Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
Hro . Sir Albert Woods . Garter king- at Arm ? , accompanies the ICarl of Fife's Mission lo Dresden to invest thc King of Saxony with the Order ol the Garter . Bro . the Duke of Abereorn and the Duchess of Abereorn , who have be en staying for some time at Baron ' s Court , with a large family party , arc coming over for the opening of Parliament , and will then go to Biarritz , where
they intend to remain till Faster . Uro . the l- ' . nvl of ' / . eilrtml is buildivt !*; a range of training stables at PiUning , near Newmarket , at a cost of £ 10 , 000 . II . R . II . thc Prince of Wales will hold levees on behalf of the Oueen , at St . James ' s Palace , on
'Thursday , the 2 * , rd inst , an . l on 1 luusday , March ; th . llro . the Rig lit lion , ihe Lord Mayor , accompanied by his Sword and Mace-bearer anel the City marshal , opened a new mission-hall and Sunday-school oil Monday last , situated at ihe end of Gifi ' ard-strcet , Caledonian-road . 'The now building is in connection with . St . Andre-v ' s Clmrrli , Tliornhill-sijuaiv , and will accommodate about doo persons .
A yrand ball , i / iven by llie 1 st Manchester ( tith Lancashire ) Volunteers , took place at the Free'Trade Hall , Manchester , on Friday , the 27 th ult , at which some - | Oo ladies , volunteers , and civilians were present . The band of the regiment played twenty-four dances , and dancing vvas carried on until between four and five o ' clock in the morning . The affair proved a brilliant success .
At a convocation of the Resurrection Chapter , Malta , held on the 2-rel ult , Bros . Alfred O . Giles , Robert York , and Charles Flint , all of the Wayfarers Lodge , No . 102 ( 1 , were exalted , anel several well-known companions were proposed as joining members . Uro . Sir Michael Co-la , who was sei .: ed wilh a severe paralytic lit on Sunday afternoon last is , we are glad to learn , somewhat bitter .
The ceremony of installation will bc rehearsed on'Thursday , the I ' rth inst , at the Crusaders Lodge nf Instruction , No . i f . ;; , the Old Jerusalem 'Tavern . St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , bv Bro . G . II . Gilham , P . M . if . -- . ' 'Tl ,,. lodge will be opvm-. l at the usual time , viz ., nine o ' clock p . m . Pro . Francis Newman , P . M . cf the K .-i-t Medina Lodge , No . 1 ; -, was in-tailed as W . M . of the ( Chine Lodge , No . IS-. I , Isle of Wight , on Thursday , the 20 th ult
A l ' vervm-m o ( " ebc 1 . uvivn-Ts' Co - . nptiny , who desires to remain ine > . ' , ' ., has written to the court enclosing a cheque for / . ' | o . to be awarded by them in prizes of £ 20 , £ \ $ , and i . s respectively , for the three- lust specimens of bits ensuring the greatest amount of ease ami comfort to the hore . ' The above are supplemental to Sir Frederick Perkins' offer made in November last for the same purpose . — City Press .
At the National Hospital for Di-oasos nf iho Heart and Paralysis Soho-squaie , the number of patients under treatment for the week ending January the jsth , was < . 55 . The F . atlof Carnarvon Chapter of Improvement , No . 11 . 12 , met at the Ladbroke- II . ill on Tue day evening
last , under the able Pre . -eptorship of Cninp . Davis , J . 1 S 5 . 'This ne . v chapter of improvement should Tea great boon to companions genera ' . !)' , their place of meeting' being conveniently situat il directly opposite the l . adbrokc-grnvi Station , Metropolitan Railway , where they meet every alternate 'Tuesday evening , at ei-.-ht o ' clock .
llro . W . Williams was , on \\ cdnc-diy last , installed W . M . of the : Humphrey Chetham Lodge , No . '">•¦ , at Manchester . We hope to give a report of the proceedings in our next . The brethren ofthe Paul on Lodgeof Instruction ( No . 01 0 , held at the Roval Mortar , Woolwirh , have- in . vited the brethren of the Deri .- Lodge of Instruction ( No .
n- . -. lto work the Fifteen Ser tions on I hursday next , the ijth inst . Bro . T , J . Barnes , P . M . . -5 . 1 and o- ; , will pre . side , and tin : following is a li-t of thc winkers for that occasion , when the' lodge will be op . net ! at six o ' clock p . m . prompt : Bros . II . Cundick . P . M . i . l- 'i , J . D ; W . II . Myers , P . M . s ; ,, , u , - . J . W . ; W . Mi slo , P . M . f . p ,, I . P . M . Tir . t Lecture : First Section , Poo . W . | . Must ,, .
i * v | o ; Second Section , Bro . Myers . P . M . 144 - ; 'Third Section , Bin . Loane , D . C . 1421 ; l- ' ouith Section , Bro . Norden , P . M . - ? ,.- ;; Fifth Section , Bro . Mo-s , S . D . 127-5 ; Sixth Se-. lir . ii , Bro . Webb , P . M . I' . 7 , 174 ; Seventh Section , Bro . McDonald , J . W . 144 s . Second Lecture : First Section , Bro . I Pipkins 720 ; 1 st end Section , Bro . ICschvvege , 1 -, 411 : 'Third Section , Bro . Ciiudiel :, P . M . 1421 :
Fourth See ton , Bro . . Musto , P . M . i * , p (; Fifth Section , Bro . Stev . H s S . D . 102 ' . 'Third Lecture : First Section , Bro . I . P . Coh . n , P . M . ' 2 " = ;; Second Sectiom , Bro . job , W . M . 107 . " . ; 'Third Section , Bro . Da Silva , W . M . 205 . Pro . Charles I ) ni-clier was on Wednesday , the 2 . -th u ! t „ installed as W . M . of tin- Euphrates Lodge , No . 212 , at the Mason , ' Hall 'Tavern , B .- .-ingliall-strcct .
We have seen il staled 111 several of our coiUcmporarie :: that a "Calico B . -. ll " at Manche'ster has been a great success , and as wc arealwaysintere-ted in the welfare of trade and ihe innocent socialities of life , we insert ( he account here , as it may please some of our younger readers at any rate . 'The ball took place iu tin : Manchester Town Hall , on the 2-, th ult , having bun promoted
by members of the calico-printing trade . I he special feature of the ball was the rule made by the committee lhat al ! the ladies who nlte ded could only do 'o on the ronsideralirni that they were dres-es of English calico , printed either at Manche-ter or ( ila ^ - . -. nv . One object of this was to show the beautiful d .-i sir ; and materials which calico printers can turn ou- , are ! another was to c'ive an impetus to the calico-printing trade . In consequence of this rule
ail ladies present appeared in calico du :-. scs , nil of different patterns , and full ) ' justified the opininn expressed beforehand , lhat dresses of oaliro evill loo ' - quite as vve-H and be- quite as serviceable as those ,, [ more costly material . In all about one thousand throe hundred ladies and gentlemen were pre-.-nf , and some of the ladies dresses were ciuitc : unique . We understand llir . l the profits , amounting to nearly £ 21111 , will be handed over lo the Warehousemen and Clerk's Orphan School .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold , Dukeof Albany , has promised to preside at the annual festival , to be held at [•" reemasons' 'Tavern , of the Royal Caledonian Asylum , on the 2-rd inst . H . R . H . took the chair at the last dinner at the Scottish Corporation , a similar institution . It is hoped lhat gentlemen will come forward as Stewards , and as many as possible attend the dinner in uniform or Highland dress .
In consequence of thc reo ' vilar meeting- of the mother lodge , the : 'Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , ilo . - , will not meet on Monday next at the Royal Hotel , Mile ICnd-road . The Westbourne I . odtrc of Instruction , 7 , * , **;
Charitable Association has collected £ 2110 , and paid it in to the several Masonic Charities . 'The above anicunt has been collected by the Hon . Sec . of the above Association at is . per week from its members , which has been in existence since March , iS : ' o , only .
Pro . Child has been appointed trustee , wilh a committee of inspection , of the estate of Messrs . Lewingcr and Mansfield , commission merchants , of Ilart-street , Mark-lane . The statement of affairs showed total unsecured debts £ 1 , 2 , 525 , and assess £ <~> 5 \ t 2 . Thc I'C . emony of installation will be worked in the St . Michael ' s Lodgeof Instruction , held at the
Moorgate , Fiiisbury-pavemcnt , on Thursday evening , the nth hist ., at oight ' oYlock . Bro . Alfred Withers , P . M . of the mother lodge , will be the Installing Master . Pro . Is ' S . Hobson will be installed W . M . of the St . 'Thomas ' s Lodge , No . 142 , at the Cannon-street Hotel this day ( Saturday ) . Sir N . de Rothschild , Hart .. M . P ., has given X ' 200 towards a fnnd being raised in connection with the
amalgamation of the Widows Home and Iland-in-IIand Asylums ; Sir Julian Goldsmid , Bart , / . ' . So ; Baron de StJrn , £ 50 ; Mr . F . D . Mocatta , £ 50 ; Lady Jessel , £ 25 ; Mr . L . Cohen , £ -5 ; Mr . S . Montague , £ 25 ; Mr . Morris llanis , £ 5 5 s . ; anil Mr . M . Monteliore , £ 5 . llro . (" 1 . R . Sims ' s comedy , "The Half-Way House , " reached its hundredth representation at the Vaudeville Theatre last week .
Pro . I ' aion II . dc Worms , M . I' ., will on 'Tuesday next speak at a special meeting of the Manchester auxiliary of the Anglo-Jewish Association . Pro . AU ' iiTinan Hadley presided on Thursday , the 20 th ult , at the ordinary general meeting of the Standard Bank of London , held at the Cannon-street Hotel . 'The report stated that the result ofthe : business
during the period ol eleven months , ended December , * , 1 st last , had been a surplus of expenses over gross profits , but the directors pointed out that tin : dillicultics and expense of establishing a new banking business were always unavoidably large during the first year or two of its existence . Pro . John l . loyd CrilTuh , P . M ., was installed W . M . of the Lodgeof St . Cybi , No . - ,., y , at Holyhead , on
'Tuesday , the ,-tst ult Pro . Dr . W . Mason , P . M . 7 S Mark , and P . ] . G . W . Cornwall , has been installed as W . M . of th ,.. fy . Austell Lodge , 273 , St . Austell , by the R . W . Bin . W . | . Hughan , Past Grand Warden of ICngland . the retiring W . M . being W . llro . C 'Truseott , jun ., P . Prov . G . W . of Cornwall , who was the iirst to preside over the new lodge . At the
banquet which followed , at Bro . Lukes , White Unit Hotel , a very satisfactory report was announced , the Mark lodge : being a great success _ ' The W . Iiro . W . J . Johns , I ' . M . 7 $ , the obliging Prov . Gram ! Secretary , represented the Prov . G . M . M . M ., Sir Charles II . Graves ' -Sawle , Bart , and expressed the hope that at the next meeting of ( he Pro . ' . Grand Lodge there woulel be a procession of Mark
Master Mason ; lo church , as with the Craft , a suggestion which vvas heartily applauded . Pro . J . ( i . Yolland was last week installed as W . M . of the Gladsmuir Lodge , No . 13 S 5 . A nu'ct ' mtr ol the Staffordshire . Masonic Charitable Association vvas held at W ' olverliaiupton , on Frid .. y , the 27 th ult , when a very satis ' ai tory report of the
Committee vvas presented . The subscription to the " A " Fund for transmission to the Royal Masonic Institutions amounted to jt ' . VIi if's ., anil to the "I ! " Fund for assisting locally in the education cf the children of deceased brethren , / . •' . < ' 7 ' -. being the largest amount subscribed in any previous year . 'The brethren of Staffordshire are to be congratulated on the result of their earnest efforts .
Pro . Alderman Fowler , M . P ., was one of the speakers at a great meeting held at Manchester , in support of the abolition oi the opium traffic . II . R . II . the Dukecf I'dinbur- 'b , K . G ., will preside at the : festival dinner of the Cab-drivers' Benevolent Association , al Willis ' s Rooms , on Saturday , itlth inst .
A curious discovery has recently been made al , or rather in connection with th ; Crystal Palace , in respect of the telephone . It seems Major Flood Page , the secretary [ if the company , has had telephonic rommunicnliuii established between the Palace organ loft and his private residence , distant about three-quarters of a mile . At the same time a line of wire has been laid from the Palace to
the house of Colore ! Gouronil , the ICnglish repre-sentativeof ICdison's electric light system , the distance between Ihe two points being a mile and a half . It turnsout Ihatduring the organ performance it vvas found an easy matter to carry nn a conversation along the single line without in the least diminishing the musical elf eet 'This is very remarkable , and will , in all probability , add to Mill further developments
of the telephonic system . Pro . the I Ion . C . A . Robartes , M . l ' ., of Tanfleldcourt , Temple , has written expressing his willingness lo aiel in passing a Sunday Closing Bill for Cornwall . I ' TIMTV AND I . rxi . 'uv . —A quarter of a century's experience has taught the public lhat there is but one 'Toilet Soap possessed of these merits combined .
ICmirient dermatologists testify lhat there is but one Soap which so cleanses the skin that its natural and consequently healthy action is ensured . Medical Oflicers of j / ealtli every . vheie recognize but one Soap as a preventive of infectious disease . I louse-holders who seek a luxurious bath see that no other Soap enters 1 heir bathroom . It can be bought everywhere . Ask- for WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP , and refuse worthless imitations , —[ Ai-vr . j
Masonic And General Tidings.
, A public dinner in aid of the building fund of the Richmond Hospital will be held at the Stat * and Garter Hotel , on Wednesday , the Sth inst , II . R . II . the Duke of Cambridge in the chair . 'The dinner . stewards include the Duke of Teck and the Lord Mayor . v Pro . Lord Uosebery proposes to spread the
building of his new palace at Knightsbridge over six or seven years , lie will thus be able to pay for his building operations out of income . 'The site of the new house is a large space _ between the Knightsbridge-road and Hyde Park , lying just behind the I ' rench ICinbassy , and it is now being cleared for buildinir .
. Pro . Sir John Llcnnctl lectured on " Our Next Reform Bill" to the Chi-wick , Turnham-grccn , and Gunnershury Liberal Association , in thc Vestry Hall on Wednesday . The Prince nnd Princess ol Wjles have consented to be present at the Irish ballad concert to be held at the Royal Victoria Hall , Waterloo-road , on Wednesday , the ofh inst , to be given by Mr . C . lloey .
Ihe clever writer of the papers from " I ' ehind the Clock" ( in the Metropolitan ) says : "That was a graceful act , the vote to Mr . I . awley on his retirement ; and 1 am glad to see that Mr . Do Keyser arid others are following it up , by getting together a lilting testimonial for
presentation to this deseivmg public servant As long as I can recollect public life I have known William Lavvley ' s name anel his voice ever in the cause of honest work , and particularly as a Corporator and Common Councilman of Farringdon ward is he deserving of the support of th-.-inhabitants .
At Christ s Wospilal , Ncvvp-ale-strcet , there was shown on Wednesday last to the public , for the Iirst time , a bust of the late Major Sir P . Louis Cavagnari , an old scholar of the institution . 'The inscription on the pedestal is as follows : ' * Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Pierre Louis Napoleon Cavagnari , K . C . B ., C . S . I ., British ICnvoy , Cabul , where , after a distinguished career in his country ' s service ,
he fell while gallantly repelling the attack on the ICinbassy , on the ,-, rd September , i ** 7 y , aged tliiity-c ' g ' it years . 'This memorial was erected by several governors and Old Blues to perpetuate within the walls of Christ ' s Hospital the name of a hero who for five years ( 1 . S 51--J 6 ) vvas a scholar of the house . ' Dulcc it Decorum est pro Patri Muri . i . ' " The formal unveiling of the memorial look place privately
on Wednesday , the ceremony being performed by the Duke of Cambridge , President of the Hospital . In consequence of the Prince of Wales havino appointed an eailier ela' . e than vvas anticipated for tlie regimental ball of the Honourable Artillery Company , the
ball proposed to be given by the members of No . 5 company 0 : 1 Wednesday , February 1 st , has been postponed . Pro . James Stevens repealed his reading , explanatory ot the entire ceremonies of ihe First Degree ' , at the ineeling of 'The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1420 , on Thursday last .
The Scottish festival , j-iven at the A ; , 'i-iciilUii-. il Hall , Islington , by the Mohan k Mir .-. trels , in honour of thc poet Hums , was a great success the audience being- an unusually full one , and the ballads and choruses being admirably rendered . Mr . Alma Tadema has nearly completed a lifesized portrait of Mr . Whichcord , past President of the Institute of Architects .
Afternoon andevenmp' peilormances marked , as usual , thesevcntcci . thi-e | cbrali .. nof Mr . !•' . Burgess ' s annual benefit , on Tuesday , in the St James ' s (" real Hall , an excellent musical ami diamatii : program me being furnished for the occasion , and very generally appreciated by tbe numerous audiences that thronged the hall to overflowing . Among the members of the theatrical profession who gave their services were Mi-. s IC . Farreii , Miss Constance Loseby , Bro . 1 . Ryder , Bro . Lionel Brougli , & 'c .
Pro . ilia Lord Mayor has . says the Jeviish Chroiiidc , within the last few days conferred with severa eminent members of the Jewish community on the subject of the : emigration of oppicsscd Hebrews , LONDON C ' OTT . U * * - * . MISSION . — " Stepney stirabout " bail lost none of its atlractions for the slaiving children of eastern London on Wednesday last , as vvas
sullicieiilly proved by the hundreds of shivering little mortals crowding round the doors of the Temporary Home of tlie London Cottage Mission , and waiting for the welcome weekly distribution of hot Irish stew—the Stepney stirabout To see each hundred and fifty , all the present home : will accommodate at once , sealed before their smoking basins , plates and platters , and fishing for the "
Limehouse lumps of delight , " with which they were lillcd , was a sight to bc 11 numbered , whilst vyith wonderful patient endurance tlie hundreds biding their turn stamped their poor little toes in the biting cast wind outside . But all were fed at last , as well as many too ill to venture out , who had supplies sent to their own homes . This good and Christian work has now been carried on for some years , in spite
of many diliicuflies , and at tins moment funds are more urgently needed than ever , for not only have the weekly dinners to be provided , but the new hall , now in course of erection , requires that the builder shall be provided with the covenanted cash . We know that every exertion is being made to meet these demands , and we trust that our readers will gladly lend a helping hand , by sending their
donations anil subscription :, at their earliest convenience , either to the Lady Superintendent , Miss I " . Napton , 104 , Burdett-road , Limehouse , IC , or to . Mr . Walter Austin , 44 , Finsbury-pavcmcnt , ICC , who will most thankfully receive anel gratefully acknowledge them . ll . ii . i-owiv ' s PII . I . . —In gencrrd debility , ne-rvnus excitation , an . l mental ilepressioi , the-st : unrivalled pills hare a marvellous clle-cl .
The-y Law vom tin : confidence of millions in all partsnf the civ iliscil ewni . l , Constitutions slial ; n by -.-usual excesses , liy loni- resilience in uii \ v ! iok-so : i ; c climates , by se-ik-nlary liabils , nvmvorl ., worry , or auxi .:--, are -vond'srl ' iilly rennviile-it by a course of ihisexlraorili ' narv iii' -ilie-uu :, which , powerful as is its action on I lie whole system , is \ irn " iTily li ; innLss lo ihe u-iuliaTsi fr . une' . Th j Pills are- compose- ! I
of rare- . im ) e . ire'fiillv seleeteil hal-ams , without the silllliMlire of any . teie-lcrious substaiKV . 'I'lie- \ .. ] , e-i ; it' : ( lire-clly , juj . vtlfiijly , a nil b .-iie'lH'ially upon th : v . hol- mass of hlo . nl . 'Ibe most sc ' pli tal eaiuiol . jiieslioii the f . iet when we see iii . lii ' . estion cured , liver complaints arrested , the- oppressed lirrors brnuejil into healthful piny , anil every pliysie-ul function renewed an . l strengthened by their aitoncy . —[ Auvr . j
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
Hro . Sir Albert Woods . Garter king- at Arm ? , accompanies the ICarl of Fife's Mission lo Dresden to invest thc King of Saxony with the Order ol the Garter . Bro . the Duke of Abereorn and the Duchess of Abereorn , who have be en staying for some time at Baron ' s Court , with a large family party , arc coming over for the opening of Parliament , and will then go to Biarritz , where
they intend to remain till Faster . Uro . the l- ' . nvl of ' / . eilrtml is buildivt !*; a range of training stables at PiUning , near Newmarket , at a cost of £ 10 , 000 . II . R . II . thc Prince of Wales will hold levees on behalf of the Oueen , at St . James ' s Palace , on
'Thursday , the 2 * , rd inst , an . l on 1 luusday , March ; th . llro . the Rig lit lion , ihe Lord Mayor , accompanied by his Sword and Mace-bearer anel the City marshal , opened a new mission-hall and Sunday-school oil Monday last , situated at ihe end of Gifi ' ard-strcet , Caledonian-road . 'The now building is in connection with . St . Andre-v ' s Clmrrli , Tliornhill-sijuaiv , and will accommodate about doo persons .
A yrand ball , i / iven by llie 1 st Manchester ( tith Lancashire ) Volunteers , took place at the Free'Trade Hall , Manchester , on Friday , the 27 th ult , at which some - | Oo ladies , volunteers , and civilians were present . The band of the regiment played twenty-four dances , and dancing vvas carried on until between four and five o ' clock in the morning . The affair proved a brilliant success .
At a convocation of the Resurrection Chapter , Malta , held on the 2-rel ult , Bros . Alfred O . Giles , Robert York , and Charles Flint , all of the Wayfarers Lodge , No . 102 ( 1 , were exalted , anel several well-known companions were proposed as joining members . Uro . Sir Michael Co-la , who was sei .: ed wilh a severe paralytic lit on Sunday afternoon last is , we are glad to learn , somewhat bitter .
The ceremony of installation will bc rehearsed on'Thursday , the I ' rth inst , at the Crusaders Lodge nf Instruction , No . i f . ;; , the Old Jerusalem 'Tavern . St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , bv Bro . G . II . Gilham , P . M . if . -- . ' 'Tl ,,. lodge will be opvm-. l at the usual time , viz ., nine o ' clock p . m . Pro . Francis Newman , P . M . cf the K .-i-t Medina Lodge , No . 1 ; -, was in-tailed as W . M . of the ( Chine Lodge , No . IS-. I , Isle of Wight , on Thursday , the 20 th ult
A l ' vervm-m o ( " ebc 1 . uvivn-Ts' Co - . nptiny , who desires to remain ine > . ' , ' ., has written to the court enclosing a cheque for / . ' | o . to be awarded by them in prizes of £ 20 , £ \ $ , and i . s respectively , for the three- lust specimens of bits ensuring the greatest amount of ease ami comfort to the hore . ' The above are supplemental to Sir Frederick Perkins' offer made in November last for the same purpose . — City Press .
At the National Hospital for Di-oasos nf iho Heart and Paralysis Soho-squaie , the number of patients under treatment for the week ending January the jsth , was < . 55 . The F . atlof Carnarvon Chapter of Improvement , No . 11 . 12 , met at the Ladbroke- II . ill on Tue day evening
last , under the able Pre . -eptorship of Cninp . Davis , J . 1 S 5 . 'This ne . v chapter of improvement should Tea great boon to companions genera ' . !)' , their place of meeting' being conveniently situat il directly opposite the l . adbrokc-grnvi Station , Metropolitan Railway , where they meet every alternate 'Tuesday evening , at ei-.-ht o ' clock .
llro . W . Williams was , on \\ cdnc-diy last , installed W . M . of the : Humphrey Chetham Lodge , No . '">•¦ , at Manchester . We hope to give a report of the proceedings in our next . The brethren ofthe Paul on Lodgeof Instruction ( No . 01 0 , held at the Roval Mortar , Woolwirh , have- in . vited the brethren of the Deri .- Lodge of Instruction ( No .
n- . -. lto work the Fifteen Ser tions on I hursday next , the ijth inst . Bro . T , J . Barnes , P . M . . -5 . 1 and o- ; , will pre . side , and tin : following is a li-t of thc winkers for that occasion , when the' lodge will be op . net ! at six o ' clock p . m . prompt : Bros . II . Cundick . P . M . i . l- 'i , J . D ; W . II . Myers , P . M . s ; ,, , u , - . J . W . ; W . Mi slo , P . M . f . p ,, I . P . M . Tir . t Lecture : First Section , Poo . W . | . Must ,, .
i * v | o ; Second Section , Bro . Myers . P . M . 144 - ; 'Third Section , Bin . Loane , D . C . 1421 ; l- ' ouith Section , Bro . Norden , P . M . - ? ,.- ;; Fifth Section , Bro . Mo-s , S . D . 127-5 ; Sixth Se-. lir . ii , Bro . Webb , P . M . I' . 7 , 174 ; Seventh Section , Bro . McDonald , J . W . 144 s . Second Lecture : First Section , Bro . I Pipkins 720 ; 1 st end Section , Bro . ICschvvege , 1 -, 411 : 'Third Section , Bro . Ciiudiel :, P . M . 1421 :
Fourth See ton , Bro . . Musto , P . M . i * , p (; Fifth Section , Bro . Stev . H s S . D . 102 ' . 'Third Lecture : First Section , Bro . I . P . Coh . n , P . M . ' 2 " = ;; Second Sectiom , Bro . job , W . M . 107 . " . ; 'Third Section , Bro . Da Silva , W . M . 205 . Pro . Charles I ) ni-clier was on Wednesday , the 2 . -th u ! t „ installed as W . M . of tin- Euphrates Lodge , No . 212 , at the Mason , ' Hall 'Tavern , B .- .-ingliall-strcct .
We have seen il staled 111 several of our coiUcmporarie :: that a "Calico B . -. ll " at Manche'ster has been a great success , and as wc arealwaysintere-ted in the welfare of trade and ihe innocent socialities of life , we insert ( he account here , as it may please some of our younger readers at any rate . 'The ball took place iu tin : Manchester Town Hall , on the 2-, th ult , having bun promoted
by members of the calico-printing trade . I he special feature of the ball was the rule made by the committee lhat al ! the ladies who nlte ded could only do 'o on the ronsideralirni that they were dres-es of English calico , printed either at Manche-ter or ( ila ^ - . -. nv . One object of this was to show the beautiful d .-i sir ; and materials which calico printers can turn ou- , are ! another was to c'ive an impetus to the calico-printing trade . In consequence of this rule
ail ladies present appeared in calico du :-. scs , nil of different patterns , and full ) ' justified the opininn expressed beforehand , lhat dresses of oaliro evill loo ' - quite as vve-H and be- quite as serviceable as those ,, [ more costly material . In all about one thousand throe hundred ladies and gentlemen were pre-.-nf , and some of the ladies dresses were ciuitc : unique . We understand llir . l the profits , amounting to nearly £ 21111 , will be handed over lo the Warehousemen and Clerk's Orphan School .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold , Dukeof Albany , has promised to preside at the annual festival , to be held at [•" reemasons' 'Tavern , of the Royal Caledonian Asylum , on the 2-rd inst . H . R . H . took the chair at the last dinner at the Scottish Corporation , a similar institution . It is hoped lhat gentlemen will come forward as Stewards , and as many as possible attend the dinner in uniform or Highland dress .
In consequence of thc reo ' vilar meeting- of the mother lodge , the : 'Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , ilo . - , will not meet on Monday next at the Royal Hotel , Mile ICnd-road . The Westbourne I . odtrc of Instruction , 7 , * , **;
Charitable Association has collected £ 2110 , and paid it in to the several Masonic Charities . 'The above anicunt has been collected by the Hon . Sec . of the above Association at is . per week from its members , which has been in existence since March , iS : ' o , only .
Pro . Child has been appointed trustee , wilh a committee of inspection , of the estate of Messrs . Lewingcr and Mansfield , commission merchants , of Ilart-street , Mark-lane . The statement of affairs showed total unsecured debts £ 1 , 2 , 525 , and assess £ <~> 5 \ t 2 . Thc I'C . emony of installation will be worked in the St . Michael ' s Lodgeof Instruction , held at the
Moorgate , Fiiisbury-pavemcnt , on Thursday evening , the nth hist ., at oight ' oYlock . Bro . Alfred Withers , P . M . of the mother lodge , will be the Installing Master . Pro . Is ' S . Hobson will be installed W . M . of the St . 'Thomas ' s Lodge , No . 142 , at the Cannon-street Hotel this day ( Saturday ) . Sir N . de Rothschild , Hart .. M . P ., has given X ' 200 towards a fnnd being raised in connection with the
amalgamation of the Widows Home and Iland-in-IIand Asylums ; Sir Julian Goldsmid , Bart , / . ' . So ; Baron de StJrn , £ 50 ; Mr . F . D . Mocatta , £ 50 ; Lady Jessel , £ 25 ; Mr . L . Cohen , £ -5 ; Mr . S . Montague , £ 25 ; Mr . Morris llanis , £ 5 5 s . ; anil Mr . M . Monteliore , £ 5 . llro . (" 1 . R . Sims ' s comedy , "The Half-Way House , " reached its hundredth representation at the Vaudeville Theatre last week .
Pro . I ' aion II . dc Worms , M . I' ., will on 'Tuesday next speak at a special meeting of the Manchester auxiliary of the Anglo-Jewish Association . Pro . AU ' iiTinan Hadley presided on Thursday , the 20 th ult , at the ordinary general meeting of the Standard Bank of London , held at the Cannon-street Hotel . 'The report stated that the result ofthe : business
during the period ol eleven months , ended December , * , 1 st last , had been a surplus of expenses over gross profits , but the directors pointed out that tin : dillicultics and expense of establishing a new banking business were always unavoidably large during the first year or two of its existence . Pro . John l . loyd CrilTuh , P . M ., was installed W . M . of the Lodgeof St . Cybi , No . - ,., y , at Holyhead , on
'Tuesday , the ,-tst ult Pro . Dr . W . Mason , P . M . 7 S Mark , and P . ] . G . W . Cornwall , has been installed as W . M . of th ,.. fy . Austell Lodge , 273 , St . Austell , by the R . W . Bin . W . | . Hughan , Past Grand Warden of ICngland . the retiring W . M . being W . llro . C 'Truseott , jun ., P . Prov . G . W . of Cornwall , who was the iirst to preside over the new lodge . At the
banquet which followed , at Bro . Lukes , White Unit Hotel , a very satisfactory report was announced , the Mark lodge : being a great success _ ' The W . Iiro . W . J . Johns , I ' . M . 7 $ , the obliging Prov . Gram ! Secretary , represented the Prov . G . M . M . M ., Sir Charles II . Graves ' -Sawle , Bart , and expressed the hope that at the next meeting of ( he Pro . ' . Grand Lodge there woulel be a procession of Mark
Master Mason ; lo church , as with the Craft , a suggestion which vvas heartily applauded . Pro . J . ( i . Yolland was last week installed as W . M . of the Gladsmuir Lodge , No . 13 S 5 . A nu'ct ' mtr ol the Staffordshire . Masonic Charitable Association vvas held at W ' olverliaiupton , on Frid .. y , the 27 th ult , when a very satis ' ai tory report of the
Committee vvas presented . The subscription to the " A " Fund for transmission to the Royal Masonic Institutions amounted to jt ' . VIi if's ., anil to the "I ! " Fund for assisting locally in the education cf the children of deceased brethren , / . •' . < ' 7 ' -. being the largest amount subscribed in any previous year . 'The brethren of Staffordshire are to be congratulated on the result of their earnest efforts .
Pro . Alderman Fowler , M . P ., was one of the speakers at a great meeting held at Manchester , in support of the abolition oi the opium traffic . II . R . II . the Dukecf I'dinbur- 'b , K . G ., will preside at the : festival dinner of the Cab-drivers' Benevolent Association , al Willis ' s Rooms , on Saturday , itlth inst .
A curious discovery has recently been made al , or rather in connection with th ; Crystal Palace , in respect of the telephone . It seems Major Flood Page , the secretary [ if the company , has had telephonic rommunicnliuii established between the Palace organ loft and his private residence , distant about three-quarters of a mile . At the same time a line of wire has been laid from the Palace to
the house of Colore ! Gouronil , the ICnglish repre-sentativeof ICdison's electric light system , the distance between Ihe two points being a mile and a half . It turnsout Ihatduring the organ performance it vvas found an easy matter to carry nn a conversation along the single line without in the least diminishing the musical elf eet 'This is very remarkable , and will , in all probability , add to Mill further developments
of the telephonic system . Pro . the I Ion . C . A . Robartes , M . l ' ., of Tanfleldcourt , Temple , has written expressing his willingness lo aiel in passing a Sunday Closing Bill for Cornwall . I ' TIMTV AND I . rxi . 'uv . —A quarter of a century's experience has taught the public lhat there is but one 'Toilet Soap possessed of these merits combined .
ICmirient dermatologists testify lhat there is but one Soap which so cleanses the skin that its natural and consequently healthy action is ensured . Medical Oflicers of j / ealtli every . vheie recognize but one Soap as a preventive of infectious disease . I louse-holders who seek a luxurious bath see that no other Soap enters 1 heir bathroom . It can be bought everywhere . Ask- for WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP , and refuse worthless imitations , —[ Ai-vr . j
Masonic And General Tidings.
, A public dinner in aid of the building fund of the Richmond Hospital will be held at the Stat * and Garter Hotel , on Wednesday , the Sth inst , II . R . II . the Duke of Cambridge in the chair . 'The dinner . stewards include the Duke of Teck and the Lord Mayor . v Pro . Lord Uosebery proposes to spread the
building of his new palace at Knightsbridge over six or seven years , lie will thus be able to pay for his building operations out of income . 'The site of the new house is a large space _ between the Knightsbridge-road and Hyde Park , lying just behind the I ' rench ICinbassy , and it is now being cleared for buildinir .
. Pro . Sir John Llcnnctl lectured on " Our Next Reform Bill" to the Chi-wick , Turnham-grccn , and Gunnershury Liberal Association , in thc Vestry Hall on Wednesday . The Prince nnd Princess ol Wjles have consented to be present at the Irish ballad concert to be held at the Royal Victoria Hall , Waterloo-road , on Wednesday , the ofh inst , to be given by Mr . C . lloey .
Ihe clever writer of the papers from " I ' ehind the Clock" ( in the Metropolitan ) says : "That was a graceful act , the vote to Mr . I . awley on his retirement ; and 1 am glad to see that Mr . Do Keyser arid others are following it up , by getting together a lilting testimonial for
presentation to this deseivmg public servant As long as I can recollect public life I have known William Lavvley ' s name anel his voice ever in the cause of honest work , and particularly as a Corporator and Common Councilman of Farringdon ward is he deserving of the support of th-.-inhabitants .
At Christ s Wospilal , Ncvvp-ale-strcet , there was shown on Wednesday last to the public , for the Iirst time , a bust of the late Major Sir P . Louis Cavagnari , an old scholar of the institution . 'The inscription on the pedestal is as follows : ' * Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Pierre Louis Napoleon Cavagnari , K . C . B ., C . S . I ., British ICnvoy , Cabul , where , after a distinguished career in his country ' s service ,
he fell while gallantly repelling the attack on the ICinbassy , on the ,-, rd September , i ** 7 y , aged tliiity-c ' g ' it years . 'This memorial was erected by several governors and Old Blues to perpetuate within the walls of Christ ' s Hospital the name of a hero who for five years ( 1 . S 51--J 6 ) vvas a scholar of the house . ' Dulcc it Decorum est pro Patri Muri . i . ' " The formal unveiling of the memorial look place privately
on Wednesday , the ceremony being performed by the Duke of Cambridge , President of the Hospital . In consequence of the Prince of Wales havino appointed an eailier ela' . e than vvas anticipated for tlie regimental ball of the Honourable Artillery Company , the
ball proposed to be given by the members of No . 5 company 0 : 1 Wednesday , February 1 st , has been postponed . Pro . James Stevens repealed his reading , explanatory ot the entire ceremonies of ihe First Degree ' , at the ineeling of 'The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1420 , on Thursday last .
The Scottish festival , j-iven at the A ; , 'i-iciilUii-. il Hall , Islington , by the Mohan k Mir .-. trels , in honour of thc poet Hums , was a great success the audience being- an unusually full one , and the ballads and choruses being admirably rendered . Mr . Alma Tadema has nearly completed a lifesized portrait of Mr . Whichcord , past President of the Institute of Architects .
Afternoon andevenmp' peilormances marked , as usual , thesevcntcci . thi-e | cbrali .. nof Mr . !•' . Burgess ' s annual benefit , on Tuesday , in the St James ' s (" real Hall , an excellent musical ami diamatii : program me being furnished for the occasion , and very generally appreciated by tbe numerous audiences that thronged the hall to overflowing . Among the members of the theatrical profession who gave their services were Mi-. s IC . Farreii , Miss Constance Loseby , Bro . 1 . Ryder , Bro . Lionel Brougli , & 'c .
Pro . ilia Lord Mayor has . says the Jeviish Chroiiidc , within the last few days conferred with severa eminent members of the Jewish community on the subject of the : emigration of oppicsscd Hebrews , LONDON C ' OTT . U * * - * . MISSION . — " Stepney stirabout " bail lost none of its atlractions for the slaiving children of eastern London on Wednesday last , as vvas
sullicieiilly proved by the hundreds of shivering little mortals crowding round the doors of the Temporary Home of tlie London Cottage Mission , and waiting for the welcome weekly distribution of hot Irish stew—the Stepney stirabout To see each hundred and fifty , all the present home : will accommodate at once , sealed before their smoking basins , plates and platters , and fishing for the "
Limehouse lumps of delight , " with which they were lillcd , was a sight to bc 11 numbered , whilst vyith wonderful patient endurance tlie hundreds biding their turn stamped their poor little toes in the biting cast wind outside . But all were fed at last , as well as many too ill to venture out , who had supplies sent to their own homes . This good and Christian work has now been carried on for some years , in spite
of many diliicuflies , and at tins moment funds are more urgently needed than ever , for not only have the weekly dinners to be provided , but the new hall , now in course of erection , requires that the builder shall be provided with the covenanted cash . We know that every exertion is being made to meet these demands , and we trust that our readers will gladly lend a helping hand , by sending their
donations anil subscription :, at their earliest convenience , either to the Lady Superintendent , Miss I " . Napton , 104 , Burdett-road , Limehouse , IC , or to . Mr . Walter Austin , 44 , Finsbury-pavcmcnt , ICC , who will most thankfully receive anel gratefully acknowledge them . ll . ii . i-owiv ' s PII . I . . —In gencrrd debility , ne-rvnus excitation , an . l mental ilepressioi , the-st : unrivalled pills hare a marvellous clle-cl .
The-y Law vom tin : confidence of millions in all partsnf the civ iliscil ewni . l , Constitutions slial ; n by -.-usual excesses , liy loni- resilience in uii \ v ! iok-so : i ; c climates , by se-ik-nlary liabils , nvmvorl ., worry , or auxi .:--, are -vond'srl ' iilly rennviile-it by a course of ihisexlraorili ' narv iii' -ilie-uu :, which , powerful as is its action on I lie whole system , is \ irn " iTily li ; innLss lo ihe u-iuliaTsi fr . une' . Th j Pills are- compose- ! I
of rare- . im ) e . ire'fiillv seleeteil hal-ams , without the silllliMlire of any . teie-lcrious substaiKV . 'I'lie- \ .. ] , e-i ; it' : ( lire-clly , juj . vtlfiijly , a nil b .-iie'lH'ially upon th : v . hol- mass of hlo . nl . 'Ibe most sc ' pli tal eaiuiol . jiieslioii the f . iet when we see iii . lii ' . estion cured , liver complaints arrested , the- oppressed lirrors brnuejil into healthful piny , anil every pliysie-ul function renewed an . l strengthened by their aitoncy . —[ Auvr . j