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East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational And Benevolent Institution.
ANNUAL MEETINGThe annual meeting of the above Institution was held in Freemasons ' Hall Manchester , on Friday , the 28 th ult ., Bro . Col . Starkie , Prov . G . M ., President of the Institution , presided , and amongst others present were Bros . C . R . NBeswicke Royds , Dep . Prov . G . M . ; C . D . Cheetham , Chairman of General
Committee ; T . J . Hooper , Vice-Chairman , Wm . Jaffrey , Treas . ; Jas . Andrew , T g _ Goulburn , E . G . Harwood , H . L . Hollingworth , Jas . Kershaw , J . T . Newbold S . Porritt , Col . Rocca , Jos . Snape , A . H . Jefferis , Hy . Thomas , Wm . Brookes , G . L . Vaughan , W . H . Cunliffe , F . W . Lean , Hy . Heys , Jas . Walker , and Jas . Newton ( Secretary ) .
The reports of the Finance and Audit Committee , and of the Almoners Committee were presented and adopted , and also the Treasurer's accounts and balance sheet . ( An epitome of the accounts appeared in the Freemason of the 29 th ult . ) The following 15 donors , or subscribers , were elected upon the General
Committee : Bros . John Barker , J . Butterworth , C . D . Cheetham , E . Halliwell , E . G . Harwood , F . Hilton , H . L . Hollingworth , T . J . Hooper , W . Jaffrey , J . Kershaw , T . T . Newbold , N . Nicholson , S . Porritt , H . L . Rocca , and Jos . Snape . The Prov . Grand Master , under Rule 28 , appointed the following on the General Committee : Bros . Fritz Reiss , A . H . Jefferis , Hy . Thomas , W . H . Cunliffe , and F . W . Lean .
Bros . Wm . Jaffrey and Jas . Heelis were unanimously re-elected Treasurer and Honorary Secretary respectively , and votes of thanks accorded to them for their past services , and similar votes were given to Bros . C . D . Cheetham , Chairman , and T . J . Hooper , Vice-Chairman of General Committee . Alterations were made in the rules of the Institution to the following effect : Maximum for an educational grant increased to . £ 18 per year ; maximum sum for a relief grant increased to £ 26 ; annuity to aged Freemasons , increased to £ 32 per year . _ _ _ _
The thanks of the meeting were given to the Manchester Masonic Hall , Co ., Limited , and the Freemasons' Club for their kindness in granting use of rooms for general meetings . A cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Col . Starkie for his services in the chair , and for his continued liberal support , was adopted , and the proceedings terminated .
Annual Ball Of The Lodge Of Industry, No. 186.
The annual ball of thc above lodge took place at Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , the 3 ist ult ., and the Crown Rooms , together with several others , were reserved for the occasion . The guests arrived at about 9 . 30 p . m ., when dancing was at once commenced to most delightful music provided by Mr . Farban ' s Orchestral Band .
Bro . George Smith , W . M ,, and the following Stewards : Bros . A . J . Newton , I . P . M . ; T . M . Wood , P . M . ; W . Stewart , S . W . ; C . Smith , J . W . ; H . C . J . Edwards , J . D . ; F . J . Sparke , I . G . ; and G . H . Menhinick , were most assiduous in their efforts to promote the enjoyment and comfort of the numerous ladiesi gentlemen , and brethren present . Dancing was carried on merrily until midnight , when the company adjourned to a most recherche repast .
There were only three toasts— "The Queen , " "The W . M ., " and "The Ladies . " " The Queen " was proposed by the W . M ., and duly honoured . The toast of "The W . M . " was proposed in most kindly terms by Bro . ARTHUR J . NEWTON , I . P . M .
Bro . W . S . PAGB , Sec , proposed "The Health of the Ladies" most happily , and requested , on behalf of the W . M ., their kind acceptance of caskets containing bottles of scent , as a souvenir of a happy evening and of the efforts of the Master and brethren to contribute to their enjoyment and happiness . Bro . G . H . MENIIIXICK replied on behalf of the ladies in a most ladylike manner .
Dancing was then resumed till about 4 a . m ., when the company broke up after a most delightful dance . Bro . W . S . Page , jun ., ably officiated as M . C . Amongthose present were Bro . George Smith , W . M ., and Mrs . Smith ; Bro . A . J . Newton , I . P . M ., Mrs . Newton , and partv ; Mr . and Mrs . Dowding and Miss
Walters ; Bro . W . S . Page and Mrs . Page ; Mr . and Mrs . Vawser ; Miss Roper , and party ; Bro . W . Stewart , Misses Stewart , and party ; Bro . C . Smith , Mrs . " smith , and party ; Bro . H . C . J . Edwards , Mrs . Edwards , and party ; Miss Edwards , Mr . Edwards , Mr .-Westley , Bro . F . J . Sparke , Mrs . Sparke , and party ; Bros . H . Burton and G . H . Menhinick , Miss Messenger and party ; and others .
Annual Ladies' Night Of The Skelmersdale Lodge, No. 1658.
The annual ladies' evening of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., The lod ge met at six o ' clock and was opened . The SECRETARY read the minutes of the last regular lodge meeting , besides . the dispensation granted by the M . W . Grand Master for the brethren to wear Masonic clothing and jewels during the evening , after which the lodge was closed .
There were present Bros . H . B . Uuckeridge , W . M . ; E . D . Side , S . W . ; W . *¦• Croxson , J . W . ; Jas . Hill , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Boys , P . M ., Sec , ; Gabell , ^• D . ; and many other brethre n , with the Past Masters , Bros . R . Rowland , H . ' -onen , and J . Letchford . The lodge being closed , the reception of the ladies and visitors commenced at 6 . 45 .
The banquet , which had been prepared by Mrs . Venablca , began at seven dock , and 156 Sat down . The seats were taken in beautiful order , as tho arangernents made b y Bros . Hill , Boys , and Buckeridge were most perfect . m „ ., .. bant . uct the toast of "The Queen" was given and honoured most loyally . Th ^ , TI } atcher 3 an « " God Save the Queen . " ^ ne toast of The Worshi pful Master" was given by Bio . R . ROWLANDS ,
Annual Ladies' Night Of The Skelmersdale Lodge, No. 1658.
I . P . M ., who spoke of the prosperity of the lodge under Bro . Buckeridge , who had occupied the chair for two years , assisted by the Treasurer and Secretary . Monsieur Adolph sang "Come into the garden , Maud , " most splendidly . The song was encored , but the W . M . said that encores could not be allowed The toast of "The Ladies" was given by the W . M . He was very pleased to see so many and such pleasant faces . He spoke in flattering terms of them , and hoped that-he should see them again in years to come .
Bro . H . COHEN gave a good short humorous recitation , which was highly appreciated . He then responded in very choice terms for the ladies , expressing their entire satisfaction with all the arrangements that had been made for them , and they hoped they might all be able to come again . Miss Lily Thatcher sang another song in good style .
Ten o ' clock had arrived and the company wended their way to the ball room , where dancing was the great feature . The dances were admirably carried out under the very able direction of Bro . E . D . Side as M . C . He has fulfilled this post for nine years to the entire satisfaction of every one . The bnnd played splendidly and kept up until four o ' clock on thc Friday morning when all retired , pleased and satisfied with everything .
Annual Ball Of The Camden Lodge, No. 704.
The fourth annual ball of the above lodge was held at the King's Hall Holborn Restaurant , on Friday , the 28 th ult ., and was in every way a great success . Amongst the members of the lodge present were : Bros . John Simpson , W . M . ; F . V . Mackenzie , J . W . and W . M . elect ; Chas . Gammon , G . Cartwright , W . T . Hawkin , F . A . Bint , J . Henschell , A . T . Eyers , Edwin Styles , S . F . Atkinson , W . J . Davies , J . Dean , W . L . Fraser , J . J . Franco , N . John Goodchild , J . R . Glanville , F . H . Haas , R . JHicks , W . Hudson , A . Hughes , A . Mills , T . E . Pond , J . Stockton , F . Hildyard , and Charles Taylor .
The ball was supported by the ladies and visitors , amongst whom were Bro . A . T . Hawtrey and Miss Day ; Bro . G . Dale and Mrs . Dale ; Bro . H . Von Joel , Mrs . Von Joel , and the Misses Von Joel ; Bro . G . F . Edwards and Miss Edwards ; Bro . Shepherd and Mrs . Shepherd j Bro . Joseph Gammon ; Mr . H . M . Perkins , Mrs . Taylor and Miss Taylor ; Mrs . Hicks , Mrs . Pond , Miss Scott , Miss Zoe Styles , Miss Amy Brookes , Miss Ratcliffe , Mrs . J . Henschell , | Miss
Hawkin , Mrs . Charles Gammon , Bro . Bilby and Mrs . Bilby ; Bro . John Joel and Mrs . John Joel ; Bro . Harry Gordon-Smith , Bro . Thomas Beach , Bro . Otto Cavendish and Miss Cavendish ; Bro . Williams and Mrs . Williams ; Bro . J . S . Green , Mrs . Green , and the Misses Florence , Gertrude , and Gussie Green j Mr . Herbert Forty and Miss Forty ; Miss Chloe Foote , Mr ., Mrs ., and Miss Rice ; Bro . C . B . Todd and Mrs . Todd ; Miss Pring , Miss Eyers , Mrs . Glanville , Mrs . Davies , Miss Mayer , Mrs . N . John Goodchild , and numerous others .
A special word of praise is due to Bro . A . Crudge , whose imperial orchestra delighted everyone during thc evening , by the splendid selection of dance music . which they played and for the faultless time which they kept throughout . The Holborn Restaurant must not be forgotten either , for the very able way in which they carried out the arrangements of the evening , and for the splendid supper which they provided .
A feature amongst the dances was the Polonaise , for which every lady and gentleman was supplied with fancy costume , the gentlemen wearing fool ' s caps and the ladies fool's collars , the march round being accompanied by the gentlemen with auto-trumpets and the ladies doing the duties of the drum with rattles . It is anticipated that , as a result of the endeavours of the Ball Committee , a nice little surplus will be handed over as proceeds of the ball to the Masonic Charities .
Seventeenth Annual Banquet Of The Logic Club.
The members of the Logic Club and friends held the 17 th annual banquet at ' . he Cafe Royal , Regent-street , W ., on the 30 th ult . The Logic Club—which meets every Sunday morning at the Cavendish Rooms—was started as a private club of instruction , and during its career it has become well known and made its
influence felt throughout the metropolis . Of the three original founders , two have departed—Bros . John Maclean and George Buckland—and that they are still held in fond remembrance was evidenced by their portraits being hung behind the Chairman ' s seat . The remaining founder—Bro . J . V . Fitzgerald—was present , and occupies the onerous post of Secretary .
The chair was taken by Bro . Robert Manuel , the genial Preceptor , who was supported by many well-known brethren , including Bros . J . P . Fitzgerald , R . D . , Cummings , J . J . Thomas , H . J . Thomas , J . M . McLeod ( Sec . R . M . I . B . ) , Henry Neville , Sam . Johnson , H . Manfield , W . Thomas , and others . * After a well-served repast , The CiiAiiiMAN proposed "The Queen " and "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . "
The CHAIRMAN , in giving thc principal toast of the evening , said that if they wanted to maintain the standard of work , it was absolutely essential that those who aspired to office in Freemasonry should devote themselves with intensity and assiduity to the studies before them . That fact was discovered some long time ago , and there were many opportunities in this great city and in the wide world of Masonry for students of the ritual and ceremonies to attend certain
institutions which were known as lodges of instruction , and which met under the sanction of a regular Masonic lodge . He believed their little Society to be unique , as it did not meet under such sanction . It was claimed for it , with justice , that in its inception it was a private Society , and its vast influence had been , and was increasingly felt in the higher circles of Freemasonry in London . By higher circles , he meant no inviduous distinction of social rank , but higher circles where
the ritual was reverently and seriously studied . That was what this Society claimed to do and claimed to be , and going from this standpoint , they had to consider to whom they owed its existence . Who were the brethren who conceived the idea which had been so conspicuously successful , and to whom great credit was due for the energy , and zeal , and perseverance with which they elaborated it ?
There were three , ail distinguished in Masonry and outside . Two of those worthy brethren had left the scene , but there were excellent portraits of them in the room —Bros . John McLean and George Buckland—but they rejoiced in the presence of the third founder . It was a very honourable record , not only to have been one of the founders , but for many years its Honorary Secretary—a post which to moat
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational And Benevolent Institution.
ANNUAL MEETINGThe annual meeting of the above Institution was held in Freemasons ' Hall Manchester , on Friday , the 28 th ult ., Bro . Col . Starkie , Prov . G . M ., President of the Institution , presided , and amongst others present were Bros . C . R . NBeswicke Royds , Dep . Prov . G . M . ; C . D . Cheetham , Chairman of General
Committee ; T . J . Hooper , Vice-Chairman , Wm . Jaffrey , Treas . ; Jas . Andrew , T g _ Goulburn , E . G . Harwood , H . L . Hollingworth , Jas . Kershaw , J . T . Newbold S . Porritt , Col . Rocca , Jos . Snape , A . H . Jefferis , Hy . Thomas , Wm . Brookes , G . L . Vaughan , W . H . Cunliffe , F . W . Lean , Hy . Heys , Jas . Walker , and Jas . Newton ( Secretary ) .
The reports of the Finance and Audit Committee , and of the Almoners Committee were presented and adopted , and also the Treasurer's accounts and balance sheet . ( An epitome of the accounts appeared in the Freemason of the 29 th ult . ) The following 15 donors , or subscribers , were elected upon the General
Committee : Bros . John Barker , J . Butterworth , C . D . Cheetham , E . Halliwell , E . G . Harwood , F . Hilton , H . L . Hollingworth , T . J . Hooper , W . Jaffrey , J . Kershaw , T . T . Newbold , N . Nicholson , S . Porritt , H . L . Rocca , and Jos . Snape . The Prov . Grand Master , under Rule 28 , appointed the following on the General Committee : Bros . Fritz Reiss , A . H . Jefferis , Hy . Thomas , W . H . Cunliffe , and F . W . Lean .
Bros . Wm . Jaffrey and Jas . Heelis were unanimously re-elected Treasurer and Honorary Secretary respectively , and votes of thanks accorded to them for their past services , and similar votes were given to Bros . C . D . Cheetham , Chairman , and T . J . Hooper , Vice-Chairman of General Committee . Alterations were made in the rules of the Institution to the following effect : Maximum for an educational grant increased to . £ 18 per year ; maximum sum for a relief grant increased to £ 26 ; annuity to aged Freemasons , increased to £ 32 per year . _ _ _ _
The thanks of the meeting were given to the Manchester Masonic Hall , Co ., Limited , and the Freemasons' Club for their kindness in granting use of rooms for general meetings . A cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Col . Starkie for his services in the chair , and for his continued liberal support , was adopted , and the proceedings terminated .
Annual Ball Of The Lodge Of Industry, No. 186.
The annual ball of thc above lodge took place at Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , the 3 ist ult ., and the Crown Rooms , together with several others , were reserved for the occasion . The guests arrived at about 9 . 30 p . m ., when dancing was at once commenced to most delightful music provided by Mr . Farban ' s Orchestral Band .
Bro . George Smith , W . M ,, and the following Stewards : Bros . A . J . Newton , I . P . M . ; T . M . Wood , P . M . ; W . Stewart , S . W . ; C . Smith , J . W . ; H . C . J . Edwards , J . D . ; F . J . Sparke , I . G . ; and G . H . Menhinick , were most assiduous in their efforts to promote the enjoyment and comfort of the numerous ladiesi gentlemen , and brethren present . Dancing was carried on merrily until midnight , when the company adjourned to a most recherche repast .
There were only three toasts— "The Queen , " "The W . M ., " and "The Ladies . " " The Queen " was proposed by the W . M ., and duly honoured . The toast of "The W . M . " was proposed in most kindly terms by Bro . ARTHUR J . NEWTON , I . P . M .
Bro . W . S . PAGB , Sec , proposed "The Health of the Ladies" most happily , and requested , on behalf of the W . M ., their kind acceptance of caskets containing bottles of scent , as a souvenir of a happy evening and of the efforts of the Master and brethren to contribute to their enjoyment and happiness . Bro . G . H . MENIIIXICK replied on behalf of the ladies in a most ladylike manner .
Dancing was then resumed till about 4 a . m ., when the company broke up after a most delightful dance . Bro . W . S . Page , jun ., ably officiated as M . C . Amongthose present were Bro . George Smith , W . M ., and Mrs . Smith ; Bro . A . J . Newton , I . P . M ., Mrs . Newton , and partv ; Mr . and Mrs . Dowding and Miss
Walters ; Bro . W . S . Page and Mrs . Page ; Mr . and Mrs . Vawser ; Miss Roper , and party ; Bro . W . Stewart , Misses Stewart , and party ; Bro . C . Smith , Mrs . " smith , and party ; Bro . H . C . J . Edwards , Mrs . Edwards , and party ; Miss Edwards , Mr . Edwards , Mr .-Westley , Bro . F . J . Sparke , Mrs . Sparke , and party ; Bros . H . Burton and G . H . Menhinick , Miss Messenger and party ; and others .
Annual Ladies' Night Of The Skelmersdale Lodge, No. 1658.
The annual ladies' evening of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., The lod ge met at six o ' clock and was opened . The SECRETARY read the minutes of the last regular lodge meeting , besides . the dispensation granted by the M . W . Grand Master for the brethren to wear Masonic clothing and jewels during the evening , after which the lodge was closed .
There were present Bros . H . B . Uuckeridge , W . M . ; E . D . Side , S . W . ; W . *¦• Croxson , J . W . ; Jas . Hill , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Boys , P . M ., Sec , ; Gabell , ^• D . ; and many other brethre n , with the Past Masters , Bros . R . Rowland , H . ' -onen , and J . Letchford . The lodge being closed , the reception of the ladies and visitors commenced at 6 . 45 .
The banquet , which had been prepared by Mrs . Venablca , began at seven dock , and 156 Sat down . The seats were taken in beautiful order , as tho arangernents made b y Bros . Hill , Boys , and Buckeridge were most perfect . m „ ., .. bant . uct the toast of "The Queen" was given and honoured most loyally . Th ^ , TI } atcher 3 an « " God Save the Queen . " ^ ne toast of The Worshi pful Master" was given by Bio . R . ROWLANDS ,
Annual Ladies' Night Of The Skelmersdale Lodge, No. 1658.
I . P . M ., who spoke of the prosperity of the lodge under Bro . Buckeridge , who had occupied the chair for two years , assisted by the Treasurer and Secretary . Monsieur Adolph sang "Come into the garden , Maud , " most splendidly . The song was encored , but the W . M . said that encores could not be allowed The toast of "The Ladies" was given by the W . M . He was very pleased to see so many and such pleasant faces . He spoke in flattering terms of them , and hoped that-he should see them again in years to come .
Bro . H . COHEN gave a good short humorous recitation , which was highly appreciated . He then responded in very choice terms for the ladies , expressing their entire satisfaction with all the arrangements that had been made for them , and they hoped they might all be able to come again . Miss Lily Thatcher sang another song in good style .
Ten o ' clock had arrived and the company wended their way to the ball room , where dancing was the great feature . The dances were admirably carried out under the very able direction of Bro . E . D . Side as M . C . He has fulfilled this post for nine years to the entire satisfaction of every one . The bnnd played splendidly and kept up until four o ' clock on thc Friday morning when all retired , pleased and satisfied with everything .
Annual Ball Of The Camden Lodge, No. 704.
The fourth annual ball of the above lodge was held at the King's Hall Holborn Restaurant , on Friday , the 28 th ult ., and was in every way a great success . Amongst the members of the lodge present were : Bros . John Simpson , W . M . ; F . V . Mackenzie , J . W . and W . M . elect ; Chas . Gammon , G . Cartwright , W . T . Hawkin , F . A . Bint , J . Henschell , A . T . Eyers , Edwin Styles , S . F . Atkinson , W . J . Davies , J . Dean , W . L . Fraser , J . J . Franco , N . John Goodchild , J . R . Glanville , F . H . Haas , R . JHicks , W . Hudson , A . Hughes , A . Mills , T . E . Pond , J . Stockton , F . Hildyard , and Charles Taylor .
The ball was supported by the ladies and visitors , amongst whom were Bro . A . T . Hawtrey and Miss Day ; Bro . G . Dale and Mrs . Dale ; Bro . H . Von Joel , Mrs . Von Joel , and the Misses Von Joel ; Bro . G . F . Edwards and Miss Edwards ; Bro . Shepherd and Mrs . Shepherd j Bro . Joseph Gammon ; Mr . H . M . Perkins , Mrs . Taylor and Miss Taylor ; Mrs . Hicks , Mrs . Pond , Miss Scott , Miss Zoe Styles , Miss Amy Brookes , Miss Ratcliffe , Mrs . J . Henschell , | Miss
Hawkin , Mrs . Charles Gammon , Bro . Bilby and Mrs . Bilby ; Bro . John Joel and Mrs . John Joel ; Bro . Harry Gordon-Smith , Bro . Thomas Beach , Bro . Otto Cavendish and Miss Cavendish ; Bro . Williams and Mrs . Williams ; Bro . J . S . Green , Mrs . Green , and the Misses Florence , Gertrude , and Gussie Green j Mr . Herbert Forty and Miss Forty ; Miss Chloe Foote , Mr ., Mrs ., and Miss Rice ; Bro . C . B . Todd and Mrs . Todd ; Miss Pring , Miss Eyers , Mrs . Glanville , Mrs . Davies , Miss Mayer , Mrs . N . John Goodchild , and numerous others .
A special word of praise is due to Bro . A . Crudge , whose imperial orchestra delighted everyone during thc evening , by the splendid selection of dance music . which they played and for the faultless time which they kept throughout . The Holborn Restaurant must not be forgotten either , for the very able way in which they carried out the arrangements of the evening , and for the splendid supper which they provided .
A feature amongst the dances was the Polonaise , for which every lady and gentleman was supplied with fancy costume , the gentlemen wearing fool ' s caps and the ladies fool's collars , the march round being accompanied by the gentlemen with auto-trumpets and the ladies doing the duties of the drum with rattles . It is anticipated that , as a result of the endeavours of the Ball Committee , a nice little surplus will be handed over as proceeds of the ball to the Masonic Charities .
Seventeenth Annual Banquet Of The Logic Club.
The members of the Logic Club and friends held the 17 th annual banquet at ' . he Cafe Royal , Regent-street , W ., on the 30 th ult . The Logic Club—which meets every Sunday morning at the Cavendish Rooms—was started as a private club of instruction , and during its career it has become well known and made its
influence felt throughout the metropolis . Of the three original founders , two have departed—Bros . John Maclean and George Buckland—and that they are still held in fond remembrance was evidenced by their portraits being hung behind the Chairman ' s seat . The remaining founder—Bro . J . V . Fitzgerald—was present , and occupies the onerous post of Secretary .
The chair was taken by Bro . Robert Manuel , the genial Preceptor , who was supported by many well-known brethren , including Bros . J . P . Fitzgerald , R . D . , Cummings , J . J . Thomas , H . J . Thomas , J . M . McLeod ( Sec . R . M . I . B . ) , Henry Neville , Sam . Johnson , H . Manfield , W . Thomas , and others . * After a well-served repast , The CiiAiiiMAN proposed "The Queen " and "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . "
The CHAIRMAN , in giving thc principal toast of the evening , said that if they wanted to maintain the standard of work , it was absolutely essential that those who aspired to office in Freemasonry should devote themselves with intensity and assiduity to the studies before them . That fact was discovered some long time ago , and there were many opportunities in this great city and in the wide world of Masonry for students of the ritual and ceremonies to attend certain
institutions which were known as lodges of instruction , and which met under the sanction of a regular Masonic lodge . He believed their little Society to be unique , as it did not meet under such sanction . It was claimed for it , with justice , that in its inception it was a private Society , and its vast influence had been , and was increasingly felt in the higher circles of Freemasonry in London . By higher circles , he meant no inviduous distinction of social rank , but higher circles where
the ritual was reverently and seriously studied . That was what this Society claimed to do and claimed to be , and going from this standpoint , they had to consider to whom they owed its existence . Who were the brethren who conceived the idea which had been so conspicuously successful , and to whom great credit was due for the energy , and zeal , and perseverance with which they elaborated it ?
There were three , ail distinguished in Masonry and outside . Two of those worthy brethren had left the scene , but there were excellent portraits of them in the room —Bros . John McLean and George Buckland—but they rejoiced in the presence of the third founder . It was a very honourable record , not only to have been one of the founders , but for many years its Honorary Secretary—a post which to moat