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Seventeenth Annual Banquet Of The Logic Club.
men was an unenviable One—and the brethren did not always quite appreciate what it meant . There was nothing but gratitude in their hearts to that distinguished brother—Bro . J . Percy Fitzgerald . Before he concluded , the members of their Society would sympathise with the view he held , that it should be the earnest wish of every Freemason to discharge his duties with efficiency and thoroughness , and to the utmost of his ability , and it would be a desirable reform in their great
Institution if some who went into office with somewhat light hearts were checked at the threshold , and this lesson brought to their comprehension more forcibly than in some cases it was . The Logic Club aimed at trying to qualify any earnest student as far as they could . There were some distinguished exponents of Masonic ritual amongst them , and they tried to pUce their knowledge at the disposal of junior brethren coming on for office . He gave the toast of " The Logic Club , " coupled with the name of one of the founders , Bro . Fitzgerald , Hon . Sec .
Bro . J . P . FITZGERALD , who met with a very cordial reception , thanked them for their kindness , which after 12 months hard work might be said to wipe off the score . So far as the club was concerned he was delighted to say it was still progressing after 17 years . They were deeply indebted to several members for introducing new blood . It must be fairly understood that the members of the Committee , the Preceptor , and himself , were not actuated by greed in connection with the offices they held . It was only their proud boast that it was for the
proper rendering of the Masonic ritual , for that was the fundamental principle upon which the club was founded . They liked men to be able to do their work and not ask some one else to do it for them . The number of members was not quite as large as last year . They mustered between 300 and 400—a falling off of about 150 . This was due in most cases to good men finding slight differences in the working . So far as he was personally concerned , he hoped to go on for some years to come to render the same services in the future as he had in the past .
Bro . BARNES gave " The Chairman in appropriate terms , and Bro . R . MANUEL , in reply , said he felt his responsibility that evening , this being the first cccasion in which he had presided at such a function since holding the position of Preceptor . He had tried to do his best , and he hoped the club would increase in prosperity in the future .
Bro . W . THOMAS submitted " The Masonic Charities , " and referred to the Benevolent Association in connectinn with the club , which proved that they had not been unmindful of charity . The Benevolent Association , formed some 15 years ago , had paid over ^ 2000 to the Masonic Charities which was a marvellous result .
Bro . J . M . MCLEOD , Sec . R . M . I . B ., responded in an eloquent speech , and expressed his gratitude to the Logic Club , which had sent the Board of Management of the Boys' School many good men and true , who gave up their time to help to bring that Institution to its present position . Having made suitable reference to the good work done by the Benevolent Institution and the Girls ' School , Bro . McLeod urged the claims of the Boys' School , and said he was sure that all present would do their best at the Centenary Festival .
In response to Bro . McLeod s appeal , it was announced by Bro . W . THOMAS that a brother who desired to be anonymous , had decided to give 100 guineas to the Boys' School . "The Visitors" was given by the CHAIRMAN , who warmly welcomed Bros . H . Neville , W . M . 2127 , and H . Manfield , who was a distinguished Mason in the provinces and in connection with the Boys' School . Bro . Manfield ' s Masonic ambition was not yet , however , satisfied , for he was likely to be honoured in the one office elected by the brethren in Grand Lodge .
Bros . HENRY NEVILLE and H . MANVIELB returned thar . ks , and the proceedings afterwards closed . During the evening the following brethren materially contributed to a most enjoyable evening by recitations or musical selections > . Bros . Llewellyn , Henry Neville , McCall Chambers , Vivian Bennetts , Arthur Hilton , Reynolds , J . H . Barnes , and Hambledon .
First Ladies' Night Of The Lodge Of Prosperity, No. 65.
The old-established Lodge of Prosperity , No . 65 , has at last fallen into line With those lodges who cater t once or twice each year , for the enjoyment of the fair sex , and , like other lodges , having ' once made the experiment , is not likely to depart from the rule in future . The first ladies' night was held at the Holborn fcestaurant en the 3 rd inst ., and resulted in a complete success . The innovation Was probably due to the lact that the lodge this year possesses an energetic and popular Worshipful Master—Bro . G . T . K'nipple—to whose organisation and the assistance of the Stewards and M . Cs . the result is mainly due .
The gathering numbered about i 8 o , and the ladies and brethren were received and courteously welcomed by Bro . and Mrs . Kinipple , An adjournment was made to the Throne Room , where a well . served banquet was served . At its conclusion the brilliant scene was photographed by flash-light by Messrs . Fradelle and Young , and each lady was presented with a cut glass bottle of choice scent .
A brief toast list followed , the speeches being equally brief , as all were anxious to get to the ball room . Bro . W . GREIG , I . P . M ., proposed ' The Worshipful Master , " and said that lo members of the lodge the attributes and merits of the W . M . were well-known , ( or he excelled in his work and showed the love he bore to the honourable fraternity of which he was a shining light . They could see by the manner in which the
W . M . had entertained them that night what sprt of man he wis , and the visitors would appreciate him as the members did . Bro . G . T . KiNii'i'LE , W . M ., in response , slid that although his remarks would be brief he heartily thanked them for the cheerfulness with which they had received the toast and the I . P . M for his kind proposition of it . He could assure them he had done his level best , with the valuable assistance of the indefatigable
Secrtlar ) and ihe Stewards , to make the evening a successful one . It was very graiifjn . g 10 him to know and to see that they had been rewarded with success . It had given him great pleasure to preside once more , and he again offered them his sincere thanks for the support given him , and wished them all a most enjoyable evening . Bro . W . J . DOWNES proposed '' TJ 12 Ladies , " and said the members were extremely proud to see such a bevy of beauty . That was the second occasion
that year on which they had been graced with the presence of ladies , as tiny had hid a pleasant summer outing . There were no greater admirers of ladies than Freemasons , as the Entered Apprentice ' s song showed . Bro . HIDE having replied , Bro . J . HUCKELL , J . D ., submitted *• The Visitors . " Bro , MEADOWS , P . M ., returned thanks for tIi 3 cordiality of their welcome and hospnality with which they had been entert lined . He thought that everybody ought to be satisfied with the excellent arrangements mide .
The company then proceeded to the bah room where dance and song were a l ternately enjoyed until midnight . The musical arrangements wer ; under the direction of Bro , T . F . Noakes , Org ,, assisted by Miss Florence Venning , Miss A . H int Smith , and B-o .- . A . II . Sarjeant , Ager Grover , and Frsd Stephens , and J . H . Regn's quadrille band .
First Ladies' Night Of The Lodge Of Prosperity, No. 65.
The company present included Bro . Geo . T . Kinipple , W . M ., Mrs . Kinipple , Miss Violet Kinipple , and Miss Edith Kinipple ; Bro . W . J . Greig , I . P . M ., and Mrs . Greig ; Bro . S . E . Spencer , S . W ., and party ; Bro . J . Roberts , P . M ., P . G . S . W . Cornwall , Mrs . Roberts and party ; Bro . Schadler , P . M ., and party ; Bro . Ruse , P . M ., Mrs . Ruse and party ; Bro . Talbot , P . M ., P . G . D . C . Middx ., Mrs . Talbot and party ; Bro . H . J . Harriss , P . M .. Sec , Mrs . Harriss and son ;
Bro . | . Huckell , J . D , Mrs . Huckell and party ; Bro . J . Dobbs , I . G ., Mrs . Dobbs and party ; Bro . W . J . Downes , A . D . C ., Mrs . Downes and party ; Bro . H . T . Brooks , Bro . C . Fuller and party Bro . A . H . Sarjeant , Bro . W . H . Montagu , Stwd ., and Mrs . Montagu ; Bro . Geo . R . Matland , Mrs . Matland and party ; Bro . W . J . Reade . Bro . W . Huckell , Mrs . Huckell and party ; Hro . Goodrich , Mrs . Goodrich and party ; Bro . Kirk and Mrs . Kirk ; Bro . Evans Mrs . Evans
and daughters ; Bro . Biss , Mrs . Biss and party ; Bro . Geo . Brown , Mrs . Brown and party ; Bro . H . Newman and party ; Bro . H . T . Meadows , P . M . 1571 , and party ; Bro . R . Thompson , P . M . ; Bro . C . Mackrow land Mrs . Mackrow ; Bro . Paul Howard and Mrs . Howard ; Bro . High and party ; Bro . D . L . Thomas and party ; Bro . T . F . Noakes , Org ., and Miss Smith ; Bro . D . Jenkins and party ; Bro . Jackson and party ; and several others .
Presentation To Bro. Milton Smith, Past Secretary Of The Bishopsgate Lodge, No. 2396.
Bro . Wm . Newman , the W . M . of this lodge , entertained the brethren with their wives and families , at a dance on Friday , the 28 th ult ., at Seyd ' s Hotel . A very pleasant evening was spent , the dancing being thoroughly enjoyed , and the music excellent .
Amongst the company were recognised the following : The W . M ., Bro . Wm . Newman and Miss Newman ; Bro . and Mrs . S . Jacobs ; Bro . and Mrs . Milton Smith ; Bro ., Mrs ., and the Misses Robinson ; Bro . and Mrs . Percy Clarke ; Mr . and Mrs . Alexander ; Mr . and Mrs . Howard ; Mr . and Miss Tremlett ; Bro . and Mrs . Jarrett ; Bro . Mead , and many others .
The new Secretary , Bro . A . E . Pridmore , C . C , was prevented from being present on account of illness . During the interval , a choice supper wa > served , after which the company drank to the toast of "The Queen . " Advantage was then taken of the opportunity to publicly recognise the services of the late Secretary of the lodge during the first six years of its existence . This took the form of a presentation to Bro . Milton Smith of a handsome gold chronometer subscribed for by the lodge and its individual membsrs .
The Bishopsgate Lodge is probably one of the most successful of City lodges and was founded in 1891 by several of the leading men in the ward , including the Lord Mayor , Bros . Henry Clarke , C . C , L . C . C . ; Deputy Geo . Noah Johnson , P . G . S . ; H . J . Tibbatts , Deputy Dadswell , A . J . Hollington , P . G . S ., C . C ; Milton Smith , P . M . 19 ; and the late Deputy Mead , and has rapidly grown to its present strength .
The work of a new . lodge necessarily falls heavy on its first Secretary , and the W . Master , who was one of its first initiates , in making the presentation alluded to this fact and to the painstaking and energetic manner in which every detail connected with work and economy of the lodge had been carried out by Bro . Milton Smith , whose experience as a Past Master of the Royal Athelstan Lodge and long connection with other Masonic institutions had no doubt stood him in good stead in behalf of the lodge .
Bro . Henry Clarke , C . C , L . C . C , the I . P . M . at the consecration of the lodge , who had hoped to be present and take part in the ceremony , sent a letter to the W . M . in testimony of the founders' fraternal regard for Bro . Milton Smith , and referring to the duties so admirably discharged by him . Bro . MILTON SMITH , in returning thanks , said that Masons were generally distinguished for rendering honour to whom honour was due , but he thought in
that instance they had exceeded that distinction . He had only done his duty , and in the performance of that duty there was bounteous reward in the knowledge that a good work was being carried out in the pleasant surroundings of geniality and good fellowship . He recognised the value the lodge had been to the Ward of Bishopsgate by binding in brotherly love and unity th ? active powers in so useful a work . He did not know how to adequately express the appreciation he felt
for the kindness the members of the lodge extended to him , but thought no form of present could have been more acceptable than a watch , the constant ticking of which near to his heart would beat in unison with the pulsations of ths hearts of his many kind-hearted brothers and ever remind him of their goad wishes , basidei which it might become a useful heirloom , conveying to the future generation a recognition of the lodge ' s good feeling .
Craft Masonry
Craft Masonry
Stability Lodge , No . 217 . The installation meeting of this centenary lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 1 st inst . There were present Bros . ] . H . Edward ) , W . M . j Geo . Say . S . W ., W . M . elect ; J . E . Ayris , J . W . ; Sam . P . Fisher , Treas . ; I . Nixon , P . M ., Sec . ; W . H . Smith , S . I ) . ; H . B . Handcock , J . D . j C . Phillips , I . G . ; Hy . Edwards , D . C . ; Stuart Leaman , Org . ; T . Bowler , Tvler ; P . H . Garner , P . M . ; Wm . Eckersall , P . M . ; W . R . Smith . P . M . ; H . Marfleet , P . M . s las . Addintrton ,
P . M . ; W . M . Gome , P . M . j A . Taylor , L . Vague , A . T . Furnell , R . Fisher , G . Tennant , M . Codd , E . F . Giraud , C . E . Dodwell , H . T . Walker , T . Landeker , R . W . Palmer , G . Kirk , E . T . Baker , J . Itter , A . Botterill , H . C . Cuttriss , I . Woolfe , J . Wheeler , W . C . Wratten , H . H . Ellis , W . Cosham , A . E . Tupereil , J . W . Elam . and A . C . Bradley . The visitors were Bros . R . W . Dobing , S . W . 901 ; C . J . F . Trew ,
55 ; R . W . Huntley , P . M . 14 S 9 ; A . Harris , iSS ; Hy . hardman , P . M . 1641 , P . P . A . G . Sec . North Walesj J . P . Warwick , J . W . 145 ; G . Chamberlain , iSS ; J . F . Doughty , 172 S ; W . Freeman , 201 J H . Massey , P . M . 6 iy andiysSj S . Birkin , ' 599 ! T . Grummant , P . M . 15595 G . V . Roberts , 1321 ; W . Lowe , 22 G 4 ; C . W . Jordan , 144 j A . E . Broadberry , 1719 ; E . A . Rice , W . M . 1320 ; P . H . Horley , P . M . 1139 ; Valentine Hill , 1 O 41 ; and Chas . H . Stone , P . M . 507 and J . W . 1 O 41 .
The minutes of the previjus election mieting were read and confirmed , ana previous to the presentatbn of the W . M . elect—Bro . G . Say , the oldest Past Mister and father ofthe lodge—Bro . H . Mar ( i ; et addressed the W . M ., and said , the present being the centenary yearof the lodge , he desired to present the bdge with a gift w'lich would be enduring . He had well considered the matter , and had come to the on-. lust in
that an album in which year by year the photos of ths various Masons could be inserted would be the most fitting memento . It was not possible that the album could contain all the Past Masters of the lod < e , so he would propose that thc array should commence with the photograph of Bro . Taylor , P . M ., and that all the Past Masters in the lodge , of whom there was a large number , would subscribe theirs , and thus form an excellent record of the lodge . Personally , he had taken the deepest interest in the lodge . from
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Seventeenth Annual Banquet Of The Logic Club.
men was an unenviable One—and the brethren did not always quite appreciate what it meant . There was nothing but gratitude in their hearts to that distinguished brother—Bro . J . Percy Fitzgerald . Before he concluded , the members of their Society would sympathise with the view he held , that it should be the earnest wish of every Freemason to discharge his duties with efficiency and thoroughness , and to the utmost of his ability , and it would be a desirable reform in their great
Institution if some who went into office with somewhat light hearts were checked at the threshold , and this lesson brought to their comprehension more forcibly than in some cases it was . The Logic Club aimed at trying to qualify any earnest student as far as they could . There were some distinguished exponents of Masonic ritual amongst them , and they tried to pUce their knowledge at the disposal of junior brethren coming on for office . He gave the toast of " The Logic Club , " coupled with the name of one of the founders , Bro . Fitzgerald , Hon . Sec .
Bro . J . P . FITZGERALD , who met with a very cordial reception , thanked them for their kindness , which after 12 months hard work might be said to wipe off the score . So far as the club was concerned he was delighted to say it was still progressing after 17 years . They were deeply indebted to several members for introducing new blood . It must be fairly understood that the members of the Committee , the Preceptor , and himself , were not actuated by greed in connection with the offices they held . It was only their proud boast that it was for the
proper rendering of the Masonic ritual , for that was the fundamental principle upon which the club was founded . They liked men to be able to do their work and not ask some one else to do it for them . The number of members was not quite as large as last year . They mustered between 300 and 400—a falling off of about 150 . This was due in most cases to good men finding slight differences in the working . So far as he was personally concerned , he hoped to go on for some years to come to render the same services in the future as he had in the past .
Bro . BARNES gave " The Chairman in appropriate terms , and Bro . R . MANUEL , in reply , said he felt his responsibility that evening , this being the first cccasion in which he had presided at such a function since holding the position of Preceptor . He had tried to do his best , and he hoped the club would increase in prosperity in the future .
Bro . W . THOMAS submitted " The Masonic Charities , " and referred to the Benevolent Association in connectinn with the club , which proved that they had not been unmindful of charity . The Benevolent Association , formed some 15 years ago , had paid over ^ 2000 to the Masonic Charities which was a marvellous result .
Bro . J . M . MCLEOD , Sec . R . M . I . B ., responded in an eloquent speech , and expressed his gratitude to the Logic Club , which had sent the Board of Management of the Boys' School many good men and true , who gave up their time to help to bring that Institution to its present position . Having made suitable reference to the good work done by the Benevolent Institution and the Girls ' School , Bro . McLeod urged the claims of the Boys' School , and said he was sure that all present would do their best at the Centenary Festival .
In response to Bro . McLeod s appeal , it was announced by Bro . W . THOMAS that a brother who desired to be anonymous , had decided to give 100 guineas to the Boys' School . "The Visitors" was given by the CHAIRMAN , who warmly welcomed Bros . H . Neville , W . M . 2127 , and H . Manfield , who was a distinguished Mason in the provinces and in connection with the Boys' School . Bro . Manfield ' s Masonic ambition was not yet , however , satisfied , for he was likely to be honoured in the one office elected by the brethren in Grand Lodge .
Bros . HENRY NEVILLE and H . MANVIELB returned thar . ks , and the proceedings afterwards closed . During the evening the following brethren materially contributed to a most enjoyable evening by recitations or musical selections > . Bros . Llewellyn , Henry Neville , McCall Chambers , Vivian Bennetts , Arthur Hilton , Reynolds , J . H . Barnes , and Hambledon .
First Ladies' Night Of The Lodge Of Prosperity, No. 65.
The old-established Lodge of Prosperity , No . 65 , has at last fallen into line With those lodges who cater t once or twice each year , for the enjoyment of the fair sex , and , like other lodges , having ' once made the experiment , is not likely to depart from the rule in future . The first ladies' night was held at the Holborn fcestaurant en the 3 rd inst ., and resulted in a complete success . The innovation Was probably due to the lact that the lodge this year possesses an energetic and popular Worshipful Master—Bro . G . T . K'nipple—to whose organisation and the assistance of the Stewards and M . Cs . the result is mainly due .
The gathering numbered about i 8 o , and the ladies and brethren were received and courteously welcomed by Bro . and Mrs . Kinipple , An adjournment was made to the Throne Room , where a well . served banquet was served . At its conclusion the brilliant scene was photographed by flash-light by Messrs . Fradelle and Young , and each lady was presented with a cut glass bottle of choice scent .
A brief toast list followed , the speeches being equally brief , as all were anxious to get to the ball room . Bro . W . GREIG , I . P . M ., proposed ' The Worshipful Master , " and said that lo members of the lodge the attributes and merits of the W . M . were well-known , ( or he excelled in his work and showed the love he bore to the honourable fraternity of which he was a shining light . They could see by the manner in which the
W . M . had entertained them that night what sprt of man he wis , and the visitors would appreciate him as the members did . Bro . G . T . KiNii'i'LE , W . M ., in response , slid that although his remarks would be brief he heartily thanked them for the cheerfulness with which they had received the toast and the I . P . M for his kind proposition of it . He could assure them he had done his level best , with the valuable assistance of the indefatigable
Secrtlar ) and ihe Stewards , to make the evening a successful one . It was very graiifjn . g 10 him to know and to see that they had been rewarded with success . It had given him great pleasure to preside once more , and he again offered them his sincere thanks for the support given him , and wished them all a most enjoyable evening . Bro . W . J . DOWNES proposed '' TJ 12 Ladies , " and said the members were extremely proud to see such a bevy of beauty . That was the second occasion
that year on which they had been graced with the presence of ladies , as tiny had hid a pleasant summer outing . There were no greater admirers of ladies than Freemasons , as the Entered Apprentice ' s song showed . Bro . HIDE having replied , Bro . J . HUCKELL , J . D ., submitted *• The Visitors . " Bro , MEADOWS , P . M ., returned thanks for tIi 3 cordiality of their welcome and hospnality with which they had been entert lined . He thought that everybody ought to be satisfied with the excellent arrangements mide .
The company then proceeded to the bah room where dance and song were a l ternately enjoyed until midnight . The musical arrangements wer ; under the direction of Bro , T . F . Noakes , Org ,, assisted by Miss Florence Venning , Miss A . H int Smith , and B-o .- . A . II . Sarjeant , Ager Grover , and Frsd Stephens , and J . H . Regn's quadrille band .
First Ladies' Night Of The Lodge Of Prosperity, No. 65.
The company present included Bro . Geo . T . Kinipple , W . M ., Mrs . Kinipple , Miss Violet Kinipple , and Miss Edith Kinipple ; Bro . W . J . Greig , I . P . M ., and Mrs . Greig ; Bro . S . E . Spencer , S . W ., and party ; Bro . J . Roberts , P . M ., P . G . S . W . Cornwall , Mrs . Roberts and party ; Bro . Schadler , P . M ., and party ; Bro . Ruse , P . M ., Mrs . Ruse and party ; Bro . Talbot , P . M ., P . G . D . C . Middx ., Mrs . Talbot and party ; Bro . H . J . Harriss , P . M .. Sec , Mrs . Harriss and son ;
Bro . | . Huckell , J . D , Mrs . Huckell and party ; Bro . J . Dobbs , I . G ., Mrs . Dobbs and party ; Bro . W . J . Downes , A . D . C ., Mrs . Downes and party ; Bro . H . T . Brooks , Bro . C . Fuller and party Bro . A . H . Sarjeant , Bro . W . H . Montagu , Stwd ., and Mrs . Montagu ; Bro . Geo . R . Matland , Mrs . Matland and party ; Bro . W . J . Reade . Bro . W . Huckell , Mrs . Huckell and party ; Hro . Goodrich , Mrs . Goodrich and party ; Bro . Kirk and Mrs . Kirk ; Bro . Evans Mrs . Evans
and daughters ; Bro . Biss , Mrs . Biss and party ; Bro . Geo . Brown , Mrs . Brown and party ; Bro . H . Newman and party ; Bro . H . T . Meadows , P . M . 1571 , and party ; Bro . R . Thompson , P . M . ; Bro . C . Mackrow land Mrs . Mackrow ; Bro . Paul Howard and Mrs . Howard ; Bro . High and party ; Bro . D . L . Thomas and party ; Bro . T . F . Noakes , Org ., and Miss Smith ; Bro . D . Jenkins and party ; Bro . Jackson and party ; and several others .
Presentation To Bro. Milton Smith, Past Secretary Of The Bishopsgate Lodge, No. 2396.
Bro . Wm . Newman , the W . M . of this lodge , entertained the brethren with their wives and families , at a dance on Friday , the 28 th ult ., at Seyd ' s Hotel . A very pleasant evening was spent , the dancing being thoroughly enjoyed , and the music excellent .
Amongst the company were recognised the following : The W . M ., Bro . Wm . Newman and Miss Newman ; Bro . and Mrs . S . Jacobs ; Bro . and Mrs . Milton Smith ; Bro ., Mrs ., and the Misses Robinson ; Bro . and Mrs . Percy Clarke ; Mr . and Mrs . Alexander ; Mr . and Mrs . Howard ; Mr . and Miss Tremlett ; Bro . and Mrs . Jarrett ; Bro . Mead , and many others .
The new Secretary , Bro . A . E . Pridmore , C . C , was prevented from being present on account of illness . During the interval , a choice supper wa > served , after which the company drank to the toast of "The Queen . " Advantage was then taken of the opportunity to publicly recognise the services of the late Secretary of the lodge during the first six years of its existence . This took the form of a presentation to Bro . Milton Smith of a handsome gold chronometer subscribed for by the lodge and its individual membsrs .
The Bishopsgate Lodge is probably one of the most successful of City lodges and was founded in 1891 by several of the leading men in the ward , including the Lord Mayor , Bros . Henry Clarke , C . C , L . C . C . ; Deputy Geo . Noah Johnson , P . G . S . ; H . J . Tibbatts , Deputy Dadswell , A . J . Hollington , P . G . S ., C . C ; Milton Smith , P . M . 19 ; and the late Deputy Mead , and has rapidly grown to its present strength .
The work of a new . lodge necessarily falls heavy on its first Secretary , and the W . Master , who was one of its first initiates , in making the presentation alluded to this fact and to the painstaking and energetic manner in which every detail connected with work and economy of the lodge had been carried out by Bro . Milton Smith , whose experience as a Past Master of the Royal Athelstan Lodge and long connection with other Masonic institutions had no doubt stood him in good stead in behalf of the lodge .
Bro . Henry Clarke , C . C , L . C . C , the I . P . M . at the consecration of the lodge , who had hoped to be present and take part in the ceremony , sent a letter to the W . M . in testimony of the founders' fraternal regard for Bro . Milton Smith , and referring to the duties so admirably discharged by him . Bro . MILTON SMITH , in returning thanks , said that Masons were generally distinguished for rendering honour to whom honour was due , but he thought in
that instance they had exceeded that distinction . He had only done his duty , and in the performance of that duty there was bounteous reward in the knowledge that a good work was being carried out in the pleasant surroundings of geniality and good fellowship . He recognised the value the lodge had been to the Ward of Bishopsgate by binding in brotherly love and unity th ? active powers in so useful a work . He did not know how to adequately express the appreciation he felt
for the kindness the members of the lodge extended to him , but thought no form of present could have been more acceptable than a watch , the constant ticking of which near to his heart would beat in unison with the pulsations of ths hearts of his many kind-hearted brothers and ever remind him of their goad wishes , basidei which it might become a useful heirloom , conveying to the future generation a recognition of the lodge ' s good feeling .
Craft Masonry
Craft Masonry
Stability Lodge , No . 217 . The installation meeting of this centenary lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 1 st inst . There were present Bros . ] . H . Edward ) , W . M . j Geo . Say . S . W ., W . M . elect ; J . E . Ayris , J . W . ; Sam . P . Fisher , Treas . ; I . Nixon , P . M ., Sec . ; W . H . Smith , S . I ) . ; H . B . Handcock , J . D . j C . Phillips , I . G . ; Hy . Edwards , D . C . ; Stuart Leaman , Org . ; T . Bowler , Tvler ; P . H . Garner , P . M . ; Wm . Eckersall , P . M . ; W . R . Smith . P . M . ; H . Marfleet , P . M . s las . Addintrton ,
P . M . ; W . M . Gome , P . M . j A . Taylor , L . Vague , A . T . Furnell , R . Fisher , G . Tennant , M . Codd , E . F . Giraud , C . E . Dodwell , H . T . Walker , T . Landeker , R . W . Palmer , G . Kirk , E . T . Baker , J . Itter , A . Botterill , H . C . Cuttriss , I . Woolfe , J . Wheeler , W . C . Wratten , H . H . Ellis , W . Cosham , A . E . Tupereil , J . W . Elam . and A . C . Bradley . The visitors were Bros . R . W . Dobing , S . W . 901 ; C . J . F . Trew ,
55 ; R . W . Huntley , P . M . 14 S 9 ; A . Harris , iSS ; Hy . hardman , P . M . 1641 , P . P . A . G . Sec . North Walesj J . P . Warwick , J . W . 145 ; G . Chamberlain , iSS ; J . F . Doughty , 172 S ; W . Freeman , 201 J H . Massey , P . M . 6 iy andiysSj S . Birkin , ' 599 ! T . Grummant , P . M . 15595 G . V . Roberts , 1321 ; W . Lowe , 22 G 4 ; C . W . Jordan , 144 j A . E . Broadberry , 1719 ; E . A . Rice , W . M . 1320 ; P . H . Horley , P . M . 1139 ; Valentine Hill , 1 O 41 ; and Chas . H . Stone , P . M . 507 and J . W . 1 O 41 .
The minutes of the previjus election mieting were read and confirmed , ana previous to the presentatbn of the W . M . elect—Bro . G . Say , the oldest Past Mister and father ofthe lodge—Bro . H . Mar ( i ; et addressed the W . M ., and said , the present being the centenary yearof the lodge , he desired to present the bdge with a gift w'lich would be enduring . He had well considered the matter , and had come to the on-. lust in
that an album in which year by year the photos of ths various Masons could be inserted would be the most fitting memento . It was not possible that the album could contain all the Past Masters of the lod < e , so he would propose that thc array should commence with the photograph of Bro . Taylor , P . M ., and that all the Past Masters in the lodge , of whom there was a large number , would subscribe theirs , and thus form an excellent record of the lodge . Personally , he had taken the deepest interest in the lodge . from