Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodges and Chapter Of Instruction. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
t and he certainly had endeavoured to perform whatever duties had devolved upon ' " I' fhe utmost of his power . It would be his aim to emulate the worthy companion h ' UJA oreceded him , and he promised that , having the work , it would be performed to who nao v ^ ab ; litV ) an ( j he was sure he would be assisted ably by the II . and J ., ' !* L showing their knowledge of the splendid ritual . The M F . Z . gave "The H . and J ., " and said in them he had two worthy co-Prin-. I Already the H . had displayed his ability in the chapter—in installing the J . — clp ' Targett—and rehearsing the historical lecture . He , too , was a regular attendant C ° ihp ' chapter of instruction . Comp . Targett , J ., he was sure , would carry out the at ninnies to the best of his ability , and redound to the credit of the chapter , terernon Comp . Hardman , H ., said he was somewhat diffident in responding to the
i of H He was pleased at the remarks of the M . E . Z . upon his working , but it " the duty of every officer to do everything in his power for the good of his chapter . w ? " haDter had completed the 20 th year of its existence a few days ago , and if he ht take upon himself the gift of prophecy , he would say the chapter would become "" "' tar of the first magnitude so long as the work was conducted in so admirable a 3 i nner and the companions were so united . Comp . Targett , J ., also promised his hearty support , and thanked the companions electing him to fill the honourable position of J . of his mother chapter . - Ln . Barr , M . E . Z ., next presented the toast of the evening—that of " Comp . P .
n Garner , the Exaltee . " He was not a stranger , but known to all as a worthy P . M . of cValrl'tv Lodge , No . 217 , and for the exemplary manner he had performed his duties hile in the chair . He had every confidence that Comp . Garner would carry out the duties of a R . A . Mason in the same efficient manner . The companions gave Comp . Garner a most hearty reception .
Comp . P . H . Garner , in reply , thanked the companions for so cordial a greeting , vhich he could hardly find words to thoroughly convey . He hoped that he should nrove a worthy member of the chapter , in which he found such a number of old friends , and would endeavour L to carry out the duties as earnestly as he did in the Stability Lodge as W . M . He had been pleased and yet surprised to witness the splendid working of the ceremonies , and he would try and emulate such excellent workers . The M . E . Z . next proposed the toast of " The Visitors , " giving them a mo ^ t hearty
' Comps . G . H . Lewis , M . E . Z . 204 S ; Hallows , and Graham responded , and congratulated the chapter upon its excellent working and in having so worthy a First Principal at its head . The toast of "The Past Principals " was given by the M . E . Z . in eulogistic terms , who remarked there were nine present , thereby showing their interest in the chapter , and the companions need be proud of such an array . He coupled with the toast the names of Comps . W . Williams , P . Z ., Treas ., and T . Grummant , P . Z ., S . E .
In reply , Comp . T . Grummant apologised for the Treasurer , as he was obliged to fulfil a very pressing engagement . On behalf of himself , it was a most pleasing duty to respond as S . E . of such a chapter . The chapter had had a good name for the last 20 years and it was still gaining strength . He trusted that the Great I Am would allow him to witness the installation of Comp . Garner , the worthy exaltee , into the First Principal ' s chair . The chapter had commenced a new era , and he hoped that the coming year would see the chapter sending up a Steward to support one of the noble '
Charities which by so doing would enable the chapter to become possessed of votes and would greatly benefit Royal Arch Masonry . Comps . Eckersall , Cowley , Addington , Benedetti , North , Stone , and Dr . Makeham , also responded . The M . E . Z . next gave the toast of "The Officers " in eloquent terms , which was ably responded to by Comp . Witty , S . N . The Janitor ' s toast closed a happy meeting which marked an epoch in the history of the chapter .
An excellent programme of music was arranged under the able direction of Bro . Arthur Court , effectively assisted by Miss Masie Riversdale , Miss Dora Barnard , and Bros . Arthur Court and Roland Henry . Bro . Roland Henry ably presided at the piano . Comp . W . R . Barr has had a more successful , yetshort , Masonic career when compared with many others , which is due to his indomitable perseverance and has led to his rapid advancement . He was initiated in the Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge , 1519 , in March , 1 S 91 . In March , 1 S 92 , he joined the Stuart Lodge , 1632 , was appointed J D . in iSi )\ , and in March , 1 S 0 G , was installed VV . M ., the duties of which were ably carried
out to the advantage of the lodge , and in 1 S 97 , he installed his successor in a commendable manner . He is also a joining member of the Greenwood Lodge , 19 S 2 . In April , 1 S 1 J 3 , he was exalted in the Star Chapter , 1275 , since which time he has worthily filled the various offices , and on the 25 th ult . was installed its First Principal . In January , IS . 5 , he was elected a joining member of the Addiscombe Chapter , 155 G , and in 1896 , was installed its Third Principal , and at the present time is M . E . Z . elect of the same chapter . Our esteemed brother is carrying out the true spirit of Masonry—Benevolence , being a Life Governor of each Masonic Institution , having served as Steward to the Hoys' and Girls ' , and twice to the Benevolent Institution .
Moira Chapter , No . 92 . A meeting of this chapter was held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , E . C , on Tuesday , the ist inst ., when there were present Comps . Wickham Noakes , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; E . D . Oppert , II . ; J . M . Mitchell , j . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . Z ., Treas . ; and R . F . Gould , P . Z . Visitors : Comps . T . Holman , late 92 ; F . Nash , mS ; and w . 0 . Poole , 1347 . A ballot was taken for Bro . Wickham , F . Noakes , W . M . 92 , which proving unanimous in his favourand the candidate being in attendancehe was duly exalted to the
, , Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason . In the absence of the M . E . Z ., Comp . G . ( jremer , through indispositon , Comp . Wickham Noakes , P . Z ., occupied the chair of first Principal throughout the evening , and afterwards presided at the banquet . Comps . liould , Oppert , and Mitchell , acted as H ., J ., and P . S ., respectively , during the ceremony of exaltation . Comp . Gould was elected Scribe E . in succession to the late Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., I . P . Z ., deceased , after which , there being no further business , lie chapter was closed .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
Mount Calvary Preceptory ( D ) . " *; . ! i" meet ' £ ° f Ibis preceptory was held at the Inns of Court Hotel , Lincoln ' s Inn St . ' ! . ' 4 * "It . Among those present were Sir Knights H . Hills , J . P ., E . P . ; B . S'l ^ . P . elect ; Lieut .-Col . F . J . Stohwasser , P . E . P ., P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; Major Fw A - " ' - - - ' ' -G . C . of Gds . ; the Rev . R . C . Fillingham , M . A ., J . P ., E . P . ; Can ! ' Tr-f * JJ - - ' P'E-P- H ' J' ^ "Iner , P . E . P . ; Egbert Roberts , Org . ; A . R ! "u ; , and I ' , F . Bonnev .
Haven nilnu ; " ° f the previous meeiing having been read and confirmed , Comp . Geo . Ep c " / . •* . ( £ ' ' )> who had been previously balloted for , was duly installed by the Knieh- H , ? - Stewart having been duly presented , was inducted as E . P . by Sir eiwiiin " J'Lardner . Among those appointed and invested as officers for the year StcW * Were £ lr Kn 'S bts Carter , ist Constable ; Ubsdell , 2 nd Constable ; Lieut .-Col . IWv u , ? s- ' J or Walls ' S- < Horst ' Marshal ; Owen , C . of G . ; F . F . A „ . 1 < Herald ; Havsom . ist Std . Br .: E . Roberts . Orir .: and II . Srharh ,,,
l- tec ' pi-t ' renort of the Audit Committee was received and adopted . A Past liivinr ? 1 * eVVeI was P resented to sir Knight Harris Hills , P . E . P . A vote of thanks receiv ' , ' , ] r p < asse , d to the Installing Preceptor , apologies for non-attendance were Ker v 1 n Slr .. Knights G . Graveley , P . E . P . ; T . Wood , P . E . P . ; II . Lardner , O . ' 1 ; J- Owen , H . Schartau . and others . '
1 •' „ P ' fceptory was then closed . An excellent banquet followed . pro Potcd by'Ve E ° p ° * the clotn ' cuao .-nary toasts were tersely , but effectively , p riory ' . ' ' > Knigh - « t .-Col . Stohwasser responded on behalf of " The Officers of Great StewartIf '''' nV in subn * i "'* ig the toast of "The E . P ., " said that Sir Knight B . "Rinor OIHCM ' » i . wn , n Masonic circles . He had well carried out the duties of the Pre * ent nn- t- Preceptory , and no doubt would discharge the responsibilities of his ' Position most satisfactorily . r
Knights Templar.
The E . P ., in reply , said that he appreciated the kind sentiments of Sir Knight Harris Hills very much , and he would endeavour to deserve them . He had the pleasure of introducing an old friend into the preceptory that night , and he hoped to bring others before his year of office expired . " The Health of the Installing Preceptor " followed , and was given in very eulogistic
terms . Sir Knight Lardner , in reply , expressed his acknowledgment . He said that there were others in the preceptory who were capable of discharging any duty that the E . P . for the time being desired . For his own part it was always a pleasure to attend the meetings of the old Mount Calvary , which he considered to be one of the most enjoyable Masonic bodies that he had the honour of belonging to .
The toast of "The Newly-Installed Knight" followed , and was duly responded to . Sir Knight H . Hills replied on behalf of " The Past Preceptors " in a neat speech , and Sir Knights Lieut .-Col . Stohwasser , A . R . Carter , and Egbert Roberts for " The Officers . " The last named was in excellent voice and delighted his hearers by his
vocalisation . Sir Knight F . W . Driver recited his well-known poem on the Order , and Sir Knights Rev . R . C . Fillingham and H . Hills also entertained the sir knights with humorous selections .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
The annual ball under the banner of the above lodge and in honour of the installation of R . W . Bro . H . N . Wadia , P . M ., Grand Architect , as R . W . Master , came off on Friday , the 14 th ult ., at Sett Hathising ' s Bungalow , City of Ahmedabad . A large number of European , Parsee , and Hindoo ladies and gentlemen attended in response to the invitation of Bro . Surgeon-Major J . R . Yourdi , the outgoing R . W , Master .
A capital floor had been laid down , and the programme of music , which was played by the fine band of the 4 th Bombay Rifles , was excellent . The rooms were well lighted , the light of beauty ' s eyes lending its share , which was not a small one , to the brilliancy of the illuminations .
The dancing hall was artistically and tastefully decorated , conspicuous among which were beautiful designs with the inscriptions " God bless her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , Empress of India , " and " May the new year bring you happiness and peace . " The general arrangements and the refreshments and drinks were excellent .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 4 . The election meeting of this lodge was held at Mark Masons' Hall , on Monday , the 24 tffult . TheW . M ., Bro . Sir Thomas Carmichael , Bart ., M . P ., was detained in Scotland , and the chair was taken by Bro . F . A . Powell , P . M ., with Bros . J . R . Reep , S . W . ; Henry Lovegrove , P . G . Supt . of Wks ., as J . W . ; J . Campbell Johnstone , M . O . ; Charles Pulman , P . G . I . G ., Sec ; and others . Bro . Reep , S . VV ., having been elected W . M . of the Brixton Lodge , the J . W ., Bro . A . Love , was elected W . M . ; Bro . H . Lovegrove was re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . E . J . Mills , Tvler .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapter Of Instruction .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the ist inst ., at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present Bros . V . J . R . Longman , W . M . ; J . C . Denmead , S . W . ; A . F . Hardyment , J . W . ; W . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor ; 1 . W . Clarke , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Middx ., Asst . Preceptor ; C . M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herts , and J . Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; C . Isler , S . D . ; S . Cload , J . D . ; C .
Nicole , I . G . ; A . Oliver , P . M . ; C . Smith , J . W . Parkinson , A . L . Langton , C . T . Rayner , C . Bone , W . Rapley , E . J . Harrison , F . H . Johnson , L . Danielsson , H . R . Bower , and R . P . Upton , P . M . The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Rayner being the candidate . The investiture of officers was then rehearsed . The next Tuesday evening being allotted to the officers of the mother lodge Bro . Denmead was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed the officers in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
SCOTS LODGE , No . 2319 . A meeting of this lodge was held at the Holborn Restaurant on Monday evening , the 7 th instant , when there were present Bros . C Thwaites , W . M . ; VV . Craig , S . W . : J . Imray , J . W . ; C . F . Ward , S . D . ; D . K . Duncan , J . D . ; D . A . Ross , Sec , I . G . F . Gellion , P . M . ; J . J . Whitehead , W . McKean , P . S . Millory , J . Bennett , and J . F . Young . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . P . S . Millory , as candidate , was initiated , the W . M . delivering the charge , and the candidate , having answered the questions , was duly passed to the Degree of F . C . The lodge was then closed .
STAR CHAPTER , No . 1275 . A meeting was held at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Church-street , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , the 4 th inst . Present : Comps . Wm . Wills , M . E . Z . ; H . Hardman , H . j J . H . Cureton , P . Z ., J . ; Thos . Grummant , P . Z ., Preceptor , C . H . Stone , P . Z ., S . E . ; W . R . Barr , M . E . Z ., S . N . ; Stone , P . S . ; Frampton , ist A . S . ; Cass , Targett , and' Lightfoot .
The minutes of the previous convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Targett personating the candidate . Comp . J . S . Targett , J . 1275 , was elected a joining member . The chapter was placed at the disposal of the M . E . Z . of the Sterndale Bennett Chapter , No . 2182 , to-day ( Friday ) . Comp . Win . Wills , the M . E . Z . of the Selwyn Chapter , No . 1901 , thanked the companions for placing the chapter at his disposal . Comps . Barr , Hardman , and Frampton were elected Auditors for the iSth inst . The chapter was closed .
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OK WALES visited on Saturday last the Graves Gallery in Pall-mall , where are on exhibition many water-colour drawings by Miss Ella du Cane , and a collection of pictures of "Australian Scenery" by Messrs . W . J . Wadham and A . Sinclair , and also paid a visit to the Con tinental Gallery . In the evening his Royal went to attended
Highness Sandringham , by Bro . Major-General Sir S . Clarke and Bro . Sir Francis Knollys . On Sunday morning the Prince and Princess of Wales , Princess Victoria , and the Duke and Duchess of York , attended by the Ladies and Gentlemen | of the Household , were present at St . Mary Magdalene ' s , where the Sub-Dean of the Chapel , the Rev . Edgar Sheppard , preached .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
t and he certainly had endeavoured to perform whatever duties had devolved upon ' " I' fhe utmost of his power . It would be his aim to emulate the worthy companion h ' UJA oreceded him , and he promised that , having the work , it would be performed to who nao v ^ ab ; litV ) an ( j he was sure he would be assisted ably by the II . and J ., ' !* L showing their knowledge of the splendid ritual . The M F . Z . gave "The H . and J ., " and said in them he had two worthy co-Prin-. I Already the H . had displayed his ability in the chapter—in installing the J . — clp ' Targett—and rehearsing the historical lecture . He , too , was a regular attendant C ° ihp ' chapter of instruction . Comp . Targett , J ., he was sure , would carry out the at ninnies to the best of his ability , and redound to the credit of the chapter , terernon Comp . Hardman , H ., said he was somewhat diffident in responding to the
i of H He was pleased at the remarks of the M . E . Z . upon his working , but it " the duty of every officer to do everything in his power for the good of his chapter . w ? " haDter had completed the 20 th year of its existence a few days ago , and if he ht take upon himself the gift of prophecy , he would say the chapter would become "" "' tar of the first magnitude so long as the work was conducted in so admirable a 3 i nner and the companions were so united . Comp . Targett , J ., also promised his hearty support , and thanked the companions electing him to fill the honourable position of J . of his mother chapter . - Ln . Barr , M . E . Z ., next presented the toast of the evening—that of " Comp . P .
n Garner , the Exaltee . " He was not a stranger , but known to all as a worthy P . M . of cValrl'tv Lodge , No . 217 , and for the exemplary manner he had performed his duties hile in the chair . He had every confidence that Comp . Garner would carry out the duties of a R . A . Mason in the same efficient manner . The companions gave Comp . Garner a most hearty reception .
Comp . P . H . Garner , in reply , thanked the companions for so cordial a greeting , vhich he could hardly find words to thoroughly convey . He hoped that he should nrove a worthy member of the chapter , in which he found such a number of old friends , and would endeavour L to carry out the duties as earnestly as he did in the Stability Lodge as W . M . He had been pleased and yet surprised to witness the splendid working of the ceremonies , and he would try and emulate such excellent workers . The M . E . Z . next proposed the toast of " The Visitors , " giving them a mo ^ t hearty
' Comps . G . H . Lewis , M . E . Z . 204 S ; Hallows , and Graham responded , and congratulated the chapter upon its excellent working and in having so worthy a First Principal at its head . The toast of "The Past Principals " was given by the M . E . Z . in eulogistic terms , who remarked there were nine present , thereby showing their interest in the chapter , and the companions need be proud of such an array . He coupled with the toast the names of Comps . W . Williams , P . Z ., Treas ., and T . Grummant , P . Z ., S . E .
In reply , Comp . T . Grummant apologised for the Treasurer , as he was obliged to fulfil a very pressing engagement . On behalf of himself , it was a most pleasing duty to respond as S . E . of such a chapter . The chapter had had a good name for the last 20 years and it was still gaining strength . He trusted that the Great I Am would allow him to witness the installation of Comp . Garner , the worthy exaltee , into the First Principal ' s chair . The chapter had commenced a new era , and he hoped that the coming year would see the chapter sending up a Steward to support one of the noble '
Charities which by so doing would enable the chapter to become possessed of votes and would greatly benefit Royal Arch Masonry . Comps . Eckersall , Cowley , Addington , Benedetti , North , Stone , and Dr . Makeham , also responded . The M . E . Z . next gave the toast of "The Officers " in eloquent terms , which was ably responded to by Comp . Witty , S . N . The Janitor ' s toast closed a happy meeting which marked an epoch in the history of the chapter .
An excellent programme of music was arranged under the able direction of Bro . Arthur Court , effectively assisted by Miss Masie Riversdale , Miss Dora Barnard , and Bros . Arthur Court and Roland Henry . Bro . Roland Henry ably presided at the piano . Comp . W . R . Barr has had a more successful , yetshort , Masonic career when compared with many others , which is due to his indomitable perseverance and has led to his rapid advancement . He was initiated in the Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge , 1519 , in March , 1 S 91 . In March , 1 S 92 , he joined the Stuart Lodge , 1632 , was appointed J D . in iSi )\ , and in March , 1 S 0 G , was installed VV . M ., the duties of which were ably carried
out to the advantage of the lodge , and in 1 S 97 , he installed his successor in a commendable manner . He is also a joining member of the Greenwood Lodge , 19 S 2 . In April , 1 S 1 J 3 , he was exalted in the Star Chapter , 1275 , since which time he has worthily filled the various offices , and on the 25 th ult . was installed its First Principal . In January , IS . 5 , he was elected a joining member of the Addiscombe Chapter , 155 G , and in 1896 , was installed its Third Principal , and at the present time is M . E . Z . elect of the same chapter . Our esteemed brother is carrying out the true spirit of Masonry—Benevolence , being a Life Governor of each Masonic Institution , having served as Steward to the Hoys' and Girls ' , and twice to the Benevolent Institution .
Moira Chapter , No . 92 . A meeting of this chapter was held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , E . C , on Tuesday , the ist inst ., when there were present Comps . Wickham Noakes , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; E . D . Oppert , II . ; J . M . Mitchell , j . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . Z ., Treas . ; and R . F . Gould , P . Z . Visitors : Comps . T . Holman , late 92 ; F . Nash , mS ; and w . 0 . Poole , 1347 . A ballot was taken for Bro . Wickham , F . Noakes , W . M . 92 , which proving unanimous in his favourand the candidate being in attendancehe was duly exalted to the
, , Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason . In the absence of the M . E . Z ., Comp . G . ( jremer , through indispositon , Comp . Wickham Noakes , P . Z ., occupied the chair of first Principal throughout the evening , and afterwards presided at the banquet . Comps . liould , Oppert , and Mitchell , acted as H ., J ., and P . S ., respectively , during the ceremony of exaltation . Comp . Gould was elected Scribe E . in succession to the late Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., I . P . Z ., deceased , after which , there being no further business , lie chapter was closed .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
Mount Calvary Preceptory ( D ) . " *; . ! i" meet ' £ ° f Ibis preceptory was held at the Inns of Court Hotel , Lincoln ' s Inn St . ' ! . ' 4 * "It . Among those present were Sir Knights H . Hills , J . P ., E . P . ; B . S'l ^ . P . elect ; Lieut .-Col . F . J . Stohwasser , P . E . P ., P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; Major Fw A - " ' - - - ' ' -G . C . of Gds . ; the Rev . R . C . Fillingham , M . A ., J . P ., E . P . ; Can ! ' Tr-f * JJ - - ' P'E-P- H ' J' ^ "Iner , P . E . P . ; Egbert Roberts , Org . ; A . R ! "u ; , and I ' , F . Bonnev .
Haven nilnu ; " ° f the previous meeiing having been read and confirmed , Comp . Geo . Ep c " / . •* . ( £ ' ' )> who had been previously balloted for , was duly installed by the Knieh- H , ? - Stewart having been duly presented , was inducted as E . P . by Sir eiwiiin " J'Lardner . Among those appointed and invested as officers for the year StcW * Were £ lr Kn 'S bts Carter , ist Constable ; Ubsdell , 2 nd Constable ; Lieut .-Col . IWv u , ? s- ' J or Walls ' S- < Horst ' Marshal ; Owen , C . of G . ; F . F . A „ . 1 < Herald ; Havsom . ist Std . Br .: E . Roberts . Orir .: and II . Srharh ,,,
l- tec ' pi-t ' renort of the Audit Committee was received and adopted . A Past liivinr ? 1 * eVVeI was P resented to sir Knight Harris Hills , P . E . P . A vote of thanks receiv ' , ' , ] r p < asse , d to the Installing Preceptor , apologies for non-attendance were Ker v 1 n Slr .. Knights G . Graveley , P . E . P . ; T . Wood , P . E . P . ; II . Lardner , O . ' 1 ; J- Owen , H . Schartau . and others . '
1 •' „ P ' fceptory was then closed . An excellent banquet followed . pro Potcd by'Ve E ° p ° * the clotn ' cuao .-nary toasts were tersely , but effectively , p riory ' . ' ' > Knigh - « t .-Col . Stohwasser responded on behalf of " The Officers of Great StewartIf '''' nV in subn * i "'* ig the toast of "The E . P ., " said that Sir Knight B . "Rinor OIHCM ' » i . wn , n Masonic circles . He had well carried out the duties of the Pre * ent nn- t- Preceptory , and no doubt would discharge the responsibilities of his ' Position most satisfactorily . r
Knights Templar.
The E . P ., in reply , said that he appreciated the kind sentiments of Sir Knight Harris Hills very much , and he would endeavour to deserve them . He had the pleasure of introducing an old friend into the preceptory that night , and he hoped to bring others before his year of office expired . " The Health of the Installing Preceptor " followed , and was given in very eulogistic
terms . Sir Knight Lardner , in reply , expressed his acknowledgment . He said that there were others in the preceptory who were capable of discharging any duty that the E . P . for the time being desired . For his own part it was always a pleasure to attend the meetings of the old Mount Calvary , which he considered to be one of the most enjoyable Masonic bodies that he had the honour of belonging to .
The toast of "The Newly-Installed Knight" followed , and was duly responded to . Sir Knight H . Hills replied on behalf of " The Past Preceptors " in a neat speech , and Sir Knights Lieut .-Col . Stohwasser , A . R . Carter , and Egbert Roberts for " The Officers . " The last named was in excellent voice and delighted his hearers by his
vocalisation . Sir Knight F . W . Driver recited his well-known poem on the Order , and Sir Knights Rev . R . C . Fillingham and H . Hills also entertained the sir knights with humorous selections .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
The annual ball under the banner of the above lodge and in honour of the installation of R . W . Bro . H . N . Wadia , P . M ., Grand Architect , as R . W . Master , came off on Friday , the 14 th ult ., at Sett Hathising ' s Bungalow , City of Ahmedabad . A large number of European , Parsee , and Hindoo ladies and gentlemen attended in response to the invitation of Bro . Surgeon-Major J . R . Yourdi , the outgoing R . W , Master .
A capital floor had been laid down , and the programme of music , which was played by the fine band of the 4 th Bombay Rifles , was excellent . The rooms were well lighted , the light of beauty ' s eyes lending its share , which was not a small one , to the brilliancy of the illuminations .
The dancing hall was artistically and tastefully decorated , conspicuous among which were beautiful designs with the inscriptions " God bless her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , Empress of India , " and " May the new year bring you happiness and peace . " The general arrangements and the refreshments and drinks were excellent .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 4 . The election meeting of this lodge was held at Mark Masons' Hall , on Monday , the 24 tffult . TheW . M ., Bro . Sir Thomas Carmichael , Bart ., M . P ., was detained in Scotland , and the chair was taken by Bro . F . A . Powell , P . M ., with Bros . J . R . Reep , S . W . ; Henry Lovegrove , P . G . Supt . of Wks ., as J . W . ; J . Campbell Johnstone , M . O . ; Charles Pulman , P . G . I . G ., Sec ; and others . Bro . Reep , S . VV ., having been elected W . M . of the Brixton Lodge , the J . W ., Bro . A . Love , was elected W . M . ; Bro . H . Lovegrove was re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . E . J . Mills , Tvler .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapter Of Instruction .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the ist inst ., at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present Bros . V . J . R . Longman , W . M . ; J . C . Denmead , S . W . ; A . F . Hardyment , J . W . ; W . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor ; 1 . W . Clarke , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Middx ., Asst . Preceptor ; C . M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herts , and J . Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; C . Isler , S . D . ; S . Cload , J . D . ; C .
Nicole , I . G . ; A . Oliver , P . M . ; C . Smith , J . W . Parkinson , A . L . Langton , C . T . Rayner , C . Bone , W . Rapley , E . J . Harrison , F . H . Johnson , L . Danielsson , H . R . Bower , and R . P . Upton , P . M . The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Rayner being the candidate . The investiture of officers was then rehearsed . The next Tuesday evening being allotted to the officers of the mother lodge Bro . Denmead was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed the officers in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
SCOTS LODGE , No . 2319 . A meeting of this lodge was held at the Holborn Restaurant on Monday evening , the 7 th instant , when there were present Bros . C Thwaites , W . M . ; VV . Craig , S . W . : J . Imray , J . W . ; C . F . Ward , S . D . ; D . K . Duncan , J . D . ; D . A . Ross , Sec , I . G . F . Gellion , P . M . ; J . J . Whitehead , W . McKean , P . S . Millory , J . Bennett , and J . F . Young . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . P . S . Millory , as candidate , was initiated , the W . M . delivering the charge , and the candidate , having answered the questions , was duly passed to the Degree of F . C . The lodge was then closed .
STAR CHAPTER , No . 1275 . A meeting was held at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Church-street , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , the 4 th inst . Present : Comps . Wm . Wills , M . E . Z . ; H . Hardman , H . j J . H . Cureton , P . Z ., J . ; Thos . Grummant , P . Z ., Preceptor , C . H . Stone , P . Z ., S . E . ; W . R . Barr , M . E . Z ., S . N . ; Stone , P . S . ; Frampton , ist A . S . ; Cass , Targett , and' Lightfoot .
The minutes of the previous convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Targett personating the candidate . Comp . J . S . Targett , J . 1275 , was elected a joining member . The chapter was placed at the disposal of the M . E . Z . of the Sterndale Bennett Chapter , No . 2182 , to-day ( Friday ) . Comp . Win . Wills , the M . E . Z . of the Selwyn Chapter , No . 1901 , thanked the companions for placing the chapter at his disposal . Comps . Barr , Hardman , and Frampton were elected Auditors for the iSth inst . The chapter was closed .
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OK WALES visited on Saturday last the Graves Gallery in Pall-mall , where are on exhibition many water-colour drawings by Miss Ella du Cane , and a collection of pictures of "Australian Scenery" by Messrs . W . J . Wadham and A . Sinclair , and also paid a visit to the Con tinental Gallery . In the evening his Royal went to attended
Highness Sandringham , by Bro . Major-General Sir S . Clarke and Bro . Sir Francis Knollys . On Sunday morning the Prince and Princess of Wales , Princess Victoria , and the Duke and Duchess of York , attended by the Ladies and Gentlemen | of the Household , were present at St . Mary Magdalene ' s , where the Sub-Dean of the Chapel , the Rev . Edgar Sheppard , preached .