularly directed to the Benevolent Fund attached to this Grand Lodge and to the means by which it may bo supported . " The first object is to provide means for the relief of
Mark Master Masons , under the Constitution of this Grand Lodge , their Widows and Children . "It having been decided not to raise funds for this purpose by compulsory taxation in the shape of annual dues from contributing members of Lodges , Grand Lodge voted a sum of £ 50 as a nucleus of the Fund , which has been icided to during thc past thirteen years by voluntary
donaions , mainly ' contributed at an Annual Festival attended ny Mark Master Masons with their families and friends . " The expenses of the Festival , over and above thc amount received for Dinner Tickets , arc defrayed by a H iard of Stewards , representing provinces ot Lodges , rehosc fee is fixed at £ 2 2 s . each . "As an acknowledgment of the services of those Brethren
who undertake the ollice of Steward , a ' Charity Jewel' is presented in Grand Lodge by the Grand Mark Master Alason to every brother who has served , or may serve , as Steward , and contribute £ ' 5 5 s ., or hand in a list of £ \ o ios ., to the Fund , at the Festival which is held annuall y in July . " In addition to the personal donations of individual Brethren , there are various methods open for the collection
of funds , prominent amongst them being the circulation of a Charity Box at each Banquet , after the meetings of Lodges , the contents of which may be annually , wholly , or in part , devoted to the sustentation of the Fund thorough the medium of the Festival . " It is also commanded that the Fund and its objects be
prominently brought In-fore the Brethren assembled at every meetingof a Provincial Grand Lodge , and that the Provincial Grand Master shall use his influence in obtaining thc names of Brethren to represent the Province as Stewards with such donation by Provincial Grand Lodge as its funds will permit .
" On account of the Benevolent I-und there is now invested £ 1500 , and on the recommendation of the General Board , unanimously adopted at the Half-Yearly Communication of Grand Lodge on Tuesday , 3 rd December , 1 S 7 S , a scheme has been prepared under which oni . ^ moiety of all contributions "to the Fund in" excess of £ 1000 . will bc carried to the credit of a Special Account , and devoted lo
the- purpose of educating the sons of Mark . Master . Masons eligible for assistance , at Grammar , or other schools in the vicinity of their parents' residences . On account of this Kducational Fund there is now invested jC ' 700 . * ' A copy of the Rules for the organisation and administration of this Fund , with the several qualifications and voting privileges accruing * from Donations and Subscriptions
thereto , and a list of Yice-Pri'sidcntt and Life Governors are annexed , to which your attention is specially directed , " Five Boys arc already being educated , and the 'Jencral Boaul will gladly receive and consider further applications . "This important extension of Ihe objects for which the
* Mark Benevolent Fund ' was originally constituted has been rendered feasible by the kind support extended by members of thc rrler since its establishment in IS ' KJ , and it is hoped * . vill provide an inducement to the old Contributors to the Fund to continue their support , and to many others to rcndei assistance who have hitherto withheld their aid .
" Soliciting the honour of a Brother to represent your Lodge as Steward at the next Festival , or failing that , a vimtiibulion from the Lodge and tlie assistance of its Members , " I am , W . and Dear Sir and Brother , " Yours faithfully and fraternally , " I ' KKIII- ' KICK BINCKES , Grand Secretary . "
The Late Bro. Professor Prag Liverpool.
At the last usual monthly meeting of thc members of the Lodge of Israel , No . 150 * , held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Monday , the ifith ult ., under thc presidency of Bro . Aronsberg , W . M ,, it was resolved that a letter of condolence bc sent to the widow and family
of the late Bro . Professor Prag , who since the foundation of the lodge had filled thc ollice of chaplain . After the usual lodge business had been transacted , Bro , Henochsberg , I . P . M ., said it was his painful duty to move the vote of condolence and sympathy lo thc widow and family of their deceased brother . The members of the lodge had experienced nothing but tbe most gentle
kindness from their departed brother while he vvas with them , and looking forward to the prospect of ever -seeing bis face l ° st to them , the melancholy pleasure of their association with the late Jacob Prag would ever be recollected , lie was one of the kindest-hearted brethren and a good Mason ( hear , hear ) . He loved Freemasonry for its grand principles of equality , and not only loved it , but practised
its principles in every respect . Although the great Architect of the Universe had called Jacob Prag away , and he would no longer be with them in thc body , still the spirit ol their revered chaplain would always remain with them so long as No . 150 . 2 existed—enshrined in the hearts and minds of every member of the lodge ( hear , hear ) . — Bro . Stern , in seconding thc resolution , said all would agree with
him tlint the demise of their dear and beloved chaplain , had left a , wide gap which would not easily be tilled up again . He ( Ihe rev . speaker ) had already given expression to the great' loss which the community had •sustained by Professor Prag ' s death , and he vvas sure that '' iu memory of the deceased would always be blessed , endeared , and kept sacred ( hear , hear ) ' —Bro . 'Tobias , * •">> ., supported the motion , and in doing so said that he lor one alread y felt the loss of their late beloved chaplain , who not only vvas a loss to Freemasonry , but to the
The Late Bro. Professor Prag Liverpool.
community generally . 'There vvas an old saying that men ' s virtues were written in brass , while their evils were recorded in water . The virtues of their departed friend , and they were many , would be written in the most enduring brass that could be forged . r " evv words , however ,
suffice on the present occasion , as it would be seen the subject vvas a delicate one when he ( the speaker ) mentioned that there were present in thc lodge a son-in-law ( Bro . Aronsberg , W . M . ) nnd a nephew of the deceased . Bro . F . wait subsequently performed the "Dead March " in Saul on the organ with solemn effect .
Masonic Balls.
SCIKNT 1 FIC LODGK , No . S . S , CAMBRIDGF . The ball which took place last week at the Guildhall , under thc auspices of the above Lodge vvas a great success . Upon it coming to thc knowledge of Bro . I * . Mills , of Fly , that there existed a strong desire for a ball , thc W . M . Fleet lost no time in calling together those who were favourable to
the enterprise , and the result was eminently satisfactory . The following gentlemen consented to act as stewards , viz ., Bro . | . Deighton , D . P . G . M ., B . Chennell , P . M ., A . II . Moycs , P . M ., I " . Hills , W . M ., J . V . Pryor . S . W ., B . W . Bcales . !•' . Fills , and Oliver Papworth , I . G . ( Hon Secretary . ) It is not too much to say , perhaps , lhat no more successful town ball has been held here , and upon this
happy result the stewards and others in the matter arc to bc congratulated . The ball-room was very prettily decorated with Hags and Masonic emblems from the two town lodges ; mirrors nnd others appropriate upholstery by Mr . C . S . Bulstrodc ; the orchestra was also adorned with choice flowers and evergreens by Mr . Willers , whilst an illuminated masonic emblem ( the square and compass ) ,
kindlylent by Bro . Gilbert Ainslie , added greatly to thc general effect , and was very much admired . A special dispensation had been obtained for the brethren to wear Masonic clothing and jewels , and the effect was most striking in the Iirst set of Lancers after supper , when the brethren appeared in Koyal Arch insignia , and each set , as far as possible , vvas completed by Companions in R . A . clothing . Bro . Dan Godfrey ' s excellent quadrille band was in attendance , and
an admirable programme was arranged . A first-class supper was provided , and everything , from begining to end , passed off most satisfactorily . The ball was well attended by brethren of both town lodges , by residents of thc borough and immediately-adjacent districts , and brethren and friends from Newmarket , Fly , Bury St . Fdmund ' s , Saffron Walden , and other towns , so that the party numbered in all about Jjo ladies and gentlemen .
MIRFIFLD LOPGF , No . no * , M 1 RFIKLD . The eleventh annual ball in connection with this lodge was held in the Town Mall , on Friday , tlieiolh tilt . 'There was a numerous attendance of brethren with their friends , as well as several visitors from the neighbouring towns of Meclcinondwil-e , Dewsbury , and Iliidderslield , amongst whom we noticed Bro . W . Machell , S 27 . Mavor pf
Dewsbury . 'The hall was beautifully decorated with Masonic and other devices , the whole of which had been designed and carried out Ivy Bro . John Barker , P . M . Dancing commenced nt nine e clock p . m ., and was briskly kept up until twelve o ' clock , when an interval took place for supper , at which a few toasts were jjiven ; but everyone being desirous of returning lo the dancing-room , the company were soon
once more hipping the light fantastic toe , under the genial direction of Bro . Joseph Ibberson , P . M ., P . P . G . U . Thc room presented a very brilliant appearance with the gay dresses of the ladies and thc equally gay clothing of the brethren . Altogether thc ball was most enjoyable , thanks more particularly to the splendid band of Bros . Ilorsfnll and Bailey , of Iliidderslield , which was conducted by Uro . Bailey .
PF . NGE I . ODGF , No . 1 S 15 , ANT-I'LEY . A ball was held b y the above lodge on the lOth ult ., at the Anerley Vestry 1 Iall , a dispensation having been granted by U . K . 11 . the Most Worshipful the Grand Master for the brethren to appear in Masonic Craft Clothing . It was a great success , owing to the indefatigable and admirable exertions of Bro . A . J . Cox , J . W ., and the rest of the
brethren . 1 he hall was very tastefully decorated b y Bro . V .. Williams , 7 2 , who supplied thc banners , Masonic shields , & c , gratis to the Craft . An excellent supper was provided by Bro . | . W . Lassam , W . S . 742 , at which the toasts of " live Queen , " " The Master , Bvo . Thomas West , " and "The Ladies" were duly honoured . 'The M . C . ' s were Bros . Lloyd , 7- ' , Harman , 1452 , and Drew .
Liverpool Masonic Hall.
Thc annual meeting of the Masonic Hall Committee vvas held in the lodge room , on Friday , thc 27 U 1 ult ., Bro . Ralph Robinson , P . M . 241 , P . P . G . R ., in the chair . Thc minutes of thc House Committee having been read and confirmed , the'Treasurer , Bro , IT . A . 'Tobias , P . M . 1502 , P . G . S . of \ V ., presented his balance-sheet , showing a
balance in hand of ^ . 511 5 s . 4 d . Bro . R . R . Robinson was re-elected Chairman j Bro . John Pemberton , I ' . M . 1204 , P . P . G . S . of W ., vvas re-elected Vice-Chairman ; Bro . M . A . 'Tobias , Treasurer ( re-elected ); and Bro . J . Callow , P . M . 1505 , P . P . G . Treas ., was re-elected Secretary . 'The following brethren were elected members of the House Committee lor the ensuing year : Bros . A . Cotter ,
P . M . 1204 ; R . . Martin , jun ., P . M . 11 S 2 ; J . Moulding , P . M . S 2-, P . P . G . R . ; M . Firth , P . M . 667 ; ] . W . Hallard , P . M . 724 , P . P . G . P . ; G . Broadbridge , P . M . 241 ; P . B . Gee , P . M . 126 4 ; T . Salter , P . M . 241 , P . G . D . ; Dr . ] . Kellett Smith , P . M . 240 , P . P . G . R . ; Hockcn , P . M . ( 17 . *; G . Morgan , P . M . 155 ; Bradshaw , P . M . 1 * 25 ; R . Warriner , P . M . 1547 ; T . Clark , P . M . ( I ?* ,.
" . P . G . S . of W . ; II . II . Smith , S . W . 1-05 ; 1 ) . Jackson , ' . M . ( 17 . ;; Dr . Bailey , P . M . 7 ? G , P . G . S . ; J . Mayes , J . M . 241 ., P . P . G . S . B . ; ' 1 ' . II . W . Walker , 16 75 ; Gill , oil ; and | . ( .. ' . Robinson , P . M . nn ( Freemason ) . Iiro . T . ' Saltei-, P . M . 241 ; Maurice Hart , P . M . 1-02 ;
and W . T . May , I' . M . 07 , -,, were appointed Auditors . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Wattcrson , KJon , for the very artistic manner he had decorated the organ in the new lodge room , free of charge After votes of thanks had been accorded to the oflicers and Committee , the meeting separated .
South Africa.
South Africa .
GRAHAMSTOWN . —St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 651 ) ( S . C . )—The annual festival of this new lodge vvas held held on the 30 th November last . The lodge was opened by the R . W . M ., Bro . W . Young , formerly S . W . of Lodge No . -47 , Rutherglen . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the Auditor ' s report vvas submitted and approved , showing a very healthy , and satisfactory financial and numerical
condition of the lodge . The R . W . M . ' elect , Bro . Alexander Will , the W . D . M . for the past year , and also S . W . of the oldest Knglish Craft lodge in the Kastcrn Province of thc Cape of Good Mope , Albany Lodge , No . - , ?<) , was duly presented for thc benefit of installation by Bro . P . S . Dudley , P . M . of St . John ' s Lodge , No . Sb . S . The ceremony of installation vvas conducted by Bro . I ) . Sampson , P . M . and AV . M . of St .
John ' s Lodge , No . S 2 S . 'The charges were read by Bro . I . Vialls , W . M . -. So . A Board of Masters vvas then formed , consisting of the R . W . M ., Br j . Young ; Bro . D . Sampson , P . M . . S 2 S ; Bro . A . S . Dudley , P . M . SJS ; ] . Vialls , W . M . 3 S 0 ; and Bro Abbott , P . M . The R . W . M . then invested his officers as follows -. W . Bro . W . Young , P . M . ; Bros . C . ReidD . M . ; L Ware
, S . M . ; . Macfarlane , W . S . W . ; T . F . Hutchinson , W . J . W . J . lloggan , Chap . ; ] . O'Toole , Sec ; D . Wilson ( re elected ) Treas . ; II . Wright , S . D . ; A . G . Brown , J . D . A . Logic , Bible Bearer ; W . Walker , Standard Bearer ; Ray and McCilvvray , Stewards ; G . Faton , I . G . ; and D Paterson , Tyler .
This finished thc lodge proceedings , and it was duly closed . Immediately afterwards a banquet vvas held in the Lodge , presided over by the newly-installed R . W . M ., Bro . Will , at which the usual Masonic and loyal toasts were given and responded to , and with song and sentiment the brethren spent a very pleasant evening .
New Sealand.
New Sealand .
ROSS . —Totara Lodge ( Xo . i- " . * i ) . —Thc installation of the W . M . and appointment and investiture of officers of this lodge took p lace at the lodge-room on Wednesday , the . | th ult . In the absence of theW . M ., Bro . C . Malfroy , who was detained by business in llokitil-a , the lodge was opened at seven o ' clock p . m . by Bro . Johnston . P . M . 1 J J
After the usual routine business of the lodge was concluded the following oflicers were installed : Bros . D . Buntin , W . M . ; B . Lawn , S . W . j P . Sims , | . W . ; Gurin , . . ' ' \ . "Jr ( - ' ' Morgan , P . M ., Sec ; | . Mart , S . D . ; R . I . M'Gill , | . D . ; II . Danker , I . G . ; and Moll , Tyler . The ceremony was impressively conducted by Bro . John R . Hudson , P . D . G . S . W ., assisted by the D . G . S . W ., Uro . Geo . Denning . Amongst the visitors present were Bros .
Jules Malfroy , D . G . Supt . of Wks ., and King , D . G . S . B . After the installation a banquet took place at the Fixchange Hotel . 'The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank , the proceedings being enlivened by some capital singing . Many kind wishes were expressed for the welfare of the absent D . G . M . of Westland , llro . John Bevan , and expressions of regret at the unavoidablc ' absence of llro . Camilc Malfroy , P . M .
The Last Wooden Spoon.
The last successful candidate in thc section of " Junior Optimcs , " at Cambridge University , in the examination is termed the "Wooden Spoon . " To" Morley of Caius , " this time-honoured distinction this year is allotted , and as he thus becomes " Ultinms Romanorum , "—the last wooden spoon , —owingtoccrtain changes in thc academical arrangements and the annual
examination for a degree , great interest attaches to this now historic personage . Our contemporary , the Observer , thus eloquently discourses on thc occasion , and some of our readers may have perused the touching lament of the Times over the last of the first Wranglers : "There was one of the largest assemblies ever known in thc Senate House of the Cambridge
University last Saturday , to witness thc conferment of the degrees on those who bad passed the late Mathematical Tripos examination , and were entitled to . ' honours' as a Vice-Chancellor , thc Rev . Ur . Porter , presided . The great interest exhibited was doubtless due to the fact of the late examination being the last tinder the old system , and a desire to witness the degree conferred upon the last of the
Senior Wranglers . Mr . Merman , of Trinity , came in for a storm of applause , and those who had distinguished themselves in athletics or in th ; cricket field , or on thc river , were vociferously cheered . As the ' wooden spoon ' will disappear with the distinction of Senior Wrangler , it was thought fit that the trophy Ihis year should be an unusually large one . It vvas , with the handle , about five feet long , and was gorgeously emblazoned with the arms of the
recipient , and on one side had a brilliant sun-flower , and on the other the words ' Unite too utter . ' It was lowered in due form from the galleries , and accepted by the ' spoon ' below in good part , his good humour eliciting loud cheers . At the conclusion of the ceremony the assembly dispersed in high good humour . " 'The following verses have been sent us by a correspondent : — While things are shifting all around
, And thrones and statesmen fail , And ancient usages are found Like dim lights to grow pale ; Old Cambridge alters all her rules , Is it not much too soon ? No longer in her famous schools
Appears " 'The Wooden Spoon , " I lail ! genial remnant of an age , Which gave us learned men ; Farewell the old scholastic page And niathematic ken . "The Senior Wrangler" is no more ,
We change with each changing moon , And now vve grieve for and deplore Thc loss of our " Wooden Spoon . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Mark Lodge.
The following' Circular lias been issued by Bro . Binckes : — "G RAND L ODGI ; OF MARK MASTKR MASONS OK ENGLAND AND WALES , & C , & C . " " GRAND LODGE BENEVOLENT FIND . " Office : Sa , Red Lion Square , London , W . C , " January , iSSn .
"W . and Dear Sir and Brother , — "It is the continued special wish of the Grand Mark Master Mason that the intention the W . Masters and Members ot every Lodge should he particularly directed to the Benevolent Fund attached to this Grand Lodge and to the means by which it may bo supported . " The first object is to provide means for the relief of
Mark Master Masons , under the Constitution of this Grand Lodge , their Widows and Children . "It having been decided not to raise funds for this purpose by compulsory taxation in the shape of annual dues from contributing members of Lodges , Grand Lodge voted a sum of £ 50 as a nucleus of the Fund , which has been icided to during thc past thirteen years by voluntary
donaions , mainly ' contributed at an Annual Festival attended ny Mark Master Masons with their families and friends . " The expenses of the Festival , over and above thc amount received for Dinner Tickets , arc defrayed by a H iard of Stewards , representing provinces ot Lodges , rehosc fee is fixed at £ 2 2 s . each . "As an acknowledgment of the services of those Brethren
who undertake the ollice of Steward , a ' Charity Jewel' is presented in Grand Lodge by the Grand Mark Master Alason to every brother who has served , or may serve , as Steward , and contribute £ ' 5 5 s ., or hand in a list of £ \ o ios ., to the Fund , at the Festival which is held annuall y in July . " In addition to the personal donations of individual Brethren , there are various methods open for the collection
of funds , prominent amongst them being the circulation of a Charity Box at each Banquet , after the meetings of Lodges , the contents of which may be annually , wholly , or in part , devoted to the sustentation of the Fund thorough the medium of the Festival . " It is also commanded that the Fund and its objects be
prominently brought In-fore the Brethren assembled at every meetingof a Provincial Grand Lodge , and that the Provincial Grand Master shall use his influence in obtaining thc names of Brethren to represent the Province as Stewards with such donation by Provincial Grand Lodge as its funds will permit .
" On account of the Benevolent I-und there is now invested £ 1500 , and on the recommendation of the General Board , unanimously adopted at the Half-Yearly Communication of Grand Lodge on Tuesday , 3 rd December , 1 S 7 S , a scheme has been prepared under which oni . ^ moiety of all contributions "to the Fund in" excess of £ 1000 . will bc carried to the credit of a Special Account , and devoted lo
the- purpose of educating the sons of Mark . Master . Masons eligible for assistance , at Grammar , or other schools in the vicinity of their parents' residences . On account of this Kducational Fund there is now invested jC ' 700 . * ' A copy of the Rules for the organisation and administration of this Fund , with the several qualifications and voting privileges accruing * from Donations and Subscriptions
thereto , and a list of Yice-Pri'sidcntt and Life Governors are annexed , to which your attention is specially directed , " Five Boys arc already being educated , and the 'Jencral Boaul will gladly receive and consider further applications . "This important extension of Ihe objects for which the
* Mark Benevolent Fund ' was originally constituted has been rendered feasible by the kind support extended by members of thc rrler since its establishment in IS ' KJ , and it is hoped * . vill provide an inducement to the old Contributors to the Fund to continue their support , and to many others to rcndei assistance who have hitherto withheld their aid .
" Soliciting the honour of a Brother to represent your Lodge as Steward at the next Festival , or failing that , a vimtiibulion from the Lodge and tlie assistance of its Members , " I am , W . and Dear Sir and Brother , " Yours faithfully and fraternally , " I ' KKIII- ' KICK BINCKES , Grand Secretary . "
The Late Bro. Professor Prag Liverpool.
At the last usual monthly meeting of thc members of the Lodge of Israel , No . 150 * , held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Monday , the ifith ult ., under thc presidency of Bro . Aronsberg , W . M ,, it was resolved that a letter of condolence bc sent to the widow and family
of the late Bro . Professor Prag , who since the foundation of the lodge had filled thc ollice of chaplain . After the usual lodge business had been transacted , Bro , Henochsberg , I . P . M ., said it was his painful duty to move the vote of condolence and sympathy lo thc widow and family of their deceased brother . The members of the lodge had experienced nothing but tbe most gentle
kindness from their departed brother while he vvas with them , and looking forward to the prospect of ever -seeing bis face l ° st to them , the melancholy pleasure of their association with the late Jacob Prag would ever be recollected , lie was one of the kindest-hearted brethren and a good Mason ( hear , hear ) . He loved Freemasonry for its grand principles of equality , and not only loved it , but practised
its principles in every respect . Although the great Architect of the Universe had called Jacob Prag away , and he would no longer be with them in thc body , still the spirit ol their revered chaplain would always remain with them so long as No . 150 . 2 existed—enshrined in the hearts and minds of every member of the lodge ( hear , hear ) . — Bro . Stern , in seconding thc resolution , said all would agree with
him tlint the demise of their dear and beloved chaplain , had left a , wide gap which would not easily be tilled up again . He ( Ihe rev . speaker ) had already given expression to the great' loss which the community had •sustained by Professor Prag ' s death , and he vvas sure that '' iu memory of the deceased would always be blessed , endeared , and kept sacred ( hear , hear ) ' —Bro . 'Tobias , * •">> ., supported the motion , and in doing so said that he lor one alread y felt the loss of their late beloved chaplain , who not only vvas a loss to Freemasonry , but to the
The Late Bro. Professor Prag Liverpool.
community generally . 'There vvas an old saying that men ' s virtues were written in brass , while their evils were recorded in water . The virtues of their departed friend , and they were many , would be written in the most enduring brass that could be forged . r " evv words , however ,
suffice on the present occasion , as it would be seen the subject vvas a delicate one when he ( the speaker ) mentioned that there were present in thc lodge a son-in-law ( Bro . Aronsberg , W . M . ) nnd a nephew of the deceased . Bro . F . wait subsequently performed the "Dead March " in Saul on the organ with solemn effect .
Masonic Balls.
SCIKNT 1 FIC LODGK , No . S . S , CAMBRIDGF . The ball which took place last week at the Guildhall , under thc auspices of the above Lodge vvas a great success . Upon it coming to thc knowledge of Bro . I * . Mills , of Fly , that there existed a strong desire for a ball , thc W . M . Fleet lost no time in calling together those who were favourable to
the enterprise , and the result was eminently satisfactory . The following gentlemen consented to act as stewards , viz ., Bro . | . Deighton , D . P . G . M ., B . Chennell , P . M ., A . II . Moycs , P . M ., I " . Hills , W . M ., J . V . Pryor . S . W ., B . W . Bcales . !•' . Fills , and Oliver Papworth , I . G . ( Hon Secretary . ) It is not too much to say , perhaps , lhat no more successful town ball has been held here , and upon this
happy result the stewards and others in the matter arc to bc congratulated . The ball-room was very prettily decorated with Hags and Masonic emblems from the two town lodges ; mirrors nnd others appropriate upholstery by Mr . C . S . Bulstrodc ; the orchestra was also adorned with choice flowers and evergreens by Mr . Willers , whilst an illuminated masonic emblem ( the square and compass ) ,
kindlylent by Bro . Gilbert Ainslie , added greatly to thc general effect , and was very much admired . A special dispensation had been obtained for the brethren to wear Masonic clothing and jewels , and the effect was most striking in the Iirst set of Lancers after supper , when the brethren appeared in Koyal Arch insignia , and each set , as far as possible , vvas completed by Companions in R . A . clothing . Bro . Dan Godfrey ' s excellent quadrille band was in attendance , and
an admirable programme was arranged . A first-class supper was provided , and everything , from begining to end , passed off most satisfactorily . The ball was well attended by brethren of both town lodges , by residents of thc borough and immediately-adjacent districts , and brethren and friends from Newmarket , Fly , Bury St . Fdmund ' s , Saffron Walden , and other towns , so that the party numbered in all about Jjo ladies and gentlemen .
MIRFIFLD LOPGF , No . no * , M 1 RFIKLD . The eleventh annual ball in connection with this lodge was held in the Town Mall , on Friday , tlieiolh tilt . 'There was a numerous attendance of brethren with their friends , as well as several visitors from the neighbouring towns of Meclcinondwil-e , Dewsbury , and Iliidderslield , amongst whom we noticed Bro . W . Machell , S 27 . Mavor pf
Dewsbury . 'The hall was beautifully decorated with Masonic and other devices , the whole of which had been designed and carried out Ivy Bro . John Barker , P . M . Dancing commenced nt nine e clock p . m ., and was briskly kept up until twelve o ' clock , when an interval took place for supper , at which a few toasts were jjiven ; but everyone being desirous of returning lo the dancing-room , the company were soon
once more hipping the light fantastic toe , under the genial direction of Bro . Joseph Ibberson , P . M ., P . P . G . U . Thc room presented a very brilliant appearance with the gay dresses of the ladies and thc equally gay clothing of the brethren . Altogether thc ball was most enjoyable , thanks more particularly to the splendid band of Bros . Ilorsfnll and Bailey , of Iliidderslield , which was conducted by Uro . Bailey .
PF . NGE I . ODGF , No . 1 S 15 , ANT-I'LEY . A ball was held b y the above lodge on the lOth ult ., at the Anerley Vestry 1 Iall , a dispensation having been granted by U . K . 11 . the Most Worshipful the Grand Master for the brethren to appear in Masonic Craft Clothing . It was a great success , owing to the indefatigable and admirable exertions of Bro . A . J . Cox , J . W ., and the rest of the
brethren . 1 he hall was very tastefully decorated b y Bro . V .. Williams , 7 2 , who supplied thc banners , Masonic shields , & c , gratis to the Craft . An excellent supper was provided by Bro . | . W . Lassam , W . S . 742 , at which the toasts of " live Queen , " " The Master , Bvo . Thomas West , " and "The Ladies" were duly honoured . 'The M . C . ' s were Bros . Lloyd , 7- ' , Harman , 1452 , and Drew .
Liverpool Masonic Hall.
Thc annual meeting of the Masonic Hall Committee vvas held in the lodge room , on Friday , thc 27 U 1 ult ., Bro . Ralph Robinson , P . M . 241 , P . P . G . R ., in the chair . Thc minutes of thc House Committee having been read and confirmed , the'Treasurer , Bro , IT . A . 'Tobias , P . M . 1502 , P . G . S . of \ V ., presented his balance-sheet , showing a
balance in hand of ^ . 511 5 s . 4 d . Bro . R . R . Robinson was re-elected Chairman j Bro . John Pemberton , I ' . M . 1204 , P . P . G . S . of W ., vvas re-elected Vice-Chairman ; Bro . M . A . 'Tobias , Treasurer ( re-elected ); and Bro . J . Callow , P . M . 1505 , P . P . G . Treas ., was re-elected Secretary . 'The following brethren were elected members of the House Committee lor the ensuing year : Bros . A . Cotter ,
P . M . 1204 ; R . . Martin , jun ., P . M . 11 S 2 ; J . Moulding , P . M . S 2-, P . P . G . R . ; M . Firth , P . M . 667 ; ] . W . Hallard , P . M . 724 , P . P . G . P . ; G . Broadbridge , P . M . 241 ; P . B . Gee , P . M . 126 4 ; T . Salter , P . M . 241 , P . G . D . ; Dr . ] . Kellett Smith , P . M . 240 , P . P . G . R . ; Hockcn , P . M . ( 17 . *; G . Morgan , P . M . 155 ; Bradshaw , P . M . 1 * 25 ; R . Warriner , P . M . 1547 ; T . Clark , P . M . ( I ?* ,.
" . P . G . S . of W . ; II . II . Smith , S . W . 1-05 ; 1 ) . Jackson , ' . M . ( 17 . ;; Dr . Bailey , P . M . 7 ? G , P . G . S . ; J . Mayes , J . M . 241 ., P . P . G . S . B . ; ' 1 ' . II . W . Walker , 16 75 ; Gill , oil ; and | . ( .. ' . Robinson , P . M . nn ( Freemason ) . Iiro . T . ' Saltei-, P . M . 241 ; Maurice Hart , P . M . 1-02 ;
and W . T . May , I' . M . 07 , -,, were appointed Auditors . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Wattcrson , KJon , for the very artistic manner he had decorated the organ in the new lodge room , free of charge After votes of thanks had been accorded to the oflicers and Committee , the meeting separated .
South Africa.
South Africa .
GRAHAMSTOWN . —St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 651 ) ( S . C . )—The annual festival of this new lodge vvas held held on the 30 th November last . The lodge was opened by the R . W . M ., Bro . W . Young , formerly S . W . of Lodge No . -47 , Rutherglen . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the Auditor ' s report vvas submitted and approved , showing a very healthy , and satisfactory financial and numerical
condition of the lodge . The R . W . M . ' elect , Bro . Alexander Will , the W . D . M . for the past year , and also S . W . of the oldest Knglish Craft lodge in the Kastcrn Province of thc Cape of Good Mope , Albany Lodge , No . - , ?<) , was duly presented for thc benefit of installation by Bro . P . S . Dudley , P . M . of St . John ' s Lodge , No . Sb . S . The ceremony of installation vvas conducted by Bro . I ) . Sampson , P . M . and AV . M . of St .
John ' s Lodge , No . S 2 S . 'The charges were read by Bro . I . Vialls , W . M . -. So . A Board of Masters vvas then formed , consisting of the R . W . M ., Br j . Young ; Bro . D . Sampson , P . M . . S 2 S ; Bro . A . S . Dudley , P . M . SJS ; ] . Vialls , W . M . 3 S 0 ; and Bro Abbott , P . M . The R . W . M . then invested his officers as follows -. W . Bro . W . Young , P . M . ; Bros . C . ReidD . M . ; L Ware
, S . M . ; . Macfarlane , W . S . W . ; T . F . Hutchinson , W . J . W . J . lloggan , Chap . ; ] . O'Toole , Sec ; D . Wilson ( re elected ) Treas . ; II . Wright , S . D . ; A . G . Brown , J . D . A . Logic , Bible Bearer ; W . Walker , Standard Bearer ; Ray and McCilvvray , Stewards ; G . Faton , I . G . ; and D Paterson , Tyler .
This finished thc lodge proceedings , and it was duly closed . Immediately afterwards a banquet vvas held in the Lodge , presided over by the newly-installed R . W . M ., Bro . Will , at which the usual Masonic and loyal toasts were given and responded to , and with song and sentiment the brethren spent a very pleasant evening .
New Sealand.
New Sealand .
ROSS . —Totara Lodge ( Xo . i- " . * i ) . —Thc installation of the W . M . and appointment and investiture of officers of this lodge took p lace at the lodge-room on Wednesday , the . | th ult . In the absence of theW . M ., Bro . C . Malfroy , who was detained by business in llokitil-a , the lodge was opened at seven o ' clock p . m . by Bro . Johnston . P . M . 1 J J
After the usual routine business of the lodge was concluded the following oflicers were installed : Bros . D . Buntin , W . M . ; B . Lawn , S . W . j P . Sims , | . W . ; Gurin , . . ' ' \ . "Jr ( - ' ' Morgan , P . M ., Sec ; | . Mart , S . D . ; R . I . M'Gill , | . D . ; II . Danker , I . G . ; and Moll , Tyler . The ceremony was impressively conducted by Bro . John R . Hudson , P . D . G . S . W ., assisted by the D . G . S . W ., Uro . Geo . Denning . Amongst the visitors present were Bros .
Jules Malfroy , D . G . Supt . of Wks ., and King , D . G . S . B . After the installation a banquet took place at the Fixchange Hotel . 'The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank , the proceedings being enlivened by some capital singing . Many kind wishes were expressed for the welfare of the absent D . G . M . of Westland , llro . John Bevan , and expressions of regret at the unavoidablc ' absence of llro . Camilc Malfroy , P . M .
The Last Wooden Spoon.
The last successful candidate in thc section of " Junior Optimcs , " at Cambridge University , in the examination is termed the "Wooden Spoon . " To" Morley of Caius , " this time-honoured distinction this year is allotted , and as he thus becomes " Ultinms Romanorum , "—the last wooden spoon , —owingtoccrtain changes in thc academical arrangements and the annual
examination for a degree , great interest attaches to this now historic personage . Our contemporary , the Observer , thus eloquently discourses on thc occasion , and some of our readers may have perused the touching lament of the Times over the last of the first Wranglers : "There was one of the largest assemblies ever known in thc Senate House of the Cambridge
University last Saturday , to witness thc conferment of the degrees on those who bad passed the late Mathematical Tripos examination , and were entitled to . ' honours' as a Vice-Chancellor , thc Rev . Ur . Porter , presided . The great interest exhibited was doubtless due to the fact of the late examination being the last tinder the old system , and a desire to witness the degree conferred upon the last of the
Senior Wranglers . Mr . Merman , of Trinity , came in for a storm of applause , and those who had distinguished themselves in athletics or in th ; cricket field , or on thc river , were vociferously cheered . As the ' wooden spoon ' will disappear with the distinction of Senior Wrangler , it was thought fit that the trophy Ihis year should be an unusually large one . It vvas , with the handle , about five feet long , and was gorgeously emblazoned with the arms of the
recipient , and on one side had a brilliant sun-flower , and on the other the words ' Unite too utter . ' It was lowered in due form from the galleries , and accepted by the ' spoon ' below in good part , his good humour eliciting loud cheers . At the conclusion of the ceremony the assembly dispersed in high good humour . " 'The following verses have been sent us by a correspondent : — While things are shifting all around
, And thrones and statesmen fail , And ancient usages are found Like dim lights to grow pale ; Old Cambridge alters all her rules , Is it not much too soon ? No longer in her famous schools
Appears " 'The Wooden Spoon , " I lail ! genial remnant of an age , Which gave us learned men ; Farewell the old scholastic page And niathematic ken . "The Senior Wrangler" is no more ,
We change with each changing moon , And now vve grieve for and deplore Thc loss of our " Wooden Spoon . "