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I WATSON , BONTOR , & Co ., 35 and 36 , OLD BOND STREET , W . Iinpoi'tcrs INDIAN CARPETS , TURKEY CARPETS , e & c . ;
NOT K . S . ( a ) Robert Burns , tlie celebrated Scottisli poet , was initiated into Freemasonry in tlie St . . John Lodge , Tarhulton , Ayrshire , in 1711 . He afterwards Tilled tiie ollice nf Depute Master of tlie Tarbolton " -1 . David " Lodge . ( b ) Francis Ravvdon , Baron Ravvdon , Earl Moira , and subsequently Marquis of Hastings , vvas one of the most distinguished members our Fraternity bas been able to boast of . I le vvas a distinguished soldier , anil during the whole of tlie (" rand Mastership of did good service to his sovereign during the American War of Independence and in the l . o . v Countries under ll . R . ll . tbe Duke of York . He was equally distinguished as a statesman , more especially as Governor-General of India , which oflicc he held for a period of eight years . He dieel at Malta , of which , at the time , he was Governor and Commander-in-chief , in iSjC * . having been born in i / " | . He was Acting ( Irani ! Master George , t ' riuce e . f Wales -that is from i ; .,. ) to I . S I _\ On res-riving his appointment ns Governor-General of Inilia he vvas , previous to his departure from Kngland , entertained at a grand banquet at Freemasons' Hall , the chair being talc-n by tbe Dukeof Sussex , and their Royal Highnesses Ihe Dukes of York , Clarence , l ' e-nt , Cumberland , and Gloucester , b .-ing lil ; e : wi-..: present . On Ihis occasion hi : vvas presented with a magnificent jewel , value £ 10110 . 'Tin- Moira Lodge , No . " . ( - * . of which he was tin- patron , was named after him . Ilis most important services to the Craft were rendered in conni clioii with the Union , 1 S 1 , * , in bringing about which he took a leading part . (<) Charier , XIII . of Sweden , the founder of the Masonic Order which bears his name , was iuuiat .-d into Freemasonry in | S ' n . ' , when Duke Charles of Suderniapia , bv Hro , (' , A . ll . iheinan . Ill lVn .- hi- ascended the throne as Charles NIIL , and in I , Si . * , founded the above-mentioned Order , which , l . vthe Statutes , was to In-conferred only on Frci-iua-ons . The insignia are worn openly . ( d ) George , Prince of Wales , afterwards George IV ., was elected Grand Master of Lngland ( Moderns ) in 17 . 10 , on the de-alh of his uncle the Duke of Cumberland . Ill I M . l , having resigned that ollice , In : graciously accepted , at the special request of Grand Lodge , the title of Grand I'atron of the Order , and so remained till his death , in | S . ' ,. \ 1 lis connection with the Fnlcrnitv is commemorated by the" l ' rinreof Wales '' Lodge , now No . Jy > on the roll of Grand Lodgi' , which was warranted in the year of his initiation , by the Duke : of Cumberland , M . W . G . M ., and of which he Idled the chair of W . MasUr from the year of ils constitution till his accession to the throne in ISJO , ( e ) Duke of Cumberland , a brother of George 111 ., will always be remembered in Masonic history as the first Prince uf the reigning house cf Hanover who was electe-d Grand Master of our Society . 'That auspicious event took place in 17 SJ , and Ilis Royal Highness was annually re-elected to that high ollice until his death in 1700 . lie and the Duchess of Cumberland tool ; a deep interest in the establishment of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , which , at the outset , was known as the Royal Cumberland School for the Daughters of Freemasons . One of
" FEB . •!•HISTORICAL CALENDAR . •!•1882 . 1 WGCL Hro . Robert Hums ( ir ) admitted a member of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge , i No . 2 , Grand Roll of Scotland , I ; *"; . 9 Thnv l- ° dge"La Parfaite Union des Ktrangcrs" installed at Lausanne , 17 , 51 ) . 1 , Grand Lodgeof Scotland forbids lodges offering bounties and freedom of 1 j of Masonry to recruits , 177 S . ' 1 New regulations sanctioned by Grand Lodge Scotland , 1 S 01 . 3 I Fl'i . I Inquisitor Mabille surrounds Mother Lodgeof the county of Avignon , and ' i carries off furniture , papers , charters , eve , 1775 . 4 ! Sclt . Committee , consisting of Lord Moira ( b ) and others , appointed to bring about i ' j reconciliation between Ancients and Moderns , I - SOJ . 5 ; SlIIl . j Charles NIIL of S . veden ( c ) , died , 1 S 1 S . r M / vi-. George , Prince of Wales ( , /) , made a Mason at an " Occasional" Lotlge at 0 MOll . 1 star and Gaiter , Pall Mall , by Dukeof Cumberland , 17 . S 7 . I Grand Lodge voted address to George III ., 17 . 1 * . 17 Tii Privilege of voting as individuals allowed to Grand Stewards , 1770 . o Wr . 1 ifneen eif Naples intervenes on behalf of Freemasonry , which is accordingly lj Weil ., "" tnlerated , 1777 . 9 Thill' ^ ^ ° f Cumberland (<•) initiated at an "Occasional " Lodge at the Thatched ' ¦¦ House , bt . lames's-strcct , ( . ' ol . John Salter presiding as G . M ., 17 ( 17 . , Grand Lodge " Moderns " orders exclusion of " Ancient" brethren from its I ; lodges , 1 S 03 . Ifl Pni C , rand Lodge votes annual subsciiptionevf £ 25 to GirU' School , 1700 . IU ill . ,. \ p ()||„ University Lodge , No . 357 (/ ' ) , opened , ISKJ . lire ) . Kloss ( j . ' ) , Masonic historian , died , l '' , 5 . | . 11 Silt U * - 'l nl , y Grand Master and Grand Wardens to be fined for non-attendance on ' public meetings , 17 SJ . De Witt Clinton ( , / : ) , celebrated Ameiican Mason and statesman , died , iS -S . 10 "tint ( "I-odgcof the Crowned Column , " now * " Charles of the Crowned Column , " la < -CUH . I fiiiinded at Ilruns . vi-I ' , 17 . ii . lire ) . Roettiers do Moiitaleau lils , installed as representative of Grand Master , I France , 1 S 0 S . 10 Mnii ! A Grand Council of 3 ' established al Valenciennes , 1 S 12 . . , : rp , Foundation eif Lodge Kilwinning Scots Arms , 17-1 ) . I'i ill . Past Grand OtVu-eis , permitted to wear gold jewel indicative of the oO ' icc they ! had held , 177 ( 1 . Funeral lodge in memory of William Sinclair (/) , first G . M . Scotland , 177 S . 1 <" . Wpd '' ''"'' " •' •' •sonic convocation , summoned by the Philalethes , opened in Paris , 1 fi Tlllir " ' "f Gloucester initialed by Lord Nlanoy nt Horn Tavern , Westminster , IU xnui . a |)(| |) u |;( . f Yor |{ at Thatched House lavern , St . Jaines ' s-street , 17 I 15 . I 7 Fl'i - ' '' l-odge of Hanover dissolved by Cabinet Order of King of Piussia , i . sfc / . Q , Funeral lodge by Lodge "Amalia , " Weimar , in memory of Wieland , 181 * ,. lo , Oilt . 1 0 "" till ' - ' "' " ¦•lielwcen Mother Lodge of the Philosophic Scotch Rite and thc Gram ! iy . " * ' Lodge ( l-iclecfic system ) , l rankfort-oii-Maiiie , 1 S 1 . 1 . _ ' lT mi Hro . \' on Ilernhardi appointed Prov . G . M ., under Grand Lodge Kngland , of ce ) 1 - " ^ C "' I ' ppcr and Lower Rhine and the circle of Franconia , 17 S . J . 9 * 1 Til . ( bdinance of Grand Orient of France against unauthorised publishing , 1777 . -. IT •¦ Hall Coniniittce resolve to raise / . ' iooo by'Tontine , 1775 . 22 ; WGCl . Grand Lodgeof Arkansas founded , iS . * . -. no'rinn , (" rand Lodgeof Minnesota founded , i 8 $ > . A 6 HUH . I'lincr : Leopold (/) installed P . G . Master Oxfordshire , by Harl of Lathom , D . G . M . Kngland , iS / - (" . OA Vr \ ^ "'''" sonic I Iall , Kdinburgh , consecrated by Duke of Athole , G . M ., 1 S 51 ) . iA lLil L ' niversity Ma-nnic Hall , Oxford , consecrated by Lieut .-Col . liowyer , P . G . M . Oxfordshire , iSr ,- . nr C „' . ; Grand Orient of Helgium founded , iS , tv i ~ I j 2 G SlIIl . Prince I . ucicn Mural (/ " ) iiislallerl Grand Master of France , 1 S 5 * . 017 Tlirr .,-, ("' I Dundee Lodge , No . iS , constituted , 1 7---. V lii IV 10 H . Grand Orient for Poland and Lithuania founded , 17 S 4 , no ni .. j Privilege of voting in Giand Lodge extended to Past Deputy G . M . s , 172 ( 1 .
DECORATION. MORANT&Co., Having for many years carefully studied tin : best periods of Decorative Art , and bavin- ; bad great experience in carrying out important orders , nill advise upon tlie decorating and furnishing of Town .-md Country Houses , prepare : Designs , and execute the- necessary works at moil .-rate cost . MORANT & CO .- personally . superintend all work entrusted to tbem . 91,NewBondStreet.
j Price io / fi , Royal Svo , 06 $ / ifi ., bevelled boards , full gilt I back and sides , wilh life-like portraits of ! H . R . H . THK PRINC" * oi" WALKS , M . W . G . M . England ; j His Grace TIIK Dui"i * oi" AIIERCOKX , M . W . G . M . Ireland : I and SIR M . R . SIIAVV-STKVV . VRT , M . W . G . M . Scotland . I Kenning ' s Cyclopedia of Freemasonry , | Edited by Bro . tlie Eev . A . F . A . WOODFORD , M . A ., ! l ' . is ! C . r . in . l Cl :. ij . l . iiii " f i : iigl . ii :. l . | This venrl : Iti-nts fully on "VIns . ini .- History an . l . \ r . li .-i'oIou-v np to ihe pre ' se-nt time-, an . l contains all subjects which fairly form ' pail i of a . Masonic (' yil . ipa ' . lia •M . iv ' ¦ < . ei . i ' n ; .. l thu . itgh , iny ' , V ( . * v . // , r t . r X ,-: i-y . i ^ , nl , > . r :.. ii m , '/¦/ ., / I ' . O . U . jtir ios . n . ; ., ' diiectfi .-m III ,- tljliee , 16 , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
STOCKS&SHARES. For Reliable Information on Foreign Stocks , as well as Home Securities , consult our MONTHLY PRICE LIST . DECEMBER EDITION READY ( post-free ) on application to Messrs . JOHN ABBOTT & Co ., Sworn Brokers , 4 and 5 , PALMERSTON BUILDINGS , LONDON , E . C . Speculative Accounts opened on favourable terms .
X O T KS -continued . the latest events of his reign was the healing of the schism which for ten years had pievailcd between the Grand Lodge and the Lodge of Antiquity . ( f ) The Apollo University Lodge is one of thc most numerous and influential lodges in Kngland . Prince Leopold , Duke of Albany , has served the ollice of Worshipful Master , and among its members arc many of our most distinguished bretltrei who either first saw Masonic light within its walls or joined its ranks . 'The most conspicuous of these arc the Karl of Carnarvon , Pro G . Master , and the ICarl of Lathom , D . G . M . ( g ) Bro . Kloss , born 17 S 7 , died 18 54 was initiated into l ' recmasonry in iSo-j , and thenceforward till his death devoted himself to Masonic literature ' , and deservedly ranks among th * foremost and most trustworth y of Masonic historians and bibliographers , (//) Bro . Dr . Witt Clinton was initiated in 171 ) - . In iSort and following years he was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York . At thc time of the great Morgan excitement , in i . S * fi , Hro . Clinton was Governor of the State of New York , and incurred , unjustly , much odium on account of bis supposed Masonic sympathies . ( 1 ) William Sinclair , first Grand Master of the ' Irand Lodge of Scotland , was , at the time of his election , the representative of the family of Sim-lairs of Roslin , in whom the otlice of Patron of Scottish Masons had long previously been made hereditary . Having- no children , however , and being anxious lhat the Fraternity in Scotland should electa chief of their own , this William Sinclair , formally and in writing , renounce-el , for himself and Ins heirs- , the rights and privileges conferred on his ancestors anel their heirs as " patrons , protectors , juelges , and masters " of the Masons of Scotland . 'This deed of resignation , bearing date * - . | lh November , I 7 , ! 'i , vvas reail at the great meeting of the Scotch lodges held at Kdinburgh , on St . Andrew ' s day in the same year , whereon the hicthrcn present , in recognition of his zeal anil good wishes for the Craft , there and then unanimously elected him to the high ollice of Grand . Master Mason of Scotland . ( . /) Prince Leopold , Duke of Albany , the youngest sun nf Her Majesty , was bum 7 th April , iS . - * ,. lie vvas initiated into l ' recmasonry in 1 S 7 . 1 , anil two years later was appointed and installed- Prov . Grand Master of Oxfordshire . I le is the Provincial Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons of the same province , a Past Grand Junior Warden of ICngland , having filled that ollice in 1 S 7 S , a Past Grand Marie Master Mason , and an Honorary Member of the Supreme Council of Ihe Ancient and Accepted Rite , 3 , 3 ' . ( . {•) Prince Lucien Mural , second son of the celebrated Joachim Murat , brother-inlaw of the great Napoleon , was born in 1 So . v Next to nothing is known of his early Masonic career , but in 1 S 52 he was nominated anil elected Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France , but the latter part of his reign , which closed in l . Sfii . was Ihe reverse of prosperous ; the number of Lodges diminished one half , and the Grand Orient was deeply in debt .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
I WATSON , BONTOR , & Co ., 35 and 36 , OLD BOND STREET , W . Iinpoi'tcrs INDIAN CARPETS , TURKEY CARPETS , e & c . ;
NOT K . S . ( a ) Robert Burns , tlie celebrated Scottisli poet , was initiated into Freemasonry in tlie St . . John Lodge , Tarhulton , Ayrshire , in 1711 . He afterwards Tilled tiie ollice nf Depute Master of tlie Tarbolton " -1 . David " Lodge . ( b ) Francis Ravvdon , Baron Ravvdon , Earl Moira , and subsequently Marquis of Hastings , vvas one of the most distinguished members our Fraternity bas been able to boast of . I le vvas a distinguished soldier , anil during the whole of tlie (" rand Mastership of did good service to his sovereign during the American War of Independence and in the l . o . v Countries under ll . R . ll . tbe Duke of York . He was equally distinguished as a statesman , more especially as Governor-General of India , which oflicc he held for a period of eight years . He dieel at Malta , of which , at the time , he was Governor and Commander-in-chief , in iSjC * . having been born in i / " | . He was Acting ( Irani ! Master George , t ' riuce e . f Wales -that is from i ; .,. ) to I . S I _\ On res-riving his appointment ns Governor-General of Inilia he vvas , previous to his departure from Kngland , entertained at a grand banquet at Freemasons' Hall , the chair being talc-n by tbe Dukeof Sussex , and their Royal Highnesses Ihe Dukes of York , Clarence , l ' e-nt , Cumberland , and Gloucester , b .-ing lil ; e : wi-..: present . On Ihis occasion hi : vvas presented with a magnificent jewel , value £ 10110 . 'Tin- Moira Lodge , No . " . ( - * . of which he was tin- patron , was named after him . Ilis most important services to the Craft were rendered in conni clioii with the Union , 1 S 1 , * , in bringing about which he took a leading part . (<) Charier , XIII . of Sweden , the founder of the Masonic Order which bears his name , was iuuiat .-d into Freemasonry in | S ' n . ' , when Duke Charles of Suderniapia , bv Hro , (' , A . ll . iheinan . Ill lVn .- hi- ascended the throne as Charles NIIL , and in I , Si . * , founded the above-mentioned Order , which , l . vthe Statutes , was to In-conferred only on Frci-iua-ons . The insignia are worn openly . ( d ) George , Prince of Wales , afterwards George IV ., was elected Grand Master of Lngland ( Moderns ) in 17 . 10 , on the de-alh of his uncle the Duke of Cumberland . Ill I M . l , having resigned that ollice , In : graciously accepted , at the special request of Grand Lodge , the title of Grand I'atron of the Order , and so remained till his death , in | S . ' ,. \ 1 lis connection with the Fnlcrnitv is commemorated by the" l ' rinreof Wales '' Lodge , now No . Jy > on the roll of Grand Lodgi' , which was warranted in the year of his initiation , by the Duke : of Cumberland , M . W . G . M ., and of which he Idled the chair of W . MasUr from the year of ils constitution till his accession to the throne in ISJO , ( e ) Duke of Cumberland , a brother of George 111 ., will always be remembered in Masonic history as the first Prince uf the reigning house cf Hanover who was electe-d Grand Master of our Society . 'That auspicious event took place in 17 SJ , and Ilis Royal Highness was annually re-elected to that high ollice until his death in 1700 . lie and the Duchess of Cumberland tool ; a deep interest in the establishment of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , which , at the outset , was known as the Royal Cumberland School for the Daughters of Freemasons . One of
" FEB . •!•HISTORICAL CALENDAR . •!•1882 . 1 WGCL Hro . Robert Hums ( ir ) admitted a member of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge , i No . 2 , Grand Roll of Scotland , I ; *"; . 9 Thnv l- ° dge"La Parfaite Union des Ktrangcrs" installed at Lausanne , 17 , 51 ) . 1 , Grand Lodgeof Scotland forbids lodges offering bounties and freedom of 1 j of Masonry to recruits , 177 S . ' 1 New regulations sanctioned by Grand Lodge Scotland , 1 S 01 . 3 I Fl'i . I Inquisitor Mabille surrounds Mother Lodgeof the county of Avignon , and ' i carries off furniture , papers , charters , eve , 1775 . 4 ! Sclt . Committee , consisting of Lord Moira ( b ) and others , appointed to bring about i ' j reconciliation between Ancients and Moderns , I - SOJ . 5 ; SlIIl . j Charles NIIL of S . veden ( c ) , died , 1 S 1 S . r M / vi-. George , Prince of Wales ( , /) , made a Mason at an " Occasional" Lotlge at 0 MOll . 1 star and Gaiter , Pall Mall , by Dukeof Cumberland , 17 . S 7 . I Grand Lodge voted address to George III ., 17 . 1 * . 17 Tii Privilege of voting as individuals allowed to Grand Stewards , 1770 . o Wr . 1 ifneen eif Naples intervenes on behalf of Freemasonry , which is accordingly lj Weil ., "" tnlerated , 1777 . 9 Thill' ^ ^ ° f Cumberland (<•) initiated at an "Occasional " Lodge at the Thatched ' ¦¦ House , bt . lames's-strcct , ( . ' ol . John Salter presiding as G . M ., 17 ( 17 . , Grand Lodge " Moderns " orders exclusion of " Ancient" brethren from its I ; lodges , 1 S 03 . Ifl Pni C , rand Lodge votes annual subsciiptionevf £ 25 to GirU' School , 1700 . IU ill . ,. \ p ()||„ University Lodge , No . 357 (/ ' ) , opened , ISKJ . lire ) . Kloss ( j . ' ) , Masonic historian , died , l '' , 5 . | . 11 Silt U * - 'l nl , y Grand Master and Grand Wardens to be fined for non-attendance on ' public meetings , 17 SJ . De Witt Clinton ( , / : ) , celebrated Ameiican Mason and statesman , died , iS -S . 10 "tint ( "I-odgcof the Crowned Column , " now * " Charles of the Crowned Column , " la < -CUH . I fiiiinded at Ilruns . vi-I ' , 17 . ii . lire ) . Roettiers do Moiitaleau lils , installed as representative of Grand Master , I France , 1 S 0 S . 10 Mnii ! A Grand Council of 3 ' established al Valenciennes , 1 S 12 . . , : rp , Foundation eif Lodge Kilwinning Scots Arms , 17-1 ) . I'i ill . Past Grand OtVu-eis , permitted to wear gold jewel indicative of the oO ' icc they ! had held , 177 ( 1 . Funeral lodge in memory of William Sinclair (/) , first G . M . Scotland , 177 S . 1 <" . Wpd '' ''"'' " •' •' •sonic convocation , summoned by the Philalethes , opened in Paris , 1 fi Tlllir " ' "f Gloucester initialed by Lord Nlanoy nt Horn Tavern , Westminster , IU xnui . a |)(| |) u |;( . f Yor |{ at Thatched House lavern , St . Jaines ' s-street , 17 I 15 . I 7 Fl'i - ' '' l-odge of Hanover dissolved by Cabinet Order of King of Piussia , i . sfc / . Q , Funeral lodge by Lodge "Amalia , " Weimar , in memory of Wieland , 181 * ,. lo , Oilt . 1 0 "" till ' - ' "' " ¦•lielwcen Mother Lodge of the Philosophic Scotch Rite and thc Gram ! iy . " * ' Lodge ( l-iclecfic system ) , l rankfort-oii-Maiiie , 1 S 1 . 1 . _ ' lT mi Hro . \' on Ilernhardi appointed Prov . G . M ., under Grand Lodge Kngland , of ce ) 1 - " ^ C "' I ' ppcr and Lower Rhine and the circle of Franconia , 17 S . J . 9 * 1 Til . ( bdinance of Grand Orient of France against unauthorised publishing , 1777 . -. IT •¦ Hall Coniniittce resolve to raise / . ' iooo by'Tontine , 1775 . 22 ; WGCl . Grand Lodgeof Arkansas founded , iS . * . -. no'rinn , (" rand Lodgeof Minnesota founded , i 8 $ > . A 6 HUH . I'lincr : Leopold (/) installed P . G . Master Oxfordshire , by Harl of Lathom , D . G . M . Kngland , iS / - (" . OA Vr \ ^ "'''" sonic I Iall , Kdinburgh , consecrated by Duke of Athole , G . M ., 1 S 51 ) . iA lLil L ' niversity Ma-nnic Hall , Oxford , consecrated by Lieut .-Col . liowyer , P . G . M . Oxfordshire , iSr ,- . nr C „' . ; Grand Orient of Helgium founded , iS , tv i ~ I j 2 G SlIIl . Prince I . ucicn Mural (/ " ) iiislallerl Grand Master of France , 1 S 5 * . 017 Tlirr .,-, ("' I Dundee Lodge , No . iS , constituted , 1 7---. V lii IV 10 H . Grand Orient for Poland and Lithuania founded , 17 S 4 , no ni .. j Privilege of voting in Giand Lodge extended to Past Deputy G . M . s , 172 ( 1 .
DECORATION. MORANT&Co., Having for many years carefully studied tin : best periods of Decorative Art , and bavin- ; bad great experience in carrying out important orders , nill advise upon tlie decorating and furnishing of Town .-md Country Houses , prepare : Designs , and execute the- necessary works at moil .-rate cost . MORANT & CO .- personally . superintend all work entrusted to tbem . 91,NewBondStreet.
j Price io / fi , Royal Svo , 06 $ / ifi ., bevelled boards , full gilt I back and sides , wilh life-like portraits of ! H . R . H . THK PRINC" * oi" WALKS , M . W . G . M . England ; j His Grace TIIK Dui"i * oi" AIIERCOKX , M . W . G . M . Ireland : I and SIR M . R . SIIAVV-STKVV . VRT , M . W . G . M . Scotland . I Kenning ' s Cyclopedia of Freemasonry , | Edited by Bro . tlie Eev . A . F . A . WOODFORD , M . A ., ! l ' . is ! C . r . in . l Cl :. ij . l . iiii " f i : iigl . ii :. l . | This venrl : Iti-nts fully on "VIns . ini .- History an . l . \ r . li .-i'oIou-v np to ihe pre ' se-nt time-, an . l contains all subjects which fairly form ' pail i of a . Masonic (' yil . ipa ' . lia •M . iv ' ¦ < . ei . i ' n ; .. l thu . itgh , iny ' , V ( . * v . // , r t . r X ,-: i-y . i ^ , nl , > . r :.. ii m , '/¦/ ., / I ' . O . U . jtir ios . n . ; ., ' diiectfi .-m III ,- tljliee , 16 , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
STOCKS&SHARES. For Reliable Information on Foreign Stocks , as well as Home Securities , consult our MONTHLY PRICE LIST . DECEMBER EDITION READY ( post-free ) on application to Messrs . JOHN ABBOTT & Co ., Sworn Brokers , 4 and 5 , PALMERSTON BUILDINGS , LONDON , E . C . Speculative Accounts opened on favourable terms .
X O T KS -continued . the latest events of his reign was the healing of the schism which for ten years had pievailcd between the Grand Lodge and the Lodge of Antiquity . ( f ) The Apollo University Lodge is one of thc most numerous and influential lodges in Kngland . Prince Leopold , Duke of Albany , has served the ollice of Worshipful Master , and among its members arc many of our most distinguished bretltrei who either first saw Masonic light within its walls or joined its ranks . 'The most conspicuous of these arc the Karl of Carnarvon , Pro G . Master , and the ICarl of Lathom , D . G . M . ( g ) Bro . Kloss , born 17 S 7 , died 18 54 was initiated into l ' recmasonry in iSo-j , and thenceforward till his death devoted himself to Masonic literature ' , and deservedly ranks among th * foremost and most trustworth y of Masonic historians and bibliographers , (//) Bro . Dr . Witt Clinton was initiated in 171 ) - . In iSort and following years he was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York . At thc time of the great Morgan excitement , in i . S * fi , Hro . Clinton was Governor of the State of New York , and incurred , unjustly , much odium on account of bis supposed Masonic sympathies . ( 1 ) William Sinclair , first Grand Master of the ' Irand Lodge of Scotland , was , at the time of his election , the representative of the family of Sim-lairs of Roslin , in whom the otlice of Patron of Scottish Masons had long previously been made hereditary . Having- no children , however , and being anxious lhat the Fraternity in Scotland should electa chief of their own , this William Sinclair , formally and in writing , renounce-el , for himself and Ins heirs- , the rights and privileges conferred on his ancestors anel their heirs as " patrons , protectors , juelges , and masters " of the Masons of Scotland . 'This deed of resignation , bearing date * - . | lh November , I 7 , ! 'i , vvas reail at the great meeting of the Scotch lodges held at Kdinburgh , on St . Andrew ' s day in the same year , whereon the hicthrcn present , in recognition of his zeal anil good wishes for the Craft , there and then unanimously elected him to the high ollice of Grand . Master Mason of Scotland . ( . /) Prince Leopold , Duke of Albany , the youngest sun nf Her Majesty , was bum 7 th April , iS . - * ,. lie vvas initiated into l ' recmasonry in 1 S 7 . 1 , anil two years later was appointed and installed- Prov . Grand Master of Oxfordshire . I le is the Provincial Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons of the same province , a Past Grand Junior Warden of ICngland , having filled that ollice in 1 S 7 S , a Past Grand Marie Master Mason , and an Honorary Member of the Supreme Council of Ihe Ancient and Accepted Rite , 3 , 3 ' . ( . {•) Prince Lucien Mural , second son of the celebrated Joachim Murat , brother-inlaw of the great Napoleon , was born in 1 So . v Next to nothing is known of his early Masonic career , but in 1 S 52 he was nominated anil elected Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France , but the latter part of his reign , which closed in l . Sfii . was Ihe reverse of prosperous ; the number of Lodges diminished one half , and the Grand Orient was deeply in debt .