Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending Saturday , February ii , 1 SS 2 . The Editor will be erl . id to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodg-cs , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , k ' neampments . Conclaves , & rc , of any change in place , day , or month of meeting .
SATURDAY , FEBRUARY . - . Gen . Com . Boys' School , at 4 . Lod ^ e 142 , St . Thomas , Cannon-st Hot 1559 , New Cross , Ship Hot ., Greenwich . 1572 , Carnarvon , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st '
ibf . 2 , Beaconslield , Cheeiuers , Walthamsloiv . Chap- " 7 . "> Pheeni : ; , F . M . H . Rose Croix Chap . 1 I 7 , Studholme , 33 , Golden-sq ., XV . LODGES 01 " IXSTKUCTIO . ' . Manchester , 17 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq ., at S . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd ., at 7 . Percy , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-rd ., N ., at S . lCccleston , King's Head , ICbury Bridge , Pimlico . Alexandra Palace , Masonic Club , Loughborough , at 7 . 30 . King Harold , Britannia ! lot , Waltham New'Town , at 7 . Earfof Zetland , Koyal ICihvar . l , Mare-st , Hackney , at 7 .
MONDAY , FEBRUARY <"* .. Jol . re 12 , Fortitude and Old Cumberland , 121 , Leadenhall-st . 25 , Robert Burns , F . M . II . ,, (* «) , Unity , Inns of Court I lot . ' S 3 , United Lodge of Prudence , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
„ 144 , St . Luke's , Anderton's Hot , Fleet-st . iSS , Joppa , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . 2 , 6 , Unions F . M . I I . „ 1-19 , Asaph , F . M . I I .
,, i <> 25 , 'Tredegar , Royal Hot , Mile F . nd-rd . ,, 16 ( 19 , Royal Leopold , S . M . IL , Camlierwell . 1 ( 1 70 , Adelphi , 4 , Ad .-lphi-ter ., Strand . „ iS , -,. Caxton , F . M . H . Chap . 1 H ) fi , Urban , F . M . H . „ 1 O 15 , Bayard , 33 , Golden-sq .
Conor's or - INSTHUCTION' . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . Wellington , White Swan Hot , High-st , Deptford , S to 10 . Sincerity , Ship Tav ., Hart Street , Mark Lane , 7 . -0 . Camden , 174 , High-st ., C . imden 'Town , at , S , St . James's Union , Union Tav ., Air-st , Regent-st ., at S . Perfect Ashlar , Jamaica 'Tav ., Southwark Park-rd ., Bermnnsdev , at S .
United Military , ICarl of Chatham , Thomas-st , Woolwich , Marqui . iof Ripon , Pembury Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney , S . Loughborough , Cambria Tav ., Loughborough J une , at 7 . 30 . Hyde Park , The Westbourne , 1 , Craven-rd ., at S . West Smithfield , Champion Hot ., Aldi rsgate-st ., 7 . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Royal I Jill , Greenwich , at 7 . Doric Chrptcr , Duke ' s Head , 70 , Whiterhapcl-rd ., at C . Royal Ccmmcmorntion , R . I lot , I ligh-st , Putney , S till 10 .
St ' Mark ' s , S . M . IL , Camberwell New-rd . John Hervey , Albion Hall , London Wall , at S . Kingsland , Lanonbury Tav ., N ., at S . 30 . Metropolitan , " 'The . Moorgate , " Finsbury Pavement , 7 . 30 . Strong Man , F . \ cis < - 'Tav ., ' Old Broad-st , at 7 . St . Ambrose , Baron ' s Court Hot , W . Kensington , at 7 . Old Kent Mark , Crown and Cushion , London Wall , 2 nd and 4 th .
TUICSDAY , FEBRUARY 7 . Colonial Boanl , at 4 Lodge 7 , Roval York Lodgeof Perseverance , F . M . H . . 1 , Albion , F . M . H . ,, IS , Old Dundee , Cannon-street Hot . ,, 101 , 'Temple , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st
,, iCd , Union , The t-nteiion , Piccadilly . 172 , Old Concord , F . M . I I . ,, 217 , Stability , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st >> 7 \ 5 , St . James ' s , Bridge House Hot , London Bge . ., 12 5 0 , l'uki- of Edinburgh , Cape of Good Hope , Tav . IC .
„ 12 ( 51 , Golden Rule , Regent M . IL , Air-st ., W . ,, 12 'j S , Royal Standard , Wellington Club , Wellingtonst . N . ,, I . 'SI , Kennington , Horn-Tav ., Kennington . « 1 . VJ 7 , Anerley , 'I hicket Hot , Anerley .
,, 1472 , Henley , 'Three Crowns Hot , Woohvlch . ,, 1 ( 102 , Boacoiisfiild , Jhequers , Walthamstow . >> ''"/ . I , Kingslaiul , Jolly Farmer-:, Southgate-road , N . Chap . i ( . r ) , 'Temperance , White Swan , Deptford . 1 , 255 , Iris , Greyhound , Richmond . Rcse Croix 72 , Canterbury , 33 , ( iiililen-sq ., W .
LoiK-. r . S OK INSTUUCTIIIN . Joppa , Champion Hot ., Alde'i-gatc-st , at 7 . South Middlesex . Beaufort House , Walham Green , - j . - , a . Pilgrim , F . M . H ., 1 st anel last Tucs . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney , at S . Domatic , Surrey M . IL , Carnbeiwell New-rd ., at 7 . 30 . J ' aith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . S . W ., at S . Prince Fredk . Win ., Lord ' s Hot ., St . John ' s Wood , at 7 .
Capper , Railway 'Tav ., Angel-lane , Stratford , at S . rosperit y , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st , at 7 . 30 . Dalhousie , 'The Sisters' Tav ., Pownall-rd ., Dalston , IC , at S . Florence Nightingale , M . IL , William-st , Woolwich , 7 . 30 . Constitutional , Bedford Hot , Southampton Bdgs ., at 7 . srael , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe-rel . Royal Arthur , Duke of Cambridge , 2 i (" , Bridge-rd ., Battersea Park , at K .
U pper Norwood , White Hart Hot , Church-rd ., at S . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at S . I ' -xcelsior , Commercial Dock 'Tav ., Rotherhithe , at S . shngton , Crown and Cushion , 73 , London Wall , at 7 . kennington , Horns Tav ., Kennington , 7 . 30 . Leopold , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-rd ., Bermondsev , at S . Mount ICdgcuinbe , 19 , Jermyn-st ., St . James ' s , at S . I ' uke of Connaught , Palmcrston Arms , Grosvenor Park , S . s > ir Hugh Myddelton , 162 , St . John ' s-rd ., at S .
New Finsbury Park , I lornsey Wooil'T ., Finsbury Park , at S . ^•Marylebone , ICyre Arms , l- 'inchlev-rd .. at S . Corinthian , George Hot ., Millwall Docks , at 7 . Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . < oyal Naval College , Greenwich Hospital Schools , at S . '; eanor , Angel Hot ., ICdmoiiton . ¦ tnaucer , 'The Grapes , St . Thomas ' s-st , Borough , at S . ''oars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 . luetropohtan Chap , Jamaica Coffee Ho .. St . Michael ' s Alley ' -ail of Carnarvon Chap ., Ladbroke Hall , N ' oUing-liilLat S .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
WEDNESDAY , FICBRUARY S . Gen . Com . R . M . B . I ., at * ,. Lodge 3 , Fidelity . F . M . H . „ ' 11 , ICnoch , F . M . H . ,, 1 * ,, Union Waterloo , M . IL , Woolwich . 15 , Kent , F . M . II . ,, S 7 , Vitruvian , South London M . IL , Lambeth .
. - > 7-19 . Belgrave , Anderton's Hot , Fleet-st . ,, 1260 , John Hervey , I ' . M . If . ,, 1306 , St John of Wapping , Moorgate-st . Hot . ,, 1503 , Francis Burdett , Albany Hot , Twickenham . ,. LVi ^ , St Martin ' s-le-Grand , Guildhall Tav . ,, i . r Si " , Upper Norwood , White Hart , U . Norwood .
,, idol , Imperial , Pier Hot , Oakley-st , Chelsea . ,, 171 S , Centurion , Regent M . IL , Air-st . ,, 17 < . f 1 , St Leonard , Town Hall , Shore-ditch . ,, njoo , Montague Guest , Inns of Court Hot Chap . S 37 , St Mark ' s , S . M . IL , Camberwell . Mark Old Kent , Ship and Tin tie , Leadenhall-st . Rose Croix 1 , Grand Metropolitan , Criterion , Piccadilly .
LODGES OK INSTHUCTION- . Prince Leopold , Moorgate Tav ., I'insbury-pavenient , at 7 . Confidence , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-st ., 7 till 9 . New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southg-ite-rd ., N ., at S . Mt . Lebanon , Morse Shoe Tav ., Newington Causeway , R . Pythagorean , Portland Hot , Greenwich , at S . Burdett Coutts , Lamb Tav ., Bethnal Green Railway Stn ., S . La'Tolerance , Morland Hot , Dean-st , W ., at S .
Peckham , Lord Wellington lint , . - "id , Old Kent-rd ., at S . l ~ insbury Park , Cock Tavern , Highbury , at S . 30 . * Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., . Southwark Park , at S . Dukeof Connaught , Ryl . ICdwil . I lot ., Mare-st , I lackney . S . United Strength , Prince Alfred , i . ' . Crowndale-rd , N . W ., 7 . Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin's-court , Fleet-st ., at S . Langthorne , Swan Hot , Stratford , at S . Temperance in the ICast , G . the Fourth , lda-st ., IC ., at 7 . 30 .
Eleanor , I rocadero Hot , Liverpool-st , r . X . Zetland , King's Arms Hot , 1 ligh-st , Kensington , at S . Merchant Navy . Silver Tav ., Ilurdett-rd ., Limehouse , 7 . 30 Creaton , Prince Albert Tav ., Portohello-ter ., Notting hill , S . Panmure , BuHiam Hot . Balham , 7 . Thistle Mark L . of I ., F . M . Tav ., at 7 . Wanderers , Black Horse , York-st , S . W .. at 7 . 30 . ICmblcmatic , Goat and Star , Sivalloiv-st , Regent-st , at S .
THURSDAY , FEBRUARY n . Lodge nj , Royal Athelstan , Cannon-st . Hot . >> < Ji . Regularity , I " . M . H . ,, 21 / 1 , I'Vienilsbip , Shi / , and Turtle , Leadeiiliall-st . 23 S , Pilgrim , F . M . H . ,, 2 f '* , Bank of ICngland , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st ,, 53 * | . Polish National , F . M . H .
,, 0-7 , ( . anonbury , Albion-lav ., Aldersgate-st ,, s ' . o , Dalhousie-, Anderton ' s Hot , Fleet-st . ,, £ ' 70 , Southwark , Southwark Park 'Tav . ,, l » 7 '' , Capper , Guildhall 'Tav . ,, 121 ( 1 , Macdonald , Ilea 1-rpiarters ist Surrey Rilles , Floddeii-rd ., ( Camberwell . ,, I . ) 25 , Hyde Park , The \\' i sthourne , Craven-rd ., W . ,, 1471 , Islington , Cock Tav ., Highbury .
,, Ij . v ' . Dukeof Connaught , . S . M . IL , Camberwell . ,, 15 . )' -, Ley Spring , Red Lion Tav ., Leytonstone . ,, Is' /' . Skelnieisdale , M . IL , Masons' Avenue . „ 170 S , I hi , knelt , Bald Faced Stag . Last Finehley . ,, 17 i ) i > Creaton , F . M . H . ,, 1 S 04 , Cnhorn , Wstry Hall , How . Chap , . "j" . ) , Narborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Mark " So , Sainnon anil l . ii . n , M . IL , Masons' Avenue . K . T . Precept . 117 , New Temple , Inner Temple .
LODGES OK iNsritticriDN . Union Waterloo , Fail of Chatham , Thomas-st , Woolwich . Kent , Dukeof York , Borough-id ., Southwark , 7 . 30 . Egyptian , llercule- Tav ., Leadenhall-st ., 7 . 30 . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st , W . C , at S . The Great City , M . IL , ' Masons' Avenue , (* . * o . Fu-. sbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st , City-rd . ICbury , 12 , Ponsonhy-st , Millbank , at . " .
Highgate , Boston Hot ., | unctiiui-rd ., N ., at S . Wandsworth , ICast Hill Hot , Abna-rd ., S . W ., at S . High ( Cross , Coach & IIorses , High-rd ., Tottenham , at S . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st , Regent-st ., at S . Southern Star , 'The Pheasant , Stangate S . W . Great Northern , Berwick Arms , Berners-st , Oxford-st . Rose , Walmer Castle Hot , Peckhain-rd ., at S . Burgoyne , Cork 'Tav ., St . Martin ' s-crt , Ludgate-hill , ( i . 30 .
Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John s Wood . Vitruvian , White Hart , Bilveilere-rd ., Lambeth , at S . Royal Oak , Loilurejiall , High-st , Deptford , at S . Covent Garden , Constitution Hot , Bedford-st , Covent Garden , at 7 . 45 . Royal Albeit , White Hart Hot , Abchurch-lane , at 7 . 30 . Stockweil , Cock Tav ., Kennington-rd ., at 7 . 30 .
Victoria Park , 1 he 1 wo Brewers , Stratford , at S . West Middlesex , I ' eathers Hot , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . Guelph , Blackbirds Inn , 1 ligh-st , Leyton . Langton , Mansion House Station Restaurant , Queen Victoria-st , at Ct . ( Emulation Working . ) St . Michael's , Moorgate Tav ., Finsbury Pavement , at S . Selwyn , ICast Dulwich Hot , ICast Dulwich , at S . Upton , Swan 'Tav ., Bethnal Grei-n-ril ., at . S .
FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 10 . Board of Stewards Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Lodge I , T „ Britannic , F . M . II . ,, i * , | , Caledonian , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . 157 , Bedford , F . M , 11 . ,, 177 , Domatic , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . ,, 1201 , Eclectic . F . M . II . Chap . fi . Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , St James ' s . Rose Croix * ,, Mount Calvary , ** ,, Golden-sq ., W .
LODGES OF INSTKUCTION . Stability , M . IL , Masons' Avenue , at 0 . Robert Burns , North Pole , 3 S 7 Oxford-st , W ., at S . Belgrave , Harp Tav ., Jermyn-st , W ., at S . Unions Emulation ( for ' MAl . ' s ) , F . M . H ., at 7 . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-rd ., Deptford , at S . Metropolitan ( Victoria ) , Portugal Hot , Fleet-st , at 7 . St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood .
Westbourne , Lord's Hot ., St . John's Wood , at S . United Pilgrims , S . M . IL , Cainberwell New-rd ., 7 . 30 . St James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-re ! ., S . IC , at S . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 . Doric , Duke's Head , 7 . 4 , Wliitechapel-rd ., at S . St Luke's While Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea , 7 . 3 c Chigwell Prince ' s Hall , Buc ' khiirst-hili , at 7 . 30 . Royal Standa . d , 'The Alwyne-, Castle , St . Paul ' s-rd ., N-, atS . Ranelagh , Six Bells , Hammersmith , at S .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
William Preston , Feathers 'Tav ., I " p . George-st , F . dgware-rd . ICarl of Carnarvon , Ladbroke 1 lall , Notting-hill , at S . Pythagorean Chapler . Portland I lot .. London-st , Greenwich . St . George ' s , Globe 'Tav ., Greenwich , at S . Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 . Clapton , White Hart 'Tav ., Clapton , at 7 . 30 . St . John ' s , Mother Red Cap , Camden Town , at S . Prosperity Chapter of Improvement , Hercules Tav .,
Leadenhall-st , SATURDAY , FICBRUARY it . Lodge 10 S , London , Ship and 'Turtle , Leadenhall-st 173 . Plm-nix , F . MII . ,, 132 S , Granite , F . M . I I . ,, 142 i > , 'The Great ( City , Cannon-st Hot .
,, 144 '' , Mount Edgcumbe , Bridge House Hot . „ 13 S 4 , Loyally et Charity , Star & Garter , Ivew-hdg . ,, id / i , Mi / pah , Albion 'Tav ., Aldersgate-st „ 174 . 0 Perseverance , Imperial Hot , Holborn Viaduct . 1 S . w , Dukeof Cornwall , I ' . M . II . Chap . 11 . S . s , Lewis , King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green . Mark 234 , Brixton , Anderton ' s Hot , F ' cet-st
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire
For the Week ending Saturday , I ' c-bruary 11 , 1 SS 2 . MONDAY , FICBRUARY fi . Lodge So , Unamitv , Aslley Anns , Dnkinlield . ,, 104 , St . John ' s , Ashton Hot , Stockport ,, 113 , Unanimity , Bull Hot , Preston . ,, 42 S , Sincerity , Angel Hot . Northwich .
, „ 1-145 , Stamford , Town Hall , Altrincham . ,, 10 . 51 , Rowley , Sl . lt ., Lancaster . ,, 1204 , Neptune , M . IL , Liverpool . ,, l . -s ' o , Skelmersdale . Ouevn ' s lint , Waterloo . Chap . 14 . /) , Trafford . Alexandra Hot , Manchester . ICverton L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool .
TUESDAY , FICBRUARY 7 . Lodge 203 , King ' s Friends , Lamb Inn , Nantwich . 1 , (" ; . ! , St . John ' s , M . IL , Liverpool . >•9 ' . i 5 , Furness , M . T ., T'lverstone . Chap . 203 , St . John of Jerusalem , M . IL , Liverpool . ,, 201 , Grosvenor , M . R ., Chester . Merchant ' s L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool . Bootle I ., of I . i . ; (") , Beiry-streit , Bootle . Mark Lodge I ( . I , Walton , Skelrners . lale II ., Liverpool . WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY s . Lodge 2 S 1 , Fortitude . Atheiia-um . Lancaster .
,, 323 , Concord , Florist Hall , Stockport . ,, 430 , Fidelity , Ou . en ' s Arms , Dnkinlield . ,, 100 , 4 , 'Temple , M . IL , Liverpool . ,, 11 . 10 , Ashton , Victoria 11 .. Withington . ,, 13 , " " , De Grey eV Kipjn , M . R ., Liverpool . „ l . v . i *" . Baldwin , Castle , Da ! t . m-in-Furness .
,, I . 103 , West Lancashire-, Coiiinicr . ial Hot , Orm . kirk . ,, 1547 , Liverpool , M . IL , Liverpool . ••'/ "i . *" , Arthur John llmgden , M . IL , Grange-over-Sands . Chap , f . 71 , St . John ' s , M . IL , Liverpool . Mark Lodge 13 S , Rose eV Thistle , M . IL , Wigan . Neptune L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool .
IIILRSDAY , FEBRUARY . ) . Lodge 210 , Harmonic , . Adelphi Hot , Liverpool . „ . v * . . " .. Royal Preston , (" astlc I lot , Preston . ,, 477 , Mersey , M . R ., Birkenhead . ,, 78 d , Croxleth , United Si nice , Liverpool , ,, 1033 , Princeof Wales , Sl'vlmi .-rsdale , 11 ., Liverpool .
,, 11 S 2 , Dukeof Edinburgh , M . IL , Liverpool . ,, 1212 , Bridge-water , Cross Keys , Eccles . ,, i , ! : ; . | . Equity , Alford Chambers , Widnes . Mark Lodge JI-. S , I . nthum , Southport . Ancient Union L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool . Mariners L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool .
FRIDAY . FEBRUARY 10 . Lodge 13 ,, Perseverance , M . IL , Liverpool . ,, 12 S 0 . Rock , M . R ., Hirkeiiheaef . Hamer L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool .
Masonic Meetings In Dublin.
For the week ending Saturday , February 11 , 1 SS 2 . All meetings take p lace at the Masonic Hall , Moleswortlistreet , Dublin , except where otherwise staled .
MONDAY , FEBRUARY 0 . Lodge 2 , Dnldin . | Chap . 143 , Dublin . K . T . Precep . 24 s Dublin . TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 7 . Female Orphan School Bd . I Lodge 227 , Dublin . Lodge 171 , Duke of Gar . | Chap . 141 , Dublin . Prince Masons Chap . 5 .
WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY , S . Lodge 12 c , Hiram . I Chap . 15 S , Dublin . ,, M . > Shakespeare . | Committee of Inspection . 'THURSDAY , FICBRUARY n . Lodge 27 , Abereorn . 1 Knights K . I I . 30 " . Grand Lodge of Instruction at S . FRIDAY , FICBRUARY 10 . Grand Master ' s Lodge . ! Lodge 250 , Dublin . Lodge 25 , Dublin . | K . 'T . Precep . 93 , Abereorn .
KRAMERANDCO., GROWERS AND DEALERS IN STILL & SPARKLING HOCK & MOSELLE WINES , Manhcim-on-the-Rhine , Germany . 'The 'Travelling Partner of this linn , who will now remain for some time in England , would be pleased to send Price Lists or call at the oilier : or private houses of gentlemen . Lodges who keep their own wine cellars are treated upon especial and the most favourable terms . Reliable agents , brother Masons only , wanted in the larger towns of the United Kingdom . All letters addtesserl to " 11 . lli-RZAG , 37 , Villa-road , Cromvvell-house , Brixton , London , S , " will receive prompt attention . The finest City References given when required .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending Saturday , February ii , 1 SS 2 . The Editor will be erl . id to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodg-cs , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , k ' neampments . Conclaves , & rc , of any change in place , day , or month of meeting .
SATURDAY , FEBRUARY . - . Gen . Com . Boys' School , at 4 . Lod ^ e 142 , St . Thomas , Cannon-st Hot 1559 , New Cross , Ship Hot ., Greenwich . 1572 , Carnarvon , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st '
ibf . 2 , Beaconslield , Cheeiuers , Walthamsloiv . Chap- " 7 . "> Pheeni : ; , F . M . H . Rose Croix Chap . 1 I 7 , Studholme , 33 , Golden-sq ., XV . LODGES 01 " IXSTKUCTIO . ' . Manchester , 17 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq ., at S . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd ., at 7 . Percy , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-rd ., N ., at S . lCccleston , King's Head , ICbury Bridge , Pimlico . Alexandra Palace , Masonic Club , Loughborough , at 7 . 30 . King Harold , Britannia ! lot , Waltham New'Town , at 7 . Earfof Zetland , Koyal ICihvar . l , Mare-st , Hackney , at 7 .
MONDAY , FEBRUARY <"* .. Jol . re 12 , Fortitude and Old Cumberland , 121 , Leadenhall-st . 25 , Robert Burns , F . M . II . ,, (* «) , Unity , Inns of Court I lot . ' S 3 , United Lodge of Prudence , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
„ 144 , St . Luke's , Anderton's Hot , Fleet-st . iSS , Joppa , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . 2 , 6 , Unions F . M . I I . „ 1-19 , Asaph , F . M . I I .
,, i <> 25 , 'Tredegar , Royal Hot , Mile F . nd-rd . ,, 16 ( 19 , Royal Leopold , S . M . IL , Camlierwell . 1 ( 1 70 , Adelphi , 4 , Ad .-lphi-ter ., Strand . „ iS , -,. Caxton , F . M . H . Chap . 1 H ) fi , Urban , F . M . H . „ 1 O 15 , Bayard , 33 , Golden-sq .
Conor's or - INSTHUCTION' . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . Wellington , White Swan Hot , High-st , Deptford , S to 10 . Sincerity , Ship Tav ., Hart Street , Mark Lane , 7 . -0 . Camden , 174 , High-st ., C . imden 'Town , at , S , St . James's Union , Union Tav ., Air-st , Regent-st ., at S . Perfect Ashlar , Jamaica 'Tav ., Southwark Park-rd ., Bermnnsdev , at S .
United Military , ICarl of Chatham , Thomas-st , Woolwich , Marqui . iof Ripon , Pembury Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney , S . Loughborough , Cambria Tav ., Loughborough J une , at 7 . 30 . Hyde Park , The Westbourne , 1 , Craven-rd ., at S . West Smithfield , Champion Hot ., Aldi rsgate-st ., 7 . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Royal I Jill , Greenwich , at 7 . Doric Chrptcr , Duke ' s Head , 70 , Whiterhapcl-rd ., at C . Royal Ccmmcmorntion , R . I lot , I ligh-st , Putney , S till 10 .
St ' Mark ' s , S . M . IL , Camberwell New-rd . John Hervey , Albion Hall , London Wall , at S . Kingsland , Lanonbury Tav ., N ., at S . 30 . Metropolitan , " 'The . Moorgate , " Finsbury Pavement , 7 . 30 . Strong Man , F . \ cis < - 'Tav ., ' Old Broad-st , at 7 . St . Ambrose , Baron ' s Court Hot , W . Kensington , at 7 . Old Kent Mark , Crown and Cushion , London Wall , 2 nd and 4 th .
TUICSDAY , FEBRUARY 7 . Colonial Boanl , at 4 Lodge 7 , Roval York Lodgeof Perseverance , F . M . H . . 1 , Albion , F . M . H . ,, IS , Old Dundee , Cannon-street Hot . ,, 101 , 'Temple , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st
,, iCd , Union , The t-nteiion , Piccadilly . 172 , Old Concord , F . M . I I . ,, 217 , Stability , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st >> 7 \ 5 , St . James ' s , Bridge House Hot , London Bge . ., 12 5 0 , l'uki- of Edinburgh , Cape of Good Hope , Tav . IC .
„ 12 ( 51 , Golden Rule , Regent M . IL , Air-st ., W . ,, 12 'j S , Royal Standard , Wellington Club , Wellingtonst . N . ,, I . 'SI , Kennington , Horn-Tav ., Kennington . « 1 . VJ 7 , Anerley , 'I hicket Hot , Anerley .
,, 1472 , Henley , 'Three Crowns Hot , Woohvlch . ,, 1 ( 102 , Boacoiisfiild , Jhequers , Walthamstow . >> ''"/ . I , Kingslaiul , Jolly Farmer-:, Southgate-road , N . Chap . i ( . r ) , 'Temperance , White Swan , Deptford . 1 , 255 , Iris , Greyhound , Richmond . Rcse Croix 72 , Canterbury , 33 , ( iiililen-sq ., W .
LoiK-. r . S OK INSTUUCTIIIN . Joppa , Champion Hot ., Alde'i-gatc-st , at 7 . South Middlesex . Beaufort House , Walham Green , - j . - , a . Pilgrim , F . M . H ., 1 st anel last Tucs . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney , at S . Domatic , Surrey M . IL , Carnbeiwell New-rd ., at 7 . 30 . J ' aith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . S . W ., at S . Prince Fredk . Win ., Lord ' s Hot ., St . John ' s Wood , at 7 .
Capper , Railway 'Tav ., Angel-lane , Stratford , at S . rosperit y , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st , at 7 . 30 . Dalhousie , 'The Sisters' Tav ., Pownall-rd ., Dalston , IC , at S . Florence Nightingale , M . IL , William-st , Woolwich , 7 . 30 . Constitutional , Bedford Hot , Southampton Bdgs ., at 7 . srael , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe-rel . Royal Arthur , Duke of Cambridge , 2 i (" , Bridge-rd ., Battersea Park , at K .
U pper Norwood , White Hart Hot , Church-rd ., at S . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at S . I ' -xcelsior , Commercial Dock 'Tav ., Rotherhithe , at S . shngton , Crown and Cushion , 73 , London Wall , at 7 . kennington , Horns Tav ., Kennington , 7 . 30 . Leopold , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-rd ., Bermondsev , at S . Mount ICdgcuinbe , 19 , Jermyn-st ., St . James ' s , at S . I ' uke of Connaught , Palmcrston Arms , Grosvenor Park , S . s > ir Hugh Myddelton , 162 , St . John ' s-rd ., at S .
New Finsbury Park , I lornsey Wooil'T ., Finsbury Park , at S . ^•Marylebone , ICyre Arms , l- 'inchlev-rd .. at S . Corinthian , George Hot ., Millwall Docks , at 7 . Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . < oyal Naval College , Greenwich Hospital Schools , at S . '; eanor , Angel Hot ., ICdmoiiton . ¦ tnaucer , 'The Grapes , St . Thomas ' s-st , Borough , at S . ''oars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 . luetropohtan Chap , Jamaica Coffee Ho .. St . Michael ' s Alley ' -ail of Carnarvon Chap ., Ladbroke Hall , N ' oUing-liilLat S .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
WEDNESDAY , FICBRUARY S . Gen . Com . R . M . B . I ., at * ,. Lodge 3 , Fidelity . F . M . H . „ ' 11 , ICnoch , F . M . H . ,, 1 * ,, Union Waterloo , M . IL , Woolwich . 15 , Kent , F . M . II . ,, S 7 , Vitruvian , South London M . IL , Lambeth .
. - > 7-19 . Belgrave , Anderton's Hot , Fleet-st . ,, 1260 , John Hervey , I ' . M . If . ,, 1306 , St John of Wapping , Moorgate-st . Hot . ,, 1503 , Francis Burdett , Albany Hot , Twickenham . ,. LVi ^ , St Martin ' s-le-Grand , Guildhall Tav . ,, i . r Si " , Upper Norwood , White Hart , U . Norwood .
,, idol , Imperial , Pier Hot , Oakley-st , Chelsea . ,, 171 S , Centurion , Regent M . IL , Air-st . ,, 17 < . f 1 , St Leonard , Town Hall , Shore-ditch . ,, njoo , Montague Guest , Inns of Court Hot Chap . S 37 , St Mark ' s , S . M . IL , Camberwell . Mark Old Kent , Ship and Tin tie , Leadenhall-st . Rose Croix 1 , Grand Metropolitan , Criterion , Piccadilly .
LODGES OK INSTHUCTION- . Prince Leopold , Moorgate Tav ., I'insbury-pavenient , at 7 . Confidence , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-st ., 7 till 9 . New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southg-ite-rd ., N ., at S . Mt . Lebanon , Morse Shoe Tav ., Newington Causeway , R . Pythagorean , Portland Hot , Greenwich , at S . Burdett Coutts , Lamb Tav ., Bethnal Green Railway Stn ., S . La'Tolerance , Morland Hot , Dean-st , W ., at S .
Peckham , Lord Wellington lint , . - "id , Old Kent-rd ., at S . l ~ insbury Park , Cock Tavern , Highbury , at S . 30 . * Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., . Southwark Park , at S . Dukeof Connaught , Ryl . ICdwil . I lot ., Mare-st , I lackney . S . United Strength , Prince Alfred , i . ' . Crowndale-rd , N . W ., 7 . Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin's-court , Fleet-st ., at S . Langthorne , Swan Hot , Stratford , at S . Temperance in the ICast , G . the Fourth , lda-st ., IC ., at 7 . 30 .
Eleanor , I rocadero Hot , Liverpool-st , r . X . Zetland , King's Arms Hot , 1 ligh-st , Kensington , at S . Merchant Navy . Silver Tav ., Ilurdett-rd ., Limehouse , 7 . 30 Creaton , Prince Albert Tav ., Portohello-ter ., Notting hill , S . Panmure , BuHiam Hot . Balham , 7 . Thistle Mark L . of I ., F . M . Tav ., at 7 . Wanderers , Black Horse , York-st , S . W .. at 7 . 30 . ICmblcmatic , Goat and Star , Sivalloiv-st , Regent-st , at S .
THURSDAY , FEBRUARY n . Lodge nj , Royal Athelstan , Cannon-st . Hot . >> < Ji . Regularity , I " . M . H . ,, 21 / 1 , I'Vienilsbip , Shi / , and Turtle , Leadeiiliall-st . 23 S , Pilgrim , F . M . H . ,, 2 f '* , Bank of ICngland , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st ,, 53 * | . Polish National , F . M . H .
,, 0-7 , ( . anonbury , Albion-lav ., Aldersgate-st ,, s ' . o , Dalhousie-, Anderton ' s Hot , Fleet-st . ,, £ ' 70 , Southwark , Southwark Park 'Tav . ,, l » 7 '' , Capper , Guildhall 'Tav . ,, 121 ( 1 , Macdonald , Ilea 1-rpiarters ist Surrey Rilles , Floddeii-rd ., ( Camberwell . ,, I . ) 25 , Hyde Park , The \\' i sthourne , Craven-rd ., W . ,, 1471 , Islington , Cock Tav ., Highbury .
,, Ij . v ' . Dukeof Connaught , . S . M . IL , Camberwell . ,, 15 . )' -, Ley Spring , Red Lion Tav ., Leytonstone . ,, Is' /' . Skelnieisdale , M . IL , Masons' Avenue . „ 170 S , I hi , knelt , Bald Faced Stag . Last Finehley . ,, 17 i ) i > Creaton , F . M . H . ,, 1 S 04 , Cnhorn , Wstry Hall , How . Chap , . "j" . ) , Narborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Mark " So , Sainnon anil l . ii . n , M . IL , Masons' Avenue . K . T . Precept . 117 , New Temple , Inner Temple .
LODGES OK iNsritticriDN . Union Waterloo , Fail of Chatham , Thomas-st , Woolwich . Kent , Dukeof York , Borough-id ., Southwark , 7 . 30 . Egyptian , llercule- Tav ., Leadenhall-st ., 7 . 30 . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st , W . C , at S . The Great City , M . IL , ' Masons' Avenue , (* . * o . Fu-. sbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st , City-rd . ICbury , 12 , Ponsonhy-st , Millbank , at . " .
Highgate , Boston Hot ., | unctiiui-rd ., N ., at S . Wandsworth , ICast Hill Hot , Abna-rd ., S . W ., at S . High ( Cross , Coach & IIorses , High-rd ., Tottenham , at S . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st , Regent-st ., at S . Southern Star , 'The Pheasant , Stangate S . W . Great Northern , Berwick Arms , Berners-st , Oxford-st . Rose , Walmer Castle Hot , Peckhain-rd ., at S . Burgoyne , Cork 'Tav ., St . Martin ' s-crt , Ludgate-hill , ( i . 30 .
Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John s Wood . Vitruvian , White Hart , Bilveilere-rd ., Lambeth , at S . Royal Oak , Loilurejiall , High-st , Deptford , at S . Covent Garden , Constitution Hot , Bedford-st , Covent Garden , at 7 . 45 . Royal Albeit , White Hart Hot , Abchurch-lane , at 7 . 30 . Stockweil , Cock Tav ., Kennington-rd ., at 7 . 30 .
Victoria Park , 1 he 1 wo Brewers , Stratford , at S . West Middlesex , I ' eathers Hot , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . Guelph , Blackbirds Inn , 1 ligh-st , Leyton . Langton , Mansion House Station Restaurant , Queen Victoria-st , at Ct . ( Emulation Working . ) St . Michael's , Moorgate Tav ., Finsbury Pavement , at S . Selwyn , ICast Dulwich Hot , ICast Dulwich , at S . Upton , Swan 'Tav ., Bethnal Grei-n-ril ., at . S .
FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 10 . Board of Stewards Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Lodge I , T „ Britannic , F . M . II . ,, i * , | , Caledonian , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . 157 , Bedford , F . M , 11 . ,, 177 , Domatic , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . ,, 1201 , Eclectic . F . M . II . Chap . fi . Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , St James ' s . Rose Croix * ,, Mount Calvary , ** ,, Golden-sq ., W .
LODGES OF INSTKUCTION . Stability , M . IL , Masons' Avenue , at 0 . Robert Burns , North Pole , 3 S 7 Oxford-st , W ., at S . Belgrave , Harp Tav ., Jermyn-st , W ., at S . Unions Emulation ( for ' MAl . ' s ) , F . M . H ., at 7 . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-rd ., Deptford , at S . Metropolitan ( Victoria ) , Portugal Hot , Fleet-st , at 7 . St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood .
Westbourne , Lord's Hot ., St . John's Wood , at S . United Pilgrims , S . M . IL , Cainberwell New-rd ., 7 . 30 . St James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-re ! ., S . IC , at S . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 . Doric , Duke's Head , 7 . 4 , Wliitechapel-rd ., at S . St Luke's While Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea , 7 . 3 c Chigwell Prince ' s Hall , Buc ' khiirst-hili , at 7 . 30 . Royal Standa . d , 'The Alwyne-, Castle , St . Paul ' s-rd ., N-, atS . Ranelagh , Six Bells , Hammersmith , at S .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
William Preston , Feathers 'Tav ., I " p . George-st , F . dgware-rd . ICarl of Carnarvon , Ladbroke 1 lall , Notting-hill , at S . Pythagorean Chapler . Portland I lot .. London-st , Greenwich . St . George ' s , Globe 'Tav ., Greenwich , at S . Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 . Clapton , White Hart 'Tav ., Clapton , at 7 . 30 . St . John ' s , Mother Red Cap , Camden Town , at S . Prosperity Chapter of Improvement , Hercules Tav .,
Leadenhall-st , SATURDAY , FICBRUARY it . Lodge 10 S , London , Ship and 'Turtle , Leadenhall-st 173 . Plm-nix , F . MII . ,, 132 S , Granite , F . M . I I . ,, 142 i > , 'The Great ( City , Cannon-st Hot .
,, 144 '' , Mount Edgcumbe , Bridge House Hot . „ 13 S 4 , Loyally et Charity , Star & Garter , Ivew-hdg . ,, id / i , Mi / pah , Albion 'Tav ., Aldersgate-st „ 174 . 0 Perseverance , Imperial Hot , Holborn Viaduct . 1 S . w , Dukeof Cornwall , I ' . M . II . Chap . 11 . S . s , Lewis , King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green . Mark 234 , Brixton , Anderton ' s Hot , F ' cet-st
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire
For the Week ending Saturday , I ' c-bruary 11 , 1 SS 2 . MONDAY , FICBRUARY fi . Lodge So , Unamitv , Aslley Anns , Dnkinlield . ,, 104 , St . John ' s , Ashton Hot , Stockport ,, 113 , Unanimity , Bull Hot , Preston . ,, 42 S , Sincerity , Angel Hot . Northwich .
, „ 1-145 , Stamford , Town Hall , Altrincham . ,, 10 . 51 , Rowley , Sl . lt ., Lancaster . ,, 1204 , Neptune , M . IL , Liverpool . ,, l . -s ' o , Skelmersdale . Ouevn ' s lint , Waterloo . Chap . 14 . /) , Trafford . Alexandra Hot , Manchester . ICverton L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool .
TUESDAY , FICBRUARY 7 . Lodge 203 , King ' s Friends , Lamb Inn , Nantwich . 1 , (" ; . ! , St . John ' s , M . IL , Liverpool . >•9 ' . i 5 , Furness , M . T ., T'lverstone . Chap . 203 , St . John of Jerusalem , M . IL , Liverpool . ,, 201 , Grosvenor , M . R ., Chester . Merchant ' s L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool . Bootle I ., of I . i . ; (") , Beiry-streit , Bootle . Mark Lodge I ( . I , Walton , Skelrners . lale II ., Liverpool . WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY s . Lodge 2 S 1 , Fortitude . Atheiia-um . Lancaster .
,, 323 , Concord , Florist Hall , Stockport . ,, 430 , Fidelity , Ou . en ' s Arms , Dnkinlield . ,, 100 , 4 , 'Temple , M . IL , Liverpool . ,, 11 . 10 , Ashton , Victoria 11 .. Withington . ,, 13 , " " , De Grey eV Kipjn , M . R ., Liverpool . „ l . v . i *" . Baldwin , Castle , Da ! t . m-in-Furness .
,, I . 103 , West Lancashire-, Coiiinicr . ial Hot , Orm . kirk . ,, 1547 , Liverpool , M . IL , Liverpool . ••'/ "i . *" , Arthur John llmgden , M . IL , Grange-over-Sands . Chap , f . 71 , St . John ' s , M . IL , Liverpool . Mark Lodge 13 S , Rose eV Thistle , M . IL , Wigan . Neptune L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool .
IIILRSDAY , FEBRUARY . ) . Lodge 210 , Harmonic , . Adelphi Hot , Liverpool . „ . v * . . " .. Royal Preston , (" astlc I lot , Preston . ,, 477 , Mersey , M . R ., Birkenhead . ,, 78 d , Croxleth , United Si nice , Liverpool , ,, 1033 , Princeof Wales , Sl'vlmi .-rsdale , 11 ., Liverpool .
,, 11 S 2 , Dukeof Edinburgh , M . IL , Liverpool . ,, 1212 , Bridge-water , Cross Keys , Eccles . ,, i , ! : ; . | . Equity , Alford Chambers , Widnes . Mark Lodge JI-. S , I . nthum , Southport . Ancient Union L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool . Mariners L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool .
FRIDAY . FEBRUARY 10 . Lodge 13 ,, Perseverance , M . IL , Liverpool . ,, 12 S 0 . Rock , M . R ., Hirkeiiheaef . Hamer L . of I ., M . IL , Liverpool .
Masonic Meetings In Dublin.
For the week ending Saturday , February 11 , 1 SS 2 . All meetings take p lace at the Masonic Hall , Moleswortlistreet , Dublin , except where otherwise staled .
MONDAY , FEBRUARY 0 . Lodge 2 , Dnldin . | Chap . 143 , Dublin . K . T . Precep . 24 s Dublin . TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 7 . Female Orphan School Bd . I Lodge 227 , Dublin . Lodge 171 , Duke of Gar . | Chap . 141 , Dublin . Prince Masons Chap . 5 .
WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY , S . Lodge 12 c , Hiram . I Chap . 15 S , Dublin . ,, M . > Shakespeare . | Committee of Inspection . 'THURSDAY , FICBRUARY n . Lodge 27 , Abereorn . 1 Knights K . I I . 30 " . Grand Lodge of Instruction at S . FRIDAY , FICBRUARY 10 . Grand Master ' s Lodge . ! Lodge 250 , Dublin . Lodge 25 , Dublin . | K . 'T . Precep . 93 , Abereorn .
KRAMERANDCO., GROWERS AND DEALERS IN STILL & SPARKLING HOCK & MOSELLE WINES , Manhcim-on-the-Rhine , Germany . 'The 'Travelling Partner of this linn , who will now remain for some time in England , would be pleased to send Price Lists or call at the oilier : or private houses of gentlemen . Lodges who keep their own wine cellars are treated upon especial and the most favourable terms . Reliable agents , brother Masons only , wanted in the larger towns of the United Kingdom . All letters addtesserl to " 11 . lli-RZAG , 37 , Villa-road , Cromvvell-house , Brixton , London , S , " will receive prompt attention . The finest City References given when required .