Article FREEMASONRY IN HUNGARY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article FREEMASONRY IN HUNGARY. Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry In Hungary.
being slightly over 2 S 00 . But the glimpses which we in England obtain into the work done by our Hungarian brethren are so few and far between that it is with very great pleasure we g ive some account ot the description of the opening of a new Masonic
Temple in Buda-Pesth . in 18 9 6 , which is to be found in thc report on Foreign Correspondence appended to the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio at its annual communication in October , 18 97 . According to this report , which is taken from
the "Orient , " thc official organ of the Grand Lodge of Hungary , the interior of the Temple was in a state of darkness , the altar unfurnished and the floor bare , the occupants of thc hall being the President of the Building Committee , the architect , and the
builder , the key of the door reclining on a cushion . As soon as the presiding Grand Master appeared on the scene with the gavel in his right hand and the sacred lire in his left , preceded by thc G . Master of Ceremonies , the Grand Standard Bearer ,
and the Grand Tyler , and followed by the Grand Wardens carrying the symbols to be placed on the altar , as well as their gavels , the Grand Orator with the Book of Constitutions , and the rest of the Grand Officers , the proceedings commenced by the Grand Master
knocking with his gavel and demanding admittance . In due course this is granted , and the brethren having entered , to the accompaniment of solemn music , thc principal personages take their appointed places as follows : " The Standard Bearer and
the Sword Bearer take their stand at the steps of thc East ; thc Grand Master of Ceremonies stops at the column of the Junior Grand Warden ; the Grand Master ascends to the altar ; a step
lower stand thc Grand Wardens ; and a step still lower the Grand Secretary and the Grand Orator . The other Grand Oflicers assemble around the Standard Bearer and the Sword
Bearer ; the Members of the Council take their position on thc right and left of the place assigned for the floorcloth or carpet . The ceremony then begins , the G . Master placing the sacred fire on the altar , and addressing the Builder as follows : "You
have finished your work with wisdom ; strength and beauty praise it . But let the Operative Masons now give way to the Free Masons that henceforth the spirit may complete its work in wisdom , with the strength of truth and the bcauly of
virtue . " Then , lifting up and addressing the sacred lire , he continues : " Incomprehensible celestial light , blessed holy lire , Irom eternity , origin and soul of the great Universe , ( j . A . O . T . U ., enlighten our understanding and our soul . The
warmth and splendour of Thy holy fire fill our hearts , that we may serve Freemasonry in a worthy manner . " The G . M . then lights the candle on thc altar and says , " Let these flames illumine those who are lo be initiated in thc lodges working
under the Symbolic Grand Lodge , that they may be enabled to comprehend the sanctity of our labours . " The Senior Grand Warden then takes the sacred fire from the G . M ., and going to his place , accompanied by thc J . G . W ., lights thc candle on his
table , saying , " This sacred lire warm and purify our hearts ; the heavenly splendour illuminate our paths and guide our labours , that thc activity of our Grand Lodge may prove a blessing to mankind . " The J . G . Warden then goes to his
p lace , and having lighted his candle , says , " This sacred lire kindle in our hearts the love of labour , enlighten our reason in its judgments , and warm our soul in our undertakings . " The G . M . then , after invoicing the G . A . O . T . U ., addresses some
appropriate words to the assembled brethren , and on the third stroke of his gavel the Temple became ablaze with light , when thc Grand Master again briefly addresses them , and having
asked the Senior G . Warden what is still wanting to complete the furnishing of the Temple , is told " The emblems of the Altar and the floorcloth . "
At the Grand Master ' s command the former is at once furnished with the Book of Constitutions , the sword , and the square and compasses , two G . Stewards spread the carpet , the ceremonv concluding with the following from the Grand Master :
" Afler the Temple has been lit , the altar adorned , and the floorcloth spread , I declare by virtue of my power as Grand Master this Temple consecrated to the glory of the G . A . O . T . U . for the
performance of Masonic labour . May order , diligence , and harmony ever be at home within its walls ! Bros . Senior and Junior Grand Wardens , announce under the columns that the consecration of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary has been
Freemasonry In Hungary.
completed ; " and this having been clone , the ceremony is brought to a close and the brethren adjourn to refreshment in thc First Deg-ree . Of the beneficent work done b y our Hungarian brethren ,
ample evidence is to be found in ihe work entitled " Freemasonry in our Country , " which was published on the occasion of the Millennial Festival of the Kingdom , but , as the Ohio reviewer ,
to whom we are indebted for the foregoing particulars , very justly points out , it is strange that while the protection of the G . A . O . T . U . was invoked on the proceedings , the Volume of the Sacred Law should not have been included amongst thc emblems with which the altar was furnished .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Thursday , the 3 rd inst ., at the permanently altered hour of three o'clock . The throne was occupied by the Bro . Right Hon . Lord Saltoun , M . W . Grand Master , who was supported by Bros . Sir Charles Dalrymple , Bart .,
M . P ., R . W . Past G . Master ; the Most Hon . the Marquis of Breadalbane , K . G ., R . W . Grand Master Depute ; Major F . W . Allan , S . G . W . ; Sir John Stirling Maxwell , Bart ., Junior Grand Warden ; D . Murray Lyon , Grand Sec . ; David Reid , Grand Treas . ; and about 4 . 50 brethren .
The business was kept well in hand by the firm but courteous ruling of the M . W . Grand Master , and included the granting of charters to six new lodges ; the appointment of Bro . W . J . Sandford Thomson , as Prov . Grand Master of Kincardineshire ; there-appointment of Bro . R . King Stewart of Murdostoun , as Prov . Grand Master of the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire ; and ex-Provost George Christie , as Prov . Grand Master of Stirlingshire .
The office of Senior Grand Deacon being vacant through the lamented death of our highly esteemed Bro . Sir James R . Gibson Maitiand , Bart ., it fell to the members of Grand Lodge at this meeting to elect a successor . Two names were put forward as candidates , viz ., Bro . Alexander A . Speirs ,
of Elderslie , and Bro . W . Ivison Macadam , V . D ., who so admirably discharges the duties of Grand Director of Ceremonies , and the vote was declared in favour of the former . The installation of those office-bearers who were absent at the annual meeting in November and of Bro . A . A . Speirs was performed by the M . G . Grand Master .
The complete list of Grand Office Bearers now is as follows : Bro . The Right Hon . Lord Saltoun ... ... G . M . „ Sir Charles Dalrymple , of Newhailes , Bart .,
M . P . ... ... ... Past G . M . „ The Most Hon . the Matquis of Breadalbane , K . G . ... ... ... ... G . M . Depute . „ James Hozier . younger , of Mauldslie , M . P . ... Sub . G . M . „ Major F . W . Allan ... ... ... S . G . W . „ Sir John Maxwell Stirling-Maxwell , of Pollok , Bart ., M . P . ... ... ... J . G . W . „ D . Murray Lyon ... ... ... G . Secretary . „ David Reid ... ... ... ... G . Treasurer . " o - •! " i r . , ? rT " " " ] G . Chaplains . „ Rev . Archibald Meming , M . A . ... ... ) r ,, Alexander A . Speirs , of Elderslie ... ... S . G . D . „ William Munro Denholm ... ... J . G . D . „ W . W . Robertson ... ... ... G . Architect . „ Councillor Robert Sorley ... ... G . Jeweller . „ John Carruthers ... ... ... G . Bible Bearer . „ Col . W . Ivison Macadam , V . D . ... ... G . D . C . „ James Drummond , W . S . ... ... G . Bard . ,, James Gunn ... .. G . S . B . „ J . Kenyon Lees ... ... ... G . Dir . of Music . „ Robert Davidson ... ... ... G . Org . „ William Phillips ... ... ... G . Marshal . „ Matthew Richmond ... ... ... G . I . G . „ George Hay ... ... ... G . Tyler .
Through a recent ruling of Grand Lodge the membersof Grand Committee were to be increased at this meeting from 36 to 48 , This additional numberof 12 , together with the 12 whose term of ofiice had expired , and two vacancies caused by death , made up the total number of _ members to be elected at this meeting to 26 , for which 31 names were submitted , and the following were elected : Bros . James Caldwell , W . Ivison Macadam , Lieut .-
Col . John Campbell , William Officer , S . S . C . ; Robert Bathgate , Alexander Bruce , Capt . George Wishart , George Crawford , James Smith , James A . S . Kerr , W . S . Nisbett , W . S ., C . C ; Robert Kennedy , William Phillips , William Falconer , James Jack ,. John Walker , D . C . A . McAUum , James Orr Sinclair , Dugald Mclnnes , George Liddell , D . Speirs Fraser , W . W .
Robertson , James Taylor , jun ., William Scott , James Thomson , and Alexand Neil . Grand Lodge decided that the ordinary meetings of Grand Committee preceding the Quarterly Communications of Grand Lodge shall be held on the second last Thursday of the month .
From the state of the accounts of Grand Lodge from 26 th November , iSij 6 , to 25 th November , 1 S 07 , the sum of the charge appears as £ 4 . 11 , 625 is . od . and the surplus income amounts to ^ 3138 is . yd . The increase in the fund of Scottish Masonic Benevolence for the year
is £ 155 J 4 S - 7 d - There are at present on the roll of the Annuity Fund 102 annuitants . The business of Grand Lodge being completed , votes ot thanks were given to vote tellers , and Grand Lodge closed in full form and with solemn prayer .
BRO . LORD NORTON arrived in Eaton-place on Monday last from Hams Hall , Birmingham .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In Hungary.
being slightly over 2 S 00 . But the glimpses which we in England obtain into the work done by our Hungarian brethren are so few and far between that it is with very great pleasure we g ive some account ot the description of the opening of a new Masonic
Temple in Buda-Pesth . in 18 9 6 , which is to be found in thc report on Foreign Correspondence appended to the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio at its annual communication in October , 18 97 . According to this report , which is taken from
the "Orient , " thc official organ of the Grand Lodge of Hungary , the interior of the Temple was in a state of darkness , the altar unfurnished and the floor bare , the occupants of thc hall being the President of the Building Committee , the architect , and the
builder , the key of the door reclining on a cushion . As soon as the presiding Grand Master appeared on the scene with the gavel in his right hand and the sacred lire in his left , preceded by thc G . Master of Ceremonies , the Grand Standard Bearer ,
and the Grand Tyler , and followed by the Grand Wardens carrying the symbols to be placed on the altar , as well as their gavels , the Grand Orator with the Book of Constitutions , and the rest of the Grand Officers , the proceedings commenced by the Grand Master
knocking with his gavel and demanding admittance . In due course this is granted , and the brethren having entered , to the accompaniment of solemn music , thc principal personages take their appointed places as follows : " The Standard Bearer and
the Sword Bearer take their stand at the steps of thc East ; thc Grand Master of Ceremonies stops at the column of the Junior Grand Warden ; the Grand Master ascends to the altar ; a step
lower stand thc Grand Wardens ; and a step still lower the Grand Secretary and the Grand Orator . The other Grand Oflicers assemble around the Standard Bearer and the Sword
Bearer ; the Members of the Council take their position on thc right and left of the place assigned for the floorcloth or carpet . The ceremony then begins , the G . Master placing the sacred fire on the altar , and addressing the Builder as follows : "You
have finished your work with wisdom ; strength and beauty praise it . But let the Operative Masons now give way to the Free Masons that henceforth the spirit may complete its work in wisdom , with the strength of truth and the bcauly of
virtue . " Then , lifting up and addressing the sacred lire , he continues : " Incomprehensible celestial light , blessed holy lire , Irom eternity , origin and soul of the great Universe , ( j . A . O . T . U ., enlighten our understanding and our soul . The
warmth and splendour of Thy holy fire fill our hearts , that we may serve Freemasonry in a worthy manner . " The G . M . then lights the candle on thc altar and says , " Let these flames illumine those who are lo be initiated in thc lodges working
under the Symbolic Grand Lodge , that they may be enabled to comprehend the sanctity of our labours . " The Senior Grand Warden then takes the sacred fire from the G . M ., and going to his place , accompanied by thc J . G . W ., lights thc candle on his
table , saying , " This sacred lire warm and purify our hearts ; the heavenly splendour illuminate our paths and guide our labours , that thc activity of our Grand Lodge may prove a blessing to mankind . " The J . G . Warden then goes to his
p lace , and having lighted his candle , says , " This sacred lire kindle in our hearts the love of labour , enlighten our reason in its judgments , and warm our soul in our undertakings . " The G . M . then , after invoicing the G . A . O . T . U ., addresses some
appropriate words to the assembled brethren , and on the third stroke of his gavel the Temple became ablaze with light , when thc Grand Master again briefly addresses them , and having
asked the Senior G . Warden what is still wanting to complete the furnishing of the Temple , is told " The emblems of the Altar and the floorcloth . "
At the Grand Master ' s command the former is at once furnished with the Book of Constitutions , the sword , and the square and compasses , two G . Stewards spread the carpet , the ceremonv concluding with the following from the Grand Master :
" Afler the Temple has been lit , the altar adorned , and the floorcloth spread , I declare by virtue of my power as Grand Master this Temple consecrated to the glory of the G . A . O . T . U . for the
performance of Masonic labour . May order , diligence , and harmony ever be at home within its walls ! Bros . Senior and Junior Grand Wardens , announce under the columns that the consecration of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary has been
Freemasonry In Hungary.
completed ; " and this having been clone , the ceremony is brought to a close and the brethren adjourn to refreshment in thc First Deg-ree . Of the beneficent work done b y our Hungarian brethren ,
ample evidence is to be found in ihe work entitled " Freemasonry in our Country , " which was published on the occasion of the Millennial Festival of the Kingdom , but , as the Ohio reviewer ,
to whom we are indebted for the foregoing particulars , very justly points out , it is strange that while the protection of the G . A . O . T . U . was invoked on the proceedings , the Volume of the Sacred Law should not have been included amongst thc emblems with which the altar was furnished .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Thursday , the 3 rd inst ., at the permanently altered hour of three o'clock . The throne was occupied by the Bro . Right Hon . Lord Saltoun , M . W . Grand Master , who was supported by Bros . Sir Charles Dalrymple , Bart .,
M . P ., R . W . Past G . Master ; the Most Hon . the Marquis of Breadalbane , K . G ., R . W . Grand Master Depute ; Major F . W . Allan , S . G . W . ; Sir John Stirling Maxwell , Bart ., Junior Grand Warden ; D . Murray Lyon , Grand Sec . ; David Reid , Grand Treas . ; and about 4 . 50 brethren .
The business was kept well in hand by the firm but courteous ruling of the M . W . Grand Master , and included the granting of charters to six new lodges ; the appointment of Bro . W . J . Sandford Thomson , as Prov . Grand Master of Kincardineshire ; there-appointment of Bro . R . King Stewart of Murdostoun , as Prov . Grand Master of the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire ; and ex-Provost George Christie , as Prov . Grand Master of Stirlingshire .
The office of Senior Grand Deacon being vacant through the lamented death of our highly esteemed Bro . Sir James R . Gibson Maitiand , Bart ., it fell to the members of Grand Lodge at this meeting to elect a successor . Two names were put forward as candidates , viz ., Bro . Alexander A . Speirs ,
of Elderslie , and Bro . W . Ivison Macadam , V . D ., who so admirably discharges the duties of Grand Director of Ceremonies , and the vote was declared in favour of the former . The installation of those office-bearers who were absent at the annual meeting in November and of Bro . A . A . Speirs was performed by the M . G . Grand Master .
The complete list of Grand Office Bearers now is as follows : Bro . The Right Hon . Lord Saltoun ... ... G . M . „ Sir Charles Dalrymple , of Newhailes , Bart .,
M . P . ... ... ... Past G . M . „ The Most Hon . the Matquis of Breadalbane , K . G . ... ... ... ... G . M . Depute . „ James Hozier . younger , of Mauldslie , M . P . ... Sub . G . M . „ Major F . W . Allan ... ... ... S . G . W . „ Sir John Maxwell Stirling-Maxwell , of Pollok , Bart ., M . P . ... ... ... J . G . W . „ D . Murray Lyon ... ... ... G . Secretary . „ David Reid ... ... ... ... G . Treasurer . " o - •! " i r . , ? rT " " " ] G . Chaplains . „ Rev . Archibald Meming , M . A . ... ... ) r ,, Alexander A . Speirs , of Elderslie ... ... S . G . D . „ William Munro Denholm ... ... J . G . D . „ W . W . Robertson ... ... ... G . Architect . „ Councillor Robert Sorley ... ... G . Jeweller . „ John Carruthers ... ... ... G . Bible Bearer . „ Col . W . Ivison Macadam , V . D . ... ... G . D . C . „ James Drummond , W . S . ... ... G . Bard . ,, James Gunn ... .. G . S . B . „ J . Kenyon Lees ... ... ... G . Dir . of Music . „ Robert Davidson ... ... ... G . Org . „ William Phillips ... ... ... G . Marshal . „ Matthew Richmond ... ... ... G . I . G . „ George Hay ... ... ... G . Tyler .
Through a recent ruling of Grand Lodge the membersof Grand Committee were to be increased at this meeting from 36 to 48 , This additional numberof 12 , together with the 12 whose term of ofiice had expired , and two vacancies caused by death , made up the total number of _ members to be elected at this meeting to 26 , for which 31 names were submitted , and the following were elected : Bros . James Caldwell , W . Ivison Macadam , Lieut .-
Col . John Campbell , William Officer , S . S . C . ; Robert Bathgate , Alexander Bruce , Capt . George Wishart , George Crawford , James Smith , James A . S . Kerr , W . S . Nisbett , W . S ., C . C ; Robert Kennedy , William Phillips , William Falconer , James Jack ,. John Walker , D . C . A . McAUum , James Orr Sinclair , Dugald Mclnnes , George Liddell , D . Speirs Fraser , W . W .
Robertson , James Taylor , jun ., William Scott , James Thomson , and Alexand Neil . Grand Lodge decided that the ordinary meetings of Grand Committee preceding the Quarterly Communications of Grand Lodge shall be held on the second last Thursday of the month .
From the state of the accounts of Grand Lodge from 26 th November , iSij 6 , to 25 th November , 1 S 07 , the sum of the charge appears as £ 4 . 11 , 625 is . od . and the surplus income amounts to ^ 3138 is . yd . The increase in the fund of Scottish Masonic Benevolence for the year
is £ 155 J 4 S - 7 d - There are at present on the roll of the Annuity Fund 102 annuitants . The business of Grand Lodge being completed , votes ot thanks were given to vote tellers , and Grand Lodge closed in full form and with solemn prayer .
BRO . LORD NORTON arrived in Eaton-place on Monday last from Hams Hall , Birmingham .